islcollective worksheets beginner prea1 elementary a1 kindergarten elementary school writing have got or has got present 183957666256d1ec6f5a7757 99794612
PRESENT CONTINUOUS IN THE CLASSROOM Read the sentences and put the names in the spaces given: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Pat is playing with a toy cat and she has a red striped t-shirt Peter has got a blue and yellow t-shirt with a little face on it He is playing with a paper plane Ann is reading an animal book and she has got short brown hair She is next to Peter Alan has got a green t-shirt and he has got a red cape He is playing with a paper plane too Margaret is reading a book and he is wearing a purple skirt and a purple jacket She is the teacher of the class and she is in front of the picture Tom is lifting up his left hand He is n the background of the picture Lisa is wearing a nice and pink dress She is smiling and she has a cute crown on her head Ben is wearing a yellow and blue cap He is standing on one hand He has a red t-shirt and green shorts