12/4/10 REMONSTRATE re-mon-strayt You remonstrate a monster about his demonstration What should you next? Run! You just argued with him as he shows his house Memory Trick: Trick: You demonstrate and I will remonstrate your demonstration PROTEAN pro-tee-ann Your emails are protean Does it mean you are an email pro? Not really Your emails change a lot Protean means changing in shape or character So maybe sometimes they are short, and sometimes they are long PROPITIOUS pro-pish-us The weather is propitious is it windy like a propeller or is it gentle? It is gentle It means favorable Kind prop.it.ious reminds of = proper it to us MULTIFARIOUS mult-tah-fair-ee-us Having many different parts Diverse Companies are multifarious They have many different departments HERMETIC her-met-tick Not affected by outside influence We cannot be hermetic on this project We will need a lot of help MORDANT more-dent A sarcastic cruel and biting wit The bully once had a mordant sense of humor He is very nice now 12/3/10 PEDAGOGY ped-ah-go-gee Is englisionary a good Pedagogy? We hope so: It means the art or science of teaching Example: The teachers created an excellent pedagogy for online learning EUPEPTIC you-pep-tik I say you are very eupeptic Do you get mad? No! Eupeptic means to be in good spirits! Happy PHOSPHORESCENCE You come upon a phosphorescence scene what kind of scene is it? A glowing one HUBRIS To have too much confidence It's only hubris if I fail -Julius Caesar 12/2/10 ESTUARY Is your estate in an estuary? Is it? Probably not Unless it's a houseboat It's a narrow body of water The mouth of a creek TELLURIC You live on the telluric Where you live? On the earth CHINOOK You are in a chinook What are you in? Wind or a gale GRASPABLE Are your fingers graspable? Are they? .Not really Unless you understand them well Graspable means to understand or comprehend AUBADE Should you wear your shades in the aubade? .Yes! Aubade is an open air concert in the morning COGITATE Pronounced Kog-Ja-Tayt It means: To think hard about a problem Meditate I must cogitate on that problem I will give you an answer later RECONDITE Rec-Ken-Die-tuh Not easily understood Hidden or concealed Please not paint a recondite picture I like simple art EBULLIENCE ee-bull-yents Overflowing with happiness I felt great ebullience when they yelled surprise! All my friends were there APROPOS To something at the right time Appropriate The email was very apropos It was just in time for my meeting ENNUI Tiredness caused by a lack of interest Boredom I feel an ennui Can we end this meeting? PEDAGOGY ped-ah-go-gee The art or science of teaching The teachers created an excellent pedagogy for online learning LOQUACIOUS low-qway-she-youse Talking too much or too freely Thanks for sending your loquacious email It took hours to read EUPHORIA you-for-ree-ya A feeling of well-being Happiness I had a feeling of euphoria that day It felt great to finish that project SEDULOUS said-you-luss Persistent continuous attention Your sedulous flattery will get you everywhere GARRULOUS Rambling about boring things Don't be garrulous gar,garish, loud,flashy rul,rule o,oh us,us =Garish rule! Oh us! PROPERTIED You find your friend is now propertied Do you untie your friend? .Maybe If your friend is rich and tied up Otherwise: propertied means rich FACILE Pronounced: In a sentence: You draw a smiley face It is a facile thing to Why? Means:Facile means easy to Definition:Facile: easy to or easy to master Memory trick: FAC il E remember FAC E in facile - smiley faces are easy to draw Listen: facile 12/9/10 AMALGAMATE amalgamate You amalgamate a white sock and a black sock What animal you look like? A zebra Amalgamate means to blend or combine You are wearing a white sock and a black sock 12/8/10 REGALE Pronounced: In a sentence: You are in a boat You come upon a regale Instead of a raincoat you put on a shiny hat Why? Means:A regale is a party! Definition:A regale is a party or a feast Memory trick: REgal and GALE regal means royal or grand gale reminds of gala or a festival royal gala Listen: regale IRASCIBLE Pronounced: In a sentence: A bull is an irascible rascal Means: A bull is an angry animal Definition: Irascible means angry or crabby Rascal means a troublesome person or animal Memory trick: ir rascible ir reminds of irratible rascible reminds of rascal irritable rascal Listen: irascible 12/7/10 PROPITIOUS pro-pish-us Convenient Favorable Kind The weather today is propitious prop.it.ious = proper it to us METE You are mete your meed of a mead What did I say? You are alloted your part of a meadow Mete means to give or divde Meed means a part or a portion Mead is a meadow or a field OSTENTATIOUS You wear an ostentatious hat what is it made of? Something flashy Ostentatious means flashy or gaudy PUNCTILIOUS You have punctilious punctuation What shoud be done to correct it? Nothing Punctilious means precise or to something with great care So your punctuation is very good EPILOGUE You add dialog to your epilogue in your travel log What is it? A conclusion or an afterword WAGGISH Your dog is wagging his tail You think your dog is waggish What is your dog doing to you? Making you laugh Waggish means to amuse or make funny PRODIGAL Pronounced: prody-gul If you are a prodigal person "When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows." - William Shakespeare You waste money on expensive things Means: Extravagant spending Reckless use of money Memory Trick prod - i - gal prod reminds of product i reminds of I or me gal reminds of gallon or a lot products I buy by the gallon 10 http://www.englishionary.com/S/Skiff.htm P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 12:21 P M HISTRIONICAL You read a histrionical book What kind of book is it? A dramatic one Histrionical means dramatic or spectacular http://www.newwordaday.com/ P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 12:18 P M There is no love like a mother's love, nothing will be ever so forgiving, There is no love like a mother's love, that goes on after the living, There is no love like a mother's love, so absolute and so sure, There is no love like a mother's love, that turns the grey sky azure, There is no love like a mother's love, so sacrificing and so unselfish, There is no love like a mother's love, to try and fill your eclectic wish, 111 There is no love like a mother's love and there is infinitesimal time to know it, Almost as strong, is a child's love, think of all times you did show it ~Elliot Carruthers http://www.englishionary.com/A/Azure.htm http://www.englishionary.com/E/Eclectic.htm http://www.englishionary.com/I/Infinitesimal.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 3:14 AM NEOPHYTE You are a NEOPHYTE, when you don't know wrong from right, and you need to study all night, but still nothing comes to light http://www.englishionary.com/N/Neophyte.htm ALACRITY 112 I like your ALACRITY, it means that you are happy, as you pour my cup of tea, did you hit the lottery? http://www.englishionary.com/A/Alacrity.htm CAFFEIC My new ideas are caffeic How did I get those ideas? Probably from drinking coffee since caffeic means obtained from coffee No Mocha Latte Chilly Frape for me! Just a nice strong coffee will http://www.englishionary.com/C/Caffeic.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 12:02 AM 113 NEOPHYTE You are a NEOPHYTE, when you don't know wrong from right, and you need to study all night, but still nothing comes to light http://www.englishionary.com/N/Neophyte.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 12:00 AM 2/20/11 ALACRITY I like your ALACRITY, it means that you are happy, as you pour my cup of tea, did you hit the lottery? http://www.englishionary.com/A/Alacrity.htm Subscribe NewWordADay 114 © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 11:42 P M CAFFEIC My new ideas are caffeic How did I get those ideas? Probably from drinking coffee since caffeic means obtained from coffee No Mocha Latte Chilly Frape for me! Just a nice strong coffee will http://www.englishionary.com/C/Caffeic.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 3:46 AM BARYPHONY I sing a baryphony song Did you enjoy it? 115 No! Baryphony means difficult to understand 3/4/11 PRESCIENT You are studying to be a scientist People say you are prescient What is special about you? You are good at predicting the future Prescient means foreseeing It has nothing to with being a scientist http://www.englishionary.com/P/Prescient.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 11:19 AM 3/3/11 CALISTHENEUM You go to a calistheneum Do you admire the art? 116 No A calistheneum is a gym http://www.englishionary.com/C/Calistheneum.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 8:56 P M 3/2/11 DELL I have to type my report at your house I will go through the dell How am I getting to your house? By going through the small valley A dell is a small valley or ravine http://www.englishionary.com/D/Dell.htm Subscribe NewWordADay 117 © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 2:03 P M 3/1/11 CAPRICE We will dine wherever your caprice takes us What kind of a car are we driving? I don't know Caprice means to change your mind on a whim http://www.englishionary.com/C/Caprice.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 10:35 P M 2/28/11 BRABBLER You babble about a bauble with a brabbler 118 Huh? You chatter a lot about a piece of jewelry with a quarrelsome person Babble - Talk a lot in an unclear way Bauble - A fine piece of jewelry Brabbler - A quarrelsome person who argues a lot http://www.englishionary.com/B/Babble.htm http://www.englishionary.com/B/Bauble.htm http://www.englishionary.com/B/Brabbler.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 8:05 P M 2/27/11 DOWDY I tell you: I love your dowdy hat! Why don't you thank me? Dowdy means to be vuglar looking or to be in bad taste So I am saying: I love your ugly hat 3/12/11 Higgle You go to a swap meet and higgle What are you doing for someone else? 119 You are selling them something they need daily Higgle means to sell provisions And it also means to haggle http://www.englishionary.com/H/Higgle.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 10:46 P M 3/11/11 Tepid Do you have trepidation about going out in tepid weather? No! Tepid means warm Trepidation means to have fear http://www.englishionary.com/T/Trepidation.htm http://www.englishionary.com/T/Tepid.htm 120 Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 6:06 P M 3/10/11 Torpid You stand in your speedboat It goes as fast as it can at a torpid speed What should you probably next? Get a new boat Torpid means sluggish or having no motion Having lost motion, or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; benumbed; as a torpid limb “Without heat all things would be torpid.”Ray Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive http://www.englishionary.com/T/Torpid.htm 121 Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 10:24 P M Rankly Would you like your money to grow rankly? Yes Rankly means vigorous growth- like weeds Rankly (rank´ly), adv With rank or vigorous growth; luxuriantly; hence, coarsely; grossly; as weeds grow rankly Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 8:32 AM 3/8/11 122 Neb You pat your pet’s neb What kind of pet is it? A bird A neb is the beak of a bird http://www.englishionary.com/N/Neb.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 5:30 P M 3/7/11 Eagless You're best friend is an eagless Why I say you need more friends? An eagless is a female eagle http://www.englishionary.com/E/Eagless.htm Subscribe NewWordADay 123 © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 2:52 P M 3/6/11 Dado You see a man standing on a dado He ignores you Why does he not move? He is a statue A dado is the pedestal a statue stands on http://www.englishionary.com/D/Dado.htm Subscribe NewWordADay © 2010 Englishionary P O S TED BY ENG LIS HIO NARY AT 7:55 P M Updive You study a lot Your grades an updive Are you happy? 124 Yes! Updive means to rise upward 125