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Đề thi lớp 12 học kì 1 môn tiếng anh năm 2012 đề số 59

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Đề thi lớp 12 học kì 1 môn tiếng anh năm 2012 đề số 59 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập...

THE FIRST TERM ENGLISH TEST 12 (I-1) DURATION: 45 MINUTES School: Thanh Hoa High School Class: 12 _ Fullname: _ Code: E201 Marks Teacher’s remarks I Pick out the word which has underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others: (1.0 P) A bats A obliged determined A food A tutor B speaks B knocked C deaths C believed D nurses D B look B subject C cook C study D flood D result II Pick out the words that has stress differently from that of the other words : (0.5 P) A counterpart A precede B attraction B altar C partnership C confide D grocery D oblige III Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences: (3.5 PS) - Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.” - Hoa: “ _ ” A You are welcome B Cheers C Have a good day D Thanks - Helen: “Congratulations!” - Jane: “ _” A What a pity! B Thank you C I’m sorry D You are welcome Tommy left high school _ the age _ seventeen A of / in B in / for C on / with D at / of 10 My Dad is always willing to give a hand _ cleaning the house A with B of C about D in 11 What is _ longest river in the world? A a B an C the D no article 12 In my family, my mother is the one who always does the household _ A appliance B waste B chorus D chores 13 The room _once a day A should clean B should be cleaning C should be cleaned D should have cleaned 14 These children often share their _ secrets with their mother A person B personal C personable D personally 15 In Vietnam, we never give glasses to a bride and a _ on their wedding because it means separation A gloom B troop C broom D groom 16 They will stay there for some days if the weather _ fine A would be B was C is D will be 17 They allow us _ on our choice of the elective subjects in school and our hobbies A decide B to decide C deciding D decided 18 It’s the first time he _ a car A drives B drove C has driven D had driven 19 In the 1960s, Vietnamese parents often didn’t _ their children choose their wife or husband A allow B permit C let D want 20 Emily said that her teacher _to London _ A would go / the next day B went / tomorrow C will go / tomorrow D had gone / the next day IV Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that must be changed for the sentence to be correct: (1.0 PS) 21 The man told the children didn’t play too loudly A B C D 22 While the teacher was explaining the sum on the blackboard, the children threw paper aeroplanes around A B C D the classroom 23 My brother didn’t wear that uniform since he left school A B C D 24 The Nelsons asked us look over their plants for them while they were away on vacation A B C D V Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answer the questions about the passage : (1.0 P) Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of fourteen Four years later he went to Mexico and spent one year there before attending Columbia University in New York For a few years after that he roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry He returned to the United States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Writer Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia His best novels include “Not Without Laughter” and “The Big Sea” He wrote an autobiography in 1956 and also published his collections of poetry then A man of many talents, Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in American literature history 25 Langston Hughes was years old when he went to Mexico A 14 B 16 C 20 D 18 26 When were his collections of poetry published ? A in 1958 B in 1956 C in 1928 D in 1960 27 Where did he win the Writer Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry ? A Columbia University B Lincoln University C Spain D Russia 28 Which of the following statements is NOT true ? A Langston Hughes used to travel by ship to many ports around the world B Langston Hughes attended Columbia University in New York at fourteen C “The Big Sea” is one of Langston Hughes’ best novels D Langston Hughes had lived in Mexico for a year before he left for New York VI Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word: (1.0 P) In America, the simple words “I’m sorry” display very good manners in many difficult (29) situations “I’m sorry” has two main uses: to express your sympathy to someone who has a bad experience and to express your regret when you have bothered someone or (30) a problem Other useful apologies are “excuse me!” and “pardon me”, which mean the same thing These (31) are appropriate when pushing your way out of a crowded elevator or stopping a stranger to ask (32) 29 A socialist B socialism C social D society 30 A give B offer C demand D caused 31 A speeches B verbals C expressions D talks 32 A directed B direct C directly D direction VII Rewrite the following sentences as suggested: (2.0 PS) 33 “Do you put the pencil here?”, Peter said  Peter asked Lan 34 He said, “I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday.”  He said 35 “It’s nice of you to give me some fruit Thanks.”, David said to Mary  David thanked 36 “Would you like to have breakfast me?”, Tom said to me  Tom invited me _ - THE END - ... years old when he went to Mexico A 14 B 16 C 20 D 18 26 When were his collections of poetry published ? A in 19 58 B in 19 56 C in 19 28 D in 19 60 27 Where did he win the Writer Bynner Prize... would be B was C is D will be 17 They allow us _ on our choice of the elective subjects in school and our hobbies A decide B to decide C deciding D decided 18 It’s the first time he ... decided 18 It’s the first time he _ a car A drives B drove C has driven D had driven 19 In the 19 60s, Vietnamese parents often didn’t _ their children choose their wife or husband

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2016, 16:07



