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Tài liệu này được cung cấp tại Forum Cao Học Kinh Tế : http://caohockinhte.info ĐỀ THI TIẾNG ANH ( 4 ) PAPER ONE : READING SECTION A : Question 1-20 Choose one "word or phrase in the box below to complete each of the followlng sentences. Each word/phrase is used once only . Writer your answers m the column on the right. Sentence has been donefor you as an exanple. I wanted to see fill out put off write out am not used to proud of interested in went on illteresting in depends on middle-aged however whenever Next month By next year come late I don't too How far to make didn't use Neither can How long coin come on in making Hang on Half-way change As soon as up 0. But we are learning now to look after water 01. Hang on ! I’ll just go and havc a look. 02. Before. beginning classe, each student must fill out . many foms. 03. They were forced to put off . the last order. 04. It’s up side down. It isn't the right way up. 05. He never makes a great effort but always depends on other students. 06. She was pound of finishing the work in such a short time. 07 . The police are interested in knowing more about that man. 08 . I tried to interrupt the two men , but they went go arguing anyway. 09. By next year he will have studied English for four years? 10. If she hadn’ t used the spices, her food wouldn't have tasted so good. 11. I can't remember his name. “ neither can I ” 1 2. How long had they been fighting for the forest fire? For nearly three weeks? 13. It was a great success. He succeeded in marking everyone laugh. 1 4 . When will he begin to teach? as soon as ……… he's finished his training 15. Do a good deed when ever you can. 1 6 . The man I wanted to see was away on holiday . 17. I am not use to . the thought of working without him 18. Half way across tlle restaurant I spotted my father eating pie chips and peas. 19. Most of our customers are middle-aged people and elderly people. 20. Do you have a change for a dollar. I would like to make a telephone. . Tài liệu này được cung cấp tại Forum Cao Học Kinh Tế : http://caohockinhte.info SECTION B : Questions 21-40 There are four reading passages. Read each passage carefully and answrer briefly the questions that follow Pasage 1 : Roulines save time and energy because you do them wilhout thinking. That's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't very active. Routines are very userul, but they also make you uncreative. So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routines. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Listen to a difrerent radio station. Take a dirrerent route to work. Eat something dirrerent for breakfust. Change your routine. You never know, it could change your life. 21 . What is good about routines ? They save time and energy 22. Your brain isn't very active in the morning, is it ? No 23. What is notsood about routines? They make you uncreative 24. What is the phrase used to give advice in the passage? It is a good idead to break your routines 25. What does "it" (từ in đậm trong bài) refer to? Change the routine / your changed routine Passage 2 : CARE was organized in 1945 to help people aner World War II. lt distnbuted over 100 milhon food packages. Meanwhlle it was starting self-help program. Today development programs in 37 countries. CARE gives equipment and teaches people how to build water systems. roads. schools, houses, and health centers. lt also teaches people how to increase production on their farms. how to rerorest areas and how to start small village industries. Doctors and nurses volunteer to go to villages. They provide health care for the people. they also teach people how to improve their health. They train people to provide simple medical care. 26. What was the original purpose or CARE ? To help people after world war II 27. ln how many countries has CARE provided help ? In 37 countries 28. Helping people to help themselves is one principle of CARE, isn't it ? Yes 29. What does CARE do in villages where there are no industnes? They teach them how on their and haw to start small village industry 30. As far as health care is concerned, how many activities are carned out by CARE? There are three activities carried out by CARE such as : provide health care for the people . teach people how to improve their health and train people to provide simple medical care Tài liệu này được cung cấp tại Forum Cao Học Kinh Tế : http://caohockinhte.info Passage 3 : Some people, however, are afraid to show the kind of person they really are. They try to hide themselves real personality so we never know how tlley really feel about us. We are not sure how we really feel about them, either. When we get lo know people, there are certain tllings tllat we usually tell them. Our name, address, telephone number, music, and leisure preferences, for example. But there are things that we do not tell them. As people spend more time together, they begin to show more of themselves. In this way a friendship grows stronger - as long as we like the things we hear, that is. 31 . What are some people afraid ? They are afraid of showing the kind of person they really are 32. What do lhey try to hide ? They try to hide their real personality 33. When we get to know people, do we tell them something related to real personality or something not related to real personality? We tell them something nat related to real personality 34. How can we know more about others ? By spending more time together 35. lt doesn't take time to get to know more about other people, does it ? Yes Passage 4 : I agree that zoos are out-of-date and cruel institutions and that they should be closed down. When the first zoos were opened, lheir mn purpose was educational. They gave people a unique opportunity to see wildlife. Nowadays, with television and modern photographic techniques, this educational role is no longer important. People can learn about wild animals from natural history programs on television and magazines. They do not need to visit zoos. So zoos have no place in modern-day society. 36. What was lhe main purpose of zoos when they were first opened? The main purpose was for education 37. What does the word "They" (từ in đậm trong b) refer to ? To the first zoos 38. Why isn't this educ8tional role important at present? Because people can learn about wild animals from natural history programs on television and magazines 39. According to the passage, do we need to spare room for zoos in modern-day society ? No, We needn’ t 40. Which side is the writer on (for or against lhe presence of zoos)? The writer is against the presence of zoos Tài liệu này được cung cấp tại Forum Cao Học Kinh Tế : http://caohockinhte.info SECTION C : Quetion 41 - 50 Fill each of the gaps in the passage below with only one suitable word. I gtarted off as a conductor but became a bus driver because the conduclors are gradually being phased out. If you join as a driver you llave to undergo a strict medical to make sure (41) you 're complet.ely flt, and you must have clean driving licence (42) you go to the training school for rour weeks to lean how (43) to control a bus; the skid patches aie the worst There are regular progress checks and at the end (44) of it all, you take the test. I was lucky, 1 passed first test (45) . “I usually drive for about seven hours a day (46) witll break in between" My basic pay is 120 a week but yoll get unsociable pay depending on your shirts. I also get free tube and bus travel. Some men drivers think because (47) you are young and new they can cut you up and tease you but (48) generally I get on well with them. Its much easier to drive a bus than (49) a car. You’re much highter up so you can see the traffic jams miles ahead and people and cars move out (50) or your way PAPER two: WRITING - SECTION A: Questions 51-60 Make all changes and additions necessary to produce sentences from the following sets of words and phrases Example: I/ hope/ you/ reply/ my letter/ before now. Answer: I was hoping you should have replied to my letter before now 51. Last Saturday/ Sally/ go/ shopping / centre/ town. Last Saturday Sally went shopping in the centre the town. 52. She/ want/ buy/ some new/ clothes/ wear/ her birthday. She wanted to buy some new clothes to wear on her birthday. 53. She/ enter/ big shop/ where/ many/ customer/ come in/ and/ go out. She entered a big shop where many customers were coming in and going out. 54. She/ stop/ one counter/ which/ sell/ different/ kind/ skirt. She stopped at one counter which sold different kind of skirt (s) 55. Much/ her time/ spend/ try on / skirt. Much of her time was spend trying on ( the ) skirts. 56. The first one/ fit / her / perfectly/ but/ she/ not like/ colour. The first one fitted her perfectly but she didn’ t like its colour. 57. Although / second skirt/ have / very nice/ pattern / it / be/ too big / her Although the second skirt had a very nice pattern it was too big for her 58. She / not satisfied/ the third skirt / because/ it/ be/ too short. She wasn’ t satisfied with the third skirt because it was too short. 59. She/ keep/ try on/ until/ she/ find/ one/ she/ like. Tài liệu này được cung cấp tại Forum Cao Học Kinh Tế : http://caohockinhte.info She kept trying on until she found the one she liked. 60. This skirt/ cost/ her/ as/ much/ $ 80. This skirt cost her as much as $ 80. SECTION B : Questions 61-70 Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. Example: They serviced my car last week. Answer: I had my car serviced last week (by them) 61 . I forgot to bring my wallet with me. I didn't remember to bring my wallet with me 62. Could you get me some water, please ? Id like you to me get some water 63. There isn't enough sugar in the cofree. The coffee doesn’ t have enough sugar ( lacks sugar ) 64. They will arrive soon; I'll make some tea then. When they arrive , I’ ll make some tea 65. A mechanic is repairing my motorbike at the moment. I ‘ am having a mechanic repair my motorbike 66. It's a good idea to leave now. You’d better leave now 67. You’ll be ill ifyou continue to smoke . Unless you stop smoking , you’ ll be ill 68. Originally, tenms was an indoor game. Tennis used to be an in door game. 69. The storm blew a lot of trees down last night. A lot of trees were blown down by the torm last night. 70: He is not strong enough to đo that job He is too weak to do that job SECTION C: Questions 71-80 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese (if the given sentences are in English) or English (if the given sentences are in Vietnamese). 71 . Most problems of the environment come from populat ion growth. More people need more water, more food, more wood, and petroleum. Hầu hết những vấn đề về môi trường là do sự gia tăng dân số. Ngày càng nhiều thì cần nhiều nước,nhiều thức ăn,nhiều gỗ và nhiên liệu hơn . Tài liệu này được cung cấp tại Forum Cao Học Kinh Tế : http://caohockinhte.info 72. We receive 80 % of our information about the world around us through our eyes. We also send signals to other people with our eyes. Chúng ta chỉ nhận được 80 % thông tin về thế giới xung quanh chúng ta thông qua đôi mắt và chúng ta cũng gởi những tín hiệu đến người khác qua đôi mắt của mình 73. Last night the police found Alfred's dead body on the ground floor in his home. He appeared to have been murdered. Tối hôm qua cảnh sát đã phát hiện được thi thể của Alfred tại tầng trệt nhà anh ấy, dường như anh ta bò mưu sát. 74. The early years or the nineteenth century saw English villagers crossing oceans and many others drifting into the industries districts at home. Những năm đầu của thế kỷ đã chứng kiến những ngưởi nông dân Anh quốc vượt đại dương và bao nhiêu người khác lại trôi dạt về khu công nghiệp trong nước. 75. We spent our first day in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and took a sightseeing tour around this fascinating city. Chúng ta đã dành những ngày đầu tiên ơ Kathmandu , thủ đô của Nê pal và đi tham quan dạo quanh thành phố hấp dẫn này 76)-Tôi chẳng biết nói gì về thành phố ấy vì tôi chưa đến đó bao giờ I don’ t know what to say about that city because I’ ve never been there 77. Phần đa người dân Vỉệt nam dều thích uống trà. Trong các loại chè mạn, chè Thái nguyên được ưa chuộng nhất. Amajority of the Vietnamese like drinking tea . All kinds of tea Thainguyen tea is the most favoured 78)-Tôi đang băn khoăn không biết có nên nộp đơn xin học bổng đi học ở nước ngoài hay thôi I’m wondering whether or not to apply a scholarship to study abroad in a foreign countries . 79. Bảy ngày nghỉ của chúng tôi tại Vònh Hạ long thật tuyệt vời. Cảnh quan ngoạn mục và con người thật dễ gần. Our seven days in Halong Bay were wonduful .The scenery was beautiful ( miraculons ) and the people are friendly 80. Hàng ngày tôi dạy rất sớm và tập thể dục đều dặn. Tôi biết điều đó rất có lợi cho sức khoẻ của mình. Every day I get up very early and do morning exercises regularly I think that it is good for my health. . There are regular progress checks and at the end (44) of it all, you take the test. I was lucky, 1 passed first test (45) . “I usually drive for about seven hours a day (46) witll break in between". 71-80 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese (if the given sentences are in English) or English (if the given sentences are in Vietnamese). 71 . Most problems of the environment. interrupt the two men , but they went go arguing anyway. 09. By next year he will have studied English for four years? 10. If she hadn’ t used the spices, her food wouldn't have tasted

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2015, 00:46

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