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CÁC NHÂN tố tác ĐỘNG đến THOÁT NGHÈO của hộ GIA ĐÌNH ở NÔNG THÔN VIỆT NAM đại học kinh tế 2015

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C - m 2015 C - Da 1.7 2.2 2.2.3 Thu 11 11 14 17 21 21 24 24 3.1.3 25 27 27 28 28 29 33 35 37 37 39 4.1 41 43 4.2.1 H 43 46 52 Ch 56 55 57 5.2.1 57 5.2.2 57 60 T uan AusAID GSO VASS VHLSS WTO UNDP A Trang - 2008 22 h chun 22 24 25 008 26 28 31 37 38 40 41 41 44 46 47 48 52 B Trang - 2008 21 h 3.2 35 42 43 54 ; (2) ; (3) ; (5) ; (4) ; (6) ; (7) 2006 Gi i thi u 1.1 tv Trong hai th p k qua, Vi t Nam cc c nh ng qu c t u ng v gi m m t qu c gia thu c di th gi i, Vi ng kinh t nh n 58, l thu c di m xu c a T ng c c Th Vi t Nam - gi i (T ng c c Th 2010) Trong gi v nhanh l i khu t l ac c ng t p trung ch y n xu p h c v n th ch , h t ng h n gi tv gi uc t nhi uv Vi t ng Vi i Vi t Nam, h c thi u s ng s ng, 2012) n c ah H uh uv nhi u qu h gi i ng h ph thu c th p, ch h ,t l t ch ho cao, di , h u cho th y nh ng h n, ti n g i v t i l i s ng cao t v m ( ng s , 2005; Aref, 2011; ng h p Nam, nh s ng c a nh ah t Vi c nh n di t ns ah ng m nh nh p trung kh ng th t k nh t ng m c hi n nhi c i thi u tr is ng n gi m h ho tr o ngh mi ah m c nh i di s h tr c a hi u qu c u tr th b ng cho h gi t bi n ah n r c s mang l i hi u qu gi n gi ah t p trung nh n bi t ns ah ng c ng nh ng T , t s ki n ngh v m t h m c ti n th c i nh ng bi n s d ng l i ns c m ah n t ng cho nh hy v ng b 1.2 M Vi t Nam v i u u - Nh n bi t ng ns c ah Vi t Nam; - ng g m t Nam m m c ti gia 57 S ng r t l So v ah ng ng b u 5.2 Ki n ngh 5.2.1 Ki n ngh v m i quy binary logistic ng t t vi c d ah th c hi n C k t h p gi ng y ut ah t ng t Nam th c hi n b ng ng v uv ng th i k t h p v i ph ng v n nh ng h Nh ng n u ti p theo li , 2012 Vi t Nam cs d ng b d li p nh b d ng th n kh n v ng c a h ng h ch n s d ng b d li u l um Chu m th i c kh c nh t th i gian us u bao g u ki n s ng, ti p c yt c, o hi ng b u nh n 5.2.2 Ki n ngh v m T k t qu ts g tr h d c thi u s c thi u s Theo Cuong (2012) n Vi t Nam ch y u sinh s ng , thu nh p ch y u t s n xu chuy m i t s n xu ng th pc i 58 c thi u s nh p l a ho i gian l n c thi u s tr thu nh p t ho S ng s n xu p, nh n p i ph thu ah gi m s i ph thu c gi m t l n th c hi n k ho ch ba c kh ty ut v ng qua r t nhi ch u ng n ym tv tr c n thi ng h c cung c p d ng c ph c v cho vi c gi ng d c t p, t u ki ng vi c tr nh t th n h c t p t t c khuy tinh , trao h c b ng cho tr u h c Kinh doanh s n xu t ho c th c hi n chuy t s n xu doanh, s n xu u c n thi t p sang kinh t ic n xu t c hi n vi c chuy n c h t, c hi u bi t c a h v c kinh t doanh, v h i nh p kinh t qu c t khuy n xu ph n ho p im t ng s n xu s n, ch bi n th c ph m, s n xu t s n ph m ti u th nh p ho t s n xu pv p, t m u ki n cho h , th c hi n chuy 59 Di i gia - 2012 di p ng b gi k t i gi m xu ng (Nguy n H i ho ti p t c gi m c th n th c hi n , h n ch t c chuy p nh p ng th i khuy p t qu ho t t tr hoang m r ng di ch s d ng u kh ng t t ho h m ts g d ng ngu n v n u qu : th nh t, thi t k n c th ng vay, s ng cho h c vay, th ho ch s n xu v n n xu h iv n g cn p ng th i c pv ng nh n xu h p v i nhu c u th th pc n th c c vi c s d nv n c s d ng v ah Kh h nhi mi n n xu t kinh doanh ah B c th p ng ng b u Long c ah t n th t cho vay; th t h p v i khuy y c th theo t n 60 i n c tri n khai Vi t Nam hi c nh c nh m c v d c bi t c T yh c du ng b y, a ts u Long nh nh c n nh n c h tr n tr ng s theo m c tr cho h ng xu t v m t u v i mong mu n k t qu c Ch c ch n nh ng gi tham gia c a nh ho thi t k gi u qu di n nh t 5.3 H n ch c u g p m t s h n ch Th nh t, nh nh ng ah t c ch n l ph gi ut ch c a b d li ng th i s h n u nhi ah n ng h n v i c a h gia Th hai, b u ch 2006- ys c, B d ng s n t ch s 05/2013/TTLT-UBDT-BNNPTNTK ho ah ng h -BTC- a 61 m th c a nh ns Th ba, d li c u n v ng c a h ch s d ng nh t b d li u Kh s ng h a T ng c c Th 2006 n th d li c c kh m hi n t i b d li u Kh c s ng h gia Cu c m i quan h c kh e c gi i kh c uh pd thi u h c kh tm ng ki m thu nh p c i thi n cu c s ng cd vi t t tri n hi c tv cs T nm nh d c ng t t d um ns n v ng c a h n b nh [1] Andersson M et al., 2006 Determinants of poverty in Lao PDR Country Economic Report 2005:10 Sweden: Published by SIDA [2] Appleton S., 2001 Education, incomes and poverty in Uganda in the 1990s CREDIT Research Paper No 01/22, University of Nottingham [3] Aref A., 2011 Perceived impact of education on poverty reduction in rural areas of Iran Life Science Hournal, 8(2), pp 498-501 [4] Arif G M and Bilquees F., 2006 Chronic and transient poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from a longitudinal household survey MIMAP Technical Paper Series No 19, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics [5] Arif G M and Farooq S., 2012 Dynamics of rural poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from three waves of the panel survey Pakistan Institute of Development Economics , Islamabad [6] Bhatta S D and Sharma S K., 2006 The determinants and consequences of chronic and transient poverty in Nepal CPRC Working Paper 66, Chronic Poverty Research Centre [7] Bogale A et al., 2005 Determinants of poverty in rural Ethiopia Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 44(2), pp 101-120 [8] Bradshaw T.K., 2006 Theories of poverty and anti-poverty programs in community development RPRC Working Paper No 06-05, Rural Poverty Research Center http://www.vistacampus.gov/sites/default/files/legacy/37/PovertyInAmerica/The ories_Pov_AntiPov_Programs.pdf [9] Cuong Nguyen Viet et al., 2010 Urban poverty in Vietnam: Determinants and policy implications Paper No 40767, MPRA [10] Cuong Nguyen Viet, 2012 Poverty of ethnic minorities in the poorest areas of Vietnam Paper No 45737, MPRA [11] Chaudhry I.S et al., 2009 The impact of socioeconomic and demographic variables on poverty: A village study The Lahore Journal of Economics, 14(1), pp 39-68 [12] Datt G and Jolliffe D., 1999 Determinants of poverty in Egypt: 1997 FCND Discussion Paper No 75, International Food Policy Research Institute [13] Datt G et al., 2000 Determinants of poverty in Mozambique: 1996 1997 FCND Discussion Paper No 78, International Food Policy Research Institute [14] David L., M Andy and J Okidi, 2005 Poverty persistence and transitions in Uganda: A combined qualitative and quantitative analysis Global Poverty Research Group [15] Dudek H and Lisicka I., 2013 Determinants of poverty - Binary logit model with interaction terms approach Ekonometrica Economics, 3(41), pp 1507-3866 [16] Ennin C.C et al., 2011 Trend analysis of determinants of poverty in Ghana: Logit approach Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 3(1), pp 20-27 [17] Gaiha R., Imai K and Woojun K., 2007 Vulnerability and poverty dynamics in Vietnam Economics Discussion Paper No 0708, The university of Manchester [18] Gibson J and Rozelle S., 2003 Poverty and access to roads in Papua New Guinea Economic Development and Cultural Change, 52(1), pp 151-185 [19] Glewwe P et al., 2002 An analysis of poverty and inequality trends Development Research Group, The World Bank [20] Gounder N., 2012 The determinants of household comsumption and poverty in Fiji Discussion Paper No 2012-05, Griffith Business School [21] Green W H., 2002 Econometric analysis, 5th edition Jew Jersey 07458: Pearson Education [22] Grootaert C., 1999 Social capital, household welfare and poverty in Indonesia Working Paper No 6, The World Bank [23] Gujarati D., 2004 Basic econometrics, 4th edition New York: McGrawHill [24] Gujarati D., 2011 Econometrics by example Palgrave Macmillan [25] Haughton J and Khandker S R., 2009 Handbook on poverty and inequality The World Bank [26] Hulme D., K Moore and A Shepherd, 2001 Chronic poverty: meanings and analytical frameworks CPRC Working Paper No 2, Chronic Poverty Research Centre [27] Jalan J and M Ravallion, 1998 Determinants of transient and chronic poverty: Evidence from rural China Policy Research Working Paper Series No 1936, The World Bank [28] Jalan J and M Ravallion, 2000 Is transient poverty different? 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Ngày đăng: 27/08/2015, 18:21


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