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267 ĐỀ 26 THI THỮ ĐẠI HỌC B. Put an accent mark over the main stressed syllable of the following words: 1. A. volunteer B. forgive C. Portuguesee D. individual 2. A. handicapped B. concern C. human D. candidate 3. A. conductor B. campaign C. horizon D. economics 4. A. themselves B. prefer C. introduce D. police 5. A. satisfactory B. security C. guarantee D. technological II. Choose the best answer: 6. I hope this headache will ____________ soon. A. wear off B. go out C. come away D. pass away 7. For people with hearing difficulties, telephones with volume controls provide the best ____________. A. reply B. response C. solution D. result 8. When he graduated from the university he got his____________. A. diploma B. certificate C. degree D. bachelor 9. The kidnappers demanded ____________ of  10,000 for his release. A. a present B. a ransom C. a money D. a cash 10. A(n) ____________ is a person who studies ancient things, especially old buildings, monuments and other remains. A. geologist B. archaeologist C. ecologist D. oceanographer 11 Luckily my wallet was handed into the police with all its contents ____________. A. preserved B. unscathed C. unsafe D. intact 12. The farm was owned by Joe and Bert Cox. They employed a few farm ____________. A. employees B. officers C. gardeners D. hands 13. He sat there with his arms ____________ doing nothing, waiting for us. A. folded B. flapped C. turned D. twisted 14. If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you could consider octopus a great ____________. A. delicacy B. dish C. appetite D. taste 15. You need a special ____________ to go into this part of the building. A. permission B. allowance C. permit D. agreement 16. The colour of the handle does not ____________ so long as it is the right size. A. worry B. affect C. concern D. matter 268 17. _______ you don’t like her has nothing to do with the matter. A. What B. That C. Whether D. How 18. The festival this year contains a well- ________ program of classical and modern music. A. done B. formed C. made D. balanced 19. ________ had they recovered from the first earquake when they felt the second tremor. A. Never B. No sooner C. Hardly D. Just 20. The painting was a valuable family possession, which had been handed ________ from generation to generation. A. down B. over C. on D.up 21. James _______ a lot of maney when his grandfather passed away. He could retire right now if he wanted to. A. came into B. came up C. came over D. came up with 22. You are under no obligation to help as assistance in purely _______ . A. free B. voluntary C. charitable D. donated 23.All his plans for his own business fell _____________. A.through B. down C. off D. away 24.Wasn’t it you yourself ______ the door open? A. to leave B. to have left C. who left D. that should leave 25. _____ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve. A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end 26. ______ any other politician would have given way to this sort of pressure years ago. A. Really B. Practically C. Actually D. Utterly 27. When you want your friend to wait for you to finish what you are doing, you say “__________”. A. one moment B. Amoment C. One minute D. Just a minute 28. '' I'm going on holiday tomorrow? " " A. Congratulations B. Sorry to here that C. Have a nice time D. Watch out 29. "Mind your business" " " A. All right. I didn't mean to be noisy B. I don't mind. C. Thank you D. What, again? 30. “Isn’t all the chalk in the box?” - “__________.” B. Yes, one piece is not in the box. C. No, one piece is not in the box. B. Yes, all the chalk isn’t in the box. D. No, all the chalk is in the box 269 31. "Would you like some more coffee?" " " A. Yes, thanks B. No, I wouldn’t C. Yes, please D. No. please 32. Now that Susan has moved to the country, her visits to see in the city are A. far and betwwen B. between and far C. few and far between D. between few and far 33. The classroom is empty. I think they____________ to the library. A. must have gone B. need have gone C. should have gone D. can have gone 34. Rarely James _______ seen going out with his friends. A. James is B. does James C. is James D. has James 35. __________ advertising is so widespread, it has had an enormous effect on the other people. A. Why B. The reson why C. Since D. On account of III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting. 36. The main divisions of geologic time, called eras, are subdivided in periods. A B C D 37. One of the greatest of mountains climbers, Carl Blaurock was the first to climb all of the mountains A B C higher than14,000 feet in the United States. D 38. The modern American dictionary is typically a single compact volume publishing at a modest rate. A B C D 39. Benjamin Franklin, a famous American stateman, author, and scientist, born in 1709 and lived A B C to the age of eighty. D 40. She wishes we didin’t send her the candy yesterday because she’s on a diet. A B C D IV. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, D for each of the following blanks HOW WE READ Why did you decide to read this, and will you keep reading to the end? Do you expect to understand every single part of it and will you remember anything about it in a fortnights’ (41)__________? Common sense (42) __________that the answers to these questions depend 270 on “readability” – whether the (43) ________ matter is interesting, the arguments clear and the layout attractive. But psychologists are discovering that to (44) __________ why people read – and often don’t read – technical information, they have to examine not so much the writing as the reader. Even the most technically confident people often ignore instructions for the video or home computer in favour of hands-on experience. And people frequently (45) __________ little notice of consumer information, whether on nutritional labels or in the small print of contracts. Psychologists researching reading (46) ________ to assume that both beginners and (47) ________ readers read everything put in front of them from start to finish. There are (48) __________ among them about the role of eyes, memory and brain during the process. Some believe that fluent readers take (49) __________ every letter or word they see; others (50) __________ that readers rely on memory or context to carry them from one phrase to another. But they have always assumed that the reading process is the same: reading starts, comprehension occurs then reading stops. 41. A. term B. period C. time D. gap 42. A. suggests B. transmits C. advises D. informs 43. A. subject B. topic C. content D. text 44. A. ensure B. determine C. value D. rate 45. A. get B. pay C. take D. make 46. A. tend B. undertake C. lead D. consent 47. A. competent B. sufficient C. considerable D. valid 48 A. objections B. arguments C. contests D. separations 49. A. up B. over C. out D. in 50. A. insist B. direct C. urge D. press IV. Read The following passage and choose the best answer: The influenza virus is a single molecule composed of millions of individual atoms. Although bacteria can be considered a type of plant, secreting poisonous substances into the body of the organism they attack, viruses, like the influenza virus, are living organisms themselves. We may consider them regular chemical molecules since they have strictly defined atomic structure; but on the other hand, we must consider them as being alive since they are able to multiply in unlimited quantities. An attack brought on by the presence of the influenza virus in the body produces a temporary immunity, but, unfortunately, the protection is against only the type of virus that caused the influenza. Because the disease can be produced by any one of three types, referred to as A, B, or C, and many strains within each type, immunity to one virus will not prevent infection by another type or strain. Approximately every ten years, worldwide epidemics of influenza called pandemics occur. Thought to be caused by new strains of type-A virus, these pandemic viruses have spread rapidly, inflecting millions of people. Epidemics or regional outbreaks have appeared 271 on the average every two or three years or type-A virus, and every four or five years for type- B virus. 51.With what topic is the passage primarily concerned? A. the influenza virus B. immunity to disease C. bacteria D.chemical molecules 52.According to this passage, bacteria are A. poisons B. very small C. larger than viruses D. plants 53.The word “themselves” refers to A. molecules B. bacteria C. substances D. viruses 54.The word “strictly” could best be replaced by A. unusually B. completely C. broadly D. exactly 55.Why does the writer say that viruses are alive? A. they have a complex atomic struture C. they multiply B. they move D. they need warmth and light 56.The atomic structure of viruses A. is variable C. cannot e analyzed chemically B. is strictly defined D. is more complex than that of bacteria. 57.The word “unlimited” could be best replaced by which of the following? A. very small B. very large C. very similar D.very different 58.How does the body react to the influenza virus? E. It prevents further infection to other types and strains of the virus. F. It produces immunity to the type and strain of virus that invaded it. G. It becomes immune to types A, B, and C viruses, but not to various strains within the types. H. After a temporary immunity, it becomes even more susceptible to the type and strain that caused the influenza. 59.The author names all of the following as characteristics of pandemics except I. they spread very quickly. C. they are regional outbreaks. J. they are caused by type-A virus. D. they occur once every ten years. 60 The word “strains” is closest in meaning to A. theories B. injuries C. varieties D. weakness TEXT 2. 272 The three phases of human memory are the sensory memory , the short-term memory, and the long term memory. This division of the memory into phase is based on the length of time of the memory. Sensory memory is instantaneous memory. It is an image or memory that enters your mind only for a short period of time; it comes and goes in under a second. The memory will not last longer than that unless the information enters the short-term memory. Information can be held in the short-term memory for about twenty seconds or as long as you are actively using it.If you repeat a fact to yourself, that fact will stay in your short-term memory as long as you keep repeating it.Once you stop repeating it, etheir it is forgotten or it moves into long-term memory. Long-term memory is the huge memory tank that can hold idies and images for years and years. Information can be added to your long-term memory when you actively try to put it there through memorization or when an idea or image enter your mind on its own. 61. The best title for this passage would be . A. The difference beween sensory and short-term memory. B. How long it takes to memmorize C. The stages of human memory,. D. Human phases 62. The three phases of memory discussed in this passage are differentiated according to A. the location in the brain. B. the period of time it takes to remember something C. how the senses are involved in the memory D. how long the memory lasts. 63. The expression “is based on” in line 2 could be best be replaced by A. is on the top of B. is at the foot of C. depend on D. is below 64. According to the passage, which type of memory is the shortest? A. Sensory memory B. Active memory C. Short-term memory D. Long term- memory76. 65. According to the passage, when will information stay in your short-term memory? A. For as long as twenty minutes. B. As long as it is being used C. After you have repeated it many times. D. When it has moved into long-term memory. 66. The word “keep” in line 9 could be best replaced by A. hold B. continue C. retain D. save 67. The word “once” in line 9 could be best replace by A. Just after B. Although C. Just before D. because 68. All of the following are true about long-term memory EXCEPT that 273 A. it has a very large capacity B. it can hold information C. It is possible to put information into it through memorization. D. memorization is the only way that information can get there. 69. The expression “on it own” in line 13 could be best repalaced by A. by itsself B. in it own time C. with its possessions D. in only one way 70. It can be inferred from the paassage that, if a person remebers a piece of information for two days, this is probably in A. three phases of memory B. the sensory memory C. the short-term memory D. the long-term memory VII. Choose the sentence among A, B, C, D that is closest meaning to the original sentence . 71. In the hope of finding the money, they didn’t call the police. A. They found the money, so there was no need to call the police B. They thought they might find the money, so the police weren’t called C. They knew they would find the money, so they didn’t call the police D. If they find the money or not, they wouldn’t call the police 72. To my horror, life in the city was so dangerous. A. I was horrifying because life was so dangerous in the city B. Horrifying, I found the city life so dangerous C. I was horrified to find the city life so dangerous D. Horrified, the city life was so dangerous to me. 73. Because the evidence was withheld, the prisoner was found guilty. A. Because he withheld the evidence so the prisoner was found guilty. B. The prisoner was found guilty thanks to the evidence. C. Had the evidence been presented, the prisoner wouldn’t have been found guilty. D. If the evidence was presented, the prisoner wouldn’t be found guilty 74. It is expected that tax increases will be announced in tomorrow’s budget statement. A. Tax increases are expected to be announced in tomorrow’s budget statement. B. Hope that they will announce tax increases in tomorrow’s budget statement. C. It is expected that people will announce in tomorrow budget tax increases. D. In tomorrow’s budget statement tax increases are expected to announce. 75. The boy is so clever that he understands what you imply very quickly. 274 A. he is so clever a boy that he understands what you mean very quickly. B. He is such clever a boy that he understands what you mean very quickly. C. He is so clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly. D. He is such clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly. VIII. Choose the sentence (A, B, C, D) that is best written based on the words provided. 76. saleman/try/talk/me/buy/car. A. The saleman tried to talk to me into buying the car. B. The saleman tried to talk to me buying the car. C. I bought the car because the saleman tried it a talk . D. The saleman tried to talk me into buying the car. 77. Marie Curie /first scientist/ wintwo Nobel Prize/ science. A. Marie Curie won two Nobel Prizes and the first scientist in science. B. Marie Curie was the first scientist to win two Nobel Prizes in science. C. Marie Curie was the first scientist winning twoNobel Prizes in science. D. Marie Curie became the first scientist who won two Nobel Prizes about science. 78. Their insomnia/ not cause/high altitude/excitement. A. Their insomnia was not the cause of the high altitude but of excitement. B. Their insomnia was not caused from the high altitude but also excitement. C. The high altitude and excitement was not caused their insomnia. D. Their insomnia was not caused by the high altitude but by excitement. 79.build/ hand/ car/ superb condition. A. Buiding by hand, the car is in superb condition. B. Having been built by hand, the car is in superb condition. C. When built by hand, people put the car in superb condition. D. As built by hand, the car was superb condition. 80. Energy/define/as/ ability/do/ work. A. Energy can be defined as the ability to do work. B. Energy defines as the ability work is done C. Energy can define as the ability to do work. D. Energy is to define as the ability of doing work. . 267 ĐỀ 26 THI THỮ ĐẠI HỌC B. Put an accent mark over the main stressed syllable of the following words: 1 matter 268 17. _______ you don’t like her has nothing to do with the matter. A. What B. That C. Whether D. How 18. The festival this year contains a well- ________ program of classical. was hold on and hope that things would improve. A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end 26. ______ any other politician would have given way to this sort of pressure years

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2015, 11:00



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