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Code 135 Page 1 of 7 SỞ GD-ĐT NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT BẮC YÊN THÀNH ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1. NĂM 2013 Môn: Tiếng Anh. Khối A1, D. Thời gian làm bài 90 phút Mã đề: 135 QUESTIONS 1 - 5: Choose one option A,B,C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. 1. A. establish B. development C. specializing D. foundation 2. A. punctuality B. technological C. characteristic D. representative 3. A. preservative B. congratulate C. preferential D. development 4. A. impossibly B. surprisingly C. unfortunately D. mentally 5. A. economy B. unemployment C. communicate D. particular QUESTIONS 6 - 30: Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence. 6. Having seen a sharp bend ahead, Tom pressed hard on the brake pedal in order to __________ A. slow down B. give up C. come by D. pass over 7. The mechanic said that, before he could tell me what the problem with my Jeep was, he’d have to ____ the engine _____ in his workshop. A. put….off B. take…….apart C. make… up D. tie….down 8. __________ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess now. A. Had you listened B. Will you listen C. Were you listened D. Listen 9. The government stopped the local companies from importing fake milk powder _________ of public health. A. for the attention B. on the safe side C. to the best D. in the interest 10. ______ his good education, Taro knew little about Japan as he left Japan when he was very young. A. In stead of B. With all C. In place of D. Along with 11. - Jennifer: -What are you doing ? - Alan: ____________ A. Look after your own affairs. B. You don't enter at all. C. It's none of your business. D. It doesn't touch you. 12. __________ of the financial crisis, all they could do was to hold on and hope that things would improve. A. In the end B. At the height C. On the top D. At the bottom 13.This shopping center gets_________crowded with shoppers at the weekend. A. always more B. more and more C. from more to more D. crowded and more 14. On no account ____ in the office be used for personal materials. A. the photocopy machines B. the photocopy machines should C. should the photocopy machines D. does the photocopy machines 15. How much longer will you be on the phone? A. It costs me a lot talking on the phone like this. B. I will be off in a minute. C. Yes, it is expensive to make long distance calls. D. The phone is out of order. It may cost lots to have it fixed. 16. Experiments related to the sense of smell are more easily ____ than those related to perception of color. A. setting them up B. to set up C. set up D. sets up those Code 135 Page 2 of 7 17. Medical research at the cellular level, ____ research on the immune system, has been made possible through twentieth- century advances in techniques of genetic research. A. which B. Whereas C. such as D. is also 18. Architects involved in big projects must study ____ about the outside world before conceiving of an idea. A. clients think B. whether clients thoughts C. how their clients think D. thoughts that clients 19. The Olympic marathon distance ____ in the ancient times to honor a messenger who ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver vital news and then died. A. established B. was established C. establishing D. which established 20. Not only ____ much bigger than any other planets, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous material. A. the Sun is B. the Sun, which is C. is the Sun D. that the Sun 21. Jupiter, the closest of the giant planets to Earth, has ____ solid surface and is surrounded by zones of intense radiation. A. not B. nor C. no D. neither 22. No sugar for me, thanks. I am on diet. A. Perhaps you would like some milk instead? B. Perhaps you should try to lose weight. C. Don’t mention it. D. Would you like some more? 23. His ____ of the safety regulations really has resulted in a number of minor accidents. A. disregard B. unfamiliarity C. carelessness D. inattention 24. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to ____ his intelligence. A. devalue B. depreciate C. undermine D. minimize 25. Those naughty boys went on making terrible noise in the park even though they had been ____ by the annoyed constable. A. turned into B. taken after C. ticked off D. dropped off 26. Alex was ____ enough on becoming a professional sportsman and he didn't want to listen to anyone else's advice. A. certain B. eager C. definite D. intent 27. "Don't look so worried! You should take the boss's remarks with a _____ of salt." A. teaspoon B. pinch C. grain D. dose 28. After a fall in profits, the Company decided to _____ the hotel business. A. back up from B. pull out of C. take out of D. make off with 29. "If you are at a(n) _____ end, you could help me in the garden." A. open B. free C. loose D. empty 30. It is understood that his closest adviser will _____ as president. A. take over B. get by C. take up D. come about QUESTIONS 31 - 45: Read the following passage carefully and then choose best option A, B, C or C to fit each space. STRESS-RELATED HAIR LOSS When stress levels become so high that they affect the immune system it can have a profound effect on the body and the hair. Hair loss itself causes immense stress and then it can become a vicious (31) ____ . Bonnie Kinnear, 50s, housewife: “Last year my life was quite stressful due to my husband’s high-profile career being constantly in the (32)____ . At this time I began to develop an (33)____ scalp which was wrongly diagnosed as psoriasis, for which I was (34)____ steriods, over the next two months my scalp became worse, and hair began to fall out, leaving (35)____ patches, which was devastating. Having to look good and be a support to my famous husband was stressful because wherever we went people would look at us. I had lost at (36)____ one third of my hair and, in (37)____ , visited a high - profile Mayfair trichologist. Without any (38)____ I was ordered to buy 300$ (39)____ of products and my head was massaged by a girl who proceeded to turn my hair into what is (40)____ as “bird’s – nest syndrome”. It took four hours to (41)____ . My GP (42)____ me to seek help from Andrew Bernie. I was diagnosed with a stress-triggered (43)____ where the skin cells multiply fast, grow down the hairshaft and bind with sebaceous matter to strangle the hair. I visit Andrew regularly for (44)____ . I am also trying to (45)____ my stress levels, which is easier now my hair is returning. 31. A. cycle B. circle C. closure D. effect Code 135 Page 3 of 7 32. A. daylight B. starlight C. searchlight D. spotlight 33. A. inflamed B. enlarged C. intense D. inflicted 34. A. recommended B. ordered C. allowed D. prescribed 35. A. empty B. dark C. bald D. hairy 36. A. least B. all C. once D. first 37. A. reply B. fun C. desperation D. hope 38. A. experiment B. diagnosis C. study D. result 39. A.cost B. value C. price D. worth 40. A. known B. supposed C. seen C. referred 41. A. replace B. untangle C. return D. reset 42. A. suggested B. forbade C. reported D. convinced 43. A. state B. symptom C. condition D. outcome 44. A. treatment B. dates C. services D. appointments 45. A. destroy B. manage C. assess D. measure QUESTIONS 46 – 55: Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow A, B, C or D as the correct answers. Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace. One should be wary, however, of assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud was a distraction to others. Examinations of factors related to the historical development of silent reading have revealed that it became the usual mode of reading for most adults mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character. The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number of readers. As the number of readers increased, the number of potential listeners declined and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers. Towards the end of the century, there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully and over whether the reading of materials such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed, this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialised readership on the other. By the end of the twentieth century, students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use reading skills which were inappropriate, if not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term “reading” implied. 46. Reading aloud was more common in the medieval world because ______. A. people relied on reading for entertainment B. silent reading had not been discovered C. there were few places available for private reading D. few people could read to themselves 47. The word “commonplace” in the first paragraph mostly means “______”. A. for everybody’s use B. most preferable C. attracting attention D. widely used 48. The development of silent reading during the last century indicated ______. A. an increase in the average age of readers B. an increase in the number of books C. a change in the nature of reading D. a change in the status of literate people 49. Silent reading, especially in public places, flourished mainly because of ______. A. the decreasing need to read aloud B. the development of libraries C. the increase in literacy D. the decreasing number of listeners 50. It can be inferred that the emergence of the mass media and specialized reading materials was an indication of ______. A. a decline of standards of literacy B. a change in the readers’ interest Code 135 Page 4 of 7 C. an alteration in educationalists’ attitudes D. an improvement of printing techniques 51. The phrase “a specialized readership” in paragraph 4 mostly means “______”. A. a requirement for readers in a particular area of knowledge B. a limited number of readers in a particular area of knowledge C. a reading volume for particular professionals D. a status for readers specialized in mass media 52. The phrase “oral reader” in the last paragraph mostly means “a person who ______”. A. is good at public speaking B. practises reading to an audience C. takes part in an audition D. is interested in spoken language 53. All might be the factors that affected the continuation of the old shared literacy culture EXCEPT _____. A. the inappropriate reading skills B. the specialized readership C. the diversity of reading materials D. the printed mass media 54. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Reading aloud was more common in the past than it is today. B. Not all printed mass media was appropriate for reading aloud. C. The decline of reading aloud was wholly due to its distracting effect. D. The change in reading habits was partly due to the social, cultural and technological changes. 55. The writer of this passage is attempting to ______. A. explain how reading habits have developed B. change people’s attitudes to reading C. show how reading methods have improved D. encourage the growth of reading QUESTIONS 56 – 65: Read the passage then circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions or statements: Bees, classified into over 10,000 species, are insects found in almost every part of the world except the northernmost and southernmost regions. One commonly known species is the honeybee, the only bee that produces honey and wax. Humans use the wax in making candles, lipsticks, and other products, and they use the honey as a substance that people eat to maintain life and growth. While gathering the nectar and pollen with which they make honey, bees are concurrently helping to fertilize the flowers on which they land. Many fruits and vegetables would not survive if bees did not carry the pollen from blossom to blossom. Bees live in a structured environment and social structure within a hive, which is a nest with storage space for the honey. The different types of bees each perform a distinct function. The worker bee carries nectar to hive in a special stomach called a honey stomach. Other workers make beewax and shape it into a honeycomb, which is a waterproof mass of six-sided compartments, or cells. The queen lays eggs in completed cells. As the workers build more cells, the queen lays more eggs. All workers, like the queen, are female, but the workers are smaller than the queen. The male honeybees are called drones; they do no work and can not sting. They are developed from unfertilized eggs, and their only job is to impregnate a queen. The queen must be fertilized in order to lay more worker eggs. During the season when less honey is available and the drone is of no further use, the workers block the drones from eating the honey so that they will starve to death. 56. Which of the following is the best title for the reading? A. Many Species of Bees B. The Useless Drone C. The Honeybee - Its characteristics and Usefulness D. Making Honey 57. What is the closest meaning of the word "concurrently"? A. independently B. hardly C. variously D. simultaneously 58. According to the passage, the drone__________. Code 135 Page 5 of 7 A. can be male or female B. mates with the queen and has no other purpose C. comes from eggs fertilized by other drones D. All are correct 59. According to the passage, people use honey __________. A. to make candles B. as foods C. as cosmetics D. all are correct 60. The author implies that __________. A. bees are unnecessary in the food chain B. drones are completely dispensable C. the queen can be a worker D. drones are never females. 61. In what way does the reading imply that bees are useful in nature? A. They pollinate fruit and vegetable plants B. They make marvelous creation from max C. They kill the dangerous drones D. They create storage spaces 62. The passage implies that bees can be found in each of the following parts of the world EXCEPT ______. A. Africa B. China C. Europe D. Antarctica 63. What is the closest meaning of the word " distinct "? A. seclude B. unique C. dependent D. complex 64. All of the following are characteristics of a honeycomb EXCEPT__________. A. it contains hexagonal sections B. it is made of honey C. it is made of wax D. it is impermeable 65. It can be inferred from the reading that bee wax is _________. A. absorbent B. complex in structure C. easily bent and shaped D. poisonous QUESTIONS 66 – 70: Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase which must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 66. The roots of the trees allow the water (A)to go into the soil, (B)that gradually (C)releases it to (D) flowdown rivers 67. I get (A) quite depressed when I think (B) about the (C) damage we are (D) making to the environment. 68. (A) Alike oxygen, which is (B)chemically changed by our bodies into carbon dioxide, nitrogen is (C) merely exhaled back (D) into the air. 69. I think she (A) will be suitable (B) for the work because she (C) has been (D) working like a teacher for a long time. 70. Passengers (A) are required to (B) arrive to the gate fifteen minutes (C) before (D)departure time. QUESTIONS 71 – 75: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one. 71. The robber made the bank clerk hand over the money. A. The bank clerk was pleased to hand over the money to the robber. B. The bank clerk was made to hand over the money to the robber. Code 135 Page 6 of 7 C. The bank clerk was ready to hand over the money to the. robber. D. The bank clerk was pleased to give money over his hand to the robber. 72. I don't suppose you have change for pound, do you? A. Do you change a pound? B. Are you supposed to change a pound? C. Do you happen to have change for a pound? D. Have you changed a pound? 73. "I don't think John will come", said Bill. A. Bill doubted whether John would come. B. Bill said he doesn't think John will come. C. Bill said he don't think John would come. D. Bill said he didn't think John will come. 74. Maria says she'd like to have been put in a higher class. A. Maria wishes she will be put in a higher class. B. Maria wishes she is put in a higher class. C. Maria wishes she were put in a higher class. D. Maria wishes that she had been put in a higher class. 75. My sister didn't leave the car key, so I couldn't pick her up at the airport. A. If my sister left the car key, I would pick her up at the airport. B. If my sister had left the car key, I would have picked her up at the airport. C. If my sister have left the car key, I would have picked her up at the airport. D. If my sister had left the car key, I could pick her up at the airport. QUESTIONS 76 – 80: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the best sentence which is made up from the given words. 76. without / glasses / see / board A. I can't even see nothing on the broad without any glasses. B. I can hardly see anything on the broad without any glasses. C. Without any glasses, I can't almost see nothing on the broad. D. Without any glasses, nothing on the broad can be seen by myself. 77. when / read / note / already / leave / Europe. A. When will you read this note before I'll leave for Europe. B. When reading the note, I've already left for Europe. C. When you read this note, I'll have already left for Europe. D. When this note will be read, I'll have already left for Europe. 78. all / need / black coffee A. All I am needing to be drinking a cup of black coffee. B. All is needed to be drinking a cup of black coffee. C. All of the need now is to drink a cup of black coffee. D. All I need now is a cup of black coffee. 79. it / time / people / build / permission A. It's high time we prevented people from building houses without permission. B. It's time for people stop building their houses without permission. Code 135 Page 7 of 7 C. It's time we prevented people to build houses without permission. D. It's about time we should stop people building house without permission. 80. have / succeed / interview / hope / work / soon A. She's succeeded in the interview so as to hope working soon. B. She's succeeded in the interview so that she hopes working soon. C. She's succeeded in the interview, she hopes that she works soon. D. Having succeeded in the interview, she hopes to start working soon. The end Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm. Họ và tên thí sinh:…………… ………………………… ; Số báo danh:…………… . 1 of 7 SỞ GD-ĐT NGHỆ AN TRƯỜNG THPT BẮC YÊN THÀNH ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1. NĂM 2013 Môn: Tiếng Anh. Khối A1, D. Thời gian làm bài 90 phút Mã đề: 135 QUESTIONS 1 - 5: Choose one option A,B,C or. "I don't think John will come", said Bill. A. Bill doubted whether John would come. B. Bill said he doesn't think John will come. C. Bill said he don't think John would. can't even see nothing on the broad without any glasses. B. I can hardly see anything on the broad without any glasses. C. Without any glasses, I can't almost see nothing on the broad. D.

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2015, 13:00

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