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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO DAKLAK KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TRƯỜNG MÔN TIẾNG ANH Trường THPT Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Đề thi gồm 05 trang Name: __________________ Class: _________ A- MULTIPLE – CHOICE: (80 MARKS) I- Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: 1. A. population B. pollution C. property D. probably 2. A. basilisk B. bison C. basic D. basin 3. A. genius B. tedious C. tendency D. peculiar 4. A. throat B. theneceforth C. thrive D. thresh 5. A. gaze B. goose C. general D. gamble 6. A. interfere B. itinerary C. introduction D. intrude 7. A. intrude B. improve C. input D. hallucination 8. A. decay B. decade C. format D. agent 9. A. dartboard B. board C. blackboard D. cupboard 10. A. Chinese B. chauffeur C. choke D. chip II- In three of these words the first syllable is stresses. In the fourth word the stress is not put on the first syllable. Find and circle the word in which the first syllable is not stressed: 11. A. mountainous B. foreigner C. determined D. aspect 12. A. encourage B. jealous C. public D. empire 13. A. arrangement B. luggage C. helium D. cellar 14. A. empty B. anxious C. dangerous D. engine 15. A. pressure B. introduce C. hesitant D. pleasure 16. A. vital B. betray C. mirror D. trivial 17. A. magician B. prisoner C. pressure D. warranty 18. A. danger B. hamburger C. tamer D. concerned 19. A. access B. answering C. accident D. acquisition 20. A. psychology B. piston C. purse D. pocket III- Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence: 21. The house stood by itself in the middle of a field. It was completely _________. A. lonely B. isolated C. singular D. unaccompanied 22. He needed $800 but his capital was _________ up in shares he borrowed it from the bank A. tied B. bound C. knotted D. locked 23. She opened the packet and emptied the _________ into a saucepan. A. fullness B. insides C. contents D. refills 24. Tell your brother to come _________, because it’s going to rain in a minute or two. A. indoors B. outdoors C. within D. inwards 25. The girl’s father _________ to buy her a car if she passed her examination. A. admitted B. acceptable C. agreed D. approved 26. After a half – hour’s _________ by rowing – boat, we reached the island. A. travel B. course C. crossing D. sail 27. The girl in the shop was _________ how to use a new kind of electronic cooker. A. proving B. establishing C. exposing D. demonstrating 28. I _________ him to arrive in time for dinner. A. hope for B. attend C. expect D. think 29. Britain _________ a welcome to all tourists. A. holds out B. extends C. throws D. hands 30. Everything in the supermarket is marked with a price _________. A. notice B. mark C. sign D. tag 1 IV- Choose A, B, C, or D or each o the following sentence: 31. In China an ancient medical treatment _________ as acupuncture is sometimes used during surgery. A. to know B. knowing C. known D. knows 32. Acupuncture is _________ by _________ needles into various parts of the body. A. made / insert B. made / inserting C. done / insert D. done / inserting 33. Western doctors _________ Chinese hospitals have been startled to see patients _________ serious operations without a conventional anesthetic. A. that visit / underwent B. visited / undergoing C. visiting / undergoing D. which have visited / undergoing 34. “If you can’t lend me the money, I think I’ll ask Fred.” “Don’t bother. He has ________ than I do.” A. fewer B. a little C. few D. less 35. “I think I failed the test.” “In my opinion, the _________ was the most unreasonable.” A. examination third question B. question third of the examination C. third examination question D. examination of the third question 36. “How can you keep such long hours?” “Well, now I _________ at night so isn’t hard for me.” A. am used to working B. used to working C. used to work D. was used to work 37. “Sandra is a miserable person.” “Of course she is. She’s jealous _________ everyone.” A. about B. with C. to D. of 38. _________ the harvest, farmers are busy _________ their work on the field. A. During / doing B. While / to do C. As / do D. Between / in doing 39. He went on doing it _________ our protests. A. owing to B. because C. in spite of D. instead of 40. If there _________ no floods last year, the crop _________ better now. A. were / would be B. had / would have been C. had been / would be D. was / would have been V-The four underlined words or phrases are marked A, B, C, or D. Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct. Circle and correct it 41. The capital city, Lome, is on the coast close with the Ghanaian border. A B C D 42. One day I heard that a TV company looking for a casting agent and I applied for and got the job. A B C D 43. I use it like a diary and it has an alarm which I can set to remind me about meetings with others A B C D doctors in the team 44. It hopeless to try and find any privacy in the flat so I go out for a walk. A B C D 45. The irony was that I used to spend hours doing up my face so that I’d look younger. A B C D 46. More than 600 million individual bacteria lives on the skin of humans. A B C D 47. Under no circumstances I will leave you alone in this country. A B C D 48. Thomas remembers as a talented artist of his time. A B C D 49. The curricula of American public schools are set in individual states; they do not determine by the A B C federal government. D 50. Barum opened his own circus in 1871 and become the most famous showman of his time. A B C D 2 VI- Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D nearest in meaning to the one in italic: 51. My son dislikes other people criticizing him. A. My son doesn’t like if you criticize him. B. Criticizing him is not my son’s hobby. C. My son is afraid of being criticized. D. My son can’t stand if other people criticize him. 52. Don’t blame him for your stupid mistakes. A. It isn’t his fault that you made stupid mistakes. B. Don’t let him blamed for your stupid mistakes. C. He was not to blame because you have made so many mistakes. D. He doesn’t make mistakes so you are to blame. 53. The news was so shocking to them that they all sat there without saying a word. A. They were too shocked at the news that they all sat there without saying a word. B. They sat there without saying a word although they were very shocked. C. They all sat there in silence because they were so shocked by the news. D. Sitting there without a word because they were very shocked. 54. I picked up quite a lot of Chinese by watching Chinese films. A. I learnt at fair amount of Chinese by watching Chinese ilm. B. Chienese film have supplied me a lot of Chinese. C. Picking up a lot of Chinese, I watched Chinese films. D. Watching Chinese films is a good way of learning Chinese. 55. Was the play as interesting as you expected it to be or was it boring? A. Did the play satisfy you with its content? B. Are you satisfied with the play? C. Did you like the play as much as you do? D. Did the play live up to your expections or it was boring? 56. In spite of hating cats, i have some in my family. A. Having cat, though, I have some in my family. B. Having some cats in my family although I hate them. C. Despite the fact that I hate cats, I have some in my family. D. Although the fact that I don’t love cats, I still keep them in my mind. 57. “I will go immediately if you don’t apologize.” She said to her son A. She would like to go now that her son didn’t apologize her. B. Not apologizing his mother, the mother decided to go immediately. C. The mother wanted to leave home because the son was not so good. D. She threatened to go unless her son apologized. 58. You shouldn’t have let the windowns open at night. A. It was your reponsibility not to lock the windowns last night. B. Don’t forget to lock the windows last night. C. It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night. D. You have to leave the windows close beore going to bed. 59. You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella. A. Unless you go out with an umbrella, you will get wet. B. Without an umbrella will make you get wet. C. Going oit without an umbrella is not good for you. D. Getting wet will happen i you don’t go out without an umbrella. 60. It looks like rain to me. A. I think it’s going to rain. B. I like to look at the rain. C. It will rain, I like to look at it. D. It is going to rain, isn’t it? 3 VII- Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D for each of the following blanks: MUSIC – A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Music is universal – it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came before speech and (61) _________ as a development of mating calls. In fact, there is (62) _________ theory that the (63) _________ languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed, in some cultures, music is a form of (64) _________ history. The Aboriginal Australian, for example, use music as a mean to (65) _________on stories o the land and spirits to the next (66) _________. New evidence suggests that music does not just (67) _________ the feel – good factor but it is also good for the brain. A study of intellectually (68) _________children showed that they could recall more (69) _________after it was gi\ven to them in a song than after it was read to them a story. Researchers also report that people (70) _________ better on a standard intelligence (71) _________after listening to mazart. The so called “Mozart effect”, has also been (72) _________by findings taht rats (73) _________up on Mozart run faster through a complex network of paths or passages, (74) _________as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most instances who suffer from any form of metal (75) _________ benefit from listening to music. 61. A. was B. swelled C. reacted D. arose 62. A. one B. every C. such D. that 63. A. earliest B. newest C. easiest D. simplest 64. A. enjoying B. making C. recording D. stating 65. A. move B. pass C. hand D. happen 66. A. children B. people C. tribe D. generation 67. A. convince B. satisfy C. please D. prefer 68. A. disabled B. inactive C. incapable D. disordered 69. A. facts B. knowledge C. memory D. information 70. A. examine B. prepare C. score D. achieve 71. A. form B. scheme C. demonstration D. test 72. A. supported B. given C. marked D. remembered 73. A. held B. brought C. stood D. set 74. A. called B. heard C. regarded D. known 75. A. badness B. hurt C. illness D. pain VIII- Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to questions below: We have just got past the Customs Officer, Bijou and I was relieved the country’s laws on importing animals were so loose. By the look of surprise I have received from fellow passengers, I had feared they might be strict. The most amusing thing was that everyone officially concerned, at he airports and in the air, had referred to Bijou as “a live dog”, for I could not imagine a dog other than a live one travelling anywhere. But regulations are meant to be obeyed, so “live” he was. I had been given a box for him to travel in if he needed it, called a “Courtesty Kennel”; and it was this box that had brought the sleepy light of suspicion to the eyes of the Customs Officer when I had stood before him. He had thought, as his question made clear, that I was trying to bring ina colour TV set or something similar, subject to a high rate of duty. When he found the box contained only a dog – “Ah, a live dog!” he exclaimed with some disappointment – he waved me away with the rest of the passengers going through unchecked. Outside the Arrival hall we joined the queue for a taxi. Being a party of only one, human at any rate, I was not too popular with the drivers, who probably made more out of groups, unless it was Bijou thay did not like, and we had to wait until everyone else had departed. At last I was courted for my trade, and I selected from the queue now lacing me a large blue car, whose drivers offered to take me to a “hotel comfortable”, and Bijou and I got in. We had driven less than a hundred meters when a policeman on a motor – cycle stopped us. The driver and he began a furious argument through a taxi window. Now if there is anything that annpys Bijou, it is the sound of human voices raised in anger, and he tries to drown the voices with barking. He did that now. The policeman orfered us out. The driver turned to me, “The dog must get out, sir” he said. “In our country it’s illegal to carry them in taxi. Never mind, we’ll put him in the back with your cases. I’m sorry about this, but we”ll son…” 4 So Bijou, with much loss of dignity, was banished to the back. The policeman , red in the face, drove of. So we did, but only until the motor – cyclist was out o sight. The we stopped again, and Bijou rejoined me. Soon we reached the hotel. 76. What does the passage tell us about importing a dog to that country? A. The regulatión made it dificult to impỏt a dog. B. If the dog was hidden in a box, no one worried about it. C. There seemed to bo no control on the arrival of a dog. D. The officials were araid of dogs, so they refused to let them in. 77. Regarding Bijou, the writer wondered A. what other kinds of dog travelled by car. B. why so many officials were worried about the dog. C. whether other people minded travelling with a dog. D. why it was necessary to say he was alive. 78. Why was the Customs Officer suspicious? A. he believed the writer wanted to avoid paying duty. B. He had doubts about the health o the dog. C. Because the dog’s ower preferred not to open the box. D. He asked a quesyion which the passenger could not answer. 79. In the end the writer had a choice of taxis because A. other people reused to ride with him. B. he was the only traveller left. C. he threatened to report the drivers. D. the others in a queue went by bus. 80. When the taxi pulled up the second time A. the dog was tired o running. B. the policeman pretened not to see what was happening. C. Bijou was brought into a taxi. D. the driver had arrived at the hotel. B- WRITING (20 MARKS) I- Rewrite without changing the meaning o the original sentences; 1. You may be disqualified you don’t obey the regulations. → Failure 2. He appears to have been waiting a long time. → It 3. Whatever you say, I’ll never change my mind. → For 4. You should have read the instructions. → You are 5. We were late because it rained so heavily. → But II- Rewrite, using exactly the words provided: 1. Teaching doesn’t really suit her. (cut) → 2. The rate o inflation has fallen steadily during recent months. (decline) → 3. Not many people attended the concert. (poorly) → 4. Final years students don’t have to attend lecturers. (optinal) → 5. Dickens’ last novel was unfinshed when he died. (without) → THE END 5 ĐÁP ÁN KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TRƯỜNG MÔN TIẾNG ANH NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 A- MULTIPLE – CHOICE: (80 MARKS) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. C 41. C (close to) 42. B (was looking) 43. D (other) 44. A (It is) 45. B (making) 46. C (live) 47. B (will I) 48. A (is remembered) 49. C (are not determined) 50. B (became) 51. D 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. D 56. C 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. A 61. D 62. A 63. A 64. C 65. B 66. D 67. B 68. A 69. D 70. C 71. D 72. A 73. B 74. D 75. C 76. C 77. D 78. A 79. A 80.C B- Writing: (20 MARKS) I- Rewrite without changing the meaning o the original sentences; 1. Failure to obey the regulations may lead / result in disqualification. 2. It appears that he has been waiting a long time. 3. For all you say, I’ll never change my mind. 4. You are supposed to have read the instruction. 5. But for the downpour / heavy rain, we would have been in time. II- Rewrite, using exactly the words provided: 1. She isn’t really cut but for teaching. 2. There has been a steady decline in the rate of inflation. 3. The concert was poorly attended. 4. Lectures are optional or final year students. 5. Dickens died without finishing / having finished his last novel. THE END 6 . 35. C 36. A 37. D 38. A 39. C 40 . C 41 . C (close to) 42 . B (was looking) 43 . D (other) 44 . A (It is) 45 . B (making) 46 . C (live) 47 . B (will I) 48 . A (is remembered) 49 . C (are not determined) 50 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. D 35 for and got the job. A B C D 43 . I use it like a diary and it has an alarm which I can set to remind me about meetings with others A B C D doctors in the team 44 . It hopeless to try and find

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2015, 22:00

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