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Tiếng Anh lớp 7, unit 1 (Chương trình 2020) được NXB Giáo dục Việt Nam tổ chức biên soạn theo Chương trình Tiếng Anh trung học cơ sở do Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo ban hành theo Quyết định số 01QĐBGDĐT ngày 03 tháng 01 năm 2012, tiếp theo các bộ sách Tiếng Anh 3, Tiếng Anh 4 và Tiếng Anh 5. Giáo án biên soạn theo hướng giao tiếp, giúp học sinh sử dụng ngữ liệu (ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp) để phát triển năng lực giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh thông qua bốn kỹ năng nghe, nói, đọc và viết.

PERIOD 8/ WEEK 3 Date of teaching: 14 /8 / 14 Unit 1: MY HOBBIES Lesson 1 – PERIOD 1: GETTING STARTED I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: + Listen and read for specific information about one’s hobby. + Practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic “My hobby” + Talking about types of hobbies. + Use the actions verbs II. Language forcus a: Phonics:sound / /, / / b: Vocabulary: bird-watching (n) arranging flowers (n) a piece of cake (idm) playing board game (n) challege (v) skating (n) c: Grammar: Present simple and present and future simple (review) III. Teaching aids. Tape , record , text book… IV. Procedure Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content * Warm – up - T introduces himself/herself. - T : Introduce yourself, please ! - Ss introduce themselves. I. Presentation: T has students work in groups, making a list of free time activities. S. work within 2 minutes then share their results. -Ss write the activities - T leads in UNIT 1 : MY HOBBIES LESSON 1 : GETTING STARTED -Ss listen II. Practice 1. Listen and read - T hangs the picture and has S look at the picture, then answer the questions. 1. Listen and read: 1 Free time activitie s Going swimming -Ss look at the picture and answer. + What are there on the shelf? + Who are they? + Where are they? - Now listen to the tape then answer (the 1 st time) - T : gives new words and the idiom. - Ss listen. - T checks the new words. -S listen to the tape again. - S play rolls. Activity 1 T : have S read the dialogue in silently then do exercise T or F. - Read the sentences together with Ss. Set a longer time limit for them to re-read the text and answer T or F. - Again ask Ss to note where they found the information that helped them complete the activity. In pairs, Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class. Encourage Ss to support their answers. Activity 2 - T uses the desk-covering technique. - Six groups of 6 students work in 5 minutes. Each member writes his/her answer on his/her square and the group’s answer in the middle of their sheet. - T collects two sheets to stick on the board for checking. The left ones are exchanged among the groups. - SS have 2 minutes to read the text quickly again and try to answer some questions - Ss can underline parts of the information that helped them to answer - Ss compare their answers before discussing them as class work. Activity 3 - Have students look at the table words in the Ex2 on page 7 and listen to the CD once. Then listen and repeat twice. - S Look at the books. - Listen to the CD. + There are dolls. + They are Mi, Elena and Nick. + They are in the room. I. Vocabulary: - bird-watching (n) - arranging flowers (n) - a piece of cake (idm) - playing board game (n) - challenge (v) - skating (n) II. Practice: a) Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? 1. F They goup stairs to her room. (L.2) 2. T (L.3) 3. F Mi’s hobby is collecting her glass bottles. (L.6) 4. F Her parents, aunt , her uncle (L.13) 5. T (L.18,19,21) b. Answer the following questions: Key: The suggested answer 2. Listen and repeat. 2 v w Elena receives dolls on special occasions (L.13,14,15) 2. No, they aren’t. (L16,17) u 3. Mi collects bottles after they x use them. (L.6) 4. No, she doesn’t. (L.16) 5. No, he doesn’t. (L.15-18) y z y z cycling taking photos cooking bird-watching gardening arranging flowers skating playing the guitar playing board game - Listen and repeat each word. - Ss look at the words and say the meaning of the words. Activity 4 -Ask Ss to read the words in the box aloud. -Look at the pictures and match the words given. -Ask Ss to match. -T plays the recording -Let them practice saying the name of hobbies . -Ask Ss to write the correct words in the space. -Ask Ss to listen the recording again and check their matching Activity 5 - T goes on the instruction - Sts work in groups of 5, complete the map in groups, compare with the others’. - T collects the results. - T remarks and gives feedback. - Sts copy 3. Match the words with the picture. Write them in the spaces. *Key: 1. playing board game 2. taking photos 3. bird-watching 4. cycling 5. playing the guitar 6. gardening 7. cooking 8. arranging flowers 9. skating 4. Work in pairs and complete the following map: Activity 6 - T asks Ss to read the example. - T creates short role-plays in pairs. - Call Ss in each pair to practice their expression before class. - T listens and corrects mistake if necessary. - T goes on the instruction - Sts work in groups of 5 and complete the table. Then each group reports their result before the class. The student with 5. Game: a) Interview your friends. Using the questions:”Do you like…? A: Do you like gardening? B: No, I don’t. b) Write your classmate’s names beside the hobbies. Find someone who likes…. 1. playing board game 2. taking photos 3. bird-watching 3 the most names wins. - T collects the results. - T remarks and gives feedback. - Sts copy 4. cycling 5. playing the guitar 6. gardening 7. cooking 8. arranging flowers 9. skating III. Production. -Play rolls. *Homework. -Learn by heart the words about school things and draw pictures next to new words in your vocabulary books. -Learn the poem by heart and write another poem. - Prepare: A closer look 1 A: Do you like cooking? B: No, I don’t. A: What is your hobby? B: I like………. A: Is it ….? (difficult / easy ) A: Yes, it is. 4 5 6 7 . PERIOD 8/ WEEK 3 Date of teaching: 14 /8 / 14 Unit 1: MY HOBBIES Lesson 1 – PERIOD 1: GETTING STARTED I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: . special occasions (L .13 ,14 ,15 ) 2. No, they aren’t. (L16 ,17 ) u 3. Mi collects bottles after they x use them. (L.6) 4. No, she doesn’t. (L .16 ) 5. No, he doesn’t. (L .15 -18 ) y z y z cycling taking. T leads in UNIT 1 : MY HOBBIES LESSON 1 : GETTING STARTED -Ss listen II. Practice 1. Listen and read - T hangs the picture and has S look at the picture, then answer the questions. 1. Listen

Ngày đăng: 15/08/2014, 18:55

