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ĐỀ THI CHẤT LƯỢNG CUỐI KỲ II NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN - ĐỀ 034 Pronunciation 1. a. living b. line c. rice d. nice > a 2. a. thus b. bus c. busy d. must > c 3. a. sun b. June c. fun d. gun > b 4. a. try b. by c. dry d. very > d 5. a. you b. out c. loud d. about > a 6. a. bat b. hat c. hate d. had > c Find the mistakes 7. Mining is the most importantest industry in this state. a. Mining b. importantest c. in d. this  b 8. Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play. a. the more b. of the c. who have d. in the play  a 9. They played so good game of the tennis last night that they surprised their audience. a. played b. so good game c. that d. their  b 10. Max would rather to be fishing from this boat in the lake than sitting at his desk in the office. a. to be fishing b. from this boat c. than d. at his desk  a 11. Please give me a few coffee and some donuts if you have any left. a. give me b. a few c. some donuts d. if you have any  b Grammar and Vocabulary 12. The car is fantastic. He wants to buy it. a. fast b. economical c. marvelous d. cheap  c 13. Do you know what time the train to London? a. reaches b. gets c. arrives d. stays  b 14. Could you be more specific about what is in this particular job? a. enclosed b. concentrated c. presented d. involved  d 15. You go and see your form teacher. a. ought to b. ought c. rather d. better  a 16. This scientist studies the resemblances and differences between sons and daughters and their parents. He is a. an engineer b. a mathematician c. a chemist d. a geneticist  d 17. We don't know who wrote the letter. It's a. nameless b. anonymous c. empty d. blank  b 18. life has its excitement, but it is likely to cause tension, especially to old people. a. Rural b. Country c. Urban d. Village  c 19. His argument was so that his opponent was reduced to silence. a. weak b. funny c. exciting d. convincing  d 20. The rock star died in an accident, and his was attended by thousands of young people. a. death b. party c. funeral d. festival  c 21. You needn't take a taxi because it's only from here to your hotel. a. ten minutes walk b. walk ten minutes c. a ten-minute walk d. a ten-minutes' walk  c 22. World War II in 1939 and ended in 1945 with the total defeat of Fascism. a. broke out b. set out c. set in d. broke  a 23. Yesterday morning, he went to the to do some experiments. a. laboratory b. library c. office d. device  a 24. Every step to improve the living conditions in these slums only attracts more migrants. a. taken b. held c. matching d. moving  a 25. He didn't do the assignment he was urged to. a. whenever b. until c. then d. as soon as  b 26. Three of those we invited to the party didn't a. set off b. set out c. show up d. show off  c 27. Henry I know is dependable. a. who b. whom c. why d. when  b 28. If I to school today, I would meet many friends. a. would go b. would have gone c. had gone d. went  d 29. Is it necessary that I here tomorrow? a. were b. will be c. be d. would be  c 30. They were playing football 4 p.m. to 6 p.m yesterday. a. from b. within c. between d. out of  a 31. He insisted that Susan there immediately. a. would leave b. leave c. leaves d. left  b 32. I took Daisy's coat from the cloakroom by a. mistake b. fortune c. error d. forgetfulness  a 33. Nancy and I have to meet at the airport at 9 o'clock. a. confirmed b. combined c. appointed d. arranged  d 34. You're your time trying to persuade him, he'll never help you! a. wasting b. spending c. losing d. missing  a 35. It's time we away with this old custom. a. did b. do c. have done d. shall do  a 36. We are him to arrive at our party. a. waiting b. hoping c. expecting d. wishing  c 37. That boy found learning to drive easy and his driving test the very first time. a. sat b. succeeded c. passed d. made  c 38. the wet weather, the performance went ahead. a. Although b. Owing to c. However d. In spite of  d 39. David was unemployed so he was financially dependent his wife. a. on b. to c. of d. from  a 40. Can you lend me some money? I'm very of cash at present. a. down b. scarce c. short d. empty  c 41. She always asks me questions …… are too difficult for me. a. which b. who c. where d. who  a 42. The vice-president will his intention to retire before the next election. a. announce b. tell c. inform d. promise  a 43. The terrorists the pilot of the plane to change direction. a. demanded b. made c. controlled d. forced  d 44. The singer ………. I admired is coming to my town next week. a. who b. which c. whose d. whom  d 45. After her long absence from school, she found it difficult to up with her friends. a. catch b. take c. made d. work  a 46. I'm going to my shirt dry-cleaned. a. have b. make c. send d. take  a 47. I do that if I were him. a. won't b. wouldn't c. shan't d. don't  b 48. My mother's application for a trading licence was a. held down b. let down c. put down d. turned down  d 49. The man was to steal the money when he saw it lying on the desk. a. attracted b. dragged c. tempted d. brought  c 50. Please go in. The manager is free you now. a. see b. will see c. to see d. seeing  c . ĐỀ THI CHẤT LƯỢNG CUỐI KỲ II NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN - ĐỀ 034 Pronunciation 1. a. living b. line c. rice d. nice > a 2 c Find the mistakes 7. Mining is the most importantest industry in this state. a. Mining b. importantest c. in d. this  b 8. Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have. their  b 10. Max would rather to be fishing from this boat in the lake than sitting at his desk in the office. a. to be fishing b. from this boat c. than d. at his desk  a 11. Please

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 19:22