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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 4 NĂM 2010-2011 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH ppsx

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SỞ GD & ĐT THANH HOÁ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 4 NĂM 2010-2011 TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM THỦY 1 Mụn thi: TIẾNG ANH ************** Thời gian làm bài 180 phỳt Họ và tờn: Số bỏo danh Question 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the reading passage below. Do you ever wish you were more optimistic,some one who always (1) to be successful? Having some one around who always (2)… the worst isn’t really a lot of (3)… We all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says,b “It looks (4)… rain.” But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it’s important to do something (5)… it. You can change your view of life, (6) to psychologists, it only takes a little effort, and you’ll find life more rewarding as a (7)… Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confi - dence, but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (8) Optimists are more (9) to start new projects and generally more prepared to take risks. Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (10) to the world. Some people are brought up to (11)… too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when any-thing (12)… wrong. Most optimists, on the (13)… hand, have been brought up not to (14)… failure as the end of the world-they just (15) with their lives. 1.A.counte B. expected C. felt D. waited 2.A. worries B. cares C. fears D. doubts 3.A. amusement B. play C. enjoyment D. fun 4.A. so B.to C. for D. like 5.A. with B. against C. about D. over 6.A. judging B. according C. concerning D. following 7.A. result B. reason C. purpose D. product 8.A. supply B. suggest C. offer D. propose 9.A. possible B. likely C. hopeful D. welcome 10.A. opinion B. attitude C. view D. position 11.A. trust B. believe C. depend D. hope 12.A. goes B. falls C. comes D. turns 13.A. opposite B. next C. other D. far 14.A. regard B. respect C. suppose D. think 15.A. get up B. get on C. get out D. get over Question 2: Fill in each numbered blank with the most suitable word by choosing A, B,C or D. Computers are helpful in many ways: First, they are fast. They can work with information much more quickly than a person. (16)… ,computers can work with lots of information at the (17)… time. Third, they can keep (18)… for a long time. They do not forget things the way (19)… do. Also, computers are almost always correct. They are not (20) , of course, but they don’t usually make mistakes. These days, (21) is important to know something about computers. There are a number of ways to (22) Some companies have classes at work. Also, most universities offer day and (23)… courses in computer science. Another way to learn is (24)… a book. There are many books about computers in bookstores and libraries. Or you can learn from a friend. After a few hours of practice you can work with (25)… You may not be an expert, but you can have fun. 16.A. two B. second C. the second D. the two 17.A. same B. the same C. same as D. same of 18.A. the information B. informations C. information D. informational 19.A. on B. at C.in D. to 20.A.perfectly B. more perfectly C. perfect D. more perfect 21.A. it B. them C. its D. they 22.A. learning B. learn C. learnt D. be learning 23.A. day B. daily C. the night D. night 24.A. with B. in C. from D. on 25.A. computers B. computer C. the computers D. the computer Question 3: Supply the correct form of the word in brackets by choosing the best answer. 26. The police are interested in the sudden of the valuable painting. (appear) A. appear B. appear C. disappearance D. appearance 27. I believe you because I know you are (true) A. truthful B. truthfully C. true D. to true 28. I feel so………….that I’m going to bed. (sleep) A. slept B. sleeps C.to sleep D. sleepy 29. The cost of…………. must be paid by the buyer. (carry) A. to carry B. carriage C. carry D. carries 30. I was late because I………… how much time I need. (estimate) A. estimated B. estimately C. underestimate D. estimate 31. Even if you are good at a game,you shouldn’t be (confident) A. overconfident B. unconfident C. confident D. confidentable 32. Many buildings were ………….after the earthquake in 1980. (build) A. built B. building C. to build D. rebuilt 33. Most people who work feel that they are (pay) A. paying B. underpaid C. paymet D. paid 34. She‘s having a rest because she had been (work) A. overworking B. worked C. to work D. working 35. I’d lost my key so I couldn’t the door when I got home. (lock) A. locked B. to lock C. unlock D. locking Question 4: Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown 36. Do you have a good relationship with your boss? A. Are you getting along with your boss? B. Are you geting along to your boss? C. Are you geting along with your boss? D. Are you getting along to your boss? 37. She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will. A. Her uncle didn’t leave her anything to his will. B. Her uncle didn’t leave her anything on his will. C. Her uncle didn’t leave her anything in his will. D. Her uncle didn’t leaved her anything in his will. 38.The only thing they didn’t steal was the television. A. They stole anything except for the TV. B. They stole everything except the TV. C. They stole everything except to the TV. D. They stole everything except for the TV. 39. It seems that no-one predicted the correct result. A. No-one seem to have predicted the correct result. B. No-one seems to have predicted the correct result. C. No-one seems to has predicted the correct result. D. No-one seems have predicted the correct result. 40. They had been lost in the mountains for three days, but they looked strong and healthy. A. Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three days,they looked strong and healthy. B. Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three days,they look strong and healthy. C. Even though they had been lost the mountains for three days,they looked strong and healthy. D. Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three day,they looked strong and healthy. 41. I’ll find that man,no matter how long it takes. A. However long it may takes,I’ll find that man. B. However long it may take,I’ll find that man. C. However long its may take,I’ll find that man. D. However long it may taked,I’ll find that man. 42. Let’s invite the Browns to the party on Sunday. A. He suggested inviting the Browns to the party Sunday. B. He suggested inviting Browns to the party on Sunday. C. He suggested inviting the Browns the party on Sunday. D. He suggested inviting the Browns to the party on Sunday. 43. He can shout even louder but I still won’t take any notice. A. No matter how much louder he can shout,I still won’t take many notice. B. No matter how much louder he can shout,I still will take any notice. C. No matter how much louder he can shout,I still won’t take any notice. D. No matter how many louder he can shout,I still won’t take any notice. 44. It was such a marvellous opportunity that we mustn’t miss it. A. It’s too marvellous for we to miss an opportunity. B. It’s too marvellous for us to miss an opportunity. C. It’s so marvellous for us to miss an opportunity. D. It’s too marvellous for us to miss opportunity. 45. The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor. A. We have had the whole of the first floor finished by the decorators. B. We have had the whole of the first floor finished by the decorator. C. We have had the whole of the first floor finish by the decorators. D. We have had the whole of the first floor finished the decorators. Question 5: Read the reading passage carefully and then choose A, B, C or D. A gold rush is the rapid relocation of large numbers of people to an area where gold has been discovered. Gold rushes capture the imagination and participation of many people because of the magical lure of gold and the potential for overnight affluence. The greatest gold rush in United States history was the California Gold Rush in 1849. The rush first began in 1848 when a carpenter named James Marshall discovered gold on the property of John A.Sutter in the Sacramento Valley.Hired to build a sawmill on the banks of the American River. Marshall had hardly begun work when he started finding nugget after nugget of gold.News of the discovery at Sutter’s mill spread quickly,and soon thousands of persons were laying claims in the area.These people,called “forty-niners”,rushed in from all over the world. In just two years,the population of California increased from about 26,000 to 380,000.Cons-equently, California was officially admitted to the union as state in September of 1850. The free-spending style of the successful miners helped to turn communities such as Sacramento and San Francisco into prosperous towns. Those who were not so lucky became farmers and ranchers in the Central Valley of California. 46. What is the best title for this passage? A. Famous Gold Rush B. The Forty-Niners C. The Lure of Gold D. The California Gold Rush of 1849 47. According to the passage, people joined gold rushes because: A. they were guaranteed over- night wealth. B. gold held a magical power for everyone. C. they believed they had a chance of becoming affluent. D. they had very active imaginations. 48. It can be inferred from the passage that the California gold rush: A. provided most “forty-niners”with long term mining work. B. attracted people from every country in the world. C. spread through out the central Valley. D. greatly speeded up the development of California. 49. According to the passage,where was gold first discovered? A. At Sutter’s mill. B. On James Marshall’s property near Sacramento. C. In the streambed of the American River. D. In the Central Valley of California. 50. According to the passage,what qualified California to be admitted to union? A. The status of statehood B. The great increase in population C. The political efforts of successful miners D. The prosperity of California communities Question 6: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 51. He no sooner……… (reach) the door than he……… (come) back. A. had no sooner reached / came B. doesn’t sooner reached / came C.đidn’t sooner reached / came D. have no sooner reached / came 52. I…….(be) very careful not to hint or remind her in any way of what she… (tell) me. A. was / has told B. were / had told C. was / told D. was / had told 53. While he …….(learn) to drive he ……… (have) twenty five accidents. A. is learning / had B. was learning / had C. was learning / has D. learnt/ had 54. He……… (have) a bad fall while he ……… (repair) his roof. A. had / was repairing B. had / is repairing C. had / repaired D. has / was repairing 55. He was a little mad. He always ……(try) to prove that the earth was flat. A. trying B. tries C. tried D. to try 56. Tom ……(sit) in a corner with a book. I …… (tell) him that he was reading in very bad light. A. is sitting / tell B. is sitting / told C. sat / told D. was sitting / told 57. I …… (get) into the garden to see what the boys…… (do).James ……(weed) and Alex was cutting the grass. A. got / were doing / was weeding B. get / were doing / was weeding C. got / were doing / weeded D. got / were doing / were weeding Question 7: * Find a word that the pronunciation of the underline part is diffrent from those words. 58. A. sound B. doubt C. count D. would 59. A. sink B. bank C. banner D. sing 60. A. intermediate B. immediate C. medium D. medicine 61. A. steal B. great C. bean D. meal 62. A. asked B. helped C. kissed D. wanted * Find a word that the main stress is diffrent from those words. 63. A. caution B. alarm C. argue D. data 64. A. forest B. magnate C. notice D. today 65. A. tomorrow B. undergo C. privation D. relation 66. A. except B. bellow C. combine D. curtail 67. A. extra B. over C. lecture D. suppose Question 8: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 68. from Bill, all the students said they would go. A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate 69. I looked every where but I couldn't find at all. A. anyone B. no one C. someone D. somebody 70. Because of heavy rain, the game was put for a few days. A. out B. off C. up D. away 71 Over work is to cause increased stress. A. possible B. probably C. obviously D. likely 72 we had been invited to dinner, we wore our best suits. A. Though B. As C. If D. If so 73. She came in quietly not to wake the baby. A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so 74. I am not sure the green coat is. A. who's B. who C. whose D. whom 75. At the hospital I was told that I gave up smoking immediately my illness would get much worse. A. except B. until C. without D. unless 76. you hurry, you won't catch the bus. A. As B. Although C. Except D. Unless 77. Steve Davis won the trophy last year, is already out of this year's competition. A. who B. that C. he D .  78. It was a simple question that everyone answered it corrrectly. A. so B. such C. much D. too 79. She wondered her father looked like now, after so many years away. A. how B. whose C. that D. what 80. As soon as the firebell rang everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of building gathered in the car park. A. while B. then C. before D. to ĐÁP ÁN - HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 4 Đáp án là những câu in màu . SỞ GD & ĐT THANH HOÁ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 4 NĂM 2010-2011 TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM THỦY 1 Mụn thi: TIẾNG ANH ************** Thời gian làm bài 180 phỳt Họ và tờn: Số bỏo danh Question. gathered in the car park. A. while B. then C. before D. to ĐÁP ÁN - HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 4 Đáp án là những câu in màu . her anything in his will. 38.The only thing they didn’t steal was the television. A. They stole anything except for the TV. B. They stole everything except the TV. C. They stole everything

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2014, 13:20


