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Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 14 ppsx

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Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 14 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. catastrophe b. propose c. become d. survive 2. a. treatment b. struggle c. initiate d. total 3. a. symbol b. emergency c. poverty d. qualify 4. a. appalled b. dedicated c. designed d. injured 5. a. society b. delegate c. president d. protection Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one. 1. According to the Red Cross 1998 had been _______ worst year for natural disasters in modern times. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 2. During the flood, Army helicopters came and tried to evacuate _______ injured. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 3. Africa has always had a large migratory population because of war and _______ famine. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 4. The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on _______, race, religion, class or political opinions. a. national b. nationally c. nationality d. native 5. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. a. human b. humanity c. humanization d. humanitarian 6. In former days, after the battles soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field without any _______ attendance and basic care. a. medicine b. medical c. medication d. medically 7. The International Red Cross has about 97 million volunteers whose main _______ is to protect human life and health. a. mission b. experience c. organization d. rule 8. The International Red Cross helps to ensure respect for the human being, and to prevent and relieve human _______. a. protection b. enjoyment c. wealthy d. sufferings 9. The International Committee Red Cross has about 12,000 staff members worldwide, about 800 of them working4in its Geneva _______. a. factories b. companies c. headquarters d. buildings 10. The Red Cross on white background was the original protection _______ declared at the 1864 Geneva Convention. a. poster b. billboard c. symbol d. signal 11. The Red .Cross is an international organization that helps people who are suffering from the results of war, diseases or _______. a. victims b. disasters c. opportunities d. conditions 12. An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of Red Cross Societies in 1991. a. started b. helped c. treated d. dedicated 13. In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war. a. mounted b. excited c. devoted d. interested 14. _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die. a. Disaster b. Famine c. Poverty d. Flood. 15. Go _______ this book because it has the information you need. a. over b. by c. off d. on 16. Helen has gone out and she will not be _______ till midnight. a. off b. along c. back d. away 17. Everything is _______ you. I cannot make _______ my mind yet. a. out off / on b. up to / up c. away from / for d. on for / off 18. There is no food left. Someone must have eaten it _______. a. out b. up c. off d. along 19. The explorers made a fire to _______ off wild animals. a. get b. keep c. take d. go 20. If something urgent has _______ up, phone me immediately and I will help you. a. picked b. come c. kept d. brought 21. The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off one hour late. a. took b. turned c. cut d. made 22. Be careful! The tree is going to fall. a. Look out b. Look up c. Look on d. Look after 23. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA. a. come around b. set up c. made out d. put on 24. Within their home country, National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies assume the duties and responsibilities of a national relief society. a. take on b. get off c. go about d. put in 25. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt. a. put on b. went off c. got out d. kept up 26. The AIDS _______ continues to spread around the world. Up to 4,000 people are infected with the HIV virus every single day. a. treatment b. epidemic c. tsunami d. damage 27. A _______ is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and destroys things. a. famine b. catastrophe c. tsunami d. flood 28. By the end of World War II, 179 _______ of the Red Cross had conducted 12,750 visits to POW (prisoner of war) camps in 41 countries. a. conferences b. symbols c. missions d. delegates 29. We oppose this war, as we would do any other war which created an environmental catastrophe. a. pollution b. disaster c. convention d. epidemic 30. The first relief assistance mission organized by the League was an aid mission for the _______ of a famine and subsequent typhus epidemic in Poland. a. leaders b. authorities c. victims d. organizers 31. The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless wounded and homeless. a. poor b. imprisoned c. suffered d. injured 32. They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather. a. get through b. put off c. keep up with d. go over 33. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death. a. turn off b. take on c. get over d. keep up with 34. He did not particularly want to play any competitive sport. a. use up b. do with c. take up d. go on 35. I am tired because I went to bed late last night. a. stayed up b. kept off c. put out d. brought up 36. How are you _______ on with your work? - It is OK. a. calling b. getting c. laying d. looking 37. One of the tasks of the Red Cross is also to support local _ care projects. a. health b. healthy c. healthful d. healthily 38. The International Red Cross started over 135 years, inspired by _______ Swiss businessman, Jean Henri Dunant. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 39. When was _______ United Nations established? a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 40. One of the core tasks of the Red Cross is to organize nursing and _____ for those who are wounded on the battlefield. a. care b. attention c. victim d. catastrophe 41. Fifty per cent of road accidents results in head injuries. a. examines b. heals c. causes d. treats 42. Jean Henri Dunant was appalled by the almost complete lack of care for wounded soldiers. a. dedicated b. shocked c. interested d. excited 43. The mission statement of the International Movement as formulated in the "Strategy 2010" document of the Federation is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. a. weak and unprotected b. wealthy and famous c. poor and disabled d. deaf and mute 44. Did your son pass the university entrance examination? a. make up b. get along c. go up d. get through 45. What may happen if John will not arrive in time? a. go along b. count on c. keep away d. turn up 46. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside. a. calls on b. keeps off c. takes in d. goes up 47. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic. a. take up b. turn round c. put off d. do with 48. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take _______ you at all. a. after b. along c. up d. over 49. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well ____ her classmates. a. from b. with c. for d. to 50. I would be grateful if you kept the news _______ yourself. Do not tell anyone about it. a. from b. to c. for d. at 51. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away. a. get b. fall c. throw d. make 52. They were late for work because their car _______ down. a. got b. put c. cut d. broke 53. The authority _______ down that building to build a supermarket. a. knocked b. came c. went d. fell CHÚ Ý : Học thuộc lòng những ghi nhớù sau : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… . Đề kiểm tra chất lượng HKI Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 14 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently. wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war. a. mounted b. excited c. devoted d. interested 14. _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of. d. excited 43. The mission statement of the International Movement as formulated in the "Strategy 2010" document of the Federation is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 13:20