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Writing Skills For GRE-GMAT Episode 1 Part 1 pptx

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relots p.trun . uroP6ur) Pel'un . u'ods ' erodoours . o)rxew . oPouo) ' orlorltnv s,Nosu3r3d -_ +- NOSTAIOHJ g I \ F t{ t -rHowrsoN + PETERSON'S About The Thomson Corporstlon snd Peterson's Wlth revsnues ol USS7.2 billion, The Thomson Corporation (www.thomson.com) is a leading global provid€r ol Int€grsted inlormalion solutions tor buslnsss, €ducation, and prolessional customers' lts L€aming business€s and brands i;.;;;b"ring.com) serve the needs ol individuals, leaming Institutions, and corporations with products and servrc€s lor bolh traditional 8nd distributed leaming p€terson,s, parl ol The Thomson corporation, is one ol the nation's most resp€cted providars ol lil€long lsamino onllne resources, sottware, releronca guides, and books. The Education SupersitesM ai www.petersons.Com-ths Intemst'8 mosl hgavily traveled €ducatiot resource-has searchable databases and interactive tools lor conlacting U.S.'8ccr€ditsd inrrii"rio"r ino programs. In addition, Peterson's serves more than 105 million education consumers annually' Fof more inlormation. contacl Peterson's,2OO0 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville' NJ 0B&B; 8OO'338-3282; or lind us on lhe World wide Web at www'patersons cony'about' ' COPYRIGHT @ 2OO2 Peterson's, a division ol Thomson Leaming' Inc' Thomson Lsamingrr is a trademark used herein under license' ALL RIGFrS RESERVED' No pad ol this work covered by the coPyright herein may be reproduced or used in any lorm or by any means-graphic, eleclronic' or mechanical' inlJing pttoto"opying, recording, taping, Web distribution, or inlormation stoiage and - - ' ret.ievsisys'toms I,ithout lhe prio|writlen permission ol the publisher' For Dsrmission to u6e matgriat trom this tsxt or product, contaqt us by Phone: 80G73G2214 Fax:800730'2215 Web: wwwlhomsonrights.com rsBN 07689-109+3 Pnnled in the Uniied States ol America 10987654321040302 ruo2'suosJztad nntm srsnl Jtjt9nV9 arlt ttI s17tt1t s-trtlt.t111 a s,uovatad 6S ss zt cr, t, I€ tc bc ua ,z LC 9r LL o 5 8 8 8 v 'f t sluaururo) puu saldIrJESHaqJJerS luarueJJoJ:rneu se sI JJtrT luarrJeJroli[nau Lessg anssl rnol roJ SI,NOCI puu s.OO (arurn4s s,^t(ess1 rno ) scepl .mo; SuIz.rucBJO sJarIrO Sqr.VaU puc uoFlsod Jno Squoddns snssl a{l uo uoplsod Y Suldolaaaq IscI SuDlJ \ anssl alp or sdals 8 """"""'ADssl anssl Suyorg-q6lX o asoduot ol'troH 1sa1 cpsordel6 €q1lrr[ IeJI]K1utrv saJo)SJo osn puu SrrP:odag a:org 8rr.uor5 pue rtop"nlclg .{zssg a)uJralql :alndwo3 8.rpprt1 lcrlldlelry aql )lsrl SuIrIlA\ 1uaun8.ry eq1 r1sc1 3rrPu11 enssl aql aruclg u ru €rrypat 1ulp,(Tcrrg M{9 puu :rug I z uDd " 6u;1;r16lt tlr^tlluv MUe PUD lue trnoqv sltnl aqt llv Jorlrnv atrr lnoqY {oog s.rq1 14 Pasn qoqurdg r5uor1 Sqrpat prpdfcrry JVyV5r Put -:nI9 roJ s3)rnosag FuoIlTppY {oog qn{I uro{ urDaf II.no ltrla suopsan| dzssn 1yry9 prrc iruC Jo .qood. fqrETO aql !6.oux pFoqs noa r(8olor4u:aa SrrFrsal auos iruory roN aJ,notr e)Iqoqd-dessg 5uP!r15 l|'rlIAF ulil lvw9 PUD !u0 rot APDoU Io€) I lrDd SINEINO) uo!lrnPorlul Pqrl 3 How lo Write o lligh-scoring Arqumenl EssaY e S; s to thc Argument Writing Task O.r"rrrz-* Your ldea-s (Your [ssa1"s Structurc) ;;:"*"ttttg and Handling Flaws in GRE and GI{Ar Argumcnts DO's and DON'Ts for Your Argument Essa-Y lf You Ilave More Timc Rcinforccrnent Excrcises Reinforcernent Exercises Samples and Comrnents Port 4 Writing Style crnd Mechcrnics "'""'"""" 12r Your Grerall Voice and Tooe 1)Z Develoi;;ng a Pet"3i'13 5' r: 'i'i-::iti::; S' r: Connecting Your Ideas Togethe: 1': Refcrences to Yourself and to thc' Statement or Afgument 1?' 727 71 77 80 84 106 107 108 111 Your S€ntences Your Facility with the English I-anguage Your Grao-anar DO's and DOIYTs for lVriting Style and Mecharrics Porl 5 Somple Essuys lor 2O Officiql GR'E lssues "" 145 \33 138 r43 -Ferrl Psrrt 6 gomple Essuys tor 20 Ofticicrl GRE Argumenls"""""' '""'"'""""""" !69 7 Sumple Essoys ']ar 20 Officicrl GMAT lssues Fsrt I Somple Essays'for 20 Officicrl GIIIJ\T Argumenls ' " ""'1"-"""' 211 r93 u uu-petqrtons.com Petcrron's ","Vi#'i/f;# u t tt.t -s t t <lstal ad,nto t o t a./r Jq[ strirs d-u!rrar"t": "Y,]L?#: ^"" ;,T il ::llii iJ::-:l:': o^u,,r1 r(,, :,:,:cr;,,| <,: r);i no.,i dtrrr or sro()(r o- j.r.rli]-tjl_,^"t,, ,a,",,i ,l,io J(r (D ldur)r)r: rs)tur) *,r"q,a.1 .11111,1 ;;;;:l#Xr,,t;:lllfi:m:lilAi:1ffi i rN o rv #;H;; J;"L, " o "o _Avss! 'tsal lql uo 3;rs 11rar. nol:ruar o^,r l1r Jo urrr'r", ,rurrl"lroJ pJrudrrd aq no.i dlorl llrm pal*Arr s'q .(sJ-E) ,",-r. ,,-l]-9tt-suops:nb ;;:.;:'ffi q)lq^t 'stu'x) ,*,*TLoi;i:,;,:1;;iii:li"',ilf ;',T,'.J:"i;'lH::# pr','u.up';.;;;;:;';:il:: j,'r";:TiJ*:.:"""";1ffi ""x,";:'::l;?l"lT,::::''"'**f ;J;,';::n:;1,";l q,s"r-qi",:l"," J ;;::-"-':::p.pux rno' uio a pu" I u3runf,: ruaurniry,* r" "*"#,1f ,il:; j: j.lt",#.H .gH? :w2 aqJ uo Jluql auqJ ,^ 'Crwv) dqt uo rlutlr aut! uo F r so d r E qr u o o o ^ r, lli ! i''s i t t ri-""t' l"" r* " " t *o E r uo uorrsorl " ,0.o, ,,""1?1lt- o.,rnrl* ;;;:;;tr""T'r:l; u r ; o s,s,{ ;c uy,. d;l';:,fi:'# :"t3:fl::,:iH,?]i:.; :Lvjtc rql uo s TUg :rtr u, raqro rlr'a d ##:;l.tT"u'lJppuassa a:r'pp: -uadxa ru,rsar ,,ru, ,o ,,1] 11^ :**t ll'* # ;H;t"*'" sullar ul ,s,lrleu",.oo j,i",lio,ir',iTi:fl j"::r:": jl,ffi"f.,'jr: '':;lHr'1fi ?:iill',,L":-::yp.rqrxao,r,,,;:l,'ili.T"ffi *i j - i^lmou)s uruxr ,rnor ,; ,.'::1o 1fu t* or aruof, a^,n r Lr od )r{L .s*rcrr;ddz or*rn o' llllo ^*,,*-rir"r'r"'' t tol "{lelcu n::og rlrru rn 'pu' 3rrrEr'o-rr3d "",i]:-T"t t""-t t-i"ur ,ill o'no^ o't" tt rv,lrc pu' *, ". ffi .l'fi L*ff ''';TiA:'H,.,,il,":i#";; c.\ILIrua\ rvfl,t.1ffi I\trrg uo if,ue uod ^Gtdu Ir9 uollrnpof*Uf , exam's multiplc-choicc scctions. Wh)'do so mxn)'tcst txkcrs ncSlcct n;ll)'ti' cal writing wben it comcs lo GRE and GI{ T prep? Probablv for one or more of the followins rcxsons: - A.l. 4,E /de'{^ut o Tbc task is iititnidating bccause therc's ttu roottt I(,t' Sttcsstt'ork' During thc exam s multiPlc-choice sections, J'ou can scorc Points b)' makin8 lucl!r'. mndom guesses and bi' makinS so-called "cdtt- cated" gucsscs (bY eliminxting somc answer choices). But it's impossible to fake vottr wav through tltc essa r' sections. " Scoring lbc cssa.vs k so subjectiuc. lt's dilficult to knorv what thc readers will reward you for and where )'ou sund in relation to other tesr takers-or so you think. o vVriting cssays is such Isard uork. organizing and compositS' an essay inherentl)' rcquires far more activiry, bodr menully and Ph)'si- cat\', than anallzing and answering a muldple{hoice questlon. o Tbe/e are so manJ' posslble essa! questions but so ltttlc time to get read), for tbenL Sktce Efi has predisclosed all of the questions' y'ou mi6fit feel you're at a compeddve disadwantage unlcss you're ready for each and every one of them' And given a pool of 250 quesdons, who hes the time, let alone tbe bnin Power' to 8et ready for every single one? Not you-so you wondcr why you should cven bothcr tryin8. Take hean: Nearll'all your peers experience similar insecuriries about the GRE or GMAT w.iting tasks. And by picking up tNs book, )'ou've uken :ln imponent firsr srep toward overcoming your anxieq'! GRE General Test or GIiE (Graduate Reard bam). Sining for this exam is a prerequisite for admission to tnany college and universiq' I graduate progmms (['fastcrs and Ph.D.). The GR.E is desiSned to mcasure :l broad rangc of verbal, quandtative, and anzlytical writing abilides' Remem- bcr' the exam is offcred onl)' bl' computcr now (except in some rcmbte locations outside thc U.S.). SOME TESTING TER'{IINOLOGY YOU SHOUID KR{OW Tluoughout this book, I refer ro vadous acronyms ard other terms that resr makers use and you should know. This ffst one is for GRE as well as GMAT test ul(ers: ETS This is the nonProfit organizstion that creates the GRE and GMAT tesls, administcrs the exams, and repor6 exam scorcs to the gr"aduatc schools. ETS also conducts onSoing research Proiects aimed at improving its tests. GRE Trnr'rrNorocv unauJpete6ots,cotn Petction\ '. Wltting Sk k for:tlte GRE/GMAT Tesa ' .'gt r._.1rt@tu osat ad m m ot ar tt[ str,K iuupa:tt'! t?:r?g;: rqr or pur: Jrun x sx.r"' -t1:tt' qloq roj sprr:^\l: sJ.] lrq) JroJs tlSuts pt,[ Jvr,tD ].,qr urJrr )JlJ]s ^Essr Jvllc o^\l lq: ot 3ug:aJar '' "'n'r- )qt sr srqJ .(juaussassv Sur j!-tAl tDrlJ/Cttrula yN\y -:Brurur)rrnp".rssno::-1llro{sror.rsrururpr:Joorruo*""t.r",uurllT; f\rtto .Suluodar )JoJs pur uorlDnlcna rrrr*" or"rrrorr: qtrar sa:npero:d pur s:1r1yod ur s:Bu alqrssod rnoqr sJ! *r^ "ut alqtssod lnoqs pw J\,lllo-*rr u1 sruaruauga: uorssrrup'**r,L'#11,.:f ,r,"H3,:,1T,:i*HrT1T:#:; iurynu-Ar1ocJ s\L . 0 rJurro7 tto r ss! rapy jt u a uahu urllar ro rporC) f, vl^lg 'luouls sr "IvWc" ru{uo ' IYf, J,vrll5" tlllrrl snoui 14 rdrJxa) ^ou ,rrnol"" a$ '('s'n rql 3pls:no suoR'Jol elourJ, aruos 8.ryp^rcrnrpw;J";"*f H"rr'r;{:,:rr#ilTJj::,,,"HT ol pau,31sep.s1 ,*U :p- .(surrfoJd Vg]/D ,""U", *r**O olunpu.rS "r;l;;oi'fi*if,!,)f9tjr-i::-::11r'-gf i-"."lnn,orrorurs(,"n2 to!snutpv luauiaEouolg aTonpttg.) IvJ IWtc .:i*,j:l:''""lhi:1#*.il_:#Tl,;1','"Til;'inffi ;il;fi lrqr uo >lsxr Bq:paa :arpo aqr Jo eurxu ,q, ,, rn11 ,;r;;; ,. ezJprrv asur:addn uE aulsn) "Jnssl" pJo^l alStns ,rIJ ,{q l o::aga: , .nooo .r* l;to -rrrnorlr .Tu9 arrr go uorrrrs€ypzo, *r,J,"* ,ul ,j"r;, r*rg^ o,r', ,r Jo auo Jo Jruuu rqr sr slqr .ansql ,r" .ro .,.o"J"r.0i"" o ,.rrr.ro ^eo'toNlwrsl rvwe 'tueurssrssy BuFfr^ TUC Tt jff ::::'J,l'Jff : T: 15' te e :' r,,".;-r;;;;Hs,3: si?T,llll."li';i:.1i_3:;;;#';::,'i,?,.i%?ff 'i?; 3IIJ 8tru)Jsrurujp" ,rtrq Sf^a . vvv r rrer er rudllssJssv dt4rlJ^\ !ru9 ''or 'L)DU)D' sr ]Ern rcrr .,,^- }:^it: aIF Jo uon)5s €upgr('JDJIT{Juuv ,:J i' i. :l$ o: I.'P''pr s! t'rlr rset ruop.plrqs " "r rng, rrrr-"o;##fffir: -'-' J'qoDo Jo s? gug Jr;l uo Jr.au sr rronisc r.ri 'zooz -, ' -6JpnlJrn :sqr ru9 ,* ,o u ^'u sT uoFJfs lsel s.nll 's4scl 8uDu,{ o,J""",i t" n olrras aqr sl sFlI -rroFlras Eungar prp,tpul/ 9NUUM'lv3ll^-tvNv IVt 9 UO lu9 UOJ AOvSu 139 THE OFFIGIAT OUESTIONS Aldysis of an lssue. This is ihc namc of onc of thc two GIIAT essn\' lasks. Throu8hout this book l reler to ii b]'$e sioglc word 'lssuc'(uiing an uPrterc;lsc'1") Ainlysis oI srr A-rgumcnL This is tirc namc ol thc olbcr GMAT cssr) tasks. Tlrou8hout this book l refer to it b\. the sinSle s'ord 'Argumen{_ (usin8 xn uppcrcase "l-). OPOOLSO OF GRE AND GMAT ESSAY During yolr GRE (or GI'l T) sirtinS, thc comPurcrized testinS system s'ill r-andomly select your lssuc and Argirmenl qucstions from a la!8c databasc, or'pool." CYou won l know beforehand which panicular qucstions the tcsiing system will.Pres€nl to you.) ETS ha5 Prcdisclosed ils completc Pool of cssay qucsdons for each of the rsto cxzml. To ger the Sreatcst Possiblc benc6t Jrom this book, especirlly -&om the s3mple essays in Pans 5_8, you should obiein your omciel lisl They're aYrilablc on line, and the GlvtAT list is also aErlable in print (For delar]s, see belo$.) Tns Poot or'GRE EssrY QurmoHs Txt PooL or-GMAT EssnY Qursrotcs wu.pct6ons.com Thc official list (pool) of GRI Analltical Writin8 quesoons cunenuy . consists ol 125 lssucs and 125 Argumcn6. H€r€ ate th.ec different ways to obtlin the comPlet€ list: . vielv the list, free of charge and v,.ithout regis(rition, at the oficial GRE Web site (www.8rc org) Folloq' the lir$i !o thc description of thc GRiE Gcneral Test, then locate the description of the Ana\'tical vlitin8 scction. Therc, you'll lind seParate Lhks to the lis! of lssues and lisr of A-rguments . Unk ditcc-rly to th€ lssue and A4lumcnt [sts from my GRE Analyti- c.l .wrilitg Wcb sitc (www.s'cs!.oet/-s!cwart/8rewa)' . Thc tq,o lists tntgrl be a ilablc from ETS in Printed form For the latcs! inJomation, check my update Page at this book's llreb site !wlw.wcsi.nc/-srewtn/ws) Thc,oficir-l list (pool) of GMAT essay qucstions (fer the admissions yexr 20Ol-02) consisls of 125 Issues and 125 Argumeot5 Hcre are tfuee diffcrent ways to obtain the lisr: - DoE:r oad thc lst, 6ec of charBe and without rcgistErion' from thc GM,{C'S ofiicial GMAT Web sit€ (www.mba conr) The list is availabj€ only as a PDF (ponable docummt fortnat) file' not as an Pcrcrton\ t, Wdunr Shllls for the GRE/GMAT TcsLr E BoxttotLttt.J otanl . sttzJ Jwtz/4tc a.tt )Ql sltt?ts nuttu/1\ | s,uosra@.l I t .ruYd. 's.rrjEt ls)r l:qto iq prsodr!o:) siliss) prjols qtl^\ s,irssa Jno,( SuuEdLuoJ /iq pur lttletFrJ BulJoJs lr,JgJo aqt Sulsn lq ,{essa u,{o lno; JJoJs utqt ll.nol suoDrpuoJ urrx, patl]lnur!s rrpun slsr) SsFU^r )Dsor,€[D o,1Al uuolad Il,nol 'l lxd Jo pur l1 ]v peuodoJ puv ,ptltnrrlr) ,paJo)s aJc sz(rssa :no,i ,t og . JossJ)o:d plo^l IDlJads s,arixxf, aqt Jo rJedxr ol tEr1,J( . J)qLl3)ut rJlndulor )uJulssxsy Aul)uA\ aql rnoqV . 9ulurnSrv pr'[ srnssl frrrdLr rnoqv . suortJrs ,{rssa onN erp loJ sJlru ptmojg . :urErl ll,nol l.rjtd ul Oururn8rv pln rnssD suoll)rs lxssr qloq qtr^\ Irsnol ,zgc[J.nrrj.[,no,( .Fq,t, .rsuJud rqr $ I urd 'slood IYl)gJo orlr lllo{ qu:run8rv pw sansq Jo Arlrx^ ! or rasuodsJ.r l.poru 3t'lpnrs,{q '}-I surd 14 p€r no,( tBq,$ qddE or ,$.oq uj[al lJ.nol 'g-S suBd ur 'utql rDluruo4^u! SBls!] s.ujcxo erF Jo euJr_Ds -uo) c(F u.nprra IlB-s,{tssa J}'y,I5 ro gtJD alqrssod rs.q Jno.( asoduloJ pur 'lzJlrr8Jo ,urJotsurEjq ot,.aorJ urxel n,no,( 't-I suEd uI .uor,r xdrJd lEssa M,{g puc gliS roj .Jnoser ouoJs-pusrs r sv pesilslp sJ looq slql )tooa $HI WOUi NUtfit tt,nol, J,vtr/ut '(SlJ ruo{ rrjt ltrrating uo11ouuolu11y1g9 FDuJo rqr rr prqsrqnd Joft rru suons:nb orll G6.6lg lnatoaY JWt Jof apn,g p,4!!O acLI :uoFrtrIqnd pf,rrryd E 14 suoPsedb lEssrl\,'I,{t aqr saqqlqnd 5;g .(trdr/ur^r.rs-lt!u.tsaa.na.n,$) erls qa^\ Al4lul( JclrrlfEug I}'J^15 lrU cl^ r^oqr paqursrp .l1l Jod oqr pEolu,noo '8€-92 sr3ed uo srnsst.qt pul] gz-l s!3rd uo sru.tun8rv.ql prnJ ll,no,{:q)Burl ur soSrd 8t sr e[J aql.srnssl 9ZI pnx nurrrnfuV <Zl fF surouoJ 5Ir-I rl8lns V .(r8rd qrAD rFJ.,Ir{Ul oNUUM tV3[ ]VNV lvr!9 UO ]Ue uol ACv:u u9 Pr,nrs 2 rxo 3 Panr 4 Fanrs5,6;Z; nNo 8 F:nsJ-8 contaiIr resPonscs to somc of ttre lssuestand AtS1rmcnls from the officjal GRE "nd GMAT Pools (Pais 5 and 6 are for GRE tcst taxcrs ontli Prfis 7 alrld 8 are for CM-,IT ies' td(crs onty ) As you rcad thcsc essays' kccp in mind they were not composcd under dmed condirions Also' I did quite a bjt of finc_tul1ing to male rhem bcner models for you to study So don t De concemed if yorlt t"oy' *tn't "t polished as minc Dc rcelishc aoout wnarto& c?n producc under cx3m conditions- Pans 2 and 3 Providc thc bxsic tiiining ]'ou nccd !o scorc iour besl on thc lssuc cssxl and Araun,cnr css:rt resPcctrvel! Thcs( rwo P:rns wxlk you, srepbv.sleP, tllrouFh the Proccss of . A^rltzing tlrc ls5uc (or AtFument), to cnsur( voul rJcrs rre lhr qPr ahet dle readers req'ard with i top scorc . Outlining and or8anizing your essa-v to achievc a cohesive Product in which your idcls flow logicelll'and cohercntlt Fom one to the nexr . Allocadn8 your dme to €nsura a Sood balancc betwcen depth and brud*r, so that you -'don't.cncl uP widr a trunclt'd essa) ' a roughdr-afr' or e.n outline'o"nly cssi)' :. Paft 2 also provides briinstoiming suggesdons and rcsoutces fo' the lssue .ssay to helP cnsurc that you'rc not caught without an]'thing to say aoout a i<sue at ;raoa Pen a' alsc 3"€a ;:ro grcrt dcPtJr about tHc srious :!cal frllr'- : "ri ^L-,cr rer"r:.:r: !:oblems that th' :st makers : :J i-:io GR! a?nd GIiAT A.r8umcnts and that you must re':?nj'' ''' 'rt :' scorc hiSh on your Argllmcnt cssay' You'll leam It"' '- ol'-' s5 eac -J; : .of problcm in an articulatc miincr, tlcrcby lclvin8 a disiincdy Posltive imprcssion on thc rcadcr' ! I In scoring your cssa-vs, GRE and GMAT readcrs take into accounl nol 'usl your ideas bur also how effcctivcll' your rvords, Phmses' tnd scntcnces . communicate those ide$ To ensurc yourselJ a loP scorc' J'ou sbould sFive to dedonsrrate the-followinS to the reaoer: . iir approp.,rrct] m"(urc writirrs sryle ,. Good conrol of the elemenls of stendard wrinen English (8.rafimar, .€ntcnce conslruclion, and scnrcncc scnse) . A solid cornmand of rhe Engush langua8e tllrough ProPer diclon (word' choice and usage) and idroms Pan 4 conlilrls a srylc su;de, a Srammrr rcview' and voclbulaty' usegc' 3nd idlorlr nps !o help yort accomPlish evcrything in rhe above list' \Y/rttnX Skuts lor the GRA/GMAT T6t' aruu.petasotlt om [...]... t()sL7t ;' d.,?t,n,, t stsal JW1t)/Ztt ar 11. to/ s 111 215 11 rt 711 ;t^t t s,uosJar4 ) r.lsll8ulurllu^\ p:r:fur.:rs slurtU)l) aql t() loJluo] (s)lduJl:xt put: suost;alq.lrlt) st:)pt.lrto,i uocldn5 o rzrurb )11 sr:pr:no,i ssa:dxe pur: do1t,r:rp o 1, su.rlc:r1 . thc GIWGMAT Tests |lEt e.fsorts.cofi I t. o t s I t()sL7t ;' d.,?t, n,, t ar 11 .to/ s 111 215 . ;t^t t 11 rt 711 3tuengrn pur :a,tod flnpt^lpq . , &otqq uro{ suossal Aunrrsa,I . Arnto{Jtrru. eq1 r1sc1 3rrPu 11 enssl aql aruclg u ru €rrypat 1ulp,(Tcrrg M{9 puu :rug I z uDd " 6u ;1; r16lt tlr^tlluv MUe PUD lue trnoqv sltnl aqt llv Jorlrnv atrr lnoqY {oog s.rq1 14 . iJ::-:l:': o^u,,r1 r(,, :,:,:cr;,,| <,: r);i no.,i dtrrr or sro()(r o- j.r.rli]-tjl_,^"t,, ,a,",,i ,l,io J(r (D ldur)r)r: rs)tur) *,r"q,a .1 .11 111 ,1 ;;;;:l#Xr,,t;:lllfi:m:lilAi:1ffi i

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