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  • Do exercises in Workbook (Page 9) into the notebooks

  • Write another text about one of their classmates

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Week: 1 Period:2 Date: 6/9/2007 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS LESSON 1 :GETTING STARTED+LISTEN & READ(P.10+11) A/ Objective :By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand the dialogue. Review the simple present tense and the simple past tense. B/ TECHNIQUES: Listening- Reading. C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercisebooks, Pictures, Cards, Posters, Gestures D/ PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES I/ Warm up : A/The boy are playing football B/ The girls are studying. C/ The boy are playing chess. D/ The girls are playing volleyball II/ Procedures : • Pre teach vocabulary : - (to) receive : nhận, tiếp nhận (Situation). - Neighbor : người hàng xóm (Example) - (to) look like : trông giống như (Example) • Checking : R and R • Set the scene : Draws Hoa and Lan on the board. They are talking about Nien, she is Hoa’ friend in Hue, she is going to visit Hoa at Christmas. 1/ Activity 1 : 2/ Activity 2 : Answer the questions : A/ Where does Nien live? B/ Does Lan know Nien ? C/ Which sentence tells you that Hoa is older than Nien ? D/ When is Nien going to visit Hoa ? KEY : A/ Nien lives in Hue. B/ No, she doesn’t know her. C/ “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class. D/ She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas - Sticks six pictures on the board - Asks ps to look at the pictures and talk about the activities - Model and guide Follows the steps to teach the vocabulary Reads the dialogue (3ts) (……………… ”…… ……………… ) Calls some pairs to practise asking and answering (page 11- textbook) Asks some others to repeat - Listen and look at the pictures on the board - Talk about the activities on them - Some others repeat Listen and guess (in Vietnamese, in English) Listen (books close) Listen and repeat (3ts) One asks and One answers Some pairs repeat LANGUAGE FOCUS : Asks ps to note the sentence “ She wasn’t old enough to be in my class “ Form : (NOT) ADJ + ENOUGH + TO DO … ([không] đủ…….để làm…………………………) Use : Để nói lên khả năng đủ hoặc không đủ làm một điều gì đó Practice : Some sentences in Workbook Page 9 III/ Homework : Do exercises in Workbook (Page 9) into the notebooks Writes and explains the structure Asks ps to pick up the form and say the use of the structure Asks ps to open the exercise book page 9 and do Look at the sentence and pick out the form Do the exercises Week : 1 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Period : 3 LESSON 2 : SPEAK (P.11+12) Date : A/ OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe someone and how to ask, answer when they are introduced. B/ TECHNIQUES : Speaking, Listening. C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercise books, Pictures, Posters, Gestures. D/ PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES I/ Warm up : Brainstorming II/ New lesson : • Pre teach vocabulary : - build (n) : dóc dáng - slim (adj) : mảnh dẻ - curly (adj) : xoăn, quăn - blond (adj) : vàng hoe • Checking : slap the board • Set the scene : Use the Mary’s picture (page 12) to describe her “ Mary is short and thin. She has long blond hair “ 1/ pre speaking : Use the adjectives in the table and look at the pictures to describe A/ Vân is tall and thin. He has short straight hair B/ Mr. Lai is short and fat He has bold head C/ Miss. Liên is tall and slim She has long dark hair D/ Ann is tall and slim. She has blond curly hair E/ Mr. Khôi is tall and thin He has short dark hair F/ Mary is tall and slim. She has long fair hair. 2/ While listening : Listen and gap fill. Use the expressions in the box (1) I’ d like you to meet (2) Nice to meet you (3) I’ d like you to meet (4) It’s a pleasure to meet you Asks ps go to the board and write the adjectives that they describe the build and hair of the person Following the steps to teach the vocabulary Group Show the picture and describe - Elicits - Guide - Introduces the main ideas of the conversations - Explains the key expressions in the box - Reads the dialogue (3ts) Go to the board and write Listen and guess Practice speaking One pupil describes and some others repeat Listen and fill in the blanks hai r buil d (5) Come and meet (6) How do you do? 3/ Post listening : - Feedback - Asks a pupil to describe any friend and other to recognize him/her - Role play. III/ Homework : - Describe their parents, write into their textbooks. - Practice the dialogue - Emphasizes the key expressions Correct Practice Week : 2 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Period : 5 LESSON 4 : READ (P.13+14) Date : A/ OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe the characters, hobby of some friemds. B/TECHNIQUES : Reading, Speaking C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Pictures, Cards, Posters, Gestures D/ PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES I/ Warm up : play a game “ Shark attack “ C H A R A C T E R II/ New lesson : • Pre teach voc : - a character : tinh cách, tính nết (situa) - sociable (adj) dể hòa đồng (situa) - generous (adj) ; rộng lượng (situa) - an orphanage : trại mồ côi (exam) - (to) reserve : kín đáo ( situa) - a joke : chuyện đùa ( situa) - sense of humor : tính khôi hài (exam) * Checking : R and R • Set the scene : Use the picture in textbook – page 13 to introduce about Ba, Khai, Song,và Bao. Ba is talking about them. 1/ Pre reading: Multiple choices. A/ Ba talks about ……… of his friends a) three b) all c) four d) none B/ Bao’s volunteer work ………… a) helps him make friends b) causes problems at exam time c) does not affect his school work d) takes up a lot of time C/ Khai and Song ………………… a) Like quiet places. b) Don’t talk much in public c) Dislike school. d) enjoy sports D/ Ba’s friends sometimes ……………… his jokes. a) answer b) do not listen to c) laugh at d) get tired of Key : A/ a B/c C/ b D/ d Divides the class into two groups A – B ASKS: How many letters are there….? Dwaws shark and steps on the board. Gives the instructions Elicits Follows the steps to teach the voc Show the words and rub out - Sticks a poster on the board - Runs through the meaning - Asks ps guess - Monitor – Helps Feedback Take part in the game Guess and say the letters Work in groups Listen and guess Read and remember (indi – group – class ) - Guess - Compare - Check Correct Take part in the game in two groups 2/ While reading : Lucky numbers Questions : page 14 Key : a) He feels lucky enough to have a lot of friends. b) Bao is the most sociable. c) LN d) Khai likes reading e) Sometimes Ba’s jokes annoy his friends f) LN g) He spends his free time at a local orphanage 3/ Post speaking : Talk about your friends, using the adjectives that they have just learnt to describe. III/ Homework : Write a message about your close friends - Runs through 5 questions in textbook Page 14 - Sticks 7 cards with 7 numbers on the board. - Divides the class into two groups. - Gives the instructions Following the text, asks ps talking about their close friend Speaking the texts in front of class Period : 6 Week : 2 Date: September 10th, 2007 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LESSON 5 :WRITE (P.15) A/ OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends B/ TECHNIQUE: Writing C/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, Pictures, Cards, Posters…. D/ PROCEDURES: T CONTENTS T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 3’ 10’ 15’ I/ Warm up : Brainstorming • Set the scene : Introduces the lesson II/ Pre writing : Pre questions a/ What is his/her name ? b /How old is he/she ? c/ What does he/she look like ? d/ What is he/she like ? e/ Where does he/she live ? f/ Who does he/she live with ? g/ Who is/are his/her friend(s) ? III/ While writing: Example : - Name : Le Thi Hoàng Nga - Appearance: pretty, tall, thin, short black hair. - Character: sociable, humorous, friendly, helpful. - Address : Village : Phu Duc District : Tam Nong Province : Dong Thap - Family : father, mother, elder sister - Friends : Hông, Dao -Asks students go to the board and write the adjectives about the build, the hobby, the character -Model - Asks students look at the box with the information about Tam and read the text writing about him (page 15) - Can run through the meaning -Asks students to use the following questions as prompts ask and write the information about their friends on their pieces of paper -Asks students write a paragraph about their friends, using the in formations they have just got -Monitor -Go to the board and write -Read -Work in pairs -Ask and write the information about their friends on their pieces of paper -Write -Compare Charact er of people 10’ 2’ Text : “Her name’s Le Thi Hoàng Nga. She’s 14 years old. She lives at the Phu Duc Village, Dong Thap Province. She lives with her father, mother and her elder sister, Ngân. She’s pretty. She’s tall, thin and has short black hair. She is sociable, humorous, friendly. Her best friends are Höông and Ñaøo “ IV/ Post writing : Correction III/ Homework : Write your text into the notebooks. Write another text about one of their classmates -Chooses some texts and asks the students to write on the board -Correct -Write on the board -Correct Period : 7 Week : 3 Date: September 16th, 2007 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LESSON 6 : LANGUAGE FOCUS (P.16+17) A/ OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the simple present tense talk about general truths and write some sentences using the structure : (not) Adj enough to+ V(infinitive) B/ TECHNIQUES : Language practice C/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, Exercise books, Cards, Posters D/ PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS TS’ ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 5’ 12’ I/ Warm up : Network II/ Pre teach vocabulary: - a planet : hanh tinh ( Exam) - Mars : Sao hoa (trans) - Mercury : Sao thuy (trans) - silly : Kho dai (exam) • Checking : R and R III/ Presentation 1 : * Review the simple present tense - Form : I/ You/ We/ They + V0 He/She/It + V(s/es) - Adverbs : Always, Usually, Ofen, Sometimes, Every(week/month ) * Practice : Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. You will have to use some verbs more than once (Page 16 – Textbook) KEY : (o) rises (1)sets (2)goes/moves (3)goes/moves (4)is -Asks students go to the board and write the adverbs that use with the simple present tense -Elicits -Follows the steps to teach the voc -Shows the board and rubs out . -Writes the example -Asks the students ( form, use, adverbs) -Explains -Gives the instructions -Feedbacks -Go to the board and write -Listen and guess -Repeat in chorus and individual -Copy -Read and remember -Pick out the form and the use -Open books page 16 -Do the exercise -Compare -Correct Adverbs use with present tense 13’ 8’ 2’ (5)is (6)is IV/ Presentation 2 : - Form : (not) adjective + enough to + V - Meaning : (chua)du de … * Practice : Complete the dialogues. Use (not) adjective + enough. ( Page 17 – Textbook ) KEY : A/ not big enough B/ not old enough C/ strong enough D/ good enough V/ Production : A/. Correct the following sentences a) The moon goes round the sun. b) It is hot in winter. c) Mice catch cats d) Water boils at 50 degrees Celsius e) Gold is cheaper than silver B/ Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not) adjective + enough . a) The weather wasn’t very warm. We couldn’t go swimming. b) He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn’t do the job. c) The ladder wasn’t very long. It didn’t reach the window d) The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it e) It wasn’t very warm. We couldn’t sit in garden. III/ Homework : Do exercise 2 page 5 (Workbook) Do exercise 5 page 9 ( “ ) -Writes the example on the board -Asks students to pick out the form and the meaning -Asks students open books and do the exercise page 17 -Monitor -Runs through the meaning -Calls some students to do on the board -Gets feedback -Do the exercise -Compare -Correct -Do the exercise -Check

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2014, 22:00

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