NATURE AND BEATY “Tay Thi” was considered as a symbol fo human. Nowaday, not only women but also men always care of snd attach much importance to the beaty to respect their natural and unalloyed beaty . One of the beaty can rexognized very earily. It is skin’s beaty is considered very importan beacause it can show one’s sentiment and thinking.It can help us to add self conficdence and dynamic in our job and life. To perfect the beaty ourselfes, we need to stydy and have knowledge about the beaty. In real life, the weather changes unusually and environment is polluted. There are more eighty-five percents Vietnamese women from sixteen to forty years old who are meeting with difficult problems about the skin. Every body imagines it only appear in marriageable age such as comedo, big pore, oigly and colous skin There problem always end and appear again. They make a lot of the skin better, we have to understand about our skin. After doing reseach and finding the factor which bring about pimple in the youngth. Nwaday, we think that the main factor is working regulatioms and diet. Espcially, Vietnamese students often have be in th habit of going to bed late and keep iregular hours in one’s eating habit Besides, today in the market, there are a lot of (my fam) very rich and many seded. These famous trae marks in the world also appear in Vietnam such as clinique, shineido, clarins and so on My fam is very many-seded, which choice is suit for oneself not easy and simple. Women were had an ally to my fam. Allergic symtom is more and more compli cat such as, the skin is look somewhat foolish, many also steals and imfimity also bring . We don’t need to steal much mancy for the skins of espensive my fam. We also have hight effect , the way use earily with materials from nature around our life. Then we will introduce to some fruits which can help you to solve the problem sbout the skin: Cucumber: We use cucumber; because cucumbers have a lot of xenlulo, make to decrease cholesterol and coontain some axits. Besides, cucumber can appress sugar turn into lipit. Because cucumber have stofen nature and thanh nhiet, you can creat make from cucumber or you can slice a lot of pices and then cover in your can slice a lot of pices and then cover in your face or you can combine with drinking cucumber-fruit juice you will receive perfect result. Potato: potato is considered one of the secrets to treat pimple the most effective in the kinds of vegetable and fruits. Why do you try? only simple by slicing a lot of pieces rub and cover in your face about thirty minutes. Potato have not only at lot of protein and vitamin C but also many other vitamins. In adolition, pootatos contain vitamin A as much as carrot have content axitamin more than rice and wheat flour. Besides, potato also have effect decreased grease under skin leather to be cheerfull. Papaw: Papaw contains a lot toler ant vitamin A and some other vitamin which resist oxygen. So, it havepossidility for oppress appearance of comedo. You can use meal of yellow-ripend papaw, grind to powder and then cover in your face about twenty –thirty minutes everyday to obstenct pimple’s appearance. Orange not onlo have rich vitamin but also takes part in mutueal aid for immunity syptem to preserver from wound which was been bacterial contamination. Besides using to trea pimple, you can eat a lots of oranges to have perfect effect. In addition, there are many the other methods of treartment with other thingssuch as watermelon, egg white The problems about skin as freckles, comedo, coloured people is onlya small problems without wasting mush money on the other hand, we should limit the kind of food-stuffs which contain much sugar because sugar is one of the main culprit which bring about comedo so if you don’t want pimple to visit, you will limit the kinds of food-stuffs as possible such asbeel-sugar, candy, condense milk You need to have working regulations and diet rationally, and enough nutrition. You should not use hand to squeeze the face out. you have to have habit clean your face regulary. You should not use hand cream without knowing its origin. Because this can make your skin hurt and leave scars and stain on the check. We hope that you will have beautyful skin as you want due to the easy ways which we give to you consult. Wish you sucess! . Besides, cucumber can appress sugar turn into lipit. Because cucumber have stofen nature and thanh nhiet, you can creat make from cucumber or you can slice a lot of pices and then cover in your