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The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P69 docx

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  • The Real MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70-432 Prep Kit: Database Implementation and Maintenance

  • Copyright Page

  • Technical Editor

  • Lead Authors

  • Contributing Authors

  • Contents

  • Chapter 1: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 New Features in SQL Server 2008

    • Introduction

      • A Word About the Test

    • New Feature Overview

      • Installation

      • Compressed Backups

      • Enhanced Configuration and Management of Audits

      • New Table Value Parameter

      • FileStream Data Types

      • Sparse Column Support

      • Encryption Enhancements

        • Key Management and Encryption

      • High Availability

      • Performance

        • Performance Data Management

        • Resource Governor (similar to Query Governor)

        • Freeze Plan

      • SQL Server 2008 Declarative Management Framework

      • Development Improvements

        • LINQ Support

        • MERGE Statement

      • Spatial Data Type

      • Analysis Services Improvements

      • ETL/SSIS Enhancements

    • Reporting Services

      • No Longer Requires IIS

      • Better Graphing

      • Export to Word Support

      • Deprecated Features

      • Discontinued Features

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 2: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Installing SQL Server 2008

    • Introduction

    • SQL Versions, Requirements, Features, and Differences

    • Planning Your Installation

      • Upgrade Tools

      • Hardware Requirements: CPU, Memory, and Disk

      • Operating System Requirements

      • Software Requirements

      • Establishing Service Accounts

    • Upgrading vs. Side-by-Side Installation

      • Clustered Installation Considerations

      • Unattended Installations

      • Post-Upgrade Activity

    • Database Instances, Files, Locations, Filegroups, and Performance

      • Binary File Locations

      • Filegroups

      • Disk Planning Best Practices

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 3: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Configuring SQL Server 2008

    • Introduction

    • Instances vs. Default Instance

      • Instance Limitations

      • Performance Considerations

    • SQL Server Configuration Manager

      • Managing Services

      • Enabling FileStream

      • Managing Connections and Protocols

        • Shared Memory

        • Named Pipes

        • VIA

        • TCP/IP

        • Changing the TCP Port

        • Aliases

    • sp_configure and SQL Server Management Studio

      • Advanced Options

      • AWE

      • Setting the Maximum and Minimum Memory for SQL Server

        • Max Server Memory (MB)

        • Min Server Memory (MB)

      • Maximum Degree of Parallelism

      • Security Certifications

        • C2 Auditing

        • Common Criteria Compliance

      • New Features

        • Backup Compression Default

        • FileStream Access Level

    • Database Mail

      • Configuring Database Mail

    • Full-Text Indexing

      • Configuring Full-Text Indexing

      • Managing Full-Text Indexes

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 4: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Managing Security

    • Introduction

    • Principals

    • Roles

    • The “Principle of Least Privilege”

    • Users

    • Schemas

      • Users versus Logins

      • Authentication Mode

    • Permissions

      • Cross-Database Ownership Chaining

      • Object Permissions

      • Log-in Permissions (As Related to Roles)

    • Auditing

      • Change Data Capture (CDC)

      • Using DDL Triggers

    • The SQL Server Configuration Manager

    • Security and SQL Agent

    • Service Accounts and Permissions

      • Domain Service Accounts versus Local Service Accounts

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 5: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Managing Data Encryption

    • Introduction

    • Understanding Transparent Data Encryption

      • Requirements

        • Enabling TDE

        • How Data Is Encrypted

    • Encryption Keys

      • Key Management

      • Database Encryption Keys

      • Best Practices for Managing Database Keys

    • Cell- and Column-Level Encryption

    • EFS Encryption (Through the Operating System)

    • EFS in a Clustered Environment

      • Restoring Encrypted Backups to Another Server or Instance

    • Third-Party Encryption Tools

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 6: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Managing High Availability

    • Introduction

    • Defining High Availability

    • SQL High-Availability Options

      • Log Shipping

      • Mirroring

      • Clustering

        • Special Hardware Requirements

        • Special Software Requirements

        • Geo-Clustering

      • Replication

      • Recovery Model

    • Expandability

      • Hot Add CPU

      • Hot Add Memory

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 7: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Maintaining Your Database

    • Introduction

    • Understanding Data Collation

      • SQL Server Collations

      • Binary Collations

      • Using Collations

      • Collation Considerations for Backup and Restore

    • Maintaining Data Files

      • Implementing Data Compression

        • Row versus Page Compression

        • Estimating Space Savings Using sp_estimate_data_compression_savings

      • Using Sparse Columns

      • Maintaining Indexes

      • DBCC Explained

        • Using DBCC CHECKTABLE to Verify Table Integrity

        • Using the DBCC CHECKDB to Verify Database Integrity

        • Using the DBCC SHRINKFILE Option to Reclaim Database Space

    • Backing Up and Restoring Data

      • Understanding Database Recovery Models

      • Backup Types

      • Choosing a Database Backup Strategy

      • Restoring Databases

      • Performing Online Restore

      • Restoring Individual Pages

    • Performing Ongoing Maintenance

      • Using SQL Server Agent

      • Using Database Maintenance Plans

      • Policy-Based Management

        • Examples of Using Policy-Based Management

      • Using the Data Collector to Collect Performance Data

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 8: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 ETL Techniques

    • Introduction

      • Understanding ETL

    • Bulk Copying Data

      • Using BCP

        • Using BCP Data File Types

        • Using Format Files

      • Using the BULK INSERT Statement

      • Recovery Model and Bulk Operations

      • Optimizing Bulk Load Performance

    • Distributed Queries

      • Understanding Fully Qualified Object Names

      • Enabling Ad Hoc Distributed Queries

      • Using the OPENROWSET Function

        • Querying Data with OPENROWSET

        • Modifying Data with OPENROWSET

        • Copying Data with OPENROWSET

        • Using OPENROWSET (BULK,…)

      • Using the OPENDATASOURCE Function

      • Using Linked Servers

      • Using the OPENQUERY Function

      • Using Distributed Transactions

    • SQL Server Integration Services

    • Creating SSIS Packages

      • Using the Copy Database Wizard

      • Using the Import and Export Wizard

      • Using Business Intelligence Development Studio

      • Using Package Configurations

    • Managing SSIS

      • Understanding SSIS Package Storage

      • Deploying SSIS Packages

      • Securing SSIS Packages

        • Using Package Protection Levels

        • MSDB Database Roles and SSIS Package Roles

      • Executing SSIS Packages

      • Logging Package Execution

    • Alternative ETL Solutions

      • Coding Solutions

      • Third-Party Solutions

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 9: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Managing Replication

    • Introduction

    • Replication Scenarios

      • Article

      • Publication

      • Subscription

      • Publisher

      • Distributor

      • Subscriber

    • Replication Types

      • Snapshot

      • Components

      • Transactional

      • Components

      • Updatable Subscription

      • Peer-to-Peer Replication

      • Merge

      • Components

    • Replication Configuration

      • Configuration of Distributor

      • Configuration of Publisher

      • Configuration of Subscriber(s)

      • Configuration of Peer-to-Peer Replication

    • Conflict Resolution

    • Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Replication

    • DDL Replication

    • Security Considerations

      • Snapshot Agent

      • Connect to Publisher

    • Replication Performance

    • Monitoring

      • Replication Monitor

        • Tracer Tokens

        • Alerts

      • Performance Monitor

        • Replication Agents

        • Replication Distribution

        • Replication Logread

        • Replication Merge

        • Replication Snapshot

      • DMVs

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 10: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    • Introduction

    • Service Troubleshooting

    • Concurrency Issues

    • Agent Issues

    • Error Logs

      • Windows Event Log

      • SQL Server Log

    • SQL Server Profiler

    • Performance Monitor

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 11: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 SQL Server XML Support

    • Introduction

    • Working with XML Data

      • Understanding XML Indexing

    • HTTP Endpoints

      • Http Endpoints Defined

        • Endpoint Can Interface to a Stored Procedure

      • How to Create the Endpoint

    • Web Services

    • XQuery Explained

    • XPath

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 12: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Service Broker

    • Introduction

    • The Queuing Concept Explained

    • Service Broker Defined

    • Message Types

    • Contracts

    • Queues

    • Services

      • Endpoints

    • Routes

    • Sending a Message

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 13: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Performance Tuning

    • Introduction

    • Tracing

      • Trace Templates

      • Trace Events

      • Trace Filters

      • Server-Side Tracing

      • Combining System Monitor and Profiler Traces

      • Replaying Traces

      • Using SQLDiag to Collect Performance Data

    • Locks, Blocking, and Deadlocks

      • Locking

      • Blocking

      • Deadlocks

      • Transaction Isolation Levels

      • Lock Escalation

      • Lock Compatibility

      • Detecting and Resolving Locking Problems

    • Guide to the DYNAMIC Management Views (DMVs)

    • Partitioning

      • Horizontal Partitioning

      • Vertical Partitioning

      • Filegroups

      • Selecting a Partition Key and Number of Partitions

      • Partition Function

      • Partition Scheme

        • Moving Data between Partitions

    • Performance Data Collection

      • Performance Data Collection Explained

      • Management Data Warehouse

        • Configuring MDW

      • Configuring Data Collection

        • Data Collection Caching

      • Management Data Warehouse Reports

    • Resource Governor

      • Resource Governor Concepts

        • Resource Pools

        • Workload Groups

        • Classification Function

      • Validate Configuration

      • Resource Governor Summary

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Chapter 14: MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Implementing Objects

    • Introduction

    • Understanding DDL and DML Language Elements

      • Working with Tables and Views

        • Creating Tables

        • Creating User-Defined Data Types

        • Working with Constraints

      • Creating Indexes

        • Working with Full-Text Indexes

    • Viewing and Modifying Data

      • Creating Views

      • Creating Stored Procedures

      • Creating Functions

      • Creating Triggers

    • Summary of Exam Objectives

    • Exam Objectives Fast Track

    • Exam Objectives Frequently Asked Questions

    • Self Test

    • Self Test Quick Answer Key

  • Index

  • Appendix: The Real MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 432 Self Test Appendix

    • Chapter 1: New Features in SQL Server 2008

    • Chapter 2: Installing SQL Server 2008

    • Chapter 3: Configuring SQL Server 2008

    • Chapter 4: Managing Security

    • Chapter 5: Managing Data Encryption

    • Chapter 6: Managing High Availability

    • Chapter 7: Maintaining Your Database

    • Chapter 8: ETL Techniques

    • Chapter 9: Managing Replication

    • Chapter 10: Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    • Chapter 11: SQL Server XML Support

    • Chapter 12: Service Broker

    • Chapter 13: Performance Tuning

    • Chapter 14: Implementing Objects

Nội dung

322 Chapter8•ETLTechniques need to describe the structure of the file to BCP. When you use character or Unicode files, however, you must describe the structure of the data in the file to BCP. For example if it is a delimited file, the delimiters need to be specified for BCP to recognize them. HeadoftheClass… DealingwithCharactersandCollations The file storage type that is used can be a common problem when sharing data between different database systems, operating systems, and organi- zations. If you receive a data file that has the data stored as character data, the way those characters are encoded can be an issue. In SQL Server you describe the encoding of the character data as well as how that data can be sorted and compared using collations. The Unicode character set is able to represent thousands of possible character symbols. The Unicode character set is sufficient for representing characters from all the major languages, alphabets and cultures in the world. However, non-Unicode character sets typically can represent only 256 possible symbols. So when you create SQL Server instances, databases, and character columns, you need to specify the character set that has the 256 characters you want. When you are transferring data between two systems, it is possible that the two systems may have elected to use different sets of characters for their non-Unicode data. BCP gives you a number of ways to deal with the differences. You can use the command line arguments to let bcp know that the data file contains either character (-c) or unicode (-w). You can also specify the specific code page (or character set) that the data file was encoded with by including the –C argument. Finally, you can do column-specific collation assignments using bcp format files. You have probably worked with either comma-separated value (csv) or tab- separated value (tsv) files in the past. They store data as values with a delimiter (a comma, a tab, or something else) between each of the values. The rows typically end with a line feed (“\n”) or a carriage return and a line feed (“\r\n”). The following example exports the same data that you got before from the AdventureWorks2008. ETLTechniques•Chapter8 323 Person.Person table, but this time you’ll use a nonnative Unicode format (-w) for the data, and you will specify a comma as the delimiter (-t “,”). bcp AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person out person.csv -w -t, -T If you were to open the person.csv file that is created by the preceding statement, it would look similar to the following (the output has been trimmed for readability). Notice that the field values are separated by commas as was specified in the command line: 1,EM,0,,Ken,J,Sánchez,,0,,<IndividualSurvey 2,EM,0,,Terri,Lee,Duffy,,1,,<IndividualSurvey 3,EM,0,,Roberto,,Tamburello,,0,,<IndividualSurvey Now try to import the data back into the same AdventureWorks2008.Person. PersonCopy table that you used before. Because it already has data in it, you will truncate the table first. To do that you can run the following statement in a query window in SQL Server Management Studio: TRUNCATE TABLE AdventureWorks2008.Person.PersonCopy; Next, you’ll try to load the data into the newly truncated table. Review the script and the output. Notice that you receive an error: bcp AdventureWorks2008.Person.PersonCopy in person.csv -w -t, -T Starting copy SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0 Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Invalid character value for cast specification The cause of the error is that actual data has commas in it (this is common in fields that contain human-entered notes or comments). BCP reads the comma in the data as if it were the delimiter of the field. This messes up the reading of the file and causes errors. If you had to stay with a nonnative file, you could specify an alternate field terminator. When picking either field or row terminators, you want to select a character, or a character sequence, that doesn’t occur in the data itself. In this case you could try a tab (“\t”) or something like a pipe character (|) that almost never occurs in human-entered data. If you ran the preceding example with no –t option, the default tab delimiter would have been used to delimit the fields, and because there are luckily no tabs in the actual data, it should work. Here is what that command would look like: 324 Chapter8•ETLTechniques bcp AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person out Person.tsv -w -T The data file produced by the preceding statement would be tab delimited. You could then successfully import it into your Person.PersonCopy table using a very similar statement: bcp AdventureWorks2008.Person.PersonCopy in Person.tsv -w -T You can see where getting BCP to work with your data could be problematic. It has already become a problem pulling data from one of your own SQL tables. It can get even more troublesome when you have to make data that has come from business partners to load successfully into your own tables. As the data formatting specification becomes more complex, you need the power of format files. In the next section we’ll talk about format files. Using Format Files Format files allow you to more explicitly describe the structure of the data file and how it maps to the corresponding SQL Server table or view. For native data files or simple character or Unicode data file types, you can probably specify all the infor- mation that BCP needs to parse the files just using the command line switches. However, if the files use fixed field widths rather than delimiters, or if different fields use different delimiters, the command line options fall short. There are also times when the data file you are using has a different number of columns than the target table you want to load the data into. In those situations format files become a requirement. A common situation where format files are needed is when the target object has an identity column that generates primary key values, but the data file does not include the values for the column. There will be a mismatch between the number of columns in the data file and the target table. Creating a format file is easiest when you have BCP do the initial work for you. There are a number of ways you can do this task. You could run the bcp command with insufficient input and have it prompt you for the details, or you could specify the details needed on the command line, but ask that it generate a format file for you by using the “format” and “-f ” options. Finally, you could have it produce a newer XML format file by including not only the “format” and “-f ” options but also the “-x” option. To demonstrate using format you will start with a simple table that has three columns in it. The following script would generate the table and load it with some sample data: ETLTechniques•Chapter8 325 USE AdventureWorks2008; CREATE TABLE dbo.Presidents (PresidentID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FirstName varchar(50) NOT NULL, LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO Presidents VALUES ('George','Washington') INSERT INTO Presidents VALUES ('John','Adams') INSERT INTO Presidents VALUES ('Thomas','Jefferson') Next, you will have BCP create a format file named character type data file and have it name the format file Presidents.fmt. Because you are only generating a for- mat file and not really moving any data, there is no data file. That explains the “nul” where the data file path would normally be: bcp AdventureWorks2008.dbo.Presidents format nul -T -c -f Presidents.fmt The file that is produced by the preceding command looks like this: 10.0 3 1 SQLCHAR 0 12 "\t" 1 PresidentID "" 2 SQLCHAR 0 50 "\t" 2 FirstName SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS 3 SQLCHAR 0 50 "\r\n" 3 LastName SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS Let’s break the preceding format file down. The first row states the version of BCP that the format file is from (v10.0 is SQL Server 2008’s BCP utility). The second row lists how many fields there are in the data file. In this case there are three columns. The next three rows describe each of the data fields, and the corresponding SQL table column they map to. 326 Chapter8•ETLTechniques Table 8.3 explains each of the elements of the format file field definitions for the second field definition in the format file: Purpose Sample Value Description Host File Field Order 2 Indicates the ordinal position of the field as it is in the data file Host field data type SQLCHAR The storage type of the data in the data files. In our example everything is just SQLCHAR because the file is a character file. Host field prefix length 0 Can be zero unless the field contains NULLs. Learn more in the SQL Server 2008 documentation. Host field data length 50 The length of the host file data field in bytes. The firstname field in the original table was 50 characters, or 50 bytes wide. Host file field terminator “\t” The character that will be used in the data file to indicate the end of the field. The “\t” value here means that the “tab” character is the field terminator. Server Column Num 2 The position of the destination column in the target database object Server column name FirstName The name of the destination column in the target database object Server column collation SQL_Latin1_General_ CP1_CI_AS The collation of the destination column in the target database object. Table 8.3 Format File Field Definition So now that you have a format file, use it during an export from the AdventureWorks2008.dbo.Presidents table (the following command is printed in the book on two lines, but should be entered as a single line: bcp AdventureWorks2008.dbo.Presidents out Presidents.tsv -T -f Presidents.fmt . of BCP that the format file is from (v10.0 is SQL Server 2008 s BCP utility). The second row lists how many fields there are in the data file. In this case there are three columns. The next three. terminator “ ” The character that will be used in the data file to indicate the end of the field. The “ ” value here means that the “tab” character is the field terminator. Server Column Num 2 The. contains NULLs. Learn more in the SQL Server 2008 documentation. Host field data length 50 The length of the host file data field in bytes. The firstname field in the original table was 50 characters,

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 00:20