226 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step Note The wizard’s capability to build a model from an existing database can be limited by se- curity rights and restrictions imposed on your database account. Make sure you have sufficient rights to the database tables and elements that you will model in your application. Similar to the Data Source Configuration Wizard demonstrated in Chapter 1, “Introducing ADO.NET 4,” the Entity Data Model Wizard guides you through the database selection and connection process, which serves four main purposes: To build the connection string for both the model and the target database. Built upon standard ADO.NET connection strings, this wizard adds EF-specific metadata key- value pairs that help the Framework access the three XML-based modeling layers. metadata=res://*/Model1.csdl|res://*/Model1.ssdl|res://*/Model1.msl; provider=System.Data.SqlClient; provider connection string='Data Source=(local)\SQLExpress; Initial Catalog=StepSample;Integrated Security=True; Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True' In this sample, the expected SQL Server connection string comes after three resource references that identify the Conceptual Schema Definition Language (CSDL), Store Schema Definition Language (SSDL), and Mapping Specification Language (MSL) mod- eling documents. To build an application-side storage layer that parallels the database-side tables, views, and stored procedures specified in the wizard. This layer appears within your application using the SSDL schema language, a layer that is only indirectly acces- sible through the model designer. To create a conceptual model of the imported storage items. At first, this model will be nearly identical to the logical organization of the storage layer. You will have the opportunity to adjust this model to meet the needs of your application. This layer is created using the CSDL schema and is presented in the visual designer as a series of database modeling objects on a design surface. To link the storage and conceptual models with mappings using the MSL schema language. An additional Visual Studio panel called the Mapping Details panel lets you modify the mapping relationships for all entities and associations included in the conceptual model. Chapter 14 Visualizing Data Models 227 That’s a lot of activity. Fortunately, the wizard performs most of it through a few point-and- click actions. Importing Database Tables as Entities 1. Create a new Windows Forms application (or almost any standard Visual Studio applica- tion) using either C# or Visual Basic. 2. In the Visual Studio development environment, select the Project | Add New Item menu command. When the Add New Item dialog box appears, select ADO.NET Entity Data Model from the list of template items. Change the default item name to SalesOrder. edmx. Click Add. 3. The Entity Data Model Wizard appears. On the Choose Model Contents panel, select Generate From Database; then click Next. 228 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step 4. On the Choose Your Data Connection panel, either select an existing connection to the book’s sample database from the drop-down list of connections or click New Connection to locate the sample database. Note The Visual Studio 2010 Entity Framework tools do not support SQL Server 2000 or earlier. When importing objects from a SQL Server database, you must use SQL Server 2005 or higher. The EF-modified connection string appears in the middle of the panel. If you use SQL Server security with a plain-text password, the wizard will ask you to indicate whether to store this unsecured connection string. For this example, select Yes if prompted. The Save Entity Connection Settings In App.Config As option near the bottom of the panel should already be selected. Under this field, enter SalesOrderEntities as the configura- tion name. Click Next. Chapter 14 Visualizing Data Models 229 5. The Choose Your Database Objects panel appears. In this hierarchical list of objects, select the Customer and OrderEntry tables, plus the CancelOrder stored procedure. The Include Foreign Key Columns In The Model field is already selected, which in this case will add the Or derEntry.Customer database field as a distinct conceptual property. Maintaining this setting also limits your ability to modify the mapping details between the two tables. Clear this field. Enter SalesOrderModel as the Model Namespace. Click Finish to close the wizard and generate the model. Note Imported views and table-valued stored procedures are read-only in the model. You can modify the model to add support for updates if you provide the relevant SQL commands or stored procedures yourself. 6. The model appears in the main Visual Studio window as SalesOr der.edmx. The design surface includes distinct Customer and OrderEntry entities that are connected by a line. 230 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step Entity Data Model Designer The design surface of the Entity Data Model Designer hosts visual representations of enti- ties and associations. If you have worked with other third-party entity-relationship modeling tools, the presentation should be familiar. Each entity appears as a collapsible rectangle with the name of the entity in bold at the top. Below the name is a list of defined entity proper- ties, followed by any navigation properties. Entity Name Properties Navigation Properties Associations appear as lines connecting related entities. Although the line does not indicate which properties are joined by the association, the cardinality (that is, the multiplicity of the association endpoints) does appear as indicators on either end of the line. The bottom-right corner of the Designer includes four display controls that let you adjust the view of the model. From top to bottom, the four controls are: Zoom In, Zoom To 100%, Chapter 14 Visualizing Data Models 231 Zoom Out, and Move Via A Thumbnail View. Right-click on the design surface to see addi- tional view management options through a shortcut menu. Zoom In Zoom to 100% Zoom Out Move Via a Thumbnail View The Designer’s main purpose is to simplify the creation and editing of entities and their asso- ciations. You perform most of these editing activities by clicking entities, entity properties, or associations. You then use the Visual Studio Properties panel to modify the various settings of the selected entity, property, or association. Right-clicking entities, properties, associations, or even on the design surface provides access to additional editing and model management features. A full listing of editing activities is available in the Visual Studio online help. The following list shows some the main tasks you can accomplish using the Model Designer: Edit entities To add a new entity, right-click the design surface and select Add | Entity from the shortcut menu. The Add Entity dialog box that appears lets you specify the new entity name, its primary key (if any), and any inheritance relationship it has to an existing entity. 232 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step On the design surface, select an existing entity and use the Visual Studio Properties panel to manage its basic settings. To remove an entity, click that entity in the Designer and press Delete. Edit properties To create a new property within an entity, right-click the entity and select one of the Add | Property choices from the shortcut menu. The Designer supports three types of properties: scalar properties, which are simple types such as strings and numbers; navigation properties, which enable natural links between different entities; and complex properties, a grouping of other simple types based on some conceptual relationship. Complex types—such as an Address type that contains distinct street, city, and postal code properties—can be defined independently by right-clicking the design surface and selecting the Add | Complex Type shortcut command. Edit associations Add a new association by right-clicking an entity and choosing Add | Association from the shortcut menu. The Add Association dialog box that appears lets you define the endpoints of the association, including the multiplicity of each end. Select an association and use the Visual Studio Properties panel to manage its settings. (Most of the settings are unavailable if the association is based on a storage layer for- eign key relationship.) To remove an association, click its line in the Designer and press Delete. Chapter 14 Visualizing Data Models 233 Refactor complex types The Designer can craft a new complex property (and its underlying complex type) from an entity’s existing properties. To create such a complex property, select all involved properties within the visual entity. Right-click the selected group and choose Refactor Into New Complex Type from the shortcut menu. Edit function imports Function imports are database-level stored procedures as expressed through an entity container. Once defined, calling a stored procedure is as simple as making a normal class-based method call. The Add Function Import dialog box, available through the Designer’s Add | Function Import shortcut command, lets you locate and define these new function calls. The dialog box can auto-detect the procedure’s return type, although you might need to make slight adjustments. Having an accurate return type allows you to use a defined function with the different editing operations of an entity or entity component. Auto-update the model If the underlying database objects change in a way that af- fects the model, you can refresh the model by using the Update Model From Database shortcut command through a right-click on the design surface. Each time you save changes to your model (or allow it to be auto-saved as configured through your Visual Studio preferences), Visual Studio regenerates the Visual Basic or C# source code object layer representation of the model. To view this code, open the <model- name>.Designer.cs or <modelname>.Designer.vb file from the Solution Explorer panel. 234 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step Note Visual Basic hides this file by default. To access the file, click the Show All Files toolbar but- ton within the Solution Explorer panel. Any changes you make within this designer file will be lost the next time Visual Studio gener- ates the model’s object layer. You should not make changes directly to this file! However, be- cause the generated code consists of standard .NET classes, you can add a partial class file to your project or use other language-specific or Entity Framework–specific features to enhance the generated content. Note Visual Studio uses the “default code generator” when building a model’s object layer. You can override this default, and even write your own object layer generation rules, by adjusting some of the default model settings. See the “Managing the Object Layer” section on page 241 of this chapter for information on controlling the code generation process. Changes made to the model do not propagate back to the underlying database. The purpose of the model is to provide a meaningful conceptual view of the data to your application, a view that does not need to exactly match the logical structure of the database. Creating a Complex Property from Scalar Properties Note This exercise continues the previous exercise in this chapter. 1. In the Customer entity on the Entity Data Model Designer’s design surface, use the mouse along with the Shift or Control keys to select all the following properties at the same time: Address1, Address2, City, StateRegion, and PostalCode. Chapter 14 Visualizing Data Models 235 2. Right-click the group and then select Refactor Into New Complex Type from the short- cut menu. The Designer will replace the previously selected properties with a single property named ComplexProperty. 3. Right-click the ComplexProperty property and then choose Rename from the shortcut menu. Change the name of the property to Address. 4. Save changes to the model or the project to regenerate the object layer. Working with the Mapping Details Panel The focus of the Designer’s visual design surface is on the conceptual model, the CSDL con- tent as expressed through a convenient Visual Studio editor. The Entity Framework design tools also include a Mapping Details panel that lets you modify the mapping layer (the MSL content) as it relates to the conceptual model. Note Although you can build a storage layer manually using the SSDL schema language, and al- though the Entity Data Model Wizard generates SSDL content based on an external data source, the Entity Data Model Designer does not include features that let you directly modify the storage layer. . Complex Type from the short- cut menu. The Designer will replace the previously selected properties with a single property named ComplexProperty. 3. Right-click the ComplexProperty property and. box that appears lets you specify the new entity name, its primary key (if any), and any inheritance relationship it has to an existing entity. 232 Microsoft ADO. NET 4 Step by Step On the. complex properties, a grouping of other simple types based on some conceptual relationship. Complex types—such as an Address type that contains distinct street, city, and postal code properties—can