Chapter 19: Working with Plugins 469 Note The principal file for this plugin is pagebreak.php. The plugin Parameters section contains the following options: l Enable Plugin: Set this control to Yes to enable the plugin. Note that this control is redundant with the Enabled control in the Details area; both must indicate the plugin is enabled for it to work properly. l Site Title: Determines whether the titles you set for the individual pages of the article are added to the Site Title tag. Set the control to Yes to enable this feature. l Table of Contents: Set this control to Show to display a table of contents for the multi- page article. l Show All: Set the control to show to display a link to in the table of contents that will show all the pages together on one page. Cross-Reference See Chapter 5 for a more complete discussion on how to create multipage articles and tables of contents. Editor plugins The Editor plugins add various content item- editing options to the system. This family of plugins provides the WYSIWYG editor functionality and the plain text editor functionality. Two of the three options, including the popular TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor are enabled by default. Caution You must have at least one of the Editor plugins installed to access your content items in the admin system. The question of which editor, if any, will be used throughout the site is determined by the settings in the Global Configuration Manager. The options that appear on that screen are the result of enabling the various plugins. Cross-Reference Working with the various editors to create and edit content is discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Note The Editor plugin files are located in the directory plugins/editors. No Editor The No Editor plugin supplies the basic text editor option for content items. There is no WYSIWYG editor associated with this option. If the system is set to No Editor, then content creation is done in a plain text interface, where the content creator needs to add HTML tags to achieve formatting; it is the most basic editing option in Joomla! The plugin’s dialogue is shown in Figure 19.13. Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 470 Note The principal file for this plugin is none.php. There are no parameters associated with this plugin. Note If you have the TinyMCE editor enabled, users can still edit the HTML of the article by clicking on the HTML button on the TinyMCE toolbar. TinyMCE 2.0 The TinyMCE plugin enables the powerful TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. TinyMCE is enabled by default both in the Plugins section and in the Global Configuration Manager. The plugin’s dialogue is shown in Figure 19.14. Note The principal file for this plugin is tinymce.php. FIGURE 19.13 The Editor - No Editor plugin dialogue. Chapter 19: Working with Plugins 471 FIGURE 19.14 The Editor - TinyMCE 2.0 Plugin dialogue. The Parameters section of the TinyMCE plugin provides a large number of configuration and cus- tomization options. The parameters are divided into two categories, labeled Plugin Parameters and Advanced Parameters. The Plugin Parameters include: l Functionality: The two options here allow you to select either a very basic editor or a more complex and full-featured version. The default setting is Advanced, which gives the user access to the full toolbar and all available options. l Code Cleanup on Startup: If set to Yes, this option causes the Editor to clean up messy or defective HTML tags when the Editor first loads. The default is Off. l Code Cleanup on Save: This parameter causes the Editor to clean up messy HTML when the article is saved. The options here are Never, Front Only, and Always. The default is Always. The Front Only option cleans only the tags used in Articles contributed through the front end of the web site. l Do not clean HTML entities: Set this Parameter to Yes to force the Editor to skip clean- ing up HTML. The default setting is No. Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 472 l Save Warning: Set to Yes to cause the system to warn you if you attempt to cancel with- out saving. The default option is No. l Compressed Version: Set to Yes to use compression for the Editor. This causes the Editor to load more quickly. The default setting is No. Note that some problems have been reported when this option is used with Internet Explorer. l URLs: Choose from either Absolute or Relative to control whether URLs to pages inside your site include the http:// and primary domain prefix. l Text Direction: Specify whether the text reads right-to-left or left-to-right. l Automatic Language Selection: This control is only used where the site has multiple lan- guage packs installed. If none are installed, set this to the default No. l Language Code: If the Automatic Language Selection Parameter is set to No, then enter into this field the default language to be used in the interface. l Prohibited Elements: List in this field any HTML elements you want to be automatically cleaned out of articles. The default value for this field is applet, which prevents applets from being inserted into articles. l Template CSS classes: Set this to Yes to let the Editor use the style selectors from the template’s CSS file. Note that this can be overridden by the following parameter. l Custom CSS Classes: Use this field to specify a particular Cascading Style Sheet to be used by the Editor. If a value is entered in this field it will override the settings in the pre- vious Parameter, Template CSS classes. l New Lines: This control allows you to specify whether the Editor will treat a new line in an article as a P (paragraph) element or a BR (line break) element. l Extended Valid Elements: If you want to be able to use additional HTML tags, beyond those defined in the default Editor, then enter them in this field. The Advanced parameters include: l Toolbar: This control specifies whether the Editor’s toolbar appears above or below the text editing window. l Horizontal Rule: Show or hide the horizontal rule button on the toolbar. l Smilies: Show or hide the Smilies button on the toolbar. l Table: Show or hide the Table button on the toolbar. l Style: Show or hide the CSS Style button on the toolbar. l Layer: Show or hide the Layer button on the toolbar. l XHTMLxtras: Show or hide the additional XHTML features on the toolbar. l Template: Show or hide the Template button on the toolbar. l Directionality: Show or hide the Directionality button on the toolbar. l Fullscreen: Show or hide the Fullscreen button on the toolbar. Chapter 19: Working with Plugins 473 l HTML Height: Type an integer value in this field to set the height of the HTML editing pop-up window. The value is measured in pixels. l HTML Width: Type an integer value in this field to set the width of the HTML editing pop-up window. The value is measured in pixels. l Preview: Show or hide the Preview button on the toolbar. l Element Path: Set the parameter to On to enable the display of the Element Path immedi- ately below the editing window. The Element Path is an aid to accessibility and makes it simpler to navigate through the styling in the editing window, one element at a time. l Insert Date: Show or hide the Insert Date button on the toolbar. Note the next parameter is related. l Date Format: The date format to be used by the Insert Date command. The default is %Y-%m-%d, which means Year-Month-Day l Insert Time: Show or hide the Insert Time button on the toolbar. Note the next parame- ter is related. l Time Format: The time format to be used by the Insert Time command. The default is %H:%M:%S, which means Hour:Minute:Second. XStandard Lite 2.0 The XStandard Lite plugin enables your Joomla! site to function with the XStandard WYSIWYG editor. In addition to enabling this plugin, you need to download and install the XStandard editor files; the actual editor is not included in the default Joomla! system. The XStandard editor is a stan- dards-compliant editor that produces clean and accessible XHTML markup. The plugin’s dialogue is shown in Figure 19.15. Note The principal file for this plugin is xstandard.php. The plugin Parameters section contains only two options: l Editor Mode: This control sets the default mode that will be displayed when the editor is launched. The three options are WYSIWYG, Source, or Screen Reader. Source provides text editor functionality, while Screen Reader shows you how the article will appear when viewed by a Screen Reader; it is not possible to edit in Screen Reader mode. l Word Wrap: Turn word- wrapping on or off. Tip Download the files for the XStandard Lite 2.0 editor from Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 474 FIGURE 19.15 The Editor - XStandard Lite 2.0 Plugin dialogue. Joomla! 1.6 The XStandard editor is not bundled with Joomla! 1.6, hence this plugin does not exist in the default system. Editors XTD plugins The Editors XTD plugins are a set of utilities that extend the functionality of the content editors and the content items. The three plugins enable the three buttons that you see below the content editing window when creating or editing an article. Note The Editors XTD Plugin files are located in the directory plugins/editors-xtd. Image The Image Plugin displays the Image button below the editing window. Clicking the button pro- duces a window that allows you to insert and configure images inside of content items. The plu- gin’s dialogue is shown in Figure 19.16. Chapter 19: Working with Plugins 475 Note The principal file for this plugin is image.php. There are no parameters associated with this plugin. Tip The Image button is redundant to controls that exist on the TinyMCE and XStandard WYSIWYG editors. If you have either of these editors enabled, then you may want to disable the Image plugin. Pagebreak The Pagebreak plugin enables the Pagebreak button that appears below the content editing win- dow. Clicking the button inserts a page break into an article, thereby turning a single-page article into a multipage article. The plugin’s dialogue is shown in Figure 19.17. Note The principal file for this plugin is pagebreak.php. FIGURE 19.16 The Editor Button - Image Plugin dialogue. Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 476 FIGURE 19.17 The Editor Button - Pagebreak Plugin dialogue. There are no parameters associated with this plugin. Tip The TinyMCE editor also provides pagebreak functionality. If you have enabled TinyMCE, you may want to consider disabling this control, as it is redundant. Readmore The Readmore plugin displays the Read more button below the content editing box. Clicking the button allows you to separate the first portion of the article from the remainder and shows a Read more link that leads the viewer to the full article. The plugin’s dialogue is shown in Figure 19.18. Note The principal file for this plugin is readmore.php. There are no parameters associated with this plugin. Chapter 19: Working with Plugins 477 FIGURE 19.18 The Editor Button - Readmore Plugin dialogue. Search plugins The Search group of plugins enables the site search functionality. Different plugins enable the indexing and searching of different types of content — articles, web links, contacts, categories, sec- tions, and news feeds. All the plugins in the default installation are enabled. Disabling a particular plugin results in the related content being excluded from the search results. Note The Search plugin files are located in the directory plugins/search. Content The Content plugin enables the indexing and searching of articles on your site. The plugin’s dia- logue is shown in Figure 19.19. Note The principal file for this plugin is content.php. . shown in Figure 19 .14 . Note The principal file for this plugin is tinymce.php. FIGURE 19 .13 The Editor - No Editor plugin dialogue. Chapter 19 : Working with Plugins 4 71 FIGURE 19 .14 The Editor. the XStandard Lite 2.0 editor from Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 474 FIGURE 19 .15 The Editor - XStandard Lite 2.0 Plugin dialogue. Joomla! 1. 6 The. 1. 6 The XStandard editor is not bundled with Joomla! 1. 6, hence this plugin does not exist in the default system. Editors XTD plugins The Editors XTD plugins are a set of utilities that extend