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Thiết kế web với joomla 1.6(5).x part 47 potx

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Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 424 Caution Deleting Admin modules is rarely appropriate. All the existing module types provide functional output in the default system. Some of the modules are essential, and the deletion of the module may make administering the site difficult. Note that the Login module cannot be disabled or deleted. In general, you should be cautious about deleting modules because there is no confirmation dialogue — clicking the Delete icon immediately deletes the module! Reviewing the Administrator Modules The workspace of each Administrator Module dialogue is divided into three areas: Details, Menu Assignment, and Parameters, as shown in Figure 18.3. The Details and Menu Assignment portions of all the module types are identical. Unlike the site modules, the Administrator modules cannot be assigned to specific pages, hence the Menu Assignment area serves no function. Moreover, there are few options associated with the Administrator modules, and those few that exist are found in the parameters area of the module dialogue. FIGURE 18.3 A typical Administrator Module dialogue, in this case, the Logged In Users module. Chapter 18: Working With the Administrator Modules 425 The toolbar at the top of the module dialogue provides quick access to the following functions: l Save: Click this icon to save your work, add a new module, and exit the New Module dialogue. l Apply: Click to save your work and create a new module without exiting from the New Module dialogue. This option lets you save without exiting the screen and is useful in case you are interrupted or you otherwise want to save yet keep working on this screen. l Cancel: Cancels the task and exits the Module Manager. l Help: Displays the Help files related to the active screen. The Details section of the workspace contains the following fields: l Module Type: This identifier is set by the system and tells you the type of module being created. This cannot be changed. l Title: Use this field to give a name to your module. This field is required. l Show Title: This control is not active and has no impact on Administrator modules. l Enabled: Select Yes to publish the module. The default state is Yes. l Position: Controls the placement of the module on the page. Use the combo box to select from the list of eligible module positions. This field is required. l Order: Sets the order of the module relative to other modules assigned to the same posi- tion. Has no effect if only one module is assigned to a position. l Access Level: This field is set to Administrator and cannot be changed. l ID: A system-assigned identification number. This cannot be changed. l Description: Joomla! provides this description text to help users understand the use of the module. Cross-Reference For more information about working with the administrator template, see Chapter 23. The Menu Assignment area of the workspace serves no purpose for Administrator modules. Admin modules cannot be assigned to particular pages. The modules appear on only the pages of Administrator section. Outside of the Control Panel, all pages show the same modules. The Parameters section varies for each module. Details on the parameters for each module are dis- cussed in the sections that follow. Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 426 Admin Menu module The Admin Menu module is responsible for the navigation menu that shows at the top left of each Administrator page, as seen in Figure 18.4. Unlike the site modules, the administrator modules are not linked to the Menu Manager. Modifying the options on the Admin Menu is not possible, (aside from hacking the core files). The default system includes one example of the Admin Menu module, which is located in the Menu Module position at the top of the admin pages. Note The system name for this module type is mod_menu. The Parameters section is divided into two sections: Module parameters and Advanced parameters. The Module parameters section contains no controls, and the Advanced parameters section con- tains only one option: Caching. This control enables you to exempt a specific module from the site’s caching, as set in the Global Configuration. Select the option No Caching to prevent the con- tents of this module from being cached. The default setting is Use Global. To add an Admin Menu module to your site, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the admin system of your site. 2. Access the Module Manager. To do so, go to the Extensions menu and select the Module Manager option. The Module Manager loads in your browser. 3. Click the Administrator link. The Administrator Module Manager loads in your browser. The administrator template distributed with Joomla! 1.5.x is named Khepri. The template provides module position holders that are applicable to all the admin pages. The Control Panel page, however, is different from the other pages in the Admin system. Though it uses the Khepri template and hence has the same module position holders as the other admin pages, it also has additional Admin modules placed inside the content area of the page. Those module position holders are named Cpanel and Icon and are only active on the Control Panel page. Cpanel is positioned on the right side of the page and Icon is on the left. Neither is visible on the other admin pages. The Login module position appears on yet another page, the admin entry page. The page holds only the Login Form for gaining access to the admin system. The Login position does not accept any new mod- ule assignments. The Khepri template includes only five module position holders: Menu, Submenu, Status, Title, and Toolbar. So, although the Position combo box shows a larger assortment of available positions, only the five positions are available outside of the Control Panel. Assigning your module to either Cpanel or Icon results in the module output being hidden on the internal admin pages. Working with Khepri Chapter 18: Working With the Administrator Modules 427 4. Click the New icon on the toolbar at the top of the Module Manager. The New Module dialogue opens. (Refer to Figure 18.2.) 5. Select the option Admin Menu, and then click the Next button. The Admin Menu Module dialogue loads in your browser. 6. In the Title field, type a name for the module. This is a required field. 7. Set the option Enabled to Yes. 8. Set the position of the module. 9. Select any additional options you wish; all other fields are optional. 10. Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module. The dia- logue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager. Note Although it is possible to add multiple menu modules to your Administration system, there is no point in doing so because Joomla! recognizes only one menu module at a time. FIGURE 18.4 The output of the Admin Menu module, shown here assigned to the default Menu module position. Admin Menu module Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 428 Admin submenu The Admin submenu appears on some pages of the admin system, immediately below the title, but above the filters. You can see this menu in action, for example, on the Module Manager screen where it holds the text links Site and Administrator, as shown in Figure 18.5. Like the Admin menu, this menu is not part of the normal Joomla! Menu Manager scheme; the module is not related to and cannot be controlled by the Menu Manager. There is one Admin SubMenu module in the default Joomla! installation. It is assigned to the SubMenu module position. Note The system name for this module type is mod_submenu. The module parameters section contains only one option, Caching, and it is permanently set to Never. This option cannot be changed. FIGURE 18.5 The Admin SubMenu module in action; here you can see it on the Module Manager interface. Admin Submenu module Chapter 18: Working With the Administrator Modules 429 To add an Admin SubMenu module to your site, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the admin system of your site. 2. Access the Module Manager. To do so, go to the Extensions menu and select the Module Manager option. The Module Manager loads in your browser. 3. Click the link Administrator. The Administrator Module Manager loads in your browser. 4. Click the New icon on the toolbar at the top of the Module Manager. The New Module dialogue opens. (Refer to Figure 18.2.) 5. Select the option Admin SubMenu and then click the Next button. The Admin SubMenu module dialogue loads in your browser. 6. In the Title field, type a name for the module. This field is required. 7. Set the option Enabled to Yes. 8. Set the position of the module. 9. Select any additional options you wish; all other fields are optional. 10. Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module. The dia- logue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager. Custom HTML module The Custom HTML module is designed to allow you to enter the content of your choosing and to that end, provides a large text editing box and a WYSIWYG Editor. The module enables you to enter text, images, or HTML code and then display the output in a module position in the admin system. Use this module type to create blocks of text inside the admin system and to provide infor- mation and messages to the administrators, as shown in Figure 18.6. In the default configuration, the Joomla! system uses a Custom HTML module to present the Welcome to Joomla! content that greets administrators on the Control Panel. The Custom HTML module in the default system is named Welcome to Joomla! and is assigned to the Cpanel module position. Note that this module position is one of the two that appears only on the Control Panel page; if you want to use the Custom HTML module on internal admin pages, you will need to use a different module position. Note The system name for this module type is mod_custom. The module parameters section contains only one control: the Module Class Suffix. This field allows you to specify a suffix that will be automatically appended to all CSS styles that affect this module. The use of a specified suffix makes it possible for you to style this module individually. Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 430 FIGURE 18.6 The Custom HTML module in action on the Control Panel. The module is assigned to the Cpanel module position. Custom HTML module To add a Custom HTML module to your site, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the admin system of your site. 2. Access the Module Manager. To do so, go to the Extensions menu and select the Module Manager option. The Module Manager loads in your browser. 3. Click the link Administrator. The Administrator Module Manager loads in your browser. 4. Click the New icon on the toolbar at the top of the Module Manager. The New Module dialogue opens. (Refer to Figure 18.2.) 5. Select the option Custom HTML and then click the Next button. The Custom HTML module dialogue loads in your browser. 6. In the Title field, type a name for the module. This field is required. 7. Set the option Enabled to Yes. 8. Set the position of the module. 9. Input the text, or the HTML code, you desire into the Custom Output field. Chapter 18: Working With the Administrator Modules 431 10. Select any additional options you wish; all other fields are optional. 11. Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module. The dia- logue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager. Tip The default system’s Custom HTML module can be unpublished to give your Admin Control Panel a nice clean appearance. Alternatively, the default Welcome to Joomla! message included in the module can be replaced with content of your own choosing, such as a branding message, instructions, or other notices that need to be brought to the attention of the site administrators. Feed Display module The Feed Display module enables the gathering of RSS feed output and the display of that output inside a module position in the admin system, as shown in Figure 18.7. Although you can use this module to display content from any newsfeed, the default Joomla! system uses a Feed Display module to gather the output of the Joomla! Security Announcements newsfeed and to display that on the Control Panel page. FIGURE 18.7 The Feed Display module, shown here in the default configuration: Assigned to the Cpanel position on the Control Panel. Feed Display module Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 432 The default Feed Display module is named Joomla! Security Newsfeed and it is assigned to the Cpanel module position. Note that the default module is assigned to a position that only appears on the Control Panel; if you want the module to be viewable on other admin pages, you will need to assign it to a different position. Note The system name for this module type is mod_feed. The parameters section is divided into two sections: Module parameters and Advanced parameters. The module parameters section contains two controls: l Caching: This control allows you to exempt a specific module from the site’s caching, as set in the Global Configuration. Select the No Caching option to prevent the contents of this module from being cached. The default setting is No Caching. l Cache Time: Specify an integer value for the number of minutes the system will store the module contents before refreshing. l Module Class Suffix: This field allows you to specify a suffix that will be automatically appended to all CSS styles that affect this module. The use of a specified suffix makes it possible for you to style this module individually. l Feed URL: The address of the feed. Typically this begins with http://. This field is required. l RTL Feed: If your feed reads right to left, set this option to Yes. l Feed Title: Controls whether to display the title of the feed, as supplied by the source of the feed. l Feed Description: Controls whether to display the description of the feed, as supplied by the source of the feed. l Feed Image: Controls whether to display the image associated the feed, as supplied by the source of the feed. l Items: Specify an integer value to control the number of feed items that will be displayed in the module. The default is 3. l Item Description: Controls whether to display the description of the Feed Item, as sup- plied by the source of the feed. l Word Count: Specify an integer value to control the length of the feed item shown. Set the value to zero to show the entire item. To add a Feed Display module to your site, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the admin system of your site. 2. Access the Module Manager. To do so, go to the Extensions menu and select the Module Manager option. The Module Manager loads in your browser. Chapter 18: Working With the Administrator Modules 433 3. Click the Administrator link. The Administrator Module Manager loads in your browser. 4. Click the New icon on the toolbar at the top of the Module Manager. The New Module dialogue opens. (Refer to Figure 18.2.) 5. Select the option Feed Display and then click the Next button. The Feed Display Module dialogue loads in your browser. 6. In the Title field, type a name for the module. This field is required. 7. Set the option enabled to Yes. 8. Set the position of the module. 9. Enter the address for the source of the feed in the field labeled Feed URL. 10. Select any additional options you wish; all other fields are optional. 11. Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module. The dia- logue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager. Note Although adding feeds to the admin system may be a useful way to keep your administrators up-to-date with critical information — like the Joomla! Security Newsfeed — never forget that the Feed Display module draws its content from outside your server and that sometimes waiting on the feed data may result in delays in the loading of the admin interface. Footer module The Footer module in the admin system displays the Joomla! copyright information together with a link to check for system updates. Although there is a Footer module in the Administrator Module Manager, and the module is enabled, it does not appear because it has been assigned to an invalid module position, Footer. The default Khepri admin template does not include a module position named Footer. Figure 18.8 shows the output of the Footer module. Note The copyright notice you see at the bottom of the pages is coded into the Khepri admin template; it is not gen- erated by the Footer module. Note The system name for this module type is mod_footer. The module parameters section contains only one option. Caching allows you to exempt a specific module from the site’s caching, as set in the Global Configuration. Select the option No Caching to prevent the contents of this module from being cached. The default setting is Use Global. [...]... Enabled to Yes 8 Set the position of the module 437 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins 9 Select any additional options you wish; all other fields are optional 10 Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module The dialogue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager Tip This module is particularly useful in sites that have multiple administrators... Figure 18.17 Note The system name for this module type is mod_toolbar The module parameters section contains only one option, Caching, and it is permanently set to Never This option cannot be changed 447 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins FIGURE 18.17 The Toolbar module, shown here assigned to the default Toolbar module position Toolbar module To add a Toolbar module to your site,.. .Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins FIGURE 18.8 The output of the Footer module, in this case displayed in the Title Module Position Footer module To add a Footer module to your site,... module position and appears only on the admin entry page, as shown in Figure 18.12 This module is essential for the system and cannot be disabled Note The system name for this module type is mod_login 439 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins FIGURE 18.12 The output of the Login Form module, seen here on the admin entry page Login Form module The module parameters section contains two... untouched There are no real options here, other than to enable SSL Online Users module The Online Users module can be used to display the number of visitors who are currently viewing the front end of your web site Note Although the descriptive text for this item says it displays the number of “Back-end Users that are logged in” this is not actually accurate — the module shows the number of front-end visitors... the module Note The system name for this module type is mod_online The module parameters section contains only one option, Caching, and it is permanently set to Never This option cannot be changed 441 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins FIGURE 18.13 The Online Users module published to the Status module position Online Users module To add an Online Users module to your site, follow... display to expand to take up two lines, which is not very aesthetically pleasing Popular Articles module The Popular Articles module displays a list of the ten most frequently viewed articles on your web site The module shows the name of the article, the created date and time, and the number of hits the article has received during its lifetime You can click an article’s title to open the article in... options you wish; all other fields are optional 10 Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module The dialogue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager 443 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins FIGURE 18.14 The output of the Popular Articles module, shown here in the default Cpanel module position on the Admin Control Panel Popular Articles... options you wish; all other fields are optional 10 Click the Save icon on the toolbar at the top right to save your new module The dialogue closes and returns you to the Administrator Module Manager 445 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins Note As a practical matter, this module can only be displayed in the Icon module position Although it is physically possible to assign it to the... contents of this module from being cached The default setting is Use Global FIGURE 18.9 The Item Stats module, shown here as it appears on the Control Panel in the default installation Item Stats module 435 Part III: Working with Components, Modules, and Plugins To add an Item Stats module to your site, follow these steps: 1 Log in to the admin system of your site 2 Access the Module Manager To do so, go . FIGURE 18 .11 The Logged in Users module in action, here shown assigned to the Cpanel module position on the Control Panel. Logged in Users module Cross-Reference Turn to Chapter 11 for an extended. action, for example, on the Module Manager screen where it holds the text links Site and Administrator, as shown in Figure 18 .5. Like the Admin menu, this menu is not part of the normal Joomla! Menu. shown in Figure 18 .11 . Note The system name for this module type is mod_logged. The module parameters section contains only one control — Caching. This control allows you to exempt a specific

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