Instructor Student
Thu Duc City, 08/2023
Trang 3First and foremost, I would like to express my special thanks to the teachers of
the Faculty of Biological Sciences and Research Institute for Biotechnology andEnvironment, Nong Lam University — Ho Chi Minh City for their respectful greetings,
best wishes, and deep thanks I received attention, teaching, thoughtful guidance,
favorable conditions, and a research environment during the research andimplementation of the thesis
I would like to thank my instructor, Nguyen Ngoc Tan, Ph.D., for providing mewith the opportunity to conduct this research However, I must admit that I have felt
disappointed with his instructions, and I believe that the teaching style may not have
been entirely suitable for me I found it difficult to voice my concerns, as I felt that theteacher did not actively listen or show much interest in the progress of my research
Moreover, I must admit that my instructor did not review this thesis, and I completed it
by myself
I want to express my sincerest thanks to my family, who have always been a
source of encouragement and concern throughout the journey of preparing thisgraduation thesis Their unwavering support has motivated my continuous efforts to
strive and excel on my intellectual path
Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the support of VIGOVA PoultryResearch and Development Center for providing genetic resources and necessaryinformation that enabled the smooth progress of this study
Lastly, I extend my sincere appreciation to my seniors, classmates, and everyone
in the research room for sharing and exchanging knowledge and experiences to help meimplement this project
Name : DO CHI HIEU ID: 19126249 Class: DH19SHC
Phone : 0888528341 Email:
My major is Biotechnology at Nong Lam University-Ho Chi Minh City This is
my graduation thesis, which was conducted by myself All the data and information arecompletely honest and objective I take full responsibility in front of the committee forthese commitments
Thu Duc City, July 31% 2023
Student’s signature
Do Chi Hieu
Trang 5The Prolactin (PRL) gene, encoding the PRL hormone, plays a crucial role in
regulating various reproductive processes in animals, including egg production andbroodiness in poultry Studying the genetic variations and associations of the PRL gene
can provide valuable insights into enhancing breeding strategies and optimizing
reproductive performance in livestock species Additionally, the early assessment ofreproductive traits, especially in terms of productivity, carries great significance
Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the polymorphism at the PRL/PstI locus ofthe PRL gene in the second generation of TB crossbred ducks by the PCR-RFLPtechnique and the association of its polymorphism with reproductive traits A total of
167 blood samples were collected for DNA extraction and target fragment amplification
The target gene fragment in the exon 5 region was successfully amplified with a size of
536 bp The amplified PCR products were subsequently treated for digestion using thePstl restriction enzyme The results revealed that polymorphism at the PRL/Pstl locus
was detected with two alleles, C and T, and the allele frequencies were 0.808 and 0.192,respectively Three genotypes were observed; the genotype frequencies were 0.641,
0.335, and 0.024 for CC, CT, and TT in the total population The PIC (Polymorphic
Information Content) and He (expected heterozygosity) were 0.262 and 0.310,respectively In conclusion, polymorphism at PRL/PstI is identified, and the CC
genotype is dominant The distribution of genotypes in the population fits the
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Further analysis showed a significant association between thegenotypes and egg production Specifically, the CC genotypes exhibited higher eggyields up to 38 weeks of age compared to the CT genotype (corresponding to 99.25 +
9.82 eggs versus 95.55 + 7.25 eggs; P<0.05), following a regression line of
y=3.39x+89.02, with a determination coefficient of 0.039
Keywords: TB crossbred duck, Prolactin gene, Prolactin Hormone, exon 5, PCR-RFLP,
genetic polymorphism, reproductive traits
Trang 6điểm sinh sản Tổng cộng 167 mẫu máu được thu nhận dé ly trích DNA và khuếch đại
đoạn gen mục tiêu Doan gen mục tiêu trong vùng exon 5 đã được khuếch đại thành công với kích thước là 536 bp Sản pham PCR khuếch đại sau đó được tiến hành phân
cắt bởi enzym giới han PsíI Kết quả cho thay tính đa hình tại locus PRL/Pstl được phát
hiện với hai allele C và T Tần suất xuất hiện cua allele này là 0,808 và 0,192 Ba kiểu gen đã được quan sát Tần suất kiểu gen tương ứng là 0,641; 0,335 và 0,024 cho CC, CT
và TT trong quan thé Chi số PIC (hàm lượng thông tin đa hình) va He (di hợp tử mong đợi) lần lượt là 0,262 và 0,310 Tổng kết, locus PRL/Pstl đã phát hiện tính đa hình va kiểu gen CC chiếm ưu thế Phân bố kiểu gen trong quan thé phù hợp với cân bằng Hardy-
Weinberg Phân tích tiếp theo cho thấy mối quan hệ ý nghĩa giữa các kiểu gen và năng suất trứng Cụ thé, kiều gen CC cho thấy hiệu suất trứng cao hơn đến 38 tuần tuôi so với
kiểu gen CT (tương ứng với 99,25 + 9,82 trứng so với 95,55 + 7,25 trứng; P <0,05), theo
đường hồi quy y = 3,39x + §9,02, với hệ số xác định là 0,039.
Từ khóa: Vit lai TB, Prolactin gene, Hormone Prolactin, exon 5, PCR-RFLP, đa hìnhgen, tinh trang sinh san
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS caaccesiessbsinnseesssg4102811535013005588.00564536901-5u513358345502.3630/60633340840 iAFFIRMATION AND COMMITMENT .::ceceseeceeeesceeeeseeseeseeseeseeseeseeeeeeeseeeeeeee’ iiABSTRACT oc 11
eee eine! iv
TABLE OF CON TENTS tevassnsenavsneaiuoranwansamestcateianates insider vomiancnansws ten aetsibemisbeieametoannasnaee VLIST 9)5Ẽ.2)):35À47.0019)015— vilLIST OF TABLES tenxtetenseeccesemenioem een omentum emnemesnsenee ixLIST OF FIGURES series C0113 01601520001010910500050810100011300011111120130017.09/0001 XCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - - 2-22-2222 HH HH re 1
IN s00 i0¬ii 2n 1
Ld DỊ CHVGsrsnisiaiciisi10550666861955510386366500855188E39958.68382)9SE3HGISSS) 83.4006 350015694E0g8.056437E35505 2858EĐ8 21.3 Contents 5 2CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE, REVIEW ssssssexssssssssetsnsesascsanssassssansacsntesssaneansssasanssemnsseaseus 3
2.1 Duck breed in research: an OVELVICW - - - LH SH HH HH He 32.2 Candidate genes are associated with egg-laying performance - - - 52.2.1 The structure of the PRL gene - eccsceseecesesseseeeseeeeseeeeseeeeneeceseeeeseeseeeeateeeaeeceaees 5
2.2.2 THỂ PRI hot ssccen cesses nessa g2 CRDHHGIAXISAS1XSSREBSISSEEIASESESSSESSENSH4ASEEERSBSRSxĐSSE6S 622.2.J, The PRL borin ore: iriTfffiäTHHHđÍS§-= sez-siesseesesseensssrskkassiLdtkksus.adsdgsusbibkdepaddrbangdiese 7) The PRL, hormone 1ñ AVIAN SPECIES sesscsscssscecnsssvessereeseeesesssssmenermanarnasavavencesenes 72.2.3 The PRL hormone receptor - - + 222222322223 £2E£2E22E22E 2 E1 E1 re re 82.5, Polymerase Chain Re€a€tLIOHisssesssscesszeecseodinkoilxdgieS0114S3463E1443399534080888830596026C5G1680038G08 8
2.3.2 Advantages and limitations Of PCT - - - - 5 +2 +++£++*E£+zeEexeEerreerreerrrrree 10
2.4 Molecular markers in animal SCI€IIC€ - - 5 25+ *++*++E++££++xEereerrrrrrrrrerrke 10
2A Conventiotial i1áFEKÉSrnassersaiseindioiAAS11050450146E8014718XEES3E8593/85EAG3SSEISEEESSEETHSIG 10
Trang 82⁄25: REL PO CGSS ss tonnnghöa dư hong G-S48%LG098I0836- H:3053882300GSE3.4BSESGTGISE00G.đ53B35H:280939380E339880538088 132.6 Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism 14256.1, (PC ReREIP process sss sore on ee ats See a ee 15
2.6.2 Advantages and limitations of PCR-RFLP and RFLP techniques 16
21 RL Seite TS Cat CH usc nance eanmenane ee 16
2.7.1 The research status of Vietmamm :.ccceceecceseeeeceseeeeeeseeeeeeseeseceeeseesresseesseenees 162.7.2 The research status of worldwide ssisssizesizs025165561144660661434516480415484GE80 9538148665 G556 18
CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 0 cccceccecceceeeeseeseeseeseeseeseeseeseeseenens 22
3,2 |R€SGHFGHTTHIIGEIA |SisstossoxiaonsitlaeuidlaitbioilogtioolipiltBeosifoltfuciivagieddlfobEtyEsBccGTysuftgBivHqfbsSlgaat 223.2.1, Sample and data 6öllé€GHOfizseasssesssesesisssiistoottkgEiLSS0103882855135S45954838g6I015380.ED14130008Ầ 223.2.2 Equipment and tools used in the research 5-52 +++<£++*£+s£+eezxeezee 22,3.3: Total DNA 6X ACH Of scccncsssccusecsnnsesr.ciscxeanmeseceenerneeea vane anemenaneseanS 233.3.1 DNA quality assessment after exfraCfIOT1 ¿5-5 ceeceeceeeeeeeeseeaeeeeees 24
3.3.2 Agarose gel electrophoresis of total extracted DNA -c c<<s¿ 253.4 PCR amplification for exon 5 of the PRL gene cccceececeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeseeseeeseees 253:5 RFLP analysis of PCR products sssssspsscss emer ema 26
3 GoD Atal AIL YS ececsaeeieeseribsoesaiezessonosnusipbrasssllEDEMonkEstepisslMemuadkrietodirku8/091-au43581ndluoS44deecasSi 27
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION we sssssssncossssovsnssonsesie se nesncunssesetssceseneseanses 304.1 Amplification of the target gene on the exon 5 reg10n - 5+ << ++c+s<++ 304.1.1 Total DNA €XIE4CLOHisescessssssssssssEss64S6146180414608666539161E558601468558313630Đ55346016G94188 304.1.2 PCR amplification for exon 5 of the PRL gene 5+5 +++<£++<++sc+sx++ 314.1.2.1 PCR amplification primer 1nfOrIaft1OI - 5 5+ 2+ *£++£££+zee+eezeeezxx 314.1.2.2 PCR amplification results for exon 5 of the PRL gene - - 324.2 Polymorphic analysis of the PRL/PstI locus by the Ps⁄l restriction enzyme 324.3 Effect of the genotypes at the PRL/PstI locus on some reproductive traits 36CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS -c-c-cccccee 40Bil COnGlUSTONS ssssci-zs2s502580521226n85612 16 EglgiDcsiSdiot8gicuuSdngligdisSnii8daiigatiosidsosciciaidsbizEtdaroiSirdudi0aciimzketsard 40
Su SUD BOS LL ODS cuenndeeanebiuodooottlogiBiSEENGISSSEASSESSSIE-HGGAGSSSEBHMSR3.98S03ã190436100219iJggS0gg88 00380 g9oggssi 40
;3335i54 0195005 = Ô Ô 4I
Abbreviations Description
AFLP : Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
ANOVA : Analysis of variance
Bp : Base pair
df : Degree of freedom
DNA : Deoxyribonucleic acid
EDTA : Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Ha : The alternative hypothesis
PIC : Polymorphic Information Content
PRL - Prolactin gene
PRL : Prolactin hormone
QTL : Quantitative Trait Loci
RAPD : Random Amplified Length Polymorphism
REases : Restriction Enzyme
RFLP : Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
rpm : Round per minute
SD : Standard Deviation
SNP : Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
Trang 10: Chi-square
Table 2.1 Summary of Genotypic and Allelic Frequencies at the PRL/PstI Locus 20
Table 3.1 Expected RFLP-digested PCR product sizes and genotype conventions 27Table 4.1 Information on the L536 primer pair - 5-5525 52 +52 <+£+s£+sc+sccee 31Table 4.2 Polymorphic analysis of the PRL/Pstl locus by PstI restriction enzyme 34
Table 4.3 Effect of genotypes on some reproductive fTa1{S - -+s++++ 36
Figure 2.1 Crossbreeding scheme điagram 2-52 22+ 22+ +22 £+zE++vEezerreezerrreerere 4
Figure 2.2 Illustrations of portions of the prolactin gene in ducks 6Figuré 2.3 IIlustration of RFLP analysis.e.cccivsssiavssseavesveee oreseervessisessnmmnsensensesaesenses 14Figure 2.4 Illustration of PCR-RFLP anaÌyS1s - 55552 +52£+<<+2c+sc+scesrree 15Figure 4.1 Representative electrophoresis of the extracted DNA on 1% agarose gel.30
Figure 4.2 Representative electrophoresis of the PCR products of PRL in exon 5 on
DY APATOSE: GE | picononcrrasemrvsrncevsituerenivnesiiistinses touts witinaitersmtineess viregilinlotristbsbiiltDuairbatt0u-1046 4L 32
Figure 4.3 Representative electrophoresis PCR-RFLP pattern of the PRL gene
digested with Pst] on 2,5% agarose Ø€ÌL - LG HH TH ng hệt 33Figure 4.4 Genotypic effect of the PRZ/PstI locus on egg yield (EY) - 38
1.1 Problem statement
Along with the wet rice civilization, duck farming has been a long-standingtraditional business and played an important role in the agricultural economy in Vietnam.Since 1961, our country has consistently ranked second globally in terms of duckpopulations In 2020, Vietnam continued to hold the second position with a population
of over 86.5 million ducks, representing 7% of the global total (Jalaludeen et al., 2022)
Duck farming contributes remarkably to agricultural productivity by providing a
considerable source of duck meat and eggs Duck meat is highly sought-after for its
nutritional value and flavor (Sinanoglou et al., 2011) In 2019, Vietnam ranked fourth
globally in terms of duck meat production Duck eggs are also highly regarded for theirsuperior nutritional profile compared to chicken eggs, as well as their affordable price
They are commonly used in the production of salted eggs, thousand-year eggs (pidan),and balut In Vietnam, ducks are primarily raised for the production of table eggs, with
a large domestic market for various types of duck eggs as well as an export market forduck eggs (Jalaludeen et al., 2022) To meet market demand, The TC crossbred duck,
renowned for its highest egg yield in the world and suitability for Vietnamese raising
conditions, was bred and officially recognized as a breed in 2011 (Tran Thanh et al.,2018) As one of the countries heavily affected by climate change, adverse impacts on
agricultural activities are increasing day by day (Anh et al., 2023) Because of the limitedadaptability of duck breeds to climate change, there is a pressing need to breed and select
duck breeds that can ensure both high economic efficiency in production and adaptation
to climate change The TB crossbred layer duck, resulting from a crossbreeding program
between male TC ducks and female Bien ducks, is considered for its potential in adapting
to climate change This crossbred duck was specifically developed to achieve high egg
productivity and salt intrusion tolerance, making it a suitable choice for duck farming inregions affected by climate change and saltwater intrusion
The main method in selective breeding has been used for a long time to improve
livestock by selecting animals with superior traits In general, traditional selectionmethods have limitations in evaluating reproductive traits due to their late expression in
Trang 14the animal's life Therefore, the early assessment of reproductive traits, particularly interms of productivity, carries great significance The term "Smart Breeding" is
occasionally used to refer to breeding strategies supported by marker-assisted selection(Al-Samarai and Al-Kazaz, 2015) Most RFLP markers are co-dominant, thus allowing
for the detection of both homozygous and heterozygous individuals The utilization ofPCR-RFLP for supporting livestock breeding offers several advantages, such as
affordability, robustness, and simplicity in both the execution and interpretation ofresults (Salisu et al., 2018)
The Prolactin (PRL) gene stands out as a significant candidate due to its impact
on brooding behavior, which can ultimately influence egg production by regulating
PRL hormone levels Despite the PRL gene has garnered attention in many studies,there is still limited information available on the polymorphism of the PRZ/PstI locusand its relationship with productive and reproductive traits in ducks (Ghanem et al.,2017) In my thesis, The PCR-RFLP technique was utilized to investigate the
polymorphism of the PRL/PstI locus of the PRL gene and its association with specificreproductive traits in the second generation of TB crossbred ducks The findings have
practical implications for improving duck breeding programs, specifically in increasingegg production and ensuring the sustainability and resilience of the industry, which
faces ongoing challenges posed by climate change
1.2 Objectives
To evaluate the prolactin gene polymorphism on the exon 5 and the association
of its polymorphism with some reproductive traits of TB crossbred ducks
1.3 Contents
To accomplish the objectives, this research conducted 03 contents
Content 1: Amplification of the target gene on the exon 5 region
Content 2: Polymorphic analysis of the PRL/Pstl by PstI restriction enzyme
Content 3: Effect of the genotype at PRL/PstI locus on some reproductive traits of TBcrossbred ducks
2.1 Duck breed in research: an overview
In this study, I focused on studying the second generation of TB crossbred layer
ducks This section provides an overview of this duck breed
In parallel with the wet rice civilization for thousands of years in our country, theintegrated rice-duck farming system has been developed With that advantage, it is notsurprising that Vietnam has the second-largest duck population globally In rice-producing countries, there is a synergistic relationship between duck productivity and
rice cultivation Free-range ducks play a natural predator role by controlling insects and
snails while also consuming leftover grains after harvest As natural predators and
contributors of organic fertilizer, ducks contribute to higher crop yields (Ismoyowati andSumarmono, 2019) Vietnam has a wealth of genetic resources for duck breeds, from
indigenous duck breeds that are valued for their unique traits and high adaptability tolocal environments to exotic duck breeds that have also gained popularity in Vietnamdue to their fast growth, excellent meat quality, high egg-laying capacity, and
commercial potential However, Vietnam is one of the most countries heavily affected
by climate change These environmental changes pose a significant threat to agricultural
activities, including duck farming, which is known to be sensitive to climate variations
The effects of climate change, particularly saltwater intrusion, have been increasingsteadily over the years, with the salinity intrusion disaster of 2020 acknowledged as the
worst in recent memory for provinces in the Mekong Delta (Tran Ngoc Lam et al., 2022;Park et al., 2022) It is essential to develop salt-tolerant duck breeds with highproductivity and quality for economic efficiency and climate change adaptation
The Bien 15 duck breed, also known as Dai Xuyen, has the ability to adapt tovarious water environments, including fresh, brackish, and saline water It is the first
duck breed in Vietnam to possess the adaptation trait to a marine environment, which is
attributed to its salt gland This salt gland is an exocrine gland that functions toconcentrate salt and facilitate the excretion of ions from the body When raised indifferent water environments with varying salinity levels, the Bien 15 ducks maintainedhigh survival rates The maturity age was 21—22 weeks, with body weights at first laying
Trang 16ranging from 2,591.12—2,648.31 g/duck The laying rate was between 67.51% and68.31% (Le Thi Mai et al., 2019).
The TC duck breed is a crossbred duck crossed by Vietnamese scientists by
combining the genetic traits of imported duck breeds (Triet Giang, China ducks) and the
well-known egg-laying duck breed in Vietnam (Co duck) This is a duck breed that is
evaluated to have a remarkably high egg production, a larger egg volume than Triet
Giang duck eggs, and an earlier laying age than Co ducks TC ducks have egg
productivity of 280.65—282.68 /duck/52 weeks; egg weight is 68—70 g/egg; egg embryorate is 96.63%; and hatching rate per total incubated eggs is 88.63% (Vu Hoang, 2019)
Based on the salt tolerance capability of the Bien ducks and leveraging the existing productivity advantages of the TC ducks, the process of reciprocal crossing
pre-between TC and Bien ducks was performed to obtain offspring Among the offspring,
the TB crossbred ducks were selected to conduct this research The TB crossbred duck
is considered to have great potential for high egg productivity and good salt tolerance.The breeding and development of this duck breed aimed to address the specific farming
conditions in Vietnam, particularly in response to the challenges posed by climate changeand saltwater intrusion
ơ TC breed / 2 Bien breed
TB crossbred
Figure 2.1 Crossbreeding scheme diagram
The TB crossbred duck generations have reached the second generation The study
on the polymorphism at the PRL/PstI locus was conducted in the first generation of TBcrossbred ducks, but it has not been performed in this generation yet The secondgeneration of TB crossbred ducks is a crucial stage in the breeding program, where thestability of desired characteristics observed in the first generation will be evaluated todetermine the consistency of traits passed on to subsequent generations If the traits
persist and demonstrate consistency in the second generation, it indicates the potential
of using the marker at the PRL/PstI locus to enhance egg productivity
Trang 172.2 Candidate genes are associated with egg-laying performance
The rate of egg production is a major economic determinant of the livelihoods of
poultry farmers The ovary is a significant part of the female reproductive system and ishighly important for egg formation Due to the cruciality of this organ, many studieshave been conducted to identify candidate genes associated with egg production in ducksthrough transcriptome analysis, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping, and the
Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) approach Egg production performance is apolygenic trait influenced by the interaction of environmental factors and geneticmechanisms (endocrine mechanisms), of which genetics impacts egg-layingperformance the most (Bello et al., 2022) This is because the genes influence endocrine
mechanisms by regulating hormone levels, influencing follicle growth and development,
and influencing reproductive system development Endocrine research has examined
candidate genes associated with egg-laying performance, which are primarily related toreproductive hormones (Du et al., 2020; Hanafy and Elnesr, 2021)
More than 31 reproductive hormone-based candidate genes have been identified as
significantly associated with egg-laying performance The main endocrine factorsregulating the egg-laying process are Growth Hormone (GH), Follicle-StimulatingHormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Prolactin Hormone (PRL) Onespecific candidate gene, PRL, has received significant attention in various studies due toits polymorphic and potential influence on egg-laying traits (Wilkanowska et al., 2014).2.2.1 The structure of the PRL gene
Kansaku et al (2005) have identified sequence information for the PRL gene in
ducks The duck PRL gene consists of five exon regions that code for 229 amino acids,separated by four introns The sequence of the PRL gene in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)
has been registered in The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)(Accession Code: AB158611.1) Duck PRZ cDNA is 92.0%, 91.7%, and 91.4%
homologous to chicken, turkey, and quail PRL, respectively Overall PRL in adult ducks
is similar to that in chicken (95.5%), turkey (92.5%), and quail (95.5%)
Trang 18_ transcription factor j Coding Sequences (CDS) site|
(TATA Boreal io | Intron! Intron2 Intron3 Intron4 |
: H E F ‡ Poly A Tail
SESsl6468825/ %s«sssssIExonÏ ˆ Exon2 Exon3 + Exon4 + Exon5 S34969959656
5'UTR ; 3UTR
ATG/Metionin TAA
(start codon) (stop codon)
Figure 2.2 Illustrations of portions of the prolactin gene in ducks
The information about the positions of the regions on the PRL gene in Figure 2.2:The 5'-flanking region: 1-242 = 242 bp
The 3-flanking region: 6036—6332 = 297 bp
The exon and intron sequences of the PRL gene in poultry species typically extend
over a length of 6 kb, starting from the initial ATG codon and ending at the stop codon
in the translated sequence The 5' flanking sequences of the PRL gene in chicken, turkey,and duck have lengths of 2.6 kb, 2.0 kb, and 0.2 kb, respectively
The gene encoding PRL hormone is located on chromosome No.6 in the human(Owerbach et al., 1981); chromosome No.13 in the mouse genome (Wiemers et al.,
2003); chromosome No.7 in pigs (Vincent et al., 1989); and chromosome No.2 in thebird, chicken, and duck genomes (Alipanah et al., 2011)
2.2.2 The PRL hormone
The PRL hormone is encoded by the PRL gene PRL is a polypeptide hormone as
well as a cytokine that is synthesized in and secreted from specialized cells of the anterior
pituitary gland, where its expression level is highest Moreover, it is also synthesizedwithin the central nervous system, the immunological system, the uterus, and its
associated tissues of conception, and even the milk-producing gland PRL has been
recognized as a multifunctional hormone with more than 300 functions in vertebrates
Trang 19Therefore, its biological activities are not limited to reproduction but also include manyother biological processes (Freeman et al., 2000). The PRL hormone in mammals
In humans, PRL plays a significant role in both the psychological and physiologicalaspects of reproductive function It has a wide range of physiological functions, but its
two primary responsibilities are milk production and the development of mammary
glands within breast tissues In addition, this hormone has also been reported to have agreat influence on the immune system It has a bioactive function by acting as a cytokinethat can regulate the immune response and has been shown to regulate the activity andnumber of immune cells (Nevalainen and Rui, 2003)
In the mouse, PRL is a key hormone regulating the formation and functioning ofthe corpus luteum and stimulating other necessary processes for a successful pregnancy
and lactation (Bole-Feysot et al., 1998) In rabbits, PRL has responsibility for the
beginning and maintenance of lactation, as well as the synthesis of the principalcomponents of milk (Benedek et al., 2023)
In contrast, in ruminants (bovine and caprine), PRL is not the quintessential lactational hormone as in other mammals In mammals, during lactation, a decrease in
pro-PRL can inhibit or reduce lactation, but in ruminants, despite being mammals, this doesnot occur or happens insignificantly However, PRL is still considered to have a role in
lactation and mammary gland development in dairy ruminants Although it may not be
the primary hormone involved in those processes, its role is not trivial (Ismoyowati and
Sumarmono, 2019) The PRL hormone in avian species
In general, PRL participates in the process of lactation, stimulating milk production
in the mammary glands to nourish the offspring in mammals Conversely, in birds and
poultry that lack mammary glands, PRL plays another important role Some reproductivedifferences between poultry and mammals lead to differences in the role of released PRL
An outstanding behavior observed in poultry is egg incubation This behavior ischaracterized by the release of the PRL hormone The released PRL is associated with
physiological and behavioral changes that facilitate egg incubation and maternal care by
stimulating brood patch formation The brood patch, a featherless patch of skin on the
Trang 20abdomen of the parent bird, has increased blood flow and specialized glands toeffectively transfer heat toward the eggs and PRL may also contribute to the display of
aggressive and defensive behaviors in brooding poultry (Dobolyi et al., 2020)
It is a well-established fact that elevated levels of PRL in the blood are related tothe complete cessation of egg production (Kulibaba and Podstreshnyi, 2012) Themechanism that controls broodiness has attracted great interest from avian biologists
because broodiness causes the ovary and oviduct to regress, which results in thecessation of egg laying and consequent financial losses for the poultry industry (Ohkubo,
2.2.3 The PRL hormone receptor
The PRL hormone interacts with multiple receptors located on the cell membrane
of various organs via an endocrine pathway By binding with these receptors, the PRL
hormone exerts its effects, mediated by the prolactin receptor (PRLR), and plays a
crucial role in the signal transduction cascade of PRL The encoded product of the PRLRgene is a receptor protein, specifically a single transmembrane protein that belongs toclass I of the cytokine receptor superfamily The PRLR gene is expressed in various
tissues, including the ovaries, oviduct, testes, deferent ducts, kidneys, and small and large
intestines (Xing et al., 2011)
It is widely recognized that the PRL gene is closely linked to the initiation and
maintenance of broodiness in poultry and could be a potential genetic marker for
breeding programs aimed at increasing performance eggs Meanwhile, the PRLR gene isconsidered a promising candidate genetic marker for reproductive traits due to its
significant role as an important regulator gene in the processes of cell growth anddifferentiation (Wilkanowska et al., 2014)
2.3 Polymerase Chain Reaction
In the 1980s, Kary Mullis invented the molecular biology method known as thePolymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Since its development, PCR has revolutionized
molecular biology research and evolved into an assemblage of varied methodologies Itbecomes an indispensable methodology in numerous scientific fields, including genetics,
genomics, forensics, diagnostics, and others
Trang 21PCR, according to the original description, is an in vitro method that essentiallyextends natural DNA replication It allows amplifying a specific DNA segment using a
limited amount of the initial DNA sample in a rapid and very sensitive manner, therebygenerating abundant identical copies sufficient for research PCR also can modify,
remove, and alter DNA sequences The PCR technique involves a series of dependent enzymatic reactions that result in the exponential replication of a targeted
temperature-DNA region (Clark et al., 2019)
A typical PCR assay requires a DNA polymerase enzyme, a DNA template, DNA
primers, nucleotides, a PCR buffer, and a thermal cycler instrument The DNApolymerase synthesizes nucleotides to generate the PCR products The primers have a
specific sequence complementary to the target DNA, determining the size and specificity
of the amplified products The PCR buffer provides optimal conditions for enzyme
activity and DNA amplification The thermal cycler enables precise temperature changesfor repeated cycles of DNA amplification
2.3.1 PCR process
A cycle in the PCR process typically consists of three main steps: denaturation,annealing, and extension In the denaturation step, the reaction solution is heated (94—95°C) for a certain period (20-30 seconds) to separate the double-stranded structure of
the DNA sample into two individual strands In the annealing step, the temperature istypically lowered to a specific temperature (50-65°C) for a certain period (20-30
seconds), allowing the specific primers to bind specifically to their complementarysequences on each DNA strand In the extension step, the temperature is raised again(72°C) for a certain period (1-2 minutes) to enable DNA polymerase to synthesize newDNA strands starting from the primers This three-step cycle is repeated 25—40 times,resulting in a doubling of the number of copied DNA molecules with each repetition
PCR products or amplicons typically range in length from 100 to 3000 base pairs,
although longer amplifications of up to 50,000 base pairs can be achieved under certain
conditions There are two main methods of visualizing the PCR products: Gelelectrophoresis and hybridization with labeled oligonucleotide probes
Trang 222.3.2 Advantages and limitations of PCR
PCR has multiple advantages, including high sensitivity, which permits the
detection of samples with low concentrations and the amplification of the desired DNAsequence accurately It is a rapid method for generating many copies of a specific product
for sequencing, cloning, and analysis in a short period PCR is cost-effective andperformed in vitro, eliminating the need for living cells
However, PCR does have some limitations Contamination is a potential issue thatcan lead to misleading results PCR has length limitations, making the amplification of
longer DNA fragments challenging Designing specific and efficient primers for DNAsequences is challenging, and PCR requires prior knowledge of the target DNA
sequence, limiting its applicability to unknown or poorly characterized sequences.Additionally, there is a low rate of error in PCR due to the possibility of base substitution
errors being synthesized by the DNA polymerase (for Taq polymerase, an error rate of
1.8 x 10°), leading to sequence variations in the final products (Potapov and Ong, 2017).
2.4 Molecular markers in animal science
Genetic markers are stable and heritable characteristics that can be quantified or
detected using appropriate methods It serves as a recognizable feature that can be used
to identify specific genetic characteristics or traits in organisms Genetic markers aredivided into two main categories: Conventional markers and molecular markers
2.4.1 Conventional markers
Conventional markers, also known as classical markers, refer to the markers that
were commonly used before the advent of molecular markers Morphological,Cytological, and Biochemical markers are the three primary classifications of
conventional markers
Morphological markers are physical characteristics of an organism used to identify
and distinguish desired traits (such as size, shape, color, or other visible traits) Livestockphenotypes are influenced by both genetics and the environment Evaluating farm animalgenetic resources with morphological markers relies on subjective judgments anddescriptions, which can lead to conclusions that are often not completely accurate A
second type of marker, Cytological markers are related to variations in the numbers,
karyotypes, banding patterns, position, meiotic behavior, and _ constitutive
Trang 23heterochromatin of chromosomes They are used to assess the genetic diversity of animalgenetic resources and determine the specific location of a gene on the chromosome, as
well as its position relative to other genes The third type of marker is Biochemical.Biochemical markers focus on variations in protein, blood type, allozymes, and other
biochemical substances, usually detected through electrophoresis or immunoassays.Nevertheless, neither proteins nor allozymes are genetic material and are susceptible to
environmental influences, which restricts their wider application (Samarai and Kazaz, 2015)
Al-Conventional markers still hold value in certain contexts and continue to be utilized
in genetic studies and breeding programs However, they have limitations in terms of
resolution, ability to provide genetic information and may not be directly associated with
specific genes or desired traits In numerous investigations, they have been supplemented
and supported with more advanced molecular markers
2.4.2 Molecular markers
Conventional markers have been criticized for being an indirect and insensitivetechnique for detecting variation in DNA Researchers are interested in markers thatallow direct identification of the genes of interest rather than the products of the genes(Schlötterer, 2004) Advancements in molecular genetics have introduced a wide range
of molecular markers that contribute to better understanding and assist in the selection
allele variations that can be classified into three major groups: differences in the number
of tandem repeats at specific loci (known as simple sequence repeats), segmental
insertions/deletions (InDels), and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) Due to their
abundance and stability, markers utilizing SNPs have emerged as a prominent focal point
in the field of molecular genetics (Mammadov et al., 2012) However, molecular markers
may not always influence the phenotypic expression or activity of genes These markersmay or may not correlate with how a trait is expressed phenotypically
Trang 242.4.3 Classification of molecular markers
Molecular markers can be classified into two categories based on genomic
segments: type I and type II Type I markers are associated with genes of known functionand are conserved loci across species Type II markers are characterized by their high
polymorphism and are genomic segments with anonymous or non-coding sequences.Furthermore, molecular markers can also be classified based on the mode of gene action(co-dominant or dominant markers) or detection technique (hybridization-based markers
or PCR-based markers) (Raza et al., 2015)
An ideal molecular marker should possess the following characteristics: Firstly, itmust be co-dominant in expression and have adequate resolution Secondly, it should bepolymorphic and evenly distributed throughout the genome Thirdly, it should generatemultiple independent and reliable markers Fourthly, it should be simple, rapid, and cost-
effective Fifthly, it should require small amounts of tissue and DNA samples Sixth, it
should be associated with distinct phenotypes Lastly, it should not require priorknowledge or information about the genome of the organism It is important to note that
while there is no molecular marker that possesses all these characteristics, ongoingresearch aims to develop markers that come closer to these ideal characteristics (Mondini
2.5 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
A Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) is a DNA sequence thatcontains specific recognition sites for restriction enzymes at each of its ends, with a
"target" sequence located between them The majority of RFLP markers are type I and
co-dominant, allowing for the distinction between homozygous and heterozygoussamples by detecting both alleles at a particular genetic locus They are based on theidentification of differences in the lengths of DNA fragments generated by the digestion
Trang 25of DNA samples with specific restriction enzymes The formation of RELP as a result ofpoint mutations impacts the presence or distribution of restriction enzyme recognition
2.5.1 Restriction enzymes
Restriction enzymes (REases), also referred to as restriction endonucleases, areenzymes that can recognize particular DNA sequences and cleave the DNA at restrictionsites When a restriction enzyme cleaves the DNA at its specific recognition site, itproduces DNA fragments of defined sizes and ends These DNA fragments generated bythe cleavage of DNA with restriction enzymes could be used as genetic markers
REases are classified into four main types: Type I, Type II, Type II, and Type IV.These classifications are based on their enzymatic properties and mechanisms of action.Type I REases cleave DNA at locations that are relatively random and often far awayfrom the recognition site Type II REases cleave DNA at specific sites within therecognition site Type III REases recognize short nonpalindromic sequences and cleavethe DNA at fixed positions outside of the recognition site Type IV REases cleavemethylated DNA and exhibit weak sequence specificity
Type II restriction endonucleases (REases) represent the largest group of
characterized enzymes and have been extensively studied (Loenen et al., 2014) Theyoffer unparalleled opportunities for advanced genetic research and have revolutionized
fields such as genomics, genetic engineering, and molecular diagnostics
2.5.2 RFLP process
(1) Total DNA Extraction: Isolation of DNA from the sample of interest
(2) Restriction Digestion: Enzymatic cleavage of DNA using restriction enzymes
to generate DNA fragments
(3) Gel Electrophoresis: Separation of DNA fragments based on their size using
agarose gel electrophoresis
(4) Denaturation: Treatment of the gel to denature the double-stranded DNA into
single-stranded DNA
(5) Blotting: Transfer of the single-stranded DNA from the gel to a solid support
membrane, such as nitrocellulose or nylon
Trang 26(6) Cross-Linking and Blocking: Blocking the membrane to prevent non-specific
binding and cross-linking the DNA to the membrane
(7) Hybridization and Visualization: Hybridization of the membrane-binding DNA
with a radiolabeled probe specific to the target DNA sequence, followed by detection
and visualization of the hybridized bands using techniques such as autoradiography
laid on the top of it,
transferring the DNA
Q A photographic film laid on top
The paper is exposed toa of the paper is exposed by the
solution containing radioactivity in the bond probe
radioactively-labeled probe to form an image corresponding
to the DNA bands
Figure 2.3 Illustration of RFLP analysis
RFLP has diverse applications in genome mapping, genetic variation analysis,disease association studies, DNA fingerprinting, evolutionary studies, and plant andanimal breeding Although newer techniques have emerged, RFLP has played a
significant role in advancing our knowledge of genetics and laying the foundation formore advanced genetic analysis methods
2.6 Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
In reality, the DNA in a genome is very large, so digesting it with enzymes and
performing Southern blot analysis is costly and complicated and requires large amounts
of high-quality DNA The use of radioactive probes in RFLP poses safety hazards and
increases complexity and cost Access to RFLP analysis may be restricted due to
regulations on radioactive materials Therefore, when the differences in DNA sequenceoccur only in a specific region of the genome, the PCR-based RFLP technique can be
used to differentiate the PCR products
Trang 272.6.1 PCR-RFLP process
The PCR-RFLP method for genotyping is based on SNP markers in candidate
genes and involves the following steps:
Step 1: Selection of SNP markers for each candidate gene by considering theirfunctional relevance, previous literature, genomic databases, and allele frequency
Step 2: Extraction and purification of DNA from the tissue sample
Step 3: Experimental design and performance of the PCR-RFLP reaction Thisinvolves designing primers, optimizing PCR reaction conditions, choosing appropriate
restriction enzymes for digestion, and preparing the necessary reaction buffers
Step 4: Determination of the genotypes based on SNP markers using
electrophoresis A successful PCR-RFLP reaction results in DNA fragments of different
lengths, depending on the genotypic differences caused by the SNP These DNAfragments can then be analyzed using electrophoresis to determine the genotype based
on the size differences of the cut fragments
Extract DNA ep
| PCR amplification
Blood sample
mmRestriction Enzyme Digest
Figure 2.4 Illustration of PCR-RFLP analysis
Trang 282.6.2 Advantages and limitations of PCR-RFLP and RFLP techniques
PCR-RFLP offers several advantages over traditional RFLP It is a more efficient
method as it amplifies a specific DNA region before restriction enzyme digestion,increasing sensitivity, specificity, and precision while significantly reducing the time
required compared to the traditional RFLP method It also requires smaller amounts ofDNA, making it suitable for samples with limited DNA availability Since no radioactivematerials are required, it is safer
However, there are significant drawbacks to PCR-RFLP Prior knowledge is needed
to plan the experiment, including primer design, optimization of PCR conditions, andselection of appropriate restriction enzymes, which can be complex and time-consuming.PCR-RFLP has limited resolution for detecting genetic variations within specific DNA
segments as well as genetic variations outside of the primer binding sites On the otherhand, RFLP is a well-established technique for genetic analysis It allows for genome-
wide analysis without prior sequence information and is effective at detecting largergenetic variations RFLP is not dependent on primer binding sites, making it suitable for
regions with unknown sequences
2.7 PRL gene research
2.7.1 The research status of Vietnam
Recent years have witnessed a tremendous increase in interest in research on the
PRL gene in poultry Studies have shed light on the role of the PRL gene as a candidategene for supporting genetic selection in various aspects of poultry production andperformance
One notable study, Tran Thi Binh et al (2018) conducted a study to investigate the
polymorphisms in the PRL gene relating to reproductive traits in the indigenous breed
of Lien Minh chickens The researchers found two genotypes for each of the twopolymorphic sites at PRL24 and PRLS The identified genotypes at PRL24 were ID and
DD, while the genotypes at PRLS were CT and TT The results showed that individualswith the ID genotype at PRL24 and the CT genotype at PRLS exhibited significantly
higher average egg weights of 47.57 + 3.11 (g) and 46.91 + 4.29 (g), respectively, with
a significance level of P<0.05 Furthermore, those with the genotypes ID and CT also
Trang 29displayed better reproductive characteristics, including the number of eggs and theweight of the first egg.
In 2019, a study by Nguyen Hoang and Nguyen Thi Chau, the polymorphisms of
the PRL gene (including the 24-bp Insertion-Deletion and C2402T) were investigated intwo Vietnamese native chicken breeds, namely Ri and Mia Chicken The study identifiedthree genotypes for the 24-bp Insertion-Deletion polymorphism (DD, ID, and II) and
three genotypes for the C2402T polymorphism (CC, CT, and TT) Notably, genotypes
DD and TT exhibited dominance at their respective polymorphic positions in both the Ri
and Mia chicken populations Research has suggested that polymorphisms of the PRL
gene (24-bp Insertion-Deletion and C2402T polymorphisms) are considered candidategenes for improving reproductive traits in poultry
Pham Thi Nhu et al (2022) evaluated the polymorphism of the PRZ gene incrossbred ducks (Star53xBien) The study found that the PR//Hphl locus was
monomorphic, showing no variation in genotypes At the PRL/Xbal locus, two alleles, Tand G, were identified, with the frequencies of the TT and TG genotypes being 0.78 and
0.22, respectively The T allele and the TT genotype were found to be dominant at thislocus However, the impact of these genotypes on the growth and reproductive traits of
the crossbred duck population has not been investigated yet
Le Tan Loi et al (2022) conducted a study on the PRL gene polymorphism inStar53 crossbred ducks, specifically investigating the exon 5 region at the PRL/Dral,
PRL/Pvull, and PRL/Psfl loci using the PCR-RFLP technique The results of the studyshowed that the PRL/Dral and PRL/Pvull sites were found to be monomorphic.However, the PRL/PstI site exhibited polymorphism, with allele frequencies of 0.85 for
C and 0.15 for T Two genotypes were observed, with genotype frequencies of 0.70 for
CC and 0.30 for CT, respectively
Bui Pham My et al (2022) explored the polymorphisms of the PRL gene on exon
5 and the correlation of the polymorphisms with egg production traits in the firstgeneration of crossbred BT ducks (Bien x TC) The results of the study showed that three
genotypes, CC, CT, and TT, were observed at the PRL/Pstl locus The associationbetween genotypes and phenotypes revealed that the group of ducks carrying the CC
genotype tended to lay their first egg earlier Moreover, they exhibited significantly
Trang 30higher egg production until 38 weeks of age compared to the group of ducks with the CTgenotype (corresponding to 102.8 eggs versus 98.7 eggs, respectively; P<0.05) These
findings suggest a potential relationship between the PRL/Pstl genotypes and eggproduction traits in crossbred BT ducks
In the study conducted by Le Ba et al (2022) on the TB crossbred layer duckpopulation The polymorphism was discovered at the PRL/PstI locus The results
revealed the presence of two identified alleles, C and T, with frequencies of 0.82 and
0.18, respectively The genotype frequencies were found to be 0.66 for CC, 0.32 for CT,
and 0.02 for TT The group of ducks with the CC genotype exhibited significantly higheregg production up to 38 weeks of age, with 99.27 eggs compared to 92.42 eggs in the
group of ducks with the CT genotype (P<0.05)
2.7.2 The research status of worldwide
Since the structure and sequence of the PRL gene in ducks were first studied andpublished by (Kansaku et al., 2005) There has been a continuous increase in the number
of research studies focusing on PRL gene polymorphisms in various duck breeds withthe aim of improving economic traits, especially egg production (Li et al., 2009; Wang
et al., 2011; Chuekwon and Boonlum, 2017;Yurnalis et al., 2019; Bai et al., 2019;Purwantini et al., 2020)
Li et al (2009) conducted a study on the polymorphisms of the PRL gene inGaoyou ducks, a Chinese indigenous breed The study focused on the intron | region ofthe PRL gene (PRL/Dral locus) and identified three observed genotypes: AA, AB, and
BB, resulting from a T/C mutation at the position of 1326 bp The frequencies ofgenotype BB and allele B were the highest The study also examined the associationbetween polymorphisms in PRL/Dral locus and some reproductive traits The results
showed that ducks carrying the BB genotype had significantly higher egg weights at 30weeks of age compared to those with the AB genotype (P<0.01) However, there were
no significant differences in egg number, longest clutch days, and body weight at the
first egg among the three genotypes Therefore, the findings suggest a potentialassociation between the intron | region of the PRL gene and egg weight in ducks
Wang et al (2011) found that a polymorphism resulting from a C5961T mutation
in exon 5 of the PRL gene (PRL/PstI locus) in local Chinese ducks was associated with
Trang 31annual egg production and egg weight Based on the association analyses conducted on
the F2 resource population of White Liancheng X White Kaiya breeds, it was concludedthat the C-5961T polymorphism in the PRL/PstI locus is associated with egg productionand egg weight Particularly, ducks with the CC genotype exhibited a greater number of
eggs produced and a higher egg weight compared to ducks with the CT genotype
In Khaki Campbell ducks, a polymorphism was identified at position 359 bp within
intron 1 (the PRL/Xbal locus) due to the C/A mutation of the PRL gene, and itsassociation with egg production after 300 days was investigated At the PRL/Xbal locus,three genotypes were detected: GG, GT, and TT, with the highest frequency observed forthe GG genotype The analysis of the relationship between the polymorphism at the
PRL/Xbal locus and egg production at 300 days of age revealed that the GT genotype
was associated with higher egg production compared to the GG and TT genotypes
(53.32, 37.50, and 36.67 eggs, respectively; P<0.05) (Chuekwon and Boonlum, 2017)
Ghanem et al (2017) surveyed the polymorphism of exon 5 of the PRL gene(PRL/Pstl locus) in 10,000 Pekin ducks and 500 subsequent F2 generation ducks The
polymorphism at the PRL/Ps#l locus revealed three genotypes: CC, CT, and TT.Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between the genotypes at the
PRL/Pst\ locus and the studied traits Specifically, the CC genotype exhibited higher
values than both the CT and TT genotypes for the examined characteristics of interest.The findings of this study emphasize the potential of the PRZ/PstI locus for diverse
reproductive traits in various duck breeds
Yurnalis et al (2019) investigated the polymorphisms of the PRL gene at thePRL/Xbal and PRL/Dral loci in Bayang ducks and examined their relationship with thebody weight of ducks from 1 to 10 weeks of age The results revealed the presence ofthree genotypes at each locus investigated However, the analysis indicated noassociation between these two types of polymorphisms and duck body weight
The polymorphisms in the PRL gene were investigated in two egg-laying duckbreeds, namely Jinding and Youxian The focus was on the association between thesepolymorphisms and egg production One specific polymorphism (A-412G) wasidentified in intron 1 of the gene by using PCR-SSCP analyses, leading to the presence
of three genotypes: GG, AG, and AA The results from association analyses revealed that
Trang 32ducks with the GG genotype exhibited higher egg weight and greater egg productioncompared to those with the AA and AG genotypes (Bai et al., 2019).
In a recent study, the polymorphisms in the PRL gene were studied in Indonesianindigenous ducks, including Tegal and Magelang ducks (FO), as well as their reciprocalcrosses known as Gallang (F1) and Maggal (F1) The information obtained revealed theoccurrence of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at position 164 nt (c.164G > A)
in the PRL gene, resulting in three observed genotypes: GG, GA, and AA The results of
this study demonstrate that the SNP genotypes of the PRL gene exhibit polymorphismand have a positive effect on reproductive traits, particularly egg production (Purwantini
et al., 2020)
The results of the aforementioned studies consistently demonstrate the influence of
PRL gene genotypes on reproductive traits, particularly egg production Among the
various regions of the PRL gene, two areas, intron | and exon 5, have been extensively
studied Intron 1 is believed to be associated with egg weight, while exon 5 is associatedwith egg production (Wang et al., 2011; Ghanem et al., 2017)
Exon 5 is known as the exon region that encodes the highest number of amino acids
in the PRL gene Studies have focused on the polymorphic position C-5961T, where a C
to T mutation occurs in exon 5 of the PRL gene, to examine the correlation between
reproductive traits and genetic diversity Therefore, the PRL/PstI locus has prompted
studies investigating the polymorphism at the C-5961T mutation position in the exon 5region of the PRL gene in various duck breeds
Table 2.1 Summary of Genotypic and Allelic Frequencies at the PRL/PstI Locus