Second is Early Middle English, It was during this period that the English language, and more specifically, English grammar, started evolving with particular attention to syntax.. Next i
Course: Introduction to English Language (0+2)
Major: English Language
Lecturer: Cao Xuân Thọ
Binh Duong, _, 2023
Trang 2Score Examiner’s Signature 1 Examiner’s Signature 2
In figures In words
Assessment Scheme
Task 2: Writing
Trang 3
The University was formerly known as Binh Duong Pedagogy College - a prestigious pedagogical training institution of Binh Duong province, providing a team of professional lecturers with expertise and dedication to the younger generation On June 24, 2009, Thu Dau Mot University was established under the decision of the Prime Minister Over 14 years of operation, the University has shaped itself as an applied multidisciplinary and multi-field university, with an advanced university model With the philosophy of "Aspiration - Responsibility – Creativity”
The Faculty of Foreign Languages was formerly known as The Faculty of Foreign Languages under Binh Duong Pedagogical College, established in 1976 The Faculty has a rich history and experience as well as successes in human resource training, become one of the training and scientific research centers of the University of Foreign Languages majors, including English, Chinese, French and Korean
Trang 4Regardless of the many languages one is fortunate to be fluent in, English takes its place as one of the world’s predominant forms of communication with its influences extending over as much as +2 billion people globally.The English language itself really took off with the invasion of Britain during the 5th century,the word England and English originated from the Old English word Engla-land, literally meaning “the land of the Angles” where they spoke Englisc First is Old English (5th
to 11th Century), , Prehistoric or Primitive (5th to 7th Century), Early Old English (7th to 10th Century), Late Old English (10th to 11th Century) Second is Early Middle English, It was during this period that the English language, and more specifically, English grammar, started evolving with particular attention to syntax Syntax is “the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language,” and we find that while the British government and its wealthy citizens Anglicised the language Third is Late Middle English, It was during the 14th century that
a different dialect (known as the East-Midlands) began to develop around the London area Next is Early Modern English, The changes in the English language during this period occurred from the 15th to mid-17th Century, and signified not only a change in pronunciation, vocabulary or grammar itself but also the start of the English Renaissance Finally is English in the 21st Century, we would find almost no immediate similarities between Modern English and Old English Over the centuries, the English language has been influenced by a number of other languages
Nowadays English has become a very important part in our modern life Apart from our mother tongue we need to have a common language which makes us able to communicate with other part
of the world English is the common language which is known to most of the people in the world It
is very important to have good English because an effective communication can reach people better Firstly, English help us know how to communicate with others people since English so popular around the world, many people or country decided to use English as they second language even you’re in Italy, China, Japan or any country else, you will be surprised that almost everyone can speak English Secondly, English can get you a well-paid job because many global companies and multinational business organizations ask for candidates with an excellent basic understanding
of English Even job adverstisements in local market also require English knowing people and another use of English is that you can easily access to any information that you want Almost any information is available in English.Finally, English helps you watch movies easily Since most movies today are in English, have you ever watched a movie and had to read all the translated subtitles while trying not to miss every scene? If you have good English, you won't have to work so hard In summary, English has become a global language that transcends borders and facilitates communication, collaboration, and access to opportunities in various fields ,modern interconnected world and all of things above have shown that English plays an important role in our modern life
Our program separates into 8 semesters, includes 12O credits over 4 years which have 105 compulsory credits and 15 optional credits At the first year of our semester, we will learn basic skills including Introduction to English language, English pronunciation, Essential Listening and Speaking, Essential Reading and Writing which all are compulsory subjects this make us feel comfortable when begin in a new environment In the second semester at the first year we will study Scientific research methods, English Communicative Grammar, Listen and Speaking strategies, Reading and Writing strategies, Academic reading and writing and Marxist-Leninist philosophy of course they are compulsory credits and the Marxist-Leninist philosophy too In the third semester, we have to study the theoretical part of physical education, Physical Education is a optional credits we can choose practice it in school or outside school, two subjects compulsory we have in this term are Defense & Security Education and Practicing National Defense and Security Education And in the final semester of the fourth year, the compulsory credits we have study is Work-integrated education and about the optional credits in this semester if we have a good in studying we can write a Graduation paper it very important if we want to graduate but if the results are not good we need to study two optional credits are Mini-project of using English in media and Designing lesson plans
In our study program about English here in Thu Dau Mot University, our teachers and lecturers usually encourage and tell us to do our homeworks or essays in very interesting ways like : make videos , record the voices and many things else Our lecturers use some teaching methods to gain and keep the student’s interest A simple and easy comprehension is provided by lecturers, which can often be improved by multimedia presentations, situations and examples in the real life to help student have an effective way to understand the lesson Collaborative problem solving, group exercises, and examples promote critical thinking are also very familiar with us here Essays, projects, and assignments encourage individual study and knowledge application Technology increases learning through exercises on class or home and on the online platforms
For students like us active participation in lectures, discussions, and practical sessions is the way how we learn Deep understanding can be developed when personal or individual study is combined with critical examination of academic texts Group projects enhanced communication and cooperation skills Exams and presentations are examples of regular assessments that will support continuous learning and assessment More than that , jobs and outside activities give us practical experiences in addition to further education or jobs in the future Students are better prepared for their chosen careers and for continuous personal development in the university setting, which encourages self-motivation development and improvement of lifelong learning skills that we need
Let’s take a look at some of the various careers that utilize an education in English language learning Speech and Language Therapy, with some additional training, a good foundation of English linguistics provides the opportunity to help others Patients may have a physical deformity that is causing them speech issues Translation Work, If you have a good understanding of the English language, you can find a great deal of work with translations Some major companies employ people to translate a variety of information such as Google Teaching, teaching the English
language can be very enjoyable and you can do this in a variety of settings Advertising and Marketing , you might not be aware but many companies hire professionals to work as part of their advertising or marketing teams It is important to many brands that their new products or their new marketing plans appeal to a variety of demographics And the final is the film industry There are many English language learning professionals in the film industry that help actors with their roles
If an actor is from another part of the world and they have a non-English accent and background, they may need assistance with learning their lines and perfecting the way that they speak
To be honest here are my 3 prospective goals when I taking the program First , my goal is to graduate the course without any difficulties or problems and I will try my best to make it come true Second, one of my goal , my ultimate aim is to master the English as the best as I could and that definitely will help me a lot in my future job Finally , I want to become a game script writer at the HoYoVerse Company and gain lots of money and to make my dream come true , its required me a good English and Chinese so beside English I probably have to study and enhance my Chinese too
Mastering the English language demands proficiency in four skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening Speaking is the skill that allows students to express themselves verbally It encompasses pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency Effective speaking helps learners engage in conversations, participate in class discussions, and communicate their ideas confidently It's an essential skill for language acquisition Reading involves the ability to understand written texts, which is crucial for comprehending and learning from various sources such as textbooks, articles, and literature Effective reading skills enable students to extract meaning from text, expand their vocabulary, and grasp the nuances of the language Writing is the skill that empowers students to express their thoughts in a structured and coherent manner through text It includes grammar, syntax, and vocabulary usage For English learners, writing proficiency is essential for academic essays, creative expression, and professional communication Listening is the ability to comprehend
spoken language, and it is vital for language acquisition and effective communication Proficient
listening skills help students understand lectures, follow instructions, and engage in conversations
In language learning, active listening supports the development of vocabulary and an understanding
of pronunciation and intonation, enhancing overall language proficiency In studying English, these four skills are interconnected and reinforce one another Effective speaking improves listening
Trang 11comprehension, and strong reading skills contribute to better writing Moreover, language learners often find that these skills overlap when applying English in practical situations These skills are not only essential for academic success but also for personal and professional development
Listening: You can watch some videos or movies( it can be with sub or unsub) to improve the way you hear people say, you can hear how they speak, their accents , their intonation patterns You also can try to listen to some conversation of foreigners, I believe its has the similar effect with the movies ways so you can do one or both of them if you like , its up to you
Speaking: For this one , I usually enhance my speaking skill by imitate Yes that’s right! Imitating
or copying someone is a wonderful way to improve your speaking skill, it will help you become more accurate in English without having to learn gramma rules and with lots of practice you will begin to remember chunks of words and phrases
Reading: About this skill, I really don’t practice it so much but here are some tips for it You can set aside time to read each day, you can set aside to 10 or 15 minutes each day to read, you can read news articles, fiction, magazine or any kind of text you want Next, you can preview the texts you read you can apply this strategy by previewing titles, captions, headlines and other text features to get an idea of what you are reading about
Writing: To improve this skill you can try to improve your vocabulary, with it you may learn better ways to find more descriptive words to say, this also builds your confidence in your writing You can also seek for inspiration from other sources, find writers you admire and become familiar with how they write, what voice they portray and what words they like to use
YEAR 1 In academic, I will try my best to have good grades, my aim is from 7 to 9 I will also :
study 2 soft skill class in my first year In financial, I live with my parents so money will not be considered as a problem Next, to improve my health, I will do exercise at least 3 times a week YEAR 2: In my study progress, I want to study another 2 soft skills that’s need for my graduation I also will do my best to maintain good scores at least 7 to 9 like the first year For the financial part,
I have a plan to find a job that’s related to my future career and try not too depend on my parents
To improve my health status, I will play some sports like swimming and running to keep fit and stay healthy
YEAR 3: I will continue to finish all the skills left that are required me to complete if I want to graduate Keep studying and finish all the important subjects that in my course, and try to gain 6.5
of IELTS About financial, I surely will stay on my part-time job and gain experiences, money or some skill that I can learn while working
YEAR 4: When I have finished all 6 skills that I need for my graduation, I will probably have time
to focus on important subjects in this year like: Building interpretation, working-integrated education,… those are extremely necessary And the final step of this year is to graduate and have a degree to make me closer to my dream job