Sellingj andj generalj administrativej expensesj arej thej mostj essentialj thingsj forj manufacturingj companies,j asj wellj asj tradej andj servicej firms,j becausej theyj arej linked
Lecturer: Ms Mai Thi Phuong Thao
Student: Nguyen Phuong Thao
Student ID: K184050695
Class: K18405CA
Ho Chi Minh City, May 2022
1 Overview about Mazars 11
1.1 General information and history of formation of Mazars Group 11
1.2 General information and history of formation of Mazars Vietnam 11
1.3 Business model and organization of management apparatus 12
1.3.1 Business model of Mazars 12
1.3.2 Stakeholders’ map of Mazars 13
1.3.3 Organisation structure of Mazars: 14
1.4 Mazars’ Clients 16
1.5 Business lines of Mazars 17
1.5.1 Audit and Assurance Services 17
1.5.2 Accounting and Business Process Outsourcing 18
1.5.3 HR and Payroll 18
1.5.4 Tax 18
1.5.5 Business Start-up Assistance 18
1.5.6 Financial Advisory Services 18
1.5.7 Transfer Pricing in Vietnam 19
1.6 A portfolio of tools and solutions 19
1.7 Financial situation of Mazars 20
2 Organizing audit practice at Mazars 21
2.1 About Mazars Audit Manual (MAM) 21
2.2 Audit process according to MAM 22
2.2.1 Audit planning 22
2.2.2 Audit fieldwork & review 28
Trang 32.2.3 Audit reporting 30
2.3 Audit documentations 30
2.4 Audit quality control 31
2.4.1 Culture and global talent policy 31
2.4.2 Overall system of quality management 32
2.4.3 Delivering audit quality 32
1.1 Feature of Selling and General administrative expenses 36
1.1.1 Definition of Selling and General administrative expenses 36
1.1.2 Characteristic of Selling and General administrative expenses 38
1.1.3 Principle accounting of Selling and General administrative expenses 38
1.1.4 Internal control for Selling and General administration expense 46
1.2 Audit objectives in auditing Selling and General administration expenses 48
1.3 Sequence in auditing Selling and G&A expenses in financial audits 49
1.3.1 Audit planning 49
1.3.2 Audit implementation 56
1.3.3 Completing the audit 58
2.1 Client of Mazars Co., Ltd and the necessity to audit selling and general administrative expenses in financial audits 61
2.2 Sequence in auditing Selling and General administrative expenses in financial audits conducted by Mazars Co., Ltd 63
2.2.1 Audit planning 63
2.2.2 Audit implementation 70
2.2.3 Completing the audit 81
3.1 Assessment on audit of selling and general administrative expenses 85
3.1.1 Strengths 85
3.1.2 Weakness 86
3.2 Recommendations 88
Trang 43.2.1 Principles and requirements for completing the audit of selling and general administrative
expenses 88
3.2.2 Recommendations to the Company 89
Firstj ofj all,j thej authorj wouldj likej toj expressj myj sincerej thanksj toj thej instructorj ofj thej
Facultyj ofj Accountingj andj Auditing,j Universityj ofj Economicsj andj Law,j Ms.j Maij Thij
Phuongj Thaoj forj herj enthusiasticj helpj duringj thej wholej periodj ofj myj workj inj
accomplishingj thej thesis
Atj thej samej time,j thej authorj wishesj toj expressj herj thanksj toj thej facultyj membersj ofj thej
Facultyj ofj Accountingj -j Auditingj atj thej Universityj ofj Economicsj -j Lawj forj facilitatingj
thej author'sj acquisitionj ofj usefulj informationj whilej inj school.j Itj willj bej anj excellentj
piecej ofj baggagej forj thej authorj asj shej progressesj inj herj profession
Andj thej authorj wantsj toj givej aj thankfulj feelingj toj Mazarsj Vietnamj Co.,j Ltdj forj
providingj herj withj thej chancej toj getj practicalj experiencej andj learnj inj aj professionalj
workingj environment.j Duringj herj workingj timej atj Mazarsj Vietnam,j thej writerj wasj
especiallyj appreciativej ofj thej enthusiasticj supportj ofj coworkersj whoj genuinelyj caredj
aboutj herj andj answeredj herj queries
Thej author'sj comprehensionj ofj thej knowledgej obtainedj fromj thej realj experiencej isj
demonstratedj inj thisj report.j Asj aj result,j itj willj bej difficultj forj thej authorj toj escapej timej
andj knowledgej constraints,j resultingj inj blunders.j Teachers,j brothersj andj sisters,j andj
otherj familyj membersj arej invitedj toj expressj theirj condolencesj andj makej genuinej
contributionsj andj remarksj toj thej author
Finally,j thej authorj wishesj thej Universityj ofj Economicsj andj Lawj professors,j asj wellj asj
thej colleaguesj atj Mazarsj Vietnamj Co.,j Ltd,j goodj healthj andj continuedj success
Trang 6BOD BoardpofpDirectors CCS Confirmationpcontrolpsheet CTT Clearlypthresholdpmateriality
FS Financialpstatements G&Aj expenses Generalpadministrativepexpenses
PM Performancepmaterility VND VietnampDong
CLIP CorporatepLearningpImprovementpProcess FSs FinancialpStatements
GEB GrouppExecutivepBoard GGC GrouppGovernancepCouncil ISA InternationalpStandardponpAuditing ISQM InternationalpStandardponpQualitypManagement MAM MazarspAuditpManual
QCC QualitypControlpCommittee QM&C QualitypManagementpandpCompliance
Figurej 1.1:j Organizationalj chartj andj managementj apparatus 14
Figurej 1.2:j Organizationj chartj ofj thej auditj department 15
Picturej 1.1:j Stakeholders’j mapsj ofj Mazars 13
Picturej 1.2:j Sectorj –j specificj environmentsj ofj Mazars 17
Picturej 1.3:j Turnoverj byj regions 20
Picturej 1.4:j Breakdownj revenuej byj servicesj lines 20
Tablej 2.1:j Mazarsj Groupj policyj inj definingj criteria 26
Tablej 2.2:j Factorsj affectingj performancej materiality 27
Diagramj 1.1:j Sellingj expensesj diagram 42
Diagramj 1.2:j Generalj administrationj diagrams 45
Diagramj 1.3:j Fivej componentsj ofj internalj control 46
Diagramj 1.4:j Summaryj ofj auditj planningj process 50
Diagramj 1.5:j Four-stepj approachj toj designingj testsj ofj controls 55
Tablej 1.1:j Majorj internalj controlj proceduresj forj sellingj andj G&Aj expenses 54
Picturej 2.1:j MAMj Toolsj –j Materialityj 2021j ofj ABCj Company 66
Picturej 2.2:j Determiningj materialityj forj ABCj customers 67
Picturej 2.3:j Auditj programj ofj sellingj andj G&Aj expenses 69
Picturej 2.4:j O20.1j –j Leadsheet 71
Picturej 2.5:j O30j -j Sellingj expensesj –j ARP 72
Picturej 2.6:j O40j -j G&Aj –j ARP 74
Picturej 2.7:j O41.1j –j Sampling 78
Picturej 2.8:j O41j -j G&Aj –j TOD 80
Trang 8Picturej 2.9:j O51j -j Selling+G&Aj –j Cutoff 80 Picturej 2.10:j Castingj file 82 Picturej 2.11:j Reportj issuancej procedures 84
1 Rationale p for p the p research
Auditingj isj anj unavoidablej consequencej ofj economicj growth.j Thej globalj
economy,j andj specificallyj thej Vietnamesej economy,j isj quicklyj evolvingj andj expanding,j
withj morej establishedj enterprisesj diversifyingj theirj operations,j businessj lines,j andj
organizationalj structures.j Asj aj result,j itj createsj aj largej numberj ofj dataj withj highj qualityj
criteria,j matchingj thej needsj ofj consumers.j Noj onej canj denyj auditing'sj importantj rolej
andj functionj inj ensuringj thej accuracyj andj validityj ofj financialj accounts,j asj wellj asj
expandingj functionsj suchj asj financialj andj taxj advice
Sellingj andj generalj administrativej expensesj arej thej mostj essentialj thingsj forj
manufacturingj companies,j asj wellj asj tradej andj servicej firms,j becausej theyj arej linkedj toj
severalj crucialj financialj indicators.j Asj aj result,j auditingj sellingj andj generalj
administrativej expensesj isj anj importantj partj ofj completingj aj financialj statementj auditj
forj anyj customer
Understandingj thej importancej ofj auditingj sellingj andj generalj administrativej
expenses,j withj thej researchj andj understandingj ofj practice,j Ij chosej forj myj bachelorj thesisj
thej topic:j “j Audit j procedure j for j selling j and j general j administrative j expenses j by j Mazars j
Vietnam j at j ABC j company j ”
2 Objective j of j the j thesis
Thej purposej ofj thisj studyj isj toj lookj atj thej theoryj ofj auditingj financialj statementsj
inj general,j asj wellj asj auditingj sellingj andj generalj administrativej expensesj inj particular,j
describej thej realityj ofj Mazarsj Co.,j Ltd’sj sellingj andj generalj administrativej expensesj
auditj process,j andj thenj proposej somej solutionsj toj improvej Mazarsj Co.,j Ltd’sj auditj ofj
sellingj andj generalj administrativej expensesj inj auditingj financialj statements
3 Scope j of j the j thesis
Thej scopej ofj thisj thesisj isj performedj atj Mazarsj Co.,j Ltdj andj thej auditj ofj
Companyj ABC
Trang 104 Structure j of j the j thesis
Myj thesisj hasj threej chaptersj inj additionj toj thej introductionj andj conclusionj whichj
1 Overview j about j Mazars
1.1 General j information j and j history j of j formation j of j Mazars j Group
- Companyj name:j Mazars
- Industry:j Professionalj services
- Founded:j 1945
- Headquarter:j Paris,j France
- Numberj ofj employees:j 42,000j inj 2021
- Website:j
Mazarsj isj aj leadingj internationalj audit,j tax,j andj advisoryj firm,j aspiringj toj buildj thej
economicj foundationsj ofj aj fairj andj prosperousj world.j Operatingj asj aj unitedj partnership,j
Mazarsj worksj asj onej integratedj team,j leveragingj expertise,j scalej andj culturalj
understandingj toj deliverj exceptionalj andj tailoredj servicesj inj auditj andj accounting,j asj
wellj asj tax,j financialj advisory,j consultingj andj legalj services
Foundedj inj Europe,j Mazarsj isj presentj inj overj 90j countriesj andj territories,j withj morej
thanj 44,000j professionals–j overj 28,000j inj ourj integratedj partnershipj andj overj 16,000j viaj
thej Mazarsj Northj Americaj Alliancej –j dedicatedj toj helpingj clientsj makej thej mostj ofj
businessj opportunitiesj andj operatej withj confidence
1.2 General j information j and j history j of j formation j of j Mazars j Vietnam
- Companyj name:j Mazarsj Vietnamj Co.,j Ltd
- Headquarter:j 9thj –j 11thj Floor,j Vietj Dragonj Tower,j 141j Nguyenj Du,j Benj
Thanhj Ward,j Districtj 1,j Hoj Chij Minhj City,j Vietnam
- Phonej number:j 028j 3824j 1493
- Website:j mazars.vnj
- Taxj code:j 0301650530
- Representative:j Jeanj Marcj Christianj Gerardj Deschamps
Mazarsj Vietnamj Co.,j Ltd.j isj aj branchj ofj Mazarsj Global.j Thej companyj wasj
establishedj inj 1994j withj aroundj 160j employees.j Inj 2008,j thej companyj mergedj withj STTj
Auditingj andj Consultingj Partnership,j contributingj toj expandingj Mazars'j presencej andj
competitionj inj thej Vietnamesej market
Trang 12Mazarsj Vietnamj currentlyj hasj twoj officesj locatedj inj Hoj Chij Minhj Cityj andj Hanoij inj
whichj thej headj officej isj basedj inj thej Hoj Chij Minhj Cityj andj isj alsoj thej officej withj aj
largej numberj ofj employees
Thej currentj headj ofj thej companyj isj Mr.j Jean-Marcj Deschamps,j Frenchj nationality,j
withj morej thanj 35j yearsj ofj experiencej workingj inj thej fieldj ofj auditing
Thej currentj scalej ofj Mazarsj Vietnamj includesj aboutj 200j employeesj fromj differentj
departments,j includingj 5j partners
Overj thej pastj 25j years,j withj thej helpj ofj talented,j enthusiasticj andj experiencedj
professionals,j Mazarsj hasj achievedj aj steadyj growthj ofj 20%j inj annualj revenuej andj
increasedj thej numberj ofj clients.j Asj aj reflectionj ofj itsj continuousj developmentj efforts,j
Mazarsj Vietnamj hasj achievedj manyj notablej achievements:
- Topj 1j Accountingj servicej firmj inj Vietnamj byj VACPA
- Topj 10j Auditingj firmsj inj Vietnamj byj VACPA
- Goldenj Dragonj Awardj –j votedj byj companiesj inj Vietnamj forj thej bestj servicej
qualityj andj socialj contribution
1.3 Business j model j and j organization j of j management j apparatus j
1.3.1 Business j model j of j Mazars
Theyj developj skillsj andj expertisej insidej theirj integratedj partnership
- Attractj andj nurturej talent,j promotej diversity
- Buildj andj encouragej one-teamj spirit,j toj combinej localj presencej andj globalj
- Promotej engagementj andj sharing
- Promotej innovationj andj entrepreneurshipj inj designingj answers
- Developj aj solution-focused,j client-orientedj attitude,j withj aj differentj
Theyj planj inj orderj toj protectj thej publicj interestj andj buildj thej foundationsj ofj aj fairerj
- Developj aj culturej ofj technicalj expertisej andj quality
- Enforcej worldwidej qualityj standardsj andj codej ofj conduct
- Ensurej qualityj andj independencej managementj andj monitoring
Trang 13- Thoroughlyj identifyj andj comprehensivelyj managej ourj internalj andj externalj
- Contributej toj thej reshapingj ofj ourj industry
- Providej insightsj andj thoughtj leadership
1.3.2 Stakeholders’ j map j of j Mazars
Mazarsj hasj mappedj itsj stakeholderj ecosystemj inj fivej dimensions.j Maintainingj
regularj dialoguej withj mainj stakeholdersj helpsj shapej theirj strategy.j Thisj regular,j honestj
andj constructivej dialoguej withj theirj mainj stakeholdersj isj maintainedj viaj meetings,j
surveysj andj publications,j asj wellj asj byj participatingj inj workingj groupsj ledj byj
professionalj associations,j andj university-levelj trainingj programsj stakeholderj
Picture j 1.1: j Stakeholders’ j maps j of j Mazars
Trang 14Sources: j Group j integrated j transparency j report j 2020 j – j 2021
1.3.3 Organisation j structure j of j Mazars:
Thej headj ofj Mazarsj Vietnamj Co.,j Ltd.j isj Mr.j Jeanj Marcj Deschamps,j Managingj
Partner,j Frenchj nationality.j Thej headj officej isj dividedj intoj mainj businessj divisions,j
including:j auditj services,j taxj servicesj andj outsourcedj services,j andj financialj advisoryj
services.j Thej leaderj ofj eachj departmentj willj bej thej onej toj decidej onj thej strategyj asj wellj
asj thej personnelj organizationj inj hisj department,j ensuringj thej mostj effectivej operation Thej organizationalj structurej andj managementj apparatusj ofj thej companyj accordingj toj
thej Mazarsj Staffj Handbookj arej shownj inj thej followingj diagram:
Figure j 1.1: j Organizational j chart j and j management j apparatus
Sources: j Mazars j Staff j Handbook
Trang 15Figure j 1.2: j Organization j chart j of j the j audit j department j
Sources: j Mazars j Staff j Handbook
Asj shownj onj thej organizationalj chartj ofj thej auditj departmentj atj Mazarsj Vietnamj
Co.,j Ltd.,j itj canj bej seenj that:
- Managingj Partner:j Asj thej headj ofj Mazarsj Vietnam,j responsiblej forj thej mainj
managementj ofj thej company'sj operationsj inj bothj Hanoij andj Hoj Chij Minhj
Cityj offices,j andj thej onej whoj makesj decisionsj onj businessj strategyj andj
developmentj strategy.j developmentj ofj thej company'sj operationsj inj thej shortj
andj longj term
- Partner:j Aj personj whoj supportsj thej Presidentj inj runningj thej companyj andj
supervisingj employees.j Asj thej facej ofj thej auditj department,j thej partnerj isj
responsiblej forj meeting,j exchangingj asj wellj asj advisingj clientsj aboutj thej
servicesj providedj byj thej companyj asj wellj asj negotiatingj contracts,j reviewingj
documents.j audit,j resolvej problemsj withj customersj andj signj thej auditj reportj
whenj thej auditj isj completed.j Theyj arej responsiblej forj reportingj directlyj toj thej
partnerj onj thej performancej ofj theirj departmentj asj wellj asj ensuringj thatj theirj
departmentj hasj compliedj withj thej requirementsj andj orientationj setj forth
- Auditj Seniorj Manager:j Responsiblej forj thej preparationj andj completionj ofj thej
auditj report,j reviewingj thej auditj files,j andj discussingj withj thej clientj aboutj thej
Trang 16- Auditj Manager:j Responsiblej forj reviewingj auditj recordsj asj wellj asj workingj
papersj ofj auditj assistants.j Inj addition,j theyj mustj keepj trackj ofj thej detailsj ofj
thej auditj conductedj andj determinej thej necessaryj auditj proceduresj toj bej
performed,j asj wellj asj discussj withj thej clientj aboutj thej audit
- Auditj Senior:j Isj thej managerj asj wellj asj directlyj responsiblej forj leadingj thej
auditj teamj inj thej actualj auditj (fieldwork).j Theyj needj toj preparej thej auditj plan,j
bej directlyj responsiblej forj thej auditj proceduresj performed,j andj preparej thej
preliminaryj auditj reportj forj approvalj byj theirj superiors
- Auditj Assistant:j Thej personj whoj directlyj performsj thej auditj activities,j collectsj
thej necessaryj auditj informationj andj evidencej forj thej job.j Theyj receivej ordersj
directlyj fromj thej auditj teamj leaderj toj carryj outj auditj proceduresj andj assistj thej
auditj teamj leaderj toj ensurej thej completionj ofj thej auditj objectives
1.4 Mazars’ j Clients
Mostj ofj thej customersj arej limitedj liabilityj businesses,j orj subsidiariesj ofj largej
corporationsj inj thej world,j arej customersj ofj Mazarsj group
Thej numberj andj sizej ofj thej company'sj customersj havej steadilyj increasedj overj thej
yearsj andj belongj toj manyj differentj businessj typesj andj fields,j including:j Manufacturing,j
buyingj andj sellingj ofj consumerj goods;j Energyj sector;j Financialj sector;j Healthj care;j
Industry;j Hotelj andj travel;j Non-governmentalj organizations;j Representativej office,j
project;j Realj estate;j Communicationj technology;j Shipping,j logistics.j Somej potentialj
customersj ofj Mazarsj suchj asj ARCHETYPEj Group,j Decathlonj Vietnamj Co.,j Ltd.,j Suporj
Group,j Essilorj Vietnamj Company,j Schneiderj Electricj Vietnamj Company,j Tamj Sonj
Internationalj Companyj Limited,j Essilorj Companyj Vietnam,…
Trang 17Picture j 1.2: j Sector–specific j environments j of j Mazars
Sources: j Mazars j 2021 j at j a j glance
1.5 Business j lines j of j Mazars
1.5.1 Audit j and j Assurance j Services
Mazasj believesj thatj auditj influencesj thej developmentj ofj thej economy.j Mazarsj worksj
forj thej benefitj ofj society,j focusingj onj auditedj clientj systemsj andj stakeholders,j helpingj
toj buildj sustainable,j stablej businessesj forj thej benefitj ofj thej wholej community
Thisj servicej includesj internalj audit,j auditj ofj consolidatedj financialj statements,j auditj
ofj financialj statementsj byj Vietnamesej Accountingj andj Auditingj Standards,j andj auditj ofj
consolidatedj financialj statementsj inj accordancej withj thej internationalj financialj reportingj
standardsj system.j IFRS),j thej systemj ofj generallyj acceptedj accountingj principlesj inj thej
USj (USj GAAP),j thej systemj ofj generallyj acceptedj accountingj principlesj inj Hongj Kongj
Trang 18(HKj GAAP),j etc.j Inj addition,j thej companyj alsoj providesj providej consultingj servicesj onj
internalj controlj systemj toj helpj customersj improvej businessj performance
1.5.2 Accounting j and j Business j Process j Outsourcing
Accountingj servicesj atj Mazarsj providej outsourcedj accountingj andj financialj reportingj
servicesj tailoredj toj eachj need.j Thej companyj hasj aj teamj ofj expertsj workingj inj aj diversej
legalj environment,j ensuringj thatj businessesj receivej servicesj thatj arej consistentj withj thej
legalj regulationsj ofj thej hostj country
Specifically,j thej companyj helpsj customersj setj upj anj accountj systemj andj recordj
accountingj books;j preparej financialj statementsj inj accordancej withj Vietnamesej
Accountingj Standardsj andj Internationalj Accountingj Standards;j preparej managementj
reports;j consolidatingj financialj statementsj accordingj toj Vietnamesej orj internationalj
accountingj standards;j taxj finalization;j Costj accountingj andj performancej management,
1.5.3 HR j and j Payroll
Toj supportj effectivej humanj resourcej managementj forj businesses,j Mazarsj providesj
servicesj relatedj toj payroll,j reportingj andj relatedj expertise.j Salaryj managementj forj
foreignj andj Vietnamesej workers,j salaryj managementj forj specializedj projects
1.5.4 Tax
Taxj consultingj servicesj usej expertj knowledgej toj ensurej compliancej withj taxj
policies,j effectivelyj resolvingj problemsj withj taxj authorities.j Taxj consultantsj atj Mazarsj
arej alwaysj equippedj withj thej latestj regulationsj toj ensurej taxj compliancej andj optimizej
taxj records.j Servicesj includej taxj registration,j taxj returnsj forj individuals,j corporatej
incomej tax,j valuej addedj taxj (VAT)j andj contractorj tax,j assistancej inj thej taxj refundj
1.5.5 Business j Start-up j Assistance
Withj aj teamj withj extensivej knowledgej andj yearsj ofj experiencej inj licensingj andj
start-upj challenges,j Mazarsj providesj thej followingj services:j Consultingj thej bestj operatingj
modelj forj marketj entryj strategiesj market,j relatedj conditionsj andj restrictions,j taxj
statutoryj requirements;j advicej andj assistancej inj applyingj forj aj licensej toj establishj aj
companyj orj representativej office;j consultingj inj recruitment;j Supportj toj applyj forj workj
permits,j residencej cards,j visas
1.5.6 Financial j Advisory j Services
Mazarsj providesj aj veryj diversej consultingj servicej thatj canj bej suitablej forj manyj typesj
ofj businesses.j Withj anj approachj withj thej corej ofj maximizingj businessj value,j Mazarsj
Trang 19spendsj timej understandingj thej businessj system,j thej contextj ofj thej businessj goingj
throughj andj providingj thej mostj practicalj advicej toj helpj businessesj makej thej rightj
decisions.j decisions,j therebyj achievingj goals
Financialj advisoryj servicesj atj Mazarsj providej comprehensivej servicej packagesj
relatedj toj thej mergerj andj acquisitionj process,j forj bothj buyersj andj sellers.j Besides,j itj alsoj
providesj aj comprehensivej viewj ofj thej financialj sectorj andj findsj thej optimalj solutionsj toj
helpj businessesj achievej theirj goals.j Inj addition,j financialj advisoryj servicesj alsoj helpj
businessesj overcomej crisisj eventsj suchj asj fraudj investigation,j disputej andj mediation,j
restructuring,j default
1.5.7 Transfer j Pricing j in j Vietnam
Forj transactionsj betweenj affiliatesj ofj multinationalj companies,j thej pricesj ofj tradedj
goodsj andj servicesj needj toj bej converted,j andj anj effectivej transferj pricingj policyj isj veryj
importantj forj thesej groups.j taxj andj riskj managementj strategies,j especiallyj inj thej currentj
economicj environment.j Therefore,j Mazarsj hasj providedj transferj pricingj servicesj toj bej
ablej toj solvej thej abovej problem,j includingj strategicj consultingj andj allj aspectsj relatedj toj
transferj pricing,j dataj filej provision,j taxj audit,j chainj predictionj value.j Transferj pricingj
servicej atj Mazarsj helpsj businessesj optimizej taxj rates,j controlj costsj better,j improvej
businessj cashj flow,j andj minimizej lossesj duej toj transferj pricing
1.6 A j portfolio j of j tools j and j solutions
Thisj vibrantj communityj ofj innovatorsj andj techj expertsj allowedj usj toj developj aj
portfolioj ofj augmentedj servicesj bringingj enhancedj experiencesj andj addedj valuej toj ourj
clientsj asj wellj asj newj skillsj andj capacityj toj theirj teams.j Mazars'sj toolsj andj solutionsj
coverj everythingj fromj cyberj securityj andj dataj analyticsj toj accounting,j payrollj andj
globalj compliancej solutions
Fourj toolsj andj solutions:
- Atlas,j globalj auditj platform,j designedj toj providej seamlessj andj integratedj groupj
auditsj fromj anywherej inj thej world;
- Inj control,j anj onlinej platformj thatj givesj clientsj completej oversightj ofj theirj globalj
compliancej activitiesj inj real-time,j allowingj themj toj identifyj andj resolvej problemsj
beforej theyj becomej anj issue;
- Optimize,j aj platformj thatj helpsj clientsj measurej thej effectivenessj andj efficiencyj
ofj theirj business,j throughj benchmarking,j marketj maps,j objectivej targetingj andj
corporatej analysis;
Trang 20- Signals,j ourj onlinej platformj wherej clientsj canj viewj allj theirj documentsj andj
outstandingj actions,j andj seej atj aj glancej whichj taxj returnsj theyj needj toj submit
1.7 Financial j situation j of j Mazars
Amidj aj worldwidej pandemicj andj withj itsj primaryj focusj onj keepingj itsj peoplej safe,j
Mazarsj hasj shownj remarkablej resilience,j inj managingj toj maintainj thej bulkj ofj itsj
activitiesj andj achievingj aj 7.8%j growth,j mostj ofj itj organic
Picture j 1.3: j Turnover j by j regions
Sources: j Mazar j Group j 2021
Picture j 1.4: j Breakdown j revenue j by j services j lines
Sources: j Mazars j Yearbook
Trang 212 j Organizing j audit j practice j at j Mazars
2.1 About j Mazars j Audit j Manual j (MAM)
Thej Mazarsj Group'sj auditj guidelinesj arej preparedj byj Internationalj Auditingj
Standardsj (ISAs).j Ifj hostj countryj regulationsj havej distinctivej featuresj fromj ISAs,j theyj
shouldj bej addedj toj thej designatedj sectionj ofj thej guidancej documentj andj thisj shouldj onlyj
bej donej byj thej managementj responsible.j onj thej riskj ofj thej hostj country
MAMj requiresj that,j beforej acceptingj toj conductj orj continuej thej audit,j thej auditorj
shouldj determine:
- Whetherj thej financialj accountingj standardsj usedj toj preparej thej financialj
statementsj arej reasonable
- Obtainj evidencej fromj unitj managementj confirmingj thatj theyj havej graspedj andj
understoodj theirj responsibilitiesj including:
Ensurej thatj thej financialj statementsj arej preparedj inj accordancej withj
applicablej financialj reportingj standards,j includingj fairj disclosures
Ensurej thatj internalj controlj proceduresj arej necessaryj toj ensurej thatj thej
entity'sj financialj statementsj arej freej fromj materialj misstatement,j whetherj
duej toj fraudj orj error
Willingj toj providej thej auditorj withj sufficientj informationj necessaryj forj thej
preparationj ofj financialj statements,j necessaryj additionalj informationj thatj
managementj needsj toj providej forj auditj purposes,j andj isj notj limitedj inj
termsj ofj accessj toj individuals.j whichj isj consideredj byj thej auditorj toj bej
importantj andj necessaryj inj orderj toj bej ablej toj obtainj sufficientj auditj
evidencej forj auditj purposes
Ifj thej financialj accountingj standardsj beingj appliedj byj thej entityj toj preparej thej
financialj statementsj arej deemedj inappropriatej byj thej auditor,j orj thej above-mentionedj
agreementsj onj responsibilitiesj havej notj receivedj confirmationj fromj management,j thej
auditorj shouldj discussj specificallyj withj unitj managementj aboutj theirj findingsj orj
problemsj arise.j Thej auditorj isj notj authorizedj toj undertakej anj auditj ofj thej entityj unlessj
requiredj byj lawj orj regulationj toj doj so
Ifj managementj imposesj aj limitationj onj thej auditj objectivej inj termsj ofj proposedj auditj
arrangementsj andj thej auditorj believesj thatj thej limitationj wouldj resultj inj thej auditorj
disclaimingj anj opinionj onj thej Financialj statements,j thej auditorj mayj notj acceptj thisj
limitedj agreementj asj anj auditj agreementj unlessj requiredj byj lawj orj regulation
Trang 22Thej termsj ofj thej auditj agreementj shouldj bej documentedj inj thej agreementj letterj andj
shouldj bej sentj toj thej auditeej forj managementj approvalj andj backj toj thej auditor.j
Accordingj toj MAM,j aj letterj ofj agreementj isj whatj isj requiredj everyj year
Thej auditorj mayj notj changej thej termsj ofj thej auditj agreementj withoutj goodj reason.j Ifj
aj provisionj isj changed,j thej auditorj andj entityj managementj mustj agreej andj agreej onj thej
newj termj ofj thej agreementj throughj aj letterj ofj agreementj orj otherj appropriatej
handwrittenj documents
Ifj thej auditorj doesj notj acceptj thej changesj inj thej termsj ofj thej auditj agreementj andj
doesj notj receivej thej consentj ofj thej entity'sj managementj toj continuej underj thej initialj
auditj agreement,j then:
- Withdrawj fromj anj auditj agreementj whenj possiblej inj compliancej withj lawsj andj
- Determinej ifj therej isj anyj obligation,j throughj contractj orj otherwise,j toj reportj thej
situationj toj otherj entitiesj suchj asj thosej responsiblej forj managingj thej unit,j ownersj
orj custodians
MAMj representsj threej phasesj ofj anj auditj process:j auditj planning,j auditj fieldworkj &j
reviewj andj auditj reporting
2.2 Audit j process j according j to j MAM
2.2.1 Audit j planning
Thej purposej ofj thisj phasej accordingj toj thej MAMj andj guidingj documentsj isj toj helpj
thej companyj andj thej auditorsj getj aj preliminaryj understandingj ofj thej customer,j assessj
thej risks,j thej amountj ofj workj toj bej done,j considerj thej ethicalj issues.j Whetherj
professionalj orj legalj ethicsj isj warrantedj ifj thej auditj isj acceptedj andj thej conclusionj isj
reachedj toj concludej thej auditj engagementj withj thej client
j Afterj thej auditedj contractj isj signed,j thej auditorj willj determinej thej overallj directionalj
auditj strategyj andj developj anj auditj plan.j Basedj onj thej levelj ofj riskj thatj thej auditorj
identifiesj whenj learningj aboutj thej client,j thej riskj assessmentj proceduresj andj subsequentj
auditj proceduresj willj bej designedj toj suitj thej actualj situation.j Thej auditj preparationj
processj isj dividedj intoj twoj steps:
Pre-audit j planning
Trang 23Thej pre-planningj stepj isj thej approachj toj gatheringj informationj aboutj thej customerj toj
learnj aboutj theirj needs,j riskj assessment,j serviceabilityj asj wellj asj otherj issuesj suchj asj
leadj time,j auditj fees,j etc.j Auditsj arej performedj byj seniorj auditorsj (usuallyj management)j
throughj thej completionj ofj aj questionnairej onj auditj agreementsj andj clientj retentionj
procedures.j Basedj onj that,j ifj acceptable,j thej auditorj willj signj anj auditj contractj withj thej
client.j Factorsj thatj auditorsj needj toj considerj are:
- Receivingj customers:j Reviewingj thej integrityj ofj thej Managementj Board,j
managingj thej risksj ofj thej Client'sj Boardj ofj Directorsj asj wellj asj whetherj anyj fraudj
hasj arisen,j reviewingj thej financialj situationj andj servicej quality.j servicesj ofj thej
auditedj entity
- Professionalj capacityj ofj auditors:j Auditingj firmsj needj toj considerj thej
professionalj capacityj ofj auditorsj toj assignj anj auditorj toj eachj appropriatej clientj
basedj onj experience,j abilityj toj complyj withj professionalj standardsj andj ethics.j
professionalj auditorsj participatingj inj thej auditj toj ensurej thej qualityj ofj thej servicesj
Allj thej abovej informationj willj bej aggregatedj andj thej partnerj willj reviewj andj approvej
ifj thej auditj isj suitablej withj thej characteristicsj ofj thej company
Audit j planning
Learnj aboutj thej client'sj businessj environment:j includingj thej businessj sectorj andj
environment,j regulationsj andj financialj reportingj frameworkj appliedj atj thej unit;j
characteristicsj ofj ownershipj structure,j organizationalj structure;j thej entity'sj accountingj
policies;j objectives,j strategiesj andj businessj risks
Learnj aboutj thej entity'sj internalj controlj system:j Notj allj controlj activitiesj relatedj toj
financialj statementsj arej relatedj toj audit,j soj basedj onj hisj expertise,j thej auditorj assessesj
whetherj controlj activitiesj stand.j individuallyj orj collectivelyj withj otherj individualsj
relevantj toj thej audit.j Thej auditorj shouldj understandj eachj elementj ofj thej entity'sj systemj
ofj internalj controlj andj usej professionalj judgmentj toj makej anj judgmentj asj toj whetherj
internalj controlj proceduresj havej beenj effectivelyj designedj andj applied
Riskj assessmentj ofj materialj misstatement:j Thej riskj assessmentj willj bej conductedj onj
twoj differentj levels,j namelyj thej overallj levelj onj thej financialj statementsj andj thej
assertionj level
Trang 24Determiningj materiality:j Determiningj materialityj requiresj professionalj judgmentj ofj
thej auditor.j Accordingj toj MAM,j therej arej 3j thresholdsj forj thej auditorj inj chargej ofj thej
auditj toj focusj on:j Financialj statementj materiality:j Whenj calculatingj thisj materiality,j aj
percentagej isj usuallyj appliedj toj aj singlej criterionj chosenj asj thej startingj pointj inj
determiningj materialityj ofj financialj statements.j Generallyj speaking.j Factorsj thatj mayj
affectj thej determinationj ofj eligibilityj criteriaj include:
- Needsj andj expectationsj ofj usersj ofj financialj statements
- Elementsj ofj financialj statements
- Itemsj onj thej financialj statementsj thatj usersj arej oftenj interestedj in
- Businessj situationj andj environmentj ofj thej auditedj entity
- Customer'sj capitalj ownershipj structurej andj capitalj raisingj method
- Relativej volatilityj ofj thej definedj criterion
Profitj beforej tax 5j –j 10
- Usuallyj appliedj toj profit-orientedj companies
- Doesj notj applyj ifj thej companyj isj inj aj evenj situationj orj inj aj loss,j exceptj wherej thej
break-lossj occursj everyj year
- Circumstancesj leadingj toj largej variationsj inj
pre-taxj profitj mayj leadj toj thej conclusionj thatj
overallj materialityj forj thej financialj
statementsj couldj bej morej reasonablyj
determinedj usingj normalj pre-taxj earningsj
fromj thej figures.j ongoingj activitiesj basedj onj
pastj results.j Profitj beforej taxj canj alsoj bej
normalizedj ifj specialj itemsj thatj occurj onlyj
duringj thisj periodj arej excludedj (suchj asj
lawsuitj settlements).j Thesej amountsj shouldj
bej identifiedj soj thatj thej auditorj canj performj
aj separatej audit.j Thej auditorj shouldj notej aj
Trang 25reasonablej reasonj toj normalizej pre-taxj profitj
inj thej auditj file
Totalj assets 0.5j –j 2
- Appliesj toj companiesj withj aj balancej sheetj
thatj includesj aj largej assetj balancej sheet,j
suchj asj investmentj holdingj companies
Totalj revenue 0.5j –j 2
- Appliesj toj companiesj thatj arej breakingj evenj
orj wherej grossj salesj arej likelyj toj providej thej
clearestj indicationj ofj thej levelj ofj economicj
activityj forj thej period
- Appliesj toj aj companyj whosej revenuej isj
determinedj onj thej basisj ofj turnoverj activity,j
suchj asj aj softwarej companyj orj aj companyj
operatingj inj thej telecommunicationsj sector
Totalj equity 1j –j 5
- Appliesj toj companiesj withj aj balancej sheetj
thatj includesj aj largej balancej sheetj butj doesj
notj needj toj bej offsetj againstj liabilities,j orj
companiesj withj aj largej amountj ofj economicj
activityj negligiblej (orj includesj onlyj
repetitivej activitiesj suchj asj collectingj
monthlyj rent)j thatj affectj profitj orj lossj onj thej
incomej statementj suchj asj brokeragej orj rentalj
agencyj realj estate
EBITDA 4j –j 6
- Applicablej toj companiesj inj thej industry,j
manufacturingj withj aj largej balancej ofj
intangiblej fixedj assetsj orj long-termj tangiblej
fixedj assets
- Consideredj ifj therej arej entriesj affectingj thej
financialj statementsj withj aj lowj probabilityj
ofj recurrencej (non-recurringj charges)
- Consideredj forj usej ifj therej isj aj lossj inj thej
financialj yearj whenj applyingj profitj beforej
taxj asj thej criterionj forj thej previousj period
Trang 26Table j 2.1: j Mazars j Group j policy j in j defining j criteria
Sources: j Mazars j Audit j Manual
Performancej materiality:j Ifj thej auditorj plansj thej auditj solelyj toj detectj materialj
misstatement,j thej auditorj runsj thej riskj thatj thej totalj amountj ofj undetectedj misstatementj
willj causej financialj statementsj thatj containj materialj misstatement.j Therefore,j
performancej materialityj shouldj bej establishedj toj reducej thisj threatj toj anj acceptablej
level.j Performancej materialityj shouldj neverj bej disclosedj toj aj client.j MAMj prescribesj aj
normalj rangej ofj performancej materialityj thatj isj 50%j toj 80%j ofj thej overallj materialityj
andj 40%j toj 70%j ofj thej overallj materialityj applicablej toj thej firstj audit.j customer
Performancej materialityj shouldj neverj exceedj 80%j becausej detectionj riskj isj alwaysj
present.j Aj higherj levelj ofj riskj willj requirej aj lowerj performancej materiality.j Thej MAMj
providesj thej followingj tablej ofj thej keyj factorsj thatj actuallyj influencej thej identifiedj
performancej materiality:
Factors Increasing j PM Decreasing j PM
ofj clients Noj effect
Considerj whetherj thej auditorj hasj
identifiedj anyj specificj factorsj thatj
wouldj leadj thej auditorj toj believej
thatj therej isj aj riskj ofj undetectedj
environmentj throughj thej
literaturej andj doublej testsj ofj
controlsj increasesj materiality
Thej internalj controlj systemj isj
weakj andj lacksj controlj
proceduresj (orj lacksj reliablej
controlj procedures).j Anj increasej
inj thej riskj ofj managementj
overridingj internalj controlj willj
alsoj reducej performancej
Riskj Identified Noj effect
Thej auditorj willj assessj inherentj
controlj riskj andj anyj significantj
risksj asj partj ofj auditj proceduresj
performedj inj accordancej withj thej
Trang 27company'sj auditj riskj model.j
Considerj whetherj thej auditorj hasj
identifiedj anyj specificj factorsj thatj
wouldj leadj thej auditorj toj believej
thatj therej isj aj riskj ofj undetectedj
misstatementsj (adjustedj orj not)j
werej recorded,j materialityj wouldj
Basedj onj thej previousj
experiencej workingj withj
clients,j thej auditorj assessesj
thej possibilityj thatj
misstatementsj willj bej
discoveredj inj thej currentj
audit.j Thej fewerj estimatedj
misstatements,j thej higherj thej
performancej materialityj canj
Priorj experiencej withj thej clientj
indicatesj thatj thej entityj isj
unwillingj toj acceptj andj adjustj thej
entriesj recommendedj byj thej
auditorj basedj onj thej auditj
Thej absencej orj presencej ofj
onlyj aj fewj low-riskj entriesj
wouldj reducej materiality
Thej presencej ofj aj largej numberj
ofj entriesj orj aj largej numberj ofj
unusualj orj significantj entriesj willj
reducej materiality
Table j 2.2: j Factors j affecting j performance j materiality
Sources: j Mazars j Audit j Manual
Clearlyj trivialj thresholdj (CTT):j Thej CTTj shouldj notj exceedj 5%j ofj thej overallj
materialityj ofj thej financialj statements.j Typically,j thej CTTj willj bej determinedj betweenj 2j
andj 3%j ofj thej overallj materiality.j Ifj thej engagementj teamj determinesj thatj thej CTTj isj outj
ofj range,j thej reasonsj forj thisj decisionj shouldj bej clearlyj demonstratedj andj documentedj
inj thej auditj documentation
Trang 28Thej decisionj toj usej thej 5%j levelj asj CTTj shouldj bej consideredj withj skepticismj andj
shouldj onlyj bej consideredj inj thej bestj possiblej situationj underj certainj conditionsj butj
shouldj notj bej usedj asj thej defaultj level
2.2.2 Audit j fieldwork j & j review
Opening j balance
Duringj thej firstj yearj audit,j thej auditor'sj objectivej isj toj obtainj auditj evidencej
regardingj thej openingj balancej ofj thej entityj toj determinej thatj therej arej noj materialj
misstatementsj thatj couldj affectj thej currentj year'sj financialj statements.j Inj addition,j itj isj
necessaryj toj determinej whetherj thej entityj hasj consistentlyj appliedj itsj financialj
accountingj policiesj inj thej preparationj ofj thisj year'sj financialj statementsj andj ifj anyj
changesj havej beenj appropriatelyj accountedj forj andj disclosedj fullj yet
Ifj thej priorj period'sj financialj statementsj werej auditedj byj thej predecessorj auditor,j
appropriatej evidencej aboutj thej reliabilityj ofj thej openingj balancesj mayj bej obtainedj
throughj reviewj ofj thej predecessorj auditor'sj archives
Audit j assertions
Thej assertionsj mustj bej accuratelyj identified,j andj thej auditorj shouldj usej thej
assertionsj asj thej basisj forj assessingj thej risksj ofj materialj misstatementj andj basedj onj that,j
inj designingj andj performingj nextj auditj procedures
Forj thej Balancej Sheet,j thej assertionsj arej existence,j completeness,j valuationj andj
allocation,j rightsj andj obligations
Forj thej incomej statement,j thej dataj basesj arej completeness,j accuracy,j timeliness,j andj
Perform j Test j of j control
Atj thisj stage,j thej auditorj willj performj testsj ofj controlsj designedj atj thej strategyj stage.j
Thej activitiesj performedj ofj thej internalj controlj systemj willj bej examinedj toj assessj thej
levelj ofj confidencej inj thej entity'sj internalj controlj system.j Thej auditorj shouldj determine:
- Whetherj thej internalj controlj activitiesj performedj arej appropriatej toj minimizej thej
riskj ofj materialj misstatement
- Isj itj donej correctly?
Trang 29- Testj onj samplej sizej toj seej ifj thej internalj controlj systemj isj workingj effectively
Ifj thej internalj controlj systemj isj effectivelyj designed,j implementedj andj operated,j thej
auditorj canj relyj onj thej client'sj internalj controlj systemj asj aj goodj reasonj toj reducej thej
numberj ofj substantivej testingj proceduresj toj bej performed
Perform j substantive j procedures
Performingj substantivej proceduresj willj providej reliablej auditj evidencej ifj properlyj
applied.j Thej auditorj canj evaluatej anj entity'sj financialj informationj byj analyzingj bothj
financialj andj non-financialj data.j Thej auditorj willj thenj makej aj comparisonj withj thej
previousj year,j orj thej auditor'sj budgetj orj expectations,j orj industryj information.j Thej
engagementj teamj willj determinej whetherj substantivej proceduresj willj bej morej effectivej
andj efficientj thanj detailedj testsj toj perform,j andj mayj reducej thej numberj ofj substantivej
proceduresj ifj thej levelj ofj riskj isj decreased
Test j of j details j of j balances
Thej auditorj willj conductj detailedj checksj whenj substantivej proceduresj arej notj
effectivej eitherj alonej orj whenj analysisj isj notj possible.j Thej auditorj willj performj itemj selectionj ofj itemsj forj inspectionj dependingj onj theirj nature.j Thej methodsj ofj elementj
item-by-selectionj thatj thej auditorj appliesj arej asj follows:
Selectingj allj elementsj whenj thej populationj isj composedj ofj aj smallj numberj ofj
elementsj orj elementsj withj largej values,j orj re-implementingj thej computationj basedj onj
thej informationj systemj makesj itj easierj toj check,j andj Costj savings;
Selectingj specificj elementsj ifj thej casej forj thej elementsj isj large,j unusual,j risky,j orj allj
elementsj havej aj higherj valuej thanj materialityj (atj thisj pointj thej auditorj shouldj overallj
Selectionj ofj auditj sample:j Thej auditorj willj selectj anj auditj samplej whenj thej
remainingj elementsj inj thej populationj arej stillj higherj thanj thej performancej materialityj
levelj andj cannotj drawj conclusionsj forj thej entirej population.j Thej auditorj canj usej auditj
samplingj (eitherj byj statisticalj orj non-statisticalj methods)j toj drawj conclusionsj forj thej
population,j butj thej auditorj needsj toj controlj thej samplingj processj toj limitj thej riskj ofj
selectingj samplesj andj risksj beyondj sampling
Trang 302.2.3 Audit j reporting
Thisj phasej consistsj ofj twoj mainj steps:j (1)j evaluatingj thej evidencej obtainedj andj (2)j
demonstratingj workingj papersj andj preparingj anj auditj opinion
Duringj thisj period,j thej auditorj reviewsj allj detectedj differencesj andj considersj whetherj
adjustmentj entriesj arej necessary.j Then,j thej auditj teamj leaderj willj makej aj listj ofj
adjustmentj entriesj andj sendj themj toj thej superiorj forj reviewj andj sendj toj thej client.j
Beforej releasingj thej officialj auditj report,j thej auditj teamj leaderj willj makej aj draftj andj
sendj itj toj thej superior,j andj sendj itj toj thej clientj toj agreej onj thej adjustedj entries
Inj addition,j whenj realizingj thatj thej customer'sj internalj controlj systemj isj defective,j
thej seniorj auditorj alsoj providesj aj managementj letterj makingj recommendationsj toj
improvej thej internalj controlj systemj ofj thej enterprise
2.3 Audit j documentations
Auditj recordsj recordj thej stepsj ofj thej workj performedj byj thej auditorj andj thej evidencej
collected.j Inj addition,j thej auditj filej isj alsoj thej legalj basisj forj thej auditorj toj drawj
conclusions.j Therefore,j auditj recordsj playj anj importantj role,j asj aj resultj ofj thej entirej
auditj process.j Thatj isj thej mainj reasonj whyj itj isj importantj toj organizej auditj recordsj inj aj
clearj andj easilyj accessiblej manner.j Moreover,j thej presentationj ofj auditj recordsj willj helpj
seniorj auditorsj easilyj monitorj andj evaluatej workj performance
Atj Mazars,j thej presentationj ofj workingj papersj isj veryj flexible,j reasonablej andj
suitablej toj thej naturej ofj eachj unit.j Thej storagej ofj auditj filesj forj customersj includesj 2j
- PAFj (Permanentj Auditj File):j Thisj filej isj usedj toj savej workingj papersj andj
documentsj thatj thej auditorj canj usej withinj aj fewj yearsj suchj as:j Legalj documentsj
ofj thej business,j thej company'sj charter,j meetingj minutesj importantj aspectsj ofj thej
Boardj ofj Directors/Boardj ofj Directorsj ofj thej company,j loanj contracts,j housej
rental,j etc
- CAFj (Currentj Auditj File):j Includesj papersj andj documentsj relatedj toj thej auditj ofj
thej currentj year,j forj examplej auditj program,j auditj plan,j technicalj documentsj
walkthroughj ofj operationalj sections
Whenj presentingj workingj papers,j auditorsj mustj performj referencej operations.j Thej
rulesj ofj referencej arej asj follows:
Trang 31- Referencej onj thej left:j wherej isj thej dataj obtained,j whatj workingj papersj do
- Referencej onj thej right:j whichj workingj paperj thej dataj isj referredj to
Besides,j theyj havej toj obtainj documentsj relatedj toj theirj workdonej whichj includes:
- Legalj documents:j includingj aj copyj ofj thej company'sj charterj andj aj summaryj ofj
importantj contentsj inj thej charter;j copyj ofj businessj registrationj license,j
establishmentj decision,j businessj registrationj andj adjustmentsj (ifj any),j copiesj ofj
jointj venturej contractsj ifj itj isj aj jointj venturej enterprise,j copiesj ofj meetingj
minutes,j copiesj ofj summarizej withj importantj meetingj minutesj (importancej
accordingj toj thej auditor'sj assessment),j summarizej informationj andj updatej
changesj fromj businessj registrations,j monitorj workingj capitalj andj changesj inj
workingj capitalj throughj throughj businessj registrationj licenses
- Taxj documents:j includingj Annualj Taxj Finalization:j Thej auditorj collectsj annuallyj
fromj thej yearj beforej thej startj ofj thej auditj toj thej currentj auditj yearj (onlyj savesj 3j
auditedj years,j documentsj thatj arej morej thanj 3j yearsj old)j toj aj separatej file),j taxj
inspectionj records,j documentsj relatedj toj factorsj andj specificj characteristicsj ofj
enterprisesj inj taxj calculation
- Personnelj documents:j includingj aj copyj ofj thej collectivej bargainingj agreementj
andj amendmentsj (ifj any),j aj copyj ofj thej representativej employmentj contractj
and/orj aj summaryj ofj thej importantj contentsj ofj thej contract.j ,j savej documentsj onj
thej processj ofj fundj managementj andj salaryj use,j drawj aj descriptivej diagram,j
summarizej thej provisionsj inj thej charter,j minutesj ofj thej meeting
2.4 Audit j quality j control
2.4.1 Culture j and j global j talent j policy
Peoplej joinj Mazarsj toj learn.j Educationj isj thej backbonej ofj Mazars’j talentj andj
leadershipj developmentj strategy,j fundamentallyj embeddedj withinj ourj culture.j Inj aj
knowledge-intensivej industry,j wej veryj muchj relyj onj thej qualityj ofj ourj people.j Learningj
andj developmentj atj allj stagesj ofj thej professionalj journeyj isj whatj isj expectedj fromj aj
responsible,j modernj firm.j Thisj isj whatj wej owej toj ourj people,j clients,j stakeholdersj andj
societyj asj aj whole
- Lessonsj fromj thej pandemic:j imaginingj tomorrow’sj workplace:j Thej Covid-19j
crisisj andj itsj subsequentj lockj downsj havej compelledj allj businessesj toj rethinkj
theirj workj organisationj andj imaginej newj waysj ofj ensuringj theirj peoplej stayj
Trang 32productivej andj engaged.j Thisj isj why,j inj 2020,j Mazarsj initiatedj aj seriesj ofj
podcastsj underj thej namej “modernj feedback”
- Makingj Mazarsj aj schoolj ofj excellence:j Today,j Mazarsj Universityj –j foundedj
inj 2008j andj CLIP-accreditedj inj 2015j andj 2020j –j offersj accessj toj 21j
internationalj leadershipj andj developmentj programmes,j fromj thej flagshipj thej
Nextj MBA,j toj ourj womenj leadershipj seminar,j toj thej businessj developmentj
acceleratorj orj thej veryj ownj developmentj andj assessmentj centrej LEAD.j
Throughj Mazarsj University,j peoplej canj alsoj benefitj fromj aj globalj partnershipj
withj LinkedInj learning,j makingj e-learningj onj thej goj simple,j asj wellj asj
multiplej innovationj events,j hackathonsj andj digitalj learningj challengesj toj
contributej toj thej firm’sj transformation
2.4.2 Overall j system j of j quality j management
Underj thej jointj oversightj ofj thej GEBj andj GGCj riskj managementj committees,j
QM&Cj boardj isj inj chargej ofj protectingj Mazars’j reputationj andj brandj equity,j fulfillingj
ourj brandj promisej andj ensuringj theyj deliverj top-qualityj servicesj whilej meetingj
Qualityj willj bej thej backbonej ofj allj activities,j andj theyj willj protectj ourj brandj throughj
carefullyj monitoredj riskj management.j Qualityj managementj andj riskj managementj arej atj
thej corej ofj One24j strategy
2.4.3 Delivering j audit j quality
Qualityj isj whatj makesj auditj relevant.j Itj isj whatj enablesj itj toj playj itsj essentialj rolej inj
shapingj morej transparentj andj sustainablej economies.j Asj theyj stronglyj believej inj auditj
asj onej ofj thej pillarsj ofj healthierj ecosystems,j morej resilientj businessj environmentsj andj
fairerj societies,j theyj havej madej qualityj thej backbonej ofj allj theyj do.j Yearj afterj year,j theyj
arej dedicatedj toj improvingj thej auditj workj wej performj andj thej qualityj ofj reportingj toj
thosej inj chargej inj governancej andj toj shareholders
Theyj investj timej toj understandj andj participatej inj thej evolutionj ofj qualityj withinj thej
profession,j developj theirj methodology,j reviewj qualityj recommendationsj andj themesj ofj
regulatoryj inspectionsj andj improvej thej skillsj andj knowledgej ofj theirj professionalj staff Theyj arej continuallyj raisingj theirj expectationsj ofj whatj auditj qualityj is,j asj theyj
believej thisj isj somethingj thatj isj constantlyj evolving
Trang 33Inj 2020,j theyj startedj toj designj aj consistentj implementationj forj aj coherentj qualityj
managementj systemj inj allj partnershipj countries,j inj accordancej withj aj setj ofj newlyj
releasedj standardsj (ISQMj 1,j ISQMj 2j andj ISAj 220).j Theyj aimj forj completionj inj 2022 Theyj fullyj implementedj thej revisedj standardj ISAj 540Rj auditingj accountingj
estimatesj andj relatedj disclosuresj onj 2020j YEj audits.j They’vej alsoj startedj toj adjustj theirj
globalj methodologyj toj beginj implementingj thej revisedj standardsj ISAj 315Rj Identifyingj
andj assessingj thej risksj ofj materialj misstatementj andj ISAj 600Rj groupj audits
Theyj havej beenj committedj toj thisj sincej 2007j andj makej anj annualj declarationj
confirmj theirj continuingj commitment.j Inj linej withj theirj commitments,j theirj qualityj
assurancej frameworkj isj presentedj throughj theirj qualityj assurancej manualj andj riskj
managementj manual,j bothj ofj whichj constitutej thej benchmarkj forj auditj qualityj controlj
forj allj entities.j Thisj frameworkj coversj thej following:
- Responsibilityj andj leadership;
- Independencej andj objectivity;
- Acceptancej andj continuancej ofj engagements;
- Humanj resources;
- Auditj methodologyj andj engagementj performance;
- Planningj andj supervisionj ofj engagements;
- Technicalj consultation;
- Auditj documentation;
- Professionalj confidentialityj andj riskj management;
- Engagementj qualityj monitoringj reviews;
- Qualityj monitoring;j and
- Proceduresj forj dealingj withj andj resolvingj differencesj ofj opinion;j complaints,j
allegationsj andj claims
Eachj memberj entityj hasj putj inj placej thej qualityj assurancej manualj inj itsj ownj countryj
andj editsj itj toj includej countryj specifics.j Thej policiesj andj proceduresj inj theirj qualityj
assurancej manualj arej complementedj byj theirj globalj auditj methodology.j Theirj auditj
softwarej hasj alsoj beenj developedj toj allowj aj structuredj auditj approachj inj accordancej
withj thej mostj recentj auditingj standards
Thesej arej updatedj regularlyj toj includej thej evolutionj ofj internationalj andj nationalj
standardsj andj followingj operationalj suggestionsj byj users
Trang 34Theirj compliancej withj thej qualityj assurancej manualj isj monitoredj throughj internalj
andj externalj inspections.j
Thej assessmentsj undertakenj byj thej localj andj globalj qualityj monitoringj teamsj havej
beenj designedj inj compliancej withj thej IFACj Qualityj standardj andj guidance.j Mazarsj
entities’j auditj qualityj monitoringj reviewsj havej severalj components:
- Self-assessmentj ofj thej entity’sj auditj methodology,j ethicsj andj qualityj
assurancej system;j internalj monitoringj ofj thej effectivenessj ofj thej internalj
proceduresj andj ofj thej qualityj ofj thej auditj files.j Thisj isj performedj byj eachj
entityj onj anj annualj basisj andj constitutesj thej basisj forj thej completionj ofj thej
- Mazarsj internationalj inspections:j thesej arej undertakenj byj experiencedj
reviewersj fromj otherj memberj entitiesj withinj thej organisation,j generallyj everyj
threej years,j andj theyj aimj toj takej anj independentj viewj onj thej resultsj ofj thej
self-assessmentsj andj thej internalj monitoringj whilstj helpingj toj spreadj bestj
practices;j and
- Externalj inspections:j entitiesj arej periodicallyj subjectj toj reviewsj byj thej auditj
regulatorsj orj otherj relevantj bodiesj inj theirj jurisdictions.j Resultsj ofj suchj
reviewsj arej communicatedj toj thej globalj Mazarsj QCC
Thej self-assessmentj includesj thej entity’sj compliancej withj thej IFACj standardsj asj
wellj asj reportingj onj thej resultsj ofj itsj internalj andj externalj auditj qualityj monitoringj
reviews.j Thisj canj bej thej basisj forj anj actionj planj relatingj toj allj areasj identifiedj asj
requiringj improvement,j includingj thosej identifiedj throughj anyj Mazarsj internationalj
Entitiesj arej requiredj toj communicatej internallyj thej resultsj ofj theirj auditj qualityj
monitoringj reviewsj toj theirj executive,j partnersj andj auditj managers.j Thisj communicationj
isj providedj inj sufficientj detailj toj enablej thej necessaryj correctivej measuresj toj takej place,j
bothj forj thej partnerj inj question,j andj atj thej overallj levelj ofj thej entity
Asj aj minimum,j thej resultsj ofj thej auditj qualityj monitoringj reviewsj include:
- Aj descriptionj ofj thej proceduresj appliedj andj ofj thej scopej ofj thej qualityj
monitoringj review;
Trang 35- Thej resultsj andj conclusionsj ofj thej reviewsj ofj thej entity’sj proceduresj andj auditj
engagements;j and
- Detailedj actionj plans,j wherej required
Entitiesj thatj arej applyingj toj joinj thej Mazarsj organisationj arej subjectj toj anj inspectionj
organisedj byj thej QCC.j Thej reportj settingj outj thej resultsj ofj thej reviewj isj includedj inj thej
admissionj filej submittedj toj thej GEBj andj thej GGCj forj considerationj beforej thej votej atj
thej Generalj Assemblyj ofj Partners.j Thej reportj mayj bej accompaniedj byj anj actionj plan,j
progressj againstj whichj wouldj bej monitoredj byj thej QCC
FINANCIALj AUDITSj BYj AUDITINGj FIRMS 1.1 Feature j of j Selling j and j General j administrative j expenses
1.1.1 Definition j of j Selling j and j General j administrative j expenses
Selling j expense
Accordingj toj Circular j No j 200/2014/TT-BTC,j sellingj expensesj arej allj expensesj
incurredj inj sellingj goodsj andj providingj services.j Sellingj expensesj arej brokenj downj intoj
thej followingj specificj expenses:
- Salesj staffj expenses:j arej allj salariesj payablej toj employeesj relatedj toj thej salesj
cycle,j including:j storagej staff,j salesj staff,j productj packaging,j andj productj
packaging.j andj transportationj alongj withj salaryj deductionsj (socialj insurance,j
healthj insurance,j unemploymentj insurance,j laborj contract)
- Materialj packagingj costs:j arej expensesj forj packagingj materialsj toj repair,j packj
andj preservej goodsj andj products,j fixedj assetsj usedj inj sales,j andj fuelj usedj
duringj transportation
- Costj ofj suppliesj andj tools:j isj thej costj ofj tools,j calculatingj andj measuringj
tools,j workingj equipmentj inj thej salej process
- Depreciationj costsj ofj fixedj assets:j toj servej thej processj ofj sellingj goodsj andj
providingj servicesj suchj asj shops,j warehouses,j andj meansj ofj transportation
- Productj warrantyj expenses:j arej expensesj usedj forj warrantyj andj repairj ofj
goodsj andj productsj duringj thej warrantyj periodj (exceptj forj constructionj andj
installationj warrantyj expenses)
- Expensesj forj servicesj purchasedj fromj outside:j arej expensesj forj purchasingj
outsidej servicesj usedj forj sellingj goodsj andj providingj servicesj suchj asj costsj ofj
rentingj warehouses,j yards,j rentalj properties,j hiringj transportationj andj
commissions.j authorizedj dealer…
Trang 37- Otherj cashj expenses:j arej cashj expensesj incurredj inj thej salej andj provisionj ofj
servicesj suchj asj advertisingj costs,j salesj pitches,j customerj conferencej costs,j
reception,j etc
Inj addition,j basedj onj businessj activitiesj andj managementj requirementsj ofj eachj
industry,j eachj unitj canj openj aj numberj ofj levelj 2j accountsj underj accountj 641j toj reflectj
detailedj costsj ofj sellingj expenses
General j and j administrative j expenses
Accordingj toj Circular j No j 200/2014/TT-BTC,j generalj andj administrativej
expensesj arej allj costsj incurredj inj thej operatingj cyclej ofj businessj management,j
administrationj andj somej otherj expensesj thatj arej usedj byj thej wholej unit.j Accordingj toj
currentj regulations,j administrativej expensesj arej detailedj asj follows:
- Managementj staffj expenses:j includingj salaries,j allowancesj payablej toj thej
Boardj ofj Directors,j employeesj ofj differentj departmentsj inj thej enterprisej andj
deductionsj forj socialj insurance,j healthj insurance,j unemploymentj insurance,j
andj specialj allowances
- Costj ofj managementj materials:j actualj valuej ofj exportedj rawj materialsj andj
fuelj toj servej thej managementj ofj thej Boardj ofj Directorsj andj professionalj
departmentsj ofj thej enterprise,j forj repairj andj maintenancej fixedj assetj forj
commonj usej byj enterprises
- Costj ofj officej supplies:j expensesj forj officej suppliesj andj toolsj forj generalj
managementj activitiesj atj thej enterprise
- Depreciationj costsj ofj fixedj assets:j depreciationj ofj fixedj assetsj servingj thej
businessj suchj asj transmissionj vehicles,j offices,j architecturalj treasures,j etc
- Taxes,j feesj andj charges:j taxesj suchj asj licensej tax,j propertyj tax,j etc.,j alongj
withj fees,j ferryj fees,j traffic,j etc
- Provisionj expenses:j thej provisionj forj doubtfulj debtsj andj payablej provisionsj
shallj bej includedj inj productionj andj businessj expenses
Trang 38- Expensesj forj servicesj purchasedj fromj outside:j expensesj forj purchasingj
externalj servicesj toj servej thej wholej business,j forj example:j water,j electricity,j
fax, ;j expensesj forj rentingj andj renovatingj fixedj assets;j expensesj paidj toj
subcontractors;j inventionj patentsj arej amortizedj graduallyj (notj meetingj thej
criteriaj forj fixedj assets);j purchasej costsj togetherj withj feesj forj thej usej ofj
technicalj documents
- Otherj monetaryj expenses:j otherj expensesj inj cashj otherj thanj thosej mentionedj
abovej suchj asj travelj expenses,j staffj trainingj expenses,j conferencej expensesj
andj otherj expenses,j etc
1.1.2 Characteristic j of j Selling j and j General j administrative j expenses
Fromj thej conceptj andj contentj inj Sectionj 1.1.1,j itj canj bej seenj thatj sellingj andj
administrativej expensesj includej manyj expenses,j thesej costsj arej indirectlyj involvedj inj
productj productionj activities.j Theyj playj anj extremelyj importantj rolej becausej theyj
participatej inj thej consumptionj processj andj thej managementj apparatusj ofj thej business.j
Costsj havej aj closej relationshipj withj thej itemsj inj thej balancej sheet,j soj aj smallj deviationj
inj onej itemj canj affectj anotherj itemj andj vicej versa
Administrativej expensesj andj sellingj expensesj arej twoj itemsj thatj accountj forj aj
largej percentagej ofj anj enterprise'sj productionj andj businessj expenses,j andj arej relatedj toj
profitj targets,j corporatej incomej tax,j moneyj andj businessj expensesj andj somej otherj
indicatorsj onj thej financialj statements.j Onj thej otherj hand,j sellingj expensesj andj generalj
andj administrativej expensesj includej manyj items,j soj checkingj thesej twoj expensesj isj
quitej complicated
1.1.3 Principle j accounting j of j Selling j and j General j administrative j expenses
Inj fact,j whenj sellingj andj administrativej expensesj increase,j thej profitj ofj thej
businessj willj decrease.j Therefore,j thej goalj ofj managingj sellingj andj administrativej
expensesj isj toj minimizej unreasonablej expenses,j makej businessj operationsj morej
efficient,j butj stillj ensurej commercialj civilization
Trang 39Thej rolej ofj costsj inj businessj isj veryj importantj toj aj business,j soj itj isj alwaysj
importantj toj collectj detailedj aggregatej informationj forj monitoring.j Thej requirementj toj
controlj totalj costsj shouldj bej strictj toj minimizej costs,j therebyj increasingj profits.j
Effectivej totalj costj controlj willj providej completej dataj toj supportj superiorj controlj
operationsj andj makej itj easierj toj makej timely,j urgentj decisions.j Onj thej otherj hand,j thej
controlj ofj specificj expensesj enablesj superiorsj toj trackj eachj element,j eachj detail,j andj atj
thej samej timej trackj eachj transactionj thatj occursj inj orderj toj facilitatej comparisonj
betweenj costsj andj norms,j estimatesj toj evaluatej andj offerj solutionsj toj reducej costsj
Accordingj toj Article j 82, j Chapter j II, j Circular j No j 200/2014/TT-BTC:
Firstly,j “expensesj arej amountsj thatj reducej economicj benefits,j recognizedj atj thej
timej whenj thej transactionj occursj orj whenj itj isj relativelyj certainj thatj itj willj arisej inj thej
future,j regardlessj ofj whetherj thej moneyj hasj beenj spentj orj not.j ”j Therefore,j "recognizingj
expensesj evenj whenj thej paymentj maturityj isj notj yetj due,j butj itj isj certainj thatj theyj willj
arisej inj orderj toj ensurej thej principlej ofj prudencej andj preservationj ofj capital.j Thej costj
andj thej revenuej generatedj byj itj mustj bej recognizedj simultaneouslyj underj thej matchingj
principle.j However,j inj somej cases,j thej conformityj principlej mayj conflictj withj thej
prudentialj principlej inj accounting,j thej accountantj mustj basej onj thej naturej andj thej
Accountingj Standardsj toj reflectj thej transactionj honestlyj andj reasonably."
Secondly,j "expensej accountsj havej noj balance.j Atj thej endj ofj thej accountingj
period,j allj expensesj incurredj inj thej periodj mustj bej transferredj toj determinej businessj
Specifically,j thej detailedj accountingj ofj sellingj expensesj andj enterprisej expensej
accountsj atj enterprisesj isj guidedj byj Circular j No j 200/2014/TT-BTC
Account j 641 j – j Selling j expenses
Thisj isj anj accountj usedj toj recordj expensesj incurredj inj thej processj ofj sellingj
goodsj andj providingj services,j includingj costsj ofj advertising,j sales,j productj introduction,j
salesj commissions,j storagej costs,j packaging,j transportation,j loadingj andj unloading,j
Trang 40warrantyj costsj forj goodsj andj productsj (exceptj forj constructionj andj installationj
Sellingj expensesj withj fullj invoicesj andj documentsj andj properlyj accountedj forj
accordingj toj thej accountingj regimej butj notj asj expensesj forj calculatingj CITj accordingj toj
thej provisionsj ofj thej Taxj Law,j mustj bej adjustedj inj thej finalizationj ofj CITj andj expenses.j
Accountingj feesj mustj notj bej reducedj toj increasej thej payablej CITj amount
Levelj 2j accountsj canj bej openedj underj accountj 641,j reflectingj detailsj suchj as:j
Costj ofj labor,j tools,j supplies,j materials,j packaging,j depreciationj expensej ofj fixedj assets;j
costsj toj purchasej externalj services,j otherj monetaryj costs.j Basedj onj managementj
requirementsj andj businessj naturej ofj eachj industry,j eachj unit,j additionalj levelj 2j accountsj
canj bej openedj underj accountj 641j toj reflectj thej detailedj costsj ofj sellingj expenses.j Atj thej
endj ofj thej period,j sellingj expensesj arej transferredj toj thej Debitj sidej ofj accountj 911j
"Determinationj ofj businessj results"
Debit j side j : j Costsj incurredj relatingj toj processj ofj sellingj products,j goods,j
renderingj servicesj incurredj inj period
Credit j side j :
• Itemsj reducedj sellingj expensej inj thej period;
• Transferringj sellingj expensesj toj Drj 911j “Incomej Summary”j toj calculatej
operatingj resultsj inj thej period
Accordingj toj Circular j No j 200/2014/TT-BTC,j Accountj 641j comprisesj 7j accountsj whichj includes:
sub-• Account j 6411 j – j payroll j expenses:j recordingj accountsj payablesj toj salesj
personnel,j packagej personnel,j transportationj andj maintenancej personnelj ofj
products,j goods,j includingj salaries,j intershiftj mealj expenses,j wagesj andj
appropriationj ofj socialj insurance,j medicalj insurancej andj laborj unionj fees,j
unemploymentj insurance
• Account j 6412 j – j Costs j of j materials, j package: j recordingj costsj ofj materialsj andj
packagej deliveredj forj protection,j consumptionj ofj products,j goods,j services,j