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Unit 12 - MUSIC

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Unit 12: MUSIC (ÂM NHẠC) Language focus - to + Vinf - Wh – question. I. Động từ nguyên mẫu có “TO”. Ngoài các động từ đã học ở UNIT 2 như đã biết: Các động từ nguyên mẫu có TO theo sau: Các động từ + O + To -infinitive 1. afford (đủ khả năng ) + TO – V1 2. agree (đồng ý ) 3. appear ( xuất hiện ) 4. arrange ( sắp xếp ) 5. ask ( hỏi , yêu cầu ) 6. beg ( nài nỉ , van xin ) 7. care ( chăm sóc ) 8. claim (đòi hỏi , yêu cầu ) 9. consent ( bằng lòng ) 10. decide ( quyết định ) 11. demand ( yêu cầu ) 12. deserve ( xứng đấng ) 13. expect ( mong đợi ) 14. fail ( thất bại ) 15. hesitate (do dự ) 16. hope (hi vọng ) 17. learn ( học ) 18. manage (sắp xếp ) 19. mean (ý định ) 20. need ( cần ) 21. offer (đề nghị ) 22. plan ( lên kế hoạch ) 23. prepare ( chuẩn bị ) 24. pretend ( giả vờ ) 25. promise ( hứa ) 26. refuse ( từ chối ) 27. seem ( dường như ) 28. struggle (đấu tranh ) 29. swear ( xin thề ) 30. threaten (đe doạ ) 31. volunteer ( tình nguyện ) 32. wait (đợi ) 33. want ( muốn ) 34. wish ( mong ) Ex : We agree to start early 1. advise (khuyên ) + O + TO - V1 2. allow ( cho phép ) 3. ask ( yêu cầu ) 4. beg ( van xin ) 5. cause ( gây ra ) 6. challenge ( thách thức ) 7. convince ( thuyết phục ) 8. dare ( dám ) 9. encourage ( khuyến khích ) 10. expect ( mong đợi ) 11. forbid ( cấm ) 12. force ( buộc ) 13. hire ( thuê ) 14. instruct ( hướng dẫn ) 15. invite ( mời ) 16. need ( cần ) 17. order ( ra lệnh ) 18. permit ( cho phép ) 19. persuade ( thuyết phục ) 20. remind ( nhắc nhở ) 21. require (đò hỏi ) 22. teach ( dạy ) 23. tell( bảo ) 24. urge ( thúc giục ) 25. want ( muốn ) 26. warn ( báo trước ) Ex: She allowed me to use her car Ngoài các động từ đã biết như trên động từ nguyên mẫu có TO còn dùng để chỉ mục đích ( TO + Vinf of purpose). * To _ Vinf thường được dùng để nói mục đích của một hành động với ý nghĩa “ để làm gì” Ví dụ: - He’s trying to pass the examination to get a scholarship. ( Anh ấy cố thi đậu kỳ thi để kiếm được học bổng). - They have been saving money to buy a house. ( Họ tiết kiệm tiền để mua một căn nhà). * Chúng ta cũng dùng “in order to + Vinf” hoặc “so as to + Vinf” để chỉ mục đích. Ví dụ: - He opens all the windows every morning to let fresh air in in order to so as to * Hình thức phủ định của cấu trúc này là: “in order not to + Vinf” Để mà không… “ so as not to + Vinf” Ví dụ: - I got up every day in order not to miss the first lesson at school. * Chúng ta cũng có thể đặt “in order to , to, so as to + Vinf” ở đầu câu. Ví dụ: - To/ In order to/ So as to earn more money for the family, he got a part – time job. ( Để kiếm thêm tiền cho gia đình, anh ấy nhận làm việc bán thời gian. II. Wh – question. ( Câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng từ để hỏi). a) Chúng ta thường dùng các từ sau đây để bắt đầu câu hỏi: What Where Which How many What time Who How How long When Why How much How far b) Cấu trúc câu hỏi có từ để hỏi như sau: Question Word + Auxiliary + Subject + Main verb?” ( Từ để hỏi + trợ động từ+ Chủ ngữ+ động từ chính?” * Khi hỏi với chủ ngữ, sử dụng từ để hỏi thay thế ngay cho chủ ngữ thì không cần sử dụng trợ động từ. Ví dụ: - Someone saw you → Who saw you? * Khi hỏi cho bổ ngữ hay các phần khác nhau của câu, sử dụng từ để hỏi với trợ động từ hoặc động từ “TO BE”. Ví dụ: - You saw Lan → Who did you see? c) Cấu trúc câu hỏi không có từ để hỏi.( Câu hỏi trả lời Có hoặc Không). Dạng câu hỏi này rất đơn giản, khi muốn thành lập câu hỏi chỉ cần đảo trợ động từ hay TOBE lên đầu câu. d) Chúng ta thường đặt danh từ ngay sau “How much/ How many) Chú ý: - “How many + danh từ số nhiều?” - “ How much + danh từ không đếm được?” Ví dụ: - How many English words have you learned so far? ( Cho tới nay bạn đã học được bao nhiêu từ tiếng anh?) - How much sugar do you need for your coffee? ( Bạn cần bao nhiêu đường cho cà phê của bạn?) Exercise. I. Change the statements to questions using the question words in parentheses. 1. They do their homework at night. (When) → When do they do their homework? 2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. ( Who) → Who cam to the party alone? 3. The car is across the street from the house. ( Where) → Where is the car? 4. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. ( Which) → Which blouse do you like the red blouse? 5. She felt better after she took a nap. ( How) → How did she feel after she took a nap? 6. That is an English book. ( What) → What is that? 7. My sister called her boyfriend yesterday. ( When) → When did your sister call her boyfriend? 8. She talked to him for an hour. ( How long) → How long did she talk to him? 9. He studies piano at the university. (What) → What does he study at the university? 10. The party lasted all night. ( How long) → How long did the party last all night? II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1. You really should do something about that broken stone in the path It’s time you did something about that broken stone in the path 2. She didn’t say a word as she left the room. She left the room without saying a word. 3. Laura hasn’t seen her brother since he left for Japan. Laura last saw her brother when he left for Japan. 4. They will have to change the date of the meeting again. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again. 5. He regretted not inviting her to his birthday party last night. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party last night. 6. She looked so ridiculous that everybody burst out laughing. So ridiculous did she look that everybody burst out laughing. 7. You can use it as you like, and it won’t wear out. No matter how long you use it, it won’t wear out. 8. They are going to repair my car tomorrow. I’m going to have my car repaired tomorrow. 9. He didn’t take my advice, so he got into trouble. If he had taken my advice, he would have got into trouble. 10. As soon as he shut the door, he realised that he had left the key inside. No sooner had he shut the door than he realized that he had left the key. III. Make questions for the underlined words/ phrases in the following sentences. 1. Jackson will captain the team if Nick isn't available. → Who will captain the team if Nick isn’t available? 2. My sister is a pianist. → What does your sister do?/ What is your sister’s job? 3. I often listen to classical music to relax my mind. → Why do you often listen to classical music? / What do you often listen to classical music for? 4. The Bach concert lasted four hours. → How long did the Bach concert last? 5. We prefer pop music to classical music. → Which music do you prefer: pop music or classical music? 6. There were about 90 to 100 people at the concert last night. → How many people were there at the concert last night? 7. I passed Mark’s house early in the morning. → Whose house did you pass early in the morning? 8. The concert last night was great. → How was the concert last night? 9. My English teacher is very tall and blond. → What does your English teacher look like?/ What’s your English teacher like? 10. My favorite musician is Trinh Cong Son. → Who is your favorite musician? 11. The opera was first performed in 1992. → When was the opera first performed? 12. Music can help relax and feel rejuvenated. → What can music help? 13. We take a holiday once a year. → How often do you take a holiday? 14. The concert are usually held at the university. → Where are the concert usually held? 15. I like classical music. → What kind/ sort of music do you like? IV. Choose the appropriate word to complete the passage. In the 1960s, the Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the (1) … world. Since then, there have been a great many groups that have (2) …… enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine (3) ………. sensational the Beatles were at the time. They were four boys from the north of England and none of them had any (4) …… in music. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great (5) ………… from songs they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own songs. However, the Beatles did not have a long (6) ………. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970. They stopped doing (7) ……… performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them - their fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as (8)…………! However, today some of their songs (9) …………. as famous as they were when they first came out. (10) …… the world, many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them. 1. a. whole b. most c. all d. every 2. a. made b. achieved c found d. done 3. a. what b. when c. why . d. how 4. a. training b. teaching c. playing d. performing. 5. a. wealth b. success c. attainment d. failure 6. a. job b. profession c. life d. career 7. a. direct b. living c. live d. life 8. a. gifts b. presents c. souvenirs d. memories 9. a. become b. remain c. get d. turned out 8. a. Throu ghout b. On c. All d. For . Unit 12: MUSIC (ÂM NHẠC) Language focus - to + Vinf - Wh – question. I. Động từ nguyên mẫu có “TO”. Ngoài các động từ đã học ở UNIT 2 như đã biết: Các động từ. hours. → How long did the Bach concert last? 5. We prefer pop music to classical music. → Which music do you prefer: pop music or classical music? 6. There were about 90 to 100 people at the concert. ý: - “How many + danh từ số nhiều?” - “ How much + danh từ không đếm được?” Ví dụ: - How many English words have you learned so far? ( Cho tới nay bạn đã học được bao nhiêu từ tiếng anh?) - How

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2014, 04:00

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