Ho Chi Minh City, 2022
PHAM TRUNG KIEN - 18520957
Ho Chi Minh City, 2022
Trang 4First of all, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the lecturers at the University
of Information Technology - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, and the Department of Information Systems teachers for helping me have a basic knowledge
that underlies this thesis.
Our group would like to express deepest gratitude and gratitude to our instructor — Dr.
Phan Xuan Thien The teacher and your directly guided, corrected, and provided many valuable comments to help our group complete subject final report well Once again, I
sincerely thank you and wish you good health.
During one semester of implementing the project, our group applied the accumulated
background knowledge and combined it with learning and researching new knowledge from teachers, friends, and many sources or references From there, our team makes the most of what has been collected to complete the best project report However, because
of our limited professional knowledge and our lack of practical experience, the content
of the report cannot avoid shortcomings, I look forward to receiving further advice and guidance from you to perfect our knowledge so that our group can use it as a luggage
to carry out other topics in the future as well as in future study and work.
Besides, I want to give thanks to my family for taking care of, support me and always
give me a best condition Moreover, Thanks for all college student of class CTTT2018
have always been attached, helped each other.
[Y0 0400 naa11 1
1.1 Problem Statement —— 1.2 Objective and Particular ObjeCfÏVéS 5:25 22Str2textexerxerrrxrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri 4
1.3 Challenges nh 1.4 Thesis SITUCtUT€ - 22t 222x232 1221121121121211211.11211. 1e 6 CHAP 2: RELATED RESEARCH 52-52522222 221222112221 TT reo 8 2.1 Pulumi
RS he 20 3.4 Virtual Machine ¿tt tt th t2 th tt 0 re 22
CHAP 4: AUTOMATION SUPPORT TOOL FOR CLOUD - 52-5252 5+>s+>s+s++zezxeevzxer+ 27
4.1 Infrastructure as code (aC) Configuration Workflow ¿55-5 S+‡S2ésrkeretrrkrrrrrrrrrie 27 4.2 R€SOUTCG 0 52t 22 222 1211211211211211.21 11.1111.1111 1011.110111 c1 29 4.3 MOdule c2 tt 2t E1 0212211221.21 1.11110101111010 c1 30 4.3.1 maÏn.tỂ - tt tt th HH H1 11111010 30 4.3.2 varlable€S.Ể tt tt rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrce DO 4.3.3 OU{DUL.Ể 52221 2122 2 2 E2 211 11211.211.111 11 11 1 1.1 1 1 1 g1 gi 31 4.4 Terraform State hố
31 4.4.2 Storage Locally - ¿6-5 eee +22 + 2kE221712111 21.1 reo 4.4.3 Storage R€ImO(€Ì 5: S2 St 32221221211 1 reo.) 4.5 Backend tf file - c5 c2 H2 1e) 4.4.1 Overview
Trang 64.6 terraform.tfVars — 4.7 Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous delivery (CD) ¿- ¿+ 5+5++s++s+sxsszxerxs 35 4.7.1 Azure pipeline WOTkfÏOW tt t2 2121221 21 11.1 re 36
5.3.1 Template Virtual Private Cloud and Subnet: + ¿+2 ++s£++sezxeevzxerszeerxer 45 5.3.2 Peering
5.3.3 Virtual machine with the role firewall:
5.3.4 Virtual machine with single network interface Card: : :-s ++-+cs+s++sece-e-e-+2Ở
5.3.5 Load Balancer preparation ccccseseseseseesesesssesesrescecseseseseseeseacsesesssneeceeseesseseseneacassenseneeeess 51
5.3.6 Load Balancer: 53
5.4 Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery eX€Ute ¿ 5c©5¿©5+2c++>xcssesxserseexercc- -Ổ 5.4.1 Secure File 56 5.4.2 Azure pipeline DF€DATALÏO: - ¿5c 5S 2E£EEEE2E217112111 71.11 111.11 1 rrrriiÕ 5.4.3 Workflow:
5.5 Result
5.5.1 Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery
6.1 LmitAtÏONS 5-2252 2t 2t 2x22 2 12211211211111211.11 11.1 1011.111 63 Ñ€€T€TCGS 52t 2 2221 2212212211211211.211211.1111 64
Trang 7Figure 10 laC Workflow
Figure 11 Example Provider Azure
Figure 12 The result of successful initialize.
Figure 13 The result of terraform plan
Figure 14 The sample resources
Figure 15 Module structure
Figure 16 example of variable structure.
Figure 17 Resource to create bucket of GCP
Figure 18 Configuration a backend file -‹ -:-: -++
Figure 19, Example of variable for 5 VPC:
Figure 20 CI/CD workflow
Figure 21 Pipeline concepts overview
Figure 22 Option to create Service Account on GCP
Figure 23 Grant permission for service account
Figure 24 Permission need for Service Account
Figure 25 Pipeline Library
Figure 26 Secure file
Figure 27 Azure pipeline.
Figure 28 Pipeline UI
Figure 29 CI/CD Workflow
Figure 30 Result of Azure pipeline
Option to create Subnet
First option to create VM.
Configuration a storage of VM Configuration Operating System ‹
Trang 8Figure 33 Load Balancer r€SuÏ(S - ¿- - + ¿5+ S£2+SE2E22kEE12E22121121121 121.11 11111 11.1 62
Table 1 Compare Terraform and Pulumi Source : Pulumi, Homepage, c.scsecseseesesssseesesesseesssesseessseeseessseeseessseessesseesseeeses 10 Table 2 Terraform vs Ansible cccscscccsesssesseessessesseeseesseessesseesssssesusssecsssneesssseessasecsecassenesseesesaneeneess 14 Table 3 Create VPC a1 18 Table 4 Create Subnet on GCPP 5c ©522St2x2 2 2210211211221211211.1111111111211.11.111 1c 21
Trang 9Table 5 First option to create VÌM -¿- ¿+ +2 2 L9217 1210112121 1.111 11.1110.1101 re 23 Table 6 Configuration storage Of VM - 22-52 tt ề t2 221111211211 111.1111111 erre 24 Table 7 Configuration operating system Of VM ¿5-5522 k2 2 2212212 21 1.111 .ee 25
Table 8 Option to create a bucket on GCPP - - + ¿525222222222 xererrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrre 33
Table 9 Configuration a backend 0 cccsceeccesceseseeseeseseeseeseseseessseseessseseensseeseesssesseensseesessseeeseesens oA
Table 10 Variable value Of VPC c.cccsesssessessesestssesssseesesnssesssssssessssssessssesseeisseessessseesseissensseessensesessens DD
Table 11 Variable Value for subnet 5: ¿5+ 22tr ) Table 12 Values of 5 VÌMs tt tt 2t 2 t2 1212111111 40 Table 13 Values oan .1 Table 14 Creating service aCCOUML cecccecceseesesseseeseseeseeseseesessseessssseesssessesessesesssssseessseeseensseeseeesse! 43 Table 15 VPC template Option cece cece eeeseseeeesesesseseseeseseestsnesessesnsseessssaeenssesaeesssesseesseeseseese 46 Table 16 Subnet template OptÏOn 5:52 S£SE9S£2t}EEE2EE22EE23931212111 71.11.1111 ri 47 Table 17 Peering template option
Table 18 VM (firewall) template option
Table 19 VM template option
he) Table 20 Instance group template option
Table 21 Health check template optio b9 Table 22 Frontend Load Balancer template option.
a ®
Table 23 Backend Load Balancer template option
GCP: Google Cloud Platform
VPC: Virtual Private Cloud
VM: Virtual Machine
Trang 10LB: Load Balancer
FE LB: Front End Load Balancer
BE LB: Back End Load Balancer CI: Continuous Integration
CD: Continuous Deployment
Trang 11ABSTRACT laC, known as, Infrastructure as Code, help us can design our server on code Among other advantages, IaC deploy our desired server in automation, which reduces the need
for manual intervention, and mitigates the risk of configuration error, and reuse the
template with module and scalable code One of the tools allow IaC is Terraform from
Hashicorp Nowadays, terraform is extremely popular today because the development
of the cloud Another reason, terraform has a following advantages: 1 Terraform can
support for a multi-provider It means Terraform can run code on AWS or GCP and
Azure Although there is different provider, the flow or algorithm of the code is still the same The small different from the resource of each cloud To GCP, to run code
terraform we need grant permission to user (owner or editor) then we need create a
credential to check authentication of the user It is the json file and if it is leaked out,
the hacker can use it to attack our data and a big money will be lost just on few
minutes To Azure, it is more secure than GCP We still need create a key but only the
key ID not the file and we need login on our computer, more details, only our computer
can run the code Terraform on Azure, for GCP, everyone have a json file can run code.
It has another method with AWS 2 We can preview the cloud when we create or
change any attribute of each resource.
DevOp, IT culture , is a software development methodology often associated with
specific practices and tools that help implement those practices It is mainly focused on
increasing the frequency of software deliveries The combination between processes,
tools and peoples makes the culture become reality CI/CD is the important part of a
DevOps methodology, bringing developers and operations teams together to deploy
software CI/CD is a method to frequently deploy apps to customers by introducing
automation into the stages of app development Specifically, CI/CD introduces ongoing automation and continuous testing throughout the lifecycle of apps On the screen now
Trang 121s a simple example of a cycle where an update is made, it will be built, tested, and
released to customers When the customer feedback with a problem, an update will be
made, and the cycle begins.
After four months, we have a support tool to help us implement in a cloud We can
easily create multiple resource with large quantity such as: 1 VM, 2 VPC, 3 LB, which just need input the value of this resource and we do not need run Everything we
need after input value that is push it on GitHub and it will automatic test, check and
build to the cloud.
Trang 13CHAP 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Problem Statement
Nowadays, a large number of companies uses cloud computing to store data and
run their applications instead of using on-premises servers as in the past decades With
cloud computing, companies can easily and fast deploy their services and applications
to approach their users However, cloud engineering has some drawbacks when
managing infrastructures by point-and-click user interfaces For instance, if we create
100 virtual machines on cloud, it will easily cause such problem because there are a lot
of data from customer’s virtual machines Another drawback that every cloud
engineering has in common is configuring for cloud infrastructure deployment in the same way with configuring the web or application servers Not only creating but also
managing, the cloud engineer has a trouble with manage a lengthy list of cloud If the maximum of creating virtual machine is approximate 100, the resource will be
managed is bigger than many times For those reasons, terraform are created to make it comes true This is a big step up for cloud engineer It makes everything we deploy and manage on cloud in automation, and it is also a huge time saver for us.
The grown of terraform relate to another problem First of all, only the
developer who write a code can impact to the resource Although they give us a code,
we still cannot do anything like delete a resource or change configuration Because the
terraform depend on the state file to compare the different and apply the resource
depend on it Secondly, we cannot merge all code terraform together because the
different format The terraform state should be stored remotely on cloud to enable
collaboration between everyone on a project If we hold a large number of source code,
the managing will be out of control Version control of terraform is important for the
team working and managing Moreover, they want everything on a project work with the minimum error.
Trang 14So, topic an automation support tool for deploying infrastructure to the cloud using Terraform and CI/CD is chosen to help cloud engineering or developers
understand the concept, benefit, and problem of terraform and CI/CD related to cloud
1.2 Objective and Particular objectives
The thesis will focus on cloud computing, reviewing some resource on Google
Cloud Platform Analyst every option of each resource and describe the value input for example architecture Research the method and element to create a template for
creating resource on cloud using Terraform In addition, showing synthetic about
CI/CD, creating a flow of CI/CD for improving the project From that, we will execute the tools with the example value for each resource that I have created Depend on the result, showing the advantage and disadvantage of this topic and giving the
1.3 Challenges
The first challenge that everyone use cloud must face, it is budget that we have
to pay Cloud is convenience but the money we need to pay this convenience is not
cheap For the virtual machine with the minimum size and the operating system is
Linux, taking approximate 30$ for month And even that price is more double with the
window operating system The minimum size just helps us take some test such as: test
connection, test ping or test port, We cannot do anything else The best solution to decrease that stop the VM when you do not use it For my demo, I have to create 5
virtual machine include 3 Windows and 2 Linux It takes me about 80$ for first week.
And about load balancing is 70$ per month for the minimum configuration For the
college student, this price is so big Not the same with the VM, we cannot turn of the load balancing So, I often delete it when I create it One more thing maybe will take
from you a big money about security issue To run terraform code we need create key
Trang 15to cloud provider can check authentication And when we work with the CI/CD we
need upload the code to open source and maybe we upload the key to The hacker can
use this key to access to our cloud and create multiple resource My partner faces with
this trouble Unfortunately, He have granted permission Compute Admin (permission allows you can create a virtual machine on GCP) for his key And when he public his key, the hacker creates 6000 VMs on 6 minutes Even though they fix right away,
Company must pay 6000$ with the alert from GCP It is so dangerous.
Secondly, it about the module of terraform code Each module is a block file so
each cannot communicate with another file If you create a single resource like 1 VPC,
it is no problem But with the resource need another resource such as VM need a VPC and Subnet, it is a trouble to link 2 resource that create on different module Not at all,
my demo is a system with a lot of connection between each resource I cannot create
each resource and copy the ID and put in on, it is not clear with the objective of the
thesis, I need create a template that I can run 100 VMs on time With this although I use the code to run automation, I still run 100 codes It takes me a big of time to solve
this problem I have to read a lot of book and code in GitHub And i find out the
solution, it is use file to share the ID of resource I have created with another
The next problem is about the loop on the terraform, terraform is a programing
language which do not focus on algorithm so much like another language With the
loop it has count and for_each but the limitation of it is we can use only | loop for
time That means each resource code we can only use count or for_each and the total number is 1 And after the researching time, the way which I propose, use lookup.
About the CI/CD, the challenge is about the key I told on a first challenge.
Recommend of GCP or expect about Devops do not put the key on GitHub This is the hardest problem, because almost people push it to GitHub so when you write the flow
Trang 16to code it has a key on there to check authentication One more thing, I use a new
CI/CD tool and I have a strange combine between Terraform for GCP and Azure
Devops for CI/CD, so it is difficult to take a documentation Finally, I use the secure
group on an Azure Devops to store a key and in a pipeline code I create variable for key, and I link the secure group with this variable.
Last but not least, CI/CD have a standard format with the credentials Normally,
the credential to check authentication we can use the directory path, but CI/CD does
not allow it and variable And the error shows not clearly, it just talks about the bug at
backend file So, it takes me a big of mount times to solve this problem The format of
CI/CD for credential:
credentials =file("${ var.credentail_key_GCP}")
1.4 Thesis Structure
The thesis is organized into five chapters, the main content of each chapter is as
Chapter 1: Overview: An overview of the content of the thesis topic, including:
problem statement, objective and particular objectives, challenges in the process and
finally the thesis structure.
Chapter 2: Related Research: In this chapter, the thesis will present about the
state of Pulumi and compare Pulumi with Terraform In addition, demanding about
Ansible and comparing with Terraform.
Chapter 3: Google Cloud Platform (GCP): This chapter goes into detail about the Google Cloud Platform We will go detail about some resource that we will demo such as VPC, subnet, VM, Besides, researching and analyzing the way to create
each resource.
Trang 17Chapter 4: Automation Support Tool for Cloud: In this chapter, we will discuss about the Terraform and CI/CD Moreover, describing the structure of Terraform and CI/CD With the Terraform, we will research about the workflow, resource, module, For CI/CD, it is pipeline workflow and pipeline concepts.
Chapter 5: Experiments and Evaluations: This chapter will present about the
job we need to create a support automatic tool and evaluate the result.
Chapter 6: Conclusion: Finally, chapter 6 will summarize the results, the
knowledge of Terraform and CICD Provide ideas and development directions for the
thesis topic.
Trang 18CHAP 2: RELATED RESEARCH 2.1 Survey of laC in 2022
@ Currently use @ Pian to use
Figure 1: Survey Top 5 laC tools Source: The cloud has brought a new paradigm for computing in which loosely linked services are coming together to form a full-fledged application Cloud computing and
its service divisions have been helping administrators, automate infrastructure capacity needs, ensure high availability and low latency, configure compliant servers player, etc.
One such cloud service is Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
Trang 19Top 7 IaC tools that is synthetic by Statista:
Terraform by HarshiCorp
Ansible by Red Hat
Chef Infrastructure Management
Puppet SaltStack by VMware
AWS CloudFormation
Google Cloud Deployment Manager 2.1 Pulumi
2.1.1 Overview about Pulumi
Pulumi is an open-source Infrastructure as code for configuration cloud
infrastructure in programming languages such as C#, GO, TypeScript, Python and
JavaScript More languages also mean that it has a lot of tools and framework for
building, creating, and managing our infrastructure Pulumi uses a desired state file
such as terraform for managing infrastructure The provider of Pulumi consists of
AWS, Azure, GCP and one thing is not cloud computing that is Kubernetes.
Trang 202.1.2 State
Last Deployed State
Write new state
TT Create, Update, Delete Providers
CLI and Engi
q AWS _J
Figure 2 State Architecture of Pulumi
Pulumi manages infrastructure by using a state file Pulumi executes a language host to store a desired state for a stack’s infrastructure The CLI and Engine will
compare this desired state with the current state and find out what resource we need to
build, upload or destroy After configuration, the engine will update the state of your
infrastructure The language host is responsible for Pulumi language program and
Trang 21Python, TypeScript, HashiCorp
Language JavaScript, Go, C#, F#, | Configuration Language
Java, YAML (HCL)
Code completion, strong
typing, error squiggles,
IDE Support ypnẽ ames Limited
Richly typed Includes
Core API typed.
Cloud native support
in-cluster operator support for GitOps
OSS license Apache License 2.0
Mozilla Public License 2.0
Infrastructure Reuse and
Flexible Reuse
functions, classes, packages, and Pulumi
Trang 22Testing and Validation
Unit, integration testing
and property Supports
popular test frameworks.
Integration testing only
Models of Execution Run CLI commands Run CLI commands
Embed within Yes, via Automation
Application Code API Ne
CI/CD tools Yes Yes Policy as code Yes Yes
Secret Management
Yes Secrets are
encrypted in transit and
in the state file.
No we use key to check
authentication Audit Capabilities BY es, Limited
Adopt Existing
Yes Generates code as
part of the import
2.2.1 Overview about Ansible
Ansible is an automation system It automates deployment, management and
configuration other IT processes A important utility of Ansible is powerful and
Trang 23simplified Ansible take a task through instruction by a simple script form which also keep version control Ansible is a part of Devops culture Feature of Ansible:
e Easy to install
e High scalability Using Red hat for easy readability and extensibility
Figure 3 Ansible Architecture
Ansible connect using SSH or other authorized methods It installs Python module and executes or removed once their job Ansible Management node control the entire execution of the playbook About the Inventory, It provides the host list need to
run Ansible Management Node makes SSH connection to execute module After
creating, module is removed.
2.2.3 Terraform vs Ansible
Trang 24Table 2 Terraform vs Ansible
Feature Terraform Ansible
Type Orchestration tool Configuration management
tool Syntax HCL YAML
Language Declarative Procedural
Default approach | Mutable infrastructure Immutable infrastructure
Lifecycle Yes No
Capabilities Provisioning and Provisioning and
configuring configuring Agentless Yes Yes
Masterless Yes Yes
Given the features of both technologies, Terraform and Ansible appear to be extremely similar tools at a high level.
« They are both capable of setting up the new cloud infrastructure and
equipping it with the necessary application components.
¢ On the freshly formed virtual machine, remote commands can be carried
out by both Terraform and Ansible This indicates that neither tool
requires an agent Agent deployment on the computers is not necessary for operational reasons.
« Terraform builds infrastructure utilizing the APIs of cloud providers, and
SSH is used for simple configuration operations
3.1 Overview
Google Cloud Platform for short (GCP) is a cloud computing platform provided
by Google, which includes a range of hosted services for computing, hosting, and
application development running on Google's hardware Google Google Cloud
services can be accessed by software developers, administrators, or IT professionals over the internet or through a network connection The product of GCP include:
Trang 26Figure 4 Sample Architecture on GCP
This is the sample architecture that business often uses In Figure 3, we have 5
VPC, 5 Subnet, 5 VM, 3 LB and 2 Peering For the next part we will discover each
resource on GCP and manually create.
3.2 Virtual Private Cloud
VPC is a resource of product VPC Network on GCP VPC is fully decoupled
from a dedicated Cloud Infrastructure, based on a multi-tenant system architecture The way to create a VPC:
Trang 27| Name * L2?)
Lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens allowed
Description |
VPC network ULA internal IPv6 range @
Enabling this feature will assign a /48 from Google defined ULA prefix fd20 /20.
O Enabled
@ Disabled
Subnets let you create your own private cloud topology within Google Cloud Click
Automatic to create a subnet in each region, or click Custom to manually define the
subnets Learn more
Subnet creation mode @
Trang 28Firewall rules @
Select any of the firewall rules below that you would like to apply to this VPC network Once the
VPC network is created, you can manage all firewall rules on the Firewall rules page.
H Mam Type Targets Filters Protocols /ports Action
O allow-custom @ Ingress Applyto all IPranges: all Allow
H allowicmp @ Ingress Applyto all IPranges: icmp Allow
Global routing lets you dynamically learn routes to and from all regions with a Single VPN or
Interconnect and Cloud Router
Figure 6 Another option to create VPC
Table 3 Create VPC
65,534 EDIT 65,534
Option Meaning Input value
Name The name of the resource VPC and only
Lowercase, numbers, hyphens allowed
Trang 29Description | Describe the meaning, role, use case or anything | VPC in Asian
Subnet Custom creation mode supports IPv4, or IPv4 and | Custom
creation IPv6 (dual-stack) Automatic creation mode
mode supports IPv4 (single-stack) only.
Firewall Select the rule will apply to the VPC For - Allow rdp
rules example, your VPC apply secure shell RDP (port | - Allow ssh
22) so all the VM OS window in this VPC can - Allow ICMP remote from another computer by using public IP
Dynamic It allows all subnetworks regardless of region to Regional
routing be advertised to your on-premise router and
mode region when using cloud route With global
routing you just need a single VPN with cloud
router to dynamically learn routes to and from all Google Cloud regions on a network
DNS server | Identifies a DNS policy for the project Must be No server policy
policy unique in the project
MTU 1460
Trang 303.3 Subnet
The subnet is a 32 bits number To create a subnet, we will set the host bit as a 0
and the network bit as a 1 From there, we create a binary number sequence of 0 and |
to divide the IP address into 2 parts, respectively with network address and host
address Using subnetting will help you:
e Helping users to work from home but still use the local network.
e Organizations can bypass the constraints of the LAN, exceeding the specified
maximum number of hosts.
This is the way to create a subnet on GCP:
Private Google Access @
Trang 31Table 4 Create Subnet on GCP
Option Meaning Example Input
value Name The name of the resource Subnet and only subnet-test
Lowercase, numbers, hyphens allowed Description | Describe the meaning, role, use case or anything | Subnet in Asian
else of this Subnet
VPC The VPC network that subnet belongs kien-test
network (Example VPC in
table 1)
Region The region of the subnet (depend on the position | asia-southeastl
of server)
Purpose - Regional Managed Proxy None
- Private service connects
- None
TP stack Choose IP type for the subnet: IPv4
type - IPv4(single-stack)
- IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack)
IPv4 range | The address range for this subnet, in CIDR
notation Use a standard private VPC network address range
Private Set whether Virtual machine in this subnet can Off
Google access Google services without assigning external
Access IP addresses:
- On
- Off
Trang 32Flow logs Turn on VPC flow logs doesn't affect Off
performance of resource on VPC, but some
systems generate a large number of logs, whichcan increase costs in Cloud Logging:
physical server Each VPS is a separate system, has its own CPU, has separate RAM
and hard drive storage, users have full control over rooting and updating and restartingthe system anytime they want We use VM to:
e Test software, operating system
e Enhance server security
e Virus Check
e Change the size easily
Create VM on GCP:
Trang 33us-central1 (lowa) vy @ | | us-central1-a vy @
Region Is permanent Zone is permanent
Figure 8 First option to create VM
Table 5 First option to create VM
Option Meaning Input
Name | The name of the VM Condition that starts vm-test
with a lowercase letter and only hyphens,number
Labels Using label to distinguish for each PRD
environment, team, service,Region | The region is the location of the resource | asia-southeast1
Zone A zone is an isolated location within a asia-southeast1-a
Trang 34Machine configuration
Machine family
Machine types for common workloads, optimized for cost and flexibility
1-2 vCPU (1 shared core)
Display device
Enable to use screen capturing and recording tools.
(J Enable display device
Figure 9 Configuration a storage of VM
Table 6 Configuration storage of VM
Option Meaning Input
Series Machine types for optimized for cost, NI
common workloads, and flexibility
Machine The storage of the VM N1-standard-1 (1 vCPU,
type 3.75 GB memory)
Trang 35Display Using to capture and record the VM No
Boot disk
Operating system
Debian v
Version *
Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) v
x86/64, amd64 built on 20221206, supports Shielded VM features
Boot disk type *
Balanced persistent disk v
Size (GB) * ¥ Ẵ 10
Figure 10 Configuration Operating System
Table 7 Configuration operating system of VM
Name Meaning Input
Operating system Choosing the operating Window Server
system for the VM
Trang 36Version The version of the Window Server 2022
operating system that you | Datacenter Corehave chosen
Boot Disk Type This is a block storage Balanced Persistent Disks
volume of VMSize The size of the boot disk 10
that you have selected
For the networking it will choose automatically for you if your region and zonethe same with region and zone of VPC Configuration network stays on Advanced
Configuration part I will show more at terraform code
Compute Engine instances can run the public images for Linux and WindowsServer that Google provides as well as private custom images that you
can create or import from your existing systems You can also deploy Docker
containers, which are automatically launched on instances running the
Container-Optimized OS public image
You can choose the machine properties of your instances, such as the number ofvirtual CPUs and the amount of memory, by using a set of predefined machine types or
by creating your own custom machine types
Each instance belongs to a Google Cloud console project, and a project can haveone or more instances When you create an instance in a project, you specify the zone,operating system, and machine type of that instance When you delete an instance, it isremoved from the project
Trang 37CHAP 4: AUTOMATION SUPPORT TOOL FOR CLOUD4.1 Infrastructure as code (IaC) Configuration Workflow
Figure 11 laC Workflow
The first IaC workflow is Scope In scope, the writer will define the final result of
code Scope includes the resource, the architecture of cloud
- Author: write Terraform code It is widespread practice to store your work As you
make progress on authoring your configuration, repeatedly running plan can help flushout syntax errors and ensure that your config is coming together
Initialize: using command “terraform init” Use to install the package that need for
deploy Normally, it installs the version of terraform and version of provider The
terraform will download version depend on the author provide In Figure 11, it is
Figure 12 Example Provider Azure