The participants of this study were 160 students of 11th grade and 5 teachers of Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi.. Quantitative research involved running analyses on statistical da
In the present era of fast integration and globalization, English has emerged as a valuable tool that unlocks opportunities in various domains including commerce, communication, science, and technology on a worldwide scale Hence, in order to fulfill the societal demand, it is imperative to incorporate English instruction throughout all educational institutions
An essential objective of acquiring a foreign language is to facilitate oral communication, which relies on the use of sounds by human beings Inaccurate pronunciation can result in significant challenges when attempting to exchange ideas, and in certain cases, it can even result in a complete breakdown of communication
So far, at the upper-secondary school level, pronunciation in language teaching has been given less importance compared to vocabulary, grammar, and language abilities This can be attributed to multiple factors: The English 11 textbooks are deficient in providing ample opportunities for improving pronunciation In addition, both significant English assessments in educational institutions and the university entrance exam routinely employ written formats, which discourages teachers and students from giving importance to pronunciation instruction As a result, students often display shyness and a lack of self-assurance when it comes to communicating in English
When examining the significance of the English language in contemporary society, it is widely acknowledged that an individual may only ascend the corporate hierarchy and attain a promotion if they possess a high level of fluency in English
If individuals possess highly-qualified credentials and a sharp intellect, and are capable of generating exceptional business concepts, they may find themselves at the lowest level of the corporate hierarchy if they lack proficiency in English This is because they face challenges in effectively expressing their innovative ideas This is a significant and unquestionable issue in our culture Upon careful observation and analysis of actual teaching practices, the researcher has discovered that a significant number of students, if not the majority, experience a sense of
10 discouragement in their English language learning journey due to their inability, or lack of knowledge, in accurately pronouncing English words Gerald Kelly (2000) explains that when a learner continually mispronounces things, it becomes exceedingly challenging for the listener to comprehend Conversely, the individual will find themselves increasingly exasperated, while possessing extensive understanding of grammar and vocabulary Most of them find it hard to express themselves orally If anyone can, he has problems in pronouncing English words and sentences In the English lessons, only teachers speak, and most of the time, teachers have to speak Vietnamese because they are afraid that their students do not understand what they are speaking Students often complain about difficulties they get in learning English speaking skill in general and in pronunciation in particular And we ourselves realize that our students really have bad pronunciation This is a serious problem not only at Tran Thanh Tong High School but also at many high schools In addition, no research on learning English pronunciation at TTT High School has been done so far
Coping with this pressing fact, as a teacher of English at TTT High School ,the author always thinks of some questions: What are the attitudes of students towards learning pronunciation? What are the problems students face in learning pronunciation? How to find suitable methods to help students learn pronunciation? The responses to these inquiries will assist educators in enhancing students' understanding of pronunciation and facilitating their advancement in communicating
For the above reasons, we are encouraged to undertake the study entitled:
“Difficulties and Solutions in Learning English Pronunciation at a High School in Ha Noi”.
Aims and objectives of the study
This study is conducted to help teachers teach English pronunciation as well as students learn English pronunciation at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi correctly and effectively
The study is to fulfill the following objectives:
- To find out the students’ attitude toward learning pronunciation at TTT High School
- To find out the difficulties in learning pronunciation at TTT High School.
Scope of the study
- This study's findings were collected from a sample of 160 eleventh-grade students and 5 teachers at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi
- This study exclusively examines the obstacles and complexities that impact the English pronunciation of students at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi
- This study offers options for improving English pronunciation and language skills, including speaking, listening, and pronunciation exercise for students in the classroom.
Research questions
This study sought answers to these questions:
(1) What is students’ attitude toward learning pronunciation at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi?
(2) What are some difficulties in learning English pronunciation at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi?
Method of the study
This is a qualitative piece of research including such techniques as: survey questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews Firstly, the survey questionnaires were delivered to students to investigate the difficulties in learning pronunciation at TTT High School Then, some classroom observations and interviews with 160 students and 5 teachers have been also conducted to get supplementary information Finally, the results obtained from questionnaires, observations and interviews have been discussed and analyzed with a hope for providing students with some learning techniques to pronounce correctly
Significance of the study
The objective of this study is to offer significant insights into the instruction of learning pronunciation at TTT High school The result of this study considered to be useful for students at this school Hence, this study will Thus, this study will be an interesting reference material for students at TTT High This research will help students identify their problems in learning pronunciation and self- improve their pronunciation
Structure of Thesis
For achieving the aim and objectives stated, this study is divided into 5 chapters:
Chapter 1 is The Introduction, this chapter gives the rationale, the aims and objectives, research questions, the scope, significance, the method and the structure of the study
Chapter 2 is "Literature Review," provides an overview of the theoretical foundation pertaining to English pronunciation It includes the definition of pronunciation, highlights key characteristics of pronunciation, and emphasizes the significance of English pronunciation
Offers a comprehensive examination of the circumstances surrounding the acquisition of English pronunciation skills at TTT high school
Consequently, the author was able to identify certain challenges and issues that students encountered while learning English pronunciation Furthermore, it pertains to a prior investigation
Chapter 3 is the Methodology in which gives the population and sample, research design, research method and methods of analysis
Chapter 4 is Problems met by students of 11 th grade in learning English pronunciation and solutions in which begins with the result of data analysis and the result of the interview, then, it is discussion
Chapter 5 is Conclusion of the study which briefly presents the recapitulation of the study, the concluding remarks, limitations of the study and some suggestions for further study
Previous studies on English pronunciation
There have been diverse debates and endorsement regarding the efficacy of pronunciation training on learners' attainment in communicative competence According to Daniel (2006), pronunciation is a crucial factor in achieving effective communication skills According to Wrembe (2002), it is no longer enough to rely solely on reading or writing for economic development It is crucial to comprehend the importance of face-to-face communication and online interaction through the internet
Nunan (2004) characterize the process of second language acquisition as a complex and organic rather than a linear one They argue that students should commence pronunciation courses at an early stage and persist with them until they reach advanced levels of Academic English Furthermore, it is imperative for pronunciation instruction approaches to comprehensively tackle the matters of motivation and exposure by fostering an understanding of the significance of pronunciation and facilitating increased exposure to input from individuals who are native speakers (Daniel, 2006)
Inadequate pronunciation can hinder learners from achieving the social, intellectual, and professional progress that they rightfully deserve (Fraser, 1999,
2000) Effective pronunciation can enhance communication by promoting ease and relaxation, leading to greater success (Dan, 2006) The majority of learners consider pronunciation to be a top concern and an area in which they require further instruction (Willing, 1993) While the investigation of foreign accents has long captivated certain researchers, the development of pronunciation and oral proficiency in foreign and second language courses has frequently been given little priority (Pourhosein, 2016)
The majority of the literature on pronunciation focuses on the content and methodology of teaching, neglecting the active role of the student in the classroom Mortimer (1985) emphasizes that the current emphasis in pronunciation teaching
14 should be on creating innovative instructional approaches Furthermore, she emphasizes the importance of incorporating not only language structures and functions, but also considerations of learner engagement and learner strategy instruction into these instructional designs Put simply, students who possess the ability to observe and adjust their speech patterns when needed should actively engage in their own learning as collaborative participants
According to Kelly (2000), accurate and intelligible pronunciation plays a significant role in the process of acquiring a language Excluding them could result in learners experiencing difficulty in being comprehended and receiving negative impressions from other individuals who speak English They must possess self- assurance in their capacity to communicate verbally Developing proficient pronunciation requires a significant investment of time, as it encompasses numerous contributing aspects Extensive exposure to the English language is necessary for learners to acquire an intuitive understanding of English phonetics The use of teaching aids and materials, such as tape recordings of native speakers, pictures of mouth and articulations, and positive reinforcement, enhances the learners' confidence and motivation in language learning (Rasekhi Kolokdaragh, 2010;
Review of theoretical background
Pronunciation is the main determinant in adopting a second language
(Pourhosein, 2016) Therefore, speaking is essential for both learning and using a language (Dan, 2006) Dan asserts that language proficiency encompasses various facets Phonetics, encompassing both theoretical and practical aspects, serves as the fundamental basis of speech, with pronunciation being the crucial element for effective communication Fluent articulation improves the smoothness, effectiveness, and beneficial quality of communication Fluency in speaking relies on a solid grasp of pronunciation English, in both its written and spoken forms, has been widely recognized as the primary mode of communication around the globe However, several misinterpretations have arisen due to improper pronunciation (Wong, 1987) Inadequate pronunciation can hinder learners from achieving the level of social, academic, and professional progress
15 that they are entitled to (Hewings,2004) Effective pronunciation facilitates smoother and more effortless communication, hence enhancing the likelihood of success (Dan, 2006).The majority of learners consider pronunciation to be a top concern and an area where they require further coaching (Willing, 1993) Although the study of foreign accents has always been a curiosity for some researchers, the teaching of pronunciation and oral skills in general in foreign and second language schools has frequently been low on the list of priorities (Roach,
The study conducted on the Language Center's Academic English Curriculum revealed that there is limited emphasis on pronunciation exercises There are two explanations for this Primarily, the significance of proficient writing skills in academic English is emphasized to pupils, as it carries greater weightage compared to other abilities in the majority of higher institutions in Australia Teachers dedicate a significant amount of time to enhancing pupils' grammar and writing abilities to ensure they are optimally prepared for examinations According to Gilbert (1993), the time constraint is the second significant reason that leads students to allocate insufficient time for pronunciation in the classroom
Precise pronunciation is crucial for effective communication, as it guarantees that the listener accurately receives the speaker's message The process of speaking involves various stages, starting with the speaker formulating thoughts and ending with the listener comprehending those ideas (Jenkins, 2000)
Pronunciation has multiple distinct connotations It is crucial to recognize that there is a distinct distinction between phonology and pronunciation According to John Burgess and Sheila Spencer, the phonology of a target language (TL) refers to a thorough and theoretical grasp of how the sound system of the TL operates, encompassing both individual sounds and larger speech units Pronunciation in language acquisition refers to the deliberate and purposeful utilization of the phonological characteristics of the desired language during speech, as well as the ability to comprehend and interpret these phonological attributes in the spoken language one encounters The figure provided below depicts the characteristics of
English pronunciation, as outlined by Bowler (2008)
Pronunciation, as defined by Calce- Murica, Brinton and Goodwin, J.M
(1996), pertain to the manner in which individuals articulate the sounds that convey significance in verbal interaction Linguistic phonetics encompasses the discrete consonants and vowels, known as segments, in a language, as well as the suprasegmental qualities that go beyond individual segments, such as stress, time, rhythm, intonation, and phrasing Moreover, it includes the action of projecting one's voice, usually known as vocal quality While we may typically view these elements as distinct entities, they function collectively as a cohesive unit during the process of communication Consequently, challenges in one domain might affect other elements, and it is the ultimate outcome that determines whether a person's pronunciation is easy or difficult to comprehend According to Fraser
(1999), pronunciation is a crucial component of verbal communication, along with syntax, vocabulary, cultural sensitivity, and other factors
Moreover, Danie (2006) argue that pronunciation can be discussed in relation to the actions of speaking
According to Yates & Zielinski (2009), pronunciation was the production of souds that is used for making meaning Paulston & Burder, (1976) state that pronunciation is the production of a sound system which doesn’t interfere with communication either from the speakers’ or the listeners’ viewpoint
The study of pronunciation includes both suprasegmental and segmental components, allowing for a thorough comprehension of its extent Although the many aspects of pronunciation are addressed individually in this discussion, it is important to acknowledge that they all work together when we speak and are thus most efficiently acquired as a fundamental element of spoken language
2.2.3 Importance of pronunciation to language learners
Insufficient pronunciation abilities greatly restrict the learner's ability to communicate effectively A significant number of linguistics experts advocate for the need of professional accountability, asserting that pronunciation serves as a fundamental starting point for language learners If a non-native speaker's pronunciation is not understandable, they will be unable to communicate verbally, regardless of their proficiency in English grammar and vocabulary
Poor pronunciation refers to a communication lapse that renders the speaker's message incomprehensible to the listener An individual who consistently mispronounces a multitude of words would pose significant challenges for listeners in comprehending the speaker's message Repeated instances of communication breakdowns caused by English pronunciation difficulties can be distressing and demoralizing for pupils
Conversely, poor pronunciation also hampers the learner's listening skills If a learner has already become accustomed to incorrectly pronouncing specific language sounds and phrases, it is doubtful that they will be able to discern the accurate pronunciation from a native speaker
According to Gilbert & Pamela (1993), there is a mutual relationship between the abilities of understanding spoken language and pronouncing words correctly
"Individuals who experience hearing impairment are linguistically isolated." If individuals are not clearly comprehensible, they are excluded from engaging in dialogue with individuals who are native speakers of the language
2.2.4 The student's roles in learning pronunciation
When it comes to teaching a foreign language, especially pronunciation, the learner's progress and potential for improvement are limited if they do not take any action or make an effort to evaluate their own performance The essential task for all learners in pronunciation learning is to provide a response However, the situation is more complex than that The ultimate achievement in pronunciation is undoubtedly contingent upon the learner's mindset and the level of effort they exert Put simply, the learner's willingness to accept responsibility for their learning process is the most crucial aspect in improving pronunciation Furthermore, pupils are also assigned the following responsibilities: First and foremost, they must perceive the model with utmost precision Without obtaining it, they will be unable to articulate the model accurately Students should strive to reply extensively and effectively to the recognition, utilizing repetition activities as they contribute to the maximization of learning through practice
Traditionally, pronunciation teaching has mostly focused on analyzing individual speech sounds, primarily because they directly match to written
18 letters, making them more obvious and easier to practice Recent approaches to pronunciation have suggested that the suprasegmental aspects of pronunciation may have the most significant influence on intelligibility for specific speakers Both components of the learning process are beneficial for learners, and different individuals may necessitate additional support in particular domains compared to others This overview primarily emphasizes suprasegmental features in its beginning One significant advantage of giving priority to suprasegmentals is that it might be beneficial for learners with different native languages in the same classroom Furthermore, these learners may also notice a simultaneous enhancement in their difficulties with individual segments
Segmental and suprasegmentals are language attributes that transcend the production of isolated sounds and are subconsciously generated by native speakers Suprasegmentals, in essence, encompass or extend across segmentals Suprasegmental elements are crucial in establishing context and facilitating the creation of individual segments, eventually deciding the intended meaning Consequently, pronunciation training bestows upon them heightened emphasis and significance
Wong (1987) articulated an analogous perspective The curriculum should encompass all facets of English pronunciation, and the objective of pronunciation instruction is to cultivate effective communication
Undoubtedly, pronunciation and the acquisition of pronunciation skills are integral components of any language curriculum This is particularly crucial for individuals who are currently or will soon become language instructors There
25 are multiple methods available for learning pronunciation, each focusing on distinct aspects of pronunciation
This chapter provides a comprehensive introduction to pronunciation, including an overview of its key aspects and fundamental principles for teachin g pronunciation These theories provide readers with an understanding of the context of this thesis, which encompasses an in-depth examination of pronunciation, a pedagogical framework for teaching English pronunciation, factors that influence pronunciation acquisition, and challenges encountered in teaching English pronunciation The author conducted a research and retrieved documents pertaining to pronunciation in order to selectively analyze the information
The research methodology was presented briefly in the first chapter, the Introduction In this chapter, once again, it will be discussed in more details
This study aimed to examine the pronunciation difficulties encountered by Tran Thanh Tong students when presenting their research proposal The focus was on English sounds, including consonants, vowels, and diphthongs
The study utilized the descriptive qualitative approach for research purposes This study employed a descriptive qualitative method to examine the pronunciation difficulties faced by Tran Thanh Tong students during the presentation of their research proposal The study focused on providing a detailed description and analysis of the English sounds, utilizing the field of phonetics and emphasizing the segmentals
The study was designed to seek the answer to the three following questions:
(1) What are some difficulties in learning English pronunciation at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi?
(2) What are some solutions to stimulate students to have passion with English pronunciation at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi?
This study aims to examine the attitudes of students at Tran Thanh Tong High School towards learning pronunciation, as well as difficulties s in learning pronunciation at Tran Thanh Tong High School in Ha Noi in 11 th grade with the causes of these difficulties then giving some pedagogical implication
A population refers to a collective of humans, objects, or things from whom samples are selected for the specific purpose of measurement The study focused on a cohort of 11th grade students enrolled at Tran Thanh Tong High School during the school year 2022-2023 The 11th grade was divided into four separate classes, specifically labeled as 11A1, 11A2, 11A3, and 11A4 Each of the classes 11A1, 11A2, 11A3, and 11A4 had a total of 40 pupils There are a total of 160 pupils in the population
The sample is a subset of the target population that the researcher aims to investigate for the purpose of drawing inferences about the full target population Sampling is the process of choosing a representative sample from a population to determine the overall parameters or features of the entire population The researcher utilized cluster sampling, which is a type of probability sampling Cluster sampling entails the random selection of complete groups or clusters from the population, as opposed to selecting individual units The experimental and control groups were chosen by a random selection process utilizing a lottery approach This involved writing the names of each group on individual pieces of paper and subsequently mixing them together by rolling and shaking The researcher registered for two classes, specifically 11A3 and 11A4 Class A3 functioned as the control group, whereas class A4 functioned as the experimental group
The study involved a total of 160 students and 5 teachers The data collected in this study will consist of desciptive, quantitative and qualitative data The subject complete the questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews that pertained to the data required by the research All the data were gathered to analyze both descriptively and interpretively
The researcher employed sequential explanatory mixed method approach, intergating descriptive, quantitative and qualitative method
There exist two kinds of questions: closed questions and open-ended inquiries The former type of questions is frequently employed to elicit factual or relatively predictable responses, whereas open-ended questions are favored when researchers anticipate receiving answers that pertain to opinions, beliefs, or judgments Moreover, open-ended questions provide responders the opportunity to personally articulate a wider range of ideas Due to these aforementioned factors, both forms of questionnaires were utilized to collect the data In order to obtain the data with a high degree of accuracy and prevent issues such as respondents' reluctance to participate, the surveys were initiated with clear explanations on their
28 objectives and the assurance of respondent anonymity To ensure that the students had ample time and autonomy, they were given the opportunity to complete the questions at home within a day Moreover, the questions were exclusively composed in Vietnamese to optimize the participants' comprehension and facilitate their articulation of thoughts and ideas
The purpose of these questions was to investigate the actual process of acquiring pronunciation skills and the overall disposition of students towards learning English pronunciation
We also employed classroom observation for more data Certainly, classroom observation is instrument that can help researchers bolster the qualitative and quantitative results Hewing s (2004) described classroom observation as a “pivotal activity” with a crucial role to play in classroom research, teachers‟ personal professional growth, and school development as a whole Dalton (1997) also states that observation with its associated, so it can help me test the validity of the data obtained about students‟ attitude towards learning English pronunciation and their difficulties When observing the class, we did a lot of note taking To make the students feel comfortable in the lessons, we just sat at the last row and took part in five different lessons as a non-participant observer to have a naturalistic observation
According to Hewings (2004), there are three applications of interview in classroom research The first application is to focus on a specific aspect of classroom life in detail, the second is to get diagnostic information, and the third is to improve the classroom climate Nunan (2004) also gives more uses of interview instrument such as needs analysis, program evaluation, individual case studies and mini- surveys From these above uses of interview, we can see that with this study, using interview instrument is very suitable to be applied The questionnaires were used to investigate teachers‟ and students‟ general attitude towards teaching and learning English, English pronunciation and their difficulties in teaching and learning English pronunciation, This classroom observations and the interview, were used to investigate what difficulties students meet when they learn English
The gathered data is computed and displayed in the form of graphical representations The data was computed using an Excel spreadsheet Displayed below are all the statements from the questionnaire, presented in the form of ten diagrams Each graphic depicts the distribution of replies along with a corresponding comment from the Researcher Furthermore, this article concludes by analyzing the pronunciation learning procedures that are employed most and least frequently
Question 1: "Is it important for you to pronounce exactly?" This question aims to gather students' perspectives on the relevance of acquiring English pronunciation skills
The distribution of responses is illustrated in the following pie chart
Figure 1: The importance of pronouncing exactly
Just over half of students accepted the importance of English
Is it important for you to pronounce exactly?
Not at all Quite important Very important Not so much
30 pronunciation while other 23% thought that pronouncing exactly was quite important The two most prominent figures shown that the positive opinions towards English pronunciation among students at High School."They understood the importance of English pronunciation because if they mispronounced, native speakers could not understand what they said
However, the rest of the participants, 13% and 10% picking "Not at all" and
" Not so much" respectively It shown that they did not primarily care about pronouncing exactly
Question 2: "Do you try hard to pronounce correctly?" is to reveal that if students make concerted effort to improve their pronunciation
Figure 2: The students' efforts to achieve good pronunciation
The pie chart clearly indicates that a significant majority of pupils made an effort to pronounce correctly, constituting 77% of the total Evidence demonstrates that students possess a profound aspiration to attain mastery in the English language, as they consistently exert themselves to enhance their speech skills Conversely, the remaining students asserted that their teachers encountered challenges in instructing them on pronunciation This made it difficult for their teachers to instruct them
Do you try hard to pronounce correctly?
Question 3: "Do you imitate native speakers' or your teachers' pronunciation?" is to test students' consciousness
Figure 3: The students' desire to learn pronunciation
The pie chart illustrates the significant importance of kids imitating the pronunciation of role models Approximately 60% of pupils consistently replicated the pronunciation of native speakers This indicated their enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and enhancing their linguistic proficiency The percentage of students who selected "Often" accounted for 26% of the total, which was three times greater than the percentages for "Rarely" and "Never", at 8% and 7% respectively
Do you imitate native speakers' or your teachers' pronunciation?
Question 4: "How often do you practice your pronunciation at home?" is intended to show the priority of the students give to learning English pronunciation at home
Figure 4: The habit of studying pronunciation at home
The pie chart reveals a hint of melancholy, since just 16% of students dedicated approximately 30 minutes per day to practicing pronunciation The small proportion of students selecting "15 minutes" also contributed to the overall dissatisfaction Disturbingly, a staggering 60% of pupils failed to engage in pronunciation practice outside of the classroom The situation was really grave In order to enhance their English skills, they must engage in regular practice Students must engage actively in their studying
Question 5: "Do you use phonetic symbols to pronounce the words?" is to check students' understanding about pronunciation
How often do you practice your pronunciation at home?
Figure 5: The habit of using phonetic symbols to pronounce the words
Upon examining the pie chart, it is evident that the distribution of pupils was evenly spread over four possibilities The strategy received approval from the majority of respondents, with 36% expressing support However, a notable proportion of students, 27% and 10% respectively, selected "Rarely" and "Never" The pupils' mispronunciations were a result of their lack of familiarity with the method of using a dictionary to verify word pronunciations Students' self-assessment on consonants and vowels
Question 6: "Can you distinguish between long vowels and short vowels?" is supposed to find out the students' ability to pronounce exactly
Do you use phonetic symbols to pronounce the words?
Figure 6: Ability to distinguish between long vowels and short vowels
Approximately 63% of students demonstrated the ability to differentiate between long vowels and short vowels When conversing with individuals from other countries, Vietnamese individuals often experience difficulty distinguishing between long vowels and short vowels Consider the sounds /u:/ and /D/ as an illustration If pupils mispronounce these sounds, native speakers will be unable to comprehend their speech In addition, a significant proportion of respondents, specifically thirty percent, were unable to differentiate Distinguishing between long and short vowels was challenging for them
Can you distinguish between long vowels and short vowels?
Question 7: "Do you find it hard to pronounce / ð/ and / θ/?" is to check the pronunciation ability of students
Figure 7: Pronunciation ability of students with hard consonants
It is remarkable that a subset of pupils was able to pronounce /ð/ and /θ/ as accurately as the other participants who were unable to do so These prompted us to seek a method to revolutionize pronunciation instruction and learning at TTT High School The differentiation and articulation of these consonant pairs pose considerable challenges, necessitating the intervention of teachers to ensure accurate pronunciation of these sound pairs by students Students' self-assessment on word stress
Question 8: "Do you stress on words when speaking English?" will check the students' endeavor to stress on words or sentences
Do you find it hard to pronounce /ð/ and /θ/
Figure 8: Students' attention to word stress
The pie chart indicates that 28% of the pupils responded affirmatively It was gratifying to observe that 28% of respondents selected "I try very hard to," indicating a projected enhancement in students' attitude towards studying pronunciation However, about half of the pupils still struggled to remember to emphasize certain words while speaking, occasionally Fortuitously, a mere 1% of respondents selected the option "never" The announcement brought positive news to the students and instructors of TTT High School Students' self-assessment on ending sounds
Question 9: "Do you pronounce ending sounds when speaking Bigish?" tests students' ability to pronounce correctly
Sure I try very hard to Sometinmes Never
Figure 9: Students’ability to pronounce ending sounds
The image illustrates a disheartening reality regarding the proficiency in articulating final consonants Only 13% of pupils consistently articulated final sounds when speaking English, while 27% did so frequently Final phonemes have a crucial part in English communication It determines the specific words that speakers desire to articulate 60% of the remaining participants selected the options rarely and never It is advisable to facilitate student interaction with individuals from other countries to enhance their awareness of final phonetic sounds and provide them with many opportunities for practice
Question 10: "Do you use facial expressions or gestures to show your feelings when speaking English?" is meant to figure out if the students are natural in speaking the second language or too shy to speak in the correct accent
Do you pronounce ending sounds when speaking English?
Figure 10: Students' ability to use intonation
The pie chart clearly indicates that a majority of the pupils progressively employed intonation in their communication with others Approximately 34% of students selected the option "Not often," whereas 13% of students chose the alternative response "I feel shy to do that." It appears that students lacked self- assurance when conversing in English or interacting with individuals from other countries
4 classroom observations were done in two weeks to get more practical information During the process of observations, the author focused on some aspects taking in class as: learning materials used in class, students‟ activities and their mistakes in producing pronunciation,
As a matter of fact, during 4 classroom observations, the author could see few activities carried out by students Their main duties of students in these lessons are listening to and writing down what the teacher said Sometimes, they do nothing
Regarding to speaking and pronunciation learning, there is a few chances for them to stand up and express their ideas in English Therefore, the teacher has almost no opportunities to check their students‟ pronunciation Because of the fact that students do not spend much time on speaking in class, it is very difficult for the
Do you use facial expressions or gestures to show your feelings when speaking English?
Yes, I do that all time Not often
The objective of this study was to elucidate the speech acquisition techniques employed by students at TTT High School These issues include students general attitude towards learning English pronunciation, teachers and students’ difficulties in learning English pronunciation The researcher developed a survey questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews that accounted for the diverse preferences of the learners and then distributed it to the participants
This chapter specifically examines the real-life circumstances of English pronunciation acquisition among students at TTT High School The information has undergone a comprehensive review and assessment, including a survey questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews The discussion focused on the main obstacles that TTT High School students have when acquiring English pronunciation skills:
Both students at TTT High School and Vietnamese students encountered the aforementioned issues Accurate pronunciation is crucial in acquiring proficiency in any language The auditory quality of your speech can significantly influence both comprehension of your message and the initial perception others have of you The crucial aspect of pronunciation is that it is not a matter of knowledge, but rather a bodily ability that necessitates daily practice Attaining flawless pronunciation in language acquisition requires consistent practice, effective tactics, and regular instruction, without any quick or easy shortcuts Students can diligently practice and enhance their skills
The research concludes that a mispronunciation pattern has been identified, along with a pronunciation model that may be applied by the students at TTT High School to correct their pronunciation
Pronunciation encompasses more than the accurate articulation of individual phonemes or lexical units It should be regarded as a crucial component of communication that is integrated into classroom activities
This study conducted an examination of the literature review on English pronunciation, utilizing survey questionnaires and interviews at TTT High School to acquire factual data
160 students from grades 11th TTT High School and 5 teachers were administered a set of questionnaires This has shown some of their difficulties with English pronunciation They possess a deficiency in their capacity to articulate English, particularly with regards to certain words and final sounds Specifically, they lack the inclination to engage in self-directed learning The author has thoroughly documented and explored these areas of weakness in order to develop solutions that can assist students in improving their English pronunciation
The learner's capacity to choose and employ specific techniques within a given context, with a clear objective in mind, indicates their ability to engage in deliberate thinking and decision-making during the learning process (Anderson,
2002) Teachers are expected to benefit from this study and assist their students in enhancing their pronunciation skills
The "Drama techniques" were provided to both teachers and students This method emphasizes the need of actively engaging in English listening exercises and provides students with several strategies to enhance their pronunciation skills
Rasekhi Kolokdaragh (2010) demonstrated that educators had to instruct their students that speaking slowly with accurate pronunciation is significantly superior to speaking quickly with incorrect pronunciation Learners should comprehend that prioritizing understandability takes precedence over speaking quickly Furthermore, it is imperative for them to focus on both word and sentence stress Moreover, intonation is crucial in English pronunciation as it is essential for comprehending the meaning and ideas conveyed through words
In addition, Sobkowiak (2005) emphasizes that to attain proficient English pronunciation, employing the technique of sound linking or connecting English sounds with related speech will enhance the fluency, coherence, and authenticity of
52 your speech The aforementioned equipment is essential for teachers to facilitate their pupils in achieving proficient English pronunciation
In addition, students at Tran Thanh Tong High School encountered difficulties in articulating certain consonant pairs Regular and diligent practice of challenging phonetic sounds is necessary for students to effectively differentiate and articulate them This section focuses solely on particular sounds that provide challenges for the majority of students
Subsequently, the final proposed resolution entails instructing students to engage in the practice of vocalizing and recording their own speech By listening to these recordings, students can identify their own errors and discern which phonetic elements necessitate further improvement Recording can enhance their language pronunciation
Ultimately, educational approaches hold great importance This thesis proposes three pedagogical approaches for teachers to effectively instruct their students in achieving proficient pronunciation: adopt Adopt a pedagogical strategy that prioritizes the needs and interests of the student, utilize theater tactics, and emphasize accurate pronunciation within an environment that promotes effective communication
Ultimately, achieving a higher level of fluency and naturalness in English necessitates a significant investment of time and effort on the part of students An essential aspect pertains to the instructional techniques employed by English educators
Despite the study's strengths in data gathering methods, including interviews and student survey questionnaires, it is evident that the study has several limitations owing to constraints such as limited time, lack of sources, the researcher's abilities, and other variables
Due to time constraints and insufficient experience, the researcher was unable to employ other approaches that could have enhanced the reliability of the acquired data Due to the study's limited scope, the researcher just concentrated on students in the 11th grade at Tran Thanh Tong high school Hence, the findings of the study cannot be extrapolated In addition, the researcher was unable to address all parts of
53 challenges, and the techniques proposed in this study were chosen from several trustworthy although restricted sources Undoubtedly, there are bound to be some errors, but the researcher eagerly anticipates receiving feedback, comments, criticisms, and recommendations from readers and those with an interest in this topic
1 Is it important for you to have good English pronunciation? ( Circle one)
A Strongly agree B Agree C Disagree D Strongly disagree
2 Do you concern about correct pronunciation and try to reach it? a Yes, I strongly concern about it b I concern about it c I don’t care about it
3 How would you rate your English pronunciation? a Good b So so c Bad d Really bad
4 Do you focus on word stress when learning new words in English? a Always b Often c Sometimes d Never
5 Do you often express your emotions when speak English? a Yes, I confidently raise my voice up and down to express my ideas b I often feel shy and speak with the same tone c No, I feel shy and speak a very little
6 Do you get confused with English final consonant sounds such as / t/ = /ʧ/; /ʃ/= /s/;/s/ = /ʃ/ʒ/;ʤ = /j/d/s/t/z/ʧ/; /t/=/d/ ? a Yes, I find it’s extremely hard to distinguish them b I find it’s quite hard c No, They are not tough sounds for me
7 Do you notice and connect sounds when speak English? a I concern about connecting sounds and linking English sounds easily b I concern about linking sounds but it’s really a challenge for me
57 c I do not care about linking sounds
8 Do you have a habit of pronouncing the sounds of English like sounds of Vietnamese? a Yes b No
9 How often do you practice your pronunciation at home? a More than 30 minutes b 30 minutes c 10 minutes d Less than 10 minutes
10 What are your difficulties in pronunciation? a Word transcription b Word stress c Intonation d Accent
Thank you so much for your help!