Regarding hard skills, | am gradually improving after 4 years of university and my future career position... CHAPTER 2: DETERMINATION OF CAREER GOALS 2.1: Determine long-term and short-t
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: PERSONAL SELE-ASSESSMEN TT no nh Yên 3 1.1 Assess yourself about your interests, skills, life values, and personality 3
1.2: SWOT analysis 4
CHAPTER 2: DETERMINATION OE CAREER GOA LS - - 5c se s 5 2.1: Determine long-term and short-term goals 5
2.2: Use SMART rules to define career goals 6
CHAPTER 3: WORK RESEARCTH HH ng n1 về 9 3.1: Find out the type of job that matches your needs, interests and abilities 9
3.2: Job recruitment websites 9
3.3: Thingstodo 10
3.4: Necessary skills for the job 11
3.5: Career advancement prospects 11
CHAPTER 4: DECISION ON YOUR CAREEN - Go ng xe 12 4.1: Read the information carefully 12
4.2: List of favorite jobs 12
4.3: Scoring according to the following criteria 12
CHAPTER 5: PLAN EFOR IMPLEMENTTATTIONN con non ng em, 13 5.1: Identify important knowledge and skills 13
5.2: Study plan for each semester 13
5.3: Soft skills development plan 15
5.4: Future work plan 16
"The endless happiness of human life is living in accordance with one's own passion”, that is my life concept Right from my high school years, I realized that I had a passion for the economic field through Geography and since then, I have pursued that passion, shaping a path of personal development when I entered the University with my favorite major I realize that in this globalization, the country is on the path of deep and comprehensive integration, cooperation and development in all aspects Regionalization and globalization are increasingly evident and are the trend of the world's future, dominating all economic activities of all countries At the end of 2015, Vietnam signed important economic agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the Vietnam-EU Cooperation Agreement, etc leading to rapid changes in working environment, career opportunities, salary levels, work pressure, Through my research about Economics and my passion, I decided to study International Business
International business is the industry that is ahead of the trend in the era of global commercialization International business is really a good industry, a dynamic field, always updated with the latest trends of the world economy The major can equip me with teamwork skills, negotiation skills, how to approach potential foreign markets, compete with pressure from other businesses, In addition, I have more experiences about different cultures, develop myself more comprehensively, about international business rules, broaden my understanding, improve my living capital, and bring in foreign currency abundant for the country, unlimited salary It suits my personality: ambitious at work, extroverted, diplomatic; always ready to change to become someone who contributes to shaping the Vietnamese economy instead of a "salaried employee"
1.1 Assess yourself about your interests, skills, life values, and personality:
1.1.1 Interests:
- Read books and documents on Sales, Marketing and import and export
(‘Negotiation Skills’ by Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House, “Principle- Centered Leadership” by Stephen R Covey.)
- Listen to lectures on how to negotiate and persuade in business
- Regularly update your knowledge about the world and domestic economic situation, current economic trends,
1.1.2 Skill:
Skill is the ability to apply human knowledge and understanding to perform something,
be it a technical, professional or emotional job, survival, communication’
+ Soft skill: soft skills are important skills related to the intellectual and emotional aspects Soft skills demonstrate the ability to integrate and mteract with society, the community, the collective, etc Soft skills are not specialized but are more related to personality and emotions Unlike hard skills that are often built-in school, soft skills are
not learned in school’
I have the ability to manage my time for study, self-study and part-time work Relatively good communication, can convince others in communication, I plan to attend courses
to foster more negotiation skills,
+ Hard skills are knowledge, understanding or practical experience of a technical nature Hard skills are often technical In other words, hard skills refer to professional qualifications, knowledge, degrees and certificates This type of skill is mostly trained in schools Through core subjects, hard skills will be gradually formed’
Regarding hard skills, | am gradually improving after 4 years of university and my future career position
3 https://giatricuocsong org/ky-nang-la-gi/
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1.1.3 Worth living:
Life values are things we consider precious, important, and meaningful to each person's life Life values become the motivation for people to strive to get it’
+ [ have a spirit of cooperation when working in groups
+ [| have a sense of responsibility in teamwork or individual work
+ | have solidarity with each other in the team to strive to work together
+ | have integrity so that everything is transparent, not unfair and confusing with each other
1.1.4: My personality:
Personality is the inner characteristic of each person, which has a direct influence on
that person's thoughts, words and actions’.°
+ Being an optimist despite difficult and depressing times
+ Easily inspired on strategic business issues, passionate about changing economic trends
+ Ambitious about developing future plans
+ Ability to adapt well to different environments
1.2: SWOT analysis:
1.2.1: Strengths:
+ Education: I am receiving specialized training in a university environment with a team
of experienced lecturers, good facilities for learning
+ Technical skills: Fluently use Microsoft Word, Excel, and are being trained to get the Microsoft Office Specialist certification
+ Soft skills: Can communicate relatively well, good teamwork skills
1.2.2: Weaknesses:
+ Do not really understand all about the international business industry
+ Not seducing, still shy, working on feelings a lot
Trang 6+ Being dispersed by the majority
+ English language is limited
1.2.3: Opportunities:
+ The trend of globalization is getting stronger and stronger, the movement of labor between countries is promoted, leading to more and more job opportunities, favorable to working in an international environment
+ More and more companies for us to choose to work and work
+ Internationalization helps to improve personal qualifications and work
+ Easily learn, approach the style and effective working style of famous companies 1.2.4: Threats:
+ Being competitive by human resources from other countries
+ Strict requirements from foreign companies with international degrees and certificates + Pressure from degrees when compared to famous and prestigious schools from abroad
2.1: Determine long-term and short-term goals:
2.1.1: Determine short-term goals (In the first and second years):
+ Must have completed the basic subjects and the basic subjects in the category of Good (7.5 points) or higher and not fail the subject:
¢ Communication Skills in University
¢ University Learning Methods
¢ Writing and Presenting Skills
¢ Teamwork Skills
e Effective Time Management Skills
e¢ Business Statistics
e Careers in International Business
Trang 7¢ Introduction to Management
e Macroeconomics
® Research Methods in Business
> Completing these subjects well so that in the third year, there is time to focus and invest in specialized subjects well At that time, I had time to attend audition classes to improve my performance, better understand professional issues that I did not understand in the previous semester
+ In the first and second years, invest time to improve your English and must achieve the required IELTS level of 5.5 Besides that, we need to learn more Chinese to facilitate communication when we come to Taiwan
+ Complete the Microsoft Office Specialist certification to create an advantage later 2.1.2: Determine long-term career goals (Four years of college and five years after graduation):
+ From the third year of study, we can apply for part-time jobs in companies related to International Business until graduation with | to 2 years of working experience + Graduation on time (4 years)
+ Graduated with a degree of Good or higher
+ English proficiency must achieve IELTS 5.5 or better than IELTS 6.5
+ After 5 years of graduation: Must have accumulated professional skills and the direction must be to achieve the position of deputy head or department head
2,2: Use SMART rules to define career goals:
2.2.1; Determining short-term career goals (first 2 years of university):
Complete foundational and foundational subjects Join the International Business Club and train to become a Board of Directors in the club
Trang 8School days, evening study, review and learn the previous lesson On non-study days, it
is advisable to participate in international business club activities to forge more skills and expand knowledge
Currently, the level of English is Influencer English, after the first 2 years of university (until May-June 2022), completing the IELTS program at the school, ready to take the ELTS 5.5 exam
At the same time, within 2 years, you can reach the Chinese level B2 or B3 (study in the evenings with English lessons outside)
Short-term goals are in the roadmap and are consistent with long-term strategic goals:
¢ After achieving IELTS 5.5 and then can practice more to achieve the highest possible IELTS score
¢ From the B2 or B3 level, you can work part-time in Chinese restaurants and (furniture) shops to practice Chinese as well as your side job
Time bound:
The more specific your goals are, the easier it will be to achieve them
2.2.2: Determining long-term career goals (4 years University and 5 years after graduation)
Accomplished 2 big goals of 4 years of study
¢ First and second years: successfully complete basic subjects and basic subjects, practice English ability to reach IELTS 5.5
¢ Third and fourth years: study well in specialized subjects, add a foreign language suitable for work, which is Chinese, Korean or Japanese
Accomplish 2 big goals in the first 5 years:
Trang 9¢ First 2 years: Acquiring professional skills and establishing good working relationships with colleagues Supplement the knowledge learned in 4 years of university with professional practice
* 3 years later: Focusing on working to get on the nght career path is striving to become a deputy head of a department or a department head
¢ First and second years: morning time, regular school attendance and evening English classes to improve current level
¢ Third and fourth years: the class schedule will be more, so every day spend 1.2 hours to learn another foreign language Occasionally participate in professional skills traming courses in the profession
¢ Fourth year: try to improve knowledge to get more international certificates for future career
1 By the end of semester | (January 15, 2021): complete the first semester program and conduct exam preparation Because semester | is the basic subjects, you must pass the exam well
2 Semester 2: Continue to complete basic subjects and continue studying English program
3 Semester 3: Complete basic and foundation subjects, and continue to reach English level B2 After the 3rd semester, take the IELTS exam with the goal of 5.5 points
4 Term 4: Complete subjects and take English classes to improve IELTS level to 6.0 or 6.5 After semester 4, I can confidently apply to be a collaborator for companies
5 Semester 5, 6: Complete specialized subjects in Vietnam with an average of 7.5
or higher and after each semester, you can participate in audition classes to improve your score, gain a better understanding of knowledge specialized knowledge
6 Semester 7.8: Going to a campus in Taiwan, so you must actively register for specialized subjects with a GPA of 7.5 or higher to promote early graduation After each
Trang 10semester, you can join online soft skills classes to gain experience for yourself Practice for IELTS 7.0 or higher Otherway choose another foreign language such as Chinese, Korean or Japanese to increase your advantage when applying for jobs
7 After graduating, the first 2 years will stay in Taiwan to work: acquire skills and professionalism of previous colleagues, expand relationships with colleagues to supplement knowledge at school In those 2 years, it is possible to study more international qualifications for the current job
8 Will return to Vietnam in the next 3 years: Confidently show professional level
at work Become an active employee and aim for the position of deputy manager or department head
Realistic (Realistic):
+ If 1 fail a subject or my English is unsatisfactory to study a major, I can attend auditions or summer semesters to increase my progress and achieve the set schedule + In the process of foreign language training, if the company requires a native language level, it may be possible to learn less English and promote the practice of the native language to make it easier to work more effectively
+ In the learning process, you may not get the expected score, but you need to improve your soft skills well
3.1: Find out the type of job that matches your needs, interests and abilities:
Needs: I will choose the direction for a stable career, with high advancement opportunities, improving my capacity and unlimited development opportunities Hobbies: I am passionate about economic indicators, world trade situation, business trends, observing economic changes in countries around the world,
Abilities: I am a patient person, under high pressure at work but not completely decisive, have the ability to negotiate and persuade others, the ability to plan, organize events,
> Type of job that is right for me, such as setting up my own business, working in the foreign affairs department of business or consulting, taking care of customers