11 Number of people using on-demand food delivery services in Vietnam and around the worÏd.... The number of people using apps food delivery service on their phones increased by 77%, in
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1 Lê Thanh Mỹ Ngọc 720H0126 100%
2 Nguyễn Pham Minh | 79010053 100%
3 Đào Lê Khang Huy 720H0074 100%
4 Ngũ Hoàng Kim Ngân 720H0932 100%
5 Lưu Nguyễn Mỹ Linh | 720H0914 100%
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List Of Tables 0.ccccccccccccccsesseeseensceseeseesecsscseeseesscsseseesecsscssseseesecscsseesensensesseeneesens 6 Isộn Ta 7
1.1.1 Company Profile i2 2 120112011201 121 1111112111211 1111 11111011 01 ky 9 1.1.2 Leadership & IDIrecfOFS - 5c 2c 221112111211 121 12111111211 1811 18111812 10 1.1.3 GrabFood”s CuÏture c2 222 221211221151 151 1111281181111 81 211111221 8 tra II 1.1.4 GrabFood’s Appearance in Viet Nam - 52-2 222122122122 II
BSm9 7 “1D 16 1.3.2 COImP€ItOFS L2 2 020111011111 1211121 1101110111011 1011011101 1011101181 20 1.3.3 Analysis and Evaluation - 2 c1 121112111211 1E1 1121112111811 181 181kg 30 PART 2: CUSTOMER TNSIGHTT 2 2 1221211212112 2121111122822 tre 34
PART 3: GRABFOOD}ˆS SERVICTE - 12 2212221121 2212111 1511212111125 8 tye 35
3.2.1 Lovelock’s Classification 0ccccccccccccccccccseccsecseccecssecsseetsesssesseessessiees 35 3.2.2 Flowchart of Service .cccccccccccccccsesseneensesseeseensceseeseenecnsssseeseeeenseeentens 36 3.2.3 Flower Of S€TVIC€ 12 1 2111 111211111111 111111 11111 1111111211111 1t Hy 37
3.5.4 Campalgn Achievemenfs .- i2 121112111211 1211 1211121118118 kg 39 3.5.5 Soclal Medlia .- c t 2112112 1121111111101 1111111111012 11 11111111111 1t Hy 62 3.5.6 SEO Q.22 2220202200 221211 HH 111111 H111 1111111 th H1 HH HH ke tk 67
Trang 5
PART 4: RECOMMENDATIONS Q22 n2 1 1210221121181 ra 77 1.0 51199) (900309) 0:4 78 REFERENCES Q02 211212 1219111111101 1111111111111 111 11111111 TH HH ru 79
Trang 6List of Tables
1 Table 1 1 Delivery charges in different cities
2 Table 1 2 Comparison of food delivery apps in Vietnam
Trang 7List of Figures
1 Figure 1 1 GrabFood LO8O - 2 2222111211121 1121112111211 1211 18111818 mg 9
2 Figure 1 2 Image of Mr ]erry Liim 2: + 22 222122211531 221 53151 10
3 Figure 1 3 Image of Mr Trong Ma 2 222112111211 1211 1511515 ce 10
4 Figure 1 4 Image of Mr Tuan Tran 2 22 222122212211 2211221221 512 II
5 FIgure l 5 Grab and competitors im other countrles - 12
6 Fipure l 6 Percentage ofpeople ordering food directly 13
7 Figure l 7 Food delrvery user ratio change 2 25+ 22x22 14
8 Figure 1 8 Food application penetration 1n VietNam - sò 15
9 Figure 1 9 The image of food ordering applications in the user's mind 15 10.Figure I 10 On-demand food delrvery market s1Ze eens 16 11.Figure 1 11 Number of people using on-demand food delivery services in Vietnam and around the worÏd ¿2c 2 222321125223 151 1515115315112 12 2xe5 17 12.Figure 1 12 Market Entry Rate of Industry - : 225 ‡ 22x c2 csS2 18
13 Figure 1 13 The interface of the 4 largest food delivery applications today
18 Figure 1 18 Graph showing customer experience with GrabFood 23
19 Figure 1 19 ShopeeF 00d LOg0 oo ecccccccccccccctecceestecssessseessestestsestseensees 24 20.Figure l 20 Baemin LO8O - 20 20112011211 1211 121112111211 1811 18111811 26 21.Figure l 21 Customer feedback on BAEMIN 22 c2 c2cce 27 22.Figure 1 22 Delivery Cost of GoFood - -c 2c 1211221221121 221 z2 28 23.FIpure l 23 Delivery Cost of GoFood In Hanoi . ¿5-5555 s5552 29 24.Figure 3 l The fÏlower OŸ S€TVIC€ L- Q2 111011101121 111 1111111111111 1xx 37 25.Figure 3 2 GrabFood”s website Inferface - - c cv c2v 2xx 38 26.Figure 3 3 GrabFood Order Proecess - 5c 22 2211221221221 2212 39 27.Eigure 3 4 Image of GrabFood e-InVvolIce . c c2 cà 40 28.Figure 3 5 Image ofpayment methods c 22c 2221221221221 ce 4I 29.Figure 3 6 GrabFood Voucher - 2-2 22112211211 1211 1225111511212 42 30.Figure 3 7 GrabFood heÏp centre - - 2c 2211221112111 11211 1211212 43 31.Figure 3 8 Privacy Notice of GrabFood - 2: 2.12221221211121 22x se 44 32.Figure 3 9 Service fee for an OFđer- ¿+ c1 2212221221221 1 1211251122152 46 33.(FIpure 3 10 Scenes from the first TVC of the "Dontt skip meals"
Trang 837.FIpure 3 I4 Posters for the promotion run in parallel with the campalgn P3 in 50 38.Figure 3 15 GrabFood news on VnEXpF€SS 0 2n 222222 31 39.FIpure 3 I6 GrabFood news on Tuoi tre Online ¿22s ccsx c2 52
40 EFigure 3 L7 GrabFood EVeIL L2 20102011201 1212211 151111111511 11 key 33 41.Figure 3 18 GrabFood Event on Facebook 2c 22x22 33 42.Figure 3 19 Reaction of GrabFood’s Customers : 5552552552 54 43.Figure 3 20 GrabFood news about CSR ou ccc c2 212 2222 2re 56
44 Figure 3 21 GrabFood gave 117,000 meals to children at Thach Bao Lam hiphland commune school , 2 22 221221121121 121151 151151281111 1111 21 81 cay 57 45.EFigure 3 22 GrabFood promotions code - c 223221222 58
46 Fipure 3 23 GrabFood promotion codes on Facebook 58
47 Figure 3 24.”°Don’t skip meals” reactIOIS óc 2c 2c 222222 se 59
48 FIpure 3 25.” IIt rains, don't skip meals” reactIons -‹ 525 5¿ 60 49.Fipure 3 26.”Co thục moi vục duoc 'Co_ Vy!” VI€WS che 60 50.Figure 3 27: Facebook Fanpage of Grab Food + + + css2 62 51.FIpure 3 28 Posts after three days and the amount of 1nteraction received
52.Figure 3 29 Contrast in engapgement for TVC videos - - 64 53.FIpure 3 30 Facebook Post has ordering link .- -:- 5:25 scsssss s22 64 54.Figure 3 31: Instapram account of GrabFood +c-cxcscxccxcss2 65 55.Figure 3 32 Short videos promoting the promotion -:- ¿5 -: 66
56 Figure 3 33 The restaurant review content also attracted a large number A22 0 Ú7ỪýÝỞ 66 57.Figure 3 34 Ordering Foood Procedure 2 + 2s 222x222 sesscss2 68
58 Figure 3 35 Select the restaurant, choose your meal and add it to the
11 Company Introduction
1.1.1 Company Profile Grab is a multinational technology company based in Singapore, providing diverse transportation services from motorbikes, 4-seater cars, 7-seater cars, food delivery, delivery via mobile applications motion Grab has grown to become a famous brand
in 8 countries such as: Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam
Figure 1 | GrabFood Logo GrabFood is a service provided by Grab, to connect local businesses/restaurants with people GrabFood meets the needs of eating and ordering food for customers everywhere connected with GrabFood and at any time GrabF ood was first launched
in 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City, GrabFood has now served 19 provinces and attracted more than 13 million users in HCMC, and Hanoi (Kantar TNS) offers high-quality food delivery and helps make the life of Vietnamese people more convenient and developed
Trang 101.1.2 Leadership & Directors Jerry Lim has served as Managing Director since 2016
Figure 1 2 Image of Mr Jerry Lim
- Trong Ma - Head of GrabFood & GrabMart VN since 2018
Figure 1 3 Image of Mr Trong Ma
Trang 11- Tuan Tran - Head of Marketing GrabFood
Figure 1 4 Image of Mr Tuan Tran 1.1.3 GrabFood’s Culture
- Heart: We work together as OneGrab to see
- Hunger: We work to understand ground truth
- Honour: We keep our word and steward our resources wisely to build and sustain trust
- Humility: We are a constant work-in-pro According to Ms Dinh Thi Hoa Dao - Human Resources Director of Grab Vietnam
- "The Grab Way" is developed based on the principle of 4H: Heart - serving with the heart; Hunger - desire to serve, innovate, put partners and users first; Honor - learn and improve skills and Humility - promote humility, the spirit of improvement These criteria make up the “Grabber DNA”
Among them, the most important factor seems to be Humility - promoting humility, and putting users and partners first Resonating in an environment that promotes the spirit and capacity of employees, Grab Vietnam maintains the goal of "work-life balance": Open office, flexible working time, and encouragement of creative freedom Employees can actively ask to participate in projects they find interesting, discuss directly with leaders when seeing an inappropriate plan, and contribute to the improvement of company culture
1.1.4 GrabFood’s Appearance in Viet Nam
It is known that Vietnam currently has a young population, concentrated mainly in urban areas, plus a high rate of smartphone use, which has helped the online ordering market to be ready to explode
Trang 12A study by GCOMM also said that 99% of survey participants said that they use online food ordering services at least 2-3 times a month Notably, up to 39% of survey respondents ordered food through the app 2-3 times a week
It can be seen that the market has begun to form a group of customers who have the habit of almost turning on mobile applications to order food every day The opportunity for online ordering services is now
Grab chose Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) as the third deployment place after Jakarta (Indonesia) and Bangkok (Thailand) Because Vietnam 1s also GrabFood's second fastest growing market in Southeast Asia, second only to Indonesia
After only 8 months of official launch, Vietnam became GrabF ood's fastest growing market in Southeast Asia outside of Indonesia (In HCMC: GrabFood was tested on May 10, 2018 and officially launched on May 10, 2018) June 2018 and is achieving impressive growth month by month In September 2018, the number of GrabFood orders increased 2.3 times compared to the previous month.)
Competitors * Grab Viet Nam
Trang 132017 EEEEE=E= nen
Figure 1 6 Percentage of people ordering food directly
A survey by Havas Riverorchid confirmed that Delivery Now is the first name that consumers think of when asked about food ordering services in Ho Chi Minh City However, the market quickly changed when many new investors planned to enter Grab, an application that provides transportation and transportation services has launched a trial of GrabFood service provided in 5 urban districts of Ho Chi Minh City And at that time, Grab had 500 partners who were restaurants and food shops
in the area
Grab's No | position in the Vietnamese market is not surprising Because of the early presence in Vietnam compared to other competitors, many advantages can be enjoyed GrabFood captures customer psychology and has a relatively large number
of partners
However, according to some analysis, no one can be sure if GrabFood can stand firmly in that position because of "big" competitors such as SEA - Now, Go-Jek - Go- Food and Woowa Brothers - Vietnammm / Beamin are both Asian unicorns and they are not inferior to GrabFood financially
1.2 Market Overview
In the context of difficult business operations due to the impact of the pandemic, along with the increasingly strong development of technology, more and more people are using food delivery services by mobile applications Food and beverage ordering service is one of the fields that are being strongly digitized, with the goal of increasingly improving user experience and satisfaction
Trang 14According to the survey results of research company Q&Me in December 2021 with
a group of men and women aged 18-40 in big cities (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and
Da Nang), the frequency of customers using the service, food delivery services increase by 21% from 2020 to 2021
The number of people using apps food delivery service on their phones increased by 77%, in contrast to the proportion of calls to the store to order online continued downward trend Delivery applications have been and are a popular service in Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City
Food delivery user ratio change
Food delivery user has increased significantly in the last
12 month The number went up from 62% to 83%
Figure | 7 Food delivery user ratio change
Not only has the usage rate of food ordering apps increased, but the ordering frequency also tends to increase The percentage of people using weekly food delivery apps increased from 80% to 85% after a year frequency ordering partly comes from regular promotions of online food ordering apps/platforms to encourage customers to order online more
The food delivery market has also become active with competition from many big players such as Now.vn, LoShip, BaeMin to both big online car booking giants like Grab and Go-jek in 2020 as well Expanding services to food delivery with GrabFood and Go-Food utilities
In a survey of over 1600 samples from Q&Me on food and beverage delivery orders Within 60 days, ordering methods and applications used showed that Grab
Trang 15Followed by Now/ShopeeF ood (66%) and Baemin (54%) which are also two popular apps among those surveyed
While Grab is still the most used application, Baemin has a good growth rate
of market share, from 46% in the previous year to 54%
Food application penetration in Vietnam
Food delivery penetration is around 64% of the respondents The main players are Grab foods, ShopeeFood, Baemin and Go Food (Go Jek)
Q Do you order food or drink online in last 60 days? (N=660) / How do you order food and drink online? (N=551) / What apps do you use to
Figure 1 8 Food application penetration in VietNam
The image of food ordering applications in the user's mind is different Grab Food has many good restaurants, Now/ShopeeFood has many street food at reasonable prices and Baemin has quality food/drinks
Mobile app imaaes
Figure | 9 The image of food ordering applications in the user's mind
Trang 16According to research by Euromonitor International, in 2018 the online food delivery market in Vietnam was worth 33 million USD, is expected to reach about 38 million USD in size from 2021 and maintain an average growth rate of 11 % in the next 5 years
The number of people using online food delivery services in 2018 was about 5.3 million people It is forecasted that by 2023, the number of people using this service will more than double to about 13 million people and 17 million people by 2024 According to Reputa, in 2020, Vietnam recorded 1,140,397 discussions about food delivery applications on social networks, especially the Fanpage channel which brings the most discussions for brands (accounting for 55.48%).) In which, Grab Food accounted for the highest proportion of 33.38% in the discussion, the second was Now 23.16% and respectively Baemin 21.95%, Loship 15.14% and Go Food 6.37%
Figure 1 10 On-demand food delivery market size
The revenue of Vietnam's on-demand food delivery market in 2018 was 148 million USD and had an average growth rate of 28.5%/year In which, revenue from Restaurant-to-Consumer Delivery segment is about USD 117 million (accounting for 79%) and revenue of Platform - to - Consumer Delivery is about USD 32 million (accounting for 21%) Revenue in 2023 is estimated to be up to 449 million USD
Trang 17Vietnam's on-demand food delivery market in 2019 is forecast to reach 207 million USD However, compared to countries in Asia such as India or Japan, the size of the on-demand food delivery market in Vietnam is still very small, accounting for only 0.2% of the market share in the world food delivery market
- Number of users in on-demand food delivery service in Vietnam:
Figure 1 11 Number of people using on-demand food delivery services in Vietnam
and around the world The number of people using on-demand food delivery services in 2018 was about 5.3 million people, mainly using the Restaurant-to-Consumer Delivery service (accounting for 92%) It is forecasted that by 2023, the number of people using food delivery services will more than double, about 13 million people
- Market entry rate:
Trang 1811.80%
Figure 1 12 Market Entry Rate of Industry
On-demand food delivery market entry index in Vietnam is about 11.8% by 2022 Although the on-demand food delivery market in Vietnam is still quite new, it is also extremely vibrant with the 4 most popular and trusted brands today: Grab Food, BAEMIN, Go Food, Shopee Food
+ Top brands in on-demand food delivery market:
Trang 19Most of the online food delivery platforms in Vietnam are foreign businesses Grab and Shopee Food (formerly Now) are the two apps that are said to hold the most market share However, the market share of these applications is also being fiercely competed by latecomers such as Gojek, BAEMIN
Trends in an online community discussion about food delivery brands:
Figure 1 14 Trends of discussion about food delivery on social media
In 2020, Vietnam recorded strong growth in online food delivery due to Covid-19 (1,140,397 discussions) This trend is likely to continue to grow through 2021, and is forecast to grow toa value of more than $38 million and maintain an average growth rate of 11% in the next 5 years
The largest market share of food delivery brands: Specifically, according to the Vietnam Online Food Delivery Service Market Report 2020, which has just been analyzed by Reputa, GrabFood is the leading brand in the market when accounting for 33 38% discussion market share, followed by Now (now Shopee Food) with 23.16% social discussion, third by BAEMIN with 21.95%, and finally GoFood with discussion market share essay 6.37%
Trends of discussion in 2020: In May 2020, BAEMIN achieved the same amount of discussion as GrabFood at the same time when this brand started promoting communication activities The Fanpage channel is still the place that brings the most discussions for brands (accounting for 55.48%), followed by Facebook Groups specializing in food and restaurant reviews (accounting for 22.9%)
Trang 20Diagram of locating customer interest with each food delivery brand:
Figure | 15 Chart showing customer interest in each food delivery brand According to research, GrabFood leads in terms of market share in the discussion of delivery services, especially the evaluations of the shipper's professionalism and delivery speed are positive
In which, BAEMIN leads the market with the content "Horrible, Promotion, Freeship" and special communication campaign associated with Tran Thanh and a series of Content Marketing "catching the trend" and Promotion 1s the top concern of
customers row
Shopee Food (formerly NowFood) and GoFood have a high rate of discussion about the app experience when the brand has just changed the application interface 1.3.2 Competitors
Trang 21Figure 1 16 GrabFood Logo
At that time, many people realized that Grab's decision was extremely risky when implementing a model that before, only NOW was exclusive
- Key Competitive Advantages:
Hyperlocalising: Grab focuses on delivering a “hyper-local” experience (providing searches that are selected based on geographic proximity) to users in different regions This is also one of the important strategies that the company has applied and
"beat" the Uber application before To optimize its content, GrabFood allows their respective country groups to customize sections of the app's homepage to highlight what's more relevant to their customers, based on their emerging consumption patterns from ordering habits
Trang 22Suggested Alternatives: Grab's algorithm will be created in such a way that if a user enters a dish that is not available or has less than 4 choices, the app will find a seller based on similarities in the menu menu and automatically suggest an alternative to the customer In addition, the platform also updates the “Recommended for you” section with food menus based on order history, search history, even after a user has sust searched for a specific dish
Provide a personalized experience: Unlike most food delivery apps that only recommend restaurants based on top ratings, GrabFood provides personalized recommendations to users The app's rating logic is based on factors like order history (including culinary categories, budget, food preferences) and even general factors like driver availability and expected arrival time From there, the sellers that best match the user's profile will be listed first
- Product Information:
s* Products & Services:
+ Core product: Fast food delivery service
+ Real product: GrabFood (super mobile app for delivery)
+ Value-added products:
Grab deploys Membership Package
Grab Policies: Privacy Policy, Customer Code of Conduct, and terms of service
Delivery and credit: Moca e-wallet
Grab always considers the interests of customers when they choose to use services such as Grab Pay, Grab Award, etc
¢* Pricing: The cost of a GrabFood order will be shown on the app when you place
an order, including:
+ Cost of food (according to the unit price of the restaurant/cafeteria
+ Delivery fee
+ Service charge
+ Small order fee
Delivery charges will be calculated according to the distance from the restaurant/diner to the delivery point The minimum fare is 16,000 VND for the first
3 km depending on the restaurant/restaurant and 5,000 VND for each subsequent kilometer In addition, the delivery fee applies a flexible tariff when the demand is high, based on the region and time of day
Thanks to the discount policies and freeship program after integrating into Shopee,
by December 2020, the number of Now app users was equivalent to Grab's opening rate of 73% Specifically in the following chart:
Trang 23Figure | 17 Q&Me food delivery market survey from December 4, 2020
¢¢ Distribution Channels:
It can be said that the "Super App" Grab is an ecosystem in which customers can make everything from booking a car, ordering food, delivering goods, going to the market to paying bills like an electronic wallet Restaurants, Drivers, and Customers include three forms of distribution as follows:
* Customers come to the point of sale (restaurant)
* The driver arrives at the customer's address
¢ Customers interact with remote service providers (GrabFood)
Figure 1 18 Graph showing customer experience with GrabFood
In 2020, GrabFood gradually reduced "discount" activities but continued to increase advertising and communication activities with meaningful messages that were
Trang 24positively received by readers, with 69.11% discussing discount codes and 16.29% sharing and discussing GrabFood's media messages
This is not necessarily an M&A deal because since 2017, Sea - the parent corporation of Shopee - has owned 82% of the shares of Foody Corporation Now's existing services are still operating as usual, in which the NowFood service changes its name to Shopee Food, and the NowShip service changes its name to Shopee Express Instant
Shopee Food will continue to provide a variety of food, beverages and daily necessities from a system of partners, including restaurants, supermarkets,
convenience stores
- Product Information:
s* Products & Services:
Shopee Food currently has main categories such as Hot Deal Today, Up to 35k off, OD Deal, 30k off thousands of dishes, 50k off Dinner, 99% off, 18k Freeship, 40k Hunt Deal, Milk Tea, Rice, Snack There are also sub-categories of products such
as Flowers, Supermarkets, Medicines, and Beer,
Core product: Fast food delivery service
Real products: Shopee Food (super mobile app for shipping)
¢¢ Pricing: The cost of order on Shopee Food will be shown on the payment when you place an order, including:
Delivery charges:
Trang 25Table 1 1 Delivery charges in different cities
Note: The above rates are the basic rates for forwarding services Depending on objective conditions (weather, disease, etc.), service delivery time, agreement with service users, Shopee Food - GoFast's shipping partner may increase or decrease the freight rates to suit fit
Small order fee: 3,000 VND / order, applied to orders that have not reached the minimum value of 50,000 VND
Night surcharge: applies to orders with an estimated delivery time between 22:30 - 06:00 nationwide
Door-to-door delivery fee: applicable when you push the “DOOR DELIVERY” button on Shopee Food App This fee is to help the Shopee Food doctors ensure the quality of service, bringing you delicious food to your door (apartment or high-rise office)
Parking fee at Guest address: This fee is used for the Driver to pay the parking fee when the Driver needs to send the car to your door (usually applied when delivering
to an apartment or high-rise office)
Parking fee at the restaurant: This fee is used for the driver to pay the parking fee when the driver needs to park the car to go to the restaurant to get food (applicable to some shops)
Service fee: From July 1, 2022, Shopee Food officially applies a new service fee for all orders (the fee is 3,000 VND/order) This fee helps Shopee Food maintain and improve the quality of services such as improving delivery services, upgrading application experience and diversifying restaurants
Holiday surcharge: This fee is to help Shopee Food maintain service quality during the holiday
Bad weather fee: applied based on the actual weather situation and the number of active Drivers at the time of booking
Trang 26Figure 1 20 Baemin Logo
- Company Highlights:
BAEMIN is a food delivery service owned by Woowa Brothers Corp., headquartered
in Seoul (Korea) BAEMIN officially entered the Vietnamese market in early 2019 With this brand's signature slogan "BAEMIN, it's hot and crispy!", has shown us the fast food delivery speed but still ensure the safety of the drivers BAEMIN Vietnam makes an impression on Vietnamese users when it cares about customers’ preferences from style to lifestyle
- Product Information:
s* Products & Services:
As a food delivery application, the main feature of BAEMIN is ordering food online using the mobile phone app BAEMIN has its own food delivery team and does not use intermediary delivery services BAEMIN divides the food category into
8 main categories with high diversity in each category: The final boss (products with shocking deals), pho/vermicelli, drinks, specialties, fast food In addition, BAEMIN also offers users the exclusive BAEMIN Grocery
+ Pricing: Service fee on BAEMIN application:
o First 3km: 15,000 VND
o From the 3rd kilometer or more: 5000 VND/next km
o Service fee: 4000 VND / order (increasing 2000 VND compared to the previous period)
Trang 27o Limited package: 25 freeship codes/month equivalent to VND 250,000
o Unlimited package: All freeship codes/month equivalent to 300,000 VND Promotion pricing strategy: Strong discounts on items for a short period of time such
as holiday events, Tet to boost sales
Loyalty pricing strategy: Rate order level, rank division (gold, silver, copper) the higher the rank, the more incentives
¢* Distribution Channels: Restaurants, Drivers, Customers include three forms of distribution as follows:
o Customers come to the point of sale (restaurant)
o The driver arrives at the customer's address
o Client interaction with remote service provider (BAEMIN)
Figure 1 21 Customer feedback on BAEMIN
in the interface of the app, with the main feature being to order food online
- Product Information:
Trang 28s* Products & Services:
BAEMIN divides the food category into 8 main categories with high diversity in each category: GoFood De, Deal stack deal, Vietnamese rice, Shops near you, Milk tea, Other Vietnamese dishes, Good deal dinner, Lunch savings There are also sub- categories of products such as necessities, vegetarian cuisine, international dishes Core product: Fast food delivery service
Real product: GoFood (mobile-based delivery super app)
¢ Pricing:
Figure 1 22 Delivery Cost of GoFood
Trang 29Figure 1 23 Delivery Cost of GoFood in Hanoi
Gojek continuously offers many promotions so that users can safely use ride-hailing, food delivery, and delivery services conveniently and quickly while still saving money in the new normal
Trang 30to each level
- Rich user information has been obtained after many years of operation
- Intuitive, easy-to-use app interface
- Can be used in many countries in Southeast Asia
- There is a link to Moca e-wallet right 1n the app
- Good customer services
- Grab's delivery fee is quite "soft" compared
to the market
- Shipper is responsible for the order, when delivering, they are very attentive to the order, the quality of the food when delivered is more guaranteed
- Earn points every time you use the service and use the points to redeem gifts
or vouchers
- Hours of operation
BAEMIN Has a solid parent company in
currently the
#1 food delivery app
in Korea
- There are many promotions with "multi- tier promotion" as the highlight that Vietnamese customers always remember User- friendly interface with
a fat cat icon close to Vietnamese people
SHOPEE FOOD Strong investment capital from parent company Pioneering in the food delivery market thus gaining a foothold
in the market and having a fixed customer base Integrate giving coins when shopping at Shopee and Shopee Food, making customers more excited when shopping Build your own shipper team with full professional tools
Easy payment via online payment applications
- The application has a simple interface, easy to use
- The number
of restaurants 1s large, with flexible suggestions
to help users choose easily
- There are many promotions
devices or customer segments Promo codes are not allowed
to be shared with others
The shipper is also a motorbike taxi, so it
is equipped with an uneven heat storage box
- GrabFood is currently the business with the highest level
of recognition in the food delivery industry, so it will be preferred by customers in the future
- Southeast Asian users are price-sensitive, so
food delivery application companies such as Grab, Shopee Food are not widely known, so there are few sellers, so the product is not diverse
There is no chatbot for quick handling when the restaurant is closed or cannot order The coverage
is not widespread
- Government policies have many incentives
- Consumer demand for mobile phones
Is increasing in Vietnam
- The demand for ordering food online
application is still slow and there is a situation where the shipper chooses the order
Ordering food at the restaurant number will be charged an additional fee of 3,000 - 6,000 VND
The cancellation of the group ordering function makes customers who love this function feel
- Shopee Pay wallet is too many steps and cumbersome, it is necessary to install Shopee's payment app and link the card Especially when placing an order, the application will immediately deduct money, making the process of price adjustment and refund take longer
- Southeast Asian users are price- sensitive, so they will switch to the Shopee Food app when there are attractive discounts
- Vietnam is a politically stable country, creating favorable
about restaurants and dishes
- Public comments about the restaurant are not supported
- Many customers complain about order cancellations
- Do not
support placing multiple orders at the same time
- Vietnamese consumer demand has increased since the Covid-19 pandemic
- With the price sensitivity of Vietnamese customers,
Trang 32Compete with other
major food delivery
companies such as:
Facing many risks,
the most specific is
the order
The problem of
traffic jams makes
food delivery take a
long time, affecting
the quality of the
to cover the entire
delivery point across
the city consumes a
large amount of
money for
has increased due to the desire to choose clean products but still save time
- Compete with other major food delivery companies
- Facing many risks, the most specific is the order cancellation
- Traffic congestion 1s always an obsession
- Promotion/
advertising investment costs consume a large amount of money for businesses
conditions for the development of food delivery services
- There are many competitors in the market today
- There are customers who always cancel orders, resulting in losses for the Shipper and making them frustrated and may give up their work
GoFood can easily take advantage of
a series of discount codes to increase brand awareness
Compete with other major food delivery companies Facing many risks, the most specific
is the order cancellation
- The problem
of traffic jams 1S always an obsession, it causes food delivery to
be delayed, affecting the quality of the food
These are the 4 largest food delivery brands in terms of both growth potential and number of users To compare and evaluate which is the best food delivery service, within the framework of this research, our team will analyze through the following criteria:
16 provinces 15.000đ/5km 24/7
Small Normal
2 provinces 15.000đ/5km 14.000đ/3km
2.1Target Customer
Primary Target Customer Secondary Target
Customer Age 25-40 vears old 18-24 years old Gender Female and Male Female and Male Income Low- Medium- High income Low- Medium income Occupation Self-employed, Working Adults, Students, Part-time
Unemployed & Retirees workers
Generation Gen X, gen Y Gen Z
2.2 Insight
3C Truth Model:
Category Truth: An on-demand online food delivery service by a mobile app that charges a delivery fee, a service fee, and an annual fee for some value-added services Company Truth: GrabFood provides an online food ordering service using a mobile app and provides a personalized experience that makes it easy for customers to find the most suitable food GrabFood has its own delivery team, builds its own MOCA payment technology, and does not use an intermediary delivery service
Consumer Truth: After the Covid 19 pandemic, Vietnamese customers have gradually realized the importance of ensuring safety during the epidemic season, but still have the need and desire to order delicious food Vietnamese customers are gradually being replaced by Gen Z, a generation that is highly exposed to technology and wants all activities in life to save the most time and costs
> Insight: Although there are many online food delivery applications in Vietnam, I still want to find an application that can integrate convenient online payment methods, have a group ordering function, have many promotions and there are monthly promotional packages, and coverage in the highest cities so that I can easily order food wherever | am
3.1 Basic Focus Strategy
GrabFood is also focused on service strategy, it has also focused on building a network of merchant-partners According to a Grab representative, an expansion in the number of merchant-partners was imperative for further growth GrabFood cares about its partners’ growth and wants to build a win-win relationship so that they can grow together, the representative said
Instead of offering a slew of discounts and other promotional programs to attract customers, GrabFood competes based on creative strategies, adapting to the diverse demands and tastes of customers in the various regions
For example, GrabFood has many exclusive menus of well-known restaurants with
"GrabF ood Signatures" These co-created dishes and drinks are constantly in the top three of most ordered items at big partners like Gong Cha and MeetFresh
In addition, GrabFood has reduced the average delivery time to just 20 minutes, which means customers can enjoy their favorite food delivered fresh and delicious This, in turn, means that merchant-partners can retain customer loyalty At the same time, marketing campaigns undertaken in cooperation with GrabFood help them increase their customer base
The Grab representative also said that on average, merchant-partners earn up to 300 percent in incremental revenue within two to three months of being on the platform GrabFood has the advantage of being a technology mobile platform to which smart functions have been integrated, including locating the nearest restaurants, updating status of orders and chatting with drivers via GrabChat
3.2 Product Strategy
3.2.1 Lovelock’s Classification
Based on the Lovelock's Classification system, Grabfood's service is classified as Possession Processing because the service affects tangible objects and is owned by the people
Trang 363.2.2 Flowchart of Service
Trang 37so on through these channels Customers can easily learn about and choose products that meet their needs
Trang 38Figure 3 2 GrabFood’s website interface
- Order Taking
Customers must first register for an account by confirming their phone number or logging in to an existing account in order to use the GrabFood service Customers can order food by visiting the website or using the application on their phones or tablet GrabF ood's ordering process is simple and accessible to people of all ages
Trang 39Figure 3 3 GrabFood Order Process
- Billing
Customers often offer an invoice after using the service; a standard invoice must include customer information, the time and location they used the service, and expense details After completing the order, the GrabFood e-invoice contains all necessary information and is saved in "History."
Trang 40Figure 3 4 Image of GrabFood e-invoice
- Payment
GrabFood accepts a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit card, and Moca e-wallet Moca e-wallet, in particular, 1s co-invested and developed by Grab and is integrated directly into the Grab application, allowing customers to use the GrabPay by Moca payment method without having to download additional Moca apps