The sto-ichiometric modeling of the bacteria-algae lake system is relatively new, whilethe lemming population cycle has attracted the attention of several generations oftheoretical and e
byHao Wang
A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
May 2007
Trang 2Copyright 2007 by Wang, Hao
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byHao Wang
has been approvedNovember 2006
Trang 4Mechanistic and phenomenological models and careful parameter tions are presented through both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems The sto-ichiometric modeling of the bacteria-algae lake system is relatively new, whilethe lemming population cycle has attracted the attention of several generations oftheoretical and experimental biologists and continues to be an issue of controversy.
estima-Bacteria-algae interaction in epilimnion is modeled with explicit ation of carbon (energy) and phosphorus (nutrient) Global qualitative analysisand bifurcation diagrams of this model are presented Competition of bacterialstrains are modeled to examine Nishimura’s hypothesis that in severely P-limitedenvironments, such as Lake Biwa, P limitation exerts more severe constraints onthe growth of bacterial groups with higher nucleic acid contents, which allows low
consider-nucleic acid bacteria to be competitive.
Through a series of carefully derived models of the well documented amplitude, large-period fluctuations of lemming populations at Point Barrow, onecan argue that, when appropriately formulated, autonomous differential equationsmay capture much of the desirable rich dynamics such as the existence of a periodicsolution with period and amplitude close to that of approximately periodic solu-tions produced by the more natural but mathematically daunting nonautonomousmodels This, together with the bifurcation analysis, indicates that neither sea-sonal factors, nor the moss growth rate and lemming death rate, are the maindeterminants of the observed multi-year lemming cycles
high-What ecological factors control population cycles? For some species —
Trang 5tors and the functional response of predation appear to be the primary nants Maturation delay almost completely determines the cycle period, whereasthe functional response greatly affects its amplitude and even its existence Thisresult is obtained from sensitivity analysis of all the parameters and comparison
determi-of the lemming-stoat and hare-lynx systems
Trang 7First of all I would like to thank my advisor Dr Yang Kuang for offering
me precious chances to implement experiments and work with biologists, also hisencouragement during my Ph.D study at Arizona State University I would like tothank my co-advisor Dr Hal Smith for his numerous discussions on mathematicalanalysis and invaluable help on all aspects, and Dr James J Elser, Dr John Nagyfor their many insightful discussions in biology I also thank Dr Olivier Gilg,
Dr Sebastian Diehl, Dr James Grover, Dr Val Smith, Dr Irakli Loladze and
Dr Jiaxu Li for helpful discussions and suggestions In addition, thanks to
Dr Horst Thieme and Dr Sharon Crook for their interesting courses I am blessed
to work with these excellent mathematicians and biologists
Last but not the least, I am forever indebted to my wife, Qiangying Cao,
for her pure love and inspiration.
Hao Wang
December 25, 2006
Arizona State University
Trang 8LIST OF TABLES 0.0.0 0000200040,
LIST OF FIGURES 2 00.0000 eee,
3 Persistence and Invasion of Bacteria
4, Competing Bacterial Strains
1 Simple Lemming-Stoat Model Ốc 681.1 Parameter Estimation 0.0 0.004 701.2 Numerical Solution and Limitation 72
2 Lemming-Stoat Delay Model 0000.4 732.1 Mathematical Rationality ch So 732.2 Empirical Data Fitting 200 752.3 Sensitivity Analysis 2 00.0.0 0 0004, 76
3 Snowshoe Hare-Lynx Delay Model 0 80
4 Comparison and Interpretation ch 0200.4 85
5 Summary and Discussion 0 00.0.0 0 05 eee 89
1 Key Points of Thesis 0 2 ee 91
Trang 10Table Page
Variables in bacteria-algae system (2.l) 16
Parameters in bacteria-algae system (2.l) 17
Parameters in Barrow model (3.1) (Turchin and Batzli 2001) 47
Parameters in moss-lemming models 53
Comparison of all four lemming models 65
Parameters in lemming-stoat systems 70
Empirical lemming data from Olivier Gilg , 76
Parameters in hare-lynx system (4.4) 84
Trang 11proof of Theorem 3 0 ho
A bifurcation diagram for system (2.2), illustrating that the lower the mixed layer the better for algae in system (2.2) Thisbifurcation diagram confirms our mathematical findings When
shal-Ry > 1, the algae extinction equilibrium is unstable, and the onlypositive equilibrium appears to be globally attractive The branch-ing point occurs at Ro = 1 When Rp < 1, there is no positiveequilibrium and the algae extinction equilibrium is globally attract-ing This numerical result is generated by the continuation software
‘MatCont’ in MATLAB 0 2 Q Q Q he
Trang 12Phase plane when Ry > 1 for system (2.2) The algae extinction
equilibrium Ep = (0,Q, Pn) is globally attracting on the subspace
9 = {2 € | A = 0} but a uniform weak repeller for Q, = {x €Q| AO}, and A is persistent in this case 2 2.2.0 Algae dynamics without bacteria (system (2.2)) with respect todifferent depths of the mixed layer: All the variables approach thepositive equilibrium in about two months The first two figuressuggest that with deeper mixing depths, P increases, but A de-creases On the other hand, average light intensity should decreasewith larger depths, because of shading effect Hence, algal growth
is more limited by energy than nutrient in a lake with a deepermixed layer This numerical simulation is generated by ‘ode23s’ inMATLAB using the initial conditions: A = 20,P = 0.1,Q = 0.004
Trang 1312.
An abstract phase plane diagram for system (2.1) when Ro > 1 and
R, > 1 Q,P are placed on one axis (say x-axis), A,C are placed
on another axis (say y-axis) and B is on the vertical axis (z-axis)
Extinction equilibrium eo = (0,Q, Pin, 0,0) is globally attracting
on the subspace {x € 9 | A = B = C =0}, but a repeller for
Q, = {ce € 2 | B = 0) Bacteria extinction only equilibrium
e, = (A,Q, P,0,C) is globally attracting on the subspace M2, but
a repeller for Q) = {x €2| BO} B is persistent, and at least
one coexistence equilibrium exists 6 0 eee ee es
Regions of P;, versus In, for survival and extinction of bacteria andalgae Both algae and bacteria go extinct (Ry < 1) in the greyregion Both algae and bacteria survive (Ro > 1,R1 > 1) in thewhite region Algae survive but bacteria go extinct (Ro > 1, Ri <1) in the red/dark region We run simulations of system (2.1) foreach pair of (Jin, Pin), plot the point in grey if both A and B go tozero, in white if both persist, and in red/dark if A persists but B
A quantitative relationship between bacteria and algae at the low Plevel (Pi = 30), illustrating that B: A ratio is decreasing in solarenergy input They also confirm the qualitative result (Figure 12).These two figures are generated by ‘MatCont’ in MATLAB
Trang 14in MATLAB with the initial conditions: A = 20,Q = 0.004, P =0.1,B)=1,B,=1,C=100 0 0.00005When the mixed layer is shallow with z„ = 1, system (2.1) exhibitscomplex dynamics These simulations are generated by ‘ode23s’ inMATLAB with the initial conditions: A = 350,Q@ = 0.004, P =
Bifurcation diagrams of system (2.1) for depth of epilimnion Theseare generated by 'MatCont'in MATLAB .Numerical simulation of Barrow model (3.1) with the median val-ues of parameters shown in Table 3 This numerical simulation
is generated by ‘ode23s’ in MATLAB with the initial conditions:
V=100,M@=1000,H=20 0,000.00 00.Numerical simulation of nonautonomous moss-lemming model (3.2)with the median values of parameters shown in Table 3 and Z =0.01 This numerical simulation is generated by ‘ode23s’ in MAT-LAB with the initial condition: M = 1000, H = 20
Trang 1521.
u(r(t)) vs u(t) and d(r(t)) vs d(t) u(t) and d(t) are
rep-resented by the red continuous curves Using mean values of
Us, ds,dy, we compare u(t),d(t) with u(r), d(r) statistically The
standard/average error of u(t) with respect to u(r(t)) is 1.538 and
the relative error is 1.538/u,; = 0.128 The standard/average
er-ror of d(t) with respect to d(r(t)) is 0.401 and the relative erer-ror
is 0.401/(d, — d;) = 0.141 These two continuous functions areconstructed manually Then we plot each of them with the cor-responding discontinuous function in one figure and also calculate
A typical solution of the nonautonomous moss-lemming model (3.4)
with the median values of parameters shown in Table 3 and / = 0.01
This numerical simulation is generated by ‘ode23s’ in MATLAB
with the initial conditions: z = 1000,=20
A typical solution of the autonomous moss-lemming model (3.5)
with the median values of parameters shown in Table 3 and / = 0.01
This numerical simulation is generated by ‘ode23s’ in MATLAB
with the initial conditions: x = 1000,y=20
Trang 16Bifurcation diagrams and limit cycles for the autonomous system(3.5) These bifurcation diagrams are generated by plotting maxi-mums and minimums of all the eventually stabilized oscillations .Period diagrams for the autonomous system (3.5) These period bi-furcation diagrams are generated by modifying the ‘ode23’ program
in MATLAB with Jiaxu Li’s great help The location in NE Greenland where field experiments were carriedout by Olivier Gilg and colleagues © 2 eee.Stoat functional response to lemmings (Gilg et al 2003)
A typical solution of the simple lemming-stoat system (4.1) withparameter values in Table 6 This numerical solution is generated
by ‘ode23s’ in MATLAB with the initial conditions: z = 0.1,y =0.1 We use the command ‘plotyy’ to plot this multi-scale graph
Trang 1730.
Lemming-stoat dynamics predicted by the delay system (4.3)
com-pared to empirical data (points) The empirical data is in
Ta-ble 7 Stoat density is collected in winters; hence, stoat data
points are shifted to the left half a year The numerical
predic-tions are generated by ‘dde23’ in MATLAB with the initial tions: x = 0.1, = 0.1 The command ‘plotyy’ is applied to plot multi-scale graphs of both model predictions and empirical data Sensitivity analysis on the period of the lemming cycle predicted by
condi-system (4.3) for each parameter and different functional responses
We run simulations by increasing or decreasing each parameter,
or by changing functional response types, then all the periods of
eventually stabilized oscillations are saved as outputs In the end, these saved outputs and default period are imported into ‘Adobe
Illustrator CS’, and then we get these histograms
Sensitivity analysis on the amplitude of the lemming cycle
pre-dicted by system (4.3) for each parameter and different functional
responses We use the similar method to plot these histograms as
Period bifurcations for key parameters in system (4.3) These
pe-riod bifurcation diagrams are generated by modifying the ’dde23’
program in MATLAB with Jiaxu Li’s help -.-
Trang 18A numerical solution of the hare-lynx delay system (4.4) with rameter values in Table 8 mimics the 10-year snowshoe hare cycle.This numerical solution is generated by the commands ‘dde23’ and
pa-‘plotyy’ in MATLAB with the initial conditions: z = 3,y = 0.5
We run the simulation for 60 years, but only choose the latter 40years (20-60) where the oscillations are stabilized .The details of the effect of maturation delay in system (4.3) Thesenumerical simulations are generated by ‘dde23’ and ‘plotyy’ inMATLAB with the initial conditions: r=O.1l,y=01 .Competitions of two daphnia species under different light intensi-ties These figures are generated by ‘Microsoft Excel’ Photos of our experiment in Elserslab -Moss dispersal and growth This figure is from Wikipedia
Evolution direction with “nutrient hypothesis” which is modifiedfrom the bifurcation diagrams of system (3.5), Figure 24 and 25
1 Ecological Stoichiometry
“Ecological stoichiometry” (Sterner and Elser 2002), a newly emergingbranch of ecology, deals with the balance of energy and chemical elements inecological systems Examples have shown that stoichiometric reasoning can pre-dict macroscopic phenomena using its microscopic principles (Anderson 1997, Lo-ladze et al 2000) A typical biological process is in essence a set of chemicalreactions In an ordinary chemical reaction, matter and component elements areneither created nor destroyed (Conservation Law of Matter) Carbon, nitrogen,and phosphorus are three of the main constituents in biomass However, C, N,and P are not particularly abundant on Earth or in the universe as a whole andthus it seems that living things made a very discriminating selection of elementsfrom the environment (Sterner and Elser 2002) Many biological processes areeffectively studied and modeled with the applications of some simple yet powerfulstoichiometric constraints This suggests that the ubiquitous and natural stoichio-metric constraints may also be useful for modeling species growth and interactions(Grover 2002, Klausmeier et al 2004, Loladze et al 2000, Loladze et al 2004).Nitrogen and phosphorus are two elements commonly considered to be lim-iting for autotrophs and heterotrophs Often, there is a mismatch in the elementalcomposition of food and heterotrophic consumers For example, the P:C ratio oflemmings is about 0.06gP/gC (Batzli et al 1980) while the median P:C ratio of
Trang 20reproduction and growth of consumers In general, consumers have high ent contents whereas autotrophs have low and highly variable nutrient contents.C:N:P ratios of autotrophs are highly variable because of physiological plasticity
nutri-of plant biomass in relation to environmental conditions (light, nutrient supply,COx, etc.) Although these ratios can vary somewhat in heterotrophs, they typ-ically vary much less than in autotrophs (Elser et al 2000a) Thus, it has beencustomary to assume that consumers have strict homeostasis; that is, consumershave fixed elemental composition in biomass (Andersen and Hessen 1991)
It is observed that plant quality can dramatically affect the growth rate ofherbivores and may even lead to their extinction Specifically, if the concentration
of an essential element in plant biomass is lower than the minimum threshold forits consumer, then the consumer’s growth may suffer This has been shown forboth aquatic (Nelson et al 2001, Sterner et al 2002), and terrestrial systems(Newman et al 1999)
While consumers have C:N:P ratios that are relatively constant for a givenspecies, considerable variation does exist when different species are compared
To explain this, Elser et al (1996, 2000b) have proposed the “Growth RateHypothesis” (GRH) to explain variation among organisms in biomass C:P andN:P ratios Their argument reasons that rapid growth rate requires increasedallocation to P-rich ribosomal RNA to meet the protein synthesis demands ofrapid growth (Figure 1) Thus, fast-growing organisms have biomass with low C:Pand N:P ratios, raising their requirements for P from their environment or dietand making them poor competitors for this potentially key resource Considerable
Trang 21natural selection
on growth rate
cellular investment (ribosome content)
biochemical investment (RNA:protein)
Figure 1 A flow chart for GRH (Elser et al 1996)
data supporting the GRH have begun to accumulate (Gorokhova et al 2002, Elser
et al 2003)
Stoichiometric models deal with both food quantity and food quality
ex-plicitly, and most are, in fact, related to nutrient ratios The threshold model of
only one nutrient limitation, has been known at least since Liebig (1840, 1842).
A piecewise linear function is used by Andersen (1997) for herbivore’s growth
un-der stoichiometric and energetic constraints Loladze et al (2000) modified the framework of Andersen (1997) to include light intensity through the autotroph
carrying capacity Both conceptual (Sterner et al 1997) and quantitative
(Lo-ladze et al 2000) work in ecological stoichiometry has called attention to the issue
on how light and nutrients together affect trophic interactions Thus, both solarenergy and the nutrient element (phosphorus) are mechanistically modeled in theaquatic bacteria-algae system in this thesis Stoichiometric impacts exist not only
Trang 22(Sterner et al 1998, Urabe et al 2002a,b) Thus, stoichiometric theory can prove both qualitative and quantitative insights in population ecology Many newmathematical and biological predictions can be gained by adding stoichiometricdimensions to classic population dynamics.
im-2 Population Cycles
Population fluctuations in small mammals such as voles, snowshoe haresand lemmings have been a constant inspiration to numerous influential andthought-provoking articles since the pioneering work of Elton (Elton 1924, Hanski
et al 2001) Lemmings are mouse-like arctic rodents characterized by small, shortbodies about 13 cm (about 5 in) long, with very short tails Lemmings live inextensive burrows near the water, feed on vegetation, and build nests out of hair,grass, moss, and lichen The female produces several broods a year, each of whichcontains about four or five young All key reproductive events for lemmings takeplace during winter Empirical research is difficult to perform on organisms thatlive under snow due to the extreme low temperature and the fact that you cannot
see them.
In order to find plausible mechanisms for generating population cycles,biologists often perform short-term field observational studies of population pro-cesses that might cause cycles (Krebs 1996) However, it is almost impossible
to determine which ones cause cyclic behavior from verbal population models,since multiple dynamic factors may make contributions Mathematical popula-
Trang 23cyclic dynamics (Kendall et al 1999).
Over the years, a variety of ecological mechanisms have been proposed ascauses of population cycles (Krebs 1994) Some researchers have argued that the
“cycles” are nothing more than stochastic fluctuations, but this view is mined by obvious synchrony across broad, even continental, geographic regions(Krebs et al 2002) Ecological dispersal, cyclic weather patterns, parasitic andother diseases and even the sun spot cycle have all joined food supply, predationand stochasticity as potential causes Recently, however, ecologists tend to believethat the cause of such oscillations is either an interaction between lemmings andtheir food supply, so-called “bottom-up” regulation (Turchin and Batzli 2001), or
under-an interaction between lemmings under-and their munder-any predators, so-called “top-down”regulation, (Hanski et al 2001, Gilg et al 2003) These trophic mechanismsare still open for debate This uncertainty is reflected in three questions posed byHudson and Björnstad (2003) First, what precise ecological mechanisms generatepopulation cycles? Second, do these mechanisms apply to all cyclic populations?Finally, do these mechanisms explain why some populations are cyclic whereas
others are not?
For example, cycles in brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) tions at Point Barrow, Alaska, appear to be driven by bottom-up regulation(Turchin 2003, Turchin et al 2000) Turchin and coworkers find evidence forthis conclusion in the shape of population density curve at its peaks If cycleswere driven primarily by predators, then prey peaks should be “blunt,” because
popula-by the time predator density increases sufficiently to cause the prey population to
Trang 24ever, lemming populations exhibit very sharp peaks, with rarely more than oneobservation period at the peak (Turchin 2003) Therefore, predators are probablynot causing cycles in the Point Barrow brown lemming population.
In contrast, evidence suggests that cycles in collared lemming (Discrostonyzgroenlandicus) populations in Northeast Greenland are driven by predation Thissystem is well studied and astoundingly simple, with this single prey specieshunted essentially by only four predator species (Gilg et al 2006) A mathe-matical model studied by Gilg et al (2003) predicted cycles with a periodicitythat matched field data very well over a 15 year time span, a remarkable resultprimarily because the model was parameterized with independent field data in-stead of being fit to the field data with a statistical procedure In the model,cycles were driven by stoat or short-tailed weasel (Mustela ermina) predation
To make matters more complicated, recent evidence has forced ecologists
to examine hypotheses that include both bottom-up and top-down forces
act-ing together These ideas are mainly introduced by Oksanen et al (1999) and
summarized nicely by Korpimaki et al (2004) They conclude that, at least forvoles, lemmings and snowshoe hares, the increase phase of the cycle occurs largelybecause individuals are more likely to survive, not because females increase re-productive output Population density plateaus when food becomes scarce, and
is driven into the decrease phase as predator populations become so dense thatthe prey population can no longer sustain predation losses
Pioneering work on resource-consumer dynamics includes the well knownwork of Lotka (1925) and Volterra (1926), which introduced the classical Lotka-
Trang 25ical ecology One of the most frequently used resource-consumer models is theRosenzweig-MacArthur (1963) model, which produces two generic asymptotic be-haviors — equilibria and limit cycles Bazykin (1974) added a self-limitation term
to the Rosenzweig-MacArthur model to account for the rather ubiquitous densitydependent mortality rate (see also Bazykin et al 1998) All these models produceoscillatory solutions that seem to mimic the fluctuating populations observed innature.
Because ecologists have been collecting empirical data for long time series ofpopulation abundances, it is the right time now to bring empirical time-series dataand mechanistic population modeling together We construct a few mathematicalmodels that embody the biologically plausible hypotheses, use these models togenerate numerical simulations, and then compare the numerical time series to theempirical data quantitatively Our models are capable of resembling the 4-yearlemming cycle qualitatively and nearly quantitatively with biologically reasonableparameter values Mathematical and numerical results of these models may giveinsight into the major factors controlling population cycles and their features
Most parameters in Chapter 3 are estimated by Turchin and Batzli (2001),while those in Chapter 4 are estimated by Gilg, and they are consistent from thesame field — Northeast Greenland Because of the constraints induced by popu-lation structure and the chosen function forms, the model may fit the empiricaldata poorly in period and amplitude even with the “correct” parameter values.However, our delay differential equation model in Chapter 4 resembles the fielddata reasonably well in period and amplitude
Trang 26In Chapter 2, solar energy (organic carbon) and nutrients (inorganic phorus) are mechanistically modeled for the interaction between algae and bacte-ria in the epilimnion of a lake system In order to get a “realistic” stoichiometric
phos-model, all the close-to-truth assumptions are explicitly posed, and function forms
of most terms are biologically tested and carefully generated We perform a globalqualitative analysis and present bifurcation diagrams of our models In addition,competing bacterial strains are modeled to test some hypotheses of Nishimura et
al (2005).
The “bottom-up” trophic regulation is modeled for the brown lemmings in
Trang 27predator-prey competitionbottom-up top-down algae dynamics
brown lemming) collared lemming | [lake bacteria,
population cycle stoichiometry
biologyFigure 3 The structure of this thesis
Alaska Greenland
Brown Lemming Collared Lemming
Figure 4 A checklist of all the locations and species analyzed in the thesis
Trang 28Alaska following the Barrow model of Turchin and Batzli (2001) in Chapter 3.
We compare four different systems with data and suggest that the autonomoussystem can indeed be a good approximation to the moss-lemming interaction
at Point Barrow Through bifurcation diagrams of the autonomous system, theseasonal factor may not be the main culprit of the observed multi-year lemmingcycles.
In Chapter 4, the “top-down” trophic regulation is modeled with delaydifferential equations for the collared lemmings in NE Greenland The modelstructure is the same as the historic predator-prey model, but all the terms usemore realistic formulations The functional response of stoats to collared lemmingsresembles the Holling Type III (Gilg et al 2003) The lemming growth takes themodified logistic growth term that is recently published by Sibly et al (2005)following the GPDD database Stoat maturation delay and death are explicitlyinvolved in the stoat growth term Further, the stoat death rate takes a function
of the lemming density (Gilg et al 2003) All these painful modifications makeour model more specific for the collared lemmings in NE Greenland Many peopleargued that one model could be applied to many different biological situations, but
to identify key differences is much more important and difficult in a modelingprocess Based on this parameterized model, we perform sensitivity analysis,bifurcation diagrams, and compare the 4-year lemming cycle with the 10-yearsnowshoe hare cycle Through these technical processes, we obtain some newqualitative and quantitative insights, that can help us figure out key factors aswell as guide future field tests of plausible hypotheses
The last chapter discusses philosophy of mathematical modeling and all the
Trang 29key points of the dissertation Additionally, we propose future extensive ical and experimental work beyond this dissertation.
Solar energy (which is captured as organic carbon in photosynthesis) andnutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.) are main factors regulating ecosystem char-acteristics and species density Phosphorus is often a limiting nutrient for algalproduction in lakes (Edmondson 1991) In Lake Biwa, phosphorus is an extremelylimiting element for bacterial growth (Nishimura et al 2005) Lake Biwa is a large(surface area, 674km?) and deep (maximum depth, 104m) lake located in the cen-tral part of Honshu Island, Japan Nishimura et al (2005) used flow cytometry
to examine seasonal variations in basin-scale distributions of bacterioplankton inLake Biwa They hypothesized that, in severely P-limited environments such asLake Biwa, P limitation exerts more severe constraints on the growth of bacterialgroups with higher nucleic acid (HNA) contents, which allows low nucleic acid(LNA) bacteria to be competitive and become an important component of the mi-crobial community A main purpose of this chapter is to examine this hypothesis
Trang 31The interaction between bacteria and algae in pelagic ecosystems is complex(Cotner et al 2002) Bacteria are nutrient-rich organisms, whose growth is easilylimited by nutrient supply and organic matter produced by plants, which havevery flexible stoichiometry compared to bacteria Suspended algae, also calledphytoplankton, live in almost all types of aquatic environments Algae grow inopen water by taking up nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from the wa-ter and capturing energy from sunlight Extra fixed energy is exuded in the form
of organic carbon from algae during photosynthesis Bacteria require previouslyfixed organic carbon (OC) as energy source Hence, algae is an important source
of OC to bacteria Since bacteria remineralize nutrient elements during sition, bacteria and algae have often been considered to have a loose mutualistic
decompo-or commensal relationship However, bacteria and algae may also compete witheach other if bacteria are limited by phosphorus (Hessen et al 1994) To simplifythe model, we only consider the freely living bacteria, excluding particle-attacheddecomposers, and assume there is no exchange between them
A lake can be separated by a thermocline into two parts: the epilimnionand the hypolimnion The epilimnion is the upper warmer layer overlying thethermocline It is usually well-mixed The hypolimnion is the bottom colder layer.The absorption and attenuation of sunlight by the water column and algae aremajor factors controlling photosynthetic potential and temperature Solar energy,essential for algae, decreases exponentially with water column depth Nutrientsare redistributed from epilimnion to hypolimnion as the plankton-derived detritusgradually sinks to lower depths and decomposes; the redistribution is partiallyoffset by the active vertical migration of some plankton (Horne et al 1994)
Trang 32Figure 6 The cartoon lake system for our mathematical models.
In lakes, algal OC exudation and environmental input are two primary energysources for bacterial growth To simplify the study of algal stimulation on bacterialgrowth, we assume below algal OC exudation is the only source for bacterialsubsistence.
Algae dynamics in a lake system have been modeled by many researchers(Huisman et al 1994, Huisman et al 1995, Klausmeier et al 2001, Diehl 2002,Diehl et al 2005, Berger et al 2006) Chemostat theory and experiments havebeen applied to nutrient competition between bacteria (Grover 1997, Smith et al
1994, Codeco 2001, Smith et al 2003) Bacteria-algae interaction was modeled
by Bratbak and Thingstad (1985) Their work provides us a useful framework
to develop a more realistic model In recent years, stoichiometric modeling offood web systems has gained much attention (Andersen 1997, Diehl et al 2005,Hessen et al 1997, Loladze et al 2000, Kuang 2004, Kuijper 2004, Logan et
Trang 33al 2004, Grover 2002) However, these models are not directly applicable tophytoplankton-bacteria interaction Our models, motivated by the experimentsand hypotheses of Nishimura et al (2005) can be viewed as an extension as well
as a variation of the work of Diehl et al (2005) where they modeled algal growth(without bacteria) experiments subject to varying light and nutrient availability
We will model the stoichiometry of bacteria and algae in epilimnion underthe “well mixed” assumption (Berger et al 2006, Huisman et al 1994, Huisman
et al 1995) We will perform a global qualitative analysis and present bifurcationdiagrams of the model We will discuss the implications of these bifurcationdiagrams and the basic reproductive numbers of bacteria and algae Competing
bacterial strains are modeled to test the hypotheses of Nishimura et al (2005).
A brief discussion section concludes this chapter
1 Model Formulation
All the variables and parameters are defined in Table 1 and Table 2 cording to Lambert-Beer’s law, the light intensity at depth s of a water columnwith algal abundance A is (Huisman et al 1994)
Ac-I(s, A) = la exp[—(kA + Kog) 8}
I(s, A)Algal carbon fixation function takes the Monod form Ts, A)+H (Diehl et al.2005), where H is the half-saturation constant
The epilimnion is well-mixed (Diehl et al 2005, Huisman et al 1994).
Algal average growth function for carbon is (Huisman et al 1994, Berger et al
Trang 34Table 1 Variables in bacteria-algae system (2.1)
Var | Meaning Unit
A Algal carbon density mgC/m?
Q Algal cell quota (P:C) gP/gC (= mgP/mgC)
P Dissolved mineral phosphorus concentration | mgP/m®
B Heterotrophic bacterial abundance mgŒ/m
C | OC concentration mụŒ/m3
ape 1SA) ao 1 n(_ đẻ là
tmJo I(s,A)+H ĐC tm(kA+ Koy) \H+1(zm.A)/
Algal growth function for phosphorus takes the Droop model form 1 — Qn where
Qm is the minimum algal cell quota and Q is the actual algal cell quota
Algal sinking takes place at the interface between epilimnion and polimnion, and its rate is negatively related to the depth of epilimnion, becausewith deeper epilimnion, there is proportionately less of the total species abun-dances or element concentrations available for sinking For convenience, we as-sume that algal sinking rate is inversely proportional to the mixed-layer depth2m (Diehl et al 2005, Berger et al 2006) D is the water exchange rate acrossthe interface between epilimnion and hypolimnion and between the epilimnionand in- and outflowing streams We assume that there is a constant phosphorusconcentration, P,,, in the hypolimnion and in the inflow As for algal sinking, weassume the water exchange is also inversely proportional to z,, We assume thatbacteria have a fixed stoichiometry, since compared to algae, it is relatively con-
hy-stant (Sterner and Elser 2002) We assume bacterial growth functions of carbon
_ C
7 Ko +C’and phosphorus take the Monod form: f(P) and g(C)~ Kp+P
Trang 35Table 2 Parameters in bacteria-algae system (2.1)
Par | Meaning Value Ref
Ii, | Light intensity at surface 300umol(photons)/(m? - s) | [20]
k Specific light attenuation co- | 0.0003 — 0.0004m?/mgC | 20,17]eff of algal biomass
Kyg | Background light attenua- | 0.3 — 0.9/m (7],(20]tion coefficient
H | Hs‹c for light-dependent al- | 120mol(photơns)/(m2 - s) | [20]
gal production
2m | Depth of epilimnion > 0m, 30m in Lake Biwa | [85]
Qm | Algal cell quota at which | 0.004gP/9C [20]
growth ceases
Qu | Algal cell quota at which nu- | 0.04gP/gC [20)
trient uptake ceases
Øm | Maximum specific algal nu- | 0.2— 1gP/gC/day [20], [7]trient uptake rate
M | H.s.c for algal nutrient up- | 1.5mgP/m* [20)
6 Bacterial fixed cell quota 0.0063 — 0.1585mgP/mgC | [16], [39]
uy | Bacterial respiration loss 0.1 — 2.5/day [15], [34]
fg | Grazing mortality rate of | 0.06 — 0.36/daw [85]
Trang 36respectively, where Kp, Kc are half-saturation constants.
The exudation rate of OC by algae is the difference between the potential
growth rate attained when growth is not phosphorus-limited,
HA ~ [5 I(s, - Tay atsand actual growth rate,
This deviation actually assumes that algae always fix carbon at rate
and then have to get rid of excessive carbon As in Diehl et al (2005), we assumethat the algal phosphorus uptake rate is
_ Qu — Q P
AQ, P) = Pm tan M+P
At minimum cell quota, specific phosphorus uptake rate is just a saturation
func-tion of P At maximum cell quota, there is no uptake The algal cell quota
dilution rate is proportional to algal growth rate (Berger et al 2006).
All the assumptions above yield the following bacteria-algae interaction
Trang 37P consumption by algae P consumption by bacteria
P input and exchange
In the rest of this chapter, we assume that (with units and sources given
in Table 2): Iin = 300; k = 0.0004; Ky, = 0.3; H = 120; 2m = 30; Qm = 0.004;
Qu = 0.04; pm = 0.2; M = 1.5; nạ = 1s lạ = 0.1; v = 0.25; D = 0.02; Pin = 120;
Kp = 0.06; Kc = 100; pp = 3; 8 = 0.1; t„ = 0.2; uạ = 0.1; r = 0.5
2 Algae Dynamics
In order to have a comprehensive understanding of model (2.1), we study
first the algae dynamics without bacteria (B = 0):
Trang 38( dA Qm\ 1 [7 I(s,A) v+D““= ` - ` = AU(A,Q), = =HAA ụ 5 ) — f To AC nd “TA = Avis.)
Qu, P(0) > 0 We analyze this system on the positively invariant set
9={(A,@,P) ER) |A>0,Q„ <Q < Qu, P > 0}.
Obviously the set where A = 0 is invariant for the system It is easy to see that
Qm <Q < Quy whenever Qm < Q(0) < Quy; that is, the cell quota stays within
the biologically confined interval.
Our first theorem states that all the variables are bounded and solutions
eventually enter a bounded region.
Theorem 1 The algae system (2.2) is dissipative and bounded
Proof Let S = AQ+ P, which is the total phosphorus of system (2.2)
dS — D
as 7 tần — 8).
Trang 39There can be two types of steady state solutions for system (2.2): the algae
extinction steady state Ey = (0, QO, Pin), Where
_ Pm P
_ Qu -QmM+P
Q= >0 with 6P)
and positive steady state(s) E* = (4,Q,P) with 0(4,đ) =0
Standard computation shows that the basic reproductive number for algae
is the potential average light intensity in epilimnion without algal shading Indeed,
Rp is calculated from (0, Ô) so that Ry > 1 © W(0,Ô) > 0 ñ is the average
amount algae produced by one unit of existing algae (measured in carbon biomass)over the average algal life span in epilimnion It is an indicator of algal viability.Theorem 2 states that Ro is an indicator for the local stability of Ep
Trang 40Theorem 2 When Ry < 1, Eo ts locally asymptotically stable and when Ro > 1,
Where A; and Az are negative numbers It is easy to see that the eigenvalues of
J(Ep) are (0, Ô),À¡ and Ag Ro < 1 implies W(0, Q) <0 Hence Ep is locally
asymptotically Ro > 1 implies ữ(0,Ô) > 0, which implies that Eo is unstable.
We observe that increasing solar input or phosphorus input enhances algalviability, since
Olin ôh(0) Olin > 0 and an ~ 98(Pn) 0P, > 0.
Weakening water exchange enhances algal viability, since
Theorem 3 is our main mathematical result When Rp < 1, we establishthe global stability of Hy, which is equivalent to saying that algae will die out
It can be shown that there is no positive equilibrium #* when Roy < 1, in whichcase the existing results of general competitive systems can be applied to provethe global stability of Eg When Ro > 1, we prove algae is uniformly persistentand there is a unique positive steady state ETM.