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the improvement of english vocabulary knowledge of first year students at hue university of foreign languages through reading english newspapers

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TOPIC TITLE:The improvement of English vocabulary knowledge of first-yearstudents at Hue University of Foreign Languages through readingEnglish newspapers.

Module : Research methodAuthorship : Hồ Thị Hằng

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Developing extensive vocabulary knowledge is critical for university-level foreign languagestudents, including first-year learners at Hue University of Foreign Languages in Vietnam.Researchers have suggested that reading authentic materials like newspapers in the targetlanguage can be an effective approach to vocabulary building, as it exposes students to diverse,contextual vocabulary

However, the specific impact of English newspaper reading on the vocabulary knowledge ofstudents at Hue University remains understudied Investigating this relationship could yieldvaluable insights to enhance the curriculum and teaching practices at the university, ultimatelyhelping first-year students accelerate their English proficiency development

1.2 Significance and research problem

1.2.1 Significance

Improving English vocabulary knowledge for first-year students at Hue University ofForeign Languages through reading newspapers is an important research direction A richvocabulary is vital for the academic and future career success of these students Althoughresearch supports using news media for vocabulary development, its impact on this groupremains unclear This study can inform curriculum and instruction to better support Englishvocabulary development of first-year university students

1.2.2 Research problem

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The study aims to investigate the impact of reading English newspapers on developingvocabulary knowledge among first-year students at Hue University of Foreign Languages Itwill identify vocabulary gains, explore student perceptions, and provide recommendations toeffectively incorporate newspapers into the curriculum The goal is to inform strategies toleverage newspapers and enhance the vocabulary proficiency of this student population, vitalfor their academic and professional success.

1.3 Research aims and questions

1.3.1 Research aims

This study aims to investigate the impact of reading English newspapers on developingvocabulary knowledge among first-year students at Hue University of Foreign Languages Itwill identify the specific vocabulary skills and knowledge gained, explore student perceptionsof using newspapers for vocabulary improvement, and provide recommendations to effectivelyincorporate newspapers into the curriculum and teaching The goal is to generate insights thatcan inform strategies to leverage English newspapers and enhance the vocabulary proficiencyof this student population, which is vital for their academic and professional success

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2.1 Introduction

One of the biggest challenges for first-year students at Hue University is buildingvocabulary when learning a foreign language Chapter 2 focuses on presenting the theoreticalbasis of this research by synthesizing the introduction of some definitions of reading Englishnewspapers, the importance of reading English newspapers and sources of English vocabulary.A summary of previous studies will then be presented, giving similarities and differencesbetween previous studies Then suggest things that previous studies have not done

2.2 Definitions of key terms

2.2.1 What is reading an English newspaper?

In today's global landscape, reading English newspapers is an invaluable tool for language learners This practice exposes individuals to authentic usage, expands vocabulary, refines comprehension, and cultivates cultural awareness - crucial skills for thriving in our

interconnected world By engaging with diverse news coverage, learners can develop rounded English proficiency that empowers their academic, professional, and personal endeavors

well-2.2.2 What is important about reading an English newspaper?

Reading English newspapers is an effective way for language learners to improve skills It expands vocabulary, enhances grammar knowledge, trains reading comprehension, and increases global awareness Newspaper reading offers benefits like encountering new words, observing grammatical structures, developing reading comprehension, and gaining deeper understanding of the world These advantages make newspaper reading a valuable tool for developing language proficiency

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2.2.3 What is English vocabulary knowledge?

English vocabulary knowledge refers to a person's understanding and use of commonvocabulary in English This includes a number of important, limited aspects such as the word'sability to be known and defined, the total number of words a person knows (all in terms offollow-up and productivity), deep knowledge of a word including its different meanings anduses, the ability to understand the connections between words, the ability to access and usewords fluently, and the knowledge of how the structure of words is configured informationthrough prefixes, suffixes and root words

2.3 Previous studies

2.3.1 Summary of previous studies

The first study examined the effectiveness of research using English newspapers to improvevocabulary knowledge in a group of 69 Malaysian ESL/EFL grade 7 secondary schoolstudents The study, which used qualitative research methods, found that students whocontinued to study English reported expanding their vocabulary, improving their languageskills, and deepening their understanding of language usage and style

The second study evaluated the impact of the English Newspaper Reading Study on thevocabulary knowledge and reading skills of 30 students ranging from freshmen to Master'sstudents at Dhaka University in Bangladesh based on quantitative research methods Theresults showed that all participants agreed that their vocabulary and reading skills improvedthrough the use of English newspapers

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The third study aimed to find out the opinions of 54 second-year majors at a Thai universityon using English newspapers to develop vocabulary and reading comprehension Perform Datacollection methods using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews Survey results showthat students have a positive attitude towards using English newspapers, finding theminteresting and useful in improving vocabulary, reading skills and general knowledge.

The final study examined the effectiveness of using English newspapers to improve thevocabulary knowledge of 44 5th grade ESL students at a rural elementary school inBangladesh Conducted based on qualitative methods, divided into 2 groups for testing Theresearchers concluded that incorporating English newspapers into the classroom can effectivelyimprove students' vocabulary development

2.3.2 Analyze

Results from previous research have confirmed that reading English newspapers caneffectively improve students' vocabulary development However, there are only a few studiesthat focus on analyzing and finding out the difficulties of students in reading Englishnewspapers Most current studies only discuss the positive effects of reading Englishnewspapers on vocabulary development, without addressing the difficulties students face withthis method For those looking at the difficulties, retroactively the main topic is about thestudents' attitudes, opinions rather than just learning one aspect about the benefits Most of therelated research also dates back many years In Vietnam, although people are encouraged toread English to improve their vocabulary and other skills, there are still very few studies thatthoroughly research the benefits and difficulties of the topic Therefore, this study wasconducted to address these gaps and provide more detail on the benefits and difficulties so thatstudents can read English newspapers most effectively

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2.4 Conclusion

This study aims to fill the gaps in previous research on the use of English newspapers todevelop students' vocabulary While previous studies have focused on the positive impacts, thisresearch will provide deeper insights into both the benefits and challenges that students face.The main objective is to investigate the influence of reading English newspapers on thevocabulary of first-year students at Hue University of Foreign Languages, in order tocontribute to a better understanding of the role of English newspaper reading in improvinguniversity students' vocabulary skills in Vietnam

3 Methodology

3.1 Research design

The quantitative research method was selected for this study Quantitative research focuseson collecting and analyzing numerical data to understand concepts, opinions, and experiences.This method is appropriate for the current research topic as it allows for the measurement andstatistical analysis of the relationship between reading English newspapers and thedevelopment of English vocabulary knowledge among first-year students

3.2 Participants

Participants will be the first students currently studying at Hue University of ForeignLanguages The large sample size will be 50-100 students recruited into the study Participantswill be selected to ensure diversity in gender, major, and English proficiency.

3.3 Data collection

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3.3.1 Data collection tools

A questionnaire was selected as an effective data collection tool This method allows quick,easy, and specific collection of information from many students Data will be collectedobjectively based on the questionnaire, and participants can fill it out anywhere using an onlinelink

The purpose is to investigate difficulties and benefits first-year students face when readingEnglish newspapers online The questionnaire has 3 parts: personal info, closed-endedquestions on challenges and advantages, and an open-ended question for students to share theirexpectations The closed question section will have 10 questions about importance, advantagesand disadvantages, which students can choose from In the final part, Students can respond intheir own words, sharing their perceptions and providing valuable suggestions for improvingthe experience of reading English newspapers online

3.3.2 Data collection procedure

The questionnaire will be administered online It will take each student about 5-10 minutesto complete the questionnaire The link will be sent to the 1st year student group on Facebookwith the name "K20- HUE UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE" and sent viaMessenger to the 1st year students that our group knows The questionnaire will beadministered in Vietnamese because we want to ensure that participants understand all thequestions and information we need to survey

4 Data analysis

The data was analyzed using a mixed-methods approach Quantitative analysis involvedSPSS software to calculate descriptive statistics like frequencies, percentages, means, andstandard deviations, summarizing participant characteristics and closed-ended responses

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Qualitative thematic analysis of open-ended responses provided deeper insights into students'difficulties, benefits, perspectives and experiences in reading online news in English Thiscombined quantitative and qualitative analysis offered a comprehensive view, integratingnumerical data and participant insights to address the research objectives thoroughly andreliably.


Ahmmed, R (2016 , October 29) Effectiveness of Reading English Newspapers forImproving Vocabulary and Reading Skills of Students of Dhaka University TheMillennium University Journal.

Ambiga Thiagarajah & Abu Bakar Razali (2021 , June 21) International Journal ofAcademic Research in Progressive Education and Development Going Back to Basics:Effectiveness of Reading English Newspaper on Vocabulary Knowledge of MalaysianSecondary Level ESL/EFL Students, pp 766–781.

Banditvilai, A P (2020, November) Developing Students’ Vocabulary and ReadingComprehension Through Reading International Journal of Education & SocialSciences.

Sultana, S (2022) The Usefulness of Reading English Newspaper on Vocabulary Knowledgeat Primary Level Students of Bangladesh Sryahwa, 30-37




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Tôi là sinh viên hiện đang theo học tại Khoa Tiếng Anh , Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đạihọc Huế Khảo sát này được thực hiện nhằm phục vụ cho bài nghiên cứu về ''Việc nâng caokiến thức từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên năm thứ nhất Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ Huế quaviệc đọc báo tiếng Anh.'' Chúng tôi hy vọng bạn sẽ dành chút thời gian để trả lời một số câuhỏi Chúng tôi cam kết dữ liệu chúng tôi thu thập chỉ nhằm mục đích nghiên cứu, không nhằmmục đích nào khác Cảm ơn rất nhiều.

*Ghi chú:Mọi thông tin đều được bảo mật hoàn toàn và chỉ phục vụ cho mục đích nghiên cứu


Vui lòng cung cấp một số thông tin cá nhân:

󠇁 Sư Phạm tiếng Anh

󠇁 Khác

Bạn có thể đánh dấu (√) vào ô trước câu trả lời bạn chọn. trước câu trả lời bạn chọn.4 Khó khăn lớn nhất khi đọc báo tiếng Anh để học từ vựng là:

󠇁 Từ vựng quá chuyên ngành

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󠇁 Từ vựng quá phức tạp󠇁 Từ vựng quá mới lạ󠇁 Cả A, B và C5 Mức độ lợi ích khi đọc báo tiếng Anh để cải thiện từ vựng là: Rất ít

Tương đối ít Tương đối nhiều Rất nhiều

6 Mức độ ghi nhớ và sử dụng thành thạo các từ vựng mới khi đọc báo tiếng Anh là: Rất thấp

Tương đối thấp Tương đối cao Rất cao

7 Bạn thường cảm thấy mệt mỏi và mất tập trung khi đọc báo tiếng Anh ở mức độ: Rất thấp

Tương đối thấp Tương đối cao

Rất cao8 So với việc chỉ học từ vựng một cách đơn lẻ, đọc báo tiếng Anh giúp người học

󠇁 Nhớ từ mới tốt hơn󠇁 Hiểu nghĩa của từ sâu sắc hơn󠇁 Sử dụng từ mới một cách tự tin hơn󠇁 Cả A, B và C

9 Nếu phải đánh giá tổng thể, mức độ hữu ích của việc đọc báo tiếng Anh để cải thiện từ vựnglà:

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Rất thấp Tương đối thấp Tương đối cao Rất cao

10 Khi đọc báo tiếng Anh, bạn thường gặp khó khăn ở mức độ nào với các cấu trúc ngữ phápphức tạp?

󠇁 Rất thấp󠇁 Tương đối thấp󠇁 Tương đối cao󠇁 Rất cao11 Bạn có những đề xuất gì để giúp đọc báo tiếng Anh một cách hiệu quả hơn để có thể cảithiện vốn từ vựng?

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2024, 17:53
