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rgkaden project management

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Tiêu đề Project Management Cheat Sheet
Tác giả RGKaden
Chuyên ngành Project Management
Thể loại Cheat Sheet
Năm xuất bản 2022
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Project Management Cheat Sheet by RGKaden via cheatography.com/145791/cs/31442/Week 1 Projects are unique focusedobjective goal and temporaryThere are 3 main constr​aintson a project:

Trang 1

Project Management Cheat Sheet by RGKaden via cheatography.com/145791/cs/31442/

Week 1

Projects are unique focused(objective goal) and temporaryThere are 3 main constr​aintson a project: time, cost andscope all impacting quality.A project has seven maincharac​ter​istics:

1) unique​ness; 2) focused; 3) temporary; 4) change orient​ated; 5) integr​ating; 6) social constr​ucted 7) has emergent aspects anduncert​ainty

Every project has intera​ctingkey constr​aints of time, cost andscope, known as the ProjectManagement “iron triangle”

Project management triangleis time, scope, cost and quality

Group is when 2 or morepeople who are connected bysocial relati​ons​hips, whereas ateam is when 2 or more peoplewith common goals and sharedrespon​sib​ility

Teams go through 4 steps:forming, storming, norming andperfor​ming It is important to beaware about these steps in yourproject and manage them effect​‐ively

Week 2 (cont)

A high-p​erf​orming team iscomprised of nine roles, someare task oriented, some arethinki​ng-​related and some aresocial​-or​iented

Week 3

The Project Start Updetermines what the project isabout and what is not

Develop knowledge on themanagement of these activi​ties,PMI’s (2017) 5 processesgroups: initia​ting, planning,executing, monitoring andcontro​lling and closing

Projects objectives should beSMART Specific, Measur​able,Activity and Achiev​ement based,Realistic and Relevant, andTimed

Stakeh​olders need to bemanaged as they can impactand are impacted by the project

The internal team project,core externals and rest of theworld are the main stakeh​oldergroups

Power(​hig​h/low) and intere​‐st(​hig​h/low) of each stakeh​olderneeds to be consid​ered

Project risks can arise frominternal (time, cost, scope,quality, health and safety legaland resources) and externalsources (PESTLE)

To effect​ively plan scopestakeh​older engagement is vital– collect and manage requir​‐ements

Week 4

The Project ManagementPlan includes key project inform​‐ation and can be used tointroduce to the projectmembers Typical contents:What, Where, When, Who, Whyand How

Stakeh​older engagement isvital for requir​ements collectionand measuring quality

Projects can spiral out ofcontrol through scope creep –this needs active manage​ment

WBS shows the scope of theproject and divides the work intomanageable tasks

Quality standards that can bemeasured aid in bridging thegap between expect​ation andpercep​tion

Product scope: The featuresand functions that categorise theproduct, service or result

Project scope: The workperformed to deliver a product,service or result with thespecified features and functions

Scope creep is the uncont​‐rolled expansion to product orproject scope, without adjust​‐ments to time, costs andresources

Manage this by focusing onensuring the project contains allthe work required and only thework required for the project tobe succes​sful

Week 5

Network Analys​is/​Cri​ticalPath Analysis is a tool to planand allocate resources and tominimise total project durationand costs

“Activ​ities” are known as aspecific task, or set of tasks, thatare required by the project

“Network Diagram” is thecombin​ation of all activities thatdefine the project and thesequence of relati​onshipsbetween them

A zero-d​uration activity, alsoknown as a “Miles​tone”, is a taskthat does not involve any work,but is acknow​ledged as a keyachiev​ement

A Critical Path is thesequence of activities where ifdelayed, the entire project isdelayed

The Critical Path is theslowes​t/l​ongest path in anetwork

To construct a networkdiagram, you first identify all theactivities undertaken in theproject, estimate the time eachactivity takes to complete, andpinpoint the order of activitiesthat need to be completed

Network diagrams usuallyinclude the duration of tasks, aswell as their earliest and lateststart/​finish times

“Duration” is the total time ittakes to finish a task/a​ctivity

The earliest an activity canstart is known as the EarliestStart Time, or “EST”

By RGKadenRGKaden


Not published yet.Last updated 30th March, 2022.Page 1 of 2

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Project Management Cheat Sheet by RGKaden via cheatography.com/145791/cs/31442/

Week 5 (cont)

The earliest an activity canfinish is known as the EarliestFinish Time, or “EFT” The “EFT”can be calculated by adding theearliest start time and duration ofan activity

The latest an activity canfinish is known as the LatestFinish Time, or “LFT” The “LFT”of the activity can be calculatedby the lowest LST of theprevious activi​ty/​act​ivites

The latest an activity can startis known as the Latest StartTime, or “LST” The “LST” canbe calculated by deducting thelatest finish time of the activitywith the duration of the activityThe difference between theEST + Duration and the LFT isknown as FLOAT (or Slack) Inother words the activity can“float” for a specific periodwithout it becoming a problem

Week 6

Project resources areanything that is necessary forthe project to be comple​tedThefour resource categories presentwithin a project are HumanResources, Materials,Equipment, and Cash (Capit​al/​‐Budget)

A resource constraint is anylimitation and/or risk associatedwith project resources

Week 6 (cont)

Resource Constr​ainedProjects should be levelled,allowing end dates to move Itforces the resources scheduledto not exceed the limits ofresources available

Time Constr​ained Projectsshould be smoothed, to move orsplit tasks or to assign replac​‐ement resources It ensuresresources are used as effici​entlyas possible by utilising float/​‐slack of activities to increase ordecrease resources needed atone specific activity and spreadit throughout the project

Costs can be required bytime, materials, capitalequipment, overheads, andcontin​gency

Top-down budgetingapproach are when budgets areprepared by top managementand imposed on the projectmanager This approach clearlyshows the business perfor​‐mance goals and expect​ations oftop manage​ment, however itcan be unreal​istic because theydo not incorp​orate the specialistinput and knowledge of theproject staff

Week 6 (cont)

The Bottom-Up approach isproject managers and planni​‐ng/cost engineers prepare thebudget based on a detailedanalysis of all the resourcesneeded for the project tasks,and then the budget is passedup the chain of command forreview and approval Bottom-upbudgets tend to be more exactand can have a positive impacton project morale because staffhave played an active role in thebudgeting process

Risk management refers toactivities for minimizing projectrisks, therefore ensuringcompletion within time andbudget and fulfilling the scope.The risk management processconsists of 5 stages These areto Plan Risk Manage​ment,Identify, Analyse Risks,Response Plans, ImplementResponses

A risk matrix is a matrix that isused during risk assessment todefine the level of risk bycatego​rizing the probab​ilityagainst the impact of conseq​‐uence

There are 5 risk strategiesthat can be used to respond torisk These are Escalate, Avoid,Transfer, Mitigate, and accept

Escalation is approp​riatewhen the project team or projectsponsor agrees that a threat isoutside the scope of the projector that the proposed responsewould exceed the projectmanager's authority

Week 6 (cont)

Avoid is when the projectteam acts to eliminate the threator protect the project from itsimpact

Transfer involves shiftingownership of a threat to a thirdparty to manage the risk and tobear the impact if the threatoccurs

Action is taken to reduce theprobab​ility of occurrence and/orthe impact of a threat Earlymitigation is usually moreeffective

To accept is to acknow​ledgethe existence of a threat, but noproactive action is taken

By RGKadenRGKaden


Not published yet.Last updated 30th March, 2022.Page 2 of 2

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Ngày đăng: 14/09/2024, 16:57