In an increasingly flat world with a shift in thinking in the field of economic cooperation and promotion of free trade between countries around the world, foreign languages are becoming more and more important The demand for human resources, especially those with foreign languages in general and English in particular, is increasing day by day However, in order to work in English effectively, English communicate on must be highly effective, so communication strategy is one of the important tools to increase English communication capacity.
At Nguyen Tat Thanh University, the English language major is a newly launched training program, so the development of communication skills for students of the language major is a must to improve their job competitiveness with the priorities and barriers associated with students studying and working in an integrated, professional and multicultural environment in the future Through the above, students can build their own appropriate communication strategies, apply it in typical speaking skills class or even interact with foreigners Therefore, in our group's research, we have conducted research on communication methods through investigation targeting the focus audience who are third-year students of English language major at Nguyen Tat Thanh University, a field of study with the ability to think, create and is also the common home of the research team and the students studying here (language ielts speaking part1,2 topic and model answers).
As the current situation among third-year students shows us, students often use communication strategies that are defined by themselves but have no definition of what they are called A large number of third-year students at Nguyen Tat Thanh University, especially the third-year students of the English language major, these are the talents of the future, they have extensive, dynamic knowledge and have creativity allows them to thrive if mastering communication methods gives them confidence in any situation But not everyone can choose as well as know which communication strategy is appropriate, it is not a criterion for an individual student to be satisfied, like it or not, but we have to delve into the analysis communication strategies Communication strategy is an important tool; it brings progress so that one student can outperform another, even develop a communicative mindset that makes them feel that learning English or a foreign language other languages become more inspiring and easier Thereby proposing Effective communication strategies for the third year English language students at Nguyen Tat Thanh University.
There are three main groups of communication strategies that could benefit from this research that are most commonly used by English golf third-year students The first group consists of students who want to achieve high communication goals and want both sides to come to a common agreement in communication Students apply when the listener does not understand or partially understand to achieve the goal of both sides understanding the message of the speaker called a strategic group compromise on meaning The second group that can benefit from this research is the strategy group Simplify and change the message most students focus on the
9 speaker's reaction depending on the situation will make the decision to use the strategy
What is the next strategy and the most commonly used strategy would be using familiar words This shows that the majority of students believe that these strategies are very effective in maintaining the flow of conversation Students often face many problems in communication due to lack of knowledge of linguistics, sothey often use their knowledge present with the intention of conveying a messagethat is easy to understand and achieve the purpose of communication This strategy has a positive effect on the second language learning a process, students often check that the listener understands their intentions, then make interactive modifications to maintain interaction and avoid communication interruptions Finally, there is the socio-emotional strategic cluster, and a remarkable feature of this strategy is trying to relax when feeling anxious with the assumption that English language students feel nervous when having to communicate continue in English during Speaking class This may happen because students are still unfamiliar with the environment in the Speaking class and it may also be because students are still internally limited in their English language proficiency Behind this strategy are two strategies motivating yourself to say what I want to say and the strategy of the make a good impression on the listener Near the bottom of the strategies in the cluster is don't be afraid to take risks even though I know I can make mistakes as taking risks is arguably one of the most successful strategies language learners should use.
In addition, according to our research, there are additional sub-strategic groups, and these are strategic groups with a low percentage, but the research still partly affects the importance of these strategic groups First, students frequently use eye contact and body language in communication This is a quick back and forth process that requires you to focus fully on experiencing each moment It plays an important role in how we convey meaning and information to others, as well as how we interpret the actions of those around us The important thing to remember when looking at such nonverbal behaviors is to consider group actions What a person actually says along with his or her facial expression, appearance, and voice can tell you a lot about what that person is really saying The second group of strategies Fluency Orientation aimed at fluency is used
10 frequently, meaning that students rarely pay attention to these strategies when they are communicating with someone In particular, they are most concerned with pronunciation and pay little attention to rhythm and intonation From that, it can be seen that students often pay too much attention to pronunciation and ignore the equally important thing that is rhythm and intonation Research results show that most students are aware of the importance of standard pronunciation in communication ,Since then, we decided to apply the strategy to the 3rd year students of NTTU university so that the students can self-correct their mistakes when they realize their mistakes, and this is a good sign that students have self-discipline Review and acknowledge and change your bad communication (language student magezine).
Communication strategy is an important tool to support individuals in improving their communication skills and ability in the process of learning English Instead, we have to think about how does it feel when we don't remember English words but are in a situation where we want to communicate? Or a thought pops into your head but you try to open your mouth to speak but the words don't rearrange into a sentence? You can listen to the other person in a conversation, but you don't understand and you become useless in a conversation when you yourself have nothing to keep up with the other person in the conversation Because of the above factors, our research team would like to share and point out groups of English communication strategies The category called strategy is very abstract but can be understood as a directional adjustment in an individual activity and it can be easily changed at any time as you see fit We'll name the communication strategy groups, and you'll probably find yourself in one of these communication groups Since then, we have researched and come up with ways to help research participants themselves to better understand communication strategies and improve their speaking skills during speaking lessons in class.
According to Rickheit, G., & H Strohner, learning strategies are specific actions learners take to make their learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more effective, and possibly easier easier to adapt to new situations A student who wants to achieve high academic results must not only have the right learning motivation and positive learning attitude, but also have the right learning strategy This is the reason why many students love English, invest a lot of time in learning English but still do not achieve the desired results In summary, motivation, attitude, and learning strategy are closely related and have an effect on each other have a great impact on the process of learning foreign languages in general and the practice of English communication skills of students in particular When students have the right learning motivation, they will have a positive learning attitude From there, they can find for themselves an effective learning strategy, bringing high results.
Using Diaries to Develop Language Learning Strategies in Karen Fedderholdt Toyama University Successful language learners make use of different types of learning strategies The language learner who is able to use a wide variety of language learning strategies appropriately, is better equipped to improve her language skills However, being able to use the best strategies out of a carefully cultivated range does not always come by itself Students need guidance in learning how to learn The language teacher must be able to help students recognize the various components which make up the learning process Skills development in three areas are needed Metacognitive strategies improve organization of learning time, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation Cognitive strategies include using previous knowledge to help solve new problems, or note taking Learners also need to become familiar with socio-affective strategies, which include asking native speakers to correct their pronunciation, or asking a classmate to work together on a particular language problem.
Possessing these skills help the language learner build up learner independence and autonomy whereby she can take control of her own learning One way of developing these skills is through the use of diaries, in which students keep a record of their language learning strategy development.
Through the use of journaling to document strategic use, 17 third-year, mostly female, students who attended my weekly 90-minute oral communication class
13 at a school National University At the beginning of the semester, the researcher briefly talked about what foreign language learning strategies are and their advantages The research team asked students to think about whether they would be interested in developing their study strategies next semester, and let me know next week If they were, they would have to commit to a semester and keep a Language Learning Strategy (LLS) in their diary They feel it is important for students to be motivated, for without this, what Wenden and Rubin (1987) describe as an intrinsic shift of consciousness can take place and development can take place language learning strategies may be impaired.
According to O'Mally and Chamot (1990), effective learning strategies include planning learning, monitoring learning and evaluating work done Learning strategies also include being aware of ways to handle learning such as taking notes, using dictionaries, and other sources It is also the interaction with classmates, the same pair or the same class in communication activities in class A student who wants to achieve high academic results must not only have the right learning motivation and positive learning attitude, but also have the right learning strategy.
This is the reason why many students love English, invest a lot of time in learning English but still do not achieve the desired results When the study was proposed with the participation decision of fifteen students Before starting with the journaling procedure, students are encouraged to speak in English about what language learning means to them, how they learn the language, and their perception of themselves when learning the language Those who do not wish to keep a diary also participate in this discussion Discussion is a regular feature of classes, so this is not an unusual activity It is clear that students did not plan when they would learn English, but squeezed their study time between university club activities, part-time jobs and other subjects of high credit value just higher.
Students did not self-monitor their progress, and assessment will be done by the teacher Furthermore, they used very fixed, limited strategies that they had not yet evaluated for effectiveness For example, most students reported that in order to remember words, they wrote them down many times on paper, but when asked why they would use one method and not another, they could hardly imagine any other possible way There is a stark difference between what students say would be
14 helpful, such as speaking to English speakers and listening to tapes, and what they actually did For example, there are only two people in the class of seventeen who have ever tried to talk to any foreigner Furthermore, some strategies, which appear to be ostensibly good techniques, such as listening to tapes, have been imperfectly developed Aside from turning on the radio or putting a cassette tape on a tape deck, it's clear that students don't have a clear idea of how to listen effectively In general, students have limited understanding of the components of language learning, and little awareness of their role as language learners To help them, I have provided a brief, simple guide to the three main groups of LLS given by O'Malley and Chamot (1990) The first group is metacognitive, self-management problem-solving strategies such as goal setting, monitoring, and self-assessment.
The second group includes cognitive strategies, dealing with factual information such as how to get it (by asking for clarification, repetition, etc.); meaning inferred from the context; use dictionaries and grammar books; retain it through memorization, repetition, mnemonic tricks and writing down; and retrieve it And finally a group of socially effective strategies, including partnering with classmates, friends, teachers, or speaking English with other English speakers.
Regarding the study of journaling although not everyone in the class wanted to participate in the practice of journaling, all students participated in the discussions and orientation of the connection with LLS logs They begin their study from the introduction, in which students focus on metacognitive strategies for setting specific, manageable goals and extending the talk to a large 10-person audience for approximately 10 minutes to 40 minutes This is followed by metacognition strategies, including self-monitoring and self-assessment strategies that are implemented over 20 minutes, and finally examples of different cognitive strategies maintained in 25 minutes Then, at the end of class, the students were told that for each week of the semester, they should keep a daily journal entry in their diaries In the weeks that followed, the team continued to use effective tape listening to influence learners If they have questions, students read the team's comments and consult them about them outside of class time To do this for the purpose of the research paper, students discuss in groups about their reasons for learning English These reasons include the desire to become an English teacher in
15 junior high or high schools, be able to converse fluently with foreigners in Japan or abroad, and find work in English Brother However, these goals are very general.
Hedge and Gosden (1991) point out that students often lack practice and the ability to determine what components their goals consist of, and therefore, difficult to achieve So the students were asked to write down several areas where their goals could be broken down Again, big goals such as improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills emerged for the study However, reflecting on this together has helped them realize that these goals also need to be broken down into manageable components Items such as the ability to communicate a person is listening, being able to interrupt, request clarification, repetition, understanding the subtle rules of pragmatics, registration, and genre, as well as topics such as practice to overcome the shyness already mentioned.
Speaking skills give learners the ability to communicate effectively, allowing the speaker to convey his message to the listener Fulcher and Davidson (2006) identify five components of speaking skills The first is pronunciation, which helps learners create clear spoken language The second is grammar, which is necessary for learners to create correct sentences in conversations The third is vocabulary, understanding the meaning and usage of words The fourth is fluency, the ability to speak fluently and accurately and finally understanding, the ability to receive and process discourse, to grasp the meaning Learners' speaking skills will not be high if they cannot pronounce the words they need to use, and cannot apply appropriate knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to the speaking process And the process of interpersonal communication will be blocked if the speaker or listener is not able to decode the information they receive.
According to Oxford (1990), learning strategies are specific actions that learners take to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more autonomous, more effective, and more adaptive in their learning new situations There are many different views and definitions of learning strategy, but in general, strategy learning is the tactics, methods, processes, measures, actions, manipulations, techniques, feelings or thoughts thinking… that learners use to support them in the learning process, improve their learning ability, and optimize the process of collecting, storing and using information to achieve their personal goals According to Marriott and Torres (2009), a fundamental feature, accepted by the scientific
16 community, is that for a learning process to be considered a strategy, it must be used consciously and purposefully to achieve a specific goal, in a particular situation and conditions According to Oxford (1990), language learning strategies include two main categories: (1) direct strategies, directly related to the learning process and using new corpus; and (2) strategy Journal of Language and CultureScience ISSN 2525-2674 Vol 4, Issue 3, 2020 289 indirectly, but indirectly, but greatly contributing to the learning process Both are equally important and support each other in many ways Direct strategies, according to Oxford and Crookall(1989), include (a) a group of memory strategies, which are used to remember,store, and retrieve information and knowledge; (b) a group of cognitive strategies,which help learners improve their ability to further process information, transfer and apply information to new situations, and enhance and maintain learning outcomes; and (c) a group of compensation strategies, to overcome knowledge limitations in all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in learning and using new materials, helping learners to cope with deal with situations beyond their capacity Indirect strategies include (a) the group of metacognitive strategies,which help learners understand their own cognitive processes, plan, monitor and regulate cognition, self-management and self-assessment of learning progress; (b) a group of affective strategies, which help learners connect their emotions with language learning, mastering feelings, both negative and positive; and (c) social strategies, which help learners become active participants in the teaching-learning process through interactions with other learners for language practice and knowledge sharing.
Research using survey method The research team applied the survey tool of author Nakatani (2006) We conducted a questionnaire survey of the third year English language students at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Nguyen Tat Thanh University This method uses a questionnaire written in English with closed questions to collect quantitative data to evaluate foreign language learning strategies version 7.0 built and developed by Oxford (1990) Along with the content of the survey questions, it helps to understand clearly and accurately the reality of speaking skills training of students majoring in English at Nguyen Tat Thanh University The questions are compiled in detail, easy to understand to help students answer accurately about the assessment of speaking skills, practice time in class and outside of school hours, and activities of the lecturers are often organized during speaking class for students have the opportunity to practice; and at the same time find out the causes and factors affecting the development of student’s speaking skills.
Data analysis and processing methods The survey results were analyzed by qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate different aspects of the research content using SPSS 20.0 software to analyze quantitative data According to descriptive statistics, clearly defining the problem is easy to study, helping to collect data more quickly and accurately This method is intended to measure the difference or correlation between variables from descriptive statistics and to rank strategic groups In order to have a good basis for data analysis, in the data collection process, the requirements of the analysis must be determined in advance so that the desired data can be fully and accurately collected.
However, the data itself are just raw data which through analytical processing becomes information and then knowledge.
Observation methods Observation is a basic method of gathering necessary information in which the researcher observes the object of interest on a factual basis at a particular place It is a simple, easy to implement and very useful data collection method, although it is not a survey because there are no questions or answers like other methods.
Specifically, our team observed and tested the English communication ability of
18 students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Nguyen Tat Thanh University for two consecutive days, April 27 and 28 at the campus of District 12 The application of this method has presented its own advantages and disadvantages We can see that the advantage from this method is that the observation is simple, does not take much time and does not minimize the cost of money Maintain the most realistic results when viewing, with specific data through images and sounds captured through recordings or live video However, this method still has the specific disadvantage that the observer plays a passive role, does not actively participate in the communication, so it is difficult to collect data if there is inadvertent impact from external factors affect the results and other factors.
3.2 Population and sample of the study 3.2.1 Population
The study participants were 150 students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nguyen Tat Thanh University The large research group was divided into two small research groups with one group being the subject group participating in the interview process (direct interview with questionnaires conducted in class with the number of 50 students) The remaining small group is the group that participates in the study through a form sent to their personal email, completely confidential information with the number of students participating is 100 students For the number of participants in the above study, who are 3rd year students, they are equally divided among 3 English departments of Nguyen Tat Thanh University.
The three training majors of the Faculty of Foreign Languages are students majoring in English Teaching, students majoring in Business English and students majoring in English Interpreting Subject groups are invited to participate in the study for the purpose of comparing research results with reality or comparing results obtained with other studies to suggest new research directions Thereby evaluating speaking skills, practice time in class and outside of school hours, and at the same time find out the causes and factors affecting the students' speaking skills development to improve and enhance the ability to use Using communication strategies of 3rd year English majors at Nguyen Tat Thanh University.
Subjects participating in this survey are respectively third-year students of the English language department at Nguyen Tat Thanh University The number of students invited to participate in the study was 150 students from three majors in the English language department, including English teaching majors, Business English majors and English translation majors In addition, the selection of this study sample is completely random within the scope of the study, regardless of male and female gender or relative level Through simple sampling, costs and costs are minimized Profits are consistent with the research circumstances of the research group The selecting the third-year students in this survey was the most logical choice because they were able to see more clearly about communication strategies after two years of taking previous communication classes Each member of the research team is solely responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of study participants Do not have any personal information leaked and lock the research paper at the end of the allotted time for the research group to withdraw the results, to avoid unintended duplication.
The questionnaire asked third-year English language students to fill in their answers directly on the board This section includes questions adapted from the Invention of Strategies for Language Learning invented by Oxford (1990) with a five-point Likert scale of (1) never or almost true for me (2) usually not for me (3) somewhat true for me (4) usually my time (5) always or almost always me But grouped We revised the research and reduced it to a three-point scale of never true for me somewhat true for me and almost always me The purpose of using the sentence table is to gain a deeper understanding of how foreign language learning strategies affect students.
The interview asked through a table for the students to fill in their answers directly on the board In which the students asked questions about personal strategy about a deeper area of English communication that is memorization (from memorizing vocabulary, the relationship between old and new knowledge, using
20 words and phrases, situational visualization, practice, etc.) in their learning and perception of language learning strategies The purpose of the interview was to gain a deeper understanding of the students' use of foreign language learning strategies.
In addition, our research team uses a google form to collect survey data for personal information as well as questions related to the use of research strategies.
Using this form tool is a great option when the information collected is presented in tabular form The system will also provide a multi-question form with a richer choice for the research group to include a personal information section, and a questionnaire consisting of the 6 questions given here.
The research team applied the survey tool of author Nakatani (2006) We conducted a questionnaire survey for the third year English language students at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nguyen Tat Thanh University The questionnaire was written in English with closed-ended questions to collect percentage quantitative data Students participate in answering the question by choosing one of the options given Data were released to survey participants on May 1 for a printed live questionnaire, and the research team distributed it directly to the study population, and the responses were retrieved the next day by taking the survey in class and by directly withdrawing the corresponding answer sheet.
For the use of the interview sheet, the transfer of the interview sheet to the survey participants takes place on the first day of the week in May, and the interview response sheet will be sent via email This will be a security method that is kept completely confidential by the research team during the research process about the personal information of the research group The study group will be provided with a password to log in and complete their interview questions by filling out a form sent to us via email by our research team, after a week we will withdraw the questionnaire Answer by locking the table and collect the corresponding answers to the related questions.
Because the survey results are analyzed by qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate different aspects of the research content by using SPSS 20.0 software to analyze quantitative data, they process information primary and is collected directly from the research subject, it is analyzed in groups, separated from each other such as never affect me ,slightly affect me and always affect me In addition, the use of google form also allows to extract the collected data downloaded to the server in the form of an excel the statistical table, the statistics will be converted to the appropriate unit when we ask a question The research process is stored in files to help researchers easily manage research participants The last is the interview form (here the research team gives two groups of subjects, one is the face-to-face interview in the classroom and the second is through the form sent to email), the form will be processed directly, continue through recovery The research team will summarize all the answers in the corresponding question group, this takes more time, but this is the clearest way for the research team to find out in detail all the opinions of interview participants.
The findings will be presented in three sections according to the following characteristics: Demographic profile, the ability of student, individual strategy, the statistics of description and rank of using speaking strategies.
Student who in educa琀椀on English faculty
Student who in commercial English faculty
Student who in English transla琀椀on faculty
Figure 1: Third-year English language student at the Faculty of Foreign language in NTTU
On the basis of research results, some conclusions can be drawn regarding the visual impact of English communication on students of the Faculty of ForeignLanguages, Nguyen Tat Thanh University The results of this study indicate that good or bad English communication can negatively affect the employability of students after graduation Basic skills and the ability to react to English are considered the two most influential issues Therefore, English communication cannot be considered as a simple matter anymore, but will affect an entire generation, wages and other people's attitudes accordingly From this study, it can be concluded that students will realize the importance of good English communication ability, which will be more advantageous for work and standing in society Of all the subjects ever conducted at Nguyen Tat Thanh University,communication is the most used means during the learning process Since communication plays a role in determining an introvert or an extrovert, it can be inferred that if a student of the Foreign Language Department at Nguyen Tat ThanhUniversity can communicate well, on par with foreigners, the ability future advancement is very high Through the results of the investigation and data processing, it is shown that the strategies frequently used by students of the 63rd class of English majors in the Speaking class are Compromise on meaning Change and simplify the message Socio-emotional Non-verbal Local Fluency and Try to think in English Strategies used with occasional frequency are Precise Direction and Message Rejection.
Based on the findings and recommendations in this study, the following are suggested:
5.1 For students: Continuing to study to improve their language ability, specifically English, creates a premise for their English communication to be successful At the same time, actively learn and apply different and appropriate communication strategies in each case to increase the effectiveness of English communication for themselves Students also need to improve their confidence and courage to take risks in English communication to have a more effective learning process.
5.2 On the part of lecturers: Strengthening teaching, guiding students to apply communication strategies in language theory and practice modules.
5.3 On the part of the Faculty, the Academy: Facilitate and expand more funding for more student scientific research groups so that students have the opportunity to conduct a variety of topics related to improving their English communication ability.
English for students of English Language in particular and the teaching and learning of English language majors in general, in order to improve the effectiveness ofEnglish teaching and learning at the Academy.
On the basis of research results, some conclusions can be drawn regarding the visual impact of English communication on students of the Faculty of ForeignLanguages, Nguyen Tat Thanh University The results of this study indicate that good or bad English communication can negatively affect the employability of students after graduation Basic skills and the ability to react to English are considered the two most influential issues Therefore, English communication cannot be considered as a simple matter anymore, but will affect an entire generation, wages and other people's attitudes accordingly From this study, it can be concluded that students will realize the importance of good English communication ability, which will be more advantageous for work and standing in society Of all the subjects ever conducted at Nguyen Tat Thanh University,communication is the most used means during the learning process Since communication plays a role in determining an introvert or an extrovert, it can be inferred that if a student of the Foreign Language Department at Nguyen Tat ThanhUniversity can communicate well, on par with foreigners, the ability future advancement is very high Through the results of the investigation and data processing, it is shown that the strategies frequently used by students of the 63rd class of English majors in the Speaking class are Compromise on meaning Change and simplify the message Socio-emotional Non-verbal Local Fluency and Try to think in English Strategies used with occasional frequency are Precise Direction and Message Rejection.
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The influence of communication strategies on third-year students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University on the perception and application of communication strategies in the class of learned speaking skills.
We conducted the study as a group of students from the English language department of Nguyen Tat Thanh University We conducted this survey to determine the perception of the impact of communication strategies on third-year English language students The survey is also designed to identify efforts researchers are making to survey and recommend the effectiveness of helping students improve their communication skills in the speaking classroom at school Please return this questionnaire in the postage envelope by Saturday, May 7.
1 Which strategy is most essential and important to your communication learning? Please mark one answer per line.
AREA AFFECTED Never true for Somewhat true Almost always me for me me
Compromise on meaning Simplify and change the message Social affection
Try to think in English
2 How do you using personal strategies to associate it with communicating in English?
5 How much time do you spend a day to improve vocabulary for communication?
6 In the conversation, what would you do have a meaningful and understandable speech?
I focus on reaction of the listener to my speech
I give example if the listener does n`ot get what i mean
I repeat my speech till they get what i mean
I often check back to make sure the listener can keep up with me
Name of Researcher(s) (to be completed by the researcher)
Title of study (to be completed by the researcher)
The reality of using English communication strategies in the speaking class of 3rd year English language students at Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Please read and complete this form carefully If you are willing to participate in this study, ring the appropriate responses and sign and date the declaration at the end If you do not understand anything and would like more information, please ask.
I have had the research satisfactorily explained to me in written form by the researcher.
I understand that the research will involve: (insert a brief statement of the main features of the research e.g interview, the conditions under which it will be undertaken, e.g Fill out the statistical research form e.g 25 mins)
I understand that I may withdraw from this study at any time without having to give an explanation.
I freely give my consent to participate in this research study and have been given a copy of this form for my own information.
This study is limited to the perception of English language majors students about common communication strategies used when communicating in English and the steps to apply communication tools in speaking skills class as well as in life This study is limited to the Department of Foreign Languages only and officially applies to students majoring in English Area to open research topics on the intersection between students majoring in teaching, students majoring in businessEnglish and translation and interpretation For the purpose of this study,communication strategy is defined as an important tool to help improve communication skills and abilities in the process of learning English In a foreign language learning environment, especially with a new training environment, this is an essential tool for English students to fully hone their knowledge of communication tricks Data for this study were collected in April 2022.