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oxford life lines pre intermediate students book

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Cấu trúc

  • iamc 60 iamc 60 scconds )(,u brcarh( (11)
  • Appearances 2 Appearances 2 (13)
    • E). a.: usten again and onen (16)
  • Sunday 11.oO Sunday 11.oO Tu*day (17)
    • C. nir ."1 edit t- ioto (20)
    • W. ite the questions, usin8 ftis inlormation (21)
    • D. n clr,r* rd (29)
  • mother I mother I iesulk of lhe Oul.h p/o,€ct (32)
    • El 4.7 El 4.7 Each sentencc in the convcsation has rwo stresscd syllables. lhtcn and mark rhem (33)
  • Vhen I Vhen I opencd my eyes again, chc (34)
  • GENERAL (36)
  • KNOWLEDGE (36)
    • Comparisons 5 Comparisons 5 (39)
    • Cornparisons 5 Cornparisons 5 (41)
    • El 5.7 El 5.7 listen and chcck (42)
      • W. iic a desctiption of Your ideal partner, $ying !vha' cha.acacrislics are impor.ant and why' (43)
    • Vux 2) Vux 2) (43)
  • church cathedlal (48)
  • 34;- \ chool museu (48)
    • 0/ ii voi.eles. as in t n (57)
      • 7.4 rislen and.h€ck- 7..1 Lislen ajqain and reDeat (57)
  • 6 El z.s ristcn to ttrc story of Maxjmilian's lire (59)
    • W. ite lhe rrory of (59)
  • THE PYRAA{ID (61)
  • FOOD TYPI' (61)
    • draak 96 draak 96 (ant of roft (63)
      • I) o you livc in I rurai llma wirh loss than 10.000 inhalrihDts? (67)
    • Possibllities 9 Possibllities 9 Practice (70)
  • iI I iI I lvas Pnm. Mini{cr (70)
    • P. kt Monil dtiw alolg road Ionelr road/ ewhing (71)
    • Possibilitles 9 Possibilitles 9 (74)
    • Possibilities 9 Possibilities 9 (76)
  • 4. ro mJle predidBns or r.ll aboul lhe lurure in gcncrdl (78)
    • On 4 On 4 october 1957 the first tatellite, spotnl*, p.llarn(hed (93)
      • M. rd rhc items in column A ind olumn B (96)
      • P. rrg.aph 2 D6qibc whar h:pp.n d- Paraaraph t Dcrcribc thc adual and probable (96)
      • R. ad the ffDal par.araph and discusr these (96)
    • Tlme 13 Tlme 13 Practice (102)
    • Time 13 Time 13 (104)
      • B. ttrand. and adin now liwd'1apptly (108)
    • Work 14 Work 14 (110)
  • TIMELOG (110)
    • 7.15 cetvpi.howertatean (110)
    • 9.15 Go ro have a wo with Ftea abaut tanorto||,s (110)
    • 11.20 Vldk to rhe .on?ulet labotalory \n the netr (110)
    • 1.35 All the comPutets in rhe (110)
    • 12.30 Lunch tilne (110)
    • El 14.6 El 14.6 Listen and check your (115)
  • Sornstiaaes I Sornstiaaes I (115)
    • O.1 lhere islthere are (119)
      • 2.1 The present continuous tense (120)
      • 2.2 Plurals a To make mosl plurals we add j to th. noun (120)
      • 3.1 The past simple tense (121)
    • Y. rb p$t 3lmPl (122)
      • 3.2 Adverbs and adjectives (122)
      • 4.2 First conditionals (if clauses) (123)
  • If I If I w hin,I Ut I hia (123)
    • 5.1 Comparatives and superlatives (123)
    • 5.2 Clothes (123)
    • 6.1 The past continuous tense (123)
    • W. ofir! uk the pa$ oltiluour Fnre wiu rhe pait (124)
      • 7.1 The present perfect tense (124)
      • 7.2 forlsince (125)
      • 8.1 Expressing quantity (125)
      • 9.1 would (125)
      • 9.2 Second conditionals (;f clauses) (126)
      • I. t k hid n kI hn uti t1 t ntt* ni* (126)
        • 11.1 have to (127)
        • 12.1 The passive (127)
    • G.. ll WcI, bGidjly b<.e q Drar (130)
    • E, rft ndPiog (132)
    • lll 6.5 lll 6.5 (132)
    • lOAdd 2 lOAdd 2 ye$ il rou.:.rci* tor ar @i 2Gl0 (133)
      • H. i51gds ro dd' 5 mu.h lv (134)
      • P.. gnb Son. pcope iy thd Fr slord^ldo (135)
  • liLn I mcnbr h$q Ioust nr bd lwa (135)
    • 2. d r! tr dE6 ir 9 o{ lrE w( (135)
    • lll 14.2 lll 14.2 (136)
      • T. rl drir lrEar.rdbrt y v.h{r6 M (136)

Nội dung

Ihe n6ic is so loud ond they look so ditty- And the ''''People ohly conploia b*o!* they rc jeolous.. up ot ltoins ro bed?'''' Thcre is a .hart of rhe IPA symbols oll lhe say thcse words and lo

iamc 60 scconds )(,u brcarh(

)otr blink selcDrccr riores Y,u k,se berwccn t0 ^nd /.? _ hai.j litre af ss'eat daily.

Ir rrr huur urer " plines take offo iand soDewher€ in rl,e world, aod th.rc n.e

- recoi(lcd in rhc Ieague of alcohol

/kcirs/ sao MAc ov nd, titng nd s4 h6n loen M;t dhi cscap€ (v) /is'kcip/ civilizadon (n) l,rivolat'z.Ut l collapsc (v) /ko1Ep6,/ dinosaur(n) /'dainosr:/ hdt thai tiau ttn, sVp 3d hhinz lanc

Listening and speaking Oh, really?

Match the sentcn(es and photographs How would you relpond to ahe news? r Pekr and I are getting ma$icd.

2 I'vc Boi inreryiew lor a job oday.

I John can't pLay today tt se€ru hc's had an acdd€nt. d Did you tnow ]t)oy a-Ed Rosic hav rplit up?

5 I rryon rh.8old [lcrld ill $ ract dt'r 6 I'm xD€cting a baby.

7 I'D alraid I lailed my dtiviDs rest.

8 Hav you be&d? Sue had ber baby o! Satuday. e Happy Binhday, Mumnyl l

P ron u n ciatio n lal; word linking (1) z a b c

The /o/ sound Mmy words in EnSlish.onlain rhe /./ lschwa) sound A syllabte wirb rhis sound is alwayr unlresed.

Look at rhis lisr of words Circl€ rhe , syllables with fie /.r' sound Nor all ot the words onrain the sound. satellite Probab y volcano explosion dinosaur rubbish disapp€ar unfortlnateiy suNivc spanner collapse atmosphere million accident extlnd yesterday evacuate astronomer suddenly Look at these responses,

Choose the most appropliate response lor each of the semences i! 1

Ah, rcall!?when did that happen?

Thankyou ve.J ftuch How twe.tolyou.

That's vondeitl hNs! whe s Aue?

CaryHtulatia t! wh ! the happy day?

OhdNar lt't hothins serious,I hope.

It\ju$what I ve alway! wanted.

Ah v/ondefrl! was ir o boy at a gitl? fhat t a right Dan't nlentio^ it.

\lrlldo s! I kh"ai tou @uA do it.

0hwdl k.let ind BaEr l$k nen itue! caad Iuck! t LI keep ,nt lkrery notsed far Jou.

Some of th€ responses are not approprialc for lhe scnrences in 1. when would you use them?

Ei tz z t-isten again aDd pay atrenrioD to rhe inlonation.

Work wilh a paltoe! and roleplay th€ conv€rsarions.

Choose two oI fte conversalions and contirue dren.

You've jus! pased your driving test.

A nember oI you.lamily is in hospital.

You've just wo! a free holiday in a compctition.

A lrieDd oI yours is Selring mauied.

You're going to study abroad for rwo years.

Itt your lnendt blthday You've got a pr€senr lor him/her. work q;lh a panne! and male lhe (onve^drron5.

Choose one ot the coDversadons aDd roleplay it in lront oi

El rz.; risten md chect your

El rz.-r usten agair and repear.

Word linking (1) when w€ speak, we run words lo8ether Here is one way in which when $ere is a consoDant sound al the end ol one word and the next word stans wirh a vowei, we run lh€ fioal consonant on to lhe vowel.

She !r'at ighken yest old.

Ht had\j sovaftinr Malk fie word linking in rhese

I 11 landed ir the South AriaDric.

4 Their plane arrives at eleven.

5 John and Ellen hav€ splir up.

6 I gei up at eight o'clock.

E tz r Usten again ano repear. b c a b c 4 a b c spanncr (D) /spa:nb/ artronomer (n) /ostrrnomo/ su ive (v) /so'vaiv/ chia odn dai &, cit li s6hg s6t cothpsc (v) Ao'lepv rli, sQp, satp

€xtinct (adj) /iks'tinkv turCt chtins evacuale (v) /i'vekjueiv sdrdn

Look at thc title and pi(tures.

Whar words woold you cxpect ro find in an aniclc on this lopic? b Undcrline rhe bpic words in thr anictc and compare lhem lo you.list Add any ncw wordi

2 Each p.raBraph has a sentence mir!ing. a Rcad the aniclr carcfully and wrire rhc number of each sentencc in the.onec! place.

I Abour 8l% ol ii is us€d forj€wellery.

2 Sailors, lor eramplc used to wc.r a gold earing.

J People have always b€cn lascinated by 8old.

4 The word arat comer lrom rhe crcck word, teratior, which means a carob seed. t When gold is bought and sold, it isn't usually movcd.

Ixplain how you dccided where lhe senl€D(os belong.

Fl tz.: Llsten to the complete text and (heck your answe6.

Mark rhese senren(es Ine (/t o Fal* (l).

I Twentyjour carat Sold i5 th€ moit €xp(nrive.

2 Gold is wciBbed wilh carob seedr.

3 Most sold is madr intojewellery.

4 Gold is Iound in Ausralia.

5 Allthe gold in Fon Knox is owned by thc Amcrican n !

The firsl Sold coins were producd ove 1.000 yea6 ago.

Military pilots wear gold earrings.

The PhaEohs werc buried in ftc Pyranids.

Iildora.lo was d€stroyed lor gold.

Cold was dn.ov(rcd in california in 1449.

Dis(uss th.ie qocslions

I Why is gold usually mixed with other n)etak?

2 why is guH uscd lor teedr?

I why n gold bought by Bovernm€nB and individuak?

4 why isnl gold usually moved from bank 1o bank?

5 cold is used as a sydrbol of value Ir aho has some practical uscs How is ir uscd in your counlry?

ThL rnrpo'rJn, c (,1 $old i\ dft(n shown in (\t're\\ioI\

H(rr are some Engliih cramples What do yotr rhink $ey mear?

He't been at goad as gold Shc t wonh hd weight in goLl.

W ye st ckgold thi tihE. whar rxpressions do you have in your laDguage that use rlre word grid, Tranllal( thcrr iolo Englirh.

6 Are rhci any legends o slo.:es nbout told in lour country's hinory? Tcll thc class. article-(n) lasc atc (v) carat (n) carob seed (n) bury (v) Pyramid (n) nrct.rl (n) 102

/pn6mid/ bai b.io hat.arob Gue d.nnA tha! cho sk'Ia)

Pure gold is rare It has i?en used fot ove! 6,000 Irirs bur rhere are srill on)y dbout I10,000 tons in h woxld Il is usually srred wilh orhc! merals.

Ihe propoltion oI gold is iltown in carars Pu!e gold slwehly"fou! carat and

$e ch€apest is ninc calat.

Ihese seeds were used to iqh qold and diamonds.

' irifra*iirr.t!*a!ffi, l,hsr gold loday is found rlourh Africa (6l2 tons a )and Nonh Arnedca riig rons a year) Of th€ rilabout 9% is used by

[duslry, about 6% ts tsed coins and 2% is made gold teeth Gold is lpieces o! 'nuggers' rmann Nugget! was in l8?2 in llustralia. ingold(n) :Jprrion (r)

Iatgest nuqqet, the reighed 214 Lilograms.

/piuo EodA udng Au!€n ch,A't lpto'pr lnJ 0li t'ntgil qudng udng hi'zot\/ ltOns dU trl

Hun.lreds ot men died in the jungles ofSoulh -Arnerica as they searched fo! the gold€n city of Erdorado.In 1849 thousand6 otpeople tefi their home3 10 ioin rhe California Cold Rush.

Many were killed by Indians, outlaws rd

Thc largest reserves of qold are held ih rhe USA in the Federal Resene BanL and Port $not rhe second biggeEt 3tores are held by the Eank ofErgland and the Bank of Ftance Not alt of !his gold belotrgs to the govehmenls of rhese counllies A lot of ir is owned by companies, other governments, and indtviduals Only rhe rames on a Piece of Paper are changed The gold itself s(ays in ihe bank.

Tho frrst qold coins were used in Turkey in 6?0 BC.

But gold has ntways been accePred a5 money anywhere in the wolld If lhey wcre shipwrecked, they could pay to get home again Cold is still siven to rrrili{ary pilots for lhe

How hany crimes have been commitled and how tnany lives have bcen lost for it?

The gold of the Pharaohs was stoletr flom their toInbs in rhc Pylarrlids The Inca and Azlec empires wer€ d€stroyed for gold. shipwreck (v) lornb (n) enrpire (n)

Grammar The past perfect tense

I Look ar the headline and photographs. a Discuss these questibns. r What does 4rr.'li meu?

2 whar ir rhe @nnedion b€tvreen the phoroprapbs?

I whar do you lhink happen€d to the p€oplc? b R€ad lhe artid€ and check your ideas.

2 otscuss these'quesrtons. t How has the wodd ch gcd sirce l97l?

2 what problems do you rhitk Sarah's amnesia

The forgotten years difiicult since rhc accldenr,' he sys.

'Thines hlve charued a loi lr\ hard whcn a wrfc ald nother thinla shel It wur l97l add Sriah Sinms sls a hlplly l9-yeaLold She had r nicc job h a 6lm laboratoir, anJ in the e$ninss she went out with hcr boyfricnd she loved dan.ins, especially tt, her favourite pap

A ne wd trt

Not : Tb pasr simpl @ alio be u(d to xpG$ h.bits hd rl;t6 in rhc p.n Only rh D.l simple.an b€ used lor irdividul acliod in rb p.5t.

Lat nitht w wt to rh rinr d,

Noae lr.r' r, an o! y b us.d to tall abour thr pan To r.ll abour habirt.nd sllt s u rbc prs.nr w usc the p!.serr

It he I liketo livealon€? you lslealkomalnend? lr'"1 l+" I t,,t t*"1

"",, ffi r' l ir.' l i*" b tt2 w tiil ir

r.lkabour improbahte o.jmD6ribk 5iLurioht I.t hk b tN alh tBut rhyc wnh rix orher pcopt( J tn.d b a !o,d potuki.n \Brtsh works m a b,"i I a mke polite o,Ln. woukl rou lik 4.Lp dbUe.z wtuU lou |ik ta ro b th .in.na?

Form It ftcond ondnionab we Lr thc @nd oDl torm rlh.rhdm drur.rnd rbe ra$ rek D rhe /daus. tltw t rh6t t d tahr t d trt o bkutilut iouk iI r hatl noarh honey.

Uso xcond,ondiluub d.scnbe unrc.t iDDrobdb,e ur tdr lturioh , ,, ",,,arnary Nherwuldr do ilyot taw ae ahiddt, tlw wn a h al hod.t w a,p.ad it at!. tllhadntttk alaid twoutdn t n.k th.,an hnhk,

Not Lbr.nd se(ond cond iondh botir rcter rr th< prc,enr or orM@' rmdllcrencc s how probabt I he diun or trInnttu nhpetirto".I lt bu! a nu.ar

1l'hlnk r tr pusrble thar ! $.ill win,t lll\bnh npa Dn t.d buy a h&.at. rv.n."., u* or @;/r' in,be,rchuk

I.t k hid n kI hn uti t1 t ntt* ni*. r)rlch ddr 1 d hctp tou NOr lflndta,E tr rD

10,1 The future with going to

I' goirg to tu, a w ut tun w.k_ t'm going to peint !h titinrrw ,hn wck n.t.

rdil,Jbour rhins> rh we

Ngày đăng: 02/09/2024, 13:36