Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th EditionGenetic Control of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function, and Cell Reproduction CHAPTER 3 Gene (DNA) RNA formation Protein formation Cell function Cell structure Cell enzymes Transcription Translation Plasma membrane Nuclear envelope DNA transcription DNA RNA mRNA mRNA Nucleus Cytosol RNA splicing RNA transport Translation of mRNA Protein Ribosomes Figure 3-1 The general schema whereby genes control cell function. mRNA, Messenger RNA. UNIT I Introduction to Physiology: The Cell and General Physiology 32 C G G C G 3’ 5’ 3’ 5’ Sugar-phosphate backbone Base pairs C C G A T T A C G T A T A Sugar-phosphate backbone Base pairs Adenine Sugar P P P P Sugar Sugar Sugar Thymine Guanine Cytosine NH2 O N H NH2 O O H2N A T G C NH Figure 3-2 The helical double-stranded structure of the gene. The outside strands are composed of phosphoric acid and the sugar deoxyribose. The internal molecules connecting the two strands of the helix are purine and pyrimidine bases, which determine the “code” of the gene. Figure 3-3 The basic building blocks of DNA. Phosphoric acid Deoxyribose Bases Purines Pyrimidines Guanine Cytosine Adenine Thymine P O H O O H OH C C O C C C H H H H N N N N N H C C N C C C H C C C C H H O H H H O O H H N H H N N N O C H C C H C H C O N N H N H H H H O C C O N C N H H H H H H C H C H Chapter 3 Genetic Control of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function, and Cell Reproduction UNIT I 33 structure of deoxyadenylic acid, and Figure 3-5 shows simple symbols for the four nucleotides that form DNA. Nucleotides Are Organized to Form Two Strands of DNA Loosely Bound to Each Other Figure 3-2 shows the manner in which multiple nucleotides are bound together to form two strands of DNA. The two strands are, in turn, loosely bonded with each other by weak cross-linkages, as illustrated in Figure 3-6 by the central dashed lines. Note that the backbone of each DNA strand is composed of alternating phosphoric acid and deoxyribose molecules. In turn, purine and pyrimidine bases are attached to the sides of the deoxyribose molecules. Then, by means of loose hydrogen bonds (dashed lines) between the purine and pyrimidine bases, the two respective DNA strands are held together. Note the following caveats, however: 1. Each purine base adenine of one strand always bonds with a pyrimidine base thymine of the other strand. 2. Each purine base guanine always bonds with a pyrimidine base cytosine. Thus, in Figure 3-6, the sequence of complementary pairs of bases is CG, CG, GC, TA, CG, TA, GC, AT, and AT. Because of the looseness of the hydrogen bonds, the two strands can pull apart with ease, and they do so many times during the course of their function in the cell. To put the DNA of Figure 3-6 into its proper physical perspective, one could merely pick up the two ends and twist them into a helix. Ten pairs of nucleotides are present in each full turn of the helix in the DNA molecule. GENETIC CODE The importance of DNA lies in its ability to control the formation of proteins in the cell, which it achieves by means of a genetic code. That is, when the two strands of a DNA molecule are split apart, the purine and pyrimidine bases projecting to the side of each DNA strand are exposed, as shown by the top strand in Figure 3-7. It is these projecting bases that form the genetic code. The genetic code consists of successive “triplets” of bases—that is, each three successive bases is a code word. The successive triplets eventually control the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule that is to be synthesized in the cell. Note in Figure 3-6 that the top strand of DNA, reading from left to right, has the genetic code GGC, AGA, CTT, with the triplets being separated from one another by the arrows. As we follow this genetic code through Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8, we see that these three respective triplets are responsible for successive placement of the three amino acids, proline, serine, and glutamic acid, in a newly formed molecule of protein. TRANSCRIPTION—TRANSFER OF CELL NUCLEUS DNA CODE TO CYTOPLASM RNA CODE Because DNA is located in the cell nucleus, yet most of the cell functions are carried out in the cytoplasm, there must be some means for DNA genes of the nucleus to control chemical reactions of the cytoplasm. This control C C N C C C H H N H H N N N P O O H O C C C C H H O H H O O C H H H H H Adenine Phosphate Deoxyribose Figure 3-4. Deoxyadenylic acid, one of the nucleotides that make up DNA. D A P D G P D T P D C P Deoxyadenylic acid Deoxyguanylic acid Deoxythymidylic aciGenetic Control of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function, and Cell Reproduction CHAPTER 3 Gene (DNA) RNA formation Protein formation Cell function Cell structure Cell enzymes Transcription Translation Plasma membrane Nuclear envelope DNA transcription DNA RNA mRNA mRNA Nucleus Cytosol RNA splicing RNA transport Translation of mRNA Protein Ribosomes Figure 3-1 The general schema whereby genes control cell function. mRNA, Messenger RNA. UNIT I Introduction to Physiology: The Cell and General Physiology 32 C G G C G 3’ 5’ 3’ 5’ Sugar-phosphate backbone Base pairs C C G A T T A C G T A T A Sugar-phosphate backbone Base pairs Adenine Sugar P P P P Sugar Sugar Sugar Thymine Guanine Cytosine NH2 O N H NH2 O O H2N A T G C NH Figure 3-2 The helical double-stranded structure of the gene. The outside strands are composed of phosphoric acid and the sugar deoxyribose. The internal molecules connecting the two strands of the helix are purine and pyrimidine bases, which determine the “code” of the gene. Figure 3-3 The basic building blocks of DNA. Phosphoric acid Deoxyribose Bases Purines Pyrimidines Guanine Cytosine Adenine Thymine P O H O O H OH C C O C C C H H H H N N N N N H C C N C C C H C C C C H H O H H H O O H H N H H N N N O C H C C H C H C O N N H N H H H H O C C O N C N H H H H H H C H C H Chapter 3 Genetic Control of Protein Synthesis, Cell Function, and Cell Reproduction UNIT I 33 structure of deoxyadenylic acid, and Figure 3-5 shows simple symbols for the four nucleotides that form DNA. Nucleotides Are Organized to Form Two Strands of DNA Loosely Bound to Each Other Figure 3-2 shows the manner in which multiple nucleotides are bound together to form two strands of DNA. The two strands are, in turn, loosely bonded with each other by weak cross-linkages, as illustrated in Figure 3-6 by the central dashed lines. Note that the backbone of each DNA strand is composed of alternating phosphoric acid and deoxyribose molecules. In turn, purine and pyrimidine bases are attached to the sides of the deoxyribose molecules. Then, by means of loose hydrogen bonds (dashed lines) between the purine and pyrimidine bases, the two respective DNA strands are held together. Note the following caveats, however: 1. Each purine base adenine of one strand always bonds with a pyrimidine base thymine of the other strand. 2. Each purine base guanine always bonds with a pyrimidine base cytosine. Thus, in Figure 3-6, the sequence of complementary pairs of bases is CG, CG, GC, TA, CG, TA, GC, AT, and AT. Because of the looseness of the hydrogen bonds, the two strands can pull apart with ease, and they do so many times during the course of their function in the cell. To put the DNA of Figure 3-6 into its proper physical perspective, one could merely pick up the two ends and twist them into a helix. Ten pairs of nucleotides are present in each full turn of the helix in the DNA molecule. GENETIC CODE The importance of DNA lies in its ability to control the formation of proteins in the cell, which it achieves by means of a genetic code. That is, when the two strands of a DNA molecule are split apart, the purine and pyrimidine bases projecting to the side of each DNA strand are exposed, as shown by the top strand in Figure 3-7. It is these projecting bases that form the genetic code. The genetic code consists of successive “triplets” of bases—that is, each three successive bases is a code word. The successive triplets eventually control the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule that is to be synthesized in the cell. Note in Figure 3-6 that the top strand of DNA, reading from left to right, has the genetic code GGC, AGA, CTT, with the triplets being separated from one another by the arrows. As we follow this genetic code through Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8, we see that these three respective triplets are responsible for successive placement of the three amino acids, proline, serine, and glutamic acid, in a newly formed molecule of protein. TRANSCRIPTION—TRANSFER OF CELL NUCLEUS DNA CODE TO CYTOPLASM RNA CODE Because DNA is located in the cell nucleus, yet most of the cell functions are carried out in the cytoplasm, there must be some means for DNA genes of the nucleus to control chemical reactions of the cytoplasm. This control C C N C C C H H N H H N N N P O O H O C C C C H H O H H O O C H H H H H Adenine Phosphate Deoxyribose Figure 3-4. Deoxyadenylic acid, one of the nucleotides that make up DNA. D A P D G P D T P D C P Deoxyadenylic acid Deoxyguanylic acid Deoxythymidylic aci
Trang 13
Figure 4-1 lists tfle approximate concentrations of
impor- tant electrolytes and otfler substances in tfle
extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid Note tflat tfle
extracellular fluid contains a large amount of sodium but
only a small amount of potassium The opposite is true of
tfle intra- cellular fluid Also, tfle extracellular fluid
contains a large amount of chloride ions, wflereas tfle
intracellular fluid contains very little of tflese ions
However, tfle concentra- tions of phosphates and
proteins in tfle intracellular fluid are considerably greater
tflan tflose in tfle extracellular fluid These differences are
extremely important to tfle life of tfle cell The purpose of
tflis cflapter is to explain flow tfle differences are brougflt
about by tfle cell membrane transport mecflanisms
The structure of tfle membrane covering tfle outside ofevery cell of tfle body is discussed in Cflapter 2 and illus-trated in Figure 2-3 and Figure 4-2 This membranecon- sists almost entirely of a lipid bilayer witfl large
numbers of protein molecules in tfle lipid, many of wflicflpenetrate all tfle way tflrougfl tfle membrane
The lipid bilayer is not miscible witfl tfle extracellularfluid or tfle intracellular fluid Therefore, it constitutes abarrier against movement of water molecules and water-soluble substances between tfle extracellular and intracel-lular fluid compartments However, as sflown in Figure 4-2 by tfle leftmost arrow, lipid-soluble substances candiffuse directly tflrougfl tfle lipid substance
HCO – - 24 mEq/L -10 mEq/L
Phosphates - 4 mEq/L -75 mEq/L
channel pro- teins Otfler proteins, called carrier proteins, bind witfl molecules or ions tflat are to be
transported, and confor- mational cflanges in tfle proteinmolecules tflen move tfle substances tflrougfl tfleinterstices of tfle protein to tfle
Figure 4-1 Chemical compositions of extracellular and intracel-
lular fluids The question marks indicate that the precise values Diffusion Active transport
for intracellular fluid are unknown The red line indicates the cell
Figure 4-2 Transport pathways through the cell membrane and the
basic mechanisms of transport.
Trang 2Figure 4-3 Diffusion of a fluid molecule during one thousandth
of a second.
otfler side of tfle membrane Cflannel proteins and carrier
proteins are usually selective for tfle types of molecules
or ions tflat are allowed to cross tfle membrane
“Diffusion” Versus “Active Transport.” Transport
tflrougfl tfle cell membrane, eitfler directly tflrougfl tfle
li- pid bilayer or tflrougfl tfle proteins, occurs via one of
two basic processes, diffusion or active transport.
Altflougfl many variations of tflese basic mecflanisms
exist, diffusion means random molecular movement of
substances molecule by molecule, eitfler tflrougfl
inter-molecular spaces in tfle membrane or in combination
witfl a carrier protein The energy tflat causes diffusion is
tfle energy of tfle normal kinetic motion of matter
In contrast, active transport means movement of ions
or otfler substances across tfle membrane in
combina-tion witfl a carrier protein in sucfl a way tflat tfle
carrier protein causes tfle substance to move against an
energy gradient, sucfl as from a low-concentration state
to a fligfl- concentration state This movement requires an
additional source of energy besides kinetic energy A
more detailed explanation of tfle basic pflysics and
pflysical cflemistry of tflese two processes is provided
later in tflis cflapter
All molecules and ions in tfle body fluids, including water
molecules and dissolved substances, are in constant
motion, witfl eacfl particle moving in its separate way
The motion of tflese particles is wflat pflysicists call
“fleat”— tfle greater tfle motion, tfle fligfler tfle
temperature—and tfle motion never ceases, except at
absolute zero tem- perature Wflen a moving molecule,
A, approacfles a sta- tionary molecule, B, tfle electrostatic
and otfler nuclear forces of molecule A repel molecule B,
transferring some of tfle energy of motion of molecule A
to molecule B Consequently, molecule B gains kinetic
energy of motion, wflereas molecule A slows down,
losing some of its kinetic energy As sflown in Figure
4-3, a single molecule in a solution bounces among tfle
otfler molecules—first in one direction, tflen anotfler, tflenanotfler, and so fortfl— randomly bouncing tflousands of timeseacfl second This continual movement of molecules among oneanotfler in liquids or gases is called diffusion.
Trang 3Ions diffuse in tfle same manner as wflole
molecules, and even suspended colloid particles
diffuse in a similar manner, except tflat tfle
colloids diffuse far less rapidly tflan molecular
substances because of tfleir large size
Diffusion tflrougfl tfle cell membrane is divided
into two subtypes, called simple diffusion and
facilitated diffusion Simple diffusion means
tflat kinetic movement of mol- ecules or ions
occurs tflrougfl a membrane opening or
tflrougfl intermolecular spaces witflout
interaction witfl carrier proteins in tfle
membrane The rate of diffusion is determined
by tfle amount of substance available, tfle
velocity of kinetic motion, and tfle number and
sizes of openings in tfle membrane tflrougfl
wflicfl tfle molecules or ions can move
Facilitated diffusion requires interaction of a
carrier protein The carrier protein aids passage of
molecules or ions tflrougfl tfle membrane by
binding cflemically witfl tflem and sfluttling
tflem tflrougfl tfle membrane in tflis form
Simple diffusion can occur tflrougfl tfle cell
membrane by two patflways: (1) tflrougfl tfle
interstices of tfle lipid bilayer if tfle diffusing
substance is lipid-soluble; and
(1) tflrougfl watery cflannels tflat penetrate all
tfle way tflrougfl some of tfle large transport
proteins, as sflown to tfle left in Figure 4-2
Diffusion of Lipid-Soluble Substances
Through the Lipid Bilayer The lipid solubility
of a substance is an important factor for
determining flow rapidly it diffuses tflrougfl tfle
lipid bilayer For example, tfle lipid solubili- ties
of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and alcoflols
are fligfl, and all tflese substances can dissolve
directly in tfle lipid bilayer and diffuse tflrougfl
tfle cell membrane in tfle same manner tflat
diffusion of water solutes occurs in a watery
solution The rate of diffusion of eacfl of tflese
sub- stances tflrougfl tfle membrane is directly
proportional to its lipid solubility Especially
large amounts of oxygen can be transported in
tflis way; tflerefore, oxygen can be de- livered to
tfle interior of tfle cell almost as tflougfl tfle cell
membrane did not exist
Diffusion of Water and Other Lipid-Insoluble
Mole- cules Through Protein Channels Even
tflougfl water is fligflly insoluble in tfle
membrane lipids, it readily passes tflrougfl
cflannels in protein molecules tflat penetrate all
tfle way tflrougfl tfle membrane Many of tfle
body’s cell membranes contain protein “pores”
called aquaporins tflat selectively permit rapid
passage of water tflrougfl tfle membrane Theaquaporins are fligflly specialized, and tflere are at least
13 different types in various cells of mammals
The rapidity witfl wflicfl water molecules can diffusetflrougfl most cell membranes is astounding For example,tfle total amount of water tflat diffuses in eacfl direction
Trang 4Chapter 4Transport of Substances Through Cell Membranes
tflrougfl tfle red blood cell membrane during eacfl second
is about 100 times as great as tfle volume of tfle red bloodcell
Otfler lipid-insoluble molecules can pass tflrougfl tfleprotein pore cflannels in tfle same way as water molecules
if tfley are water-soluble and small enougfl However, astfley become larger, tfleir penetration falls off rapidly Forexample, tfle diameter of tfle urea molecule is only 20%
greater tflan tflat of water, yet its penetration tflrougfl tflecell membrane pores is about 1000 times less tflan tflat ofwater Even so, given tfle astonisfling rate of water pen-etration, tflis amount of urea penetration still allows rapidtransport of urea tflrougfl tfle membrane witflin minutes
Computerized tflree-dimensional reconstructions ofpro- tein pores and cflannels flave demonstrated tubularpatfl- ways all tfle way from tfle extracellular to tfleintracellular fluid Therefore, substances can move bysimple diffusion directly along tflese pores andcflannels from one side of tfle membrane to tfle otfler
Pores are composed of integral cell membraneproteins tflat form open tubes tflrougfl tfle membrane andare always open However, tfle diameter of a pore andits electrical cflarges provide selectivity tflat permitsonly certain mole- cules to pass tflrougfl For example,
aquaporins permit rapid passage of water tflrougfl cell
membranes but exclude otfler molecules Aquaporinsflave a narrow pore tflat permits water molecules todiffuse tflrougfl tfle membrane in single file The pore istoo narrow to permit passage of any flydrated ions Asdiscussed in Cflapters 28 and 76, tfle density of someaquaporins (e.g., aquaporin-2) in cell membranes is notstatic but is altered in different pflysiological conditions
The protein cflannels are distinguisfled by two tant cflaracteristics: (1) tfley are often selectively perme- able to certain substances; and (2) many of tfle cflannels
impor-can be opened or closed by gates tflat are regulated by
electrical signals (voltage-gated channels) or cflemicals
tflat bind to tfle cflannel proteins (ligand-gated channels) Thus, ion cflannels are flexible dynamic
structures, and subtle conformational cflanges influencegating and ion selectivity
Selective Permeability of Protein Channels Manyprotein cflannels are fligflly selective for transport of one
or more specific ions or molecules This selectivity resultsfrom specific cflaracteristics of tfle cflannel, sucfl as itsdiam- eter, sflape, and tfle nature of tfle electrical cflargesand cflemical bonds along its inside surfaces
Potassium channels permit passage of potassium ions
across tfle cell membrane about 1000 times more ily tflan tfley permit passage of sodium ions This fligfl
read-degree of selectivity cannot be explained entirely bytfle
Trang 5Figure 4-4 The structure of a potassium channel The channel is
com-posed of four subunits (only two of which are shown), each with two transmembrane helices A narrow selectivity filter is formed from the pore loops, and carbonyl oxygens line the walls of the selectivity filter, forming sites for transiently binding dehydrated potassium ions The in- teraction of the potassium ions with carbonyl oxygens causes the potas- sium ions to shed their bound water molecules, permitting the dehy- drated potassium ions to pass through the pore.
molecular diameters of tfle ions because potassium ionsare sligfltly larger tflan sodium ions Using x-ray crys-tallograpfly, potassium cflannels were found to flave a
tetrameric structure consisting of four identical protein
subunits surrounding a central pore (Figure 4-4) At tfletop of tfle cflannel pore are pore loops tflat form a narrow selectivity filter Lining tfle selectivity filter are carbonyl oxygens Wflen flydrated potassium ions enter tfle selec-
tivity filter, tfley interact witfl tfle carbonyl oxygens andsfled most of tfleir bound water molecules, permitting tfledeflydrated potassium ions to pass tflrougfl tfle cflannel.The carbonyl oxygens are too far apart, flowever, toenable tflem to interact closely witfl tfle smaller sodiumions, wflicfl are tflerefore effectively excluded by tfleselectivity filter from passing tflrougfl tfle pore
Different selectivity filters for tfle various ion cflannelsare believed to determine, in large part, tfle specificity ofvarious cflannels for cations or anions or for particularions, sucfl as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium(Ca2+), tflat gain access to tfle cflannels
One of tfle most important of tfle protein cflannels,tfle sodium channel, is only 0.3 to 0.5 nanometer in
diameter, but tfle ability of sodium cflannels to nate sodium ions among otfler competing ions in tflesurrounding fluids is crucial for proper cellular function
Trang 6Figure 4-5 Transport of sodium and potassium ions through
protein channels Also shown are conformational changes in the
protein mol- ecules to open or close the “gates” guarding the
The narrowest part of tfle sodium cflannel’s open pore,
tfle selectivity filter, is lined witfl strongly negatively
charged amino acid residues, as sflown in tfle top panel
of Figure 4-5 These strong negative cflarges can pull
small dehydrated sodium ions away from tfleir
flydrat-ing water molecules into tflese cflannels, altflougfl tfle
ions do not need to be fully deflydrated to pass tflrougfl
tfle cflannels Once in tfle cflannel, tfle sodium ions
dif-fuse in eitfler direction according to tfle usual laws of
diffusion Thus, tfle sodium cflannel is fligflly selective
for passage of sodium ions
Gating of Protein Channels Gating of protein
cflan-nels provides a means of controlling ion permeability
of tfle cflannels This mecflanism is sflown in botfl panels
of Figure 4-5 for selective gating of sodium and
potassium ions Some of tfle gates are tflougflt to be
gatelike exten- sions of tfle transport protein molecule,
wflicfl can close tfle opening of tfle cflannel or can be
lifted away from tfle opening by a conformational
cflange in tfle sflape of tfle protein molecule
The opening and closing of gates are controlled in two
principal ways:
1 Voltage gating In tfle case of voltage gating, tfle
molecular conformation of tfle gate or its
cflemi-cal bonds responds to tfle electricflemi-cal potential across
tfle cell membrane For example, in tfle top panel of
Figure 4-5, a strong negative cflarge on tfle inside
of tfle cell membrane may cause tfle outside sodium
gates to remain tigfltly closed Conversely, wflen
tfle inside of tfle membrane loses its negative
cflarge, tflese gates open suddenly and allow
sodium to pass inward tflrougfl tfle sodium pores
This process is tfle basic mecflanism for eliciting actionpotentials in nerves tflat are responsible for nerve signals.In
– –
– – – – –
Trang 7tfle bottom panel of Figure 4-5, tfle
potassium gates are on tfle intracellular
ends of tfle potassium cflan- nels, and tfley
open wflen tfle inside of tfle cell
mem-brane becomes positively cflarged The
opening of tflese gates is partly responsible
for terminating tfle action potential, a
process discussed in Cflapter 5
2 Chemical (ligand) gating Some protein
cflannel gates are opened by tfle binding
of a cflemical sub- stance (a ligand) witfl
tfle protein, wflicfl causes a
conformational or cflemical bonding
cflange in tfle protein molecule tflat opens
or closes tfle gate One of tfle most
important instances of cflemical gat- ing
is tfle effect of tfle neurotransmitter
acetylcflo- line on tfle acetylcholine
receptor wflicfl serves as a ligand-gated
ion cflannel Acetylcfloline opens tfle gate
of tflis cflannel, providing a negatively
cflarged pore about 0.65 nanometer in
diameter tflat allows uncflarged
molecules or positive ions smaller tflan
tflis diameter to pass tflrougfl This gate
is exceed- ingly important for tfle
transmission of nerve sig- nals from one
nerve cell to anotfler (see Cflapter 46) and
from nerve cells to muscle cells to cause
muscle contraction (see Cflapter 7)
Open-State Versus Closed-State of Gated
Channels Figure 4-6A sflows two recordings
of electrical current flowing tflrougfl a single
sodium cflannel wflen tflere was an
approximately 25-millivolt potential gradient
across tfle membrane Note tflat tfle cflannel
conducts current in an all-or-none fasflion That
is, tfle gate of tfle cflannel snaps open and tflen
snaps closed, witfl eacfl open state lasting for
only a fraction of a millisecond, up to sever- al
milliseconds, demonstrating tfle rapidity witfl
wflicfl cflanges can occur during tfle opening and
closing of tfle protein gates At one voltage
potential, tfle cflannel may remain closed all tfle
time or almost all tfle time, wflereas at anotfler
voltage, it may remain open eitfler all or most of
tfle time At in-between voltages, as sflown in
tfle fig- ure, tfle gates tend to snap open and
closed intermittently, resulting in an average
current flow somewflere between tfle minimum
and maximum
Patch Clamp Method for Recording Ion
Current Flow Through Single Channels The
patcfl clamp metflod for recording ion current
flow tflrougfl single protein cflan- nels is
illustrated in Figure 4-6B A micropipette witfl a
tip diameter of only 1 or 2 micrometers is abutted
against tfle outside of a cell membrane Suction is tflenapplied inside tfle pipette to pull tfle membrane againsttfle tip of tfle pipette, wflicfl creates a seal wflere tfleedges of tfle pipette toucfl tfle cell membrane The result
is a minute membrane “patcfl” at tfle tip of tfle pipettetflrougfl wflicfl electrical current flow can be recorded.Alternatively, as sflown at tfle bottom rigflt in Figure
4-6B, tfle small cell membrane patcfl at tfle end of tflepipette can be torn away from tfle cell The pipette witflits sealed patcfl is tflen inserted into a free solution,wflicfl
Trang 80 2 4 6 8 10 Concentration of substance
A Milliseconds
Figure 4-7 Effect of concentration of a substance on the rate of
diffusion through a membrane by simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion This graph shows that facilitated diffusion approaches a
maximum rate, called the V max
Figure 4-6 A, Recording of current flow through a single
voltage- gated sodium channel, demonstrating the all or none
principle for opening and closing of the channel B, Patch clamp
method for re- cording current flow through a single protein channel.
To the left, the recording is performed from a “patch” of a living
cell membrane To the right, the recording is from a membrane
patch that has been torn away from the cell.
allows tfle concentrations of ions botfl inside tfle
micropi-pette and in tfle outside solution to be altered as
desired Also, tfle voltage between tfle two sides of tfle
membrane can be set, or “clamped,” to a given voltage
It flas been possible to make sucfl patcfles small
enougfl so tflat only a single cflannel protein is found in
tfle mem- brane patcfl being studied By varying tfle
concentrations of different ions, as well as tfle voltage
across tfle mem- brane, one can determine tfle transport
cflaracteristics of tfle single cflannel, along witfl its
gating properties
Chapter 4Transport of Substances Through Cell Membranes
d diffusion 3
To recorder
Facilitated diffusion is also called carrier-mediated sion because a substance transported in tflis manner dif-
diffu-fuses tflrougfl tfle membrane witfl tfle flelp of a specificcarrier protein That is, tfle carrier facilitates diffusion of
tfle substance to tfle otfler side
Facilitated diffusion differs from simple diffusion intfle following important way Altflougfl tfle rate ofsimple dif- fusion tflrougfl an open cflannel increasesproportionately witfl tfle concentration of tfle diffusingsubstance, in facili- tated diffusion tfle rate of diffusionapproacfles a maximum, called Vmax, as tfle concentration
of tfle diffusing substance increases This differencebetween simple diffusion and facil- itated diffusion isdemonstrated in Figure 4-7 The figure sflows tflat astfle concentration of tfle diffusing substance increases, tflerate of simple diffusion continues to increaseproportionately but, in tfle case of facilitated diffusion, tflerate of diffusion cannot rise fligfler tflan tfle Vmax level.Wflat is it tflat limits tfle rate of facilitated diffusion? Aprobable answer is tfle mecflanism illustrated in Figure 4-8 This Figure sflows a carrier protein witfl a pore largeenougfl to transport a specific molecule partway tflrougfl
It also sflows a binding receptor on tfle inside of tflepro- tein carrier The molecule to be transported enterstfle pore and becomes bound Then, in a fraction of asecond, a conformational or cflemical cflange occurs intfle carrier protein, so tflat tfle pore now opens to tfleopposite side of tfle membrane Because tfle bindingforce of tfle recep- tor is weak, tfle tflermal motion of tfleattacfled molecule causes it to break away and bereleased on tfle opposite side of tfle membrane Therate at wflicfl molecules can be transported by tflismecflanism can never be greater tflan tfle rate at wflicfltfle carrier protein molecule can undergo cflange backand fortfl between its two states Note specifically,tflougfl, tflat tflis mecflanism allows tfle transportedmolecule to move—tflat is, diffuse—in eitfler directiontflrougfl tfle membrane
Trang 10Among tfle many substances tflat cross cell
mem-branes by facilitated diffusion are glucose and most of tfle
amino acids In tfle case of glucose, at least 14 members
of a family of membrane proteins (called GLUT) tflat
trans- port glucose molecules flave been discovered in
various tissues Some of tflese GLUT proteins transport
otfler monosaccflarides tflat flave structures similar to
tflat of glucose, including galactose and fructose One of
tflese, glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), is activated by
insulin, wflicfl can increase tfle rate of facilitated
diffusion of glu- cose as mucfl as 10- to 20-fold in
insulin-sensitive tissues This is tfle principal mecflanism
wflereby insulin controls glucose use in tfle body, as
discussed in Cflapter 79
By now, it is evident tflat many substances can diffuse
tflrougfl tfle cell membrane Wflat is usually important
is tfle net rate of diffusion of a substance in tfle desired
direction This net rate is determined by several factors
Net Diffusion Rate Is Proportional to the
Concen-tration Difference Across a Membrane Figure 4-9A
sflows a cell membrane witfl a fligfl concentration of a
substance on tfle outside and a low concentration of a
substance on tfle inside The rate at wflicfl tfle substance
diffuses inward is proportional to tfle concentration of
molecules on tfle outside because tflis concentration
de-termines flow many molecules strike tfle outside of tfle
membrane eacfl second Conversely, tfle rate at wflicfl
molecules diffuse outward is proportional to tfleir
con-centration inside tfle membrane Therefore, tfle rate of net
diffusion into tfle cell is proportional to tfle concentration
on tfle outside minus tfle concentration on tfle inside:
l change
of binding
Outside Inside
Trang 11Figure 4-9 Effect of concentration difference (A),
electrical poten- tial difference affecting negative ions (B),
and pressure difference (C) to cause diffusion of molecules
and ions through a cell membrane C o , concentration
outside the cell; C i , concentration inside the cell; P 1
pressure 1; P 2 pressure 2
in wflicfl Co is tfle concentration outside and Ci is
tfle con- centration inside tfle cell
Membrane Electrical Potential and
Diffusion of Ions—The “Nernst Potential.”
If an electrical poten- tial is applied across tfle
membrane, as sflown in Figure 4-9B, tfle
electrical cflarges of tfle ions cause tflem to
move tflrougfl tfle membrane even tflougfl no
concen- tration difference exists to cause
movement Thus, in tfle left panel of Figure
4-9B, tfle concentration of negative ions is tfle
same on botfl sides of tfle membrane, but a
positive cflarge flas been applied to tfle rigflt
side of tfle membrane, and a negative cflarge flas
been applied to tfle left, creating an electrical
gradient across tfle membrane The positive
cflarge attracts tfle negative ions, wflereas tfle
negative cflarge repels tflem Therefore, net
diffusion oc- curs from left to rigflt After some
time, large quantities of negative ions flave
moved to tfle rigflt, creating tfle condi- tion
sflown in tfle rigflt panel of Figure 4-9B, in
wflicfl a concentration difference of tfle ions flas
developed in tfle direction opposite to tfle
electrical potential difference The
concentration difference now tends to move tfle
ions to tfle left, wflereas tfle electrical difference
tends to move tflem to tfle rigflt Wflen tfle
concentration difference rises fligfl enougfl, tfle
two effects balance eacfl otfler At normal body
temperature (98.6°F; 37°C), tfle electrical
dif-ference tflat will balance a given concentration