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analyze and evaluate the efficacy of the social housing development program in dong nai province from 2016 to 2020

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Tiêu đề Analyze and Evaluate The Efficacy Of The Social Housing Development Program In Dong Nai Province From 2016 To 2020
Tác giả Vo Thi Minh Hieu, Luong Thi Ngan, Nguyen Ngoc Kim Ngan, Tran Ngoc Thanh Quyen
Người hướng dẫn MD. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
Trường học Ho Chi Minh University of Economics
Chuyên ngành Public Economics
Thể loại Job Assignment
Năm xuất bản 2022
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh
Định dạng
Số trang 32
Dung lượng 3,37 MB

Cấu trúc

  • 2. Objectives of the ae (7)
  • 3. Rescarch methods & data SOUTCG................... .. 2n TH HT HT HT HH 111181111 ng ng HH 2 (0)
  • CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL, BA SIS............................ cọ hình Km ng 3 1.1. The concept of public expenditure and the evaluation of public expenditure (9)
    • 1.2.1. Social housing CONCEP ....cccccccccccccccccce cee cc ee cce tense cbt ccs ttsecnsecussesseetescnsaeess 4 1.2.2. Soclial housing deVelODIHGHÍ........... TH vn HH KH kh khay 5 (10)
    • 2.2.1. The necessif) Oƒ the PPOFIH............. TH HH1 x TH TH KH HH TH TH Ha, 7 2.2.2. Objectives Of the DFOBTIH........... LH HT TH TT TH TH TH TH TH TH KH KH KH kg 8 2.3. Market failure in Dong Nai housing development............................. c2 c 222cc sscsc+ 9 (0)

Nội dung


Objectives of the ae

Analyze the effectiveness of the program by evaluating the development of social housing developments in Dong Nai over a 5-year period From there, identify the reasons for the program's ineffectiveness and give recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the goal program of social housing construction in the locality in the coming, years

Data collection methods: The essay uses secondary data collected from government documents, local portals, online newspapers, and other sources about practicality in the development of social housing projects for residents in the area Data analysis methods: After being scientifically and statistically processed in line with the research, the data will be studied and presented in tables and graphs to evaluate the program's efficiency

The secondary data source of the essay is mainly taken from Dong Nai Newspaper website, Dong Nai Department of Construction

Research object: The province of Dong Nai's social housing building program for the years 2016 to 2020 is based on Decision No 4197/QD-UBND

Scope of content: research on the content, implementation process, and results of the program implementation

Spatial scope: research in Dong Nai province

Scope of time: research in the period 2016-2020

Chapter 2 Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the social housing development program in Dong Nai province in the period 2016 - 2020

CHAPTER 1 THEORETICAL BASIS 1.1 The concept of public expenditure and the evaluation of public expenditure

Ld The concept of public expenditure

Public expenditure is a concept belonging to an economic category that has existed for a long time Public expenditure appears to be associated with the birth, existence, and development of the state Through different periods and stages of socio-economic development, the concept of “public expenditure” has also changed to a certain extent In fact, when discussing the concept of “public expenditure” there are many different views and interpretations

“Public expenditures are expenditures made by the state in order to perform the inherent functions of the state in providing public goods and serving socio-economic benefits for the community” (Duong Thi Binh Minh, 2005) This stems from the state's function of comprehensively managing the socio-economic environment Public spending reflects government policies by providing financial resources for the implementation of those policies

According to Assoc., Dr Su Dinh Thanh, “public expenditure reflects the value of goods purchased by the government to provide public goods for society to perform the functions of the state Public expenditure implements the policy of income redistribution.” The characteristic of public expenditure is its non-reimbursable or non- reimbursable nature, reflected in the fact that the results of public expenditure do not correspond to expenditures in terms of quantity, quality, time, and place Many government expenditures have long-term benefits that are difficult to quantify using the corresponding value criteria Public expenditure is a tool of the government to provide public goods for society, build infrastructure, allocate resources, distribute income, stabilize the macro-economy, and attract investment capital, private sector and economic restructuring

Thus, public expenditures are mainly those parts of the state budget that have been approved by the National Assembly Public expenditure creates a redistribution across sectors of the economy The government plays a central role in the income redistribution process Through public spending, the government provides society with the income it has taken away by providing necessary public goods that the private sector is unable to provide or inefficiently provides

1.1.2 The concept of evaluating public expenditures

Public expenditure assessment is the assessment of budget policy making and institutional building It is a key tool in analyzing public sector problems and explaining why it is necessary for the public sector to finance socio-economic activities (Public Finance Theory, Assoc.Prof-Dr Dinh Thanh & Dr Bui Thi Mai Hoai, 2006)

The need to assess public expenditure: state budget balance is one of the most basic components of national finance and is a prerequisite to ensuring healthy stability for the economy national finance, in which public spending is an important indicator that directly affects the state of the budget balance The basic purpose of public expenditure assessment is to help the government use public financial resources more efficiently by prioritizing expenditures to bring about practical benefits for economic development and society

The content of the public expenditure assessment:

Overall, public expenditure assessment is an analytical process on two aspects:

Qualitative aspect evaluates the selection of public goods that the government should provide to society

Quantitative aspect: considers the costs of providing public goods and the benefits that public goods bring

On the basis of analyzing costs and benefits between public goods provided by the government, the government will have a basis for comparison and judgment to choose the right type

1.2 The concept of social housing and the development of social housing 1.2.1 Social housing concept

The concept “social housing” was first used in a legal document in 2005, when the

“Law on Housing” defined it as “housing invested by the state, an organization, or an individual construction investment for lease or hire purchase by the entities indicated in Articles 53 and 54 of this Law.” “Social housing” is defined as “housing with state support for recipients of housing support policies in accordance with the Housing Law 2014”, according to the Law on Housing (2014)

However, author Hoang Vu Linh Chi defines social housing as “a type of housing owned by government agencies (can be central or local) or non-profit organizations built with the purpose of providing affordable housing to certain groups prioritized in society and allowed to rent or live in at a low price compared to the market price” in a research paper titled “Social Housing Policy of Vietnam.”

Social housing, as defined in legal documents, refers to housing constructed specifically for underprivileged societal groups and approved by the government The program prioritizes ten beneficiary categories, primarily focusing on economically vulnerable households in rural and urban areas, low-income earners, employees in industrial parks, and public sector workers, as well as students.

Social housing development is the investment, construction, renovation and increase of housing area to provide for social objects, increase beneficiaries according to local regulations with the participation of more and more investors participating in the social housing development investment market Development of social housing is one of the important solutions to promote the development of the housing market, and at the same time provide housing support for social policy beneficiaries, low-income people and the poor housing difficulties in order to contribute to political stability and social security Contents of social housing development:

Development of social housing in terms of quantity: the development of social housing in quantity can be understood as the development of the construction floor area, the development of the average floor area/household (or person), increasing the number of objects beneficiaries of social housing or the number of investors participating in the housing development investment market

Development of the type of social housing supply: 1s to expand and diversify the types of housing supply so that more individuals can participate in the housing supply process, thereby increasing the budget housing development for society Currently, there are two basic types of supply: social housing built by the State with state budget capital for rent and social housing built with non-budget capital Government

Development of social housing services: is to expand and diversify services provided so that beneficiaries of social housing increase opportunities to access housing services Currently, there are three forms of housing service provision including: sale, lease, lease- purchase according to local policies and subjects

THEORETICAL, BA SIS cọ hình Km ng 3 1.1 The concept of public expenditure and the evaluation of public expenditure

Social housing CONCEP cccccccccccccccccce cee cc ee cce tense cbt ccs ttsecnsecussesseetescnsaeess 4 1.2.2 Soclial housing deVelODIHGHÍ TH vn HH KH kh khay 5

The concept “social housing” was first used in a legal document in 2005, when the

Under the Housing Law (2014), "Law on Housing" refers to housing developed for lease or hire purchase by entities specified in Articles 53 and 54 of the law Additionally, "social housing" is defined as housing supported by the state for recipients eligible under the Housing Law 2014.

However, author Hoang Vu Linh Chi defines social housing as “a type of housing owned by government agencies (can be central or local) or non-profit organizations built with the purpose of providing affordable housing to certain groups prioritized in society and allowed to rent or live in at a low price compared to the market price” in a research paper titled “Social Housing Policy of Vietnam.”

Therefore, the concept of social housing legalized in subsequent legal documents has an indirect definition, which can be understood as a type of housing built for disadvantaged groups in society, approved by the State Government The country gives priority to 10 types of subjects, of which the largest number are: poor and near-poor households in rural areas; low-income people; poor and near-poor households in urban areas; employees working inside and outside the industrial park; cadres, civil servants, and public employees; pupils and students

Social housing initiatives encompass the investment, construction, and renovation of housing for social purposes These projects aim to increase the availability of housing for eligible individuals, including low-income residents and beneficiaries of social policies, in accordance with established local regulations The development of social housing plays a pivotal role in fostering a healthy housing market while providing much-needed support to address housing challenges faced by vulnerable populations This contributes to maintaining social stability and ensuring the well-being of all members of the community.

The expansion of social housing in terms of quantity encompasses several key aspects: the growth of total construction area, the increase in average floor space per household or individual, the expansion of the number of social housing beneficiaries, and the rise in investor participation in the housing development market These quantitative developments contribute to the overall availability and accessibility of social housing, addressing the housing needs of vulnerable populations and promoting social equity.

Development of the type of social housing supply: 1s to expand and diversify the types of housing supply so that more individuals can participate in the housing supply process, thereby increasing the budget housing development for society Currently, there are two basic types of supply: social housing built by the State with state budget capital for rent and social housing built with non-budget capital Government

Development of social housing services: is to expand and diversify services provided so that beneficiaries of social housing increase opportunities to access housing services Currently, there are three forms of housing service provision including: sale, lease, lease- purchase according to local policies and subjects

Improving the quality of social housing: is increasing the satisfaction level of beneficiaries of social housing through the following activities: improving the quality of design and construction to improve the quality of housing, thereby improving satisfaction through enjoying related services such as facilities, surroundings


Ngày đăng: 23/08/2024, 21:35

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