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IELTS: Task 2 - Ideas for all topics

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TOPIC 1 [ADVERTISEMENTS] TASK 1 Advertisements are becoming more and more common in our everyday lives Is it a positive or negative development?

In our contemporary society, advertisements have become an omnipresent element of our daily lives Whether scrolling through social media, watching television, or commuting through urban landscapes, we are inundated with promotional messages The proliferation of advertisements has sparked a debate about whether this trend is a positive or negative development This essay explores both perspectives to offer a comprehensive analysis of the impact of advertisements on individuals and society

On the positive side, - [BUSINESS & ECONOMY] creating awareness and stimulating consumer demand,

advertising becomes a catalyst for economic growth Successful advertising campaigns lead to increased sales and revenue, contributing to the overall expansion of industries This growth, in turn, necessitates job creation across various sectors, from marketing to production, thereby reducing unemployment

rates and supporting vibrant economies (awareness + consumer demand → increased sales and revenues → overall expansion of industries → job creations → employment + vibrant economies)

- [INNOVATION] advertising fosters innovation as businesses strive to differentiatethemselves and showcase unique offerings to capture consumer attention

This competitive environment encourages a continuous cycle of improvement and technological advancement

- [CONSUMERS] advertisements can serve an informative function, educating consumersabout new products, services, or technological advancements Well-crafted

advertisements provide valuable information that enables individuals to make informed choices about their purchases

[CONSUMER MANIPULATION → MATERIALISM] However, the omnipresence of

advertisements has also raised concerns and garnered criticism, particularly regarding theirpotential negative impact on individuals and societal values One major issue is the

pervasive influence of advertisements on consumer behavior Advertisers employ sophisticated techniques / deceptive and manipulative tactics to manipulate emotions, create unrealistic

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desires, and shape consumer preferences This can lead to impulsive buying

decisions, fostering a culture of materialism and overconsumption

[SOCIETAL VALUES] Furthermore, advertisements often perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards and societal expectations The use of digitally enhanced images in beauty and fashion advertisements can contribute to body image issues, particularly among

impressionable individuals The constant bombardment of idealized portrayals may lead toself-esteem problems and a distorted sense of self-worth, especially among young people

[DATA PRIVACY] Another drawback of the increasing prevalence of advertisements is the

potential invasion of privacy With the rise of online advertising and targeted marketing, individuals may feel that their personal data is being exploited for commercial gain This hasled to concerns about the ethical implications of data collection and the need for more

stringent regulations to protect user privacy

In conclusion, the proliferation of advertisements in our everyday lives is a complex phenomenon with both positive and negative implications While advertisements contribute toeconomic growth, provide valuable information, and support industries, they also raise

concerns about consumer manipulation, societal values, and privacy Striking a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of advertisements requires thoughtful regulation, ethical advertising practices, and media literacy initiatives to empower individuals to navigate the increasingly saturated advertising landscape Ultimately, the impact of advertisements on society depends on how well we navigate and manage the delicate equilibrium between promoting economic interests and safeguarding individual and societal well-being


- Advertising serves as a valuable source of information about products, services,events, and new innovations → stay informed about the options available in the marketand provide details that can assist them in making informed decisions

- Boosts Sales and Revenue: Advertisements can increase the sales and revenue ofbusinesses → greater profits → companies grow and expand, they often hire moreemployees and invest in new production facilities → economic expansion

- Foreign Trade: Advertising can promote exports by raising the international visibility ofa country's products and services Effective advertising campaigns can lead to foreignsales and increased export revenue


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Intrusiveness: Advertisements can be intrusive, interrupting and diverting attention from

what people are doing or watching This can be annoying, especially when it's difficult toavoid them

Manipulation and Deception: Some advertisements use manipulative or deceptive

tactics to persuade consumers to buy products they may not need or that don't live up totheir claims → impulse purchase

+ exaggerated or misleading claims about their products → create a sense of superiority or uniqueness

+ a sense of scarcity or urgency (e.g limited-time offers, countdowns) + emotional manipulation: appeal to consumers' emotions to create a strong connection with a product → make people feel a particular way, such as happy, nostalgic, or even fearful → encourage them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase

Consumerism and overconsumption: promote a culture of consumerism, where people

are encouraged to buy more than they actually need → leading to overconsumption andpotential environmental issues

Today people are surrounded by advertising This affects what people think is importantand has a negative impact on people’s lives To what extent do you agree or disagree? The ubiquity of advertising in today's world is undeniable, as it has permeated nearlyevery aspect of our lives From my point of view, although the proliferation of

advertising changes what facets or values of life people should attach importance to, Ido not totally agree that it solely has negative implications for the way people live their


Admittedly, it is true that advertising shapes people’s perception of what should be

considered as important - Firstly, the bombardment of various forms of advertisements has given rise to a

culture in which consumerism and materialism are promoted In other words, theaccumulation of material possessions and products take precedence over othervalues and experiences, which potentially results in a shallow pursuit of

happiness when people are led to believe that what they possess is a determinant of their worth and value in society

- In addition, some advertisements use manipulative or deceptive tactics to tempt

consumers into buying products they may not need or that do not live up to their

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claims It can appeal to emotions, create unrealistic desires, and exploitvulnerabilities, leading people to make impulsive and sometimes regrettabledecisions

However, there are convincing arguments against the blanket statement that

advertising detrimentally influences people’s lives - To begin with, advertising serves as a valuable source of information about

products, services, events, and new innovations, which in turn allows consumersto stay informed about the options available in the market and provides detailsthat can assist them in making informed decisions

- Secondly, commercials have a crucial role to play in enabling businesses to buildand reinforce brand identity By increasing the products and services' visibility viaadvertising, companies can target new markets and expand their customer base,both domestically and internationally, which contributes to long-term businesssuccess

- On top of that, some forms of advertising provide a platform through which socialissues are brought to the fore and awareness-raising campaigns can receivemore attention among the public

In conclusion, while it is understandable why the advertising industry impacts what

people regard as important, I am of the opinion that advertising also brings a greatnumber of benefits to consumers, businesses and even society at large

TASK 2 Nowadays a large amount of advertising aimed at children should be banned

because of the negative effects To what extent do you agree or disagree?In the contemporary era, advertising aimed at children has become a pervasive and controversial aspect of modern consumer culture The debate surrounding whether a substantial portion of such advertising should be banned due to its potential negative effects on children's well-being and behavior is a complex and multifaceted issue This essay explores both perspectives to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and considerations involved

On one hand, proponents of banning a large amount of advertising aimed at children argue that such marketing practices have detrimental effects on children's psychological, physical, and social development Critics contend that advertising often exploits children's vulnerability

by creating unrealistic desires and promoting materialistic values The incessant exposure to

advertisements, particularly those for unhealthy food products, may contribute to the rising rates of childhood obesity and related health issues Moreover, critics express concern about

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the potential erosion of traditional values and the early commodification of childhood, as children are targeted as consumers from a young age

On the other hand, opponents of a widespread ban contend that advertising is an essentialcomponent of the free-market economy and serves as a driver of economic growth

- Businesses rely on marketing to promote their products and generate revenue, contributing to job creation and innovation Banning a significant portion of advertising aimed at children could have far-reaching economic repercussions, affecting industriesranging from food and toys to entertainment and education

- Moreover, advocates for the status quo emphasize the role of parental responsibility in restricting children's exposure to advertisements, asserting that parents should play a primary role in guiding their children's consumer choices

- Implementing stricter regulations on the content and methods used in advertising aimed

at children could be a middle ground For instance, imposing limits on the advertising of unhealthy food products during children's programming or requiring disclaimers about the persuasive nature of advertisements could mitigate some of the negative effects without stifling economic activity

- Furthermore, media literacy initiatives should be strengthened to empower children with

the skills to critically evaluate and navigate the messages conveyed by advertisements By enhancing children's ability to discern the intent behind advertisements, recognize persuasive techniques, and make informed choices, societycan foster a generation of more resilient and media-savvy consumers

In conclusion, the question of whether a large amount of advertising aimed at children shouldbe banned necessitates a nuanced examination of the competing interests involved While concerns about the potential negative effects on children are valid, outright bans may have far-reaching economic consequences A balanced approach, incorporating targeted

regulations and robust media literacy initiatives, is essential to address the complex challenges posed by advertising to children while preserving the benefits of a dynamic and competitive marketplace


0 In the contemporary era, … has become a pervasive aspect of … 1 The debate surrounding whether … is a complex and multifaceted issue 2 On the one hand, proponents of … argue that … They express concerns about … 3 Onthe other hand, opponents of … contend that …

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4 In conclusion, the questions of whether … necessitates a nuanced examination of the competing interests involved While concerns about … are valid, … may have far-reachingconsequences A balanced approach, incorporating …, is essential to address the

complex challenges posed by … while preserving the benefits … 5 empower sb with the skills to …

6 a middle ground 7 a large amount of = a significant/substantial portion of


1 Modern consumer culture 2 Create unrealistic desires and promote materialistic values 3 The potential erosion of traditional values

4 The early commodification of childhood 5 Server as a driver of economic growth = become a catalyst for e/g 6 Have far-reaching economic repercussions

7 Guide children’s consumer choices / buying decisions 8 Impose limits on

9 Discern the intent behind advertisements 10 Media-savvy consumers

11 Media literacy initiatives: critically evaluate and navigate the messages conveyed by advertisements


Vulnerability of Children: Children are often considered more vulnerable and

impressionable than adults They may not fully understand the persuasive intent of advertisements and can be easily influenced by manipulative marketing techniques

→ Impact on Health: Advertising for sugary snacks, fast food, and sugary beverages

can contribute to rising rates of childhood obesity and other health problems Banningsuch advertising may help address these issues

→ Pressure on Parents: Advertisements aimed at children can create pressure on

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parents to fulfill their children's desires for products they see advertised, which may not always be in the best interest of the child or the family budget

→ Some argue that excessive exposure to advertising can lead to a premature focus onconsumerism and materialism, potentially robbing children of their innocence and natural creativity


Freedom of Speech: Banning advertising aimed at children may be seen as a restriction on the

freedom of speech of advertisers, limiting their ability to convey information about their products and services

Parental Responsibility: Some argue that it is the primary responsibility of parents to monitor

and control their children's exposure to advertising rather than relying on a ban

Educational Content: Advertisements can sometimes have educational value, teaching

children about the world, different cultures, and various products and services

Economic Impact: Advertising aimed at children is a significant source of revenue for media

outlets and businesses Banning such advertising could have economic consequences, affecting jobs and industries

Regulation Over Bans: Instead of an outright ban, some advocate for stricter regulations and

industry self-regulation to ensure that advertising to children is fair, transparent, and free from manipulative practices.

TOPIC 2 [LANGUAGE] TASK 1 A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the use

of others is rapidly declining Is it a positive or negative development?

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In the contemporary world, the linguistic landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, with a handful of languages becoming increasingly prevalent across different countries, while others are experiencing a rapid decline The implications of this trend are subject to debate, as it raises questions about cultural diversity, communication, and the preservation of linguistic heritage This essay explores both the positive and negative aspects of this linguistic evolution

[COMMUNICATION / COLLABORATION] On the positive side, the globalization of certain languages can be seen as a facilitator of international communication, fostering understanding and collaboration on a global scale English, for instance, has emerged as a lingua franca in various domains, from business and academia to technology and entertainment This common linguistic ground facilitates cross-border interactions, enabling individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds to connect and collaborate

- For example, the prevalence of a few widely spoken languages can simplifyinternational trade, diplomacy, and cultural exchange, streamlining communication processes and reducing barriers

[SOCIOECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT] Moreover, the global adoption of certain languages is often linked to economic opportunities and mobility Proficiency in widely spoken languages can enhance individuals' access to education,

employment, and information, offering a pathway to socioeconomic advancement This linguistic convergence can contribute to a more interconnected and

interdependent world, where people from different regions can share ideas, innovations, and cultural expressions more easily

also a crucial component of identity.)

[SOCIAL/ECONOMIC DISPARITIES] Furthermore, the dominance of a few languages

may exacerbate social and economic disparities Communities that speak languages

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in decline may face challenges in accessing education, information, and economic opportunities The erosion of linguistic diversity can contribute to the marginalizationand disempowerment of communities whose languages are disappearing

In conclusion, the globalization of languages presents a nuanced scenario with both positive and negative dimensions While it enhances international communication andopportunities for some, it also poses threats to linguistic diversity and cultural

heritage Striking a balance requires a thoughtful approach that values and preserves linguistic diversity while acknowledging the practical benefits of a common means of communication Initiatives that promote multilingualism, protect endangered

languages, and foster cultural exchange can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable linguistic landscape

*the globalization of certain languages

= this common linguistic ground = the prevalence of a few widely spoken languages = the global adoption of certain languages

= the dominance of a few languages = the linguistic shift

= the erosion of linguistic diversity


1 on the positive side 2 can be seen as a facilitator of 3 enhance individual’s access to 4 offer a pathway to …

5 … presents a nuanced scenario with both positive and negative dimensions


1 a lingua franca in various domains 2 facilitate cross-border interactions 3 streamline communication processes 4 individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds 5 interconnected and interdependent world

6 loss/erosion of cultural diversity/richness and heritage [valuable knowledge

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systems, oral traditions, indigenous perspectives] 7 language is a crucial component of identity 8 homogeneity of global culture

9 the marginalization and disempowerment of communities

POSITIVES: 1 Economic growth:

with all people speaking the same language

→ there would be fewer communication barriers between business partners

from different countries → international trade would flourish between countries → healthier world economy

… NEGATIVES - Social Inequality: In situations where a dominant language emerges, it can create

social inequalities Those who do not speak the dominant language may face barriers toaccess education, healthcare, and employment opportunities

- Lack of Inclusivity: Not recognizing and valuing linguistic diversity can lead to

exclusion and discrimination against linguistic minorities → marginalize communities who speak less widely used languages → the speakers of these languages often wield less influence in global politics, economics, and culture

- Language Endangerment: The decline of less widely spoken languages can result in

language endangerment and loss This can contribute to the loss of valuable culturalknowledge, traditions, and histories

→ Cultural Homogeneity: The dominance of a few languages can lead to cultural

homogeneity, where the unique linguistic and cultural identities of smaller communitiesare eroded or lost → reducing the richness and variety of global cultures

TASK 2.Although there is a lot of translation software available, learning a language

could still be advantageous To what extent do you agree or disagree?

- [DEPTH OF COMMUNICATION] First and foremost, learning a language provides

individuals with the ability to communicate effectively in a comprehensive manner

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Unlike translation software, language proficiency allows for nuanced and context-awareinteractions It enables individuals to grasp cultural subtleties, understand non-verbal

cues, and express themselves with authenticity This depth of communication isparticularly crucial in building meaningful relationships, both personally andprofessionally

Trước hết, việc học một ngôn ngữ mang lại cho cá nhân khả năng giao tiếp hiệu quả mộtcách toàn diện Không giống như phần mềm dịch thuật, trình độ thông thạo ngôn ngữ chophép tương tác theo sắc thái và ngữ cảnh Nó cho phép các cá nhân nắm bắt được sựtinh tế của văn hóa, hiểu được các tín hiệu phi ngôn ngữ và thể hiện bản thân một cáchchân thực Chiều sâu giao tiếp này đặc biệt quan trọng trong việc xây dựng các mối quanhệ có ý nghĩa, cả về mặt cá nhân và nghề nghiệp

- CULTURE: Moreover, language learning fosters a profound understanding of the

culture, history, and traditions associated with the language Language and culture areinherently interconnected / inextricably linked, and the process of learning a languageinherently involves exploring the mindset and worldview of the people who speak it Thiscultural insight promotes empathy, respect, and successful cross-culturalcommunication , which is increasingly valuable in today's globalized world

- PERSONAL GROWTH: Furthermore, language learning offers numerous cognitive and

personal growth benefits It enhances memory, problem-solving skills, creativity, andcognitive flexibility The journey of mastering a new language also boosts self-esteemand confidence as learners achieve language proficiency milestones, demonstrating thefruits of their dedication and perseverance

- CAREER: Proficiency in a second language opens doors to a wide array of career

opportunities In fields such as international business, diplomacy, translation, andtourism, knowing a language is often a prerequisite for success It sets individuals apartin a competitive job market and equips them with the skills and cultural awarenessnecessary to excel in global professions


Some experts believe that when a country is already rich, any additional increase in economic wealth does not make its citizens any more satisfied Agree or disagree?

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In the realm of economics and well-being, the question of whether additional increases in economic wealth contribute to higher levels of citizen satisfaction in already affluent countries is a subject of considerable debate among experts While economic prosperity undoubtedly plays a crucial role in enhancing citizens' quality of life, the nuanced relationship between wealth and satisfaction demands a closer examination This essay explores both perspectives on the matter

On one side of the argument, proponents posit that in already rich countries, the law of diminishing returns applies to economic wealth and citizen satisfaction The contention is that beyond a certain threshold, additional increments in economic prosperity yield

diminishing marginal utility in terms of individual contentment Once basic needs are met, the pursuit of further wealth may not translate into a proportionate increase in happiness Proponents often cite the concept of the Easterlin Paradox, which suggests that, at the national level, there is no clear correlation between a country's economic growth and the subjective well-being of its citizens

Furthermore, those in agreement with this viewpoint argue that other non-material factors,

such as social relationships, work-life balance, and mental health, become increasingly criticaldeterminants/contributors of satisfaction as a country attains higher levels of wealth

Therefore, policies and initiatives that focus solely on economic growth may overlook the multifaceted nature of well-being and fail to address the broader spectrum of factors influencing citizen satisfaction

On the contrary, opponents contend that economic wealth continues to be a significant contributor to citizens' satisfaction, even in already affluent countries They argue that additional increases in wealth can lead to improved living standards, better healthcare, and

enhanced infrastructure, all of which contribute to an overall sense of well-being Economic prosperity can provide citizens with more opportunities for education, leisure, and cultural engagement, enriching their lives beyond material comforts

Moreover, opponents of the idea that wealth has diminishing returns on satisfaction emphasize the dynamic nature of individual aspirations As societies progress, new expectations and desires emerge, and economic growth enables individuals to fulfill these evolving needs For example, advancements in technology and healthcare may lead to increased life expectancy, and citizens in wealthy countries may place a higher value on aspects such as environmental sustainability and quality of life, which can be addressed through continued economic

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development In conclusion, the relationship between economic wealth and citizen satisfaction in already rich countries is a complex and multifaceted issue While some argue that additional

increases in wealth may not significantly enhance subjective well-being due to diminishing returns, others contend that ongoing economic growth continues to be a crucial factor in improving living standards and fulfilling evolving aspirations Recognizing the interplay between material and non-material factors is essential for policymakers in shaping strategiesthat promote holistic well-being and satisfaction among citizens in affluent nations

Balancing economic prosperity with broader societal goals remains a key challenge in fostering a thriving and contented citizenry

4 Non-material factors 5 Crucial determinants/contributors of … 6 Improved living standards & enhanced infrastructures 7 Enrich lives beyond material comforts

8 The dynamic nature of individual aspirations 9 Fulfill evolving needs

[DISAGREE > AGREE] It is still essential for wealthy countries to continue to strive for

economic growth / boost their economic wealth/prosperity

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*[AGREE] Economic growth does not necessarily equal increased satisfaction for citizens

- Firstly, non-material factors, such as the quality of personal relationships,physical and mental health, a sense of purpose, and a strong social supportsystem, often play a more significant role in overall life satisfaction than

monetary wealth In many affluent countries, citizens may already enjoy relativelyhigh levels of access to education, healthcare, and material comforts, so thepursuit of additional economic wealth may become less meaningful incomparison to these non-material aspects of life

- Secondly, in some cases, the economic development of a country may not leadto an increase in the incomes of the poor To illustrate, for some poor people,there are financial barriers that limit their access to education, employment, orother resources necessary to participate in the economy

- expanding the economy has the potential to increase income inequality anduneven wealth distribution This is because the benefits of economic growth are

often concentrated in the hands of a few magnates or corporations, rather than

being shared equally among all citizens As a result, employees receiving minimalor no wage increments may feel discontented

*On the other hand, economic growth can have a positive impact on citizen satisfaction,even in rich countries

- For example, economic growth can result in the creation of new job opportunities,which can lead to higher levels of employment and a lower rate of poverty

- Additionally, a country's expansion of its economy can improve its global standing.A rich country can have a more prominent role in international affairs, which canlead to greater influence and better diplomatic relations, thereby providing itscitizens with more opportunities and benefits

- Invest in healthcare and technology → benefit its citizens beyond materialistic satisfaction

- an increase in wealth can also result in improved quality of life Those living in athriving economy can be offered better living conditions, improved infrastructure

and greater access to leisure and entertainment Therefore, their level ofsatisfaction can be higher

- To be more specific, economic growth can provide resources for governments to tackle social problems like poverty, inequality and unemployment If people seethat their government is taking action to address these issues, they may feel more optimistic and content with their lives

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TOPIC 4 [MUSIC] TASK 1 In some countries, only few young people go to classical music concerts orplay classical music Why? Should young people be encouraged to attend and learnmore?

Classical music concerts and the active participation in playing classical music have seen a decline in interest among young people

The limited participation/involvement of young people in classical music concerts andtheir reluctance to play classical music is a multifaceted issue influenced by severalfactors

*WHY? 1 One of the primary reasons for the decline in interest among young people is the

changing cultural landscape In today's fast-paced world, pop culture, electronic music,and digital entertainment often take precedence over classical music The accessibilityof contemporary music through various digital platforms and the popularity of musicgenres with a more immediate and relatable appeal contribute to this shift in preference

Một trong những lý do chính khiến sự quan tâm của giới trẻ giảm sút là bối cảnh văn hóađang thay đổi Trong thế giới có nhịp độ nhanh ngày nay, văn hóa đại chúng, âm nhạc điệntử và giải trí kỹ thuật số thường được ưu tiên hơn âm nhạc cổ điển Khả năng tiếp cận âmnhạc đương đại thông qua các nền tảng kỹ thuật số khác nhau và sự phổ biến của các thểloại âm nhạc có sức hấp dẫn tức thì và dễ hiểu hơn đã góp phần vào sự thay đổi sở thíchnày

_ One key reason for the limited involvement of young people in classical music ischanging cultural preferences/landscapes The digital age has ushered in a wealth ofentertainment options, from streaming services to video games and social media, all ofwhich compete for the attention of the youth These modern forms of entertainment areoften more accessible, interactive, and aligned with contemporary tastes, makingclassical music seem outdated or inaccessible

Changing cultural landscape/preferences: Contemporary music (pop music, electronic

music) & a wealth of entertainment options (video games, streaming services, socialmedia)

+ Compete for the attention of the youth + a more immediate and relatable appeal = aligned with contemporary tastes =

instant gratification + accessibility through various digital platforms

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2 Classical music may be perceived as less accessible to younger generations due to

its historical and often complex nature + Many young people might not have been exposed to classical music in their

upbringing, leading to a lack of familiarity and understanding The formalityassociated with classical music concerts can also be intimidating and deteryoung audiences

3 classical music has sometimes been perceived as elitist, with the perception that it is

reserved for a select few who are well-versed in music theory and history Thisperception can discourage young people from exploring classical music as they mayfeel it is beyond their grasp Classical music, with its intricate compositions and oftenlengthy performances, may seem less appealing to those accustomed to instantgratification

Moreover, classical music can sometimes be seen as daunting or exclusive, with aperception that it requires a high level of expertise to appreciate and engage with Theacademic and formal nature of classical music education can be intimidating for youngbeginners, who may prefer more casual or contemporary music forms that do not comewith the same level of rigor and discipline

well-versed in sth = beyond one’s grasp = a high level of expertise to appreciate and engage with = level of rigor and discipline

daunting = off-putting = intimidating = reserved for a select few =

4 With an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)subjects, arts and music education may not receive the attention it deserves As a result,young people may not be exposed to classical music in their formative years, hinderingthe development of their interest


- Classical music offers a unique opportunity for intellectual and emotional enrichment

It stimulates creativity, critical thinking, and a deep appreciation for the arts.Additionally, it has been shown that exposure to classical music can have a positiveimpact on cognitive development, including memory, problem-solving skills, and spatialreasoning

- Furthermore, classical music provides a means of cultural preservation It connectsyoung people with the rich history and heritage of their culture, offering a sense ofcontinuity and identity By promoting classical music, societies can ensure that their

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cultural legacy e ndures and evolves into the future

Hơn nữa, âm nhạc cổ điển còn cung cấp một phương tiện bảo tồn văn hóa Nó kếtnối những người trẻ tuổi với lịch sử phong phú và di sản văn hóa của họ, mang lạicảm giác liên tục và bản sắc Bằng cách quảng bá âm nhạc cổ điển, xã hội có thểđảm bảo rằng di sản văn hóa của họ sẽ tồn tại và phát triển trong tương lai

Classical music has the potential to foster a sense of cultural heritage and identity Byexploring the works of renowned composers and immersing themselves in the classicaltradition, young people can gain a profound understanding of the cultural roots of theirsociety


Firstly, classical music provides a unique opportunity for intellectual and emotionalenrichment It encourages active listening, concentration, and a deep appreciation forthe complexities of composition and performance It also enhances memory andproblem-solving skills

Classical music is an integral part of a country’s heritage, and engaging with it allowsyoung people to connect with their cultural roots and appreciate the legacy of the past.As a result, participation in classical music provides a means of cultural preservation, byensuring that their cultural legacy endures and evolves into the future, as well ascontributing to a sense of cultural identity and historical awareness

TASK 2.The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress To what extent do you agree/disagree?

Music has long been considered as a powerful force with the capacity to evoke a widerange of feelings Among its myriad effects, stress reduction stands out as a significantand widely recognized outcome This essay explores the extent to which music servesas a potent tool for stress reduction, delving into the psychological and physiologicalmechanisms that underlie this therapeutic function

_ Stress Reduction: Music can have a calming and stress-reducing effect Listening to

soothing melodies or engaging in the act of creating music can promote relaxation andwell-being

[PHYSIOLOGY] Moreover, the rhythmic and melodic elements of music can synchronizewith physiological processes, influencing heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure

Slow-tempo and harmonious compositions, in particular, have been shown to induce a

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relaxation response in the autonomic nervous system, promoting a state of calmness.This physiological alignment with music contributes to an overall reduction in the body'sstress response, offering individuals a tangible and immediate means of managingstress in their daily lives

Physiological Alignment with music

The rhythmic and melodic elements of music Synchronize with physiological processes

+ Influence heart rate + Respiratory rate+ Blood pressureSlow-tempo and harmonious compositions Induce a relaxation response + promote a

state of calmness

[PSYCHOLOGICALLY - ESCAPISM] Music serves as a powerful distraction and copingmechanism In moments of stress, individuals often turn to music as a form ofescapism, creating a mental space where they can temporarily detach from stressorsand immerse themselves in the soothing melodies and lyrics This psychological shiftcan provide respite, allowing individuals to gain perspective on their challenges andnavigate stress more effectively


Emotional Expression: Music provides a powerful means for individuals to express and

convey emotions Composers and performers use melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics to evoke a wide range of feelings, allowing listeners to connect with and interpret the emotional content

Cultural Identity: Music is deeply intertwined with cultural identity Different regions and

communities have distinct musical traditions, styles, and instruments that reflect their history, values, and societal norms Music serves as a cultural marker, fostering a senseof belonging and shared identity

Entertainment and Enjoyment: One of the most fundamental functions of music

is to entertain Whether through live performances, recordings, or digital platforms, music offers enjoyment and recreation, providing a source of pleasureand leisure for individuals of all ages

Communication and Storytelling: Music has been used throughout history as a

form of communication and storytelling In many cultures, songs have been employed to pass down oral traditions, convey historical narratives, and

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transmit important information Lyrics often tell stories and convey messages that resonate with listeners

Social Bonding: Music has a unique ability to bring people together Shared

musical experiences, whether through attending concerts, participating in group performances, or singing together, foster social bonding and a sense of

community Music is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguisticbarriers

TOPIC 5 [BUSINESS] TASK 1 To succeed in a business, one needs to be good at maths To what extent doyou agree or disagree?

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The assertion that proficiency in mathematics is a prerequisite for success in business is a notion that has garnered attention and debate While

mathematical skills undoubtedly play a crucial role in certain aspects of business, the extent to which they are indispensable for overall success requires a nuanced examination This essay explores both perspectives on the significance of mathematics in the business realm

[FINANCIAL ANALYSIS] Proponents of the idea that proficiency in mathematics

is essential for business success argue that numerical literacy is fundamental for = is crucial for = is indispensable for = is essential for = is vital for various facets of business operations Mathematics serves as the language of finance, providing the tools and frameworks necessary for budgeting, financial analysis, and

strategic decision-making In areas such as accounting and finance, a strong

foundation in mathematical concepts is vital for interpreting financial statements, assessing investment opportunities, and managing budgets effectively

[ECONOMICS & MARKET RESEARCH] Moreover, quantitative analysis is

prevalent in fields like economics and market research, where mathematical modelsand statistical methods are employed to analyze market trends, consumer behavior,and economic indicators Businesses rely on these analyses to make informed decisions about product development, pricing strategies, and market positioning In this context, mathematical proficiency is a valuable asset that enhances a business leader's ability to navigate complex data sets and derive meaningful insights


However, it is essential to recognize that while mathematical skills are beneficial, they are not the sole determinants of business success The business landscape is multifaceted, requiring a diverse set of skills and attributes for holistic success Effective communication, leadership, adaptability, creativity, and

critical thinking are equally crucial in navigating the complexities of the business

world/landscape A successful entrepreneur or business leader must possess a well-rounded skill set that extends beyond mathematical acumen

Furthermore, advancements in technology have democratized access to tools andsoftware that automate many mathematical functions While a foundational

understanding of mathematical principles remains valuable, individuals can leverage

Trang 21

technology to perform complex calculations, analyze data, and generate insights without being mathematical experts themselves This shift underscores the evolving nature of skills required in the business world

In conclusion, the assertion that success in business necessitates proficiency in mathematics captures an important aspect of the business landscape A holistic

approach that combines mathematical proficiency with a diverse skill set is likely to be the key to navigating the complexities and uncertainties of the modern business world Success in business is a multidimensional pursuit, and individuals who can seamlessly integrate mathematical acumen with other essential skills will be well-positioned for sustainable success.

Succeeding in business is a complex endeavor influenced by various factors, and whilemathematical skills can be advantageous, they are by no means the sole determinant of

success I would argue that while mathematical proficiency can be valuable in business,it is not an absolute requirement, and success in the business world is attainablethrough a combination of diverse skills and attributes

Financial Analysis: Mathematics is fundamental to financial analysis in business Itallows professionals to assess the financial health of a company by examining financialstatements, calculating ratios, and interpreting data Financial mathematics aids inunderstanding profitability, liquidity, solvency, and other essential aspects of abusiness's financial performance

→ Financial Literacy: Understanding financial statements, budgets, and cash flow is

critical for managing the financial health of a business Financial literacy enablesinformed decision-making and helps ensure the business's sustainability

Investment and Risk Management: In finance, mathematical models are used to assess

investment opportunities and risks Techniques like discounted cash flow analysis and portfolio optimization aid in making investment decisions and managing financial risks _

Furthermore, in the modern business landscape, technology and software tools havesignificantly reduced the need for manual mathematical calculations Softwareapplications and data analysis tools can perform complex mathematical tasks swiftlyand accurately, allowing individuals to focus on interpreting the results and makinginformed decisions While a fundamental understanding of mathematics remains beneficial, one does not need to be a mathematical expert to succeed in business

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Successful business leaders often surround themselves with a team of professionalswith complementary skills They understand the value of collaboration and delegation,allowing them to leverage the expertise of others, including individuals with strongmathematical abilities

Adaptability: The business environment is constantly evolving Entrepreneurs need to

adapt to changes, be open to new ideas, and adjust their strategies when necessary

Problem-Solving: Business owners encounter various challenges Strong

problem-solving skills are essential for addressing issues, making decisions, and findinginnovative solutions

Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere through challenges

is a valuable trait Business owners often face failures and disappointments, andresilience is crucial for maintaining motivation

TASK 2 Businesses try to use a lot of methods to increase sales of their products

What are the methods? Which one is the best?

Advertising/Marketing: Advertising is a widely used method to increase product

visibility Businesses can employ various forms of advertising, including digitalmarketing, print media, television, and radio

+ Social Media Marketing: Leveraging social media platforms for marketing

purposes is effective for reaching a broad audience The ability to target specificdemographics and engage with customers directly makes it a powerful tool

+ Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers who have a significant online

following can amplify product visibility Influencers can create authentic content,provide reviews, and engage with their audience, influencing purchasingdecisions

E-commerce Platforms and Online Sales:

● The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way businesses sell products Establishing a strong online presence and utilizing e-commerce platforms enablebusinesses to reach a global audience, facilitate easy transactions, and provide personalized shopping experiences

1 Global Reach:

● One of the most significant impacts of e-commerce is the ability for businesses

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to reach a global audience Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores limited by geographic location, e-commerce enables businesses to transcend borders and connect with customers worldwide This expanded reach opens up new marketsand opportunities for growth

2 Accessibility and Convenience:

● E-commerce provides consumers with unparalleled convenience Shoppers can browse products, compare prices, and make purchases from the comfort of theirhomes or on the go This accessibility enhances the overall customer

experience, making it more convenient and efficient compared to traditional retail

3 24/7 Availability:

● Unlike physical stores with set operating hours, e-commerce platforms are operational 24/7 This constant availability allows businesses to cater to customers in different time zones and accommodates varying schedules It alsoenables spontaneous purchases, contributing to increased sales

Sales Promotions: Sales promotions, such as discounts, coupons, and limited-time

offers, create a sense of urgency and incentivize consumers to make a purchase Whilethey can boost short-term sales, businesses must carefully manage them to maintainprofitability

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO improves a business's online visibility by

optimizing its website for search engines When customers search for related keywords,the business's website is more likely to appear in search results

Provide a money-back guarantee

Providing a money-back guarantee can gain a customer's trust and encourage them to

buy a company's products or enroll in a subscription service Sales managers andcompany leaders can collaborate to create a money-back guarantee policy, which mayapply to certain products and services For example, a company that sells tutoring mayoffer a money-back guarantee if the student's grades stay the same or get lower after three months of weekly tutoring sessions

Product Quality and Customer Service: Ultimately, a high-quality product and

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exceptional customer service can be the most effective sales method Satisfiedcustomers are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates

The "best" method depends on the specific context and goals of a business Forexample, an e-commerce website might find success with online advertising and SEO,while a local bakery may benefit more from social media marketing and word-of-mouthreferrals The key is to understand the target audience, utilize multiple methods whereappropriate, and continuously evaluate and adjust the marketing strategy

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and businesses should employ a mix ofmethods to achieve the best results The ideal strategy combines a deepunderstanding of the customer, a compelling message, and a well-executed plan to

drive sales and achieve long-term success

TASK 3 Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social

facilities for the local community To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Social Facilities means primary school, secondary school, college, fire brigade station, dispensary,

maternity home, hospital, cemetery, community centre,

First and foremost, these facilities can significantly enhance the quality of life forresidents Access to sports facilities, community centers, and recreational areas can

promote physical health, social interaction, and overall well-being This, in turn, can

foster a stronger sense of community and belonging Furthermore, such contributions can also benefit businesses themselves By actively

engaging in community development, companies can improve their public image andreputation This can lead to increased customer loyalty and support Additionally, it canbe a way for businesses to fulfill their corporate social responsibility, which isincreasingly important to consumers and stakeholders


Most businesses do not have the funds available If a company is unable to pay its

bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about socialresponsibilities become irrelevant

(Secondly, it is better for companies to allocate their resources to other aspects of theirbusiness Most businesses do not have the funds available to simultaneously support

the local community and promote their own growth Sports and social facilities might be

too expensive, deterring companies from further developing It would be better if money

could be spent on other aspects of work, such as salary increases, bonuses, and extratime off.)

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However, it is essential to recognize that the primary responsibility for providing

sports and social facilities should rest with local governments and publicinstitutions Large companies, while able to make valuable contributions, should

not be solely responsible for these essential services Local taxes and public

funding are typically allocated for the provision of such facilities Businesses arealready contributing through taxes and providing employment opportunities, andwhile voluntary efforts to support the community are laudable, they should not be

a replacement for government investment in public amenities

→ Encouraging businesses to actively participate in community development is positive,

but it should complement, not replace, the core responsibility of local authorities TASK 4 As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many cities,

some governments encourage businesses to move to rural areas Do you think the

advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

One of the primary advantages of encouraging businesses to move to rural areas is thepotential to alleviate congestion and housing shortages in overburdened urban centers.As businesses decentralize, traffic congestion and housing demand in cities maydecrease, leading to improved living conditions for urban residents This could result inreduced pollution, less noise, and a lower cost of living

Furthermore, relocating businesses to rural areas can stimulate economic growth inthese regions It can create jobs, boost local economies, and reduce regional economicdisparities Rural areas often have untapped potential in terms of available land andresources, which can be attractive to businesses seeking expansion

The relocation of businesses can trigger much-needed infrastructure development inrural areas Improved roads, utilities, and connectivity not only benefit the incomingbusinesses but also enhance the overall living standards for local residents

In contrast, there are several disadvantages to this approach One significant concern is the impact on urban workers Employees who work for businesses that move to ruralareas may face longer commutes or potential job losses if they cannot or do not wish torelocate This can lead to disruption and economic hardships for affected individuals Additionally, rural areas may lack the necessary infrastructure and amenities to supportthe needs of large businesses, such as reliable transportation, skilled labor pools, andaccess to services Businesses may need to invest heavily in building or upgradinginfrastructure, which can be costly and time-consuming

TASK 5 As well as making money, businesses should also have social

responsibilities To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Trang 26


Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasinglycommon to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have I

completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simplymake money

On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a

competitive world

_ It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running

costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities (trang trải

chi phí hoạt động)

_ On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and

innovations if they wish to remain successful

_ If a company is unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of

customers, any concerns about social responsibilities become irrelevant

_ In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it

is in good financial health On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising

profit; they have a wider role to play in society

_ One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their

employees well, rather than exploiting them For example, they could pay a “living wage”to ensure that workers have a good quality of life [TREATMENT OF EMPLOYEES]

_ I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to

support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives.


_ Finally, instead of trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting

loopholes, I believe that company bosses should be happy to contribute to society

through the tax system [PAYING TAXES]

In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives

Companies should place as much importance on A as they do on B

Environmental Sustainability: Businesses have a responsibility to minimize their

environmental impact This includes reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources,and implementing sustainable practices in their operations

Community Engagement: Businesses should actively engage with the communities in

which they operate This can involve supporting local causes, participating in communitydevelopment initiatives, and contributing to local economies

Trang 27

Employee Welfare: Employee well-being is a key component of CSR This includes

providing a safe working environment, fair wages, benefits, and opportunities forprofessional development

TOPIC 6 [SPORTS] TASK 1 Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which areplayed in teams, like football, while other people think that taking part in individualsports, like tennis or swimming, is better Discuss both views and give your own opinion

They promote teamwork and collaboration Playing on a team teaches individuals how

to work together, communicate effectively, and coordinate their efforts to achieve acommon goal These skills are valuable not only in sports but also in various aspects oflife, including the workplace

Teamwork and Collaboration: Team sports emphasize the importance of workingtogether towards a common goal Players learn how to communicate, coordinate,and support each other, fostering teamwork and collaboration skills that aretransferable to various situations

Team sports instill a sense of shared responsibility and accountability Athletes

understand that their performance directly impacts the team's success, promotingdiscipline and a commitment to individual improvement for the collective benefit

Leadership Skills: In team sports, individuals often take on leadership roles, such asteam captain or coach This helps develop leadership skills, decision-making abilities,and the capacity to motivate and guide others

Furthermore, team sports encourage social interaction and the development of strong

interpersonal relationships Being part of a team fosters a sense of belonging andcamaraderie, which can lead to lasting friendships and a supportive social network

Social Interaction: Playing on a team provides an opportunity to socialize andbuild relationships with teammates The bonds formed through team sports canlead to lasting friendships and a sense of belonging

_ On the other hand, individual sports like tennis, swimming, or track and field have their

own set of advantages These sports emphasize self-reliance, self-discipline, andpersonal responsibility Athletes in individual sports are solely responsible for theirperformance and success, which can lead to a strong sense of self-motivation and

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accountability Individual sports also offer flexibility and independence in training and competition.

Athletes can tailor their schedules and strategies to suit their own preferences andneeds This autonomy can be empowering and allow individuals to focus on theirpersonal growth and development

Focused Skill Development: In individual sports, athletes can focus on specific skills

relevant to their discipline This targeted approach allows for more personalized training

regimens , enabling athletes to hone their strengths and address specific weaknesses

● Preference: Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference Some people enjoy the dynamics of team sports, while others prefer the independence and self-reliance of individual sports

● Age and Development: For young children, team sports can teach essential social and cooperation skills As individuals mature, they may develop a preference for more independent pursuits

*Balanced Approach: While both team and individual sports offer unique advantages, a balanced approachthat incorporates elements of both is likely to yield the most comprehensive benefits.

Athletes who engage in both team and individual sports can develop a diverse skill set,enjoying the advantages of teamwork and camaraderie as well as the personalaccountability and skill specialization associated with individual sports

A balanced approach recognizes that different sports contribute to holisticdevelopment in various ways Team sports provide valuable social skills and

collaboration, while individual sports foster discipline, independence, and targeted skilldevelopment Moreover, individuals may find enjoyment and fulfillment in both types of

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sports, leading to a more sustainable and lifelong commitment to an active lifestyle

TASK 2 Some people think that mental strength is the most important factor forsuccess in sports However, some others believe that it is more important to have strongand fit people Discuss both views and give your opinions

Strength and Endurance: Physical fitness provides athletes with the strength and

endurance needed to perform at their best for the duration of a competition

Skill Execution: Being physically fit allows athletes to execute their skills with precision

and power

Speed and Agility: Physical fitness contributes to speed and agility, which are

essential in many sports >< A personality trait which determines, in large part, how people respond to

challenge, stress and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances

[TRAINING] Resilience: Mental toughness allows athletes to bounce back from

setbacks, failures, and injuries Resilience is vital in sports, as it helps athletes maintaina positive attitude and continue working towards their goals despite challenges

→ Motivation and Determination: Mental toughness drives athletes to stay motivated

and determined even in the face of adversity It provides the internal motivation neededto push one's limits and continue striving for improvement

[TRAINING] Confidence: Confidence in one's abilities is a hallmark of mental toughness.

It allows athletes to approach challenges with a positive mindset and a belief in theircapacity to succeed Confidence is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it can lead toimproved performance

[COMPETITION] Focus and Concentration: Athletes must maintain intense focus and

concentration during training and competition Mental toughness enables them to blockout distractions and stay in the moment, which is essential for making precise decisionsand executing skills effectively

Some people are of the opinion that physical fitness is the key to success in sports

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However, others are opposed to this idea, claiming that mental toughness is of theutmost importance From my perspective, both qualities are equally important, and Iwill explain why in this essay

Physical strength has generally been regarded as an important element in sports Mostsportspeople are required to be physically fit so that they are able to perform physicallychallenging actions commonly found in the majority of sports Footballers, for example,spend on average 90 minutes doing continual physical manoeuvres, and this certainlyrequires both strength and stamina In sports that involve building muscles, such asweightlifting, strength and fitness are fundamental to the overall success of aweightlifter, for the number of weights lifted is directly proportional to how well he or sheperforms in a weightlifting competition

A strong mentality, on the other hand, is also essential for any professional to besuccessful In fact, virtually all sports entail intense competition and pressure, and only

strong-willed players, who are able to handle those problems well, attain great success.Elite athletes such as Roger Federer or Cristiano Ronaldo, for example, are perfectexamples of players who remain calm and confident regardless of the situation.Additionally, mental prowess has been proven to be a game-changing factor in decidingthe outcome of a match: even seeded players can lose to an underdog if stressed or if they start feeling the pressure

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that mental toughness is just as important as

physical fitness in determining sporting success In the future, with training integratingboth physical and mental health becoming increasingly available, the sporting industrywill surely welcome generations of successful sports players who are physically fit and

mentally prepared

TASK 3 Some people say that sports play an important role in society Others,

however, think that it is nothing more than a leisure activity Discuss both views and give

your opinions

Physical Health and Well-Being: Sports promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Regular participation in sports contributes to reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes

Social Cohesion: Sports have the power to bring people from diverse backgrounds

together They foster a sense of belonging and unity, creating opportunities for individuals to connect and form lasting friendships

Trang 31

Entertainment and Diversion: Sports serve as a source of entertainment, offering

enjoyment, excitement, and a break from the routine of daily life They provide spectators and participants with a sense of escapism and joy

Economic Impact: Sporting events can have a substantial economic impact on

communities They create jobs, stimulate tourism, and boost local businesses, contributing to economic growth

Education and Values: Participation in sports teaches essential life values such as

teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship These values can have a positive influence on character development

>< sport is nothing more than a leisure activity

Non-Competitive Approach: Those who view sports as a leisure activity often adopt a

non-competitive approach They may engage in sports for the sheer pleasure of playingrather than seeking to excel or compete at a high level This mindset downplays the seriousness of sports and reinforces the idea that it is primarily a source of enjoyment

Limited Exposure: Some people may have limited exposure to sports beyond

recreational or amateur levels They may not have experienced the deeper aspects ofsports, such as high-level competition, sports-related careers, or the positive societalimpacts of sports

Exclusivity and Commercialization: Some sports have become highly commercialized

and exclusive, making them less accessible to the general public Thiscommercialization can limit their potential role in promoting inclusivity and socialcohesion

Emphasis on Winning: The competitive nature of sports can sometimes overshadow

their other aspects, such as character development and physical health The overridingfocus on winning can lead to negative consequences, such as cheating and unethicalbehavior

While they offer leisure and entertainment, their importance extends far beyond that.

They contribute to physical health, foster social cohesion, teach valuable life values,have substantial economic impacts, and serve as a source of joy and diversion The key

is to recognize and harness these positive aspects while addressing challenges suchas commercialization and inequality.

Trang 32

TASK 4 Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves Somepeople think this is good for the world of sports, while others think there aredisadvantages of this Discuss both views and give your opinions.



[COMPANIES]• Sports teams or players are given free

• Some companies advertise productsequipment which they could not afford

harmful to healthotherwise

• Tobacco companies, among others,• Players can focus on their sport instead

should not be allowed to sponsor sportsof being distracted by financial worries




• People may think positively of

• If the player is unsuccessful, it mightcompanies that donate products and

affect product salesequipment

• A player who uses

• Sports sponsorship provides increased

performance-enhancing drugs will have

media exposure for a company and its

negative consequences for the reputationbrands

of a company

• Companies can showcase their products • Companies can link their name to

Trang 33

successful players

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves Some people thinkthis is good for the world of sports, while others think there are disadvantages of this

Discuss both views and give your opinions.

Corporate sponsorship has become a ubiquitous presence in the world of sports, offering financial support to teams, events, and athletes While some argue that this sponsorship is beneficial for the sports industry, others highlight potential disadvantages


Athlete Support and Development:

● Sponsorship provides crucial support for individual athletes Financial backing from sponsors enables athletes to focus on training, participate in competitions, and pursue excellence in their respective sports This support is particularly vital for emerging talents who may face financial constraints

Better Quality Events: Sponsorship often results in the organization of

higher-quality sports events Financial support can enhance the overall experience forathletes and spectators by providing better equipment, facilities, and productionvalues

Globalization and Accessibility:

● Corporate sponsorship facilitates the globalization of sports, making them

accessible to a broader audience Sponsorship deals often involve international companies, contributing to the dissemination of sports across borders This globalization enhances the diversity and inclusivity of sports, fostering a more interconnected global community (contributes to the popularity and recognition of the sports they support.)

Disadvantages of Corporate Sponsorship in Sports:

Commercialization and Commodification (authenticity):

● Critics argue that excessive corporate sponsorship leads to the

commercialization and commodification of sports The intrusion oflogos and advertisements can compromise the authenticity of sportsevents, transforming them into platforms primarily driven by

commercial interests rather than the spirit of competition

Influence on Decision-Making (Integrity):

Trang 34

● Some express concerns about the influence of sponsors on decision-making within sports organizations The financial dependence on sponsors may result in conflicts of interest, impacting decisions related to scheduling, rule changes, or even athlete selection This

influence could compromise the integrity of sports governance

Exclusivity and Inequality:

● Corporate sponsorship often concentrates on popular sports and eliteathletes, leaving less popular sports and grassroots initiatives withlimited support This exclusivity can exacerbate inequality within thesports industry, where only a select few receive significant sponsorship

deals, while other underfunded ones struggle for recognition and

consideration to ensure alignment with societal values

Balanced opinion:

The financial support provided by sponsors is crucial for the sustainability and development of sports, enabling athletes and organizations to thrive → However,

measures must be in place to prevent the undue influence of sponsors on the

integrity of sports and to address issues of exclusivity and inequality → It is essential for sports organizations to uphold transparency, ethical standards, and a commitment to the broader sports community

Striking a balance between financial support and the preservation of theintrinsic values of sports ensures that sponsorship continues to be a positiveforce in the dynamic and evolving world of sports

Example of measures from SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS: - Require transparency and disclosure of sponsorship agreements Sports

organizations should publicly disclose details of sponsorship deals,

including financial arrangements, terms, and any potential conflicts of interest This transparency helps maintain public trust and allows stakeholders to evaluate the relationships

- Introduce requirements for sports organizations to consider diversity and

Trang 35

inclusion in their choice of sponsors Encourage partnerships with sponsorsthat align with values promoting diversity and social responsibility, fosteringa more inclusive sports environment.

The Advantages of Sports Sponsorship by Companies:

Financial Support: Companies provide much-needed financial support to sports

organizations, teams, and events This funding can help develop infrastructure, improvefacilities, and ensure the sustainability of sports programs

Better Quality Events: Sponsorship often results in the organization of higher-quality

sports events Financial support can enhance the overall experience for athletes andspectators by providing better equipment, facilities, and production values

Global Exposure: Sponsorship offers companies an opportunity for global exposure and

brand recognition High-profile sporting events attract a massive international audience,and companies can leverage this exposure to promote their products and services ><

Ethical Concerns: Companies that sponsor sports are not always known for ethical

practices Aligning sports with companies that engage in unethical behavior can tarnishthe reputation of the sport and its values F or example, sponsorship by companiesassociated with issues like environmental pollution, labor exploitation, or controversialmarketing practices can lead to backlash and criticism

Commercialization: Over-commercialization of sports can lead to an overemphasis on

profit rather than the spirit of the game Fans may feel that sports have become moreabout marketing and less about competition and fair play

Exclusivity and Inequality: Sponsorship deals often create disparities among teams and

athletes Well-funded entities have a distinct advantage, including better resources,equipment, and access to top talent This can undermine fair competition and diversityin sports, making it difficult for underfunded teams and athletes to compete on an equalfooting

Influence on Decision-Making: Companies that sponsor sports events or teams may

have the power to influence decision-making within the sports organizations Thisinfluence can lead to decisions that prioritize the sponsor's interests over the integrity ofthe sport, potentially compromising fair play, rule enforcement, or team selection Such

Trang 36

situations can result in controversies and accusations of bias.

TASK 5 Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the

country, while some people think it is bad Discuss both views and state your opinion.The prospect of hosting international sports events evokes divergent opinions, withsome viewing it as a boon for the host country and others expressing concerns about potential drawbacks This essay will explore both perspectives, examining the advantages and disadvantages of hosting international sports events, and present a balanced viewpoint on their impact

Advantages of Hosting International Sports Events:

[ECONOMIC] Economic Stimulus:

● Hosting international sports events can provide a significant economicstimulus for the host country The influx of tourists, increased

demand for accommodation , transportation , and hospitality services

contribute to job creation and a boost in local businesses The event acts as a catalyst for economic growth and development

(influx of short-term tourists → increased demand for accommodation, transportation, hospitality services → job creation + a boost in local businesses)

Global Visibility and Tourism: ● International sports events offer host countries an unparalleled

opportunity for global visibility The extensive media coverage and global audience draw attention to the host nation, promoting its cultural, historical, and scenic attractions This heightened visibility

can result in increased tourism, fostering long-term benefits for the country's image and economy

(extensive media coverage + global attention → heightened visibility → increased tourism → long-term benefits for image and economy)

[INFRASTRUCTURE] Infrastructure Development:

● Hosting major sports events necessitates significantinfrastructure development The construction or renovation of

stadiums , transportation networks, and accommodation facilities leaves a

lasting legacy for the host country These infrastructural improvements can enhance the overall quality of life for residents andsupport future


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[CULTURE & DIPLOMACY] Cultural Exchange and Diplomacy:

● International sports events foster cultural exchange and diplomacy.Hosting nations have the opportunity to showcase their culture, traditions, and hospitality to a diverse international audience Sportsevents can serve as a platform for fostering positive international relations and diplomatic ties between participating countries

Disadvantages of Hosting International Sports Events:

Financial Burden: ● Critics argue that hosting international sports events can impose a

substantial financial burden on the host country The costs associated

with building or upgrading infrastructure , organizing security measures , and meeting the event's operational expenses can outweigh

the anticipated economic benefits Strain on Resources:

● Large-scale events can strain a host country's resources, including

security personnel, transportation systems, and healthcare facilities.

The need for extensive logistical planning and heightened securitymeasures can divert resources away from other essential public services, impacting the well-being of residents

Environmental Impact: ● The environmental impact of hosting international sports events is a

significant concern Large-scale construction projects and increased tourism can lead to environmental degradation, deforestation, and heightened carbon emissions The ecological footprint of such eventsmay contribute to long-term environmental damage

Balanced Opinion:

In my opinion, the decision to host international sports events should be approachedwith a comprehensive assessment of potential benefits and drawbacks While the economic, cultural, and infrastructural advantages can bring long-lasting benefits, careful planning and sustainable practices are essential to mitigate the negative impacts

A host country must prioritize responsible budgeting, environmental conservation, andsocial inclusivity to ensure that the benefits of hosting international sports events are

maximized while minimizing any adverse effects Striking a balance between

Trang 38

economic gains and sustainable practices is crucial for hosting nations to derive

lasting positive impacts from these globally significant events


Global Visibility: Hosting such events brings global visibility and recognition to the hostcountry It can improve the nation's image on the international stage and attractinvestment and tourism in the future

the host country is in the limelight and can enhance its image (improved status/profile) Infrastructure Development: Preparing to host international sports events often

necessitates the construction or renovation of sports facilities, transportation networks,and accommodation This investment in infrastructure can leave a lasting legacy andbenefit the country long after the event concludes

Economic Boost: Hosting major sports events can provide a significant economic boost

to the host country It generates tourism revenue, stimulates local businesses, and creates jobs in various sectors, including hospitality, transportation, and construction (attract a large array of athletes and their supporters from all around the world This sudden increase in visitors will likely proliferate the sales of products and services such as

accommodation and transportation within the period of the events) (-)

Financial Burden: Preparing for and hosting international sports events often requires

significant financial resources The costs can sometimes outweigh the economicbenefits, leading to financial burdens for the host country

→ The money spent on state-of-the-art stadiums and arenas would be better spent on healthand education + some facilities are for short-term use only (overinvest in infrastructure thatis underutilized after the event concludes)

Security Concerns: Hosting international sports events requires heightened security

measures, which can be costly and sometimes intrusive There is also a risk of terrorismor security incidents during the event

Pressure on Local Resources: Hosting a major event can place strain on local resources

such as water, energy, and transportation This strain can disrupt the daily lives of localresidents and result in resource shortages

TASK 6 Some countries achieve international success by building specialized

facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use

Trang 39

Is it a positive or negative development?

The pursuit of international success in sports has prompted certain countries to invest heavily in building specialized facilities dedicated to training top athletes While this approach aims to elevate a nation's standing in the global sporting arena,

it raises questions about the inclusivity of sports facilities In this essay, we will examine the positive and negative aspects of countries prioritizing specialized facilities for top athletes over providing sports facilities for broader public use

Positive Developments:

1) state-of-the-art equipment, expert coaching & tailored training

programs -> elevate athletes to an elite level -> enhance a country’s performance on the international stage (gaina competitive edge in international sporting events)

-> increased media exposure + increased tourism from fans -> benefit the hospitality industry, local businesses, and the national economy

2) Inspiration and Role Models: The success of top athletes can inspire and

serve as role models for aspiring individuals, motivating them to pursue sports seriously The achievements of these athletes can boost a country's sporting culture and encourage youth participation

(Successful footballers often become role models for youth Their dedication to fitness and sport can inspire young people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, participate in sports, and strive for excellence in their own endeavors.)

Negative Developments:

Limited Public Access: The primary drawback of prioritizing specialized

facilities is limited public access These facilities are often exclusive and reserved for elite athletes, leaving the general public with fewer opportunities to engage in sports and physical activities

Neglect of Mass Participation: The emphasis on elite training facilities

might divert attention and resources away from the development of sports facilities that cater to mass participation A well-rounded sports

infrastructure should accommodate individuals of all skill levels and ages, promoting a healthy and

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2024, 22:16

