For example: Factor C has the strongest influence on the output of the national economy Nguyen Van A, 2009.. Or Nguyen Van A 2009 believes that factor C has the strongest influence on th
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Hanoi, 2023
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1 Report layout
The layout of the report includes the following sections:
1.1 Cover pages
+ Main cover page (see form 1)
+ Extra cover page (see form 2)
1.2 Acknowledgments: (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS)
Acknowledgments need to be sincere, not cliché, should only be given to those who really help complete the graduation internship Report, so it is not recommended to list too many people to lose the meaning of the Acknowledgment
1.3 Table of Contents (TABLE OF CONTENTS): placed right after the cover page (see form 3)
1.4 Declaration of Authorship: (see Form 4)
1.5 List of abbreviations (if any)
1.6 List of tables, tables, diagrams, drawings
1.7 Introduction:
Including the following contents: Rationale; Research Objectives; Research Objects; Methodology; Scope of research; Research structure
1.8 Chapters (CHAPTER 1, , 2,3 )
1.9 Conclusion (CONCLUSION)
1.10 List of References (REFERENCES) (see form 4)
1.11 Appendix (APPENDIXES)
1.10 Confirmation of the intern
1.11 Evaluation form of the interned hotel/property
1.12 Internship diary
1.13 Turnitin Report
1.14 Instructor evaluation sheet
2.1 Form of presentation
Internship topics must be presented clearly, coherently, cleanly, without erasure, with page numbers, tables, drawings, and graphs numbered
2.2 Text format
Trang 3- Texts are presented in Times New Roman font size 13; line spacing 1.3 ; typing style (Unicode encoding); 2.5cm top and bottom margin size; left margin 3.5 cm; right margin 2.5
- The minimum length of the topic is 50 pages typed in Aé4 size (calculated from the Preface
to the end of the Conclusion);
- Page numbers are numbered in the middle, at the bottom of each page, starting from the
“Introduction” section
2.3 Chapter number
- The topic is presented into 03 (three) parts, in addition to the Introduction and the Conclusion, the Content part consists of 03 (three) chapters, the content of each chapter meet the detailed outline approved by the instructor Details of each chapter include:
Chapter 1: Introduction about ACB international hotel and Describe the internship schedule
- An overview of the internship hotel/property, assessment of business conditions and business performance of the enterprise in the last 3-5 years For new hotel that recently has been come into operation, students need to collect financial, human resources, marketing data etc of the period before the official operation along with data on results and business performance up to now of the hotel
- Describe of the internship schedule
Chapter 2: Assessing the current status of the research problem
- Assess the current situation of the problem, analyze and point out the causes leading to the current situation of the research problem
- Analyze the negative effects of the research problem if not resolved
- Sub-conclusion of the chapter
Chapter 3: Specific solutions and action plans to solve the research problem
- Base for proposed solution
- Solutions and recommendations
- Come up with an action plan: the action plan must be very specific and feasible including: + What are the specific actions to do? What to do?
+ What is the plan for the use of resources?
+ Who is the performer?
Trang 4+ How long does it take?
2.4 Subsection numbering
- The subsections of the report and theses are presented and numbered into groups c numbers, at most four digits with the first number indicating the chapter number (for example, indicates subsection 1 group of subsections 2 item 1), chapter 4);
- Titles of chapters: font size 18, uppercase, bold, center (middle of the page);
- Title: font size 13, lowercase, bold, no indentation;
- The paragraphs before 6pt, after 0 pt
2.5 Tables, figures, diagrams
- The numbering of tables, figures and equations must be associated with chapter numbers; eg Figure 3.4 means the 4th figure in chapter 3;
- All graphs and tables taken from other sources must be fully cited, for example
“Source: Ministry of Finance 2013” The source cited must be correctly listed in the bibliography;
- The name of the table is placed above the table, the name of the figure and diagram
is placed below the figure and diagram
2.6 Acronym
Do not abuse abbreviations in the Report Only abbreviate words, phrases, and terms that are used many times in the topic or Report If it is necessary to abbreviate words, terms, names
of agencies and organizations, etc., they shall be abbreviated after the first writing, enclosed with the abbreviation in parentheses Abbreviation of foreign words must comply with international regulations There must be a list of abbreviations (in alphabetical order) for the topic if abbreviations are used in the topic
2.7 References and citations
Citation is a mandatory requirement for studies The presentation of citations is important in assessing the depth and seriousness of the research Theref ore, citations must be propel presented The journal applies Harvard standards for the presentation of citations Citations for references are divided into two main types: in-text references and reference lists The list of references is placed at the end of the article, each citation in the article (in-text reference) must necessarily correspond to the list of sources listed in the list of references.
Trang 52.7.1 In-text reference
Citations in the article include the following information:
- Name of the author/organization
- Year of publication of the document
- Citations page
There are two main ways to present citations in articles:
- Verbatim citation: copying the exact words, sentences, and paragraphs that the author uses The verbatim quotation must be enclosed in quotation marks and must include the page number of the source
For example, Nguyen Van A (2009, p.19) states that “factor C has the strongest influence on the output of the national economy”
- Paraphrasing: paraphrasing another author's sentences in their own words, using other word without changing the original meaning When quoting the paraphrase, the page number is not required
For example: Factor C has the strongest influence on the output of the national economy (Nguyen Van A, 2009)
Or Nguyen Van A (2009) believes that factor C has the strongest influence on the output of the national economy
2.7.2 References list
The list of references is placed at the end of the article, beginning with the title "References", followed by a list of references (books, articles, electronic publications .) in order Alphabetical by author's last name, article/publication title without author
List only references cited in the article.
Trang 6Each bibliography includes the following information: author's name, year of publication, title of work, place of publication Below ai citation presentation standard and a list of reference types
Reference Type
An author
Standards for the presentation of a list of
Full name of author (year publication), title of book publisher, place of publication
Example of a list of references
Nguyen Van A (2009), Vietnam Econom
2008, ABC Publishing House, Hanoi
Examples of similar citatic
in the article
Factor C has the strongest influei output of the national economy Van A, 2009)
Nguyen Van A (2009, p.19) ste
“factor C has the strongest influer
Two authors Full name of author 1 and fu
name of author 2 (year d publication), title of book
Lxli= 1 £ Là eH
Nguyen Van A and Nguyen Van B (2009 Vietnam's economy in 2008, AB(
Publishing House, Hanoi
Nguyen Van A and Nguyen Van I believe that factor C has the influence on the output of the
From 3 or more author Author name 1, author name 2,
and author's full name n (year publisher, place of publication
Nguyen Van A, Nguyen Van B ani Nguyen Van C (2009), Vietnam Econon|
2008, ABC Publishing House, Hanoi
Nguyen Van A et al (2009) beli factor C has the strongest influer output of the national economy
No author name Book title (year of
publication), publisher, place
of publication
Knowledge Economy Al Publishing House, Hanoi (2009), In the book Knowledge Economy
p.19 stated that “factor C has the str« influence on the output of the
Multiple works by the
same author Full name of author (year
publication y), title of book 1
publisher, place of publication
Full name of author (year publication n), title of book 2 publisher, place of publication Nguyen Van A (2009), Vietnam Econom
2008, ABC Publishing House, Hanoi
Nguyen Van A (2010), Macroeconomic ABC Publishing House, Hanoi Factor C has the strongest influei
output of the national economy Van A, 2009)
Nguyen Van A (2010, p.19) ste
“factor D has little influence on the «
of the national economy”
Trang 7Rule: Sort by year of publication from farthest to most recent in the catalog
Multiple works
published in the sam
year by the same autho
Full name of author (year d publication a), title of book 1 publisher, place of publication, Full name of author (year d publication b), title of book 1 publisher, place of publication, Use the letters a/b/c to distinguish different works in the same year by that sam author
Nguyen Van A (2009a), Vietnam’
Economy in 2008, ABC Publishing Hous Hanoi
Nguyen Van A(2009b), Macroeconomic!
ABC Publishing House, Hanoi
Nguyen Van A (2009a) belie, factor C has the strongest influer warehouse, factor D has little effe output of the national economy Van A (2009b)
Editor/Editor Full name of editor (editor.) yea
of publication, title of book, publisher, place of publication,
Nguyen Van C (ed.) 2009, Scale economies, ABC Publishing Hous Hanoi
Nguyen Van C (ed 2009) views
a factor that does not char production scale
Publications with) Author name (year oj} Nguyen Van A(2009), Vietnam Economy Nguyen Van A (2009, p 20) ¢ different editions publication), title of book, xth 2nd ed., ABC Publishing House, Hanoi.| factor C has the strongest influer
edition, publisher, place o output of the national economy Authored Author name (year of Nguyen Van A (2009), Economii Nguyen Van A (2010, f£ encyclopedia/dictionary.| publication), dictionary name Dictionary, 2nd edition, ABC Publishing definition
Publisher, place of publication! House, Hanoi
has no author, only editd Name of editor (editor.) year d publication, name of dictionary
publisher, place of publication,
Nguyen Van C (ed.) 2010, Econom Dictionary, ABC Publishing House Hanoi
Nguyen Van C (ed 2010, p.30) d
Article or 1 chapter in ‡
book Author name of article/chapte
article/chapter’, in book title name of book editor (editor), Nguyen Van A (1976), ‘Resolving th
crisis’, in Knowledge Economy, Nguye Van C (editor), ABC Publishing Hous¢
Hanoi, p 100-120 Nguyen VanA (1976, p.101) mer
Trang 8
Publisher, place of publication
An author
book title, publisher, acces|
book on internet>
Author's full name (year o
of journal, issue , issu volume, page containing th
<http/Aww ABC Publishing House, January 2010, from >
Article published in a scientific journal (Journal Article)
Le Xuan H (2009), Vietnam econom overview in 2010 and policy recommendations for 2011', Y Journal, 1
15, volume 4, p 7-13
book page containing article/chapter content
Dictionary Author name (year of Deham (2002), Public Finance, transla! (
publication), title of book,) by Nguyen Van A, ABC publishing houss translated by , publisher, | Hanoi
EBooks Author name (published year| Nguyen Van A (2009), Globalization) -
Two authors Full name of author 1 and fu
name of author 2 (year d
of journal, issue , volume, pag containing the article's conten
Le Xuan H and Nguyen Xuan C (200¢
‘Vietnam economic overview in 2010 ar policy recommendations for 2011, Journal, no 15, vol 4, p 7-13
From 3 or more authors Full name of author 1, full nam
of author 2, .and full name a author n (year of publication
Le Xuan H, Nguyen Xuan C and Tran Ve
B (2009), 'Vietnam economic overview Ì -
,volume issue, page containir|
the articles content in th journal, TK accesse
title of journal, number ) 2011', Y Journal, no 15, vol 4, p 7-13 volume of issue, pag
Articles from free e- Author's full name (year of Le Xuan H (2009), 'Vietnam econom magazines on the intern¢ publication), ‘article _title’,| overview in 2010 and policy
journal title, issue number.| recommendations for 2011', Y Journal, 7
15, volume 4, p 7-13, accessed Octo
20, 2010, from http:/
database from the
Articles in popular
with an author
publication), ‘title of article’, title of journal, number |
volume of issue, pag containing content of article i journal, accesd
Full name of author (year d publication), ‘title of article’, tile of |newspaper/journal number ,
Le Xuan H (2009), Vietnam econom overview in 2010 and policy recommendations for 2011', Y Journal, 1
15, volume 4, p 7-13, accessed Octo
20, 2010, from the ABI Global database
Articles in popular newspapers/magazines (newspaper, magazine)
Le Xuan H (2009), ‘Online marketing in Vietnam’, Marketing, May 24, p 8
Trang 9Articles in popular
without an author
Newspaper/magazine nam (year of publication), ‘article title’, number ,date .month
Marketing (2009), 'Online Marketing in Vietnam’, May 24, p 8
Articles in electronic
Documents on thả
WWW with an author
, ‘title of article’, name of electronic newspaper, access|
date month year .from
<internet article> link to newspape
Author name publication), title (year of oo
Nguyen Van A (2010), 'Credit growth i close to filling target, Vneconomy accessed November 4, 2010,
< htt p :/ >
Resources on the World Wide Web (WWW)
Le Xuan H (2009), Online Marketing ii
WWW does not have year), title of article/document Population Changes in Vietnam, acces:
article/document, accesse http:/ > date month year , from
Documents on the Title of article (year of} Online Marketing in Vietnam (2009) WWW have no author | publication), access accessed 24 May 2010, fro| „
date month year , word http:/ > ⁄
< link to document on internet>
The document on thy Author name (not publishes ABC Institute (unpublished year]
publication year accessed May 2010, from
date month year , from | http:/ >
<link to document on internet>
Wiki Open Encyclopedia ‘Article name' (year of access} 'Gross Domestic Product’ (200
wiki name, accessel date month , word
< link to wiki article>
Full name of author 2 (year d publication), title of book, publisher, place of publication
- Explanation:
Ideas/information Author 1 ig quoted by Author 2 in his work
2 When quoting Author 1' ideas/information cited ir Author 2's work, in the citation mention both author's name but the list of references Lis that the writer directly read) wikipedia, accessed October 5, from
< ht t p://>
Quote again quote
Nguyen Van B (2010), Microeconomic: ABC Publishing House, Hanoi
Some special resources
Trang 10
Report/Report/Report Authors name
publication), 'Report/Report/theme’, type ‹ Report/dissertation/theme,
(year o Nguyen Van A (2009), ‘Vietnames banking restructuring model’, PhD Repc ABC University —
Proceedings of thị Authors full name (year)| Nguyen Van A (2010), ‘scientific researd › conference/conference | ‘article title’, | students: problems raised’, Proceeding;
conference/conference the Conference summarizing scientific a| proceedings, name of publishin
organization, place ơ
nut + nitatinn nanne
technological activities in the period 200
2010, X Research Institute, Hanoi, pị
Reports of organizations Name of organization (year d
report publication), name oa report, place of issue of report!
General Statistics Office (2010), Soci economic situation in 2009, Hanoi a
Legislation Name of issuing agency (issuq Ministry of Finance (2007), Circular Nd F
year), name of document, issu¢ 44 C date month year /2007/BTC guiding the construction norn
and allocation of budget estimates { science and technology projects fund
Papers presented Author's name (year of seming Nguyen Van A _ (2010), ‘Vietnam’; unpublished seminar presented), "name of pape} development goals in the next decade : and conferences presentation/re port a
seminar/ seminar/conference, organize date of presentation conference/conference
beyond’, presentation at the Sustaina Development conference, ABI University, July 2-5
Unpublished works Full name of the author (year q
writing), name of the work unpublished work/documen with the consent of the autho source of materials
Nguyen Van A (2006), The relationshi between inflation and unemploymer| unpublished docum ents approved by author, Faculty of Economics - Nation Economics University
Officially released CD- Disc label name (release yea Research Skills Development (2010), C
ROM/DVD-ROM disc CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, _ issuer) ROM, ABC Company, Hanoi, Vietnam
name, place of issue
Press Release Name of| Petroleum Group A (2010), Adjustment 4
individual/organization issuing press release (year of issue release, date of press relea place of issue
gasoline prices in the second quarter, pr release, April 3, Hanoi
Invention/invention Name of individual/invention|
organization (year of patente invention), name of invention patent No , name of patentin country Nguyen Van A (2010), XY waterproo
paint, patent No 102356, Vietnam