Program you are taking For students only The current trend of using online movie platforms Number of people using movie streaming platforms Purpose to wach movies and online programs “ne
Trang 2
Table of Contents
Survey questionnaire content
Program you are taking (For students only)
The current trend of using online movie platforms
Number of people using movie streaming platforms
Purpose to wach movies and online programs
“never used the platform” group
Reasons not used the platform to watch movies online
“Netfix Platform” group and “Other Platforms” group
“Other Platforms” group
“Netfix Platform” group
Netflix vs Other platforms
The reason you do not use the paid movie viewing plaform
The level of satisfaction with the platform in use
Trang 3Introduction
In recent years, the online movie application platforms have grown strongly That has been gradually approached by a large number of audiences to satisfy entertainment needs According to a recent survey on online TV by Q&Me Market Research Company (Ho Chi Minh City), the frequency of using TV online has increased a lot because people are minimizing going out to have fun entertainment under the influence of Covid-19 The number of viewers watching online TV on smart TV devices, smartphones mainly access movie-watching applications such as FPT Play, Netflix, Zing TV In recent years, the audience gradually gets used to it With online movie-watching applications, we just need
an Internet connection, so we can easily watch movies anywhere, anytime Currently, the popular movie viewing applications in our country include both foreign and Vietnamese products But in addition, piracy of movies and TV shows on the Internet is still quite common today
Survey questionnaire content
We design survey questionnaires to gauge people's trends in using online movie viewing platforms
To gauge trends using online platforms, we have questions in three parts: (1) personal information, (2) online platform you are using, (3) assessing the quality of your website that foundation
Method, scope of survey
Survey method
In order to obtain complete information about the trend of using online movie platforms,
to achieve the set objectives, this research - survey uses the following methods: (1) Using the sociological survey method combined with quantitative research (questionnaire survey)
(2) To maximize people's proactive participation in this research, we gave a small gift at the end of the survey
Survey scope
Respondents are everyone in which mainly people from the community aged 18-25
Trang 4Sample Overview
After conducting the survey, our team received 752 responses on trends in using online movie viewing platforms Below is some general information about the sample we collected
Age group
Age Group vaca Of the total of 752 people
Bees Above 50 surveyed, up to 81.25% of
people are in the age group from 18 to 35 10.51% of people in the group under
18 1.73% of people over 50 6.52 people in the age group
35 to 50 Thereby, we can see that the number of people between the ages of 18 and
35 is the most popular
Occupation Status
Occupation Status
Bistudent Student with part-time job
Out of a total of 752 people
surveyed, 57.58% are students
21.41% are pupils and students
who have part-time jobs 19.28%
are working people 1.73% are
Out of a total of 752 people surveyed, 48.73% are from family members 50.85% are renters 0.424% are people living in their own homes
Trang 5Average Spending
Average Spending
Bunder 2 miltion
- Out of a total of 752 people
surveyed, 34.32% are people with income from 2-3 million VND a month 16.53% are those with income from 3-5 million VND a month 13.56% are those with income over 5 million VND a month 35.59% are those whose income is less than 2 million dong a month
Program you are taking (For students only)
Which program are you studying
There are 48.15% are students
attending regular programs
at universities 12.56% are
people studying English
programs at universities
6,441% are studying high-
quality, advanced programs at
universities 24.64% are
studying international
programs at universities
7,729% of people are
attending schools from grade
1 to grade 12 The remaining
0.483 is another group
Regular mass Traini ir
mm Fiainiog program in
EI43vanced & High Quality Program
Bintemational Program
The current trend of using online movie platforms
(xuh ướng s di ng nôênt ng xem phimer c tuyénhii n nay)
Trang 6Number of people using movie streaming platforms
Bạn có sử dụng nến tảng xem phim trực tuyến không?
Online movie viewing platform in use
Nến tảng xem phim trực tuyến mà bạn đang sử dụng nhiều nhất? «
Purpose to wach movies and online programs
lữ 2.13%
Entertainment Education Others
Of the 751 polls about everyone's goals for watching movies or online programs, the majority are watching for entertainment - 92.94%( equivalent 698 questionares) This number shows us that many people watch movies with the goal of entertainment after school hours, stressful work Some of the remainder is intended for educational purposes such as to help bilingual learning 27.03%- (equivalent 203) The rest are a few components viewed with theories due to other only use a small section not value- 2.13% ( equivalent 16) The chart above helps us to see the difference more
Average number of hours watching movies per day
Out of a total of 596 people who use online movie platforms, 272 people spend less than 2 hours using online movie platforms every day, accounting for 36.2% 260 people spend an average of 2-3 hours per day using an online movie platform, accounting for 34.6% The remaining 64 people spend more than 3 hours per day using the online movie viewing platform, accounting for 8.5% From the above figures, we see that most users in Vietnam spend less than 2 hours a day using online movie viewing platforms
“never used the platform” group
Reasons not used the platform to watch movies online
As you can see, out of the 156 questionnaires, most people are wondering about the cost
of watching movies - 37.82% or 59 votes Instead of paying fees to watch movies, people can watch pirated movies Others are afraid of the complicated payment process - 32.05% accounted for 50 votes For example, the Netflix app requires a foreign payment card such as a visa, but the vast majority of Vietnamese students only use domestic cards, so they cannot pay And the other is because some movie apps don't have the full range of viewing genres and so people choose to watch pirated movies because there are a lot of movies - 21.8% or 34 votes The vast majority of people choose another reason because they don't have time to watch movies or want to spend time watching movies on TV with their family - which is largely the reason why polls about why the platform isn't used Online platforms - 46.8%
Do you want to use an online movie platform in the future?
When asked about using online platforms to watch movies in the future, the vast majority
of people want to use - 67.9% or 106 votes The remainder is unwilling to use - 32.1% of the total of 156 questionnaires
Trang 9“Netfix Platform” group and “Other Platforms” group
“Other Platforms” group
Do you pay for the platform you are using?
* Do you pay for the platform
you are using?
Out of a total of 236 people who used a movie platform other than Netflix when asked if they should pay for the platform they are using, 192 respondents did not pay for that platform 81, 4% And 44 people said they have to pay for that online movie platform, accounting for 18.6% As can be seen in Vietnam, most people prefer to use free online movie viewing platforms
* Are you willing to pay for the platform you are using in the future? Are you willing to pay for the platform you are using in the future?
El không
Out of a total of 192 survey participants using free online movie platforms, 94 answered that they would not be willing to pay fees to use paid online movie platforms, accounting for 39, 8% The remaining 98 users are willing to pay fees to use paid online movie viewing platforms, accounting for 41.5% It can be seen that the number
of people willing to pay to use online movie platforms and the number of people who are not willing to pay to use online movie platforms is slightly different
Trang 10“Netfix Platform” group
* Which method do you use to pay for Netflix service?
Which payment method do you use?
Bone Of the total of 360 people using the
Netflix online movie platform when asked about the payment method they use, 237 people say they pay directly in the app, accounting for 65.8% 97 people use the payment method through an intermediary, accounting for 26.9% The remaining 26 people use other payment methods, accounting for 7.2% As can be seen, the majority of Netflix users choose to pay directly in the app This can partly be explained because direct payments can help users secure their accounts without having to provide account information to another third party to make payment for purchases package, thereby limiting the theft of user information and loss of accounts
Netflix vs Other platforms
The reason you do not use the paid movie viewing platform
- With 3 options below:
¢ High cost
¢ Complicated checkout process
¢ Alot of content is not available (or not suitable)
But for each group, we asked two questions With the “Netfix Platform” group, we did mention whether the three options above are an issue for them As for * “Other Platforms” group, which are also 3 options, we ask if it is the reason why they don't use netflix in particular or pay online movie platform in general And this is the result:
Trang 11
The reason you are not using the paid platform
Complicated payment process 26.00%
A lot of content is not available (or not appropriate) 17.18%
Other 11.50%
Of the 236 using other platform, there are up to 192 people are currently using a free online platform The chart above shows why this group of people are not using the paid platform 105 people, or 55% of 192, say that the fact that high-cost paid apps
influence their choice Next, complicated payment processes accounted for 26%,
equivalent to 50 people 33 people (17.18%) believe that some content is not available
or suitable for them In addition, there are a few other reasons such as not having time
or unnecessary, to account for 11.5%
On the contrary, out of the 360 currently using the paid platform (Netflix specifically in this case), based on the table below, they argue that the above problems do not really affect their choice:
Complicated payment process 13,9% 86,1%
not appropriate)
The level of satisfaction with the platform in use
The level of satisfaction with the platform general (Netflix s8 * Netflix group
EIs a ve
Trang 12more choose the scale 2 Median 4,00
Meanwhile, the other Platforms group’s figure is Variance 0,367
distributed more widely compare to the first group Although the group of respondents
with a 4-point scale still dominates, the percentage is still less compared to the data of
the first quintile In addition, the number of people choosing the 1 and 2 scale also
increased, compared to the first group, out of 360 people, only 2 people rated the scale
1 and 2 respectively Moreover, The average level of satisfaction with the platform in
use of the first group is 4,15, while the second group is only about 3,73
The level of satisfaction with the platform (Other Platforms group) Statistics
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trang 13
Mean | 3,4025 3,1398 3,55 3,5593 3,5932 3,5593 3,3602 |
Netflix Giao diện | Độ bảo mật | Đa dạng thể | Độ phân giải | Am thanh Phụ đề | Tốc đệ đường
Looking at the two tables, we can clearly see the satisfaction of the interface, security,
variety of genres, resolution, audio, subtitles, and connection speed of Netflix outperform
those using other platforms While the average Netflix user rates the elements as GOOD
(around 4 on average), other platform users rate the elements as NORMAL (around 3 on
During our survey, a number of assumptions were made around whether or not
consumer behavior would change when using a paid platform like Netflix or not Below
are figures for some of the assumptions our team makes
* Do the group of Netflix viewers spend more time watching movies?
In order to find out the results, we compared the average number of hours spent
watching movies on Netflix platforms compared to those watching on other platforms
using a T-test (Indepentdent Sample T-Test)
To find an answer to the above assumption, we compare whether there is a difference
in the average hours of the two groups The statistical hypothesis is set forth:
HO: The group of Netflix viewers did H1: The group of Netflix viewers
spend much time watching movies didn’t spend much time watching
Trang 14Independent Samples Test
of Variances (2- | Difference | Difference of the Diffe
Equal variances | 4,803 | 0,029 | -5,906 594 0,000 -0,320 0,054 -0,427 assumed
Equal variances -5,844 | 484,401 | 0,000 -0,320 0,055 -0,428 not assumed
In this case, the Levene’s Test sig is less than 0.05, leading to a difference in the
direction between the two groups Looking at the fifth column in row two, we notice
that there was a statistically significant difference in the average hours of respondents
in different groups However, the average difference isn't that much, in other platforms
it's 0.46 and the netflix group is 0.78
In conclusion, the group of Netflix viewers did spend much time watching
movies, however, the average time difference in this sample is not large
* Do the group of Netflix viewers go to the cinema less?
Our team made another assumption that owning a premium streaming platform
(Netflix particularly) would lead them to less theaters, if compared to the other group
With the same method as above and the statistical hypothesis, here are the results we
movies in theaters? Netflix 360 3,24 0,804 0,042