It is critical to construct the pillars of an ethical lifestyle, which include values, thoughts, incentives, and standards, to create a positive business culture, increase consumer confi
ae ake ee — HA NO!
)rsity Hano
Semester I - Academic year 2021-2022
Trend selection: Leadership plays a role in ethical organizations, and its members
act and perform
Subject name: Business Organization and Management, INS2019
Lecturer: Tran Minh Thu
Group members: Bui Thi Ngoc Linh - 18071348
Mai Phuong Anh - 19071106
Vu Thanh Hien - 19071152
Le Thu Phuong - 19071231
January 9, 2022
No success that comes from the individual, there is no victory over the collective power The success of a business is determined not only by a strong growth plan, but also by a great leader's ethical standards The team leader must be at the core of good cooperation, and all members must be equal to tasks and responsibilities and have a close connection with one another While generating a common voice between superiors and employees, an ethical corporation will likely attract a big number of customers and acquire the trust of investment firms As a result, our selected choice topic is that " leadership plays a role in ethical organization, and its members act and performed" Our study report is broken down into three sections: The first step is to define and comprehend the problem Part one examines and identifies the question, context, and external causes to comprehend the situation Part two will identify factors of direct influence and provide four possibilities that will occur in the future of a corporation based on the research presented in part one Finally, we will assess and debate the situations mentioned in the second half of the third portion in greater depth In addition, the research offers some recommendations and remedies for each potential situation
Trang 3L INTRODUCTION - 2 222212121121 151 12251221211 1211 1111110111221 21 1111 H1 tr Họ 1
H MAIN BODY HEADINGS 2.1 221222211 111111 10111221212212110 01111 811g HH Hà 2
1 Determining the quesfiơn - 2: 2 121212122111 112112211181 11111 11811 11111 tre 2
2 ConftextuallsafIOn nt n2 1 111111111 1111111111 11111111111 11101111 11 11 H1 HH Hy 3
3 External ẨTIV€TS -.L St tt 2H11 11111111111 11111111111 11 HE TH TH TH kt 4
4 Ranking and TanÐIng -.c - c2 2112111111 S51 511 1H HH HH TH Hy Hệ, 6
5 Identifying and Íaming - c1 2122212211211 1211 15151511 115112815811 111 071181 tre 7
GA N2 3 00) Lo dddẶ 8
7 Distillation and dialogue 0.00.0 :1IA 8
8 Validation and refineImeTI( - - 2: + 31121121121 191 191191111111 511 511111811 11 11 11 tra 10 9 Interpretation and implemenfafIon 2: 2c 221212112112 1211281218111 se 12
HL CONCLUSIƠN Q0 2: 2221121211211 111 151111 511122121 0101111181111 11111 0101 E1 HH rrey 13
IV REFERENCES L2 2221121111211 111 1511221211211 111 11111211112 2111 0111111181111 ng 14
In broad terms, scenario planning involves determining and visualizing probable future conditions or events, their likely consequences or effects, aud how to respond to or benefit
from them The scenario planning framework to the selected trend includes nine phases
such as: Determining the question, Contextualisation, External drivers, Ranking and ranging, Naming and framing, Logic and narrative, Distillation and dialogue, Validation
and refinement, and Interpretation and implementation There are several important
benefits of scenario planning, including thinking creatively and forward-looking, as well
as questioning assumptions about the future, providing an opportunity and framework for people to contribute ideas, and allowing assessment before a situation occurs The trend that our team selected shows leadership is the ability to influence followers to achieve common goals through shared purposes Organizational leaders are accountable to a variety
of stakeholders and stockholders as well as employees to achieve the organization's objectives A variety of things influence how responsibly and ethically they choose to do
so From an ethical and associated effectiveness standpoint, the leader's values matter since they usually become the values of an organization
1 Determining the question
The people leadership role is the most crucial in the management functions for organizational success A manager is also a leader and someone who runs an organization They know how to anticipate, plan, organize, mobilize members, and control results Therefore, the organization can accomplish its tasks and functions effectively
First of all, organizational ethics comprises a wide range of viewpoints and concepts that determine how people should behave in the workplace It also refers to the code of conduct for individuals operating in a specific company Under no circumstances should statistics
or proprietary information be released It is critical to construct the pillars of an ethical lifestyle, which include values, thoughts, incentives, and standards, to create a positive business culture, increase consumer confidence, minimize financial responsibility, and reduce the energy force of the courts Ethics refers to a company's code of conduct, and it
is how an organization responds to an internal or external stimulus
Secondly, ethical leaders must be genuine and trustworthy Leaders must treat others with respect, treat all stakeholders well concerned, and work towards common interests, community building, and sincerity Equality is also a top goal for ethical leaders, and it should emphasize during the hiring process
Leaders and managers must know how to appreciate others, accept differences, have the ability to create on a solid foundation, have integrated thinking (including the ability to process all kinds of information), have deep expertise in an industry, have social ethics, know how to put the common interest above personal interests Ethical leaders strive to honor and admire individuals in the organization and seek to empower others by focusing
on the proper movement In our perspective, an ethical organization is a network of individuals working collectively in a mutually respectful environment They grow in their opinion, fully experience, and contribute to something out of the ordinary levels and rates
in internal rewards
Trang 6Besides, personal values represent a necessary force in ethical organizational behavior At least three purposes in personal values in organizations: (1) values serve as standards of behavior to define a correct action; (2) values serve as guidelines for decision-making as well as conflict resolution; (3) values serve as a force for employee motivation
2 Contextualisation
Most decisions made by managers or leaders throughout the day are repetitive and do not involve a desire to reflect on the ethics of the situation However, the steps within the decision-making framework must be strictly followed when moral consequences are apparent These types of issues are red-hot and prevalent in nursing administration because they involve far-reaching implications and many remedies on the one hand, and uncertain events and personal impressions on the other The reason is that the actions of nursing leaders have an impact on the bodies of employees, patients, and others When these behaviors have an unequal impact on others or cause them uncontrollable harm, ethical issues arise This issue has three subcategories: ethical uncertainty, moral struggle, and ethical misery
Ethical decision-making comes in different shapes and sizes, but some are all too familiar
in leadership positions For example, developing a framework to support ethical sourcing
is a common situation for companies that have goals such as minimizing their environmental footprint, supporting social justice initiatives, and maintaining their reputation while ensuring that all of their materials, goods, and offerings are responsibly sourced It can be a challenging endeavor to adhere to your ethical ideals and principles while fulfilling the obligations of amanagement position By taking the time to thoroughly study each of these factors in the context of ethical decision-making, you can ensure that you understand the key facts as well as the potential dangers and benefits of the various courses of action Thus, every moral dilemma becomes an opportunity to sharpen your decision-making skills and improve your ability to make correct and effective decisions that impact the growth, health, and overall performance of your agency
Trang 73 External drivers
As more companies realize the benefits of increased ethical behavior and the relationship between business ethics and financial performance, the discipline of business ethics 1s rapidly evolving Improved efficiency in daily operations, higher employee engagement, greater investor willingness to contribute money, greater consumer trust, and satisfaction, and improved financial performance are some of the benefits that result from more ethical and socially responsible business practices
" Financial Customer performance Increased satisfaction
Great willingness Employee
— aman ứ®
a, y v Increased
Benefits of | efficiency
business ethic
Firstly, Employee engagement is influenced by workers who believe that their future is linked to that of the company and who are willing to make personal sacrifices for the company The greater a company's commitment to its employees, the more likely employees are to commit to the company Besides, employees’ perceptions of their company's ethical environment help improve company performance A company with a strong ethical culture encourages innovation within the group, reduces turnover, and increases employee satisfaction As a result, trusting connections within an organization
Trang 8between managers and their subordinates and higher management lead to improved decision-making efficiency
⁄ Salaries \
Safe Work ee
Dison Iegues that foster obligations
an ethical climate
for employees
The absence Social
Of abusIve behavior
As a result, today's investors are increasingly concerned about the ethics, social responsibility, and reputation of the companies in which they invest Investors know that
an ethical atmosphere provides a foundation for efficiency, productivity, and profitability, while unfavorable publicity, litigation, and undermine consumer loyalty and threaten a company's long-term existence Investors pay attention to earnings or the possibility of higher stock prices or dividends, as well as problems with the company's performance, conduct, and financial reporting Gaining the trust of investors is critical to the financial health of the company
Finally, customer satisfaction is a critical component of any successful business strategy
By focusing on customer satisfaction, a company continually increases the customer's trust
in the company, and as the customer's trust grows, the company acquires better knowledge
of how to serve the customer Successful companies let the consumer have their say, which can engage the customer in collaborative problem-solving
Trang 9A strong ethical climate in the company often focuses on the basic concept of putting the customer's interests first Ethical customer behavior fosters a strong competitive position that has been shown to improve both business success and product innovation That's why, companies with high levels of honesty and integrity, as rated by their employees, have significantly higher average total shareholder returns than companies with low levels of honesty and integrity Consequently, ethics becomes one of the challenges for managers in search of competitive advantage
4 Ranking and ranging
“+ Surroundings
e Surroundings: The environment will undoubtedly have an instant influence When a financial crisis has a significant influence on a company's daily income and costs, for example, the leader must devise a strategy to stabilize the firm and reduce employee anxiety The surrounding environment, in particular, must be in harmony with society and economic progress without having long-term implications As a result, the company requires a proactive leader who can adapt to changes in the surrounding environment, such as economic developments or financial difficulties, and establish policies and rules that encourage employees to follow them and the company to thrive It 1s necessary to have a good ethical leader for employees to follow because an ethical leader will always have the respect and support of his or her employees when establishing new corporate standards; employees may even provide their opinions on new rules
e Business environment: On the one hand, the business environment encourages enterprise; if enterprises take advantage of the benefits, they will be able to function more efficiently On the other hand, it imposes limits that pose a barrier to the business's development if it does not adapt to the environment This necessitates the presence of both intellectual and ethical leaders in the company Especially ethics, because the leader plays a critical role in the organization's ethics Employees' morals, gestures, and behaviors will be influenced by the boss's ethics When the company environment evolves, a leader with high ethics will be continually conscious of their duties and
Trang 10responsibilities and will actively adjust to the changes in the environment, earning the respect of employees and motivating them to learn from them This improves the company's capacity to respond quickly to changes in the business environment and to expand in the future
Society: Furthermore, sociocultural influences are linked, yet their form of impact may differ In reality, people do constantly live in a distinct cultural setting, and the uniqueness of each group of people moves in one of two directions: preserving the national cultural essence or integrating with other civilizations A leader must be able to grasp both of these tendencies to provide a solution that accurately reflects the psychology and emotions of each employee from various locations As a result, the gap between leaders and workers narrowed, the working atmosphere became more pleasant, and employees were more willing to share their thoughts and contribute to the company's growth with the leader
Impact factors such as the environment, business environment, or culture impact direct the company Therefore, the company requires a leader who can solve problems, make plans, establish reasonable and usable rules, understand employee psychology, and, most importantly, have good ethics to staffrespect and learn from the leader
5 Identifying and framing
Our team recommends the following four possibilities based on the above impacts:
To address the company's severe dilemma, the board of directors will meet in January to explore issuing a new regulation that has never been implemented before and requests that the employees follow suit There will be four cases as a result of the events described above:
(A: 1s a boss)
Case |: The leader is a forerunner, having implemented the norm first
Case 2: The leader does not do it, but employees have to do itt
Case 3: Employees are protesting, so they should be disciplined by the leader