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Tổng hợp hơn 20 Đề writing aptis esol band B2-C

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Hơn 20 topic writing Aptis esol trọng điểm gần đề thi thật đã có đáp án mẫu band B2-C 1 Art Club 2 Beautiful home club 3 Book club 4 College club 5 Computer club 6 Debate club 7 English club 8 Film club 9 Fitness club 10 Food club 11 Home - living club 12 Language club 13 Museum club 14 Music club 15 Photography club 16 Reading club 17 Science club 18 Social club 19 Technology club 20 Walking club 21 Sport club

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Part 2: Why do you want to join beautiful homes club

I am keen on decorating my house so I want to join the club I usually arrange my housewhen I have free time.

B: Do you prefer living in old buildings or modern buildings? Why?

I would like to live in a modern building because it is usually more convenient than anold building At this time, I live in a modern flat that has five rooms, two restrooms, twobedrooms and a living room combine with kitchen.

C: The house should be designed in a way that is good for the environment Do youagree?

Of course, I totally agree that housing should be designed to be environmentally friendly.An environmentally friendly housing will have a good effect on health To build a houselike that, we should use suitable materials, natural light and energy system saving.

dear member,

The cost of maintaining old building is very high and these building take up a lot ofspace The government has a proposal that we knock down old buildings and buildmore modern blocks.

1, write to a friend (50 words).

Dear Lisa,

How about you these days? I hope everything goes well with you I have joined abeautiful home club for three months The club just sent me an email to announce thatthe government will destroy old buildings and build more modern blocks I was veryconfused when I heard about it What do you think about this issue? Write back to mesoon.

Your friend,David Nguyen.

Trang 2

2, write to the club (120-225 words).

Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, the government will destroy old buildings to build more modernblocks I felt down in the dumps when I heard about it I think we should debate thisproblem carefully.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you Honestly, we must knock downold buildings that were damaged seriously and can not be repaired Moreover, we shouldconserve and restore some buildings which are historical buildings because they are likewitnesses of time.

Thank you for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions are helpful for you Iam looking forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 3


Part 1: You want to join a book club Fill in the form Use 1 – 5 words.

1 What’s your favorite hobby?

I am keen on playing tennis.

2 How do you get to work?

I go to work by car.

3 What do you like to do in the evening?

I am fond of watching movies in the evening.

4 What kinds of movies do you like?

I love watching action films.

5 What’s your favorite food?

Pho is my cup of tea.

Part 2: You are a new member of a book club Fill in the form Write in sentences Use

20 – 30 words.

Please tell me about your free time and hobbies?

I am keen on reading books in my free time I often read books for an hour before I go tobed Sometimes, I go to a book coffee shop where I can read books and listen to music.

Part 3: You are a member of a book club You are talking to three other members in the

book club chat room Talk to them using sentences Use 30 – 40 words.A: Hi! Welcome to the club When and where do you like reading books?

Hi, of course, I usually read books at home before I go to bed Besides, I also go to abook coffee shop where I can read books and listen to music Sometimes, I go to abookstore to buy some new books for me and my sons.

B: Hi! I would like to give my friend a book What would you suggest for me toed buy?

To give your friend a book, I think you have to know what kind of books she or he likes.You can go to the bookshop to buy a book which has meaning for him or her You canalso buy it online through lazada or tiki where you can choose many books.

C: Online books replace traditional books? What do you think about that?

Oh, of course not, I completely disagree that online books can replace traditional books.You will feel more comfortable when you pick a traditional book to read Besides, if youread online books for a long time, you can have a problem with your eyes.

Part 4: You are a member of a book club You received this email from the club.Đề 1: Dear member,

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From next month we will no longer be able to continue our offer of one free book everymonth Also, because of problems with our delivery service, please expect a wait 4-6weeks before your order arrives.

1 Informal

Dear Lisa,

How about you these days? We have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have joined a book club for three months The club justsent me an email to announce that they will not continue offering one free book eachmonth I felt black moon when I heard about it What do you think?

Your friend,David Nguyen.

2 Formal

Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, you will not continue offering one free book each month and ittakes about 4-6 weeks to receive orders I felt down in the dumps when I heard about it Ithink you should have to consider carefully to make this decision.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you Firstly, instead of notproviding free books anymore, you should organize fundraising events to raise money tooffer more free books Moreover, you have to consider changing the delivery becausethere are many good shipping providers nowadays.

Thank you very much for listening to my suggestions, I hope it will be helpful for you Iam looking forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Đề 2:

Dear member,

The local authorities will close the library next year because many people preferreading online books The club wants members to give their opinions andsuggestions on this matter

1 Write an email to your friend Write about 50 words.

Dear Lisa,

We have not contacted each other for a long time I hope everything goes well with you Ihave joined a book club for three months The club just sent me an email to announcethat the library will be closed next year because many people are fond of reading onlinebooks I felt blue when I heard about it What do you think?

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Your friend,David Nguyen.

2 Write an email to the manager of the club Write about 120 - 150 words.

Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, the library will be closed next year because many people areinterested in reading online books I felt down in the dumps when I heard about it I thinkyou have to debate this problem carefully.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you First, although a lot of peopleprefer reading online books, there are a lot of people reading traditional books.Additionally, there will be more people coming back to read traditional books becausetheir eyes will have problems after reading online books for a long time For that reason,I think you have to notice the local authorities that they should not close the library.Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions will be helpful for you Iam looking forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

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Please tell us about the days and times you can attend courses and what you would like tostudy?

Hi there, Of course, I will take part in one or more courses After checking my schedule, Ican take courses from 2.00 p.m – 4.00 p.m on Mondays; from 8:00 a.m – 10:00 a.m onWednesday and Friday afternoons I want to learn more about Math and history.

Part 3:

A Hi! Welcome to college What course are you doing and why did you choose it?Hello, nice to meet you I do really like to know more about my country's history andworld history Therefore, I'm attending a history course Besides, I usually go to thelibrary to read books about history Sometimes I also visit museums to find out aboutthings or people in history.

B Welcome! How do you feel about the college so far?

Hi there How are you? I have started at our college for three months I'm very happywhen I become a student at our college I feel more comfortable when I go there I oftengo to the library on Fridays where I can read many books Besides, I also play soccerwith my football club on Saturday mornings.

C Did you hear that the college sports club has closed? What do you think aboutthis?

Oh, really? This is true, right? I was really shocked to hear that the college sports clubhas closed What's happening? Our sport club plays an important role as a place wherewe can relieve stress after hard days of studying I think we must complain about that tothe college board.

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Your friend,David Nguyen.

2 Write an email to the college administrator Write about your feelings and what

you think the college should do about the situation

Dear sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have beenstudying at our college for 10 months I have just received your email and I am veryshocked.

According to the news, we must take the final exam two weeks earlier than the lastschedule This issue means that we do not have enough time to revise the whole course.Therefore, we could not do well on the final exam For that reason, I am writing thisemail offering suggestions to solve this problem.

To remedy this situation, I will give you some suggestions First, I think the college mustorganize a short course to review the entire course This course helps students revise allknowledge of the course fast In addition, the college should limit course knowledge forthe final test Besides, the school library should be open all week for students to study.Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions will be helpful for ourcollege in solving this issue I look forward to hearing from you if my suggestions areaccepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 8


Part 2: When and where do you use a computer?

Oh, of course, I usually use computers every day for work at the office and forentertainment at home It helps me check email, draft documents and preparepresentations at work Besides, it also helps me relax like watching movies, chatting withpeople or playing games.

Part 3:

Q1: My grandmother doesn’t know how to use the computer Your solutions

Oh, of course, this is a regular problem for many people If you want to teach yourgrandmother how to use the computer, I suggest offering her some basic lessons Youcould start by teaching her simple tasks like turning on, turning off the computer, or usingthe mouse and the keyboard.

Q2: The last time you used your computer Your purpose.

Hi there, glad to talk to you The last time I used my computer was yesterday evening Iprepared a presentation for the office meeting tomorrow and then spent some timebrowsing the internet for news updates After that, I played my favorite game with myfriends to relax before going to bed

Q3: Nowadays people use computers a lot This is not good Your opinion.

Oh, of course, I completely agree that using computers too much can have hamful effectson health To solve this problem, I usually get up, walk around, do exercise or drinkwater after about every hour of using the computer Sometimes, I take a day off from thecomputer to see friends or go somewhere.

Q3.1: Nowadays children use computers a lot This is not good Your opinion.

Oh, of course I completely agree that children using computers too much will have suchharmful effects on their health To solve this problem, we must limit children's computerusage time Besides, we should take a day off from the computer to go somewhere ormeet friends.

Part 4: The club has a plan to adjust our website in order to attract more members.Your feelings and suggestions

Dear Lisa,

Are you fine these days? We have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have joined a computer club for three months The clubjust sent me an email to say that we will adjust our website in order to attract moremembers I was so happy when I heard about it Could you give the club some advice?Please write back to me soon.

Your friend,David Nguyen.

Trang 9

Dear Sir.

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, the club will be making slight changes to its website to find moremembers Honestly, I felt over the moon when I heard about it I believe this is anopportunity for us to change the face of our website.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you In my opinion, if we make thewebsite more user-friendly it can improve the overall experience and encourage newusers to sign up Additionally, combining content such as blogs, videos, and memberstories can attract more interest Furthermore, if we develop the website for mobiledevices, it can reach a wider audience and be more accessible.

Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions will be helpful for ourclub I look forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 10


Part 2: You are a new member of a debate club Fill in the form Write in sentences Use

20 – 30 words.

What do you usually talk about with your friends?

I often hang out with my friends when we have a chance At that time, we usually talkabout books, movies, and food.

Part 3: You are a member of a book club You are talking to three other members in the

book club chat room Talk to them using sentences Use 30 – 40 words.

A: Hi! Nowadays, there are many ways to update news How do you keep up withworld issues?

Hi, of course, I usually read news on news sites such as Vnexpress.net, dantri.com.vn, orsohoa.vn every day; so I renew world news each day In addition, I also receive news ontraditional channels like television or radio.

B: I am going to join a debate in front of 50 people next week How can I make agood impression?

First, you should prepare your presentation meticulously Additionally, your presentationshould have some picture that helps the spectator feel excited and easy to understand.Besides, you have to try to speak at home so you will speak fluently when you debate.

C: Before making a decision about something, you should consider two sides of theproblem What do you think about that?

I totally agree with this issue In my opinion, everything has two sides, the good side andthe bad side Therefore, I need to be calm, consider, and think carefully before makingany decision, even a small one That helps me a lot because it reduces the error in mydecision.

Part 4: You are a member of a debate club You received this email from the club.

We want to encourage many young people to join the club, unfortunately, young peopleusually think that debating is not for them What do you think is the benefit of debatingand speaking in public? Please two benefits that you think are the most important andwhy?

1 Write an email to your friend who is also a member of the club Write about howyou feel and what you think the club should do Write about 50 words.

Dear Lisa,

How about you these days? We have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have joined a Debate club for three months The clubjust sent me an email to announce that young people do not want to join the club I feltblue when I heard about it What do you think? Write back to me soon.

Your friend,

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According to the news, young people would not like to attend our club I felt down in thedumps when I heard about it I think you have to consider this problem carefully.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you Firstly, you should point outthe benefits to them when they attend our club They will improve their speaking skills infront of a crowd and organize their ideas logically in their presentations Moreover, tohave more young people attending our club, you should post those benefits on socialmedia like Facebook or Instagram.

Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope they will be helpful to you I am lookingforward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

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Part 2: Write 20- 30 words

- What do you usually use the internet for?

I often browse the internet for information and entertainment every day For my work, Ihave to search for information to make plans and presentations I also watch movieswhen I have free time to relax after hard work.

Part 3: Write 30 – 40 words

A: I usually spend 6 hours a day studying English How do you learn English?

Oh, Really? I can only spend thirty minutes a day learning English because I have to goto work every day to earn for a living I am keen on traveling so that I have to studyforeign languages Besides, learning English helps me to watch foreign movies moreconveniently.

B: English is a popular language in the world What are your thoughts on this idea?

I completely agree that learning English is more important The number of speakingEnglish people is the biggest in the world If you can speak English, you can travelaround the world Moreover, studying English also helps you to read foreign books forstudy or entertainment.

C: When do you usually use English?

I often have to use English at work because I must find more news in the world.Sometimes, I speak English when I have a meeting with foreign people My English is notvery good, so I have to learn English every day.

Part 4:

a Phiên bản 1

Nowadays more and more new words and phrases are added to the language, so manypeople have strong reaction on this issue Some people gladly accept, others argue thatthere should be rules for language Write a letter to your friend and the club manager toexpress your views and explain why so many people react like this.

1 Write to a friend (50 words)

2 Write to a manager (120 – 150 words)b Phiên bản 2

Clb đang có kế hoạch tổ chức 1 public meeting Clb muốn các thành viên đưa ra đềxuất về nơi tổ chức và chủ đề cho sự kiện này

- Write to a friend (50 words)

Dear Lisa,

How about you these days? I have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have joined an English club for three months The clubjust sent me an email to say that nowadays more and more new words and phrases are

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added to the language What do you think about this issue? Could you give the club somesuggestions?

Your friend,David Nguyen.

- Write to a manager (120 – 150 words)

Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health I am David Nguyen and I have been a memberof our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings and offersuggestions about the announcement that I have received from our club.

According to the news, there have been a lot of new words and phrases appearing in thelanguage recently, so many people have strong reactions on this issue I felt veryconfused when I heard about it This problem is very complex and sensitive, I think wehave to look at this issue carefully before giving our opinion

My personal view on this issue is as follows For those who have positive reactions, Ithink it is simply that they find the convenience of these new words and phrases On thecontrary, for those who have negative reactions, perhaps they find that adding newwords and new phrases to the language will cause people misunderstand.

Thanks for listening to my opinions, I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,

Your friend,David Nguyen.

Write to a manager (120 – 150 words)

Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have received from our club recently.

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According to the news, we will organize a public meeting Honestly, I think this plan isamazing and I felt over the moon because I have been looking forward it for a long time.I believe this is an opportunity for us to bond more together.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you First, to get ideas for thisevent, the club should post this plan on social media and encourage people to givesuggestions on the topic for this event In addition, we must find a nice place to meetwhere we can take more beautiful photos as souvenirs I think this place is not too farfrom the center.

Thanks for listening to my ideas, I hope my ideas will be helpful for our club I lookforward to hearing from you if my ideas are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 15

TOPIC: Film ClubPart 1 Fill in the form

1 What’s your favorite sport?I am keen on playing football.

2 How many people are in your family?My family has four people.

3 What did you do yesterday?I watched television with my son.4 How do you go to school?I go to school by bus.

5 What’s your hobby?My hobby is reading books.

Part 2 You are a new member of a film club Fill in the form Write in sentences.

Please write some of your favourite films and why do you like watching them?

I am fond of watching action films because it helps me relieve stress after hard work Iusually watch movies at home on my laptop, but sometimes I also go to the cinema withmy wife.

Part 3 You are a member of a film club You are talking to three other members in the

food club chat room Talk to them using sentences.

A Hi Welcome to the club How often do you watch films?

Hi, I watch movies two or three times a week on my laptop because it makes me morecomfortable and less money Sometimes I also go to the cinema with my friends to watchmovies, it is a wonderful time.

B Hi Can you remember the first film that you watched ? What was it like?Oh, of course it was a long time ago so I can not remember which was the first movie Isaw One of the movies I remember watching as a child was Doremon It was a children'smovie This movie tells the story of a robot cat and its friend Nobita I remember I reallyenjoyed it.

C What would you like to learn from the film club?

Alright, I absolutely want to learn many things from our club Firstly, with our club, wecan know more about many beautiful movies, which helps us to watch Moreover, we canshare locations where we spend less money or have nice places to watch movies.

Part 4 You are a member of a film club You received this email from the club.

Dear member,

We are writing to tell you that the famous film critic, James Mc Avoy, will unfortunatelynot be able to give a talk at our next club meeting due to personal reasons He has

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requested we reschedule the talk for the next year in either January or March Pleasecontact the club secretary if you have a preference for one of the two months Ourmeeting will take place as usual with a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages oflearning on the Internet.

1 Write an email to your friend Write about your feelings and what you wouldlike to do

Dear Lisa,

We have not contacted each other for a long time I hope everything goes well with you Ihave been a member of a film club for ten months The club just sent me an email toannounce that the famous film critic will not be able to speak at our next meeting I feltdown in the dumps because I heard about it What do you think? Best friend,

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you Firstly, the club must notifyall members about this accident because like me, everyone was also looking forward tothis event In addition, we should change the talk show by watching movies together.Besides, we have to find a really good movie to show instead of that talk show.

Thanks for listening to my ideas, I hope they will be helpful for our club I am lookingforward to hearing from you if my ideas are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 17


Part 2: You are a new member of a fitness club Fill in the form Write in sentences Use

20 – 30 words.

Please talk about the last time you had to run somewhere?

The last time I ran was yesterday afternoon I am keen on running because running helpsme have good health I usually run at the Linh Dam Lake near my house.

Part 3: You are a member of a fitness club You are talking to three other members in the

fitness club chat room Talk to them using sentences Use 30 – 40 words.A: I often go jogging because it is good for my health What about you?

Hi there, surprisingly, I am also keen on running long distance Unless It rains, I usuallygo jogging at the lake near my house in the afternoon My daily run is about fivekilometers, which is enough to my 40s.

Part 4: You are a member of a fitness club You received this email from the club.

Dear members,

Some equipment in the club is old and needs to be replaced Our club is planning to holda sponsorship event to raise money for the upgrade of sports equipment On the otherhand, there are also some opinions that the club should increase the membership fee to50%

Please give your opinions.

1 Write an email to your friend Write about 50 words Dear Lisa,

Are you fine these days? We have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have joined a fitness club for three months The club justsent me an email to say that we will upgrade our sports equipment To upgrade ourequipment, there are two ideas, one is to organize events to raise money and the other isto increase membership fees I was so confused when I heard about it Could you give theclub some advice? Please write back to me soon.

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Your friend,David Nguyen.

2 Write an email to the manager of the club Write about 120 - 150 words Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, the club will upgrade our equipment Honestly, I felt over themoon when I heard about it I believe this is an opportunity for us to do exercise better.To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you First, I completely agree thatwe should hold a fundraising event to upgrade our equipment Additionally, we couldlook to increase our club membership rather than increase fees Furthermore, we shouldcheck all exercise equipment to see if a complete upgrade is necessary.

Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions will be helpful for ourclub I look forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.PHIÊN BẢN 2Part 1

1 I am keen on playing tennis.2 It is really hot today.

3 I usually go jogging to relax.4 I often read books in my free time.

5 I want to learn English because I love to travel.Part 3

1 Why do you want to join club?

Hi there, of course, I often practiced by myself before I want to join the club nowbecause I think the club will have better training and a nice atmosphere to practice.

2 Give advice for busy people wanting to keep fit.

Nowadays, everyone is always very busy, but I think each person should take some timeto do exercise every day We can jog or do yoga at home without going to a fitnesscenter Like me, I usually jog about five kilometers per day because it helps me relievestress after hard work.

3 How to improve the quality of the fitness club.

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I totally agree that we must improve the quality of the fitness club We should organisesome short courses to train more knowledge for trainers by inviting a professional fitness.Besides, we may upgrade our fitness equipment because many of them are old.

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Part 4

You received and email: in order to cut costs, the club reduces some equipment that canoffer to members Some members suggest that we should close the fitness shop or café.

1 Write to friendDear Lisa,

Are you fine these days? We have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have joined a fitness club for three months The club justsent me an email offering to cut costs To reduce costs, there are two ideas, one is toreduce the equipment in use and the other is to close the coffee shop or fitness shop Iwas so confused when I heard about it Could you give the club some advice? Pleasewrite back to me soon.

Your friend,David Nguyen.

2 Write to the clubDear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, the club will reduce costs Honestly, I felt down in the dumpswhen I heard about it I think we should be careful to solve this problem.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you First, we could reduce thecosts by selling some old equipment Additionally, we should look to increase our clubmembership instead of closing the coffee shop or the fitness shop Furthermore, weshould turn off all devices and equipment after using to reduce electricity costs.

Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions will be helpful for ourclub I look forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

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Part 2 When and where do you usually have meals?

I usually have a meal at home with my immediate family, but I sometimes go out fordinner I'm interested in the restaurant which is near my office There are many deliciousdishes there Besides, that restaurant has an amazing view that I feel comfortable when Ihave dinner there.

Part 3.

1 Tell me the last time you had a good meal?

I had a great barbecue with my immediate family at the restaurant near my home twodays ago I'm keen on the dishes in that restaurant, especially beef which is moredelicious than other restaurants I've ever eaten In addition, that restaurant has many tastydesserts

2 I want to visit your country? Do you have any suggestions for me on what deliciousfood to eat?

Really, if you come to my country, you have a lot of opportunities to try tasty dishes ButI recommend you eat beef Pho in Hanoi because Pho is well-seasoned with various kindsof spices It is a popular meal in Vietnam, and you can find out it everywhere, but youshould go to Hanoi to eat Bat Dan Pho Which is the most famous Pho in Vietnam

3 Today, many people eat pizza But it is not healthy and they should limit eating it.What is your opinion?

I totally agree with the idea that we should reduce the use of fast food like pizza.Although fast food is very convenient, it has harmful effects on health We can have fastfood once or twice a week but having it every day can seriously damage your health Infact, my children love pizza, but I really dislike it, I only use it when I haven't got enoughtime.

Your friend,

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According to the news, our club needs volunteers to be guest speakers for the talk showwith a famous chef Honestly, I think the plan is amazing and I felt so excited when Iheard about it I believe our meeting will be successful and rewarding.

To remedy this situation, I have a recommendation I think there is no one more suitablethan Lisa for this role because she is a very good cook, knows a lot about food and canspeak very fluently Besides, she is very beautiful and smart, it's great that she became acandidate for this position.

I hope that my suggestions are useful for you to organize this talk show I look forward tohearing from you if my recommendations are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

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Part 1: You want to join an outdoor club Fill in the form Use 1 – 5 words

1 Who do you usually go to the movies with?I usually go to the cinema with my wife.2 Do you like to eat fast food?

I do not not really like to eat fast food.3 Where do you like to go on holiday?

I'm keen on spending my vacation at the beach.4 What’s your favorite color?

Black is my favorite color.5 What did you do last night?

I watched TV with my son last night.

Part 2: You are a new member of a cooking club Fill in the form Write in sentences

What do you usually eat for breakfast? Why?

I usually have meals at home with my immediate family, but I sometimes go out forbreakfast I'm interested in the restaurant which is near my office There are manydelicious dishes there Besides, that restaurant has an amazing view that I feelcomfortable when I have breakfast there

Part 3: You are a member of a cooking club You are talking to three other members in

the club chat room Talk to them using sentences

A: Nowadays, many people order pizza to eat instead of cooking at home What aboutyou ?

In fact, children love pizza, but I really dislike it, I only use it when I haven't got enoughtime I prefer to cook meals for my family everyday I usually feel refreshed when I makedishes I often search for recipes on the internet to cook a new dish for my family everyweekend Besides, we will go out for dinner instead of ordering fast food, occasionallyeating out is also a form of stress relief.

B: What do you usually eat when you are busy? Why?

Although I don't like fast food likely pizza or instant noodles, I still have to use themwhen I'm busy Nowadays, you can find many instant foods around your location Fastfood is very convenient, but it has harmful effects on health We can have fast food onceor twice a week but having it every day can seriously damage your health

C: Do you think it's important for children to learn how to cook?

I totally agree with the idea that we must teach children how to cook Cooking is anecessary activity for life When children grow up, they cannot confidently liveindependently if they do not know how to cook Cooking also helps them to be patientand feel how hard their parents' work.

Trang 24

Your friend,David Nguyen.

2 To the manager Tell the manager what suggestions you will make and why?Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for 3 months I am writing this email to express my feelings andsuggestions about the issue that I have received from our club recently.

According to the news, many young people do not like to cook at home nowadays Ourclub wants to encourage them to make more home food Honestly, I think this issue isreally concerning.

To remedy this situation, I will give some recommendations First, eating out is veryconvenient, but it has harmful effects on our health We can eat out once or twice a weekbut eating out very much can seriously damage your health Besides, cooking at homehelps us save money and stay healthy We can communicate this issue through radio, popcast or social networks.

I hope that my suggestions are useful for you in solving this problem I look forward tohearing from you if my recommendations are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 25

TOPIC: Home living Club

Part 2: Describe where you live (20-30 words)

Hi there Nice to talk to you I was born and grew up in a peaceful countryside but I livein the capital Hanoi now The capital Hanoi is a very worthwhile place to live with manydelicious dishes.

B: It is better to live in the city or in the countryside Do you agree? Why?

Hi, nice to talk to you I completely agree that living in the city is more convenient thanin the countryside If you live in the city, it only takes a short time for you to be able togo somewhere like shopping or go to the movies

C: Nowadays, old buildings are demolished and replaced with modern buildings I feelwe should protect historic buildings How do you think?

Hi there, of course, I totally agree that we have to conserve all historical buildings.Historical buildings are like witnesses of time, we must preserve and restore themregularly to avoid damage Besides, some historical buildings were damaged beyondrepair and need to be destroyed to avoid endangering everyone.

Your friend,David Nguyen.

Trang 26

2.Write to the manager of the club (120 words)Dear Sir.

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for three months I am writing this email to express my feelings andoffer suggestions about the announcement that I have just received from our club.

According to the news, we want to help young people find homes Honestly, I felt overthe moon when I heard about it I believe this is an opportunity for us to help youngpeople more.

To remedy this situation, I have some suggestions for you In my opinion, the club shouldorganize short courses about immovable properties for young members to gain moreknowledge Additionally, we may encourage members to post more real estate news onour forum so that young people in need can refer to it Finally, we should make a groupof members who are lawyers to provide legal assistance to members in need.

Thanks for listening to my suggestions, I hope my suggestions will be helpful for ourclub I look forward to hearing from you if my suggestions are accepted.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Trang 27


Part 1: You want to join a language club Fill in the form Use 1 – 5 words

1 Where are you from?

I am from Vietnam.

2 What’s the weather like today?

It is really hot today.

3 What do you do in your free time?

I often watch movies in my free time.

4 First language?

My mother tongue is Vietnamese.

5 Who do you usually go to the movies with?

I always go to the movies with my wife.

Part 2: You are a new member of a language club Fill in the form Write in sentences.

Use 20 – 30 words.

Tell me your free time and interests?

I am fond of watching action films because it helps me relieve stress after hard work Iusually watch movies at home on my laptop, but sometimes I also go to the cinema withmy wife.

Part 3: You are a member of the language club You are talking to three other members

in the language club chat room Talk to them using sentences Use 30 – 40 words.

A: Why did you choose this course?

I am keen on traveling so I have to study foreign languages My English is not very good,therefore I often spend thirty minutes a day learning English Besides, learning Englishhelps me to watch foreign movies more conveniently.

B: How have you found the course so far? What’s been difficult?

This course is very useful to me because I can improve my English, especially myspeaking skills Additionally, I felt over the moon because I have made more friendsthrough this course Besides, there are some difficulties in this course such as learningnew words and phrases.

C: What are you hoping to do when you finish the course?

I prefer traveling right after this course, so I hope I can speak fluently with foreigners Iam a big fan of the Australia landscape, therefore I am going to travel to Australia Thatis the most enjoyable and memorable vacation.

Trang 28

Part 4: You are a member of the language club You received this email from the club.

joined an online language course.

You are taking an English Course at the American Dream Center After studying for 2months, you find the course effective and useful.

1 Write an email to your friend Write about your feelings and recommend thecourse to her/him Write about 50 words You have 10 minutes.

Dear Lisa,

How about you these days? We have not contacted each other for a long time I hopeeverything goes well with you I have taken a course of my club for two months I feel oncloud nine because my English has improved so much, now I can speak fluently What doyou think about my club and the course? I think you should take part in my club and thecourse.

Best friend,David Nguyen.

2 You have registered for an English course at A Level Speaking Center but in theend you can’t arrange the time to attend the course Write about your feelings, thereason why you can’t attend and what you would like to do Write 120-150 words.You have 20 minutes.

Dear Sir,

I hope this reaches you in the best health My name is David Nguyen and I have been amember of our club for ten months I also have taken part in a course of our club for twomonths I am writing this email to express my feelings and the reason why I can nolonger take the course anymore.

After two months of studying this course, my English has improved a lot I recentlyreceived a new project, which is very meaningful for my career I don't have any detailsabout this new project yet so I have to find out more about it For this reason, I can notfind time to continue taking this course I feel down in the dumps and I sincerelyapologize for this I hope I will take another course when I have time.

Thanks for listening to my email, I hope you will not feel blue about this I look forwardto hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,David Nguyen.

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2024, 10:48

