All required questions are addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful consideration and/or may not reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original thought.. All
Trang 1
Sayom Bracelet
Group members:
1 Nguyễn Đức Mạnh ID:2121013188
2 Huỳnh Quang Mẫn Đạt ID: 2121012964
3 Nguyễn Tường Linh ID: 2121013751
Lecture: Nguyễn Phi Hoàng
Class:c IP_21DMA02
Trang 2
questions are addressed
Content and/or
terminology is not properly
used or referenced Little
or no original thought is
present in the writing
Concepts presented are
merely restated from the
source, or ideas presented
do not follow the logic and
reasoning presented
throughout the writing All required questions are
addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful consideration and/or may not reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original thought Additional concepts may not be present and/or may not be properly cited sources All required questions are
addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both
proper use of content
terminology and additional original thought Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing
Criteria Inadequate Minimal Adequate Exemplary Organization 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt
and format Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent and logically Writing is coherent and Writing shows high degree of
organization It may show organized, using a format suitable logically organized, using a attention to details and some coherence but ideas for the material presented Some format suitable for the material presentation of points lack unity Serious errors pomts may be contextually presented Transitions between Format used enhances and generally is an misplaced and/or stray from the ideas and paragraphs create understanding of material unorganized format and topic Transitions may be evident coherence Overall unity of presented Unity clearly leads information but not used throughout the essay ideas is supported by the format the reader to the writer’s
Organization and format used and organization of the material conclusion and the format may detract from understanding presented and information could be the material presented used independently Content 0.5 pts | pt 2 pts 3 pts
All required questions are addressed with thoughtful in- depth consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought Additional concepts are clearly presented from properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing
Trang 3
Development 0.5 pt 1 pt 1.5 pts 2 pts
¬ Cn itical Shows some thinking and Content indicates thinking and Content indicates original Content indicates synthesis Thinking reasoning but most ideas - reasoning applied with original - - - " thinking, cohesive conclusions, cac of ideas, in-depth analysis
are underdeveloped, thought on a few ideas, but may and developed ideas with and evidence beyond the unoriginal, and/or do not repeat information provided and/ sufficient and firm evidence questions or requirements address the questions or does not address all of the Clearly addresses all of the asked Original thought asked Conclusions drawn questions asked The author questions or requirements supports the topic, and is may be unsupported, presents no original ideas, or asked The evidence presented clearly a well-constructed illogical or merely the ideas do not follow clear logic supports conclusions drawn response to the questions author’s opinion with no and reasoning The evidence asked The evidence supporting evidence presented may not support presented makes a presented conclusions drawn compelling case for any
conclusions drawn Grammar, 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt
Mechanics, Style, and Writing contains many " Some spelling, punctuation, and Writing is free of most spelling, wee Writing is free of all spelling, we
References spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are present, punctuation, and grammatical punctuation, and grammatical
grammatical errors,
making it difficult for the
reader to follow ideas
clearly There may be
sentence fragments and
run-ons The style of
writing, tone, and use of
thetorical devices disrupts
the content Additional
information may be
presented but in an
unsuitable style, detracting
from its understanding
There are no citations
interrupting the reader from following the ideas presented clearly There may be sentence fragments and run-ons The style
of writing, tone, and use of
thetorical devices may detract from the content Additional information may be presented, but in a style of writing that does not support understanding of the content Some in-text citations and academic references may be presented but mostly in a wrong
format or not academic resources
errors, allowing the reader to follow ideas clearly There are
no sentence fragments and run- ons The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content Additional information is presented in a cohesive style that supports understanding of the content
In-text citations and academic references are presented properly but still exist mmor wrong format
errors and written in a style
that enhances the reader’ s
ability to follow ideas clearly There are no sentence fragments and run- ons The style of writing,
tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content Additional information is
presented to encourage and enhance understanding of the
content In-text citations and
academic references are very well presented
Trang 4
questions are addressed
Content and/or All required questions are
addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful All required questions are
addressed with thoughtful ¬
ce yn reflecting both
Criteria Inadequate Minimal Adequate Exemplary Organization 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt
amd format Slides lack logical Slides are coherent and logically Slides are coherent and Slides show high degree of
organization It may show organized, using a format suitable logically organized, using a attention to details and some coherence but ideas for the material presented Some format suitable for the material presentation of points lack unity Serious errors pomts may be contextually presented Transitions between Format used enhances and generally is an misplaced and/or stray from the ideas and paragraphs create understanding of material unorganized format and topic Transitions may be evident coherence Overall unity of presented Unity clearly leads information Little or no but not used throughout the essay ideas is supported by the format the reader to the writer’s sourcing are provided Organization and format used and organization of the material conclusion and the format
may detract from understanding presented Sourcing is generally and information could be the material presented Sourcing adequate and current used independently Sourcing may be outdated, or thin, visual is current and supports major aids need work ideas
Delivery 0.25 pt 0.5 pt 0.75 pt 1 pt
Low volume or energy; More volume/energy needed at Adequate volume and energy; Good volume and energy; pace too slow or fast; poor times; pace too slow or fast; some generally good pace and proper pace and diction; diction; distracting distracting gestures or posture; diction; few or no distracting avoidance of distracting gestures or posture; adequate appearance; visual aids gestures; professional gestures; professional unprofessional appearance; may be used but not effective appearance; visual aids used appearance; visual aids used visual aids poorly used adequately effectively
Content 0.25 pt 0.5 pt 0.75 pt | pt
All required questions are addressed with thoughtful in- depth consideration reflecting
Trang 5terminology is not properly
used or referenced Little
or no original thought is
present in the writing
Concepts presented are
merely restated from the
source, or ideas presented
do not follow the logic and
consideration and/or may not reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original thought Additional concepts may not be present and/or may not be properly cited sources
proper use of content
terminology and additional original thought Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly
both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought Additional concepts are clearly presented from properly cited sources, or originated
by the author following logic and
reasoning presented presented throughout the reasoning they’ve clearly
throughout the writing writing presented throughout the
Development 0.25 pt 0.5 pt 0.75 pt 1 pt
- Critical Shows some thinking and Content indicates thinking and Content indicates original Content indicates synthesis Thinking reasoning but most ideas reasoning applied with original thinking, cohesive conclusions, of ideas, in-depth analysis
are underdeveloped, thought on a few ideas, but may and developed ideas with and evidence beyond the unoriginal, and/or do not repeat information provided and/ sufficient and firm evidence questions or requirements address the questions or does not address all of the Clearly addresses all of the asked Original thought asked Conclusions drawn questions asked The author questions or requirements supports the topic, and is may be unsupported, presents no original ideas, or asked The evidence presented clearly a well-constructed illogical or merely the ideas do not follow clear logic supports conclusions drawn response to the questions author’s opinion with no and reasoning The evidence asked The evidence supporting evidence presented may not support presented makes a presented conclusions drawn compelling case for any
conclusions drawn Grammar, 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt
Mechanics, style Presentation does not Additional depth needed in và Presentation provides adequate Presentation provides good
provide adequate depth;
key details are omitted or
undeveloped; presentation
is too short or too long
places; mmportant information omitted or not fully developed;
presentation is too short or too long
depth; few needed details are omitted; major ideas adequately developed; presentation is within specified length
depth and detail; ideas well developed; facts have adequate background; presentation is within specified length
Trang 6
1 Executive Summary
2 Industry Analysis
2.1 - « Industry size,Growth rate,sales projections
2.2-Industry Structure
2.3-Industry trends
2.4- Long-tern Propesct
3 Company Description
3.1 Vision and Mission:
4 Market Analysis
4.2 Competitive Analysis
5- The Economics of the Business
5.1 Revenue:
5.2 Structure cost:
5.3 Profit and Profit Margin:
6 Marketing Plan for Sayom Bracelet
6.2 Marketing mix
fi Operational Plan
8 Development Plan
9 Management Team and Company Structure
Trang 71 Executive Summary
The jewelry industry has always been a thriving market, and it continues to evolve
with changing consumer preferences Couples are increasingly seeking unique and personalized ways to express their love and bond This presents a significant market opportunity for couple bracelets, which can be customized to reflect the individuality and shared experiences of each couple It is excited to introduce a compelling and
promising business idea - the production and sale of couple bracelets In an era
where personal connections and meaningful relationships hold immense value, this proposal aims to cater to the growing demand for sentimental and fashionable
accessories for couple
2 Industry Analysis
2.1 - « Industry size,Growth rate,sales projections
A recent study by Vietnam Direct revealed a vibrant Vietnamese jewelry market with
approximately 10,000 stores selling gold, silver, and gemstones Despite the bustling activity, the market lacks a clear leader, even with established players like PNJ, SJC, DOJI, and Bao Tin Minh Chau Experts believe this signifies tremendous potential for growth, especially in larger cities where disposable income and jewelry purchasing power are on the rise
Interestingly, rural customers are also shifting their purchasing habits, moving away from
gold as pure investment and towards higher-end pieces for personal adornment This positive shift in consumer behavior is reflected in rising revenue reports from various jewelry brands, indicating a promising future for the Vietnamese jewelry market.(7Thi Truong Vang Trang
Sức: Lắp Lánh Ngàn Cơ Hội | Báo Pháp Luật TP Hỗ Chí Minh, n.d.)
Minh 2- Tiếp tục hy wong vio sự gia tâng nhanh chông c
Su yur ting Sdn lục coa các hệ gia định có thờ nhập khé dụng €
The potential for growth in the Vietnamese jewelry market remains significant,
with an annual growth rate ranging from 5% to 11% In 2022, it is anticipated
that Vietnam will experience the highest increase in consumption globally,
amounting to a remarkable 51% of the Gross Domestic(Thi Truéng Vang Trang
Sức: Lấp Lánh Ngàn Cơ Hội | Báo Pháp Luật TP Hồ Chí Minh, n.d.) Product (GDP) This surge can be attributed to a rise in consumer demand coupled with
Trang 8restricted supply
Hình 2: Tăng trướng tiêu thụ trang sức vàng của một số quốc gia Hình 3: GDP/đầu người (cột trái) và tăng trưởng tiêu thụ vàng/đâu
(%) người tại Việt Nam (cột phải)
AS Ất KD nm 0 WO Xb WD 0 Pg fh 2011 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
———Yiệt Nam Trung Quốc Án Độ — Tang trưởng tiêu thụ vàng trang sức/đầu người (%)
—Thai Lan indonesia “= Tâng trưởng §êu thụ vàng miếng/đầu người (%)
Nguồn: WGC MBS Research Nguồn: WGC, TCTK, MBS Research
Nevertheless, the luxury jewelry sector in Vietnam ts still perceived as having significant
untapped potential According to a report from Statista, the total revenue of the entire jewelry industry is projected to reach $1.09 trillion by 2023, demonstrating a steady annual growth
rate of 4.39% (CAGR 2023-2026)
Especially in the aftermath of two years of post-COVID-19 upheaval, the jewelry market in Vietnam reveals gaps left by the closure of numerous small businesses and private stores
Many establishments were forced to shut down, and some transitioned entirely to online
platforms to reduce operational costs As of August 2023, online channels make up
approximately 11.2% of the overall distribution channels in the Vietnamese jewelry market This presents an opportunity for brands to develop their online presence as consumers
increasingly adopt online shopping habits Simultaneously, it's an opportune moment for
larger businesses to swiftly expand their offline networks (“Toan canh thi trwong trang sirc tại
Việt Nam 2023,” 2023)
In summary, there is ample room for growth in the environment, and the Vietnamese jewelry
industry 1s poised to experience intensified competition among both local and global brands Consequently, it is crucial for businesses to monitor brand dynamics and stay abreast of
evolving consumer trends to establish a competitive edge
The gem and jewelry market faces intense competition, featuring prominent entities like
LVMH, Buccellati, Pandora Jewelry LLC, Chow Tai Fook Jewelry Company Limited, The Swatch Group AG, Tata Sons Private Ltd., De Beers Jewelers US Inc., Signet Jewelers,
Richemont, and Swarovski Crystal Online AG Major players are emphasizing the utilization
of online distribution channels for marketing and branding purposes, aiming to broaden their
geographical presence and expand their customer base Key manufacturers in the gems and jewelry sector are strategically targeting emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific region,
particularly China and India, leveraging the growing income levels and cultural traditions that
perceive jewelry as an auspicious gift Leading brands are embracing innovation and new
product development infused with cutting-edge technology to imbue their products with a
sense of luxury and impeccable craftsmanship.(Cho trang strc - Xu hướng, Chia sẻ Phân tích nganh, n.d.)
Trang 9Group was founded in 1994 In 2007, it underwent a name change to DOJI Gold, Silver,
Gemstone & Trade Investment Joint Stock Company Specializing in the import of gold
grains from Switzerland, DOJI processes them into high-purity gold bars to meet market demands
PNJ: Established on April 28, 1988, under the name Phu Nhuan Jewelry and Jewelry Store,
PNJ Company officially changed its name in 2004 to become Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock
Company PNJ stands as one of the leading brands in the Vietnamese jewelry industry
2.3-Industry trends
According to BCG, the anticipated rise in Vietnam's average income per capita, projected to increase from 1,400 USD/year to 3,400 USD/year by 2021, is expected to lead to a
substantial expansion in the middle-class and affluent population Consequently, the choices available in the gold and silver jewelry market will experience a significant surge Beyond fulfilling aesthetic preferences, a growing number of customers, particularly the younger
demographic, seek jewelry and accessories as expressions of their fashion taste and
personality As a result, these consumers are not just willing to make purchases but are also actively seeking innovation, placing high demands on diversity, richness, and variations in
design, materials, and product types.(Thi Trieong Vang Trang Site: Lap Lanh Ngiin Co Hoi | Báo Phdp Ludt TP Hé Chi Minh, n.d.)
2.4- Long-tern Propesct
Sayom, a youthful Vietnamese jewelry brand, has swiftly achieved notable success in a brief
period The brand has rapidly established an extensive network of stores throughout the
country, earning the affection of numerous customers
e High Potential in Vietnam's Jewelry Market: A report from Vietnam Direct highlights the substantial potential of Vietnam's jewelry market, currently valued at
approximately 100 trillion VND and exhibiting a robust growth trajectory
e Evolving Consumer Preferences: The changing tastes of Vietnamese consumers, who are increasingly drawn to jewelry characterized by unique designs, superior quality, and reasonable pricing, align with Sayom's focus
¢ Strategic Business Approach: Sayom has adopted a fitting busin@g8 strategy by targeting the youthful, dynamic, and individualistic customer segment The brand places significant emphasis on investing in product quality and customer service, indicating a thoughtful and effective approach to its market positioning
3 Company Description
Sayom is a Vietnamese domestic fashion brand, founded in 2022 by three members:
1 Nguyen Tuong Linh (CEO): Overall leadership and strategic direction for the
company Responsible for establishing vision and mission, developing growth strategies, and managing relationships with key stakeholders
Trang 10production Lead the research and development team for new features of Sayom Wrist, ensuring high quality manufacturing and supply chain management
3 Huynh Quang Man Dat (CMO): Develop and implement marketing strategies to
promote Sayom Bracelet and build brand awareness Responsible for managing advertising campaigns, social media presence and public relations
Sayom was conceived by three young individuals, each possessing experience and a fervor
for the fashion industry Motivated by the desire to create a fashion brand that resonates with
Vietnamese style and caters to the current preferences of the youth, the founders embarked on
this entrepreneurial journey
The inspiration for founding Sayom stemmed from a shared journey of the three individuals
During their travels, they observed a growing interest among Vietnamese youth in fashion, yet identified a limited array of domestic fashion brands offering youthful and distinctive styles
3.1 Vision and Mission:
Mission: Our mission is to provide everyone with the ability to preserve cherished moments and create unique personalized gifts We understand that memories are priceless, and Sayom Bracelet helps you hold onto those images and emotions forever
Vision: Our vision is to become a trusted and beloved brand that helps people celebrate and
cherish their life's most significant moments through personalized and meaningful jewelry
We aim to continually innovate and create products that capture the essence of these moments, allowing our customers to carry their memories with them wherever they go
4, Market Analysis
Age Group: Couples' jewelry is primarily designed for adults, typically aged 18 and above Young couples form a significant part of this target market Their youthful energy and
enthusiasm contribute to the vibrancy of this segment
Marital Status: This product is often intended for married couples or those in significant relationships The target market may also include individuals planning to get married or seeking meaningful gifts for their partners
Style and Preferences: The product offers a wide range of designs and styles, from classic to modern, and from simple to luxurious As a result, the target market can, eycompass
individuals with diverse tastes and unique styles, allowing for a broad appeal
Budget Considerations: Couples! jewelry can vary significantly in price, catering to various budgets Therefore, the target market is highly dependent on their financial means This can include students and individuals with lower incomes who seek affordable yet sentimental options
4,1, Market Needs:
Personalized Ordering Service: The capability to imprint images on gemstones can enable you to offer a personalized ordering service where customers can request the incorporation of their personal or special images onto the gemstone This presents an opportunity to create highly customized and bespoke products, catering to individual preferences
Special Occasions: This product can be tailored to align with special occasions such as anniversaries, Valentine's Day, weddings, and other significant events This strategy can create seasonal sales spikes and drive consumer demand during these periods
Modern Lifestyle Trends: With the rise of contemporary fashion and modern lifestyle trends, personalized and unique products hold appeal for consumers who wish to express themselves and make a statement through their attire and accessories