LH nh Hà hà ke ke Ha 7 Phase 1 : Write SEO articles about the VF9 series, promote keywords for articles, share to groups and run Google Ads throughoul.... ch nh HH gu ki áa 7 Phase 2 : C
Trang 1
Cá %* t9
Course Title: Digital Marketing Class ID: A02E
Lecturer: Mr Bui Anh Dung Topic: Create a digital marketing plan
Vo Nhu Y - 205121371
Our team would like to express our sincerest thanks to Mr Bui Anh Dung — Lecturer
of Digital Marketing In the process of studying and implementing subject projects, we have received extremely useful knowledge as well as dedicated attention and guidance from her With limited time and knowledge, our team could not avoid errors in this project
We look forward to receiving his guidance and suggestions to improve as well as draw experiences for the next time Once again, our team would like to sincerely thank you!
Chapter 1: Define Goals And Business Objectives Là HH Ha tàu 1 Chapter 2: Audience Segmentation And Buyer Personas c nhe 2 Chapter 3: Competitive Analysis And Determine Market Share 3 Chapter 4: SVVOT analySiS LL L2 n SH nh HT n nh nh nen tk khen Ha tk cha 4 Chapter 5: Define Digital Marketing Channels -.- c0 1n nề nhau 5 5.2 YouTube social network s†afiSfÍCS eerie 6 5.3 TikTok Social Media S†atiSiiCS ere Hà Hà KH KH khi 6 Chapter 6: Develop Strategies And TIactiCS LH nh Hà hà ke ke Ha 7
Phase 1 : Write SEO articles about the VF9 series, promote keywords for articles, share to
groups and run Google Ads throughoul ch nh HH gu ki áa 7 Phase 2 : Combined with KOLs, KOC to strongly advertise the car line and emphasize the importance of electric vehicles †Oday cu ch nh kg kg 8 Phase 3 : Organize offline sessions throughout making banners, billbord 9 Chapter 7: Create A Marketing Calendar c0 1 1n nh kẻ 12 Chapter 8: Calculate Plan Budget LH nn ng kho 13 Chapter 9: Measure the results and KPIs of Marketing Plan ccccccàộ: 14 n0 15
Trang 5Chapter 1: Define Goals And Business Objectives
With the current era, everyone has gradually switched to using electric cars to gradually
replace traditional cars because of convenience factors, the environment and above all,
everyone wants to experience high-tech cars The appearance of the pure electric car VF9 - a pioneer in modern automobile technology, a pioneer in domestic brand bravery has evoked a strong national spirit: Vietnamese people use: “Người Việt dùng hàng Việt, hàng Việt đi đầu
add a price in line with demand, there is a great sense of natic pride This will be the perfect choice for everyone
Trang 6Chapter 2: Audience Segmentation And Buyer
- Successful people have h
certain successes in life -
Income and economic
autonomy, affordability at a
high level
- Age: 25-55 years old
- Live in big cities
A survey from VinFast
showed that nearly 90% of
customers receiving the firs
wave of VF 9 cars were
- Regularly update official
news about society, life, ne’
- Prefer to own a modern,
high-end and comfortable
car, but the price must be
- Have high national self-
esteem, trust and support
Vietnamese brands
- Pay attention to green living trends, protect the envir.onment and nature
- Interest and hope in the development of technology
in the future
- Like to be coin leaders New direction and always want to be at the forefront ¢
choice for these customers
-Every time a high-tech item is about to be launched, young technology enthusiasts mostly cannot control their desires when they go to all websites day by day to update
information, explore features, prices And of course, each of them aspires to own their own item
Trang 7Chapter 3: Competitive Analysis And Determine
Market Share
2,289 billion Form 1,491 to 1,685 billion 1.209 billion
7-seater family car, spacious, airy and luxurious
- Car line from high-end -As a pure high-end - A 7-seater car from Mercedes brand Vietnamese car line of KIA brand is
- Charging time from 10- vinfast, luxurious design = popular in Vietnam 80%: 32 minutes and equipped with safety - There are 2
- Travel distance on 1 features no less than versions: oil charge: average from 42 competitors machine and
—473km - Charging time: charge 10 gasoline machine
- Equipment: LED High - 70% of battery capacity -Equip:
Performance front lights; for up to 26 minutes Safety technologies PARKTRONIC Active - Travel distance: up to 68C 7 airbags, tire Parking Assist System; km with Plus version and pressure sensor, 36\
ABS anti-lock braking 485 km with Eco version camera, hill start
system; ESP® electronic - Equip: assist, adaptive body stabilization; Al artificial intelligence cruise control ATTENTION ASSIST technology, ADAS superior (SCC), lane keeping distraction warning driver assistance system, assist (LFA), lane
function; Hé thong kiém super fast charging battery departure warning
soat hanh trinh CRUISE technology, iTPMS direct (LKA) and forward CONTROL; The rear tire pressure sensor systen collision avoidance trunk opens and closes equipped with 11 advancec assist (FCA) electrically; Reversing airbags, IP6/7 waterproof
camera; Tire pressure standard, safe when
Trang 8monitoring sensor
system; 3-point seat belt roads
for all seats with Lane control
traveling through flooded
emergency belt tensione featureAutomatic headlight
- Dimensions: Spacious, comfortable with a 3,150mr
wheelbase and standard dimensions of 5,120 x 2,00
1,721mm Suitable for large families in Vietnam
- Exterior: 5-spoke wheels of VF9 with 2 tones up to
inches The hidden door handles in the body reduce
wind resistance when operating, demonstrating the
luxury of the 7-seater electric SUV
- Interior HUD screen up to 15.4 inches, panoramic
sunroof, area of 2.63m2, UV resistant glass door up
99% Premium leather seats, integrated ventilation 42
modern heating
- Comfortable and modern equipment:
+ Control functions remotely through VinFast app
+ Air conditioning system using activated carbon filte
and HEPA filter
+ Online shopping connection service
+ Various video games
+ Office utilities
- Powerful engine: combines 2 electric motors, giving
maximum capacity of 402 horsepower and maximun
- Large vehicle sizes cause inconvenience when moving into small roads in cities
- With hot weather in Vietnam,
the panoramic sunroof of VF9 will cause heat sensation for cz
) occupants
- The suspension is not smoot! when crossing rough roads
- Some features are still buggy,
power failure, air conditioner is not cold,
Trang 9
- With more than 150,000 charging stations distribut:
in 63 provinces and cities, convenient for users
- Many roads in major cities are flooded during
rainstorms, with IP67, VF9 waterproof standards saf
when passing through flooded roads
O pportunities
- Using electric vehicles to protect the environment i:
currently a trend
Doanh số bán xe điện hàng năm thế giới
- VF9 is a pure Vietnamese car, supported by many
- Brand barriers: for electric models in the same segment a} VF9 launched by decades-old brand competitors in the marke dominating customer decisions
- Maintenance warranty costs,
maintenance warranty services have not satisfied customers
Chapter 5: Define Digital Marketing Channels
5.1 Facebook social network statistics
- The most popular social network
globally is Facebook with 3.03
billion accounts now using
Facebook every month In
particular, Vietnam accounts for
nearly 76 million monthly active
Trang 10The use of Facebook by teenagers is said to be declining While 71% of teens used the platform in 2015, this number has now dropped to 67% Facebook is most liked by people between 35 and 45 years old
5.2 YouTube social network statistics
Youtube is the second largest
search engine on the Internet with
1.9 billion users, accounting for 63
million users in Vietnam
Promote images on Youtube:
manuals, reviews, academic
lectures, music videos, combined
with influencers to communicate
for the brand
Figure 3: YouTube social network statistics
On mobile alone, YouTube reaches
many people, especially 18- to 24-year-olds
5.3 TikTok Social Media Statistics
TikTok reached 1 billion users,
Vietnam accounted for 39.7 million
users With a huge number of users,
Gen Z accounts for a high
proportion, TikTok marketing is a
potential communication channel for
Updating trends every day, the
opportunity to convey messages
Figure 4: TikTok Social Media Statistics
increases the likelihood of attracting
high users Outstanding and distinct
images and short videos help tiktok explode in 3 years of release
(See more - Appendix 1)
Trang 11Chapter 6: Develop Strategies And Tactics
e Big Idea: “Khang dinh chat Viét”
Arousing curiosity,
stimulating awareness,
hitting the psychology
of wanting to live green
and healthy customers
Product Highlights
Write SEO articles
about the VF9 series,
promote keywords for
articles, share to group
and run Google Ads
Phase 2 Phase 3 1/3/2024-1/7/2024 1/7/2024- 31/12/2024
Emphasizing the Hitting the psychology
importance of electric of customer choice,
vehicles today, the raising the spirit of advantages that VF9_ pride when using brings Vietnamese cars
Basis for selection The pride of
Vietnamese cars
Combined with KOLs, Organize offline
KOC to strongly sessions throughout
advertise the car line making banners,
and emphasize the billbord
importance of electric vehicles today
Phase 1 : Write SEO articles about the VF9 series, promote keywords for articles, share
to groups and run Google Ads throughout
Objectives: Arousing curiosity, stimulating awareness, hitting the psychology of wanting to live green and healthy customers
Key message: Product highlights
-Make content articles about vinfast VF 9 electric cars on Google, using the most common and popular words, to reach the top of Google search (free traffic) Understanding customer psychology to write the right thing about what they need, that's how to quickly top the search
+ Name of some articles: Vinfast 9 is the first choice for today's electric car line, Choose an
Trang 12electric car — convenient for every ,
+ Condition: All articles must be written in an attractive way to readers, have the first and last
letters suitable to their search needs, use eye-catching images and link the article combined with the main website of the car so that readers can be more convenient if they want to buy a Car
Choose Facebook to reshare created posts because Facebook has nearly 31.8 percent of users who can afford a car (35-55 years old) Hire reputable websites to reshare articles
* Run Google Ads , Facebook Ads to increase searches for articles Use the CPC (Cost
per click) method Use Affiliate Marketing to combine with many other bloggers to
get the article known by many people in many fields
* Put the article on facebook groups specializing in cars: Association of beautiful car
lovers, Vietnam EV electric car community, car addicts
Time: 1/11/2023- 1/3/2024
Tool: Facebook, Google Ads ,Google ,Facebook Ads, Affiliate Marketing,Cost per click
Phase 2 : Combined with KOLs, KOC to strongly advertise the car line and emphasize the importance of electric vehicles today
Objective: Emphasize the importance of electric vehicles today, the advantages that VF9 brings
Key message : Basis for selection
Opening message of the video: You want to own a comfortable spacious car that can accommodate many seats and you are also a person who likes the modern luxury design in electric cars, Vinfast 9 is always the first choice that never goes out of style
1 Ngo Duc Duy (Duy Tham)
Tiktok: 7.2M subscribers Facebook: 940K followers, 220K likes
Youtube channel: 2.02 million subscribers
2 Hung Lam Xehay (One of the No 1 KOLs for Vehicles in Vietnam)
Fanpage: 1.3K likes, 1.5K followers Youtube channel: 2.22 million subscribers
3 Delicate
Youtube channel: For techies, Delicate is already famous with more than 1 million
subscribers on Youtube Not only stopping at technology electronic products, this page also encroached on many other fields, including car reviews
Facebook channel :687K likes 859K followers
Trang 134 AutoBikes Vietnam
YouTube channel: 272K subscribers
Time: 1/3/2024-1/7/2024
Tool: KOLs, KOC, Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook
Phase 3 : Organize offline sessions throughout making banners, billbord
Objective: Hit the psychology of customer choice, raise the spirit of pride when using
Vietnamese cars
Key Message: “Niém ty hao cua xe Viét”
The offline event for Vinfast electric car association will officially Open: June 20-6 Close: June 27, 2024, and officially take place in July 3, 2024 and July 5, 2024 (maximum: 700 participants)
VinFast community coordinates with VinFast car user groups nationwide to organize the program “Khang dinh chat Viét” will be accompanied by the Global VinFast Community (vinfast.vn) page to join the journey
This will be an offline event that converges 3 regions of the VinFast community, affirming the love and pride for Vietnamese cars
Program: “Khang dinh chat Viét — Gia dinhVinFast 3 mién”
On 1-7, the car owner and relatives simultaneously departed from both North - Central
- South to Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa)
During the offline journey, the system of public charging stations distributed throughout the provinces will support drivers to fully charge the vehicle, ensuring a smooth trip In addition, VinFast also prepares Mobile Charging and Mobile Service
at all delegation points to ensure the best support for members
On 3-7” Khang dinh chat Viét — Gia dinhVinFast 3 mién” converge at Luong Son Pass
- one of the most beautiful sea viewing spots in Nha Trang, to start a series of meaningful activities taking place 3/7/2024- 5/7/2024
The convoy participated in the parade, V-shaped to spread the message of the
Vietnamese brand automobile community; At the same time, conduct exciting
teambuilding exchange and bonding activities
On this occasion, participants will donate a few gifts and many regional specialties to send to the soldiers in the Spratly Islands as a sincere and meaningful gift of