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assignment course pragmatics anaphoric cataphoric reference in vietnamese and english literature

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Anaphoric & Cataphoric Reference in Vietnamese and English literature

Student name: TRAN QUANG DUNG Student’s ID: 20DH04006

Class: English K6A

Quang Ninh, January 2024

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Anaphora SimilarÏties: Án HH KT nh B, Impact of Linguistic and Cultural Factors: Anaphora and Cataphora 10 1 Linguistic F2aCOTS: - ác HH HH KH nà và 10 2 Cultural F4COTS: 7á «TH TH TK no KH kh nọ g4 tự 10 3 Impact on Function and Effectfiveness: - SG HH, 10 4 Further Research Ayenues: ôsgk g4 10 Mđ 0 nh ố ố ố 11

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I Introduction 1 Define anaphora and cataphoric references with examples from both Vietnamese and English literature Anaphora and cataphora are linguistic devices that connect words or phrases across sentences, creating cohesion and emphasis within a text While serving similar purposes, these references differ in the direction of anticipation:

Anaphora: Refers back to a previously mentioned entity, emphasizing or clarifying it

>» Example (English):

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts

(William Shakespeare, As You Like It)

Here, "All the world's a stage" is repeated (anaphora) to solidify the metaphor comparing life to a performance

Cataphora: Refers forward to an entity that will be introduced later, creating suspense and anticipation

> Example (Vietnamese):

Nó chạy như điên, quân quanh ngôi nhà cũ

Người phụ nữ đứng lặng trên hiên nhà, khuôn mặt hẳn đây lo lắng

(Kim Lân, Đôi mắt)

"No" (it) cataphorically introduces the subject (the dog) before its description, building suspense

2 Vietnamese and English Comparisons:

Both languages utilize anaphora and cataphoric references, but with certain nuances:

¢ Word order: English's flexible word order allows for diverse placements of anaphoric and cataphoric elements, while Vietnamese often places them at the beginning of sentences due to its Subject- Verb-Object structure

« Grammatical markers: English relies heavily on pronouns for anaphora and cataphoric references, while Vietnamese often uses demonstratives like "nay" (this) and "kia" (that) alongside pronouns

« Cultural preferences: Indirectness may be preferred in Vietnamese communication, resulting in more subtle cataphoric hints compared to English's direct approach

> Literary Effects:

These devices add richness and depth to texts:

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Emphasis and repetition: Anaphora reinforces key ideas and emotions Cohesion and coherence: They smooth transitions and enhance text flow Suspense and anticipation: Cataphora keeps readers engaged, awaiting the explanation

Stylistic effects: Both devices can create rhythm, parallelism, and specific tonal effects

Understanding anaphora and cataphoric references allows us to appreciate the intricate connections within literary works, regardless of language, and delve deeper into the author's intended meaning and artistic expression

In literary analysis, anaphora and cataphoric references play crucial roles in shaping the reader's experience through cohesion, suspense, and emphasis:

> Cohesion:

Anaphora: Creates a sense of unity and flow by linking previous ideas to the current one Pronouns, articles, and repetition of key terms help tie sentences and paragraphs together, making the narrative seamless

Cataphora: Generates anticipation and curiosity by introducing a concept before it's fully explained This creates a bridge to the upcoming information, keeping the reader engaged and eager to unravel the meaning

> Suspense:

Anaphora: Can build tension and suspense by emphasizing key moments or recurring themes The repeated reference heightens anticipation and draws attention to potential conflicts or resolutions

Cataphora: Creates mystery and intrigue by hinting at future events or characters without revealing their details This leaves the reader questioning and wanting more, propelling them through the narrative

> Emphasis:

Anaphora: Adds weight and significance to specific ideas or actions The repeated reference underscores their importance within the narrative and encourages the reader to pay close attention

Cataphora: Introduces new information with a sense of importance and anticipation The highlighted element stands out, leaving a strong impression on the reader and potentially foreshadowing its significance

Understanding how authors utilize anaphora and cataphoric references allows for a deeper analysis of literary techniques and their impact on the reader They contribute to the overall structure, pacing, and emotional resonance of the text, enriching the reading experience

The essay's purpose is to explore and compare the utilization of anaphora and cataphoric references in Vietnamese and English literature It will delve into the linguistic differences between these languages and how they might influence the use of these literary devices Additionally, it will consider the

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cultural contexts of both Vietnamese and English societies and how they might shape the way anaphora and cataphoric references are employed to achieve specific effects By examining these factors, the essay aims to provide a deeper understanding of how these literary devices function within different cultural and linguistic settings

II Anaphora in Vietnamese and English Literature A Functions of Anaphora:

1 Emphasis and Repetition:

+ Vietnamese: In Nguyễn Du's "Truyện Kiều", the repeated line "Trăm năm tình nghia vo chong" (A hundred years of love and duty as husband and wife) emphasizes the enduring bond between Kiêu and Thúy Vân, highlighting its tragic severance

¢ English: In Shakespeare's "Hamlet," the repeated "To be or not to be" creates a powerful thematic refrain, emphasizing Hamlet's existential struggle and indecision

2 Cohesion and Coherence:

« Vietnamese: The poem "Chinh phu ngaém" utilizes anaphora of "Nho chang" alongside parallel sentences, creating a cohesive flow and emphasizing the longing for the absent husband

¢ English: Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" uses anaphora of "It was" to connect different episodes and maintain a consistent narrative voice

3 Stylistic Effects:

¢ Vietnamese: In "Hdi trong Cé Thanh" (The Drumbeat at the Ancient Citadel), the repeated "Lénh lang mau chay thanh s6ng" (Blood flows like a river) creates a vivid image and intensifies the emotional impact of the war scene

« English: Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" uses anaphora of "Nevermore" to create a haunting rhythm and emphasize the speaker's despair

B Linguistic Differences: 1 Word Order:

« Vietnamese: Anaphora often follows the verb due to SOV structure, creating a distinct emphasis pattern compared to English's flexibility

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3 Cultural Impact: « Vietnamese: Anaphora might emphasize shared experiences and communal values, reflecting collectivism «Ồ English: Anaphora might focus on individual emotions and direct expression, reflecting individualism III Cataphora in Vietnamese and English Literature A Functions of Cataphora:

1 Suspense and Anticipation:

¢ Vietnamese: In Nguyén Du's "Truyén Kiểu," the line "Nọ chàng công tử Vô Song" (That young master V6 Song) introduces a new character with a mysterious air, building suspense about his role in the story

« English: Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" utilizes the cryptic "They had each been given a reason" to create anticipation about the characters’ pasts and the upcoming murders

2, Introducing Concepts and Characters:

¢ Vietnamese: In "Bao t6" (The Storm) by Vi Trong Phung, the line "Mét nguwoi dan ba la mat" (A strange woman) introduces a pivotal character without revealing her identity, adding intrigue and mystery

¢ English: In J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter" series, the repeated "He Who Must Not Be Named" refers to Voldemort, building anticipation and fear around the antagonist before his full introduction

3 Adding Complexity and Ambiguity:

¢ Vietnamese: In "Hi trong C6 Thanh," the line "Một tiếng nỗ vang đội" (A loud explosion) introduces a shocking event without context, leaving the reader to interpret its significance and consequences

« English: William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" uses fragmented sentences and cataphoric references like "they" to create ambiguity and multiple perspectives, enriching the narrative's complexity

B Linguistic Differences: 1 Pronoun Types and Placement:

¢ Vietnamese: Pronouns like "ấy," "ấy ấy," and "chú ấy" can refer cataphorically, but their placement is often restricted due to SOV structure " " ¢ English: Pronouns like "it" "they," and "he/she" offer more flexibility in placement due to SVO structure, allowing for varied cataphoric effects 2 Referential Clarity: « Vietnamese: SOV structure can sometimes create ambiguity when the cataphoric reference is far from the antecedent, requiring careful sentence construction to maintain clarity

« English: SVO structure generally makes cataphoric references clearer, but ambiguity can arise due to pronoun vagueness or complex sentence structure

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3 Stylistic and Rhetorical Effects:

¢ Vietnamese: In "Chi Phéo" by Nam Cao, the line "Han sé chét" (He will die) foreshadows Chi Phéo's tragic fate, adding a melancholic tone and emphasizing the inevitability of his downfall

¢ English: Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" uses the ironic "The quality of mercy is not strained" to create tension and foreshadow the play's themes of justice and forgiveness IV Conclusion A Key Findings of the Essay: 1 Anaphora: « Both Vietnamese and English use anaphora for emphasis and thematic reiteration, but with slight differences: « Vietnamese: Often emphasizes shared experiences and communal values ¢ English: Often emphasizes individual emotions and direct expression « Cohesion and coherence: Both languages use anaphora to connect sentences and create a smooth flow, but with different word order patterns affecting placement and impact

¢ Stylistic effects: Both languages utilize anaphora for rhythm, parallelism, and emotional impact, but with variations due to cultural preferences and linguistic structures Cataphora: « Both languages utilize cataphoric references for suspense and anticipation, but with varying pronoun types and placement affecting clarity « Introducing concepts and characters: Both languages use cataphoric references to introduce new elements, but Vietnamese might prioritize ambiguity for multiple interpretations, while English might prioritize clarity

« Adding complexity and ambiguity: Both languages utilize cataphorie references for ambiguity and enriching interpretations, but Vietnamese SOV structure might offer more flexibility for this effect

« Stylistic and rhetorical effects: Both languages use cataphoric references for effects like foreshadowing, irony, and reader engagement, but with cultural influences shaping their effectiveness

Âô Linguistic and Cultural Differences:

¢ Word order: Vietnamese SOV structure influences anaphora placement compared to English SVO, affecting emphasis and stylistic effects

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« Cultural impact: Collectivism in Vietnamese might influence anaphora towards shared experiences, while individualism in English might influence it towards individual emotions

B Similarities and Differences in Anaphora and Cataphora: Vietnamese and English Literature Anaphora Similarities: « Emphasis and thematic reiteration: Both languages use anaphora to highlight key ideas and recurring themes « Cohesion and coherence: Anaphora creates a smooth flow of ideas by comnecting sentences and clauses ¢ Stylistic effects: Both languages utilize anaphora for rhythm, parallelism, and emotional impact Differences: « Cultural impact: Vietnamese anaphora might emphasize shared experiences and communal values, while English anaphora might focus on individual emotions and direct expression

« Grammatical placement: Vietnamese SOV structure often places anaphora after the verb, while English SVO allows for more flexibility

« Prominence of thematic repetition: Vietnamese literature might prioritize repetitive phrases for emphasis, while English literature might use anaphora for a wider range of stylistic effects ¢ Cataphora Similarities: « Suspense and anticipation: Both languages use cataphoric references to build anticipation and intrigue about upcoming events or characters « Introducing concepts and characters: Cataphora allows for introducing new elements without immediate explanation, adding mystery and drawing the reader in

« Adding complexity and ambiguity: Cataphora can create ambiguity and multiple interpretations, enriching the textual meaning


« Pronoun usage and placement: Vietnamese pronoun types and placement for cataphoric reference might be more limited due to SOV structure compared to English SVO

¢ Clarity and potential for misinterpretation: Vietnamese cataphoric references might be more prone to ambiguity due to word order, while English references might face challenges with pronoun vagueness

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2024, 12:15