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a study on applying synonyms tolearning english vocabulary and providing tutorials on how to use synonyms effectively

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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠOTRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUẢN LÝ VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ HẢI PHÒNG---NHIỆM VỤ ĐỀ TÀI TỐT NGHIỆPLớp : NA2401NNgành :Ngôn ngữ Anh – NhậtTên đề tài: A Study On Applying Synonyms ToLearning

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Sinh viên :Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh

HẢI PHÒNG – 2024

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Sinh viên:Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh

Giảng viên hướng dẫn: ThS Nguyễn Thị Huyền

HẢI PHÒNG – 2024

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Lớp : NA2401N

Ngành :Ngôn ngữ Anh – Nhật

Tên đề tài: A Study On Applying Synonyms ToLearning EnglishVocabularyAnd Providing Tutorials On How To Use Synonyms Effectively

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Họ và tên : Nguyễn Thị HuyềnHọc hàm, học vị : Thạc Sĩ

Cơ quan công tác : Trường Đại học Quản lý và Công nghệ Hải PhòngNội dung hướng dẫn:A Study On Applying Synonyms ToLearning

EnglishVocabulary And Providing Tutorials On How To Use Synonyms Effectively

Sinh viênGiảng viên hướng dẫn

Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh Nguyễn Thị Huyền


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CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAMĐộc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc


Chuyên ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh-Nhật

Vocabulary And Providing Tutorials On How To UseSynonyms Effectively

1.Tinh thần thái độ của sinh viên trong quá trình làm đề tài tốt nghiệp

Giảng viên hướng dẫn

(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)Giảng viên hướng dẫn

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CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAMĐộc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc


Họ và tên giảng viên: .

Đơn vị công tác: Trường Đại học Quản lý và Công nghệ Hải PhòngHọ và tên sinh viên: Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh Chuyên ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh – NhậtĐề tài tốt nghiệp: A Study On Applying Synonyms ToLearning English VocabularyAnd Providing Tutorials On How To Use Synonyms Effectively1 Phần nhận xét của giáo viên chấm phản biện

2 Những mặt còn hạn chế

Giảng viên chấm phản biện

(Ký và ghi rõ tến)

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Since the appearance of synonyms, humanity's verbal treasure has continuously expanded, becoming increasingly rich Through learning synonyms, our vocabulary will improve and our word choice will also become richer Besides, this also helps us better understand the language we learn, specifically how to use words The synonym itself is born from the etymology in a different form That's also how a new word is created.

Synonyms are an essential part of the English language that we could not live without, in writing or speaking They are the most powerful type of descriptive tool, making them an important part of both prose and poetry alike Synonyms provide freedom for word choice and allow authors to choose words with the right connotation to fit their style and serve their purpose.

This is a small project,which aiming to clarify the important role of synonyms in spoken and written discourse as well as its contributions to the learning of a language, specifically English, English vocabulary.In addition, the study will also provide guidance on how to use synonyms effectively.

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Throughout the process of writing this graduationpaper, I received much-neededassistance, valuable ideas, and timely encouragement from my teachers, family, andfriends.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Mrs Nguyen Thi Huyen,M.A., for her supportive assistance, and constructive supervision throughout myresearch This graduation paper could not have been completed without her support Second, I would like to thank the other teachers at the Foreign Language Departmentat Hai Phong Management and Technology University for their valuable lectures andinstructions, the time they spent on helping me overcome all the obstacles in theprocess of learning and practicing in this university environment over the past fouryears, which have greatly aided me in completing my research.

Following that, special thanks are extended to friends in learning English groups fortheir enthusiasm in completing the survey questionnaires.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends, who have alwaysbeen by my side and encouraged me during the time I carried out this study.

Hai Phong,April, 2024Nguyen Hong Hanh

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1 Rationale 1

2 Significance of the study 2

3 Aims of the study 2

4 Research question 2

5 Scope of the study 2

6 Methods of the study 2

7 Design of the study 3


Chapter 1: Theoretical Basis 4

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1.3.4 Evaluative connotation 11

1.3.5 Causative connotation 11

1.3.6 Connotation of manner 12

1.3.7 Connotation of attendant circumstances 12

1.3.8 Connotation of attendant features 13

2 Guide to Synonyms usage 18

2.1 Tips on how to use synonyms effectively in your work 19

4 Instruments for collecting data 23

5 Data collection procedure 23


1 The design of the survey questionnaires 24

2 Data analysis 25

2.1 The result from the students’ English learning time 25

2.2 The result from Students' English Proficiency 26

2.3 The result from Comparing the Difficulty between Vocabulary andGrammar in students' assessments 272.4 The result from correlation between the presence of synonyms and the

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2.5 The result from the relationship between the presence of synonyms and

2.8 The result from how each student learns synonyms 32

2.9 The result from benefits of learning synonyms 34

2.10 The result from debate about whether negation and antonym are asynonymous phenomenon 35


1 Finding and discussion 39

2 Recommended tool for using Synonyms 40

2.1 Thesaurus English synonyms dictionary 40

1 Overview of the study 45

2 Limitation of the study 45

3 Suggestions for further studies 46




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The world is developing quickly, but the language barrier still is an invisible obstaclethat people have to face nowadays English is like a bridge, bringing people fromdifferent regions closer, while also creating many opportunities in our studies andwork Learning English can have many benefits, some of them being: * It allows youto communicate with people from different countries and cultures You will be able tounderstand their language and share information or ideas in a way that is easier forothers to comprehend than when communicating using your own native language *Learning English makes it easier for you to read books, articles, blogs and other typesof written content in another language * Learning English opens up more jobopportunities as employers may prefer candidates who are fluent in multiple languagesrather than just one.All of the benefits listed above are great reasons to learn English,but there is also another benefit that can be gained by learning this language Thisbenefit is not just related to practical use but also mental and emotional growth Byimmersing yourself in an entirely new culture and language, you will become moreopen-minded and flexible which may help you develop your personality as a personwhile broadening your horizons on many different topics.

In Vietnam, English is considered as a second language and is taught as a compulsorysubject in schools However, since Vietnam is a non-native environment, skills such aslistening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar are appreciated when learningEnglish whereas pronunciation often is ignored in most educational institutions.Hence,some Vietnamese students are struggled with English learning.

The author discovered howlearning synonymscontributes tolearning Englishvocabulary of Vienamese students English teachers are sometimes frustrated by theirstudents' difficulties with English vocabulary Among other things, most students arestruggle with lack of vocabulary, distinguishing synonyms in certain contexts,choosing and using words properly and effectively in communication and work.

Due to several consequences afterwards that people can suffer, this issue must beaddressed One of the most efficiently methods can solve this problem is applyingsynonyms to studying Englishwhich can help students improve theirvocabulary, word

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Vietnamese students in order to help them with their English vocabulary problems.The study benefits a wide range of subjects, especially for Vietnamese students.

As a result, the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of applying synonymson the vocabularyof Vietnamese students

2 Significance of the study

It is necessary to use synonyms to enrich our vocabulary in studies and work.Thus, the

Vocabulary And Providing Tutorials On How To Use Synonyms Effectively"

It is hoped that this research will help English learners, specificallyVietnamesestudentshave a better understanding about their problems and properly applysynonyms to improve their word using skill.

3 Aims of the study

This study aims to introduce synonyms and their applications to learning English ofVietnamese students In addiction, having the right direction from the beginning willmake the process of learning English at school easier and more efficient.

To achieve the stated objectives, the research focuses on the following topics: -Synonyms knowledges and applications

- Guidance on how to use synonyms effectively.

4 Research question

The following research question was posed: How applying synonymshas helpedVietnamese students improve their vocabulary, speaking and writing skills?

5 Scope of the study

The subjects of this study are limited to Vietnamese students This survey's sampleswill be 56 students A self-administered questionnaire serves as the survey instrument.Participants complete the questionnaire on their own The questionnaire contains bothclosed-ended and open-ended questions.

6.Methods of the study

The quantitative method is used to gather data for the study A survey questionnairefor Vietnamese studentswas used to collect data In addition, an interview is conductedas a supplement to the survey questionnaire.

All conclusions and recommendations are made based on the results of the dataanalysis of the study.

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7 Design of the study

The study is divided into five main parts:

Part I is an Introduction, this chapter provides an overview of the research such asrationale, significance, aims, research questions, scope, methods and design of thestudy.

Part II is Development - the core of this chapter is divided into two chapters:Chapter 1: Theoretical Basis

1.This section provides details on synonyms definition and types of synonyms.2.This section provides details on the synonyms usage

Chapter 2: Methodology

This chapter provides a detailed introduction to: the researcher; participants; resourcesand materials; instruments for collecting data; data collection procedures; and finally, aconclusion.

Part III is Data Analysis

This part consists of two parts.

The first is the design of the survey questionnaires, which presents the questions to beincluded in the survey.

after the survey.

Part IV is the Results and discussion, then the proposed solutions and finally somerecommendations for students after the survey process.

Part V is the Conclusion, which summarizes what was given in previous chapters, thelimitations of the study, and makes recommendations for further study.

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PART II: DEVELOPMENTChapter 1: Theoretical BasisA Overview of Synonym

Arnold (1983) offers another definition which describes the notion "synonymy"explained by identity of meaning and interchangeability.

If we see the Charles Smith's definition (2006), synonyms are words which agree inexpressing one or more characteristic ideas in common.

The coincidence in the essential meanings of linguistic elements which at the sametime usually preserve their differences in connotations and stylistic characteristics isoften known as synonymy.

Synonyms can be any part of speech (e.g nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs orprepositions), as long as both members of the pair are the same part of speech.

For example,

Noun: student – pupil, lady – womanVerb: help–assist, obtain –achieveAdjective: sick – ill, hard– difficult

Adverb: quickly – speedily, profoundly – deeplyPreposition: on –upon, regarding – concerning

Conjunction: so that– in order that, however – nevertheless

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Note that synonyms are defined with respect to certain senses of words; for instance,pupil as the "aperture in the iris of the eye" is not synonymous with student Similarly,he expired means the same as he died, yet my passport has expired cannot be replacedby my passport has died.

In daily language you can often hear such sentences as "I like this piece of music verymuch" or "I love this piece of music" where the verbs "like and love" can conveyalmost the same meaning, i.e feelings of attraction, approbation, fondness But readthe following extract, in which a young woman rejects a proposal of marriage:

"I have always liked you very much, I admire your talent, but, forgive me, I couldnever love you as a wife should love her husband."

(From The Shivering Sands by V Holt)We can see that each of the three verbs, though they all describe more or less the samefeeling of liking, describes it in its own way:

"I like you, i.e I have certain warm feelings towards you, but they are not strongenough for me to describe it as love".

Some linguists claim that no synonyms have exactly the same meaning (in all contextsor social levels of language) because etymology, orthography, phonic qualities,ambiguous meanings, usage, etc make them unique However, many people feel thatthe synonyms they use are identical in meaning for all practical purposes Differentwords that are similar in meaning usually differ for a reason: feline is more formalthan cat; long and extended are only synonyms in one usage and not in others, such asa long arm and an extended arm.

This is what many linguists have referred to as the duality or dual characteristics ofsynonyms Regarding duality or the dual characteristics, synonyms are said to be boththe same and different: they are the same in that they often share the same denotativecomponents and they are different in that their connotative components orconnotations are usually very different This also means that when we attempt to useone word of a group of synonyms for a particular context, great consideration shouldbe taken.

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Let us examine the following the following set of synonyms:

Denotative componentsConnotative components

in the hope of testing or providingsomething.

and difficulty

tentative trying or experimenting

difficulty and specially suggestspersistent effort

When we analyze the semantic features of words in the above set, we find that there isno identity in all their semantic features The five words have some common feature(or the denotative component) but one word in the set has only this feature whileothers have some additional features also.

A further illustration will be supplied by a group of synonymous nouns: hope,expectation, and anticipation They are considered to be synonymous because they allthree mean "having something in mind which is likely to happen" There is stronglypronounced difference in their shades of meaning Expectation may be either of goodor of evil Anticipation, as a rule, is a pleasurable expectation of something good.Hope is not only a belief but a desire that some event would happen The stylisticdifference is also quite marked The Romance words anticipation and expectation areformal literary words used only by educated speakers, whereas the nativemonosyllabic hope is stylistically neutral Moreover, they differ in idiomatic usage.Only hope is possible in such set expressions as: to hope against hope, to lose hope, topin one's hopes on something.

1.2 Classification of synonyms

1.2.1 Absolute synonyms(words that coincide in all their shades of meaning and in

all their stylistic characteristics)

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If two words have identity in all their semantic features they are called absolutesynonyms The occurrence of absolute synonyms not only depends on the lexicalmeaning but also on the distributional characteristics of the words How to find out theabsolute synonyms? One common testapplied to know whether two lexical items areabsolute synonyms or not is the test of interchangeability and substitution Two lexicalunits can be absolute synonyms if and only if they are interchangeable for one anotherin all contexts without the slightest change in their meaning But this is rarely found, ifwe do not say, it is almost impossible to get complete synonyms in a language Toquote Ullmann "absolute synonymy is an extremely rare occurrence, a luxury that alanguage can ill afford" (After Lyons 1968, 437).

However, absolute synonyms are found only in a few monosemantic words whichhave technical meanings But here again the terms are not used by the same writer orschool They are used by different schools.

There are some very rare cases where we may find cases of absolute synonyms.

1.2.2 Semantic synonyms

They are the synonyms that differ in terms of denotation or differ in shades ofmeaning.

test – check – examinehouse – home

move – swing

see – watch – look – glance – stare – gaze – glarebeautiful – handsome – good looking – prettylaugh – smile – giggle – chuckle – grin

clever – intelligent

1.2.3 Stylistic synonyms(words which, without explicitly displaying semantic

difference, are distinguished stylistically)

build – construct

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Stylistic synonyms can also appear by means of abbreviation In most cases theabbreviated form belongs to the colloquial style, and the full form to the neutral style.

Among stylistic synonyms we can point to a special group of words which are calledeuphemisms.

Another case is slang, literary or formal synonym.

e.g die – kick the bucket (sl.) – perish (literary) – decease (formal)

In a stylistic opposition of synonyms, the basis of comparison is again the denotationalmeaning and the distinctive feature is the presence or absence of a stylistic coloringwhich may also be accompanied a difference in emotional coloring.

1.2.5 Phraseological synonyms

They are the synonyms that differ in their collocation.

1.2.6 Territorial synonyms

They differ in terms of the territories or countries in which they are used.

football (B.E) – soccer (A.E)

sidewalk (A.E) – pavement (Atlantic)film (B.E) – movie (A.E)

underground (B.E) – subway (A.E)lorry (B.E) – truck (A.E)

motorcar (B.E) – automobile (A.E)centre (B.E) – center (A.E)

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1.2.7 Ideographic synonyms(words conveying the same notion but differing in

shades of meaning, i.e between which a semantic difference is statable)

For example, Lonely as compared with alone is emotional as is easily seen from thefollowing sentences:

"I'm just a lonely boy, lonely and blue I'm all alone with nothing to do" I've goteverything you could think of But all I want is someone to love."

(Lonely Boy - Paul Anka)Both words denote being apart from others, but lonely besides the general meaningimplies longing for company, feeling sad because of the lack of sympathy andcompanionship Alone does not necessarily suggest any sadness at being by oneself.If the difference in the meaning of synonyms concerns the notion or the emotionexpressed, as was the case in the groups discussed above, the synonyms are classifiedas ideographic synonyms, and the opposition created in contrasting them may becalled an ideographic opposition The opposition is formulated with the help of a cleardefinitive statement of the semantic component present in all the members of thegroup.

Also, in analyzing the group consisting of the words glance n., look n and glimpse n.we state that all three denote a conscious and direct endeavor to see, the distinctivefeature is based on the time and quickness of the action A glance is "a look which isquick and sudden" and a glimpse is quicker still, implying only momentary sight.

1.2.8 Contextual synonyms(words that are similar in meaning only under some

specific distributional conditions)

For example, the verbs bear, suffer and stand are semantically different and notinterchangeable except when used in the negative form; can't stand is equal to can't

bear in the following words of an officer: "I've swallowed too much of the beastly

stuff: I can't stand it any longer I'm going to the dressing-station." (Aldington, 1958).

Another example, following usage of the verbs sell and betray is also a similar case:

sell one’s country is equal to betray one’s country.

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A dominant synonym is a "central" word of a group of synonyms expressing the notioncommon to all synonyms of the group in the most general way, without contributingany additional information as to the manner, intensity, duration or any attendingfeature of the referent.

It can easily be shown, on the evidence of examples, that each synonymic groupcomprises a dominant element This synonymic dominant is the most general term ofits kind potentially containing the specific features rendered by all the other membersof the group, as, for instance, in the series leave, depart, quit, retire, clear out, the verbleaves, being general and both stylistically and emotionally neutral, can stand for eachof the other four terms The other four can replace leave only when some specificsemantic component must prevail over the general notion When we want tostress theidea of giving up employment and stopping work, quit is preferable because in thisword this particular notion dominates over the more general idea common to the wholegroup.

Other dominants are, for instance, get, a verb that can stand for the verbs obtain,acquire, gain, win, earn; also ask, the most general term of its group, viz inquire,question or interrogate The noun piece is the synonymic dominant in the group slice,lump, morsel The verb look at is the synonymic dominant in the group to stare, toglance, to peep The adjective red is the synonymic dominant in the group purple,scarlet, crimson.

The synonymic dominant should not be confused with a generic term A generic termis relative It serves as the name for the notion of the genus as distinguished from thenames of the species For instance, animal is a generic term as compared to thespecific names wolf, dog or mouse (which are not synonymous) Dog, in its turn, mayserve as a generic term for different breeds such as bull-dog, collie, poodle, etc.

A more modern and a more effective approach to the classification of synonyms maybe based on the definition describing synonyms as words differing in connotations.It seems convenient to classify connotations by which synonyms differ rather thansynonyms themselves.

1.3 Types of connotations

1.3.1 Connotation of degree of intensity

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Connotation of degree of intensity indicates how strongly or how intensely an action,for example, takes place or is performed.

(prices) go down, fall, drop, plunge, plummetto surprise – to astonish – to amaze – to astoundto shout – to yell – to bellow – to roar

pain– agony – twinge

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to shiver – to shudderto sparkle – to glitter

The causative connotation is also typical of the verbs we have already mentioned, toinjure and to wound, in whose semantic structures the cause of the act or process ofcausing physical damage is encoded:

"To injure" implies physical damage in an accident.

"To wound" implies physical damage caused by weapons in a fight, a war.

1.3.6 Connotation of manner

The connotation of manner indicates how an action, for example, is performed.e.g to stare, to glare, to gaze, to peep, to peer (steadily, lastingly)

to glance (briefly)

to ask – to question – to interrogate

"ask" has a very general meaning of seeking information"question" would mean constantly asking, searching questions.

"interrogate" would suggest systematic and thorough questioning by a personauthorized to do so (often in a threatening manner).

to stroll – to stride – to trot – to pace – to swagger – to stumble – to stagger

The verbs to stroll –to stride –to trot– to pace– to swagger –to stagger– to stumble all

denote different ways and types of walking, encoding in their semantic structures thelength of pace, tempo, gait and carriage, purposefulness or lack of purpose.

to stroll (to walk with leisurely steps)to stride(to walk with long and quick steps)to trot (to walk with short and quick steps)to pace (to walk with even steps)

to swagger (to walk with bold steps)

to stagger (to walk with unsteady, unbalanced steps)

to stumble (to walk with unsteady, unbalanced steps as if one is about to fall

1.3.7 Connotation of attendant circumstances

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Connotation of attendant circumstances indicates the related context or environmentwhere an action, for example, is performed

to peep and to peer

to pump – to pour – to funnel – inject (capital)

The verbs to peep andto peer have already been mentioned They are differentiated by

connotations of duration and manner But there is some other curious peculiarity intheir semantic structures Let us consider their typical contexts.

One peeps at sb/sth through a hole, crack or opening, frombehind a screen, a

half-closed door, a newspaper, a fan, a curtain, etc Itseems as if a whole set of scenerywere built within the word's meaning Ofcourse, it is not quite so, because "the set ofscenery" is actually built in thecontext, but, as with all regular contexts, it is intimatelyreflected in theword's semantic structure We shall call this the connotation ofattendantcircumstances.

This connotation is also characteristic of to peer which will be clear from the followingtypical contexts of the verb.

One peers at sb/sth in darkness, through the fog, through dimmed glasses or windows,from a great distance; a short-sighted person may also peer at things So, in thesemantic structure of to peer are encoded circumstances preventing one from seeingclearly.

1.3.8 Connotation of attendant features

pretty, handsome, beautiful

The synonyms pretty, handsome, beautiful have been mentioned as the ones which are

more or less interchangeable Yet, each of them describes a special type of humanbeauty:

beautiful is mostly associated with classical features and a perfect figure,handsome with a tall stature, a certain robustness and fine proportions,pretty with small delicate features and a fresh complexion.

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meal – snack, bite (coll.), snap (dial.),

–repast, refreshment, feast (formal).

man – chap, fellow (coll.),

–bloke, guy (sl.)–gentleman (form.)

urinate–empty one's bladder, void (form.),

– check the plumbing, check the sand box,– water the lilies (or bushes), drain a vein (sl.),–leak, pee, piss, shake hands with a friend (vul.)

– do, go or make number one, pee pee, wee wee (child.)

2 History of synonyms

The word "synonym" dates back over 500 years, to late Middle English The term isderived from Latin from the Greek word sunōnumon, neuter form (used as a noun) ofthe adjective sunōnumos, from sun- meaning 'with' + onoma meaning 'name' in theGreek language.

The meaning of the word has remained unchanged for all these centuries There iseven a saying, going back to 1892, "Once a synonym, always a synonym" The wordhas been taught to generations of English-language students and is commonly knownby the general public Many other languages have a similar word for "synonym" withthe same or similar spelling.

3 Sources of synonyms3.1 Borrowings

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One word is borrowed the other is native, for example,ask (native) – question (French) – interrogate (Latin)fear (native) – terror (French) – trepidation (Latin)bodily (native) – corporeal (Latin)

help (native) – aid (Latin)

and many others: belly, to gather, empty, to end, to raise, teaching (native) aresynonyms ofabdomen, to collect, vacuous, to complete, to ascend, instruction (Latin)

It is the English borrowed words that contribute to the prosperity of English synonymstoday In the study of words, we find that English has thelargest vocabulary and themost synonyms of any language in the world Latin, French and Greek were the mainsource of English synonyms The bulk of the borrowed words come from Latin,almost throughout the entire English history French loans influx into the MiddleEnglish Period Borrowed words derive from Greek are pervasive in every branch ofart and science for Greek people once dominate the world in art, science andphilosophy.

3.2 Dialectical words

One word may be local or dialectal:lift (British) – elevator (American)flat (British) – apartment (American)car (British) – automobile (American)

One word, owing to the change of meaning, becomes a synonym of the other For

example, with the meaning of "person who work on a farm or a factory", handbecomes a synonym of worker; or with the meaning of "fine baked white clay", china

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3.5 Word-formationa Derivation

synonymic – synonymousdeceptive – deceitfulhypothesis – supposition

b Compounding

c Conversion

laugh – laughtergive – handmonkey – imitate

It is often convenient to explain the meaning of a new word with the help of itspreviously learned synonym This forms additional associations in the learner's mind,and the new word is better remembered Moreover, it eliminates the necessity ofbringing in a native word And yet the discrimination of synonyms and words whichmay be confused is more important: synonyms are usually not identical in meaning oruse The area where substitution is possible is very limited and outside it allreplacement either destroys the beauty and precision, or, more often, makes the

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utterance vague, ungrammatical and even unintelligible This makes the knowledge ofwhere each synonym differs from another of paramount importance for correctness ofspeech.

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B Applying synonyms to learning English1 Purposes of Synonyms

a Adding Variety and Color to Our Language

Imagine if we used the same word over and over again It would get boring prettyquickly, right? Synonyms come to the rescue by giving us alternative words withsimilar meanings They make our language more interesting and vibrant.

b Avoiding Repetition

Have you ever read something where the same word was repeated too many times? Itcan be tiresome and dull Synonyms help us avoid this repetition by providingdifferent words that convey the same message They allow us to express ourselves in amore diverse and engaging way.

c Enhancing Clarity and Precision

Sometimes, a single word might have multiple meanings or interpretations By usingsynonyms, we can provide clarity and ensure that our intended message is understood.Synonyms allow us to choose the word that best fits the context and conveys our exactmeaning.

c Enhancing Clarity and Precision

Sometimes, a single word might have multiple meanings or interpretations By usingsynonyms, we can provide clarity and ensure that our intended message is understood.Synonyms allow us to choose the word that best fits the context and conveys our exactmeaning.

d Expanding Vocabulary

Using synonyms helps us expand our vocabulary When we encounter new words withsimilar meanings, we learn more about the nuances and shades of language It’s likediscovering new flavors of words and becoming a master of expression.

Now that we know why synonyms are awesome, let’s dive into the different types ofsynonyms that exist

“The richness of the human experience would vanish without synonyms.” – ThesaurusRex

2 Guide to Synonyms usage

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2.1Tips on how to use synonyms effectively in your worka Know your audience

Before you choose a synonym, you need to consider who you are writing for and whatyou want to achieve Different words may have different connotations, associations, orlevels of formality depending on your target market, industry, and purpose Forexample, if you are writing for a health and wellness website, you may want to usewords like holistic, natural, or wellness instead of synonyms like comprehensive,organic, or well-being These words may resonate more with your audience andconvey your brand identity better.

b Know your context

Another factor to consider when using synonyms is the context of your sentence,paragraph, and text You need to make sure that the synonym you choose fits thegrammatical structure, the tone, and the meaning of your text For example, if you arewriting a product description for a laptop, you may want to use words like sleek,portable, or powerful instead of synonyms like smooth, handy, or strong These wordsmay match the context of your text better and create a more vivid and specific imageof your product.

c Know your limits

While synonyms can help you avoid repetition and create variety, you also need to becareful not to overuse them or use them incorrectly Too many synonyms can makeyour text confusing, inconsistent, or unnatural For example, if you are writing a blogpost about SEO copywriting, you may want to use the term SEO consistentlythroughout your text instead of switching to synonyms like search engineoptimization, organic traffic, or web visibility These synonyms may confuse yourreaders and dilute your focus Similarly, you need to avoid using synonyms thatchange the meaning or nuance of your text For example, if you are writing atestimonial for a client, you may want to use words like satisfied, impressed, ordelighted instead of synonyms like content, amazed, or ecstatic These synonyms mayalter the intensity or emotion of your text and affect your credibility.

d Know your resources

Finally, you need to know where to find reliable and relevant synonyms for yourcopywriting While a thesaurus can be a handy tool, you also need to use your ownjudgment and common sense when choosing synonyms You need to check the

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2024, 09:54


