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digital economy and synergistic management of carbon haze evidence from vietnam

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Tiêu đề Digital Economy and Synergistic Management of Carbon Haze: Evidence from Vietnam
Tác giả Trần Nhất Minh, Mathivanan Sharmila
Trường học FPT University
Chuyên ngành Computing Research Project
Thể loại research proposal
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Greenwich
Định dạng
Số trang 34
Dung lượng 3,19 MB

Nội dung

Additionally, initiatives are being developed to promote the use ofrenewable energy sources for cryptocurrency mining, aiming to reduce the carbon footprint ofcrypto payments.The adoptio

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Digital Economy and Synergistic Management of Carbon Haze: Evidence from Vietnam

Trần Nhất MinhGCS190905

Mathivanan SharmilaComputing Research ProjectDepartment: 1639FPT University Greenwich, VietnamDate: 03-05-2023

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The manufacturing industries and the use of electronic equipment contribute significantly tocarbon dioxide emissions annually The production process of electronic devices involves theextraction and processing of raw materials, manufacturing components, and assembly, all ofwhich require energy and generate emissions Additionally, the energy consumption duringthe use phase of electronic equipment, such as computers and smartphones, contributes tocarbon emissions

The exact amount of carbon dioxide emitted from manufacturing industries and electronicequipment used can vary depending on several factors However, according to estimates, theglobal information and communication technology (ICT) sector, which includes electronicequipment, accounts for around 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions This figure isprojected to increase as the demand for electronic devices continues to grow

One technology that can help reduce carbon emissions in the digital technology sector isvirtualization Virtualization allows multiple virtual machines or operating systems to run on

a single physical server, reducing the number of physical servers required and consequentlythe energy consumption This technology helps optimize server utilization and improvesenergy efficiency

Another technology is edge computing, which involves processing data closer to the sourcerather than sending it to a central server or the cloud By minimizing the distance data travels,edge computing reduces network congestion and energy consumption It can also enablemore localized and efficient processing, benefiting applications like Internet of Things (IoT)devices

Cloud computing offers several benefits, including resource scalability, cost-efficiency, anddata storage However, the energy consumption of data centers that power the cloud cancontribute to carbon emissions As the demand for cloud services grows, so does the need formore data centers, resulting in increased energy consumption unless they are powered byrenewable sources

On the positive side, cloud computing can also enable energy savings and emissionsreductions Cloud providers can optimize their data centers for energy efficiency, consolidateresources, and leverage virtualization technologies Additionally, by providing sharedinfrastructure and services, cloud computing allows companies to avoid the need forindividual data centers, reducing overall carbon emissions

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Many big tech companies have committed to reducing their carbon emissions and adoptingmore sustainable practices They are investing in renewable energy sources to power theiroperations, either by building their own renewable energy projects or purchasing renewableenergy credits This shift towards clean energy helps reduce their carbon footprint.

Additionally, big tech companies are implementing energy-efficient measures in their datacenters and facilities They are optimizing server utilization, adopting energy-efficienthardware, and employing advanced cooling techniques Some companies are also exploringcarbon offset programs or investing in carbon removal technologies to compensate for theirremaining emissions

The exact amount of electricity consumed by data on the Internet daily can vary depending

on various factors such as the number of users, online activities, and data center efficiency.However, it is estimated that the Internet consumes a significant amount of electricity,accounting for a substantial portion of global energy consumption

The environmental impact of Internet-related electricity consumption includes carbonemissions from power generation, increased demand for energy infrastructure, and theassociated resource extraction As the demand for online services grows, it is crucial to focus

on energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and sustainable practices to mitigate theenvironmental impact

Teleworking and video conferencing can significantly reduce carbon emissions byminimizing the need for commuting and business travel Commuting to and from workcontributes to traffic congestion and vehicle emissions By allowing employees to workremotely, teleworking eliminates or reduces these emissions Video conferencing replaces theneed for face-to-face meetings, reducing the carbon footprint associated with business travel,including flights, driving, and accommodation

While the exact amount of carbon emissions saved by teleworking and video conferencingcan vary depending on factors such as the distance traveled and the number of participants,studies have shown significant potential for emissions reductions For example, a study bythe International Council on Clean Transportation estimated that teleworking could reducecarbon emissions by 54 million metric tons annually in the United States alone

The carbon emissions associated with crypto payments are a topic of debate and depend onvarious factors One significant factor is the energy consumption of the blockchain network

on which the cryptocurrency operates Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchains, such as Bitcoin,

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require substantial computational power, leading to high energy consumption The energysources used to power the mining operations determine the carbon emissions associated withcrypto payments.

Different cryptocurrencies have varying levels of carbon emissions Some cryptocurrenciesare exploring alternative consensus mechanisms like Proof-of-Stake (PoS) that requiresignificantly less energy Additionally, initiatives are being developed to promote the use ofrenewable energy sources for cryptocurrency mining, aiming to reduce the carbon footprint ofcrypto payments

The adoption of renewable energy sources to power data centers and digital technologyinfrastructure can directly reduce carbon emissions By utilizing solar, wind, hydroelectric, orother renewable energy sources, the dependence on fossil fuel-based electricity generationdecreases This transition to renewables ensures that the energy used in digital technologyoperations has a lower carbon footprint

In addition to directly powering operations, digital technology can facilitate the integration ofrenewable energy into the electricity grid Smart grid technologies, for example, enable bettermanagement and distribution of renewable energy, optimizing its utilization and reducingwaste Digital solutions can also help monitor and control energy consumption, identifyingareas for efficiency improvements and further carbon reductions

The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius abovepre-industrial levels To achieve this, countries have committed to preparing carbon reductionplans known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) These plans outline specificactions, policies, and targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions The plans vary bycountry but often include measures such as transitioning to renewable energy, improvingenergy efficiency, promoting sustainable transportation, and enhancing forest conservationand reforestation efforts

Many countries are also implementing sector-specific strategies to meet their NDCs Thesestrategies may focus on areas such as renewable energy deployment, sustainable agriculturepractices, circular economy initiatives, and regulations promoting energy-efficient buildingsand transportation International cooperation and financial support mechanisms are also inplace to assist developing countries in implementing their carbon reduction plans

Consumers can play a vital role in reducing carbon emissions by considering theenvironmental impact of their electronic product choices Reasonable requirements can

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include looking for energy-efficient devices with high Energy Star ratings, which consumeless power during use Prioritizing products with longer lifespans, upgradability, andrepairability can also help reduce electronic waste and encourage sustainable consumption.Consumers can also support companies that prioritize environmental sustainability andcarbon reduction This includes choosing products from companies with transparentsustainability practices, such as those committed to renewable energy sourcing, carbon offsetprograms, and responsible supply chain management Supporting initiatives like e-wasterecycling programs and purchasing refurbished or second-hand electronic products canfurther reduce carbon emissions associated with manufacturing new devices.

Ultimately, consumer awareness and demand for eco-friendly electronic products and digitaltechnologies can drive innovation and encourage manufacturers to prioritize energyefficiency, sustainable design, and responsible production practices, thus contributing to thereduction of carbon emissions in the industry

Background and Context

Raising background and context when discussing carbon emissions in digital technology isparticularly important given the complexity of the issue Providing background information

on the sources of carbon emissions and the impact of digital technology on the environmenthelps to establish context and clarify any assumptions or prior knowledge that may benecessary to fully comprehend the issue

Furthermore, raising context in this conversation can help to illustrate the significant impact

of digital technology on carbon emissions, as well as the potential consequences of notaddressing the problem By discussing the various sources of carbon emissions in digitaltechnology, such as energy consumption during production and use of electronic devices, andthe impact of data centers, it becomes clear how large this issue truly is and the scale of thechanges that are required

Additionally, highlighting potential solutions and ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions

in digital technology can provide a sense of hope and motivation for action This can includediscussion of the use of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient designs for electronicdevices, and sustainable data center practices

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Overall, raising background and context when discussing carbon emissions in digitaltechnology is crucial for establishing a shared understanding of the issue, highlighting itssignificance, and identifying potential solutions for a more sustainable future.

Problem Statement

A research problem in this domain could focus on identifying the key drivers of carbonemissions in digital technology and potential solutions to mitigate them While there isexisting research on the topic, there is still a need for a more systematic analysis of carbonemissions from the production, maintenance, and disposal of digital devices

A theoretical research problem could investigate the effectiveness of various policyinterventions to reduce carbon emissions in digital technology, such as taxes on carbonemissions, incentives for the use of renewable energy sources in data centers, regulations onthe energy efficiency of electronic devices, and the implementation of sustainable practices inthe production and disposal of digital devices This could help to identify the most effectivepolicies and strategies to reduce carbon emissions in digital technology

A practical research problem could involve the development and testing of new technologiesthat have the potential to reduce carbon emissions in digital technology For instance,research can investigate the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms tooptimize energy usage in data centers or the development of electronic devices that aredesigned to be more energy-efficient and minimize carbon emissions during production.Overall, research on carbon emissions in digital technology is a crucial area of study, andthere are many theoretical and practical research problems that can be addressed to supportthe transition to a more sustainable digital economy

Research Questions

State the specific question(s) that you aim to answer

Q1 How much carbon dioxide is emitted from the manufacturing industries and use of electronic equipment annually?

Q2 What are the new technologies that can reduce carbon emissions in the digital

technology sector?

Q3 What are the uses of cloud that affect the amount of carbon emitted?

Q4 What are big tech companies doing to reduce their carbon emissions?

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Q5 How much electricity is consumed for data on the Internet daily and what is its impact


In terms of contributing new insights, a research study on carbon emissions in digitaltechnology could provide valuable information to policymakers, industry leaders, and thepublic By investigating the key drivers of carbon emissions in digital technology andpotential solutions to mitigate them, the study could identify effective policies and strategies

to reduce carbon emissions in digital technology This could help inform the development ofmore sustainable practices and policies in the digital technology industry, and ultimatelysupport efforts to mitigate the global carbon footprint

Furthermore, a theoretical research problem that investigates the effectiveness of policyinterventions to reduce carbon emissions in digital technology could provide guidance forpolicymakers and industry leaders seeking to implement climate-friendly policies This studycould help prioritize policy interventions that are effective and feasible in the context of thedigital technology industry and identify areas where additional policy interventions may beneeded

In addition, a practical research problem that focuses on the development and testing of newtechnologies to reduce carbon emissions in digital technology could contribute to thedevelopment of more sustainable electronic devices and data centers This could include theuse of machine learning or artificial intelligence algorithms to optimize energy usage in datacenters, sustainable design principles for electronic devices, and innovative approaches torecycling and disposal of electronic waste

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Overall, a research study on carbon emissions in digital technology could provide newinsights to stakeholders across various sectors, from policymakers to industry leaders to thegeneral public By identifying effective policies, techniques, and technologies to reducecarbon emissions, the study could support the global effort to mitigate the carbon footprintand minimize the environmental impact of digital technology.

Reasons for Choosing the Project

1 Relevance: Carbon emissions in digital technology is a relevant and important topicthat affects us all With the increasing use of digital technology and the growth of thedigital economy, there is a pressing need to address the significant carbon footprintassociated with the production, maintenance, and disposal of digital devices

2 Timeliness: Given the urgency of addressing climate change, the topic of carbonemissions in digital technology is timely and relevant This is an area whereinnovative solutions and policies are needed to reduce carbon emissions and mitigatethe environmental impact of digital technology

3 Interdisciplinary: Carbon emissions in digital technology is an interdisciplinary topicthat spans across a variety of fields, including energy, computer science,environmental science, and public policy This makes it a rich and diverse area forresearch and discussion

4 Impact: By addressing carbon emissions in digital technology, researchers canpotentially contribute to large-scale impact in terms of reducing carbon emissions andmitigating the environmental impact of digital technology This has importantimplications for sustainability, public health, and the future of our planet

5 Innovation: Carbon emissions in digital technology is an area where innovation isneeded to find new and more effective ways to reduce emissions This opens upopportunities for researchers to explore new areas of research and develop innovativesolutions to tackle this global challenge

Literature review Key Concepts, Theories and Studies

1 "The impact of information technology on carbon emissions: An empirical study in China"

by Chen, Q., Li, L., Wang, Q., & Zhou, J (2018):

This article investigates the impact of information technology (IT) on carbon emissions inChina It focuses on the relationship between IT adoption and energy consumption, as well as

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the subsequent environmental impact The study utilizes an empirical approach, analysingdata from various sectors in China to assess the role of IT in carbon emissions reduction Thefindings suggest that information technology can contribute to energy efficiencyimprovements and carbon emissions reduction in certain sectors The study also examines thepotential mechanisms through which IT influences carbon emissions, such as processoptimization and energy-saving practices Overall, it provides empirical evidence supportingthe positive impact of information technology on carbon emissions reduction in China.

2 "The impact of digital technology on carbon emissions in China: An empirical analysisbased on the environmental Kuznets curve" by Zhang, W., Chen, X., & Li, J (2019):This research article explores the relationship between digital technology and carbonemissions in China, employing the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) framework Itconducts an empirical analysis to examine the impact of digital technology on carbonemissions while considering the influence of economic development The study investigatesthe potential non-linear relationship between digital technology adoption, economic growth,and carbon emissions, as proposed by the EKC theory The findings provide empiricalevidence that digital technology adoption can have a significant impact on carbon emissions

in China The analysis suggests that as digital technology advances and the economy grows,there is a potential for reduced carbon emissions, indicating the role of digital technology inpromoting environmental sustainability

3 "ICT and environmental sustainability in China: An empirical analysis of CO2 emissions"

by Liu, Y., Hao, Y., & Zhao, Y (2019):

This empirical analysis focuses on the relationship between Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT) and environmental sustainability, with a specific focus on CO2 emissions

in China The study examines the impact of ICT adoption and usage on CO2 emissions,considering both direct and indirect effects It explores the potential mechanisms throughwhich ICT can contribute to CO2 emissions reduction, such as energy-efficient practices andthe digitization of various processes The findings provide empirical evidence that highlightsthe positive relationship between ICT adoption and environmental sustainability in China,particularly in terms of CO2 emissions reduction The study emphasizes the importance of

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leveraging ICT technologies and practices to achieve environmental goals and promotesustainable development.

4 "The role of the digital economy in carbon emissions: Evidence from China" by Xu, J.,Chen, Y., & Zhang, Y (2019):

This research article examines the role of the digital economy in carbon emissions reduction,focusing on the context of China It investigates how the digital economy, including digitaltechnologies and innovations, can contribute to carbon emissions mitigation efforts Thestudy analyses data from various sectors to explore the relationship between the digitaleconomy and carbon emissions, considering both direct and indirect impacts It also considerssector-specific implications and potential differences in carbon emissions reduction acrossdifferent economic sectors The findings provide evidence that the digital economy can play apositive role in reducing carbon emissions in China The study highlights the importance oftechnological advancements, innovations, and sector-specific strategies in harnessing thepotential of the digital economy for sustainable development and carbon emissionsgovernance

5 "Digital technology and carbon emissions: A case study of China" by Zhang, Y., Shen, N.,

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activities The research emphasizes the importance of leveraging digital technology toaddress environmental challenges and enhance synergistic carbon-haze governance in China.

Research design and methods

Here you should explain your approach to the research and describe exactly what steps you will take to answer your questions

Overview of the proposed Project


The research project aims to explore the relationship between the digital economy and the synergistic management of carbon haze in the context of Vietnam With the growing concern over environmental issues and the increasing role of digital technologies in various sectors, understanding the potential synergies between the digital economy and carbon haze management is of great significance

transforming various sectors such as manufacturing, transportation, energy, and agriculture


The primary objective of this research project is to examine how the digital economy can be leveraged to enhance the management of carbon haze in Vietnam By investigating the potential synergies between digital technologies, sustainable practices, and environmental management strategies, the study aims to provide evidence-based insights to guide policymakers, businesses, and stakeholders in developing effective measures to mitigate carbon haze while fostering economic growth


The research project will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques Initially, a comprehensive literature review will be conducted to gain a

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deep understanding of the existing knowledge on the digital economy, carbon haze, and sustainable practices This will be followed by a quantitative analysis of relevant data, including statistical models and econometric analysis, to identify the correlation between the digital economy and carbon haze management.

Furthermore, qualitative methods such as interviews, focus groups, and case studies will be employed to gather insights from key stakeholders, including government officials, industry experts, environmental organizations, and digital technology providers These qualitative datawill help uncover the perspectives, challenges, and opportunities associated with integrating digital solutions into carbon haze management strategies

Expected Outcomes:

The research project anticipates generating several outcomes Firstly, it aims to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the digital economy and carbon haze management, offering insights into how digital technologies can contribute to sustainability efforts Secondly, it seeks to identify best practices and policy recommendations for integrating digital solutions into existing carbon haze management frameworks

Additionally, the project will shed light on the barriers and enablers of adopting digital technologies in the context of Vietnam, taking into account technological, economic, social, and regulatory factors The findings will not only benefit policymakers and government agencies but also provide valuable guidance to businesses and industries seeking to implement sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint

Overall, this research project seeks to bridge the gap between the digital economy and environmental sustainability by exploring the potential of digital technologies in managing carbon haze By understanding and harnessing these synergies, Vietnam can strive towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future while capitalizing on the

opportunities offered by the digital revolution

Research design

Research Approach:

The research project will employ a quantitative approach to investigate the relationshipbetween the digital economy and the synergistic management of carbon haze in Vietnam.Data Collection:

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The research will rely on secondary data sources for the quantitative analysis These sourcesmay include official statistics, reports from government agencies, research publications, andrelevant datasets related to the digital economy, carbon haze, and environmental management

in Vietnam

Variable Selection:

Key variables will be identified based on the research objectives and the availability of data.Examples of variables may include indicators related to digital technology adoption,greenhouse gas emissions, air quality measurements, economic indicators, and policiesrelated to the digital economy and environmental management

Data Analysis:

The collected secondary data will be analyzed using statistical techniques Descriptivestatistics will be used to summarize and describe the data, providing an overview of theselected variables This analysis may involve calculating measures of central tendency (such

as mean, median, and mode) and measures of dispersion (such as standard deviation andrange) for the chosen variables

Correlation Analysis:

To examine the relationship between the digital economy and synergistic management ofcarbon haze, the correlational analysis will be conducted This analysis will help determinethe degree of association or correlation between the variables of interest Statistical methods,such as correlation coefficients, may be used to measure the strength and direction of therelationship

Interpretation of Findings:

The results of the data analysis and correlation analysis will be interpreted to provide insightsinto the relationship between the digital economy and carbon haze management in Vietnam.The findings will be discussed in the context of existing literature, highlighting potentialimplications and suggesting areas for further research


It is important to acknowledge limitations associated with using secondary data, such aspotential biases, data quality, and availability These limitations should be acknowledged anddiscussed to provide a balanced interpretation of the findings

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The research project will culminate in a comprehensive report outlining the researchobjectives, methodology, data analysis procedures, and findings The report will present thedescriptive and correlational analysis results, providing a clear understanding of therelationship between the digital economy and the synergistic management of carbon haze inVietnam

In summary, the research project will adopt a quantitative approach using secondary datasources for the analysis The design involves descriptive statistics to summarize the data andcorrelation analysis to examine the relationship between variables The findings willcontribute to a better understanding of how the digital economy and carbon haze managementare interconnected in the Vietnamese context

Methods and Sources

Based on the given timeframe and focusing on conducting the research in Vietnam, here's adescription of the tools, procedures, participants, and sources for data collection, selection,and analysis:


Google Scholar: This is a search engine that allows you to search for scholarlyliterature across various disciplines and sources, including articles, theses, books, andconference papers It can be used to find relevant research articles and studies related

to the topic of "Digital Economy and Synergistic Management of Carbon Haze" inVietnam

Official government websites: Government websites such as the Ministry of Industryand Trade, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Ministry ofInformation and Communications can provide valuable information and data related

to the digital economy and environmental sustainability in Vietnam Researchers canaccess official reports, policies, and regulations related to these topics, and use them

to inform their analysis and interpretation of the data

These tools can be used to collect and analyse data related to the research project "DigitalEconomy and Synergistic Management of Carbon Haze: Evidence from Vietnam"

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Data Collection:

Secondary Data Collection: Relevant secondary data sources will be identified and collected.These may include official statistics, reports, research publications, and datasets related to thedigital economy, carbon haze, and environmental management in Vietnam These datasources will be gathered through literature reviews, online databases, and reputablegovernment and research organization websites


No direct participants are involved in this research design since it focuses on secondary dataanalysis However, stakeholders such as government officials, industry experts, andenvironmental organizations may be indirectly represented through their published reports,studies, or datasets

Data Selection:

The General Statistics Office reports that our country's GDP is expected to grow by 8.0% in

2022 The service sector experienced a strong recovery, with a growth rate of 10.0% Specificservice industries such as wholesale and retail, transportation and warehousing, andaccommodation and food services saw significant increases in growth, with the latter havingthe highest increase at 40.6%

The total retail sales of consumer goods and services in 2022 are estimated to reach 5,680trillion VND, showing a growth rate of 19.8% Excluding the price factor, the growth rate isestimated to be 15.6% The Vietnam E-commerce Association predicts that retail e-commercetransactions will make up approximately 8.5% of the total retail sales of consumer goods andservices in 2022 In terms of retailing goods alone, online sales are projected to account for7.2% of total retail sales, which is higher than the corresponding rate in 2021

In the renewable energy sector, despite the expiration of preferential conditions for the FITpower purchase mechanism, various sources such as hydroelectricity, wind power, solarpower, and biomass power continue to develop and prepare for investment It is estimatedthat by the end of 2022, renewable energy will contribute nearly 48% of Vietnam's electricitygeneration output, with hydroelectricity accounting for 35% and wind, solar, and biomasspower accounting for 13%

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Regarding carbon emissions, among the 13 Asia Pacific economies studied, only NewZealand and Vietnam have exceeded their carbon emission reduction targets New Zealandshowed the most significant reduction in carbon intensity at 6.7% in 2021, followed byMalaysia (4.0%), Vietnam (3.4%), and Australia (3.3%).

The Air Quality Index (AQI) in Ho Chi Minh City on January 5, 2022, was reported to be 117units, with fine dust (PM 2.5) concentration being 7.5 times higher than the WHO air qualityguidelines

In the realm of digital payments, it is projected that the number and quality of Vietnamese payment users will increase rapidly from 2022 to 2025 According to Statista, the number ofdigital commerce users in Vietnam is expected to rise from 51.8 million in 2021 to 70.9million by 2025 Additionally, the number of users paying via mobile POS is expected toincrease from 28.6 million to approximately 34.6 million Population statistics and forecastsindicate that Vietnam has a relatively young population with an average age of 33-35 years,which positions the country as a potential online retail market

e-Relationship analysis:

E-commerce market growth: The data shows strong growth in the service sector, particularly

in wholesale and retail, transportation and warehousing, and accommodation and foodservices This growth is reflected in the total retail sales of consumer goods and services, aswell as the increasing proportion of online retail sales compared to total retail sales.Renewable energy capacity: Despite the expiration of incentives, renewable energy sourcescontinue to develop and contribute significantly to Vietnam's electricity generation output.The growth of renewable energy generation has been substantial, indicating a shift towardscleaner energy sources

Carbon emission reduction goals: While some countries in the Asia Pacific region have madeprogress in reducing carbon emissions, only New Zealand and Vietnam have exceeded theirreduction targets Vietnam's efforts to reduce carbon intensity demonstrate a commitment toaddressing environmental challenges

Air Quality Index (AQI): The data highlights the poor air quality in Ho Chi Minh City, withpollution levels far exceeding the WHO guidelines This underscores the need for measures

to improve air quality and reduce pollution in the city

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Apply digital payments: The increasing number and quality of e-payment users in Vietnamare aligned with the growth of the digital commerce sector As the population grows andbecomes more urbanized, there is a favourable environment for the expansion of online retailand mobile payment methods.

Overall, there are several interrelated trends observed in the data The growth of the commerce market, supported by an increase in digital payment users, indicates a shifttowards online retail transactions This is further reinforced by the strong performance of theservice sector, particularly in wholesale and retail, which is reflected in the total retail sales ofconsumer goods and services Additionally, the development of renewable energy sources andthe achievement of carbon emission reduction targets show a commitment to sustainabledevelopment and environmental stewardship However, the challenges of air pollution, asindicated by the high AQI levels, highlight the need for continued efforts to improve airquality in urban areas

Renewable energy capacity: Vietnam's efforts to develop renewable energy sources alignwith the topic's focus on synergistic management of carbon haze By investing inrenewable energy, Vietnam can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and decrease carbonemissions associated with energy generation This contributes to a cleaner and moresustainable energy sector

Carbon emission reduction goals: The topic's emphasis on synergistic management ofcarbon haze is directly connected to Vietnam's carbon emission reduction goals Thecountry's commitment to exceeding its reduction targets demonstrates a proactiveapproach to addressing environmental challenges By integrating digital technologies

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 10:58

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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Tiêu đề: The role of digital economy in carbon emissions: Evidence from China
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Tiêu đề: Digital technology and carbon emissions: Acase study of China
Tác giả: Zhang, Y., Shen, N., & Zhang, L
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