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research proposal motivations to use livestream for start up among vietnamese students

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This research seeks to delve into the motivations thatdrive Vietnamese students to utilize live streaming as a means of generating incomeafter the COVID-19 pandemic.One of the primary mo

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Nguyen Hoang Thao Vy - LeaderHo Ky DuyenDinh Vu Thien An

Le Duy Khang

Lecturer: Ms Ta Ngoc Linh


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1.1 Background and Context 3

1.2 Problem Statement 4

1.3 Research Questions 5

1.4 Relevance and Importance of the Research 6


2.1 Key Concepts, Theories and Studies 7

2.2 Key Debates and Controversies 12

2.3 Gaps in Existing Knowledge 12


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1.1 Background and Context

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped economies and societies around the world,compelling individuals and businesses to adapt to a new way of life ( ,2023) InVietnam, like in many other countries, the pandemic brought about significantchallenges, particularly in terms of economic stability and employment opportunities.As a result, various segments of the population, including students, found themselvesnavigating uncharted waters as they sought to address the economic ramifications of thecrisis (Soliman, 2019).

Vietnamese students, being a dynamic and tech-savvy demographic, found themselvesuniquely positioned to explore alternative avenues of income generation The pandemicserved as a catalyst for change, prompting many young students to rethink traditionalemployment options and leverage their digital skills and access to technology foreconomic self-sufficiency.

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harness their entrepreneurial spirit Live Streaming, as a medium, enables real-timecommunication and interaction with potential customers, making it an ideal platformfor startup and entrepreneurship This research seeks to delve into the motivations thatdrive Vietnamese students to utilize live streaming as a means of generating incomeafter the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the primary motivations for Vietnamese students to explore live streaming as asource of income is the economic necessity exacerbated by the pandemic Manystudents witnessed their families facing financial challenges due to job losses anddisruptions in traditional businesses This prompted them to seek opportunities forsupplementary income to support their families and contribute to householdexpenses.Moreover, Vietnamese youth, often referred to as the "digital generation,"possess a high level of digital proficiency They are well-versed in utilizing social mediaplatforms and digital technologies for various purposes, including entertainment andcommunication This digital acumen provides them with a competitive advantage inentering the world of livestreaming for start up Access to smartphones and high-speedinternet has become increasingly widespread in Vietnam, even in rural areas Thisaccessibility to technology empowers students to engage in live streaming withoutsignificant barriers, reducing the entry threshold for online entrepreneurship.Additionally, The entrepreneurial spirit among Vietnamese students is on the rise LiveStreaming presents an avenue for them to experiment with business ideas, hone theirsales and marketing skills, and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset The low-costnature of live streaming allows for risk-free experimentation, which aligns with theinnovative and risk-tolerant nature of the youth.Understanding the motivations behindVietnamese students' engagement in live streaming for startup post-COVID-19 is ofutmost importance This research not only sheds light on the economic and socialdynamics within Vietnam but also provides valuable insights into the changinglandscape of online entrepreneurship among the youth By comprehending themotivations, challenges, and opportunities in this context, policymakers, educators, andbusinesses can tailor their strategies to support and harness the potential of thisemerging trend.

In short, the research topic of Vietnamese students' motivations for using live streamingfor startup after COVID-19 is not only timely but also deeply meaningful It reflects theresilience and adaptability of the youth in the face of adversity and holds the potential toinform strategies that empower them to contribute to economic recovery andinnovation in Vietnam.

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The problem addressed in this research arises in the post-COVID-19 landscape ofVietnam, where economic stability and employment opportunities have beensignificantly impacted Specifically, we are concerned with understanding whyVietnamese students are increasingly turning to livestreaming for startups as a means ofincome generation.This issue affects not only Vietnamese students but also theirfamilies and broader communities The economic struggles faced by families due to thepandemic have made the financial contributions of students crucial for householdstability.Efforts to address this problem have been anecdotal at best Some studentshave ventured into live streaming, but there is limited systematic understanding of theirmotivations, challenges, and the impact of livestreaming on their financial well-being.In the scholarly literature, there is a growing awareness of the changing nature ofentrepreneurship, especially among the youth, in the digital age However, there is adearth of research focused on the specific motivations of Vietnamese students for usinglive streaming as a platform for startup The problem we are addressing is not limited toa specific time period but has gained prominence in the post-COVID-19 era LiveStreaming as an entrepreneurial tool is a relatively recent phenomenon, and itsimplications for the youth have not been extensively debated or understood in thescholarly literature.

Resolving the problem of understanding Vietnamese students' motivations for usinglivestreaming has implications for advancing our understanding of youthentrepreneurship, digital technologies, and online business models It contributes to thebroader field of digital entrepreneurship studies and provides a case study that can berelevant for other emerging economies.The benefits of this research extend to futurestudies, offering a foundation for further investigations into the evolving dynamics ofonline entrepreneurship among youth populations The problem's indirectconsequences for society include potential shifts in traditional employment patternsand economic resilience among the youth.

The aim of this study is to determine the motivations that drive Vietnamese students touse live streaming for startups in the post-COVID-19 era and to understand the impactof this activity on their financial well-being and entrepreneurial development Theresearch objectives encompass exploring the socioeconomic backgrounds andcircumstances of Vietnamese students engaged in live streaming for startup, identifyingthe specific motivations and incentives that drive their choice of livestreaming as anincome generation method, assessing the challenges and opportunities they encounterin their live streaming endeavors, examining the financial impact and entrepreneurial

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providing insights and recommendations to support and enhance the livelihoods ofVietnamese students involved in online entrepreneurship through live streaming.Through the pursuit of these objectives, this research aims to contribute to acomprehensive understanding of the motivations and implications of livestreaming forstartup sales among Vietnamese students, facilitating the development of strategies thatempower and bolster this emerging trend.

1.3 Research Questions

This research paper is done using both qualitative and quantitative methods, it includes1 main question and 5 sub-questions:

● Main Research Question:

- What are the motivations of Vietnamese students' use in live streaming forstartups in the post-COVID-19 era?

- How does engagement in live streaming for startup affect the financial well-beingand entrepreneurial development of Vietnamese students, and what are the keyfactors contributing to these effects?

- Based on the findings, what insights and recommendations can be provided tosupport and enhance the livelihoods of Vietnamese students engaged in onlineentrepreneurship through livestreaming in the current socioeconomic context?

1.4 Relevance and Importance of the Research

a Beneficiaries of the Research:

The research problem at the core of this study seeks to understand the motivations andimplications of Vietnamese students' engagement in live streaming for startups in thepost-COVID-19 era The findings of this research will raise awareness among the generalpublic and various stakeholders about the innovative ways in which Vietnamesestudents are adapting to economic challenges It sheds light on livestreaming as a viableincome source, promoting a greater appreciation for the entrepreneurial spirit of theyouth.The study's insights can empower the Vietnamese community, especially

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Businesses and startups in the digital space stand to benefit by gaining market insightsinto the preferences and behaviors of Vietnamese students engaged in live streaming.This research can guide them in tailoring their products, services, and marketingstrategies to cater to this demographic.

b Literature Voids:

The existing literature lacks comprehensive insights into the motivations andimplications of livestreaming for startups among Vietnamese students, particularly inthe context of post-COVID-19 economic recovery This research bridges these gaps byconducting a systematic exploration of this emerging phenomenon, filling a void in theliterature.In summary, this research is highly relevant and important as it addresses apressing issue in the post-pandemic era, contributes to academic knowledge, empowersstudents and the community, aids businesses, inspires future research, and fills crucialgaps in the existing literature It has the potential to catalyze positive change andeconomic empowerment among Vietnamese students and beyond.

c Contribution to the Field and Societal Impact:

This research makes a valuable contribution to the academic field by addressing asignificant knowledge gap related to Vietnamese students' motivations for usinglivestreaming in the post-pandemic context It adds depth to the existing body ofknowledge, providing a nuanced understanding of this emerging trend Moreover, itholds immense societal importance by encouraging entrepreneurial spirit amongVietnamese students, inspiring others to explore similar income-generating avenues,and contributing to economic resilience and innovation within Vietnamese society Theresearch not only benefits students but also their families, educational institutions, andfuture researchers by offering insights, inspiring further investigations, and providingactionable recommendations to address the identified research problem.


2.1 Key Concepts, Theories and Studies

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theoretical framework and produce specific hypothesis

A.The Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT)

The Uses and Gratifications theory originated from the functionalist perspective onmass media communication; it was first developed in research on the effectiveness ofthe radio medium in the 1940s (Luo, 2002) Various researches using this theory havefound it fruitful in understanding consumers’ motivations and concerns for usingvarious media such as radio, TV and electronic bulletins (Eighmey & McCord, 1998).UGT explains why and how users choose certain media to meet their specific social andpsychological needs in the field of mass communication study (Katz, 1974) Accordingto Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1974), this theory assumes that media users aregoal-directed in their behavior, and are active media users Furthermore, they areaware of their needs and select the appropriate media to gratify their needs Theseneeds may include information, entertainment, personal identity, integration intosociety, and social interaction Katz et al (1974) have put forward the basicassumptions of the U & G approach:

● The audience is active and thus the use of mass media is goal directed● The audience makes motivated choices, based on previous experience with

the media.

● Media selection and use are purposive and motivated and people take theinitiative in selecting and using communication vehicles to satisfy feltneeds and desires.

● The media compete with other sources of need satisfaction.

● Value judgements about the cultural significance of mass communicationshould be suspended while audience orientations are explored on theirown terms.

Rooted in traditional mass media such as television, radio, and print media, thefundamental motives for media use include fulfilling needs that pertain to information,social interaction, entertainment, and personal identity (McQuail, 1983) Researchershave expanded the framework beyond traditional mass media to account for the use ofnewer and hybrid media, such as the internet and cell phones With regard to internetuse, although specific internet contexts have indicated the presence of some differentneeds, the basic motivations are similar, including information, convenience,entertainment, self-expression,social status, and social interaction (Ko et al., 2005;Papacharissi and Rubin, 2000) The theory assumes that users are purposeful in theirmedia choices, seeking gratification from the media that aligns with their motivations(Rubin, 1994) This theory aligns with the active engagement required for utilizing livestreaming platforms for e-commerce purposes.

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startup in the post-COVID-19 era, the Uses and Gratification Theory offers a valuablelens to understand their media consumption behaviors UGT emphasizes activeaudience selection and use of media to fulfill specific needs and gratifications.Understanding these motivations through UGT can aid students in considering livestreaming as a potential start-up choice to better serve this demographic in theevolving digital landscape post-COVID-19.

To apply UGT into this research, we hypothesize as follows:

H1: Application of entertainment will positively impact attitudes towards usinglivestreamforstartupamongVietnamesestudents.

H2:Applicationofinformativenesswillpositivelyimpact attitudes towards usinglivestreamforstartupsamongVietnamesestudents.

H3: Application of irritation will negatively impact attitude towards usinglivestreamforstartupamongVietnamesestudents.

B The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

TAM has frequently served as a valuable framework for researchers in investigatingindividuals' perceptions regarding the adoption of various technologies This modelencompasses fundamental constructs aimed at assessing users' motivations to interactwith a specific technology, specifically their "perceived ease of use," "perceivedusefulness," and "attitudes." The resulting factors of interest encompass behavioralintentions and technology usage patterns (Scherer et al., 2019) Consequently, TAMaims to elucidate the factors influencing individuals' decisions to embrace or reject atechnology (Davis, 1989; Lee et al., 2010).

The individuals' perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are regarded as pivotalvariables that directly or indirectly elucidate the aforementioned outcomes(Marangunic and Granic, 2015; Rauniar et al., 2014) Davis (1989) provided adefinition for perceived ease of use, characterizing it as the extent to which anindividual believes that using a particular system would require minimal effort.Perceived usefulness, on the other hand, pertains to the extent to which an individualbelieves that utilizing a specific system would enhance their job performance (Davis,1989) In simpler terms, this construct ascertains whether individuals perceive thetechnology as beneficial for their intended purposes.

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use and perceived usefulness (Nagy, 2018; Munoz-Leiva et al., 2017; Niehaves andPlattfaut, 2014; Wallace and Sheetz, 2014; Joo and Sang, 2013; Liu et al., 2010; Park,2010; Davis et al., 1989) Pertinent studies in the field of this research have also shownthat individuals' perceptions of the advantages of online streaming media areinfluenced by the perceived ease of use of the technology (Tefertiller, 2020; Yang andLee, 2018; Cha, 2013).Previously, Rogers (2003) argued that individuals are inclined toadopt innovations if they perceive them to offer advantages over existing technologies.These theoretical foundations suggest that individuals may be more inclined toembrace specific technologies, including online streaming services, if they areuser-friendly Conversely, if these technologies are complex, intricate, or challenging touse, individuals may not perceive them as valuable tools.TAM has two main variables:

1 Perceived Usefulness (PU): Focuses on whether the user believes that the

system would enhance his/her performance (Davis, 1989) It is influenced byfactors such as the functionality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the technology infulfilling the user's needs or goals.

2 Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU): Deals with how easy it is to learn and use a

system (Davis, 1989), how easy or difficult it is to use the technology Itencompasses factors such as the user interface, simplicity, and clarity of thetechnology A higher perceived ease of use leads to a higher likelihood oftechnology adoption.

This model can be well applied to research According to the first factor - PU thetechnology may affect the use of livestream enhancing student’s start-up ventures PUin this case measures how users evaluate the usefulness and value of using a livestreaming platform to generate income, and their motivation in making money from it.Monetization opportunities within the live streaming platform, such as income fromadvertising, sponsorship, or audience contributions The results of others succeedingfrom using livestreaming to make money can increase PU.

Secondly, the PEOU factor discusses how students perceive the ease or difficulty ofusing live streaming technology to generate income Some factors that can influencethe user interface of a live streaming platform need to be designed to be easy tounderstand and user-friendly The payment process and how users can withdrawmoney from livestreaming are simple and transparent There should be a support teamand technical guidance for users The real-life experience of using livestreams to makemoney also affects PEOU If users experience difficulty during this process, they mayhave a negative perception of ease of use.

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 10:58


