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Trang 1Nhi: There is a situation like this: you are booking a hotel for your manager's trip in the America Please discuss and give 3 opinions that are considered most important?
1 Tú Văn
Regarding the location, I think we should choose a location close to work because first of all it is convenient for traveling to avoid congestion and secondly it helps us save time getting there
Nhi: oh It’s a good ideas That way I can save a lot of time and effort Uyên: Yes, I also agree with this opinion
Huyền: I also agree with your opinion Both fast and convenient.
Văn: What do you think about Facilities?
2.Huỳnh linh
I think I should choose a great hotel with good luxury service that will make
me feel comfortable when I go to work Here you can fully enjoy comfort and convenience during your vacation and work
Nhi: - Oh, I also agree with that opinion If I go to a hotel with poor service,
it makes me feel very frustrated, which will affect the quality of my work
Văn: I think so too.
Linh:What do you think about Charges?
3 Huyền
There are some hotels that include services that do not charge but there are some hotels that charge for services I think it's a good idea to choose a hotel that doesn't charge for services What do you think ?
Văn: Yes I completely agree with your opinion
Linh: I disagree because if those services are included, they are usually very
I'm going to describe a situation "You are booking a hotel for your manager's trip in America Talk together about some of the things you need to consider and then decide together which three things would be the most important." Here are some ideas to help you
Trang 2Huyền: how about the service? what do you think?
4 Uyên
Regarding the service, , I think I will choose hotels with good service because if the service is good, I will feel satisfied and have a working mindset
Huyền: I completely agree with you
Văn: i think so too
Uyên: How about free transport?
5 Nhi
About free transport I think we should choose hotels that also help pick up
and drop off customers This will be very convenient because we are not familiar with the terrain here If the hotel also provides travel services, it would be great What do you think about this opinion?
Văn: I also agree with your opinion
Huyền: I don't think so I feel like I should be proactive in moving that will
be better and faster If you are not familiar with the terrain, take a taxi
Nhi: how about a wide range of food ? what do you thing?
6 Uyên
I will choose hotels with buffers, although the price is a bit high, but there you can eat and drink to your heart's content
Nhi: I do think so because the buffer creates a comfortable atmosphere
There's so much food that you can eat a little of each thing, which feels very interesting
Linh : I don’t think so I feel like it's a waste because not every dish I
Nhi: So, what are the 3 most important elements of the trip?
Huyền: I think location, food and service are the 3 most important factors Văn: i think so too