Includes: skills from the corresponding Student Book unitexam-style tasks for each unit and writing practice taskstheir Student Book Project Builder tasksThis course can be used as part
Jessica Finnis
Trang 3Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP , United Kingdom
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ISBN: 978 0 19 408253 2 Teacher’s Guide with Digital Pack
ISBN: 978 0 19 406772 0 Teacher’s Guide Pack Component
ISBN: 978 0 19 406732 4 Student Book Classroom Presentation Tool
ISBN: 978 0 19 406733 1 Workbook Classroom Presentation Tool
ISBN: 978 0 19 408255 6 Teacher Online Practice Pack Component
ISBN: 978 0 19 406775 1 Teacher Online Pack Assessment Pack Component
Printed in China
This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources
The publisher would like to thank the following teachers for their involvement in
the development of this course: Elena Álvarez, Tina Bermejo, Asunción Bosh,
Olga Carceller, Kati Elekes, Esra Ezici, Eula França, Belén García, Diva Maria
A Ghetti, María Teresa Gómez, Danica Gondova, Luis Hernández, Sarah
Louise Hills, Tanja Rey Kuhn, Luciana Maia, Cristina Matellán, Yolanda Arrufat
Mingorance, David Molina, Júlia Muntal, Almudena Ortiz, Isabel Palomo,
Carmen Panuta, Violeta Pena, Victoria Pizarro, Mª Mar Relea, Inés Revilla,
Paolo Rodrigues, Beatriz Rossi, Carlos Silva, Helga Nelker Silva, Alberto
Sotoca, Misha Trnova, Nuria García de Viedma.
Trang 5Video How to do project work About the projects
• Sports • Free-time activities • In a town • Animals • Animal body parts • Food
• Question words • like + -ing / noun • Quantifiers • Present simple • Present continuous
• Present continuous: future arrangements • Possessive pronouns
Video Opening a time capsule
• Verbs and their opposites
• Adjectives for feelings
• Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
• Past simple: (there) was / were
Blog: The birth of teenage culture Skill UP! Reading for gist
Short oral histories: Creepy places!
Skill UP! Using pictures and
labels to predict vocabulary
Video Making and responding to suggestions
Skill UP! Showing interest during
A personal message Skill UP! Using linkers
Create a time capsule p18
Video Today we’re doing art
• Adjectives and synonyms
• Materials
• Past continuous
• Past continuous and past simple
Article: You know the picture, but did you know … ?
Skill UP! Focus on the most
important words when reading
Podcast: Looks good, works well
Skill UP! Listening for context
Video Describing a photo or scene
Skill UP! Explaining unknown words
An illustrated story Skill UP! Making your illustrated
story fun to read
Create an art and design gallery p30
display together
Skill UP! Using your own knowledge
to help you understand a text
Video Outdoor events
Video focus: Round-up videos
Video Asking for and offering help
Skill UP! Showing that you are happy
to help
A speech Skill UP! Writing a speech
Design a park for the whole
• be going to and will for predictions
Article: Four things you can donate
to charity Skill UP! Guessing the meaning of
unknown words
Video Feeling good about doing good
Video focus: Joining video calls
Video Asking for, giving and reacting to advice
Skill UP! Using phrases that give you
time to think
A formal email Skill UP! Writing a formal email,
letter or message
Record or film a radio interview about
recordings and videos
• can / can’t, could / couldn’t
• Comparative and superlative adverbs
Blog: Memory Skill UP! Using pronouns
Vox pop: Gaming
Skill UP! Listening for examples
Video Interacting during games and activities
Skill UP! Asking, explaining or
checking something during a game
An online advert Skill UP! Writing an online
Make a set of games and
Video Good morning?
• Exercise and the body
• Personal hygiene
• Present perfect
• Present perfect with ever and never
Article: Dump the junk!
Skill UP! Using your own language to
understand English
Radio programme: Personal hygiene
Skill UP! Listening for detail
Video Talking about health problems
Skill UP! Expressing sympathy
A survey report Skill UP! Writing a survey report
Create a health and fitness
Video How to learn with the internet
• Verbs and their noun forms
• Verbs
• should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t
• have (got) to + infinitive without to
Article: You don’t have to be an adult to be the best!
Skill UP! Scanning
Video Sharing skills
Video focus: Using on-screen text
in videos
Video Giving spoken instructions
Skill UP! Using intonation when giving
Instructions and cue cards Skill UP! Writing cue cards
Create a how-to video p90
Video Looking at our yearbooks
• Things to do during the summer holidays
Skill UP! Recognizing informal style
Video Dream jobs
Video focus: Asking the viewers
Create a group yearbook p102
Create a health and fitness infographic
• Sports • Free-time activities • In a town • Animals • Animal body parts • Food
• Question words • like + -ing / noun • Quantifiers • Present simple • Present continuous
• Present continuous: future arrangements • Possessive pronouns
Video Opening a time capsule
• Verbs and their opposites
• Adjectives for feelings
• Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
• Past simple: (there) was / were
Blog: The birth of teenage culture Skill UP! Reading for gist
Short oral histories: Creepy places!
Skill UP! Using pictures and
labels to predict vocabulary
Video Making and responding to suggestions
Skill UP! Showing interest during
A personal message Skill UP! Using linkers
Create a time capsule p18
Video Today we’re doing art
• Adjectives and synonyms
• Materials
• Past continuous
• Past continuous and past simple
Article: You know the picture, but did you know … ?
Skill UP! Focus on the most
important words when reading
Podcast: Looks good, works well
Skill UP! Listening for context
Video Describing a photo or scene
Skill UP! Explaining unknown words
An illustrated story Skill UP! Making your illustrated
story fun to read
Create an art and design gallery p30
display together
Skill UP! Using your own knowledge
to help you understand a text
Video Outdoor events
Video focus: Round-up videos
Video Asking for and offering help
Skill UP! Showing that you are happy
to help
A speech Skill UP! Writing a speech
Design a park for the whole
• be going to and will for predictions
Article: Four things you can donate
to charity Skill UP! Guessing the meaning of
unknown words
Video Feeling good about doing good
Video focus: Joining video calls
Video Asking for, giving and reacting to advice
Skill UP! Using phrases that give you
time to think
A formal email Skill UP! Writing a formal email,
letter or message
Record or film a radio interview about
recordings and videos
• can / can’t, could / couldn’t
• Comparative and superlative adverbs
Blog: Memory Skill UP! Using pronouns
Vox pop: Gaming
Skill UP! Listening for examples
Video Interacting during games and activities
Skill UP! Asking, explaining or
checking something during a game
An online advert Skill UP! Writing an online
Make a set of games and
Video Good morning?
• Exercise and the body
• Personal hygiene
• Present perfect
• Present perfect with ever and never
Article: Dump the junk!
Skill UP! Using your own language to
understand English
Radio programme: Personal hygiene
Skill UP! Listening for detail
Video Talking about health problems
Skill UP! Expressing sympathy
A survey report Skill UP! Writing a survey report
Create a health and fitness
Video How to learn with the internet
• Verbs and their noun forms
• Verbs
• should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t
• have (got) to + infinitive without to
Article: You don’t have to be an adult to be the best!
Skill UP! Scanning
Video Sharing skills
Video focus: Using on-screen text
in videos
Video Giving spoken instructions
Skill UP! Using intonation when giving
Instructions and cue cards Skill UP! Writing cue cards
Create a how-to video p90
Video Looking at our yearbooks
• Things to do during the summer holidays
Skill UP! Recognizing informal style
Video Dream jobs
Video focus: Asking the viewers
Create a group yearbook p102
Create a health and fitness infographic
My grammar reference & practice p104–121 Culture 360° p122–126 Irregular verb list p127–128
Trang 6Video How to do project work About the projects
• Sports • Free-time activities • In a town • Animals • Animal body parts • Food
• Question words • like + -ing / noun • Quantifiers • Present simple • Present continuous
• Present continuous: future arrangements • Possessive pronouns
Video Opening a time capsule
• Verbs and their opposites
• Adjectives for feelings
• Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
• Past simple: (there) was / were
Blog: The birth of teenage culture Skill UP! Reading for gist
Short oral histories: Creepy places!
Skill UP! Using pictures and
labels to predict vocabulary
Video Making and responding to suggestions
Skill UP! Showing interest during
A personal message Skill UP! Using linkers
Create a time capsule p18
Video Today we’re doing art
• Adjectives and synonyms
• Materials
• Past continuous
• Past continuous and past simple
Article: You know the picture, but did you know … ?
Skill UP! Focus on the most
important words when reading
Podcast: Looks good, works well
Skill UP! Listening for context
Video Describing a photo or scene
Skill UP! Explaining unknown words
An illustrated story Skill UP! Making your illustrated
story fun to read
Create an art and design gallery p30
display together
Skill UP! Using your own knowledge
to help you understand a text
Video Outdoor events
Video focus: Round-up videos
Video Asking for and offering help
Skill UP! Showing that you are happy
to help
A speech Skill UP! Writing a speech
Design a park for the whole
• be going to and will for predictions
Article: Four things you can donate
to charity Skill UP! Guessing the meaning of
unknown words
Video Feeling good about doing good
Video focus: Joining video calls
Video Asking for, giving and reacting to advice
Skill UP! Using phrases that give you
time to think
A formal email Skill UP! Writing a formal email,
letter or message
Record or film a radio interview about
recordings and videos
• can / can’t, could / couldn’t
• Comparative and superlative adverbs
Blog: Memory Skill UP! Using pronouns
Vox pop: Gaming
Skill UP! Listening for examples
Video Interacting during games and activities
Skill UP! Asking, explaining or
checking something during a game
An online advert Skill UP! Writing an online
Make a set of games and
Video Good morning?
• Exercise and the body
• Personal hygiene
• Present perfect
• Present perfect with ever and never
Article: Dump the junk!
Skill UP! Using your own language to
understand English
Radio programme: Personal hygiene
Skill UP! Listening for detail
Video Talking about health problems
Skill UP! Expressing sympathy
A survey report Skill UP! Writing a survey report
Create a health and fitness
Video How to learn with the internet
• Verbs and their noun forms
• Verbs
• should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t
• have (got) to + infinitive without to
Article: You don’t have to be an adult to be the best!
Skill UP! Scanning
Video Sharing skills
Video focus: Using on-screen text
in videos
Video Giving spoken instructions
Skill UP! Using intonation when giving
Instructions and cue cards Skill UP! Writing cue cards
Create a how-to video p90
Video Looking at our yearbooks
• Things to do during the summer holidays
Skill UP! Recognizing informal style
Video Dream jobs
Video focus: Asking the viewers
Create a group yearbook p102
Create a health and fitness infographic
• Sports • Free-time activities • In a town • Animals • Animal body parts • Food
• Question words • like + -ing / noun • Quantifiers • Present simple • Present continuous
• Present continuous: future arrangements • Possessive pronouns
Video Opening a time capsule
• Verbs and their opposites
• Adjectives for feelings
• Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
• Past simple: (there) was / were
Blog: The birth of teenage culture Skill UP! Reading for gist
Short oral histories: Creepy places!
Skill UP! Using pictures and
labels to predict vocabulary
Video Making and responding to suggestions
Skill UP! Showing interest during
A personal message Skill UP! Using linkers
Create a time capsule p18
Video Today we’re doing art
• Adjectives and synonyms
• Materials
• Past continuous
• Past continuous and past simple
Article: You know the picture, but did you know … ?
Skill UP! Focus on the most
important words when reading
Podcast: Looks good, works well
Skill UP! Listening for context
Video Describing a photo or scene
Skill UP! Explaining unknown words
An illustrated story Skill UP! Making your illustrated
story fun to read
Create an art and design gallery p30
display together
Skill UP! Using your own knowledge
to help you understand a text
Video Outdoor events
Video focus: Round-up videos
Video Asking for and offering help
Skill UP! Showing that you are happy
to help
A speech Skill UP! Writing a speech
Design a park for the whole
• be going to and will for predictions
Article: Four things you can donate
to charity Skill UP! Guessing the meaning of
unknown words
Video Feeling good about doing good
Video focus: Joining video calls
Video Asking for, giving and reacting to advice
Skill UP! Using phrases that give you
time to think
A formal email Skill UP! Writing a formal email,
letter or message
Record or film a radio interview about
recordings and videos
• can / can’t, could / couldn’t
• Comparative and superlative adverbs
Blog: Memory Skill UP! Using pronouns
Vox pop: Gaming
Skill UP! Listening for examples
Video Interacting during games and activities
Skill UP! Asking, explaining or
checking something during a game
An online advert Skill UP! Writing an online
Make a set of games and
Video Good morning?
• Exercise and the body
• Personal hygiene
• Present perfect
• Present perfect with ever and never
Article: Dump the junk!
Skill UP! Using your own language to
understand English
Radio programme: Personal hygiene
Skill UP! Listening for detail
Video Talking about health problems
Skill UP! Expressing sympathy
A survey report Skill UP! Writing a survey report
Create a health and fitness
Video How to learn with the internet
• Verbs and their noun forms
• Verbs
• should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t
• have (got) to + infinitive without to
Article: You don’t have to be an adult to be the best!
Skill UP! Scanning
Video Sharing skills
Video focus: Using on-screen text
in videos
Video Giving spoken instructions
Skill UP! Using intonation when giving
Instructions and cue cards Skill UP! Writing cue cards
Create a how-to video p90
Video Looking at our yearbooks
• Things to do during the summer holidays
Skill UP! Recognizing informal style
Video Dream jobs
Video focus: Asking the viewers
Create a group yearbook p102
Create a health and fitness infographic
My grammar reference & practice p104–121 Culture 360° p122–126 Irregular verb list p127–128
Trang 7Print components
Student Book
The Student Book provides everything students need
to participate fully in every lesson Includes:
digital hotspots
Students consolidate language learned in class with grammar, vocabulary and reading activities in the Workbook The Project Log provides a unique, fun and creative space for learners to develop ideas, reflect on their projects, celebrate successes, and evaluate areas for development. Includes:
skills from the corresponding Student Book unit
exam-style tasks for each unit
and writing practice tasks
their Student Book Project Builder tasks
Catherine Ball
This course can be used as part of
preparation for the Oxford Test of English
In your Digital Pack
• Online Practice: Assign and track homework to keep students learning outside
the classroom.
• E-books: Get students learning in class or at home with interactive Student Book
and Workbook.
• Student resources: View or download course audio and video, worksheets,
word lists, and more
Available on Oxford English Hub
Use the code in this book to get 2 years’ access to Online Practice
Created and aligned to the CEFR using the Oxford English Learning Framework.
9 7 8 0 1 9 4 0 8 2 5 6 3 ISBN 978-0-19-408256-3
with Digital Pack
Collaborate, create, and learn together
Transform the classroom into a collaborative learning environment and spark students’
curiosity as they complete step-by-step projects on topics that matter to them Harmonize
motivates students to work together to achieve success inside and outside the classroom.
• Encourage students to reach their goals with integrated Project Builder activities
throughout each unit.
• Engage learning through a wide variety of videos with realistic language models
• Develop more than language skills with tasks that encourage mediation, communication
and collaboration.
• Explore the world with 360° Interactive Images: Transport students to a real-world
environment to develop digital literacy skills and put English into practice beyond the
• Assessment for Learning: Help learners to accelerate their progress and achieve their
goals with a set of tools, tests and guidance at each stage of the learning journey.
plans and teaching guidance
skills required for success in a variety of learning situations
Harm2 WBLog cover.indd 1 14/07/2022 15:39
Janet Har dy-Gould
Trang 8Digital components on Oxford English Hub
Student e-book
and 360° interactive images
Workbook e-book
Student Online Practice
and vocabulary
Student resources
The digital materials and resources for this course can all be found at
including vlogs and Project coach videos, grammar
animations, 360° interactive images and answer keys
Course assessment
end-of-year tests
Teacher resources
11 vocabulary, 8 reading and 8 speaking worksheets
three levels – Basic, Standard and Challenge
Teacher Online Practice
and vocabulary
progress, and manage classes
Professional Development
to maximize your teaching
Trang 9Introducing Harmonize
Harmonize is a new six-level lower secondary English language
course Its unique methodology with integrated projects
provides opportunities for students to use language in a real-life
context and work collaboratively towards project outputs and
presentations The availability of six levels allows for flexible entry
and exit, based on each school’s needs The key course features,
which include engaging videos in every unit, Project Logs,
Culture 360° pages and Online Practice, enhance students’
language-learning experiences Project work is supported through
the Project coach videos.
Material in Harmonize employs the latest research in second
language acquisition, and incorporates feedback from
practising teachers.
Harmonize key values
Transform your classroom into a collaborative
learning environment
Harmonize integrates projects into every unit, motivating students
to work together towards a common goal and learn language and
skills they can apply to other contexts Projects give students the
opportunity to develop skills beyond language learning for lifelong
success, with tasks that encourage mediation, communication
and collaboration
Spark students’ creativity as they research, develop
and deliver their projects
Students define the direction of their project work, creating unique
projects that are shaped by their own values, interests and creative
skills The Project Builders provide step-by-step project tasks
throughout the unit, encouraging students to build their project in
manageable stages.
The Project Log provides a unique, fun and creative space for
students to develop ideas, reflect on their projects, celebrate their
successes, and evaluate their progress.
Connect learning with the world outside the classroom
with meaningful topics, tasks and videos.
Project tasks help students communicate in English in real-life
contexts Through their project work, students explore languages
and other cultures whilst developing respect for difference and
diversity Students present their final projects in a variety of formats
such as a poster, blog, video, or web page.
Content-rich texts and videos, including the Project coach, provide
students with relevant real-world content and realistic language
models which keep them engaged with their learning
Online Practice helps students to become competent
autonomous learners by providing them with online skills practice
and activities to complete in their own time
Harmonize methodology
Integrated project methodology
Harmonize has an integrated project methodology, which is a
student-centred form of learning that involves students exploring
and attempting to solve real-life problems Project-based learning
is an important vehicle for the development of global skills for the
21st century, including digital literacies.
The projects in Harmonize contain a number of essential elements,
• A challenging problem or question
• Audience-facing output task
• Key knowledge and skills
• Sustained inquiry
• Authenticity
• Student voice
• Reflection
• Critique and revision
The advantages of a project-integrated approach
Harmonize aims to capture students’ imaginations and inspire
learning with project-based learning and real-world topics A high level of engagement is achieved when learners find project goals meaningful and relatable, and this can in turn lead to deeper levels of learning Outcomes include improved language skills, transferable project skills, and much better retention of learning
How the project-integrated approach works
in Harmonize
In each of the eight main units, students work in small groups
towards a final project Each lesson culminates in a Project Builder task, recorded in the Workbook Project Log, which builds towards
the final project presentation The language systems (vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation) are not taught in isolation, but through the four skills as students work through the projects This empowers students to communicate with confidence and inspires them to take responsibility for their own learning
The syllabus has been developed across all six levels in consultation with teachers so that teachers can choose the entry level to the course based on students’ learning needs.
Skills development
Skills work is supported in Harmonize through a strong focus on
strategies Skill UP! sections give detailed information on specific
strategies, providing students with tips to help them apply these strategies inside and outside the classroom In addition to the
Skill UP! strategies for Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing,
there are also Video focus tips for working with video, Life skills, and Project skills tips to help students with their final presentation
of their project work.
Each unit of Harmonize has two core vocabulary sets, which are
generally topic-based In addition, there are functional language phrases on the Speaking pages and additional Key phrases in the Project spreads at the end of each unit These elements make up the ‘core vocabulary’ for all students to learn.
For students who can cope with a more extensive vocabulary list, there are Extra vocabulary sets in some units These may come from the unit opener vlog, or reading or listening texts, and are also practised in the Workbook.
The two core vocabulary sets are presented in context on the Student Book page and followed up with practice tasks.
The Language summary pages in the Workbook list all core and
extra vocabulary from the units.
The Workbook has additional graded vocabulary practice in each unit, and the review pages provide cumulative practice of the grammar and vocabulary from the unit through exam-style tasks
Worksheets for vocabulary practice at three levels (Basic, Standard
and Challenge) are available on Oxford Hub.
Trang 10Listening is an important part of language development and
can help improve oral production Harmonize gives students
opportunities to practise listening in a realistic way Four of the eight listening lessons are video-based, so students can watch and listen as they would in real life There is a variety of video genres, including vlogs, TED-talk style videos and documentaries
In addition to this, four of the listening lessons are based around listening extracts.
Each unit has:
• a video or listening comprehension on the Listening pages
• two other videos per unit, on the Warm-up page and Speaking lessons.
These provide lots of opportunities for students to practise their listening skills as they work through the projects.
Speaking activities in Harmonize provide students with many
opportunities to practise accuracy and fluency and to develop
their competence in linguistic communication The Warm-up page presents the unit topic through a vlog and encourages students to
activate language connected to the topic and project Throughout the course, discussion tasks require students to give their own
opinion on a subject, or to relate a personal experience Think tasks
give students an opportunity to discuss in pairs and apply critical
thinking skills The Project Builders offer opportunities for students
to practise the language they have learned while developing their project ideas.
The Speaking pages present and practise useful functional
language from everyday contexts The functional language is
modelled in context in the drama video first before students are guided through a range of tasks
Pronunciation tips also feature at different points in four of the
units and focus on specific sounds, word stress, sentence stress and intonation.
Eight communicative Speaking pairwork worksheets in the Teacher’s Resource Materials offer additional speaking practice with practical outcomes.
There is one page in every unit devoted to guided Writing activities
Writing tasks cover a variety of text types, such as emails, articles, video scripts and reports, which relate to the unit project A model text provides a clear example of structure and uses target language from the unit The model text also exemplifies a language point, such as time expressions, conjunctions or punctuation The Writing
Skill UP! also gives specific tips to aid writing skills The writing
page Project Builder includes a carefully staged writing task that links to the final project The Project Log provides a writing task
Planner and a space for students to draft their writing.
The Writing workshop pages in the Workbook also use a model
text, useful language and a carefully staged Writing task to allow students to practise writing a number of different genres The
Online Practice contains further Writing tasks.
Blended learning
Learning materials in Harmonize are provided in a variety of formats
This is to cater for the wide range of learning needs modern teachers are faced with and ensures maximum flexibility with regard to presentation and practice options Lesson presentations
can be teacher-led in class using the Classroom Presentation
Tool, or students can investigate content at home before the
lesson via the Student Book e-book and Workbook e-book, or use the Online Practice for further practice after the lesson
Mediation is integrated in the course through targeted practice in the Student Book.
The approach to grammar in Harmonize is based on the Oxford
English Learning Framework (OxELF) grammar syllabus, which
recommends at which level to teach each grammar point for
the first time, ensuring that grammar acquisition is accessible
to learners
Each unit of Harmonize has two main grammar points New
structures appear in context in a reading or listening text so
that the teacher can follow a guided discovery approach to
grammar Teachers can also present the new structure using
the Grammar animation or Powerpoint presentation on the
Classroom Presentation Tool
The grammar explanation can be reinforced through the inductive
grammar rules on the page, followed by short contextualized tasks
Expanded grammar tables, explanations and further essential
practice can be found in the Grammar reference section at the
back of the Student Book Students are also encouraged to practise
the grammar more freely in the Project Builder tasks
The Workbook has additional graded grammar practice in each
unit, and the review page provides cumulative practice of the
grammar and vocabulary from the unit via exam-style tasks
Grammar tables are also included in the Language summary
pages in the Workbook
Worksheets for grammar practice at three levels (Basic, Standard
and Challenge) are available on Oxford Hub
Video is integral to Harmonize There are two or three videos in
the main Student Book unit The unit begins with the vlog on the
Warm-up page, which introduces students to the topic and some
key vocabulary In four of the eight Listening lessons in the Student
Book, there is a video offering listening comprehension practice
through a range of engaging vlogs, presentations and dialogues –
reflecting the way modern teenagers listen and watch in real life
The Video focus feature in these lessons encourages students to
consider the different ways in which effective videos are made The
video on the Speaking page engages students with an episode
featuring recurring characters and introduces key functional
Harmonize includes a wide range of text types, including articles,
web pages, stories, emails and interviews All texts are carefully
graded and engage students in a realistic way Reading texts are
used in different ways throughout the book:
• To preview and recycle grammar: the main text in each unit is
used to preview the new grammar points, increase students’
exposure to recently presented vocabulary and sometimes
preview new vocabulary.
• To develop reading strategies: the Skill UP! presents a reading
strategy tip to help students build reading skills and is followed
by a relevant practice activity.
• To practise reading skills: a wide variety of comprehension
activities accompany each text along with further
comprehension practice in the Online Practice.
Shorter texts appear throughout the course to recycle and practise
grammar and vocabulary, to provide a writing sample and to set
the context for listening or speaking tasks.
To help students with reading, look at the background information
notes in the Teacher’s Guide so that you can pre-teach vocabulary
if necessary, and pre-empt any difficulties The Reading lesson
in the Workbook provides further practice of the Skill UP!,
comprehension exercises, and contains examples of the
unit grammar Further reading tasks are also included in the
Online Practice.
Trang 11How to do project work
Harmonize has project work at the heart of its approach to
language learning In each unit, the language input and practice
contributes to five project stages (Project Builders 1–5), and the
final project lesson of each unit brings all the project work together
– usually in a group presentation The Project Builders encourage
groups to be cooperative, creative and inclusive of ideas and
are carefully constructed to make the final project presentation
achievable and engaging There is an in-built flexibility that
allows the projects to be relevant and productive in all classroom
situations, but it is true to say that managing project work in the
classroom is not always straightforward.
Setting up project groups
We recommend that projects are completed in groups of three
students They are designed so that, in one unit, the same group
of students works on the five Project Builders and the final
presentation together There are eight projects in the book so the
teacher is able to organize students into groups in different ways
The teacher can learn from the successes of student groups from
one unit to the next It’s useful to have a close look at the nature of
the unit project before deciding how to group students.
Student choice or teacher choice?
The teacher can try both It’s important for students to learn to
work effectively with a range of people, whether it is with their
close friends or others It’s good to learn to overcome distractions
and be productive when working with friends, but choosing
groups randomly can be a good option too It may be necessary
to stress to the students the importance of learning to work in a
successful group and that the skills required for success can be
very different to completing work individually Through the course,
students will develop a range of skills such as negotiation, listening
skills, cooperation, and constructive criticism, and it is useful for
them to be aware of this at the outset.
Group by ability?
A group with different abilities in it can often work well, especially
if the project requires a broad range of creative skills that are not
heavily dependent on linguistic ability But the teacher will need
to make sure that a strong student does not dominate the project
group, and that all students partake equally.
Sometimes it is useful to group students by similar ability levels
Stronger students working together can push each other to
challenge themselves and create a higher level of work A group
of weaker students can benefit from the support of a teacher
more easily.
Group by interests?
For some projects, especially those that rely on strong personal
opinions or tastes, it may work well to group students by interests
Otherwise, if students have vastly differing interests it may make it
difficult to agree on topics and it could end up with some students
becoming disengaged.
Assigning roles?
The projects will make it clear what is expected of each group
and the roles they might take It is useful, however, for each group
to have a project monitor or coordinator who is responsible for
making sure that the group work is completed at each stage and
the Project Logs are also completed They could also be responsible
for keeping an eye on the time during tasks.
The teacher should keep in mind that groups do not always work
well together It is sometimes worth changing a group, even after a
few lessons Swapping some students may improve the experience
Organizing group work in the classroomHow long should the project work take?
The Project Builders vary but the expectation is that the project work should be done in around 15 minutes, typically, at the end of
a lesson The final project lesson is likely to take a whole lesson, with some of the presentations perhaps taking place in a subsequent lesson Before students start their group work, it is important
to make sure they are clear about their task and how long they have The teacher could give them some tips on using their time effectively Some Project Builders involve small amounts of research
to be done individually outside the classroom Students need to know that it is important to do this work and to come to each lesson prepared so that their group can progress with the project.
Should students always speak English?
This will depend on the level of the students and also the demands
of the task There may be times when the practical aspects of the project are much easier to organize in the students’ own language
Most of the Project Builders expect the use of English because language from the lesson should also be activated In the final project lesson of each unit, there is always a focus on specific functional language which enables students to carry out their work as a group.
What should the teacher do during project work?
The teacher should use the time to circulate from group to group
They should ensure that groups are focused on the task It may be necessary to encourage some of the quieter students to take part and make sure that more confident students are taking ideas from the whole group The teacher should find opportunities to praise individuals and teams on both the content of their work and their approach to teamwork From time to time, it may be useful to stop the class to draw attention to exemplary work from one of the groups that the rest of the class may find useful It may even be useful to stop all the groups except for one so the class can observe some good examples of collaboration in a particular group.
Feedback and output stages
The teacher should try to build in a feedback stage after the final project lesson so that the groups can share any aspects of their work that went well By the end of the unit, students will have put
a lot of work into their projects, so it is recommended that the teacher allows time for each group to present their work and for students to critically appraise each other’s work.
Trang 12Assessment for learning
• It allows teachers to teach more inclusively By providing more tailored support to individual students, teachers can feel more confident that no one is being left behind.
• It enables colleagues to support each other Assessment for learning offers a consistent approach which teachers and their colleagues can implement collaboratively.
How can I implement Assessment for learning
in my teaching?
Effective implementation of Assessment for learning is grounded in three key classroom practices: diagnostics (where the learner is), learning objectives (what the learner needs to learn next), and success criteria (what success looks like) These practices are interrelated and, together, lay the foundations for effective feedback.
The next section explains the three key practices in more detail.
To be able to provide effective feedback, teachers need to find out what students already know and can do Teachers can gather this evidence through classwork and homework activities, including those that incorporate peer and self-assessment.
For instance, after a speaking activity, students could assess their own and each other’s performance using a set of can-do statements This, combined with the teacher’s assessment, can reveal what students are already doing well and highlight specific areas for improvement.
Classroom dialogue can also provide valuable insights into students’ understanding and there are a number of ways to maximize its potential as a diagnostic tool These include:
• short warmer activities.
• asking students open questions that require deeper reflection.
• allowing plenty of thinking time.
• exploring their answers through follow-up questions.
• providing opportunities for them to ask questions themselves.
to present the Lesson objectives at the beginning of each lesson in
Harmonize to help with this.
• Understand the importance of balanced diets
• Learn food vocabulary
• Talk about quantity
However, it can also be effective to wait until after an activity and then ask students to infer for themselves what skills the activity was aiming to develop, why these might be useful and how they might
be applied.
What is Assessment for learning?
Assessment for learning, also sometimes known as continuous
assessment, is an approach that builds formal and informal
assessment practices into everyday classroom activities to directly
encourage learning It is recognized by educators around the world
as a way of improving students’ performance and motivation and
promoting high-quality teaching.
Assessment for learning relies on a constant flow of information
between teachers and their students Students provide evidence
of their knowledge, understanding and skills as they engage
in learning activities Meanwhile, they receive specific and
constructive feedback on their performance and progress, which
helps them to move forward in their learning This creates an
ongoing cycle of gathering information, identifying next steps and
supporting learners to achieve the set objectives.
In an Assessment for learning approach, it does not need to be
only the teacher who gathers and interprets evidence about what
students know and can do Students are also encouraged to do
this for themselves and for each other through self-assessment and
peer assessment This helps deepen their understanding of what
they are learning, why they are learning it, and what successful
performance looks like.
The evidence gathered for Assessment for learning does not always
need to be in the form of grades or scores Often, a warm-up
activity will give quick insights that will then inform the rest of the
lesson or a teacher will offer a brief comment about a student’s
performance on a particular task It should not focus only on
aspects that students need to improve It is just as important to
highlight what students have achieved and are already doing
well It can therefore be useful to focus feedback on ‘medals’ and
‘missions’ – what they have done successfully and how they can
move their learning forward.
Once students have received feedback, they need time and
opportunities to act on it It is by putting feedback into action that
students can ‘close the gap’ between their current performance
and their desired performance So, for example, after students have
received feedback on an essay, teachers could set aside lesson time
for students to redraft their work and/or set specific goals for their
next essay.
Why is Assessment for learning useful?
For students:
• It improves attainment Receiving quality feedback has a
positive impact on students’ achievement.
• It deepens learning Students understand not only what they
are learning but also why they are learning it and what success
looks like.
• It is motivating Assessment for learning emphasizes progress
rather than failure, encouraging students to set goals, recognize
their achievements, and develop positive attitudes to learning.
• It prepares students for lifelong learning By making students
more responsible and self-aware, it equips them to learn
independently and proactively in the future.
For teachers:
• It informs teaching decisions Assessment for learning provides
valuable information about students’ needs, allowing teachers
to decide what to prioritize in their teaching.
• It develops skills and confidence Assessment for learning can
encourage more flexible and creative approaches to teaching
and give teachers a clear sense that they are helping their
Trang 13Is Assessment for learning a new approach?
In many ways, Assessment for learning reflects what most teachers have always done in the classroom Finding out what students can do and giving them feedback are, of course, fundamental and natural aspects of good teaching However, in an Assessment for learning approach, feedback is viewed as part of a continuous cycle
of goal-setting and reflection, with each learning activity feeding into the next The Assessment for learning framework also supports you in providing feedback in a way that is systematic and inclusive.
How can teachers use Assessment for
learning with Harmonize?
Assessment for learning is compatible with different approaches
to language teaching, from grammar-based to project work The
teaching notes for Harmonize highlight opportunities for teachers
to gather information, identify next steps for students and support them to achieve the set objectives In addition, there is a Reflect task at the end of each unit of the Student Book and the Reflections Log in the Workbook, which encourage students to spend time considering skills acquired during their project work and also areas for improvement.
Teacher comments UNIT
I think our group sounded
confident polite funny brilliant during the interview.
Next time, try to …
Give more less feedback.
Ask for more less help.
Come back and tick!
3 new words to describe me:
1 2 3
To ask for advice, I can say:
To give advice, I can say:
To react to advice, I can say:
For example, three good deeds:
1 2 3
Our group was good at
's group was good at
I think volunteering is for people.
Now I know how to …
… talk about good deeds
… talk about the future ask for, give and react to advice
… write a formal email
… practise for an interview in groups
When we showed our interview to the class, I felt
I preferred
asking questions giving answers
In order for students to make sense of learning objectives, these
need to be linked to clear success criteria If students understand
and recognize what successful performance looks like, they will be
better able to set clear goals, make use of feedback, and measure
their own progress This Teacher’s Guide contains many useful tips
that suggest ideas about how to agree objectives and establish
success criteria for the Harmonize projects.
One useful approach is to discuss success criteria with the students
For instance, if they are learning to write a formal email, the teacher
could elicit the key features of a successful formal email and why
those features are important The teacher can then add in any key
ideas they have missed
Log it! 5 pages in the Project Log section of the Workbook provide
a reminder to students of the key features of a text that they
should include.
Teac her chec k
EMAIL to a radio station
WHO am I writing to?
WHAT is the subject?
WHY am I writing?
WHAT is our project about?
WHY will listeners be interested?
3 2
formal greeting
no contractions
no exclamation marks or emojis
no short forms formal sign-off
The email address of
Invent an email address for your group
Giving and analysing examples of what good writing looks like is
another way of drawing out success criteria, and teachers can use
the model writing texts in Harmonize to help with this
Peer and self-assessment are also powerful ways of engaging
students with success criteria For example, once students have
written an email, they can send it to a classmate, who then gives
feedback based on the agreed success criteria.
How is Assessment for learning different
from other kinds of assessment?
Assessment for learning is often contrasted with assessment of
learning (also called summative assessment), which measures the
outcomes of learning by showing where students are at a given
moment in time In reality, however, the two kinds of assessment
can overlap For example, you might give your students a
summative end-of-term test to measure their achievement If you
then use their results as feedback on how they can improve, the
same test can then become a tool for Assessment for learning
Trang 14Professional development
Professional development titles
Our Professional development titles enable teachers to keep up with the latest insights in English language teaching
Position papers and focus papers
• Effective feedback:
the key to successful
assessment for learning
• Project-based learning
• Mediation in English
language teaching
Built on research and
classroom practice, our
position papers offer
practical guidance on
the major issues shaping
language teaching today
Our smaller focus papers
offer bite-sized insights and
tips on specific topics for the
Help to get started
Teachers can go to Oxford HUB for everything they need to
start using their course and access digital tools and resources
Professional development
Methodology support
Harmonize is informed by Oxford’s research and best practice
from our experts in English-language teaching and learning
We’ve selected a range of professional development content to
help deepen teachers’ understanding of the core methodology
in the course:
Explore further
Teachers who would like to develop their skills and knowledge
beyond the content selected for their course can find a range
of options available at We are
delighted to be able to share a wealth of insights informed by
research and classroom practice.
Oxford Teachers’ Academy
Here, teachers can advance their skills with online professional development courses certified by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education.
Teacher Wellbeing
For extra support, a section
on Teacher Wellbeing, by Sarah Mercer, author of the Professional development
title Teacher Wellbeing, can be
found on Oxford HUB This support section considers the importance of teacher wellbeing and includes practical tips and short activities that will help teachers
to focus and reflect on various aspects of wellbeing.
Trang 15Unit walkthrough
A helping hand
radio interview about helping others
Project Builders 1–5:
1 Choose some good deeds to do.
2 Choose a volunteering opportunity.
3 Choose things to donate to charity.
4 Prepare to talk about how doing good is good for you.
5 Write a formal email to a radio station.
Present your recording or video.
• Personality adjectives
• Phrasal verbs GRAMMAR
• be going to for future plans and intentions
• be going to and will for predictions
Unit objectives give
students an overview
of the project for the
unit and the different
stages for creating it
They also summarize
the vocabulary and
grammar presented
Your Project states
the context of the
project, outlines
the steps needed to
achieve it and states
the project outcome
Presenting the
context in this way
means that teachers
can draw students’
attention to the final
project outcome
and then ask them
to think about the
real-life situation in
which they might be
asked to do this, e.g
recording or filming a
radio interview about
Trang 1615 Unit walkthrough
Lesson 1: Unit opener
1 Complete the phrases with the words in the box.
donate help offer put volunteer write
1 (money / clothes) to charity 4 (an older adult) across the street
2 your seat to (an older adult) on public transport 5 some litter in the bin
3 at (an animal shelter) 6 a thank-you message
2 Match the good deeds in exercise 1 to photos A–F Can you think of any more good deeds?
3 Video Watch Curtis and Amanda’s vlog. Discuss the questions.
1 Why is Curtis doing good deeds?
2 What good deeds does Curtis do or plan to do?
3 Which of these good deeds were in exercise 1?
4 Video Watch again and answer the questions.
1 Why does Curtis donate his jumper to charity?
2 Why does Curtis write a message to Mr Thomas?
3 Why is Amanda unhappy when Curtis calls her?
4 Where does Curtis plan to volunteer?
5 What advice does Curtis give about donating money to charity?
Workbook Project Log p16
5 Your project is to record or film a radio interview about helping others Another group will ask
the questions and you will answer by talking about your good deeds and the benefits of doing good. Read question 1 below then complete exercises 6 and 7 to help you prepare your answer.
Question 1: What good deeds did you do recently and who did they help?
6 Think about the good deeds from this lesson and discuss the questions.
• Which are easy / more difficult to do?
• Which can you do quickly? Which need more time?
• Which can you do at home or at school?
• Who will the good deed help, e.g a friend, a family member, or the community?
7 Complete the table with two good deeds for each group member Then try to
do them this week.
• Learn phrases for talking about good deeds • Talk about everyday good deeds
The topic of each unit and helpful vocabulary are introduced through
an entertaining vlog.
Project work
is integrated throughout the unit with the
Project Builder and Project Log.
Here’s my volunteering plan:
I think the most helpful good deed is
that are too difficult to do!
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
My volunteering opportunity:
My good deeds will help
fun and creative space in the Workbook for students to develop ideas, reflect on their projects, celebrate their successes and evaluate areas for development
Students can personalize the log by adding notes about their favourite ideas and commenting
on the contributions of their team members
• Learn about different ways to volunteer • Learn personality adjectives
• Use be going to for future plans and intentions
1 THINK Which of these is not a reason to volunteer? Which reasons
do you think are the most important?
1 to help other people
2 to get work experience
3 to earn money
4 to meet new people
5 to learn new skills
6 to feel good
2 MEDIATION Work in groups of three Each read one of the volunteering opportunities on the website Then tell your group about it in English Which volunteering opportunity do you think is the most interesting?
3 Match the adjectives in the box to their opposites from the website
4 17 Listen and match one adjective from exercise 3 to each of the four speakers.
5 Read Keya and Daniel’s messages. Which volunteering role does Keya think will be good for Daniel and why?
Join our team of generous teenage volunteers and
do some good in your community
Dog shelter helper
YOUR ROLE: To play with, feed, clean and walk dogs; use social media to help find homes for dogs.
YOU: You are hard-working, kind and an animal lover.
Theatre group performer
YOUR ROLE: To take part in free music and drama performances in children’s hospitals, kindergartens and community centres.
YOU: You are confident You play a musical instrument, can sing, or can act.
Computer skills trainer
improve their skills with the internet, mobile phones, printers, etc.
YOU: You are patient, polite and helpful You have good communication and IT skills
Today’s opportunities
Click here to apply
Click here to apply
Click here to apply
Daniel I’m still not sure Are Miko and Charlie going to do it too, or is it just you?
Daniel That sounds perfect for me
Daniel Yes, I am.
Daniel Let’s talk about it later My football match starts in five minutes See you at 7.
Keya So, are you going to volunteer with me in the holidays, or not?
Keya Charlie isn’t going to do it, but Miko is We found a great website with volunteering opportunities I’m going to apply for the role of Dog shelter helper and Miko’s going to apply for the Theatre group performer role They also need a Computer skills trainer You’re good with computers and quite patient and helpful Would that
be good for you?
Keya Miko and I are going to meet
at my house at seven o’clock Are you going to come over, too?
Keya Great We also need to talk about our final science project
What are we going to do?
are an integral part of
the course Students
Trang 189 18 Read the Pronunciation, then listen and repeat sentences 1–3 using gonna.
Going to is usually pronounced as one word: gonna
1 I’m going to volunteer.
2 He’s going to help someone.
3 We’re going to plant some trees.
10 Choose one of the goals below or use your own idea
Write your goal as a sentence and include a time limit
Then write four things you are going to do to achieve it
I want to get better at basketball by next month.
• I’m going to practise every day.
• I’m going to …
1 get better at a sport
2 learn a new skill
3 improve my English
4 get fitter and healthier
11 Work in groups of three or four Read out the four things you are going to do to achieve your goal Can you guess what your group members’ goals are?
Choose a volunteering opportunity.
Workbook Project Log p16
12 Read question 2 of your radio interview, then complete exercises 13–16 to help you prepare your answer.
Question 2: Where are you going to volunteer and why did you choose that role?
13 Choose three adjectives from this lesson that describe you
14 Choose the skills and qualities from the list that describe you Then add two more of your own ideas.
• good IT skills • can play an instrument
• good communication skills • can sing
• an animal lover • can act
15 Choose a volunteering opportunity from this lesson or use your own idea Imagine you are going to volunteer
in this role in the future Write three or four sentences about your skills and qualities and what you plan to do
in the role
I have good IT skills and I’m patient I’m going to volunteer to teach older people about computers I’m going to teach them how to download apps and how to post photos on social media.
16 Tell your group about your choice from exercise 15.
be going to for future plans and intentions
6 Find examples of be going to in the messages in
exercise 5 Then complete the table
going to
apply for the role of Dog shelter helper.
He’s / She’s / It’s We’re / You’re / They’re
over, too? Yes, I
No, I’m not.
What are we 5 do? Let’s talk about it later
7 Complete the answers (A) to the questions (Q) using the
messages in exercise 5
1 Q: What are Miko and Keya going to do in the holidays?
A: They’re going to volunteer
2 Q: Is Charlie going to volunteer in the holidays?
8 Complete each sentence with the correct form of be
going to and the verb in brackets.
1 I (do) some shopping for the older people who live in our apartment block My dad (come) with me.
2 Nicolas: How (stay) safe while collecting litter?
Liliana: I (wear) strong shoes and thick gloves.
3 Alex: (you / help) a dog from the shelter?
Beatrice: Yes, I (keep) it.
Log Here’s our good deeds plan:
Here’s my volunteering plan:
I think I help people
a little a lot
When I help people, I feel great
I think the most helpful good deed is
My volunteering opportunity:
• for volunteering ideas, think of places you know
My good deeds will help
! it
My skills and qualities:
My volunteering plan
Project Builder 2 Student Book p59
Project Builder 1 Student Book p57
Project Builder 2 Student Book p47
Project Builder 1 Student Book p45
The Classroom
Presentation Tool also provides
interactive activities
to make practising grammar fun!
Grammar animations
The Grammar
reference and practice section at
the back of the book provides additional support for students
reflections for Project
Builder 2 in Log it! 2
in the Workbook
• Read about things you can donate to charity
• Use be going to and will for predictions
1 What kinds of things do people donate to charity?
2 19 Look at the photos in the article Who might need these donated items? Then read, listen and check.
Homeless people might need the socks and blankets.
3 Answer the questions
1 Who do SAFE give the donated soft toys to?
2 Why do charity organizations want people to donate
more socks?
3 What can people donate to Get Well Gamers UK?
4 How can video games help people?
5 What can people donate to Lions Clubs International?
6 Who do Lions Clubs International send the
understand the word cuddle:
When young children are scared, they feel safer with a soft teddy bear to cuddle.
1 Why are teddy bears soft?
2 What do young children usually do with teddy bears when
they are scared?
5 Now try to guess the meaning of the other words in bold
in the article
6 MEDIATION Look online and find three interesting facts about a charity in your local area Tell the class in English
Skill UP!
Four things you can
donate to charity
We don’t all have enough money to donate to charity, but there are lots of things you can give to help other people
a long time Research also shows gaming can help reduce pain.
Unfortunately, many homeless people must live, and often sleep, on the streets When it’s
chilly, they need warm clothes and blankets
Charity organizations say that socks are especially necessary because not many people donate them New socks are best,
but clean, used socks (with no holes!) are
also very welcome, especially in winter.
SAFE (Stuffed Animals For Emergencies)
is an American organization that collects old teddy bears and other soft toys and gives them to police and firefighters
to use in emergencies When young children are scared, they feel safer with
a soft teddy bear to cuddle.
and some families can’t afford to buy them
Getting a pair for free can completely change
magnifying glass icon
shows students that
they can go online to
find out more about
respect other people’s
thoughts and ideas
Skill UP! tips
Trang 2019 Unit walkthrough
Lesson 3: Reading & Grammar
1 Fold your pieces of paper from exercise 10 in half
so that they all look the same Then mix them up
2 One of you choose a piece of paper If you choose
your own piece of paper, put it back and take a different one Read out the sentences.
3 The rest of the group must listen and try to guess
which person in the group wrote the sentences
If you hear your own sentences, don’t say it’s you!
be going to and will for predictions
7 Match underlined sentences A and B from the reader’s
comment with rules 1 and 2 from the grammar box below.
be going to and will for predictions
1 We use will to make predictions based on what we believe
or know
2 We use be going to to make predictions based on what we
can see / hear / smell / feel
what we see = black clouds prediction = It’s going to rain.
8 Match sentences 1 and 2 with A and B in each pair.
1 1 A Dad will get tired soon.
2 B Dad is going to get tired soon.
A He always gets tired at this time on Friday evenings.
B It’s nearly midnight and he’s still working.
2 1 She’ll win.
2 She’s going to win.
A She’s first in the race and close to the finish line.
B She always wins the race.
3 1 He’ll miss the bus.
2 He’s going to miss the bus.
A He’s always late.
B He’s running, but the bus is already leaving.
4 1 It’s going to be delicious.
2 It’ll be delicious.
A He’s a great cook Everything he makes is delicious.
B It smells great.
9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going
to or will and the verbs in brackets.
1 I’m sure you (feel) better soon.
2 It’s a job for two people You
(not manage) on your own.
3 He’s driving too fast He
because there isn’t any snow
Choose things to donate to charity.
Workbook Project Log p17
12 Read question 3 of your radio interview, then complete exercise 13 to help you prepare your answer.
Question 3: What are you planning to donate to charity and how will the items help?
13 What do you have at home that you could donate?
As a group, think of six items, then complete the table
Use the list of categories below to help.
• books
• games • clothes
• glasses • electronics
10 Complete the sentences Make them true for you.
1 The weather today looks , so after school I’m going to
2 I’m good at , so I’ll one day.
3 I can’t stand , so I definitely won’t
4 My best friend is , so he / she will when he / she is older.
11 Work in groups of four or more and follow the instructions
Item Who will want it? How will it help?
a winter coat a homeless person It’s going to be very cold this winter The coat will
keep them warm.
Readers’ comments
A The weather forecast shows it’s going to be a very cold winter this year B I think homeless charities will need blankets, strong shoes and warm clothes.
! 1
it Log
Record or film a radio interview
! 4
it Log
! 3
it Log
Here are my answers:
Here are our donation ideas:
the best reason to do good.
with when you were younger
… us live longer!
… mental health
Students can record their work and
reflections for Project
Builder 3 in Log it! 3
in the Workbook
Trang 21Lesson 4: Vocabulary & Listening
• Discover how doing good is good for you • Focus on joining video calls
• Learn phrasal verbs
2 Video Watch the video and check your answers to the quiz.
3 Read the Video focus How do you say the words in
bold in your language?
Before you join a video call, remember these tips:
1 Ask people around you not to disturb you
2 Make sure the room you are in is not too light or dark.
3 Think about what other callers will see through
6 Mute your other devices during the call.
4 Video Watch again Which tips from the Video focus didn’t Professor Perkins follow?
LIFE SKILLS We all make mistakes Often, a mistake is an opportunity to learn something new
or change your behaviour Think of a time you learned from a mistake What happened and what did you learn?
5 MEDIATION Imagine a friend who doesn’t speak English asks you for advice on taking part in video calls With your partner, give your friend some advice in your
own language Use the Video focus to help.
Test your knowledge with our quick quiz.
1 Talking over someone’s problems with them makes you feel more stressed T / F
Doing a good deed once a week makes you feel happier T / F
Being kind to others helps you feel more confident T / F
Doing good deeds can make your body healthier T / F
Volunteering regularly can help you live longer T / F
4068598 Harm 2 SB Unit4.indd 50 6/30/22 1:01 PM
approaches listening
in a realistic way,
reflecting the way
that teenagers listen
in real life 50% of
the listening lessons
are video-based,
as teenagers often
watch and listen at
the same time There
Life skills equip
students with the
skills they need
Trang 22Lesson 4: Vocabulary & Listening
6 Video Complete the extracts from the video with the
correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box Then watch again and check.
1 This week, we’re going to how doing good is good for us.
2 Professor Perkins, we can’t hear you Please
6 Another study 11–14-year-olds who regularly help others.
7 Oh no! What happened? How do I make that
8 The researchers tested the helpers’ blood and found
that they were healthier than other students who didn’t
the research.
9 American scientists also that people who regularly volunteer have a better chance of living longer
This is because volunteering reduces stress.
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
phrasal verbs from exercise 6 Use one of the phrasal verbs twice.
1 If you can’t the meaning of a new word, look in a dictionary to what it means.
2 Ask the doctor to your knee She’ll probably give you some medicine to make the pain
3 Please your mobile phone during the exam Do not your phone until you leave the school building.
4 I need to a problem I have at school Will you help me what to do?
5 Will you our eco-day this weekend? We’re going to litter in the local community.
Question 4: How is doing good good for you?
10 Write answers to the questions
How does doing good help:
1 your mental health?
2 your physical health?
3 you live longer?
11 Compare your answers with the other members of your group.
For number 1, I wrote that doing good makes you feel less stressed For example,
if you talk over a friend’s problems …
8 Work in small groups Follow the instructions to complete the challenges.
1 Name five things you need to turn on
to make them work.
2 Find out the birthdays of the people
in your group Then work out who is the oldest
3 Name three places where people
need to turn off their mobile phones.
4 Find out what clubs or events the
people in your group are taking part
in at school this year.
Each unit presents
two core vocabulary sets and further
practice is provided in the Workbook as well
as through digital practice activities in the Online Practice
Here are my answers:
It was easy difficult to think of ideas for donations.
I prefer working
Here are our donation ideas:
the best reason to do good.
… us live longer!
… mental health
Project Builder 2 Student Book p59
Project Builder 1 Student Book p57
Project Builder 4 Student Book p51
Project Builder 3 Student Book p49
Students can record their work and
reflections for Project
Builder 4 in Log it! 4
in the Workbook
The Classroom
Presentation Tool also provides
interactive activities
to make practising vocabulary fun
Trang 231 Are you good at giving advice?
2 Who can young people talk to if they need advice?
2 Video Watch the first part of the video Answer the questions
1 What did Lucy post on social media?
2 Why is Alessia’s mum angry with Lucy?
3 What advice does Marcel give Lucy?
3 Video Read the Key phrases, then watch again Tick
the phrases they use.
KEY PHRASES Asking for, giving and reacting to advice Asking for advice
What do you think I should do?
Have you got any advice?
What do you suggest (doing / I do)?
I’m not sure that’s a good idea
That’s great advice, thanks.
I’ll try that, thanks
4 Video Look at the photo Why do you think Lucy is unhappy? Watch the second part of the video and check
5 Read the Skill UP! Then follow instructions
1–3 below.
Use these phrases if you need time to think before you answer a question:
Hmm That’s a good question.
Well, let me see.
OK, let me think.
1 Choose a problem from the list below or use your
own ideas.
• You wrote a negative comment about someone online when you were angry and now you feel bad about it.
• Someone shared a photo of you online that you don’t like.
• Someone wrote something unkind about you online.
2 Work together to think of some good advice for
the problem.
3 Write and practise a role-play using language from this
lesson Include one of the phrases from the Skill UP!
Student A Explain your problem, ask for advice, then react
to the advice you get from your partner
Student B Listen to your partner’s problem and offer them some advice
Skill UP!
Students will get to
know the characters
who appear in each
Trang 24Lesson 6: Writing
• Write a formal email • Learn about writing a formal email, letter or message
1 Who do people usually write formal emails to?
Choose two options from the box.
people we don’t know people we know well
2 Read Ingrid’s email and answer the questions
1 Why is she writing?
2 How did Ingrid and her classmates decide to help their
friends and neighbours?
3 Why does she think listeners will be interested?
4 Read the Skill UP! and choose the correct option.
Writing a formal email, letter or message
1 Fill in / Don’t fill in the ‘subject’ box with a short phrase
(emails only).
2 Start / Don’t start with Dear plus the correct title,
e.g Mr, Mrs or Ms, and the person’s surname
3 Introduce / Don’t introduce yourself in the
first paragraph.
4 Say / Don’t say why you are writing in the
first paragraph.
5 Use / Don’t use contractions, e.g I am not I’m.
6 Use / Don’t use exclamation marks (!) or emojis ().
7 Use / Don’t use short forms, e.g Thanks not Thank you.
8 Finish / Don’t finish with a formal sign-off,
e.g Kind regards or Yours sincerely.
5 Change the sentences to make them more formal.
1 Hello Mr Parker!
2 I’m John and I’m a pupil at Grange School.
3 I want to ask for your help.
4 Will you come to the school event?
5 Write back soon!
6 Thanks and bye.
Write a formal email to a radio station.
Workbook Project Log p18
6 Write a formal email to one of the local radio stations below Ask if you can come on a show and talk about your project from this unit Work in groups for Part A only.
A Plan
• Why are you writing?
• What is your project about?
• Why will listeners be interested in your project?
B Write
• Follow the tips in the Skill UP! and write your email.
C Read and check
• Check that your email has a formal style.
• Check your spelling and grammar.
Skill UP!
3 Match the underlined informal phrases in Ingrid’s email
1–8 with the more formal phrases A–H.
A Please let me know if you are able to help.
B My name is Ingrid Nielson and I am 13 years old
Subject: 1 Can we do an interview?
2 Hi there,
3 I’m Ingrid and I’m 13 4 Just a quick email to ask if
my classmates and I could come on the Morning Show and talk about our project to clean up the local community.
As part of our English course at school, our teacher asked us to think of ways to help our friends and neighbours There is a lot of litter in our neighbourhood so we decided to clean it up
We would like to come on your show and talk to you about what we did We think your listeners will
be interested to hear from young people trying to make a difference in their community
5 Will you help us?
6 I can’t wait to hear from you 7 Thanks.
8 Bye for now, Ingrid Nielson
Music, news and issues
Contact: Selma Miles
Youth Radio
For young people, by young people
Contact: David Night david_night@radio-city
New music, listeners’ calls local news,
Here’s my WRITING: a FORMAL EMAIL to a radio station
WHO am I writing to?
WHAT is the subject?
WHY am I writing?
WHAT is our project about?
WHY will listeners be interested?
3 2
formal greeting
no contractions
no exclamation marks or emojis
no short forms formal sign-off
for each of the boxes labelled 1–3 in your writing plan
The email address of
Invent an email address for your group
44 Project Builder 5 Project Builder 5 Student Book Student Book p65 p53
Students are given time to think and plan in their project groups, noting their decisions in their
Writing plan in the Project Log.
Students then write their text in the
The Project Log
provides guidance and tips on effective writing
The model text gives
a structured
writing task.
Trang 25Project lesson
Project head A subhead
about helping others
1 Look back at your Project Builders 1–5 for this unit Check that you have:
• a list of good deeds that you did.
• your plans for volunteering work
• a list of six things that you could donate to charity.
• some reasons why doing good is good for you.
2 Share and review the work from your Project Builders Is there anything you want to change?
Use your Project Log p16–18
3 Read the interview questions in the boxes below and prepare your responses.
• Make sure all the members of the group will speak.
• Use Project Builder 5 to help you with the introduction.
• Use Project Builders 1–4 to answer questions 1–4.
“Welcome to the show Recently, you wrote
an email to the radio station Please could you introduce yourselves, then tell us about your email and why you’re here today.”
The Project lesson
brings all the work
students have done
throughout the
unit together The
lesson is divided into
five sections
Share and Review:
Students work in
groups and share
their Project Builders
with each other
By sharing and
discussing ideas they
improve the outcome
of their final task
Decide: Students
continue to work
collaboratively to
make important
decisions about their
final project They
share tasks and build
on their individual
strengths to improve
the final project
Trang 26Project lesson
4 Read the Project skills Then practise your interview Use the Key
phrases below to give and respond to feedback while practising
• Listen carefully to the other members of your group while they are practising
Are they speaking slowly and clearly?
• Be honest, but respectful, when giving feedback to each other.
• Help each other with your English, but remember that it doesn’t need to
be perfect
• Practise until all members of the group feel confident.
KEY PHRASES Giving feedback
• It was great when you …
• I noticed that you (spoke a bit too fast).
• Maybe you could (speak more clearly).
Responding to feedback
• Yes, you’re right.
• OK, I’ll try that, thanks.
• I’m not sure I think it was OK.
5 Find another group to work with Group As ask the interview questions and Group Bs answer. Record or film the interview. Then change roles
Group As:
• Welcome the radio listeners at the beginning.
• Ask Group B to introduce themselves and explain their project (see exercise 3).
• Take turns asking the questions from exercise 3, as well as any other questions you think of.
• Listen carefully and respond positively to what Group B says.
8 Think about your project work in this unit Read the statements and choose your reaction.
1 Our group can give respectful
feedback and respond to it. 2 Our group can record or film
an interview. 3 Our group can speak slowly and
clearly in an interview.
9 Complete these sentences for you.
1 I am pleased with our radio interview because
2 I want to improve
Workbook Project Log p19
6 Show your recording or video to the rest of the class.
7 Give feedback to each of the groups on their recording
or video Use the Key phrases above to help.
For our PROJECT, I …
prepared answers for the interview gave some answers during the interview recorded / filmed the interview
I think our group sounded
confident polite funny brilliant during the interview.
Next time, try to …
Give more less feedback.
Ask for more less help.
Come back and tick!
3 new words to describe me:
1 2 3
To ask for advice, I can say:
To give advice, I can say:
To react to advice, I can say:
For example, three good deeds:
1 2 3
Our group was good at
's group was good at .
I think volunteering is for people.
Now I know how to …
… talk about good deeds
… talk about the future ask for, give and react to advice
… write a formal email
… practise for an interview in groups
When we showed our interview to the class, I felt
I preferred
asking questions giving answers
of linguistic communication
as students learn
to express their thoughts and opinions and present them in different formats
The Reflections Log
in the Workbook encourages students
to look back through the unit, review the language and skills they have learned, and consider how they might improve next time
Students set their own clear, achievable learning goals for their next project
The Project skills
feature gives tips
on an aspect of group work or on presenting skills
This feature is complemented
by the Project
coach video which
gives tips on presenting skills and collaborative skills
in an entertaining format
Reflect: Students think about
their project work in this unit,
and consider how well they
worked together as a group
The final Project Log
page of the unit facilitates
self-assessment and enables
students to reflect on their own
performance and that of their
Trang 27My grammar reference and practice
• We can answer yes/no questions with a short answer.
‘Are you going to donate some money?’ ‘Yes, I am.’
‘Are they going to volunteer to help?’ ‘No, they’re not.’
• We form wh- questions with:
Question word + am / is / are + subject + going to + verb
Wh- questions
Question word be Subject going to Verb
Where am I
going to go?
When is he / she / it arrive?
What are you / we / they do?
be going to and will for predictions
• We can use both be going to and will to make predictions
about the future.
• We usually use be going to when there is some evidence
in the present to support the prediction, for example what we can see, hear, smell or feel.
There isn’t a cloud in the sky It’s going to be a lovely day.
I’m not going to finish There isn’t enough time.
• We usually use will to make predictions based on what
we believe or know.
You’ll love Australia It’s beautiful.
He won’t come He never comes to parties.
• We use the infinitive form of the verb without to after both be going to and will
Affirmative and negative: be going to Subject be going to Infinitive
without to
+ It ’s going to rain.
- I ’m not going to win this race.
Affirmative and negative: will Subject will / won’t Infinitive
without to
+ You ’ll have a great time.
- Sam won’t be late.
We often use I don’t think with be going to or
will when we are less certain about a prediction:
I think people won’t / aren’t going to drive flying cars
I’m going to visit my aunt in hospital this evening.
‘Are they going to meet us for lunch later?’ ‘Yes, they are.’
• We often use be going to with future time phrases,
e.g tomorrow, next week, tonight, next year.
I’m going to cycle to work tomorrow.
‘What are you going to do this summer?’ ‘I’m going to visit
my friends in Kenya.’
• We can also use be going to with adverbs of (definite)
frequency, e.g every day, twice a week, monthly.
I’m going to exercise every day.
• We form affirmative sentences with:
Subject + am / is / are + going to + infinitive without to
He’s / She’s / It’s ride a horse.
You’re / We’re / They’re visit friends.
• We form negative sentences with:
Subject + am / is / are + not + going to + infinitive without to
He / She / It isn’t come to the party.
You / We / They aren’t go to the library.
• We form yes/no questions with:
be + subject + going to + infinitive without to + ?
Is he / she / it
Are you / we / they go to the party?
4068598 Harm 2 SB GramRef.indd 112 6/30/22 1:06 PM
4 Match sentences 1–6 to A–F.
1 D She looks miserable.
2 I’m really hungry.
3 There’s a lot of traffic
4 They practised hard
5 Don’t climb so high
6 Holly’s sorry she hurt your feelings
A I think I’ll order a pizza.
B You’re going to fall.
C She won’t do it again.
D It looks like she’s going to cry
E They’ll win.
F We’re going to be late.
5 Choose the best option.
1 That boy is travelling very fast on his bike
He ’s going to / will have an accident.
2 Katy’s usually in the library after school, so I’m sure that
I ’ll / ’m going to see her later
3 That smells great – dinner will / ’s going to be delicious!
4 Grandma is planting lots of new flowers The garden will / ’s going to look really colourful in the summer.
5 Fiona is a very confident person She ’ll / ’s going to
meet new people easily.
6 James is quite lazy – he won’t / isn’t going to get a job
in the summer holidays.
6 Complete the dialogue with will or (be) going to and the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Mum Look at all the cars It 1 ’s going to be (be) busy in town today I wanted to take these old trousers to the charity shop.
Fin Mum, they only take things they can sell They
2 (not want) Dad’s old trousers.
Mum Yes, they 3 – I’ve washed them!
I took them a pair like this last week
Fin Dad 4 (not be) pleased Wait, those are his favourite pair!
Mum Not so loud! He 5 (hear) you
I can hear him in the room next door
Fin At least tell him, Mum Anyway, you 6 (be) late The charity shop closes in 15 minutes!
7 Make predictions about these times Write true sentences for you.
1 (this evening)
2 (on Saturday morning)
3 (this summer)
4 (a time of your choice)
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going
to and the verbs in the box.
do help pay take not travel volunteer walk not watch
1 Oh no! I ’m not going to watch this film Turn it off!
2 We to the shops for our neighbour She needs some milk and she can’t get there.
2 Choose the correct option.
1 I’m going to my driving test next year.
A to take B take C taking
2 going to be at home this weekend?
A You are B Is you C Are you
3 I invite Ula to my party.
A ’s going to B ’m going to C ’m go to
4 Tanya isn’t going to her seat.
A offer B to offer C to offering
5 going to play football this weekend?
A Is Ben B Ben is C Ben isn’t
6 We going to buy a new car this year.
A not B isn’t C aren’t
7 Which charity donate your money to?
A are you going to B you are going to C you going to
8 Where is Lily next year?
A study B going to study C going study
3 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets and be going to.
Ben 1 Are you going to help out (you / help out) this weekend at the charity book sale?
Lara Yes, I am I 2 (get) there early so that I can organize the books.
Ben What time 3 (you / arrive)?
Lara At eight o’clock Do you want to come?
Ben Yes, please
Lara My mum 4 (take) me
Would you like to come with us?
Ben Thank you I 5
(not stay) for long because Nick
consolidating the key
grammar points from
the unit
Grammar explanations are supported by clear examples
The Remember! box reminds
students of key grammar rules,
or draws attention to common grammar mistakes to be avoided
A summary of the grammar from the unit
provides students with a handy reference that
enables them to revise and test themselves on
what they have learned
Varied exercises, graded to a standard level, give important support to students who may need it and provide extra practice of every grammar point covered in the unit
Trang 28Culture 360° lesson
• Learn about communication in Ancient Egypt
• Talk about historical tombs
1 Look at the photo of Ramses the Sixth’s tomb in Egypt
What can you see?
EXPLORE Access the interactive 360° content now!
2 Look at the timeline of Ancient Egypt and answer
the questions.
1 Which three things or people below came from Egypt?
Rulers Cleopatra Julius Caesar King Arthur
of Giza
2 Did Cleopatra rule Egypt before or after Ramses
the Sixth?
3 Read about Ramses the Sixth’s tomb Match the
words 1–4 to their meanings A–D.
1 What did the symbols represent?
2 Which direction did they write hieroglyphics in?
3 Where did the Egyptians write hieroglyphics?
4 When did scribes start to learn how to write hieroglyphics?
5 Look at the hieroglyphic alphabet Then translate the hieroglyphic message below into English, from left to right
Watch out! Some different letters have the same symbol.
6 Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Can you think of any famous historical tombs in
your country?
2 Do you think historical tombs should be opened or
kept closed?
Look online and find out:
Which animal did the Egyptians think was special and brought good luck?
Look UP!
There are five Culture
360° lessons These
are designed to be standalone lessons which can be used flexibly at any time during the course
Learning objectives
are explained at the beginning of each Culture 360° lesson
so students know what they are going
to learn
Dynamic photos
engage students in further extension of the unit topic The 360° photo can be launched by clicking
on the Explore tab
Reflect on Culture
has one or two discussion questions which focus the students on the cultural angle of the lesson and encourage them to apply it to their own experience
Look UP! boxes encourage students
to extend their learning by doing their own online research
The Think section has
Trang 29Language objectives for the unit
Core vocabulary
Sports: do athletics, go surfing, do judo
Free-time activities: take photos, play video games
In a town: library, bus stop, theme park
Animals: giraffe, sharks, monkeys, ants, bee, eagle, spider
Animal body parts: legs, teeth, wing, tongue
Food: bananas, oranges, salmon, grapes, salt, eggs, sugar,
yoghurt, cheese, pasta, ice cream
Find out about the course
Learn how to do project work
Key phrases
Planning: We need to (design a poster) (Tom), why don’t
you (find photos online)? I can (write the presentation) Can
you help me, (Sara)?
Project video
How to do project work
Project extension ideas
To find out which of the topics the students are really
interested in, write the eight project titles on the board
Tell students to individually write the top five they think are
the most interesting Then divide them into pairs to discuss
their choices and agree on a combined top five Finally, join
two pairs together to compare their choices and agree on a
group top five Ask each group to feedback their top five and
justify their choices
Unit summary
The Welcome unit reviews vocabulary and grammar from
Harmonize Level 1 Students play a game in pairs and review
question words, like + -ing / noun, quantifiers, present simple
and continuous, present continuous for future arrangements
and possessive pronouns with the vocabulary sets of sports,
free-time activities, places around town, animals and food
They are introduced to the concept of project work and how
the Project Builders function in the course They do a quiz to
familiarize themselves with the project topics and watch a
video with tips on how to do the projects successfully
Lesson objective
Revise grammar and vocabulary
where it is difficult to find a way to the exit)
ask different students for their examples (film: The Maze Runner, book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, public:
Hampton court maze, London)
If necessary, students could make their own with a bit
of card and colour them You will also need one die per group, too If you don’t have any dice, then students can make simple number spinners
them on the board (e.g monopoly, chess, snakes and ladders).
the relevant squares
types of questions in the squares, e.g
Vocabulary: I lots of photos on holiday
Grammar: I usually go / am going to school by bike.
more examples on the board
take turns to throw the dice, move the number of squares indicated in the key and answer a grammar question if the question mark is blue and a vocabulary question if it’s orange
if you land on these squares
already been answered so they don’t repeat them
example for the class
small groups to play the game Alternatively, divide the class into teams with yourself leading the game
answer They should be able to do it themselves, so you could prompt rather than give the correct answer
different students for the answers
Vocabulary answers:
Trang 30Grammar answers:
questions Tell them to make a note of the square number
for the questions they found easy and/or difficult
page 104 and explain this provides more explanations and
practice of the grammar
students felt were difficult, you could ask them to do
these sections in class or for homework
My grammar reference & practice p104
page spread of the Student Book and ask what they can
see Ask: What do you think the project is about?
the students Ask a few questions to check understanding,
e.g How many different projects are there? (eight) Where do you write your project ideas? (in the Project Log) What helps you with your project presentation? (the Project coach video).
what to do
to compare their answers in pairs before you check with the class
explain any unknown vocabulary
motivate them or say the top three pairs to finish first get
to choose a game to play at the end of the class
which projects are the most interesting now that they have more information
You make a list of possible topics for a how-to video:
Unit 7You choose items to include in a time capsule: Unit 1
You prepare a Fitness section for an infographic:
Unit 6
Optional activity
students could write their own quiz about the course
through the Student Book, choose five units and write a question for each unit
you see a picture of a …? What’s the reading about
on page …?
Sharing work
what in the projects (e.g skills, interests, negotiation)
students for suggestions
Students may get annoyed if they’re doing all the work
Time is limited so the group may not finish the project,
which affects evaluations
are in a group? (three or four) What’s the goal? (design a
poster) How many tasks are there? (five).
(technology, research, design, writing, presenting)
and what they learned from other groups
How did you agree? Did everyone participate?
6 Video script p128
video the whole way through for students to answer the
question (making a cake)
the answers for question 1 in their Student Book
is good, and then play the final section of the video Why is
project work a good idea? for students to check their answer to
question 2
(Use time well Listen and give positive feedback Use
the Project Logs Speak English Listen to other groups’
conduct class feedback (Do different tasks to learn new
skills, use the language from the unit to practise, help each
other, ask questions, share your work with family, enjoy.)
or if anything isn’t clear
interesting about the new course
2 & 3 Students’ own answers
Trang 321 Then and now
Language objectives for the unit
Core vocabulary
Verbs and their opposites: agree – disagree, appear –
disappear, borrow – lend, buy – sell, connect – disconnect,
lose – win, receive – send, save – spend
Adjectives for feelings: annoyed, bored, embarrassed,
excited, relaxed, scared, surprised, tired, unhappy, worried
Extra vocabulary
Time capsules: close, container, discover, hide, include,
inside, items, outside, safe
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
Past simple: (there) was / were; past time phrases
Key phrases
Making and responding to suggestions: We could choose
(a sports hero) How about choosing (an environmental hero)
Let’s think of something else instead Why don’t we choose (a
human rights hero)? That sounds good That’s a great idea! I’m
not sure about that I’m not so keen on that idea I’d rather not
(write about the environment again).
Project objectives
Project description
Create a time capsule.
Students will work in groups of three for this project
Project skills
Deciding together
Key phrases
Giving reasons: This is a (photo of a) … We put this in
our time capsule because … We chose this because …
This shows that … is / are important in the present day
Teenagers today can’t live without …
Project coach video
Choosing ideas for your project
Project extension ideas
To continue and develop the theme of the Then and now
topic, students could create a group video to go into their
time capsule Have a discussion with the class about what
they could include in the video that people in the future
may be interested in (e.g a sport, a video game, a famous
person, a device) Students then work in their group to plan,
produce and record their video The videos can be uploaded
for students to watch and think about which video would
be the most interesting and/or informative for people in
the future
Unit summary
The topic for this unit is Then and now By the end of the unit,
students should be able to narrate past events confidently
and make and respond to suggestions They should feel
more comfortable about making decisions in groups, be
able to write a well-organized, interesting message using
linkers and understand how the projects work and the importance of the log
The final project is to create a time capsule including information about a place, their lifestyle now and a description of a fun day out they had, which students present to the class This will consolidate all the language they have learned in the unit
Introducing the topic for the unit
Read out the title of the unit and the objectives Explain to students that this unit is all about comparing life in the past
to their lives now and collating information to include in a time capsule for people in the future Tell them that the project at the end of the unit is to create and present a time capsule
Identifying a real-life context for the topic
Ask students to consider in what situations it might be useful to create a time capsule offering an insight into everyday life at a moment in history Answers could include
to consider how items such as personal notes, pictures, videos and documents could give future historians a broader understanding of the people of our time, or to gain an understanding of the importance of social history
Lesson objectives
Discover different ways to learn about the pastLearn vocabulary related to time capsules
we can connect to the past This will prepare them for the first part of the project
and who they can see
page 9, ask what clues in the sentences helped them identify the photos
A 2 B 3 C 1
into pairs to discuss the questions
3 Curtis’s vlog script p128
before they watch the vlog to check
A box or container where you put objects and information
so people in the future will know how people lived at that time in the past
Trang 334
follow-up questions, e.g Why does Curtis smile when he
says museums also have gift shops? (because they sell new,
modern things that he likes to buy) What can experts use
fossils for? (to create pictures of what dinosaurs looked like)
What does Amanda like doing? (visiting ruins).
dinosaurs really looked like
capsule is made Prompt them with a few questions,
e.g What do you put everything into? (a container) What
can you put in it? (items / objects / photos) What do you
want people in a few years’ time to do? (discover it).
know before they continue with the exercise If necessary,
pre-teach some of the vocabulary to support students
check if their instructions were similar
them with the verbs
you check with the class
Optional activity
divide the class into pairs and ask them to use the
words to create instructions on how to make a time
check their instructions
for this exercise
PROJECT BUILDER 1 (10 minutes)
Write a note for the people who find your time capsule.
that they will now start preparing their ideas for it
they will stay in the same group for the whole project Tell
students to write the names of the people in their group
discussion and make sure everyone gets a chance to speak
workbook ready Explain that they will use the information
in the Project Log for the final project task and the discussion they are going to have will help them to complete this log
need to discuss to complete the log
creating the time capsule (to help people understand their life, for future people to compare lifestyles)
of the key points they want to include in their note
their log Remind them all to sign it
their group shared ideas and what could be done better next time
they can bring in to include in their time capsule
Workbook Project Log p4
Trang 341.2 90s time capsule
Lesson objectives
Learn what life was like for young people in the 1990s
Talk about the past using regular and irregular verbs
by playing a version of Hangman On the board, draw
dashes to represent the individual letters of a word,
e.g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (include).
is in the word, write it in the correct place If it isn’t in the
word, start to draw an unsmiley face (starting with a circle
for the face) Continue drawing parts of the face for every
incorrect letter (eyes, nose, ears, etc.) If the students guess
the word before you draw the unsmiley mouth, they win
If you complete the face before they guess, you win
you check with the class
interesting are they? Can you see a big difference between the
90s and now?
the past or present? (past) Why are you learning about the
time capsules with the past tense? (because we need to
use the past simple to talk about past events)
talk about life in the 1990s and their past forms
a magazine advert for a 90s computer, a mobile phone,
some CDs, a video cassette and DVD, a Nintendo Game
Boy, a pair of boots
for students to discuss in pairs
different now? Do you know any of the bands? How are
computer games different now? Does anyone have a pair of
these boots?
verbs before they read the labels again to check
the verbs
lend and borrow and then read through the explanation in
the Tick feature
buy – sell, disagree – agree, disappear – appear, disconnect – connect, lend – borrow, lose – win, send – receive, spend – save
Past tense verbs: sold, won, agreed
to compare their answers in pairs before you check with the class
before dividing them into pairs to interview each other
Optional activity
it with the person opposite them
the back of the line That line then moves down one so students are standing opposite a new student
GrammarPast simple: regular and irregular verbs 5
My grammar reference & practice p106
you check with the class
and which ones they knew / didn’t know before Ask if they can think of anything else that was different (e.g
people didn’t listen to music on headphones so much, children had toys rather than gadgets, students used books for research)
1 E 2 F 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 A
Trang 35you check with the class
them questions 1–3
books and Students B ask questions 4–6
podcasts (People didn’t listen to podcasts They listened to
the radio.), smart TVs, bluetooth, Wi-Fi, apps.
have a pet when you were eight? What sports did you do?
What films did you like? Where did you spend your holidays?).
practice before they move on, refer them to the My
grammar reference & practice on page 106 You could read
through the reference with the class, then students could
work through the practice exercises
already, move on with the lesson and refer them to the
My grammar reference & practice for homework
PROJECT BUILDER 2 (15 minutes)
Choose items to include in your time capsule.
them to prepare for the project at the end of the unit
to choose a new monitor for the task today
items do you choose? (five) Look at the mind map What
are the four categories? (recent events or news stories,
entertainment, fashion, technology)
students so they know what they have to record
limited, they could complete the log for homework
information (e.g photos, audio, objects, newspaper articles, infographics)
ask the monitors to check
make sure they divide up the things they need and decide who’s going to bring in which items
on group work Explain to students that it’s important to learn to assess themselves Tell them to think back over how they felt about the group work and complete the evaluation in the log
Project Log for you to check and tick completed
Workbook Project Log p4
Further practice
Vocabulary, Workbook p6 Grammar, Workbook p8
Trang 361.3 The birth of teenage culture
Lesson objectives
Learn about the beginning of teenage culture in the USA
Read for overall meaning (gist)
Talk about the past using was / were
grammar from the previous lesson
noughts or crosses
sell, buy, win, make, send, do, go, spend, have) for them to
say the past simple form If the answer is correct, they get
a cross or nought in the square The first team to get a line
of three wins
they can see, if the photos show the past or the present
and how do they know (past – they are black and white
photos, and the content, e.g clothes, activities)
1 C 2 A 3 B
Skill UP!
decide if you want to read a full blog / article? Do you look
through quickly to see if it looks interesting first?
you check with the class
and what they were
in English or are doing their Workbook readings
New laws improved education and work and there was
more free time for teenagers
their meaning from the context
they can’t work out from context
adult – a person over 18 years old, who is legally
responsible for their actions
choice – the noun for choose
dangerous – not safe
identity – who or what someone is, i.e their personality
laws – the system of rules for a country that everyone
must obey
modern – not old
well paid – having a good salary
answer before they read the text again
more time at school)
personally – to the text, so make sure students have some
‘thinking’ time to formulate their answers
make a list of their reasons
discussion and prompt with additional questions, e.g
What do children and teenagers do differently? What laws are different? (driving, staying home alone) How is school different? What can adults do you can’t do? What different interests / worries do you have?
Past simple: (there) was / were; past time phrases
practice of the grammar point, refer them to the My grammar reference & practice on page 106 to complete in
class or for homework
My grammar reference & practice p106
their answers with a partner
Eighteen per cent of all working Americans were under the age of 16
The work wasn’t well-paid, and it was often dangerous
There were new laws about education and work
This was the birth of teenage culture
them complete the exercise
you check with the class Ask: How many of your true answers for yourself are similar?
Trang 37to report back their partner’s answers to the class, e.g Ava
was tired when she woke up because she didn’t sleep well.
examples in the exercises
in 1900 – exercise 8
at midnight last night – exercise 8
this morning – exercise 8
yesterday – exercise 9
which one is the most recent (an hour ago).
their answers in pairs before you check with the class
Suggested answers depending on day of the week:
an hour ago, this morning, at midnight last night,
yesterday, on Friday evening, last week, two weeks ago,
over the summer holidays in the 1920s and 30s, in 1900
Optional activity
Tell students to choose five of the past time expressions
and write a sentence with each one using was and were.
you questions and then work out your false answer
Ask two students to model the dialogue to focus them
on the language they should use to complete the
exercise successfully It provides a clear example of what
is expected of them to achieve the objective of using was
and were Depending on your class, once the class has
done the exercise, you could choose a confident pair to
demonstrate their conversation for the class
PROJECT BUILDER 3 (15 minutes)
Complete a personal profile.
to nominate a different group monitor
the ideas if students finished it for homework
show their group members
clothes, music, food or drink, apps)
the name of a group member that they have a ‘favourite’
in common with
think about the similarities in their profiles
Workbook Project Log p5
Further practice
Grammar, Workbook p9 Reading, Workbook p10–11 Grammar worksheets, Teacher’s Resources, Oxford English Hub Reading worksheets, Teacher’s Resources, Oxford English Hub
Trang 381.4 Creepy places!
Lesson objectives
Describe feelings with adjectives
Listen to teenagers talking about creepy historical places
Use photos and labels to predict vocabulary
We all have different needs in the various roles we play in
our lives It’s important to think about your own wellbeing
and take time for the things that are important to you
Make a list of ten things that are important to you (e.g
hobbies, socialising, good working relationships) Then
rank each one from 1 to 10 to reflect how important they
are for you Look at your ranking: How satisfied are you
with the amount of time you spend on each thing? How
can you improve your satisfaction rating to benefit your
lesson by saying one of the words for the class to define,
give an example or a synonym
open their book on page 12 and choose three words
give an example or a synonym
can see Ask: How does it make you feel?
tell you what they are talking about (Hugo’s holiday)
it’s creepy, it’s more than 80 years old, it was in an accident
in 1994 and now it’s stuck
means? Take all suggestions for the meaning of creepy and
ask students to justify their answers (A place is creepy if
it’s strange and makes you feel afraid or uncomfortable.)
to use dictionaries This is so you can get an idea of which adjectives they know and don’t know
the whole class in feedback
the L1 translation and times when they feel annoyed, bored, etc
could ask them to do the vocabulary worksheets for homework
Optional activity
emojis for the four feelings not illustrated in the online
text chat (i.e annoyed, relaxed, surprised, unhappy) and one more feeling of their own choice (e.g interested, friendly, confident, funny).
4 02 Audio script p128
your answers the same or different?
again, pausing after each one to confirm the answer
(It’s raining.) Why is Hugo relaxed? (He’s on the beach.) Why
is Hugo annoyed? (Miguel ate his chocolate.) Why is Lucia surprised? (She thought Hugo was on holiday, but he’s at
If available to you, show students a range of different emojis
Ask why students like the particular emojis
students to guess
Trang 39Skill UP!
information they can predict from photos (topic, places,
types of people, activities)
divide them into pairs to share and discuss their lists
8 03 Audio script p128–129
on their lists
lists and what they were
are missing (e.g dates, adjectives, things, jobs)
complete any of the sentences before they listen to the
into groups to discuss the questions
access to a device to watch the virtual tour
Would you like to visit Scott’s hut? Why? / Why not? What’s
similar about the hut to a time capsule? (things from history
that give you an idea of what it was like for Scott) What
other places can you visit like Scott’s hut in your country?
(palaces, middle age villages, farms)
PROJECT BUILDER 4 (15 minutes)
Write a description of an interesting place that you know
to nominate a new group monitor
their list
Don’t forget and Tip boxes in the Project Log
chosen and write a draft for the writing task
their final version into their Project Log
find pictures to go with their description Explain they can download photos or find pictures from leaflets or magazines Make sure they share out the task
Project Log, either in class or for homework
leave the class, e.g Tell me one thing you learned about the place you chose.
Project Log to check and tick completed
Workbook Project Log p5
Further practice
Vocabulary, Workbook p7 Vocabulary worksheets, Teacher’s Resources, Oxford English Hub
Trang 401.5 Today’s heroes
Lesson objectives
Talk about your heroes
Make and respond to suggestions
Learn how to show interest during conversations
a few as anagrams on the board, e.g racsde (scared).
(= a person who is admired by many people for doing
something brave or good)
questions individually before dividing them into pairs to
discuss them
heroes Ask: Which one is the most interesting hero? Why?
they wanted to know is mentioned
4 Drama video script p129
Wonder Woman? (because it has to be a real person)
Why doesn’t Lucy want to write about an environmental
hero? (because she doesn’t want to write about the
environment again)
they can before playing the video again to check
6 Drama video script p129
a talk? (London) What does Marcel say they might do after
the talk? (meet Amandla).
They’re surprised and delighted because Marcel can
arrange for the girls to go to a talk with Amandla
Skill UP!
7 04 Audio script p129
important to show interest (to be polite, encourage the person to continue and keep a conversation going)
encourage students to copy the rising intonation of the surprise expressions
(e.g Lady Gaga, Marcus Rashford, Greta Thunberg)
for each
suggest their options Remind them to listen and respond and show interest
to practise making and responding to suggestions in a realistic way
Write the error, without the correction, on a slip of paper and put it face down in front of students without disturbing them
to read their slip of paper and make the corrections
This gives you an opportunity to assess how well they
can produce the Key phrases and self-correct
in a feedback session at the end
Further practice
Speaking pairwork worksheet, Teacher’s Resources, Oxford English Hub