Additionally, we willconduct a thorough analysis of Gap Inc.''''s competitors and industry trendsto identify potential opportunities for growth and innovation:By leveraging advanced data an
LECTURE: Master Nguyễn Thế Đại Nghĩa
Course ID: 212IS2110 MEMBERS IN GROUP 9
1 Nguyễn Phước Đăng Khoa K224111487
2 Nguyễn Hoàng Nguyệt Cát K214070510
Ho Chi Minh City, July 4 2023 th
1 Criterion
2 List of options
3 Evaluation of the option
1 Recommendations
3 Market analysis
3.1 Five forces
3.2 5C Analysis
3.3 SWOT
3.4 Business model canvas
4 Financial analysis
1 Timeline
2 Resources estimation
3 Contingencies
4 Risk mitigation
Trang 3Figure 1: Gap Inc.’s Competitive Landscape
Figure 2: Business Model Canvas of Gap Inc
Figure 3: Gap Inc.’s Financial Performance
Figure 4: Gap Inc.’s Sales and Net Income
CATEGORY OF TABLES Table 1: The timeline of our recommendation
Table 2: Contingencies maybe happen with our recommendation
Table 3: Evaluation of group
The retail giant, Gap Inc., has faced numerous challenges since 2000,prompting the need for a transformative approach to regain its formerposition Also, it was required to assess clothing trends and modifycustomer preferences Their ability to determine consumer preferencesand quickly supply goods that meet those needs is a key factor in theirsuccess
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the solutions mentioned in thecase study Besides, our team will analyze the market and finances of GapInc., from which we will offer suitable solutions Additionally, we willconduct a thorough analysis of Gap Inc.'s competitors and industry trends
to identify potential opportunities for growth and innovation:
By leveraging advanced data analytics and market researchtechniques, we can uncover valuable insights into consumerpreferences and behavior, enabling Gap Inc to tailor its productsand marketing strategies accordingly
By promoting data-driven decision-making and utilizing big data toanalyze consumer preferences, Gap Inc will gain insight intocustomer behavior and provide a better customer experience To bemore specific, product 3.0 is a cutting-edge innovation thatcombines advanced technology with Gap Inc.'s expertise in theretail industry
Lastly, we will explore the potential benefits of strategic partnerships andcollaborations with other industry leaders to expand Gap Inc.'s reach andenhance its competitive advantage
Slow growth in core market
GAP has been dealing with a significant challenge of declining sales andprofitability since 2015 One of the key factors contributing to thisdownturn is the company's failure to keep up with evolving fashiontrends Responding to this, Peck - CEO of Gap Inc affirmed that there is
a noticeable shift in consumer shopping habits, indicating a significantdeparture from the need to constantly add new clothes to their wardrobe.This change in behavior has disrupted the traditional fashion industry, asconsumers no longer seek out attractive fashion trends that once drove thebusiness forward Consequently, Gap Inc has experienced a notabledecline in revenue, highlighting the urgent need for innovative strategies
to adapt to this evolving landscape
Competition in the market
The apparel industry in the mid-tier was dispersed and crowded Withnumerous players vying for market share, such as Primark and Uniqlo,etc,Gap Inc had to find innovative ways to stand out from the crowd.Moreover, despite being a well-known retail giant, Gap Inc finds itselfgrappling with its own brand image In an increasingly competitivemarket, the company has faced challenges staying relevant and appealing
to consumers
The rapid growth in e-commerce
For apparel companies, it has never been more difficult to satisfycustomer demand given the explosive growth of e-commerce Themajority of consumer purchases were being made online instead of inphysical stores With Amazon leading the way, consumers were
Trang 6increasingly turning to the convenience and variety offered by commerce As a result, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers struggled tokeep up The empty storefronts that once housed bustling stores nowstood as a stark reminder of this changing industry Even establishedbrands like Gap were not immune to this trend Recognizing the potential
e-of online sales, Gap Inc made significant strides in expanding theirdigital presence By 2017, their online sales had surpassed $2.5 billion
The evolution of fast fashion
It was impossible to keep up with the dizzying speed and tempo of thefashion cycle, which saw new trends hitting stores every week as part of
an ongoing cycle of renewal Due to decentralized buying and quickresponses to client requests, Zara can supply items to store systemswithin as short as 4 weeks, while Gap Inc takes up to 10 months This lag
in Gap's product cycle time puts them at a disadvantage in the fast-pacedfashion industry As a result, Gap Inc found themselves falling behind inthe race to meet ever-changing fashion preferences
Big and regular discounts
Retail analysts were concerned about an excess of price promotions atGap, where 40% discounts were frequent This excessive reliance onprice promotions raised concerns among retail analysts, who feared thatGap's brand image could be negatively impacted While offering frequent40% discounts may attract bargain hunters in the short term, it couldpotentially erode the perceived value and quality of Gap's products.Moreover, such a heavy reliance on price promotions may create aperception that Gap's regular prices are inflated, undermining customertrust and loyalty
Trang 7-100% (7)
[221MI5217] Group 7 CASE GROW
100% (5)
Practical 02 Google Teachable Machine
đổi số 100% (1)
222IS2102 Group6 ewewewew
Trang 8Outdated products
The classic products offered by Gap were losing favor with customersseeking to establish a distinctive identity Instead, they sought out nichebrands and independent designers that could provide them with a sense ofindividuality Gap's once reliable and iconic styles were no longerappealing to this new generation of consumers, who craved authenticityand personal expression As a result, Gap found itself struggling to keep
up with the rapidly changing fashion landscape
1 Criterion
To build the basis for the formation of options, we need to providespecific, selective, and close-to-target evaluation criteria In thiscase of Gap InFirst, there's feasibility and efficiency To ensure asuccessful change process, the proposed options must be based onthe company's available resources At the same time, the optionsmust have a positive impact on the change-making process Inorder to provide the best solution, the company must understandhow to use and allocate resources effectively
Second, there is creativity, originality, and collaboration Aprerequisite in the innovation process is to create uniqueness andsuperiority in products as well as work processes, thereby creating
a foundation for building competitive advantages and regainingmarket share Furthermore, collaboration is a factor that contributes
to the acceleration of the change process
Third, the ability to broaden experiences and meet the needs ofcustomers To address customer taste issues, solutions must aim to
Báo Cáo Thực Tập Ngôn Ngữ Anh Tại…
Quan TriKinh Doan… 100% (1)
Trang 9improve customer experience by diversifying product segmentsand supply channels.
The fourth characteristic is the ability to accurately predictconsumer behavior Accurate consumer behavior judgment is thefoundation for deciding on actions to innovate, improve products,and business models
Finally, the consumer and the company must maintain a mutuallybeneficial relationship
2 List of options
Option 1 – Big Data in, creative directors out
Peck eliminated the position of creative director and spread theresponsibility for design of the brand’s seasonal lines to acollaborative team informed by hard data Due to this option, thefuture of the company does not depend on any individual Big Datahelps to produce products that are suitable for the individualpreferences of consumers instead of just depending on thesubjective aesthetic eyes of the creative director However, without
a creative visionary leading a company, it can’t establish aconsistent look over a period of time and reinforce a brand’spurpose Moreover, Data science simply isn’t sophisticated enough
to predict whether a product will be a hit
Product 3.0: “a clear brand vision with a common operating model.Gap used data analytics to inform its rebuys: after products weredesigned and placed into stores, real-time sales data was analyzed
to determine which items to reorder and which to abandon On theother hand, it needs products for testing and unpredictable for rawmaterial storage, rapid production
Trang 10In imitation of his fast fashion competitors, Peck wanted Gap toincrease its competence at “combining spotting trends with readingreal-time performance data and acting faster on that”, using real-time data from its registers and e-commerce purchase data toinform what the company reduced for inventory going forwardthrough the brand’s vision statement as a filter Though, this option
is difficult to follow trends and deliver products to market in atimely manner like competitors
Product 3.0 shortened the development cycle down to 8-10 weeksenabled Gap to be much more nimble and responsive purchasingdata
Option 2 - Big Data and Predictive Analytics in Marketing
Digital Data streams allowed companies to observe theirconsumer’s purchase journeys and collect a detailed trail of dataabout their online behavior The mining of big data could yieldmany actionable insights to inform managerial decisions making
by uncovering patterns in past customer behaviors orcharacteristics It allowed “remarketing”or “retargeting” Thismeans that the company can also optimize marketing campaigns asthey can identify segments, potential customers, customerbehaviors to reduce risks in marketing Furthermore, based onaggregated data using similar users, or purchases, to recommendproducts to customers and decide on the optimal price for a product
is a way of optimizing marketing campaigns
As digital data streams became more accessible and robust,companies were exploring how to use data - mining and machine -learning to induct consumer preferences and predict futurebehaviors Moreover, using predictive analytics is to sell existing
Trang 11products and for new product development Nevertheless, itrequires the company to have their own data systems and take a lot
of resources to process
Option 3 - Predicting Consumer Preferences
Predicting consumers' future fashion tastes was a difficultproposition Relying on past purchase behavior was alsoproblematic as research in consumer psychology showed thatconsumers’ preferences were constructed rather than revealed,subject to marketers’ manipulation, unstable over time, andtherefore unpredictable A consumer’s individual’s tastes developedwithin the context of social influences, including the tastes ofothers, their membership in a variety of subgroups, and theprevailing fashions of the time
Option 4 - Shifting the Distribution Model
Whether to partner with Amazon and allow it to sell Gap’s brandedproducts through its online platform Manufacturers typically hadtwo alternatives if they wanted to sell their product on Amazon.The first alternative was to become a third party seller onAmazon’s marketplace The second option was a wholesale model.Amazon could provide Gap with access to customers when theyweren’t shopping on the company’s own platforms Expand onlinedistribution by becoming a partner with Amazon and allow it to sellGAP - branded products through its online platform - a goodchoice to present the whole product assortments This solves thelimitation in reaching customers, and takes advantage of theopportunity to accompany consumers when the explosion ofelectronic devices is taking place After all, this may cause losingfocus on the Gap’s products when there are too many brands
Trang 123 Evaluation of the option
The solutions that Peck offers are all aimed at solving the problem ofdeclining sales, brand recognition and other difficulties that businessesface And Peck's solutions all have in common that they focus on digitaltransformation, leveraging Big Data to improve products and customerexperience And the application of technological achievements to theoperation of such enterprises is a suitable strategy in today's industry 4.0.Technology adoption will drive customer behavior predictions andexpected fashion trends Technology has also revolutionized the waybusinesses operate in the modern marketplace, as demonstrated by theadoption of online platforms to drive sales and gauge purchasing trendsand patterns consumer market Thus, by expanding its e-commerceengagements through online retailers like Amazon, GAP will not onlyincrease sales, but also mine data for market analysis purposes
Peck’s decision was wrong to fire his creative directors and replace themwith big data that drives the creative process, because creative directorscan very well create uniqueness for the product and they are considered to
be trendsetters who are responsible for creating fashion Many creativethinkers believe that big data will help companies create more powerfuland accurate forecasts Creative directors are also responsible for acting
as guardians of the company's image and product-related ideas andinspiration Not only that, creative directors tend to set the designdirection for each product line, create a small number of pieces ofinspiration, and oversee and approve the product's designs The creativedirectors' personal visions underpin and set the tone, feel, look and spirit
of the entire brand Furthermore, the tendency to grow Gap in fast fashion
is not the sustainable solution
1 Recommendations
Based on the synthesis of problems encountered by Gap Inc and analysis
of the solutions that enterprises pose, the following are suggestions toovercome the weaknesses in Gap's solutions: The use of Big Data to bringthe solutions to the problem making predictions about trends and productideas in line with consumer tastes with high accuracy but lacking inoriginality and novelty Therefore, Gap Inc should consider takingadvantage of the harmonious coordination between the roles of creativedirector and Big Data to be able to optimally exploit the strengths of eachparty in the research process Businesses will use Big Data in analyzingactual consumer behavior Based on the information that Big Data brings,the creative director will be the final decision maker for the next producttrend of the business according to his own perspective, experience andknowledge
As a manufacturer following fast fashion trends to increase itscompetitiveness with potential competitors, Gap should also considerimproving the value of its products through the use of moreenvironmentally friendly fabrics with increased high quality products.Not only will this help Gap fulfill its responsibility to the environment,but it can also help Gap stand out from the multitude of businesses thatare also following this fashion trend In addition to partnering with onlinefashion retailers online, e-commerce platform, Gap should also investresources in developing its own website in order to minimize the risk ofdependence on the above businesses, and at the same time create its ownmark among consumers, strengthen its brand awareness
Businesses should develop both offline and online platforms accordingly
to reach a wide range of customers and meet the shopping needs of each
Trang 14customer group:
At physical stores: positioning products correctly (using AI Vision
to identify best-selling items and appropriate placements toincrease purchase rate)
On e-commerce platforms, promote user experience (UX) on thecompany's website, landing page, and app (using big data toevaluate traffic on these platforms and determine the bestconfigurations, layouts, and UIs)
3 Market analysis
Competitive rivalry: GAP Inc operates in a highly competitive industry,
with numerous competitors such as H&M, Zara, and Uniqlo This intenserivalry can lead to price wars, increased marketing efforts, and constantinnovation to differentiate themselves from competitors
Bargaining power of suppliers: GAP Inc sources its products from
various suppliers around the world In some cases, suppliers may havesignificant bargaining power due to their size, exclusive agreements, oraccess to unique raw materials This can result in increased costs for GAPInc or limited availability of certain products
Bargaining power of customers: Customers have numerous options
when it comes to clothing and fashion retailers This gives them thepower to demand competitive prices, quality products, and a satisfyingshopping experience GAP Inc needs to constantly meet customerexpectations to retain their loyalty
Threat of new entrants:
The fashion retail industry attracts new entrants constantly, especially in