ã EMC 205 ã Write a Super Sentence 5 Word Choice• Using strong verbs and adverbs• Using multiple modifi ers• Using sensory words• Using accurate synonyms• Using precise nouns and phrases•
Trang 19 781557 996060
0 23472 00205 1
• Correlated to state standards
• Supports 6-trait writing
• Ready-to-use transparencies make
providing writing models and guiding
group work a breeze!
• Motivating topics and humorous illustrations
inspire students to write
• Fun writing-center activities, such as
sentence wheels and pull-through sentences,
help reinforce skills
Write a Super Sentence
The naughty dog destroyed my
homework this afternoon
EMC 205
Trang 2• 15 guided lessons with
• Teaches students the correct placement
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Trang 6Editorial Development: Marilyn Evans
Jo Ellen Moore Marilyn Evans Leslie Sorg Andrea Weiss Copy Editing: Cathy Harber
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Illustration: Don Robison
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For information about other Evan-Moor products, call 1-800-777-4362, fax 1-800-777-4332, or visit our Web site, www.evan-moor.com Entire contents © 2008 EVAN-MOOR CORP Original edition © 1997 EMC 205
Trang 7© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 3
Guided Lesson Steps 6
Reproducible Super Sentence Organizers Chart 7
Super Sentence Starters A pig ate 8
Th at witch fl ew 10
A child played 12
My kite fl ew 14
Th e pizza came 16
My grandfather went fi shing 18
Th e dog barked 20
Th e robot moved 22
Th e spaceship landed 24
Our teacher spoke 26
Bears can fi sh 28
Some elephants walk 30
Th at dinosaur roared 32
Many bees buzzed 34
Th e leprechaun hid 36
A Writing Center Instructions 38
Labels 42
A Bear Sentence Wheel 44
Words and Phrases for Sentence Wheels 45
Sentence Wheel Patterns 46
Pull-Th rough Sentences 48
Pull-Th rough Patterns 52
Sentences in a Bag 53
Additional Practice Worksheets 56
Trang 8What’s Inside
Guided Lessons
Fifteen guided lessons are provided to
help students learn a pattern for writing
more interesting sentences Each lesson
contains a teacher resource page and a
reproducible form to use with students
Sentence Organizer on which your class
builds “super sentences.”
Writing Center
students’ writing skills! Multiple activities
provide independent practice for students
of varied ability Fun, tactile tasks appeal to
all students Additional practice worksheets
focus on improving specifi c parts of a super
Use this writing center to supplement
your lessons after students have had some
experience writing super sentences.
For your convenience, this new edition
contains two Super Sentence Organizer
transparencies Choose the chart you wish to
use based on the skill level of your students
Use these charts to guide students through
the lessons, brainstorming words in each
category, and then creating super sentences.
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence
t a time ing with de words
y wish t e suggeste and ph low.
2 Oral S entences
Allow ti tudents
e many oral sentenc the wo phrases
on the o .
3 Write
Have students choose wphrases e brainsto ctivity ttheir ow r sentenc
e student activit y page.
4 ProofTravel the roomrrect Se to check studen ts’ prog ve student loud their super es.
Super S entenc e Organ izer
Sugges ted Wo rds and Phrase s
chubby lovable famished poky greedy
piglet sow boar gobbled d grunted noisily scratched
to the trough
in the mud
by the f ence near the barn behind its ear
many ti h day
at twilig ht before t er left
at the fair before i
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sen 9
© Evan-Moor Corp.
Super Sentence O rganizer
Level 2 describing(adjective)who or what?
did wha t?
See how many sentences you can make.
Copy the sentences onto
a sheet of writing paper.
Draw a picture of the best sentence.
Trang 9© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 5
Word Choice
• Using strong verbs and adverbs
• Using multiple modifi ers
• Using sensory words
• Using accurate synonyms
• Using precise nouns and phrases
• Using descriptive language
• Writing about action
• Choosing words appropriate for
the audience
• Getting the reader’s attention
Sentence Fluency
• Writing complete sentences
• Writing sentences with describing words and phrases
• Writing longer sentences
• Beginning sentences in diff erent ways
• Varying sentence lengths
• Writing complete sentences
• Using commas to separate things
in a list
• Making your topic more interesting
• Adding more details
• Elaborating on ideas and details
• Writing a complete sentence
• Grouping together ideas and details
Trang 10Super Sentence Organizer
Sentence Starter
Use these words and phrases
to elicit student responses, develop vocabulary, and introduce new concepts
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning with describing words You may wish to use the suggested words and phrases below.
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have students read aloud their super sentences.
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
piglet sow boar
gobbled its food scurried wallowed grunted noisily scratched
to the trough
in the mud
by the fence near the barn
many times each day
at twilight before the farmer left
at the fair before it got up
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 9
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
8 Write a Super Sentence • EMC 205 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
Guided Lesson Steps
Step 1 Brainstorming
• Copy the Super Sentence Organizer onto the
board or use the transparency
• Write the sentence starter in the organizer
• Read the sentence to your students, pointing to
each word Explain that they are going to think
of ways to make this simple sentence a “super
sentence” by adding more words
• Go through each sentence part, asking students
for appropriate words Use the correct terms for
parts of speech (adjective, noun, verb, etc.) if
appropriate for your students’ level(s)
• Write students’ suggestions for each column on
the board or transparency In the beginning, you
may wish to complete only one column, such as
describing words
Step 2 Oral Sentences
• As you complete each column, allow time for students to give sentences orally using the words in the list
For example, after completing the “describing words” list about pigs, students might say:
A hungry pig ate.
A chubby pig ate.
After completing the “did what” list, students might say:
A hungry pig gobbled its food.
A chubby pig scratched behind its ear.
• Continue creating oral sentences until eachsection has been covered
Step 3 Sentence Writing
Reproduce the student writing form for the lesson
or give students writing paper Remind them to use
a word or phrase from each column on the chart to
create a fi nal sentence Based on skill level, students
Step 4 Proof and Correct
Travel the room to check students’ progress,
read aloud their super sentences
Trang 11© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 7
Trang 12Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
gobbled its foodscurried
wallowedgrunted noisilyscratched
to the trough
in the mud
by the fencenear the barnbehind its ear
many times each day
at twilightbefore the farmer left
at the fairbefore it got up
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 9
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
_ _ _ _
Trang 13© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 9
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
Trang 14That witch fl ew.
describing words who or what? did what? where? when?
cast a spellcircled on her broomspilled her magic brewsilently crept
as she fl ew by
late one winter nightjust before sunrisewhile fi lling the potthe night before Halloweenjust now
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 11
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Write one super sentence.
Describe who did what, where, and when.
_ _ _ _
That Witch
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 15© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 11
Write one super sentence.
Describe who did what, where, and when.
Trang 16Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
bounced the ballteased her friendhid
hurriedfell asleep
off the garage
at the festivalbehind the tree
in the buggy
to the store
around 3:00last Saturdaybefore lunchearly this afternoon
in the middle of summer
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 13
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Write one super sentence.
Describe who did what, where, and when.
_ _ _ _
A Child
Trang 17© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 13
Write one super sentence.
Describe who did what, where, and when.
Trang 18went upwhizzedsoaredclimbed
into the skyover the trees
in the parkabove my head
one spring daythis morningafter school
on my birthday
My kite fl ew.
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 15
Name: Super Sentence Starter
My Kite
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 19© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 15
My Kite
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
Trang 20The pizza came.
describing words who or what? did what? where? when?
fl atbread
arrivedwas deliveredappearedshowed up
at the table
at the front door
to the park
to my seat at the ballpark
for lunchbefore dinnerbetween innings
in time for the picnic
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 17
Name: Super Sentence Starter
The Pizza
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
_ _ _ _
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 21© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 17
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
Trang 22My grandfather went fi shing
baited his hookcaught a fi shwent for a drivewent shopping
at the lake
on a boatnear our house
in Mexico
on his vacationafter worklast summerSaturday
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 19
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Write one super sentence.
Describe who did what, where, and when.
_ _ _ _
My Grandfather
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 23© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 19
Write one super sentence.
Describe who did what, where, and when.
Trang 24The dog barked.
fetched the slipperretrieved the frisbeetripped over the ruggnawed on the bonegrowled at the thief
from the bedroom
at the parknext to her bedunder their front porchnear the back window
when I came homeevery day
this afternoonaround dinnertimelast evening
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 21
Name: Super Sentence Starter
The Dog
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
_ _ _ _
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 25© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 21
The Dog
Write one super sentence.
Describe who or what did what, where, and when.
Trang 26The robot moved.
clankedassembled the partswas rusty
amazed everyoneimitated the scientist
along the highway
in the bicycle factoryafter being left in the rain
at the conference
on television
early one morningall week longfor many daysAugust 16, 2009after the movie
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 23
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Illustrate one sentence on the back of this paper.
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 27© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 23
Trang 28approachedcircledescapedejected the equipmentencountered unusual
a distant planetaround several asteroidsfrom gravity’s pullfrom inside the shipthroughout the universe
after a long journeybefore landingjust in timeafter takeoff during its
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 25
Name: Super Sentence Starter The
Illustrate one sentence on the back of this paper.
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 29© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 25
Trang 30describing words who or what? did what? where? when?
complimented the busy classscolded the noisy childrenexplained the science lessonassigned homework
asked questions aboutthe lesson
in the classroom
on the playground
by the paint center
before lunchafter school
at 9:30
in the morning
on the fi rst day
of school
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 27
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Our Teacher
How many super sentences can you write about your teacher?
Illustrate one sentence on the back of this paper.
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 31© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 27
Trang 32forage for grubsattack the hunterslap the salmonclaw for honeyperform tricks
under dead logsoutside his tentfrom the streams
in the trees
at Russian fairs
when they are hungryduring the long wintereach spring
at the harvest timewhen the fi sh return
to spawn
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 29
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Illustrate one sentence on the back of this paper.
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 33© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 29
Trang 34describing words who or what? did what? where? when?
trumpet to the herdgraze on tasty branchesmarch together
pull heavy logssplash water from their trunks
across the grasslands
in the treetops
to lumber mills
at water holesaround the circus ring
when there is dangeroften
at each performance
in India
on hot afternoons
© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 31
Name: Super Sentence Starter
Some Elephants
How many super sentences can you write about elephants?
Illustrate one sentence on the back of this paper.
Super Sentence Starter
What to Do
1 Brainstorm
Using students’ suggestions, fi ll in one category of
the Super Sentence Organizer at a time, beginning
with describing words You may wish to use the
suggested words and phrases below
2 Oral Sentences
Allow time for students to create many oral
sentences using the words and phrases written
on the organizer
3 Write
Have students choose words or phrases from the
brainstorming activity to write their own “super
sentence” on the student activity page
4 Proof and Correct Sentences
Travel the room to check students’ progress Have
students read aloud their super sentences
Super Sentence Organizer
Suggested Words and Phrases
Trang 35© Evan-Moor Corp • EMC 205 • Write a Super Sentence 31