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50 đề thi thử thptqg 2023 mon tieng anh

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Tiêu đề 50 Đề Thi Thử THPTQG 2023 Môn Tiếng Anh
Chuyên ngành English
Thể loại Test
Năm xuất bản 2023
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Myfamilydidn’tusetogointotownbycar.MarktheletterA,B, C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethesentencethatbest combineseach pairof sentencesinthefollowingquestions.29.. A.thereforeB.although

BỘĐ Ề T H I T H P T Q U Ố C G I A MÔ N T I Ế N G A N H Đề01 ĐỀ1 Markt h e l e t t e r A, B, C , o r Do n y our a n s w e r s h e e t t o i ndic at e t h e w or d w h o s e u n d e r l i n e d partdiffersfromtheotherthreeinpronunciationineachofthefollowingquestions 1.A.remedy B.expectancy C.sensor D.renewable 2.A.process B.discussion C.stress D.assistance MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordthatdiffersfromtheotherthre einthepositionofprimarystressineachofthefollowingquestions 3.A.police B.attract C.signal D.discuss 4.A.purchase B.contain C.suggest D.reflect MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionin eachof thefollowingquestions Dreamsarecommonlymadeupofeithervisualandverbalimages A B C D Johncomposesnotonlythemusic,butalsosingsthesongsfor themajorBroadwaymusicals A B C D Evenonthemostcarefulpreparedtrip,problemswillsometimesdevelop A B C D Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e c o r r ec t a n s w e r t o e a c h o f thefoll owingquestions Anewschool .Theyhopetofinishbuildingitnextmonth A isbeingbuilt B.hasbeenbuilt C.isbuilt D.wasbuilt Weobject yourleavingdinnertotakephonecalls A for B.on C.to D.with 10 Thisshirtis thatone A abitlessexpensive B.asmuchexpensiveas C.notnearlyasexpensiveas D.muchfarexpensivethan 11 Pleasetakeallpersonalbelongingswithyou leavingthetrain A when B.what C.whom D.which 12 Itis stillunclear theMayorwillaccepttherecommendationsoftheCity Council A yet B.about C.before D.whether 13 ThePTA parentsa n d t e a c h e r s w h o s u p p o r t t h e s c h o o l b y f u n d r a i s i n g a n d o t h e r activities A whichgroupof B.thatisagroupof C.itisagroupof D.isagroupof 14 Weareconsideringhaving forthecomingNewYear A redecoratedourflat B.toredecorateourflat C.ourflattoberedecorated D.ourflatredecorated 15 InVietnam,twoormore mayliveinahome A generations B.generous C.generalizations D.generators 16 Inaformalinterview,itisessentialtomaintaingoodeye withtheinterviewers TẢISÁCHTẠI:TAISACHONTHI.COM Trang1 BỘĐ Ề T H I T H P T Q U Ố C G I A MÔ N T I Ế N G A N H Đề01 A contact B.touch C.link D.c o n n e c t i o n 17 Thesmall, farmso f N e w E n g l a n d w e r e n o t a p p r o p r i a t e f o r t h e M i d w e s t A self-supporting B.self-supported C.supportingthemselves D.theysupportthemselves 18 Toomanyfactoriesdispose theirwastebypumpingitintoriversandthesea A out B.of C.away D.off 19 Weexpectedheratninebutshefinally atmidnight A turnedup B.cameoff C.cameto D.turnedout Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e m o s t s u i t a b l e r e s p o n s e t o compl eteeachof thefollowingexchanges 20 “CanIcarrythesesuitcasesintotheroomforyou?”-“ ” A Youcan't,Ithink! B.No,youcan’t C.Yes,youcan D.Canyou?That’sverykind 21 A:“Ithinkitisagoodideatohavethreeorfourgenerationslivingunderoneroof.B:“ Familymemberscanhelpeachotheralot.” A It’snottrue B.That’swrong C.Icouldn'tagreemore D.Idon’tagree Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e w o r d ( s ) C L O S E S T i n meaningtotheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestions 22 Theyaregoingtosufferalotofcriticismforincreasingbusfarebysomuch A getinto B.standinwith C.comeinfor D.put 23 Roger’s Thesaurus,a collection ofEnglish wordsandphrases, was originally arrangedb y theideas theyexpressratherthanbyalphabeticalorder A unless B.insteadof C.restricted D.aswellas Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e w o r d ( s ) O P P O S I T E i n meaningtotheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestions 24 “Thetableistooheavyformetomovealone.” A light B.easy C.old D.bulky 25 Thebreadfruitdoeswellinhotandhumidclimates A arid B.watery C.soaked D.moist Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e s e n t e n c e t h a t i s cl o s e st i n meaning toeach of thefollowingquestions 26 Westayedinthathoteldespitethenoise A Despitethehotelisnoisy,westayedthere B Westayedinthenoisyhotelandwelikedit C Nomatterhownoisythehotelwas,westayedthere D Becauseofthenoise,westayedinthehotel 27 EverybodythinksthatFrankstolethemoney A EveryonewassuspectedtostealFrank’smoney B Frank’smoneywasthoughttobestolen Trang2 C EveryonesuspectsFrankofstealingthemoney D Franksuspectseveryoneofstealingthemoney 28 Myfamilydoesn’tnormallygointotownbycar A Myfamilyisusedtogoingtotownbycar B Myfamilyisnotusedtogoingtotownbycar C Myfamilyusedtogototownbycar D Myfamilydidn’tusetogointotownbycar MarktheletterA,B, C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethesentencethatbest combineseach pairof sentencesinthefollowingquestions 29 Hewantedtogivetheballapowerfulkick.Heusedthetopofhisfoot A Hegavetheballapowerfulkicktousethetopofhisfoot B Usingthetopofhisfoot,hekickedapowerfulball C Whathewantstodoisgivetheballapowerfulkickandusethetopofhisfoot D Heusedthetopofhisfoottogivetheballapowerfulkick 30 Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver.Itlookedverydirty A Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,wherelookedverydirty B Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,whichlookedverydirty C Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,inwhichlookedverydirty D Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,thatlookedverydirty ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethecorrectwordorphrasethatbestfitseachofthenumberedblanksfrom31to35 FashioningGoesHigh-Tech Fashion is no longer something that is just made of cloth or leather These days it has becomesomethingthatneedsbatteriesandisoftenconnectedtotheInternet.Whenitc o m e s t o high- techf a s h i o n , i t m i g h t b e ( ) toy o ur w r i s t o r r e s t i n g o n t h e b r i d g e o f y o u r nose,anditisdoingalotmorethanjust(32) youl o o k s t y l i s h Googlew a s o n e o f t h e f i r s t t o burst o n t h e s c e n e wi t h a f a s hi o na bl e i t e m t h a t was a l s o v e r y (33) GoogleGlass, which looks like glasses, allows wearers todo alls o r t s o f things, from seeing information in a simple viewer to simply saying out loud, “Take a picture.”Whatyouareseeinginthepicturethatwillbetaken,(34) GoogleGlass heard youthroughi t s m i c r o p h o n e a n d h a s a b u i l t - incamera.Ifyouaskaquestion,youwill(35) the answer in the tiny screen displayed before one eye Google Glass uses Bluetoothtechnologytocommunicatewithasmartphone,soitisnotastand-aloneitem 31 A.fastened B.joined C.attached D.placed 32 A.making B.doing C.performing D.causing 33 A.attractive B.functional C.durable D.capable 34 A.therefore B.although C.so D.because 35 A.show B.beshown C.find D.befound Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom36to42 TheI n t e r n e t : C h a n g i n g E v e r y t h i n g Let’s a little experiment: Take five minutes, and find some information about Angola.How did you get your information? How much information were you able to get? Chancesare,you probably just went online and typed the word “Angola” You were probably able to find outallsortsofthings.ThisexperimentshowsushowusefultheInternetis Over the last 20 years, the Internet has changed the way that we live, work, and study Thebiggest change has been the way that we access information Twenty years ago, you would haveneeded an encyclopedia to learn about Angola If you had wanted information, you would havehad to get out of your chair, open your encyclopedia, and look up the word “Angola” Today allyou need is about five seconds and you’ll have the exact same information This technologymakesworkalot faster andmoreefficient It has also made information storage a lot easier and neater Twenty years ago, offices hadpapers and files all over theplace If you wanted tofind a file, you had to open a d e s k d r a w e r and find the right piece of paper Today, many of us keep our files in cloud storage Cloudstorage is a technology that lets people store files on the Internet All you have to is to signintothesite,andyoucanfindallofyourfilesinseconds Another big change is communication These days more and more people are working fromhome People have “home offices” They just their work at their house and e-mail it to theircompany.Itmakeslifealoteasier Some people don’t like these changes.Theysay that life is too convenient these days, and itis making people lazy However, most people think that even if this technology makes us a littleeasier, it still has more benefits than disadvantages In the end, it doesn’t matter what we think.TheInternethas changedallofourlivesforever 36 Ifyouusecloudstorage,whereareyourfiles? A OntheInternet B.Inyourdesk C.Onanairplane D.Onyourcomputer 37 WhydosomepeopledislikethechangesthathavecomefromtheInternet? A TheythinkthattheInternetmakeslifetoostressful B TheythinkthattheInternetmakespeopletoosmart C TheythinkthattheInternetistoohardtouse D TheythinkthattheInternetmakespeoplelazy 38 Whatdoestheword“chances”inparagraph1mean? A Probably B.Probablynot C.Definitely D.Definitelynot 39 Theword“they”inparagraph5refersto A Computers B.People C.Opinions D.Changes 40 Allo f t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t h e b e n e f i t s o f u s i n g t h e I n t e r n e t i n c o m m u n i c a t i o n E X C E P T that A peoplecansende-mailtoeachotherveryquickly B theInternetcanmakecommunicationbetweengreatdistancesmoreconvenient C theInternetkeepshugeamountsofdataincloudstorage D thesocialnetworkmakescommunicationmoreinteresting 41 Whatisanotherwayofsayingthelasttwosentencesofthepassage? A TheInternetischangingallthetime B TheInternetischangingthewaythatwethink C Somepeoplesaythattheydon’tliketheInternet,buttheyactuallylikeit D Nomatterwhatwethink,theInternetischangingourlives 42 AllofthefollowingcanbeinferredfromthepassageEXCEPTthat A encyclopediawasagreatsourceofknowledge B somepeopledon’tliketheInternetbecausetheyarelazytolearn C filesinanofficeusedtotakealotofspace D wecangetinformationaboutanysubjectbyusingtheInternet ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom43to50 AreHumanBeingsGettingSmarter? Do you think you are smarter than your parents or grandparents? According to James Flynn,a professor at a New Zealand university, you might be Over the course of the last century, IQtest scores of people in some countries have got increasingly better - on average, three pointsbetter for every decade that has passed This trend of improving scores is known as “the Flynneffect,”andscientistswanttoknowwhatisbehindit IQ tests and other similar tests are designed to measure general intelligence rather thanknowledge.Flynnk n e w t h a t i n t e l l i g e n c e i s p a r t l y i n h e r i t e d f r o m o u r p a r e n t s a n d p a r t l y t h e result ofour environment and experiences,but thei m p r o v e m e n t i n t e s t s c o r e s w a s h a p p e n i n g too quickly to be explained by heredity So what happened in the 20thcentury that led to highertestscores? Scientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect Some suggest that theimproved test scores simply reflect an increasedexposuret o t e s t s i n g e n e r a l Because we t a k e somanytests,welearntest- takingtechniquesthathelpusperformbetter.Othershavepointedtobetternutrition,whichresultsinbabiesbeing born larger, healthier, and with more braindevelopment than in the past Another possible explanation is a change in educational styles - childrenareencouragedtodiscoverthingsforthemselvesratherthanjustmemorizinginformation This could prepare people to the kind of problem-solving that intelligence testsrequire Flynnhimselfsuggestedthatlearningnewtechnologiesmayhaveimprovedpeople’sproblem- solvingskills.Thismay betrue forthe first decade ofhis tests,w h e n I Q s c o r e s i n many countries increased However, in recenty e a r s , I Q t e s t s c o r e s i n s o m e c o u n t r i e s h a v e begun to decline Data from Norway, the Netherlands, Australia, and Great Britain have shownthatasthesecountriesbecomemoreandmoremodern,IQscoreshavebeguntodrop Whilescientistsaren’tsurewhatiscausingthisdecline,theythinktechnologyi s dramatically changing the way that we learn and get information For example, people are nowable to access all kinds of information easily using online resources like Google or Wikipedia.The danger is when they start to rely too much on these sources of information, and not anythinkingf o r th e m se l v e s L i f e s t y l e c h a n g e s t h a t c o m e w i t h m o d e m t e c h n o l o g y m a y a l s o h a vea negativeeffe ct onintelligence,s u c h asvideoga m e s andtelevisionmakingpe opl e le sss o c i al So while the world may have got smarter over the 20thcentury, improving technology andchanginglifestyles maysoonreversethattrend Note:h e r e d i t y ( n ) = t h e p r o c e s s b y w h i c h f e a t u r e s a n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e p a s s e d o n t o y o u fromyourparents throughyourgenes 43 WhatbestdescribestheFlynneffect? A awaytomeasureintelligence B anincreaseinIQtestscores C awayofteachinguniversitystudents D anexplanationforwhypeoplearelesssmart 44 TheFlynneffectisprobablytheresultof A heredity B.ourenvironmentandexperiences C.takingfewertests D.m e m o r i z i n g inf orm a ti on 45 IQtestevaluateour A knowledge B.environment C.intelligence D.memories 46 Theword“exposure”inparagraph3isclosestinmeaningto A beinginfluencedbysomething B attentionfromnewspapersorTV C theactofmakingsomethingpublic D theamountoflightreceived 47 Whodoestheword“others”inparagraph3referto? A babies B.scientists C.peopleingeneral D.peoplewhotaketests 48 Thewriterusesvideogamesasanexampleofhow A wearebecominglesssocial B technologyincreasesproblem-solvingskills C peopledon’tthinkforthemselves D countriesarebecomingmoretechnologicallyadvanced 49 Whichsentencegivesthemainideaofthepassage? A Thistrendofim proving scoresisknownas ‘”t he Flynne ff e c t, ” andscientistswan t t o knowwhatisbehindit B Becausew e t a k e s o m a n y t e s t s , w e l e a r n t e s t - t a k i n g t e c h n i q u e s t h a t h e l p u s p e r f o r m better C However,inrecentyears,IQtestscoresinsomecountrieshavebeguntodecline D Lifestylechangesthatcomewithmodemtechnologymayalsohaveanegativeeffectonintelligen ce 50 Whichstatementwouldthewriterprobablyagreewith? A Peopletodayaremoreintelligentineveryway B Peopletodayhavefewerproblemstosolve C Peopletodaydon’ttakeenoughtests D Peopletodayusecomputerstoomuch

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2024, 10:02
