Myfamilydidn’tusetogointotownbycar.MarktheletterA,B, C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethesentencethatbest combineseach pairof sentencesinthefollowingquestions.29.. A.thereforeB.although
Markt he lette rA, B, C , o r Donyoura n s w e r sheet toindicatet he wordw ho se un de rl i ne
d partdiffersfromtheotherthreeinpronunciationineachofthefollowingquestions.
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordthatdiffersfromtheotherthre einthepositionofprimarystressineachofthefollowingquestions.
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionin eachof thefollowingquestions.
5 Dreamsarecommonly made up of either visualandverbalimages
12 Itis stillunclear theMayorwillaccepttherecommendationsoftheCity Council.
Trang 323 Roger’s Thesaurus,a collection ofEnglish wordsandphrases, was originally
arrangedb y theideas theyexpressrather than byalphabeticalorder
Trang 4(33) GoogleGlass, which looks like glasses, allows wearers todo alls o r t s
o f things, from seeing information in a simple viewer to simply saying out loud, “Take a
picture.”Whatyouareseeinginthepicturethatwillbetaken,(34) GoogleGlass heardyouthroughi t s m i c r o p h o n e a n d h a s a b u i l t -
i n c a m e r a I f y o u a s k a q u e s t i o n , y o u w i l l ( 3 5 )
the answer in the tiny screen displayed before one eye Google Glass usesBluetoothtechnologytocommunicatewithasmartphone,soitisnotastand-aloneitem
Trang 5Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom36to42.
Trang 6Let’s do a little experiment: Take five minutes, and find some information aboutAngola.How did you get your information? How much information were you able to get?
Chancesare,you probably just went online and typed the word “Angola” You were probably
able to find outallsortsofthings.ThisexperimentshowsushowusefultheInternetis
Over the last 20 years, the Internet has changed the way that we live, work, and study.Thebiggest change has been the way that we access information Twenty years ago, you wouldhaveneeded an encyclopedia to learn about Angola If you had wanted information, you wouldhavehad to get out of your chair, open your encyclopedia, and look up the word “Angola”.Today allyou need is about five seconds and you’ll have the exact same information Thistechnologymakesworkalot faster andmoreefficient
It has also made information storage a lot easier and neater Twenty years ago, officeshadpapers and files all over theplace If you wanted tofind a file, you had to open a d e s k
d r a w e r and find the right piece of paper Today, many of us keep our files in cloud storage.Cloudstorage is a technology that lets people store files on the Internet All you have to do is tosignintothesite,andyoucanfindallofyourfilesinseconds
Another big change is communication These days more and more people are workingfromhome People have “home offices” They just do their work at their house and e-mail it totheircompany.Itmakeslifealoteasier
Some people don’t like these changes.Theysay that life is too convenient these days, and itis making people lazy However, most people think that even if this technology makes us a
littleeasier, it still has more benefits than disadvantages In the end, it doesn’t matter what wethink.TheInternethas changedallofourlivesforever
Trang 7Scientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect Some suggest that
theimproved test scores simply reflect an increasedexposuret o t e s t s i n g e n e r a l
somanytests,welearntest-takingtechniquesthathelpusperformbetter.Others havepointedto better nutrition, which results in babies being
born larger, healthier, and with more braindevelopment than in the past Another possible explanation is a
-childrenareencouragedtodiscoverthingsforthemselvesratherthanjustmemorizinginformation.This could prepare people to do the kind of problem-solving that intelligence testsrequire.Flynnhimselfsuggestedthatlearningnewtechnologiesmayhaveimprovedpeople’sproblem-solvingskills.Thismay betrue forthe first decade ofhis tests,w h e n I Q s c o r e s i n manycountries increased However, in recenty e a r s , I Q t e s t s c o r e s i n s o m e
c o u n t r i e s h a v e begun to decline Data from Norway, the Netherlands, Australia, and
Whilescientistsaren’tsurewhatiscausingthisdecline,theythinktechnologyi s dramaticallychanging the way that we learn and get information For example, people are nowable to accessall kinds of information easily using online resources like Google or Wikipedia.The danger iswhen they start to rely too much on these sources of information, and not do
Trang 8anythinkingforthemselves.Lifestylechangesthatcomewithmodemtechnologymayalsohavea
Trang 9negativeeffectonintelligence,suc h asvideogam esandtelevisionmakingpeoplelesssocial.So while the world may have got smarter over the 20thcentury, improving technologyandchanginglifestyles maysoonreversethattrend.
Trang 10D Peopletodayusecomputerstoomuch.
Trang 1118.disposeofsth=vứtbỏ,tốngkhứ
Trang 12e 4.A.beneficial B.conservative C.experienced D.responsible
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionin eachof thefollowingquestions.
5 Nationalparksincluding landforanimal grazing,aswellaswilderness areaswith scenic
8 Bythe20thofthismonth,I hereforexactlytwoyears
A tradition B.traditionally C.traditionalism D.traditional
15 Morocco’s industryprovides the thirdlargestsource ofrevenuefor
Trang 13A tour B.touring C.tourism D.tour’s
Trang 14some of it Whether taking shots of people walking on a crowded street or time-lapse shots ofcarsd r i v i n g a t n i g h t , t h e ( 3 2 )
photosc a n b e b r e a t h t a k i n g B e c a u s e m a n y o f t h e shotst a k e n a r e o f m a n
-m a d e o b j e c t s l i k e a r c h i t e c t u r e , -m a n y e -m o t i o n s t h a t c o -m e i n t o ( 3 3 )
wouldn’t be found in nature photography Photos can show the wonder of
a childstaring at a fountain as water shoots upward in the sunlight They can also show thesadder side,sucha s a c a m p o f h o m e l e s s p e o p l e l i v i n g i n t e r r i b l e p o v e r t y ( 3 4 ) ofw h a t t h e y
Trang 15show, there is always beauty to be found, even if it is beauty in something that is showinganugly truth.
Toprovehis theory,the scientist did an experiment.Heput a rock inh i s f r e e z e r a n d
l e t some ice form on it Then, he put sand and a little water in a tray Finally, he put his frozenrockon top of the sand When he blew on the rock, it moved Even when he blew very gently,
he hadnoproblemsmoving therock
Here is something interesting about the sailing stones Curious people visit the desert inthesouthwest to see them A lot of those people don’t like to hear the scientific explanation forthesailingstones.Manypeopleprefertofeel thatthestonesarestillamystery
36 Whatwasthefirsttheoryaboutthesailingstones?
A Peoplewereplayingajoke.
B Windpushedthem.
C Iceformedonthebottomsofthestones.
Trang 16D Alienswerepushingthestones.
Trang 17The vampire seriesTwilight,by Stephenie Meyer, became so popular that movie companieswanted to produce it for the big screen MostTwilightfans were excited about seeing
characterssuch as Edward and Bella “come to life,” but there were other fans who did not trustthe moviescript They assumed the scriptwriters would change parts of the story to make itseem moreinterestingasamovie
By the time the firstTwilightmovie was released, millions of people had read the
Trang 18day While many fans and critics liked it and said the movie more or less followed thebook’sstoryline, some fans were not impressed One change that angered them was that certainsoundeffects were added to the movie, such as a “whooshing” sound when the vampiresjumped Thiswasnotmentionedinthebook,andmanyfansfeltthatitwastoodistracting.
Those who liked the movie said that they enjoyed the light mood and excitement This
wasvery different from the book The writing inTwilightis dark and gloomy, like many
vampirenovels The movie, however, added moreenergyto the story and more personality to thecharacters For example, many characters in the book are portrayed as being quiet, and
theyspend most of their time at school But in the movie, the characters are cooler and funnier onescene evenshowsthem going surfingtogether.Thedirectorof thefirstmovie,CatherineHardwicke, thought it was important for the characters to be believable
-She wantedthemtohaveawidevarietyofemotions,sincetheseriesisfor,and about,teenagers.
In the end, the films were considered a success, even if there were both happy andunhappyfans It’s a great accomplishment to make films that are watched by millions of people,and youcan’texpecttobeabletopleaseeveryoneallofthetime
Trang 19A acomparisonofabookandamovie
B areviewofamovie
C anintroductionofabook
D adiscussionofhowbooksaremadeintomovies
Trang 21MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordthatdiffersfromtheotherthre einthepositionofprimarystressineachofthefollowingquestions.
e 4.A.environment B.economy C.publication D.equality
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionin eachof thefollowingquestions.
Trang 2217 Whenafirebroke outint he Louvre, atleasttwenty
paintingsw e r e d e s t r o y e d , including twobyVanGogh
Trang 23A Beinglate B.Beingcheerful C.Beingefficient D.Beingcourteous
25 Polluted waterandincreasedwatertemperatureshavedrivenmanyspeciestothevergeofextinction
D.S t r e n g t h e n e d MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethesent encethatisclosestinmeaningtoeach of thefollowingquestions.
tothemintermsoflocalresources In the
Americas,t h e a b o r i g i n a l p e o p l e c r e a t e d h a n d i c r a f t s t h a t h a d b o t h a
c u l t u r a l and an artisticsignificance.Thesebeautiful craftswere madeby
Trang 24downthroughcountlessgenerations.
Trang 25One example of a Native American handicraft is made of a willow branch and thin strips
sentfromthegreatbeyond.The dream catcher would allow good dreams to pass
through it; however, nightmares would becaughtandthenreleasedwiththefirstmorninglight
34 A.decorate B.tobedecorated C.decorated D.decorating
they are so powerful that even light cannot escapethem.
Scientists first started talkinga b o u t b l a c k h o l e s i n t h e y e a r 1 7 8 3
s c i e n t i s t saidthatintheuniverse,theremightbeplaceswithgravitystrongenoughtotrapl i g h t However, that scientist didn’t use the term “black hole” The term “black hole” was inventedin1967
Blackholesareformedwhenastardies.Whenastardies,itcollapses.Whenthathappens,a huge
amount of matter crowds into a very small space The matter becomes very, very dense.How much matter arewetalking about?
I m a g i n e a s t a r t h a t i s t h e s i z e o f t e n s u n s I m a g i n e fitting thatamount of matter into New York City That is what a black hole is like Its gravityissopowerfulbecauseithassomuchmatter
However,notallblackholesarehuge.Scientistsbelievethatsomeblackholesarethesizeofatoms Although these black holes are tiny, they might have the same amount of matter that amountain has
We can’t see black holes because they don’t have any light They are completelyinvisible.Scientists can guesswhereblackh o l e s a r e b y s t u d y i n g n e a r b y s t a r s
a n d p l a n e t s I f g r a v i t y seems to be pulling the stars and planets to one spot, thenscientists believe that the spot is ablackhole
Some people wonder if a black hole could ever destroy the Earth We do not need toworryaboutthat.The r e isnoblackholethatiscloseenoughtodestr oy theEarth.The closestblackholei s about7,800l ight y e a r s away.I n addition,t h e s u n i s not big e n o u g h t o createab l a c k hole
36 Whenareblackholesformed?
A Whenanewstarisformed B.Whenaplanetcollapses
Trang 26Sueput asmall ad in a magazine,offering peoplethe chanceto volunteerattheo r g a n i c farm The volunteer programme grew quickly, and soon other organic farmersjoined in, askingfor people to help out With so many people and farms involved,s o m e o n e
o r g a n i z e thedifferentgroups.AfewoftheoriginalvolunteersstartedWWOOF(WorldWideOpportunities on OrganicFarms) to help volunteers and farmers find oneanother.Today,a t least50differentcountrieshaveWWOOForganizations,andmanyothercountrieshaveindividualfarmsthatparticipateinthemovement
While WWOOF is still a weekend activity for some, it now welcomes travellers andpeoplewhovisittoliveandworkonfarmsforlongerperiodsoftime.WWOOFvolunteerscanstayonaf
Trang 27a rm forwe e ksor evenm ont hs atati me inexchange forh a n d s
-o n f a r m i n g andg a r d e n i n g
Trang 28experience The work can be exhausting, but volunteers think it’s worthit.B y w o r k i n g
o n farms, the volunteers interact with farmers and develop a love for the outdoors and
organicfarming Many travellers now use WWOOFing as a way to visit new countries andexperiencenew cultures
As travellers will discover, every WWOOF opportunity is a bit different In Serbia, youcanfind Misa and Olja, a couple whose farm is known for its hard cheeses and for its breadmadefrom homegrown grains Finca Amiruca, a farm in Ecuador, teaches volunteers how togrowpeanuts, plantains, and yucca When volunteering in Japan, you may get to learn aboutgrowingrice
WWOOF is only one of the many unique volunteer opportunities available Volunteeringissomething that anyone can do, and a wide variety of organizations accept or evenwelcomevolunteers.Sothenexttimeyougettheitchtobeactiveontheweekendoronvacation,whynotlookforagoodcausetospendyourenergyon?
Trang 29A tointroduceanewvolunteerorganization
B toexplainwhyworkingonafarmisgood
C toencouragereaderstovolunteer
D togiveonemoredetailaboutWWOOF
Trang 30D → covered 6 A → were notsatisfied 7 B → rapidly
Trang 31MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordthatdiffersfromtheotherthre einthepositionofprimarystressineachofthefollowingquestions.
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionin eachof thefollowingquestions.
5 Make sure thatyouhavethewordsspell correctly;otherwise ,yourformwon'tbe accepted
Trang 3226 Ihaven’tgotenoughmoney,soI’mnotgoingonholiday.
A IfIhaveenoughmoneyIwouldgoonholiday.
Trang 33Guidedrunningtoursareatrendthatseemstobecatching(33) inquiteafewofthe bigger cities in the
United States New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco are just
threeoft h e m a j o r c i t i e s t h a t h a v e r u n n i n g t o u r s i n ( 3 4 ) .Theyofferthese
tourstoindividuals,groups,andevenforcorporateevents.Ifyouaregoingintoacitywithcolleaguesto attend abusinessmeetingor aconvention,whatbetterway isthere to seet h e c i t y
a n d networkwithothers(35) whiletakingahealthyrun?
31.A.marathon B.sportsman C.enthusiasm D.enthusiast
Trang 34s
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom36to42.
Haveyouevernoticedthatourmachinesaregettingsmaller?Cellphones,cameras,computers andeverything else look smaller every year One kind of new scienceinvolvesmachinesthataresmallerthanwecanimagine.Thenameofthisscienceisnanotechnology
Nanotechnologym e a n s d o i n g s c i e n c e , e n g i n e e r i n g , a n d t e c h n o l o g y a t a v e r y , v
e r y s m a l l level.Inotherwords,nanotechnologyisthescienceoftinythings.Buthowtinyisthes
cienceofnanotechnology?Innanotechnology,scientistsworkwiththingsthatarethesizeofananometer.O n e m e t e r h a s o n e b
i l l i o n n a n o m e t e r s H e r e i s a n o t h e r w a y t o d e s c r i b e nanotechnology:itisthescienceo
fobservingandcontrollingindividualatomsandmolecules.Nanotechnologyisa ne wwor d, buttheide a ofst u dyi ng atomsandmoleculeshasexistedfor a long time.In 1959,an American scientist Richard Phillips Feynmangavea s p e e c h
i n which he claimed that we can see and control molecules and atoms About ten years later, aJapaneseprofessorcameupwiththeterm“nanotechnology”.
Because nanotechnology is so new, we are only starting to understand how we can useit.Nanotechnologycouldbeveryusefulinmedicine.Inthefuture,doctorsmayu s e nanotechnology tohelp withorgan transplants An organt r a n s p l a n t i s t h e a c t o f p u t t i n g a n organinto another person's body Scientists think that with nanotechnology, they might be ableto
make a person's body accept aforeignorgan Nanotechnology might also help doctors fightinfections,finddiseasesinpatients,anddelivermedicinetotherightspotinpatients’bodie
Nanotechnology mightbe useful in so many ways.T h i s s c i e n c e o f s t u d y i n g
Trang 37ad to something that is more likely to catch the man’s attention, such asarestaurant,orsportinggoods.
While advertisers seethis as a greatopportunity toreach theirt a r g e t c u s t o m e r s ,
s o m e people feel that this kind of profiling is an invasion of their privacy People are nowmuch moreaware of how information is exposed, shared, bought, and sold on the Internet Nowthis debatewill include technologies such as these “smart” billboards But advertisers claim thatthey aresensitive to people’s concern about privacy - companies that have tested the billboards
in Japanand the US assure consumers that the billboards can only guess your age and gender,but theywillnotbeabletorecognizeyourfaceorobtainanypersonalinformationaboutyou
Until recently, this kind of “personal” advertising has been mostly limited to theInternet.Search engines like Google and Bing can follow what we search for because eachcomputer thatconnects to those sites has a unique identity Companies then pay search engines
to use thisinformation to display ads for products and services that you have searched for So ifyou searchfor travel information, you are likely to see ads for airlines and hotels This kind ofadvertisinghasproventobemuchmoreeffectiveandvaluablethantraditionaladvertising
In addition to taking steps to deliver more personalized messages, advertisers areusingbillboards to offer more useful information Digital billboards can connect to the Internettodisplayi n f or m a t i o n s u c h a s the t i m e , w e a t h e r , a n d ne ws h e a d l i ne s I n t h e f u t ur e , t his
Trang 38In today’s world, people ignore thousands of ads every day Advertisers are trying tochangethat trend by personalizing thee x p e r i e n c e o f s e e i n g a n a d S o p a y
a t t e n t i o n t h e n e x t t i m e y o u seeabillboard- it couldbetalkingto you
Trang 401.A.motivated B.prioritize C.confident D.conflict
2.A.s ibling B.conservative C.counsellor D.casual
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordthatdiffersfromtheotherthre einthepositionofprimarystressineachofthefollowingquestions.
3.A.contaminate B.supervisor C.investigate D.convenien
t 4.A.vulnerable B.discriminate C.philosopher D.stability
MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionin eachof thefollowingquestions.
5 Most ofthegueststurneduptwohoursearly ,that tookusby surprise